Guest Speaker: Keith Moore | September 15, 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] glory to god thank you lord thank you lord am i on did i get turned on howdy hey praise god it's wonderful to be here with you you know not too long ago we were all shut down and couldn't get together and that's the way we've been in florida and also in missouri but here we are somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord we have a lot to be thankful for and i got a song that the lord gave me some years ago i thought i would sing for you and with you and it's based on one of the psalms actually more than one but it says if it had not been for the lord i would have fallen and i would have perished but you you have sustained me how many can lift a hand and say the lord has sustained me you've sustained me that means he's kept you and he's continued to strengthen you and help you um and you know the enemy is a liar and he'll come and try to tell you you know well no if the lord was helping you you wouldn't have had to go through this or that well no the fact is if the lord wasn't helping you you wouldn't have made it through that can you see this you wouldn't have made it through it the bible said fight the good fight of faith and and having done all to stand stand well that lets you know there's going to be something to deal with here and there right and you can't be an overcomer unless there's something you got to overcome is that right to get over and the lord didn't tell us it would never have any challenges but what did he say if we'll trust in him he always causes us to triumph huh no matter what happens you hold on to him you keep on believing you keep on fighting the good fight of faith and when the dust clears you're still there yes sir yes sir i said when the dust clears you're still there and you got the victory and you got the answer in hand and so the lord who has got us this far how many believe he will get us the rest of the way somebody say i'm going all the way i'm going i'm going all the way what does that mean i'm going to run my entire race i'm going to finish my complete course i don't have to be cut short i'm going to run my race and finish my course because nobody's bigger than god and he can help me get there so as i sing this join with me and give thanks to god yourself thanking him a lot of this song is just saying thank you thank you thank you and i think it's appropriate that we do that right now praise god go ahead oh thank you father oh i thank you for my father [Music] yes i thank you lord with all of my heart you've sustained me in times of trouble and i will thank you with all my heart sing it with me as you learn it oh i thank you for my father yes i thank you lord with all of my heart you sustain me in times of trouble and i will thank you with all my heart if it had not been for the lord i would have fallen i know i would if it had not been for the lord i'd have perished away but you've sustained me in the time of my troubles and i will thank you with all my heart everybody thanking oh i thank you for my father yes i thank you my lord with all of my heart you've sustained me in the time of my troubles and i will thank you with all my heart if it had not been for the lord i would have fallen if it hadn't not been for the lord i'd have perished away [Applause] [Music] you've sustained me in the time of my troubles and that's why i thank you with all my heart [Music] yes we thank you lord with all of our heart [Music] you've sustained me in times of trouble and i will thank you lord oh i thank you with all my thank you with all my heart with all of my heart all of my heart [Music] [Music] praise god oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord some years ago the lord quickened to me spoke to my heart he said son i'm helping you much more than you know do you believe that's true he's helping us much more than we know if all of his grace was suspended from us we would be helpless we would be terrible terrible shape and so even when it has seemed challenging we haven't realized how much opposition or attack was against us and we haven't realized how much the greater one inside us was helping us through the whole thing and the fact that you made it and you're still here tells the story is that something something happened so one more time somebody say thank you lord thank you for sustaining us father we agree together tonight all of us do and those joining us online we ask you for the anointing that teaches and reveals and illuminates and guides we ask you for ears that can hear and hearts that can discern and understand and receive we ask you for answers and direction and help in the name of jesus and we purpose not to be hearers only but to be doers to act on what you show us we thank you for it in jesus name amen praise god thank you lord did you bring a bible thank you lord turn with me in the scriptures please tonight to the book of isaiah first chapter of isaiah and we prayed a prayer i released faith just then did you join with me you're believing not just to hear from me believing to hear something from the lord for you now uh something very important about this well i'm actually getting ahead of myself a little bit but it fits right here a lot of times the lord hasn't told people some things they need to hear because he knows they're still unwilling to do it and if he tells you something that you're unwilling to do now you're responsible for it and if you don't walk in the light of it it can cause you issues so do you remember how many times the lord would tell people him that has ears to hear yes sir let him hear well why would he say that most of the people there almost everybody had ears on the side of their head they could what's he talking about obviously not everybody had ears to hear because he says to those who do have ears to hear it let them not everybody but them hear it well what's the determining factor in having ears that hear and ears that don't hear because you can hear and not hear it's possible two people sit right beside each other in a service and one person hears something that changes their life and get excited and get answers and the other person be bored and they're in the same service and they heard the same thing but they didn't hear the same thing one of the biggest things that makes a hearing ear is a willing heart a willing heart makes a hearing ear if you're willing by faith to do what the lord directs you to do even before you hear it then it enables your ear to hear uh the lord gave me this phrase some years ago he said and he talks to you you know the way you understand it uh how many believe the spirit of god speaks every language in africa and hebrew and texas and mississippi slang too he also he talks to you the way you understand it wouldn't be any good to speak to you in a way you didn't understand and he said this to me about he said you'll pick up the plan on the willing band you know like there's an am band and an fm band well if you're trying to pick up an fm station but your radio's on the am band you'll never get it right you got to get on the right right band width and uh you will pick up the plan god's plan for your life the things you need to hear on what band the willing the willing when you when your heart is willing and you'll see that in this verse right here isaiah 1 a lot of you may have it marked already verse 19. isaiah 1 19 do you have this one marked somebody does yes it says it starts out with a with a very important word if so the rest of what he's going to read is not automatic it's it's conditional if you be what willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land but if you refuse and rebel you'll be devoured with the sword for the mouth of the lord has spoken it did you know that the enemy is called the destroyer and he also is referred to as the one who devours the the devourer the scripture said in in first peter talked about that the the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour one of the great benefits of being a tither is that the scripture says the devourer will be rebuked for your sake off of you and your stuff their blessings the devourer he said well it's going to be inaction and effective if you refuse and rebel now a lot of people in our circles you know faith circles word circles charismatic circles all of these kind of folks they they're they like this isaiah 119 bee [Laughter] you shall eat the good of the land that's pretty much where people tune in [Laughter] you shall eat the good of the land and people go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i claim that i claim that that's not your part that's not your responsibility causing you to eat the good of the land is not your part your part is part a my part is par isaiah 1 19 a which is what if you'll be willing and you'll be obedient it started all started with an if so if you're not going to be willing and you're not going to be obedient you can forget right the good of the land y'all are quiet am i reading the bible though is is this true this is not uncommon that people focus on a half of a verse that they like and they only want to talk about that part but but there are prerequisites there are the bible is full of if you do this this will happen if you don't do this then this won't happen but this other bad thing will happen if a lot of verses start off with an if which is also revealing that god is not controlling everybody and everything god is in control complete control is one of the most damaging doctrines against the church there has ever been amen now if you want to say god is all powerful he's all wise and his ultimate plan will be done no matter what that's a true statement but whether you get part of it or not is another thing and even though god has a part a place for you in the plan you can live and die and never do it and never have a part of it because we really do have a completely free will and if god is controlling everybody and everything there can be no if. come on think about it if you do this this will happen if you do that something else will happen if god's already made the plan concerning you and everything else and it's going to happen whether or not there can be no if the plan of god's going to happen no matter what you do or don't do but this is not true millions believe it all kind of preachers preach it but it is not true i mean the lord said i set before you life death blessing cursing then what did he say i've already made the plan and it's going to happen the right way no what did he say you choose if he's controlling everything there can be no if and many verses start off with an if if now i know a lot of people don't like that what i just got through saying of course i was quoting the scriptures that's true because people like what i call no fault religion [Laughter] what do you mean no matter what happens it's not my fault no matter what didn't happen it's not my fault it must have been the mysterious will of god that means you have no responsibility it's just not true though it's not true let me read this from some other translations the niv the it says it like this if you're willing and obedient you'll eat the best from the land now sometimes people try to relegate that to agrarian because that was their wealth back then they didn't just they just didn't have some other things but you know everything we had take a take a new automobile it came out of the ground huh the metals the steel the leather the oil for the plastic and rubber products and all that it came out of the ground can you see that you close especially all your natural fibers for your clothes cotton and everything else came out of the ground yes it did is that right yes and so you still if you talk about new clothes or a new car i mean if you talk about a house the wood certainly came out of the ground and the elements that made the cement and concrete came out of the ground too it all came out of the ground and so if you're enjoying a new car a new house or new clothes you're eating the good of the land can you see that it's still the best of the land they just didn't have you know automobiles back then but the lord gave the wisdom to bring them out of the ground and so you'll eat the best it said the bbe says the good things of the land will be yours do you like the sound of that well who did god god gave the wisdom for the nice things and good things did he only give it for the unbelievers this is a little bit weak response guys i'm just on my if you expect to have something different you got to make up your mind whether you believe this or not you can't be non-committal about it uh the you know hundred thousand dollar mercedes only for sinners right only for believers million dollar houses two million dollar houses only for unbelievers not for believers why would we think that why would we believe that that god only gave the knowledge the understanding the technology to develop the materials to do the things and not it didn't want any of his children to enjoy it and yet religion teaches that god doesn't want you to have anything and yet the bible remember the bible [Laughter] it says god gives us richly amen all things to enjoy it says the lord is my good shepherd i shall not want i shall not lack that implies for any good thing and if god didn't spare his son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things if there was ever anything the lord would have said that's too much it would have been jesus to give to you if he'll give you jesus he'll sure give you a car is that right or a house right and actually in giving you jesus he gave us every good thing too when he did that's not the issue the issue is will you obey him with the stuff or without the stuff will you obey him are you willing to obey him or do you want that thing so much that you'll disobey him to get it or disobey him to keep it can you see then you disqualify yourself from him giving you the good things of the lamb there's more than one way to get things just because you got a bunch of stuff and money that doesn't prove god blessed you with it we don't know how you got that that's right understand what i'm saying just having it is not automatic evidence of the blessing of god people lying still and get things right i mean you can get your pistol and go take money away from people you got money but god didn't give it to you but for the lord to add things to you his way in his time you have to wait on him and follow him and the thing must not be more important to you than him or than his plan or that his will and he will from time to time ask you for your isaac do you know what i mean by that huh abraham you know uh he and sarah couldn't have a child and in their old age god gave them isaac i mean this is the fruit of decades of believing god and he's finally here and the dream has come to pass and hallelujah and then one morning god says give him to me huh huh will god ever ask you for your isaac yes he will what's your isaac the thing that means a lot to you the thing that's your favorite and it is the only way to demonstrate that you care more about him then you do that talk is talk until you actually do it so the life of faith and the life of walking with god is supposed to be one that includes the blessings of the lord and enjoying some good things but every day in your heart even though you might have a great house in your heart you live in a tent what do you mean you're ready to move the lord says move you will move if he says sell that thing you will sell it if he says give it to somebody you will give it to somebody and everybody agrees with that in church everybody's like amen that's right preacher until it's time for you to leave the place you have been fond of for the last 30 years and turn loose of everything you've built up and known and go into a complete unknown i know y'all got quiet again on me but how many believe if the lord asks you for your isaac why would he do such a thing why because if you are willing to obey him in that you are in an elite group because most people on the world in the earth won't give him the time of day must less obey him in the things that are the most important to them and if you will obey him like abraham did then it gives him a right to do things for you that he's not able to do for most of the planet gives him a right to do it hallelujah are you all okay [Laughter] just hold on uh tell me what the text said huh if if you be willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land go with me to genesis 22 while we're talking about this genesis 22 so you're believing with me now that you're not just hearing from me you're hearing from him there's a lot of different directions we could go teaching and preaching but we're believing we're hearing from him genesis 22 is the account of what we just talked about that god had asked abraham to give him isaac and without going through the whole story you know that he did and in genesis 22 when he raised up his hand to give isaac to god completely and totally the lord the angel called to him and said stop and they turned around and a ram was there in verse 13 caught in the thicket and abraham verse 14 he called the name of the place jehovah jireh as it's as it is to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be seen and the angel of the lord called to him the second time and said by myself now this is god talking by myself have i sworn says the lord for because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son your only son isaac that in blessing i will bless you and in multiplying i will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed read the rest of it out loud with me huh because you have obeyed my voice praise god because you did it knowledge isn't obedience intention isn't action right so many times folks in their heart and mind they're convinced i'm willing or the lord said do something and they just hadn't got around to it yet but they are fully intending one of these days to do it that my friend is disobedience and it's a trick of the enemy oh the enemy knows so much better than most human beings how brief our time is and he knows if he can get us to procrastinate and then procrastinate that we'll run out of time we don't think we will but he knows we will and it will work out that we never obeyed god and in doing that the lord still loves us and if we've received jesus as our lord we'll go to heaven but we will have forfeited his best in this life we will have forfeited so many good things that he planned for us to be a part of or to enjoy because you'll eat the good of the land even that side of it it starts with what if if you're willing and obedient you first you've got to be willing to even hear some things there's no need in even talking to you about some things if he knows you're not willing but if you get willing and then you go beyond being willing and actually act on what he directed you to do it gives god a right to manifest his presence and his power and it gives him a right to use you for things that most of the world will never be used in and to do things for you that most of the world will never experience that is not an exaggeration it's a fact it's a bible truth because most of the world will not obey him they just will not and even much of the church they love the lord but they don't see the lord as the lord millions of church-going people that are genuinely saved if they died right now they go home to be with the lord thank god but they see god as an add-on to their life helping them live their life and that's not him being lord that's him being savior only can you see this millions of church-going people that's that's how they see god as when they need help living the life they want to live following their plan for their life then god they can call on him and help him when they get in trouble they can call on him and him get them out of trouble but if that's all you you know of him and all you've given to him you will be forfeiting his best for your life the scripture says don't be conformed to this world romans 12 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can prove the good the acceptable the perfect will of god millions of christians are genuinely saved but they are not living in the perfect will of god they're living doing their own thing seeing god as an add-on when you go to god and you get his plan what he wants you to do you don't have to struggle to get it blessed it came from him it came blessed huh you don't have to struggle to get him to provide for it and underwrite it because it's his idea can you see this we need to spend more time before we start a thing getting the plan from him instead of trying to get him to bless our plan because he's perfect he's not going to change now i don't care how if you struggle with something for 40 years trying to get him to help you do your own thing never is he going to concede and give in to you and say okay i had a good plan but let's forget it we'll do your thing he's not going to do that it would be unkind to you if he did he will let you do your own thing and you will struggle and you will not experience his best it'll be acceptable it'll be okay but it won't be his best because you're not willing to do what he said isn't this a wonderful thing abraham is a name that will be forever heralded is that right throughout the ages all of us we never met a man but we love abraham is that right he's our father the bible tells us he's the father of faith why child of god why is he in the book why is he in the book well when you go back to the beginning of the story when abe when god called abram before his name was changed and his father and his people were in the land of haran and he told him he said leave your family and go to a place i will show you and hebrews tells us and genesis tells us he obeyed or somebody say he obeyed he he obeyed and went out not knowing where he was going and this is why he's in the book yes it's faith but faith without an action is dead right real faith is demonstrated in action it's like the little child on the the high diving board right and daddy or mama down in the pool and going and if they're up there saying i trust you daddy i trust you with my life jump uh not right now this board is really high well it's empty talk it's easy to talk about how much you trust god right but until you actually take the step and do what he told you to do it's empty talk faith without an action is dead but abraham he did it he went out i mean think about the story he's packing up his friends and neighbors said man you're leaving us yeah where are you going uh that away what what town i don't know just yet the lord told me he'd tell me later don't you know they left going whoo i thought he was smarter than that and you'll see that through every juncture of his life the lord would tell him to do something and i mean he would do it not tomorrow not the next day he would do it even when the lord told him give give me isaac the bible said the very next morning he loaded up the donkeys he loaded the stuff and he headed out yes sir not i need to pray about it we need to talk about it because there's a big danger go with me to the book of james this is a big subject but you're believing with me right yes are we okay why would the lord have us talking about this what would be the end result he cares about you he really does and he doesn't want you missing out on anything that he has for you he wants you to be fully utilized and he wants you to enjoy his highest and his best but it'll require that you're willing to absolutely obey him and completely obey him even though most people don't and won't you can make the choice and say well no matter what anybody else does i'm going to obey him all i need to know is is it god right i got to know that and once i'm clear and confident that it is here we go right here we go and if you do you will experience what most people do not in james the first chapter and verse 22 james 1 22 says but be ye doers of the word and not hearers only now what what happens if you're not a doer deceiving your own selves hope you're not sleeping through this now this is this is really an answer to some things right here there is a danger a giant danger in procrastinating it's a trick of the enemy what what happens is if you know something to do how many remember the scripture said to him that knows to do good and does it not to him it is its sin well sin is not some denomination's list that they made up sin is violation of light violation of what you know listen to how that that's in the same book of james here to him that knows to do good it's actually in 417 right here james 4 17 to him that knows to do good and does it not did you notice the next two words to him it's sin why would you say to him isn't sin sin isn't it the same for everybody apparently not right is right and wrong is wrong but we're all at different places of light and understanding and thankfully the lord doesn't hold you accountable for what you don't know and what you don't see and he knows what you see and what you don't see but if we violate light then you're not being the doer of it and if you don't do it what follows self delusion self-deception you can't even blame this on the devil who did it you did it to yourself what does that mean i know when one time i was praying about something and it'd been an issue that i had been dealing with for years i didn't have the answer to it and finally one day i spent some extra time praying about it and i thought lord what showed me what to do on this show me the answer to this and i saw i don't mean a open vision but in in my heart my mind's eye i saw me doing this i saw me saying lord show me what it is whatever it is if you would just show me i really i really need to see what it is lord [Laughter] what what is it lord and and i stopped and i and the thing that was in front of my face i realized he had told me that shown me that years ago and i didn't do anything with it now i intended on it [Laughter] i intended but what happened over a period of months i forgot about it it faded and over a period of years i was deluded into thinking i the lord had not given me the answer so i'm looking for something he's already given me and you can frustrate yourself for decades doing this and it's not his fault it's your fault or my fault because if i had acted on that then if i'd acted on the answer more light would have come and more light would have come that's how he leads step by step the path of the just is like the light that shines brighter and brighter but when you know what to do but you just won't do it and days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months you get to a place where you believe you don't know the answer and now you will no matter what you do you will not find the answer because he's already given the answer and he's not going to change amen unless by the grace of god you seek him and get serious and come back and let him bring back up to you what he's already shown not acting immediately on what we know is dangerous it puts you in a place of being deceived deceived means you believe something is true that's not true you believe this is not the problem when it is the problem you believe you can't find the answer when he's already shown you the answer can you see this child of god oh but when we walk in the light as he's is in the light we have unhindered unrestricted fellowship between us and him and we don't stumble in the darkness we know what to do nowhere to go know how to do it we function by the unction we're flowing in the knowing it's a wonderful life it's called walking in the light and all light is is what you know now you can fool people about what you know you can act like you didn't know it you go oh was that what you meant and you knew what they meant oh i was supposed to do that and you know you were supposed to do it you can play games with people but not with god all things are open and naked before the eyes of him with whom we have to do you can't play him you can't snow him he knows what you know because he was there when he showed it to you you can't tell him you don't know because he's the one who showed it to you he knows what you know he sees what you see are you all okay all right i'm checking you out i'm looking to make sure you if if something gets a little too close to home now don't freeze up and get a scowl on your face because then you're telling everybody that you've got disobedience problems everybody that looks at you goes why are they frowning so much oh there must be a lot of disobedience there no no you just look straight ahead and smile and go amen brother keith amen somebody needs to hear this go go ahead and then when you get home you can fall across the bed and go oh god i repent but in here just be cool just be cool thank you lord somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord if you're willing and you obedient what will happen you'll eat the good of the let go to job the 36th chapter because it says a similar thing and the scripture says in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established thanks be to god job 36 11 says this if they obey him it starts off with an if and serve him this is job 36 11 they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures but if they obey not they'll perish by the sword and die without knowledge is there a benefit to obeying now i think some people have misunderstood they thought well yeah but brother keith we live under the age of grace absolutely we do but that doesn't do away with the need to obey god that doesn't change that at all it does mean that my being righteous is not based on my obedience let me say it like this our righteousness isn't based on what we do our reward is our reward is based on what we do the lord said in the new testament numerous places he'll reward us according to our works and according to what we do that's not whether you're saved or not our righteousness is based on what jesus has done for us not what we do but if you don't obey him in this life you won't experience his best and you won't have the same reward that you should have had after this life you'll be saved but you you will have forfeited some things i don't like that word forfeit give up do with that you like that word sometimes people say well you know man if i can just make it in through the pearly gates that's if i can just go whoo i made it well you say that now but there's going to be a lot of existence after this life and child of god you will be so thrilled if you obeyed him fully down here when you see your reward it's eternal it never fades he's he's going to give people charge over whole cities in the coming kingdom some will rule over 5 and 10 cities i'm quoting scriptures you might say where is that go look it up it's there reward the lord wants us to be motivated by this not just go well i accepted jesus i'm saved that's it done whoo i made it no you ain't made it yet you got to finish this life right there are things that need to be done there are accomplishments to have there is reward to reap and this will come through our obedience daily to the direction of the spirit of god in our lives he he has a plan for us we're not just going to be sitting on clouds strumming harps for eternity now if you want to do that for a day or two you probably will be able to but i assure you how many thousands of years do you want to do that that's right god is a god with the plan not a plan the plan and he's big on productivity and if you don't know that you need to read the scriptures again he's he big on fruitfulness producing producing he wants us producing good things and we can't do it of course in our own strength but with the help of the greater one we can step out and take steps of faith and he can manifest and cause things to happen that set things in motion that keep developing even after your life is over it can still be bearing fruit down here in the earth and you talk about having fun when you're through with your work and you're rejoicing in heaven and you're still reaping spiritual dividends on what you sowed on the earth because the bible said that they'll rest from their labors but their works do follow them people say well you can't take it with you that's not completely true you can't take the material stuff with you and you wouldn't want to your good stuff is over there but the things that last the the fruit of your labors or the fruit of your obedience you take with you it will go with you into the next life oh friend if we really understood this we would be so stirred up to be obedient come on somebody just say it by faith i choose to be willing and obedient hallelujah that qualifies you to experience his best in his plan and even good things in this life and reward in the life to come hallelujah if they obey and serve him they'll spend their days in prosperity anybody volunteer for that spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure enjoying some things not not evil things but enjoying some good things god's not opposed you're enjoying things he's opposed to things that hurt you destroy you kill you but every good thing he wants you to enjoy because every good gift and every perfect gift comes straight from him and he never changes but not everybody gets to enjoy his highest and best because most people many people i should say they just they're too occupied with their own things and when it comes down to it they're unwilling and because you can hide some of these things from other people exactly what god dealt with you to do people just go year after year procrastinating and waiting and unwilling and until you get to the place where it doesn't bother you anymore and and you forget about it and but then you're dissatisfied and you just feel like there's more there's just there should be more you know how you feel that way because there's more yeah deep calls to deep when something in you is telling you there's more it's because there's more but you in in that case you or i would have deceived ourself into thinking we don't know what to do when the lord told us years ago what to do and if we'd have done it one thing would have led to another would have led to another would have led to another and we would be involved in some things by now that would be amazing to us we wouldn't be dissatisfied because he's not the god of almost enough he's the god who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you've asked or thought i know in phyllis and mine my wife phyllis in my life in ministry we're in the ministry now almost 40 years and going back to when we left our home in mississippi it was a big deal [Music] you know looking back now we didn't have a lot i had a little used pickup and we had a little second hand mobile home that was in poor shape but it's what we had it was our life and the p our people were there and and none of my people for the previous generation had left home we had uh i don't know 150 acres or something out there that my great-granddad had cleared and paid for his took his whole life to pay for and and uh we uh this is our life and um the lord began to deal with me and phyllis to leave home and go out to broken something in oklahoma there's a town called broken arrow i mean we you know an hour away is about as far as we had ever been you know town was 20 minutes away we lived in the sticks and that's about the only place we ever went you know you went to the grocery store get some stuff and then you go home and grew most of what we ate and country people and uh i've i got a a job at the general store that was a few miles from there one of the best jobs in the little town that there was i had a fast motorcycle i had a dog that would catch my frisbee i had a pretty wife i mean i'm set for a country boy do you understand what i'm saying i i'm i'm doing really good [Laughter] and uh i began to feed on materials i was we were introduced to materials from kenneth copeland and jerry savelle and kenneth hagin and and i didn't know it but god was feeding my spirit you know a lot of times not a lot of times all the time he has to build you up to get you to the place where you can even hear what he wants to tell you about because until your faith gets built up if he told you what he wanted you to do you'd go oh impossible impossible no way no way no way you wouldn't even be able to hear it well after a year or so of feeding on faith things i didn't know it but my spirit's getting built up weeds had subscribed to the hagins magazine and rhema and it came a copy came and it was the graduating class and they were all in red with their gowns and caps on the front page and i picked that up and just for a moment i thought wouldn't that be something learning about the word of god and then i thought yeah oh yeah i put it back down but can you see just that moment for me to consider it a few years ago i would have never even considered it but i considered it for a moment and then after another year and a half of feeding on the word of god the lord prompted myself and phyllis to travel out to oklahoma and go to the camp meeting now that may not sound like a big deal to you but it was it was like you know sailing across the ocean for us i mean we we're country people we nev we didn't have a car that would make it and didn't have the money and but this is how faith works it kept coming up in us and we both agreed the lord's dealing with us to go so we made plans to go not knowing how or by what means but we made plans and we made plans take off from time from our work and and when to go and it was up to the week before or the week of actually that we're leaving and somebody loaned us their new car and and that last couple of days people were handing us money and when we got in the car to head over there i said i got money today she said i did too and we had enough money for our gas for our hotel now we got lost going back to the hotel almost every night just country that never been out never been in a big town but and and we didn't have any extras so we just stayed in the in the convention center all day and ate those uh nachos with the liquid cheese you know and uh it stood in line for hours to get a seat but we were so threatened man during that meeting oh my my i didn't know there were that many people in the world that spoke in tongues and the things we saw and the things we heard and it affected us and in the middle of the meeting they were taking tours out to rhema and they were free so we thought we can do that and we went out and took a tour and uh in between services you know so they were taking the tour through the buildings and we got our memory to sing sdc2 to the music department and the lord dealt with me we're supposed to come i thought what i didn't say a word i didn't even look at phyllis and so i i just we kept going through the uh the buildings and we went out got on the bus and we're driving back we got downtown and phyllis said to me did you ever know you're supposed to do something and you didn't really want to do it and i said what what what do you mean and then she said it stinks here well the convention center is downtown by across the river from the refinery and it was august and it was hot and it smelled bad and all the way home driving home from the meeting we talked about it we looked at it we didn't see high in the world we could could do it why am i telling you all this huh what's uh what's the what's the issue here first of all are you going to go to the meeting there's a thousand excuses why i can't go to the meeting don't have the money don't have a car that make it don't know how never been got work got work got work got work family family why am i why am i telling you this if we hadn't gone to that meeting there wouldn't be any more life ministries there wouldn't be any faith life churches i wouldn't be preaching to you tonight come on can you see this one you don't get to step 50 if you never take step one and the lord's not going to tell you about step 50. there's no need to talk to you about it if you are not willing to take step one we we made the commitment to go it seemed impossible when we we registered and we got to town and we couldn't find a place to live we figured in a big city like that you know there's got to be lots of places to live you know there wasn't and we're spending our registration money on hotel rooms and phyllis cried and i felt bad and it was every opportunity to load up in the truck and go home but we obeyed by the grace of god and we found us a place and we made it through the first month and we made it through the next month and i thought we're going to go one year one year and then go back and be a bill help in our churches well at the end of that year the lord dealt with us to stay another year and that turned into 20 years oh but so many good things i don't have time to even start to tell you about all the good things we found places we found ourself in services and things we heard and saw and people we wound up being around and getting to know and fellowshipping and and when we were leaving our little trailer and our truck and and my i had a hot rod a 37 ford coupe that i'd spent all my extra time and money on and the lord dealt with me leave it alone just leave it where it sits go i needed to he's asking me for my isaac can you see that he doesn't care if i have 10 of these but it can't be more important to me than obeying him can you see that i left it right where it was sitting eventually i sold it for parts and and drove around in a little six cylinder pickup that had no power at all it was a gutless wonder [Laughter] but it got me to school i'm used to having something as fast but it got me to school and after several years the lord let me know i could enjoy i could have a nice car but if he deals with you to sell it you sell it if he deals with you to sow it you sow it it's not something you serve you use or you give or you sell or but your main thing is hearing from god and getting his plan and doing his plan and all these other things are just benefits side things and so after 20 years there in the uh ministry we'd been using our faith first we lived in a little apartment in the rough part of town where it came furnished and it was not nice it was ripped and torn and stains and but we were thrilled to have a place and it had a uh a massage parlor at the end of the block a school school of metaphysics on one side and a motorcycle gang lived in the building on the other side and as a welcome they siphoned all the gas out of our vehicles the first week we got there but we made it through and the lord answered our faith and prayers there were some people showed up to visit us the same day our guests got siphoned out and gave us money it was just thing after thing after thing we're learning how to be led by the spirit we're learning how to use our faith and this happened so we then we believed to get into get an apartment in a better part of town and and finally we did that then we believed god to get another apartment that you didn't have to carry everything up four flights of stairs and and then we believed god after i don't know five years to get our own rent house that had our own washing machine that you didn't have to go to the laundromat and we got that had a garage thank you lord then we believed god to get a house it was a nice house two-story house this is over the course of you know ten plus years then we had our faith on what was to us a dream house and the lord had helped us to get it i mean we got it and we got it for half price i don't i won't go into all the story but it was a uh oh what was it it was on an acre and a half of land in one of the primo spots it had a tennis court and a giant swimming pool it had eight car garage and marble floors and all this stuff and we got it for pennies on the dollar now we were traveling so much until a year and a half later we still didn't have our pitchers hung but we had it and phyllis wanted to redo the kitchen back the stainless had just come out and she wanted to do it in all the stainless stuff and we believed god for i don't know a year so somebody came and handed her an envelope full of money and said i know you're believing for something maybe this will help towards you it covered her kitchen and i mean she completely redid it it looked wonderful and about a month after that well i left out part of it i had learned how to fly during that time and we got a little airplane little video one single engine propeller but an and a hanger that was one of the most challenging things to get a hanger but we got one and got it paid for and it was just 10 minutes from the house and we're traveling preaching and enjoying ourself and the lord deals with us leave and go to branson missouri uh-huh it's taken us 20 years to get you know out of the bad part of town and to this place phyllis just finished her dream kitchen it's been about a month or two ago she just finished her dream kitchen we got relationships we know people we've got ministry we've got ministry uh building and offices and and uh every time we pray about it come up to us we went up there and drove around and looked and branson's a small place 10 000 people total population and the airport was a little bitty thing an uncontrolled and just not a a good place to travel out of and no hangers available and and over a period of days you're you're going dealing with this in your spirit one morning i'm i'm shaving and this is going over with me are you are we really going to do this we're going to sell our house we're going to sell our hanger we're going to liquidate everything we're going to i don't know we don't know anybody over there it feels like you're starting over from scratch are we going to do this and i clarity just came in my spirit the lord said you know this is me i just laid my razor down i said yes sir yes sir yes sir we will we will do it and we'll be glad to do it and just like that come flooding up out of my spirit he said i'm going to give you the best of branson praise god that's the phrase he gave me i'm going to give you the best of branson i didn't know what that meant but is it scriptural huh i didn't even think about this scripture when this was happening to me but it's the scriptural if you will be what willing and i had been dealing with that for a few days and phyllis too about are we really willing to do this willing and not just willing good intentions but you got to quit playing with it at some point and we're going to do it i i wrote it down i knew it was the lord spoke it to me i went and told the staff and i told them we're relocating they'd have to decide what they're going to do every one of them followed us every one of them relocated with us of course they had to sell their places and go find places and we moved there like i said the the airport was it wasn't adequate we had to drive an hour to get to the plane and to travel and and we rented a little house we sold our house that we had believed god for years and moved into a small small little thing the water didn't work it was too close to a golf course and i'd be trying to study in the kitchen and golf balls would hit the side of the house and just you'd be quiet oh boom and we're thankful for it but it was such a step down from where we were because we we liquidated almost everything we had and put it into that the next property and and getting things going starting from scratch and it was a year or two you know you just didn't have some things that you wanted to have but over the course of the next five years the lord gave us 10 psalm acre property that seeded over 3 000 people and paid for it and brought people in gave us a house overlooking the lake biggest nicest house we've ever had and a few years later they built a brand new airport right there with a controlled tower only one that had been built with private money in the last 50 years in the u.s a miracle and thing after thing and then eventually we moved to another property on the strip 70 acres right in the middle of everything it literally is the best it is it's the best of branson the lord did it i said the lord did it but will he make you obey him do you reckon he's dealing with people all over the place to do things and to take steps and how many are saying no they don't have time they're too busy they got this they got that they can't there's no way impossible and it's not impossible nothing's impossible with god it's just a lack of willingness and lack of faith to step out and obey i'm not claiming we've done everything perfect on all those areas but every time by the grace of god we did step out to obey him that's when we've seen the most amazing things that have happened in our life miracles have happened amazing things came into our life and we were enabled to do things that we never imagined we'd be able to do and looking back i thought it was hard to turn loose of my hot rod and and my trailer and my motorcycle but how pitiful it would have been to forfeit everything god has done for me to hold on to that little stuff and yeah you know leaving your family and those kind of things that uh you you're thinking well what about our relationships and it was there were some things it was 10 years 15 years some of them from our folks thought that we would just went crazy we went off the deep end but some of those same people 10 years 15 years 20 years later we were able to help them we're able to help them spiritually we're able to help them even financially and we would not have been in any place to do it if we hadn't obeyed god the greatest thing you'll ever do for your family and your friends is obey god all the way go all the way with god and it can seem like you're just getting further and further away from them but there'll be a time when they need help and god could use you can you say amen hallelujah you can you can breeze through life you can be lazy spiritually you can say i'm used to what i'm used to and and i'm too old to move a lot of times it can take as much or more faith to stay than it does to move if you're wanting to bail and the lord said stay then it takes just as much and more faith to stay than it does to go but it's not going or staying what is it it's obeying and who knows exactly what god has told you inside nobody knows that like you do but you don't want to play games with it you don't want to act like he didn't tell you something you don't want to act like you didn't understand it you want to acknowledge it and you want to trust him and you want to step out to obey him and he asks you for something that seems big even your isaac if you understood it you'd shout because you know he's got plans to do things with you and for you that most people on the planet will not experience it because he believes you trust him enough to obey him like that stand on your feet everybody praise be to god lift up your hands lift up your heart lift up your voice i'm going to lead you in a prayer say it out loud father god i do trust you i trust you as my creator i trust jesus as my savior and my lord i trust your holy spirit as my guide my teacher my helper forgive me lord for any times that i didn't listen that i was not willing or i didn't obey any things that you showed me in times past that i let slip that i didn't act on i ask of your mercies show me again remind me please open my eyes help me to see i know you don't make it hard it's the enemy always trying to interfere always trying to complicate things confuse things but i trust you my lord and my god help me to pray in the holy spirit help me to pray with spirit utterance about the next steps in my life right now in jesus name now pray in the spirit speak out by faith lord sati helping our kalinic helping us to pray out the plan and the mystery the dharanasso the degree sister vray dabala the the divine direction [Applause] [Music] your thoughts are good thoughts good plans good things let there come more enlightenment more light and confirmation in the hearts of all that are here lord your plan your purposes your will your ways oh sake [Music] listen just a moment listen just a moment i heard to keep your eyes closed i heard these words in my spirit i believe the lord is saying don't be afraid to obey me don't be afraid to listen and hearken and take heed don't be afraid to step out to turn loose of what you've known and step out even though you don't know i'll be there i'm with you every step of the way i have more for you i have much more for you oh good plans oh good things good involvements good ministry enabling you to give like you have not imagined enable you enabling you to be a part of things you did not think possible i have more for you believe it receive it lay hold of it with your spirit and by faith be willing be willing trust me and don't be afraid to obey so you
Channel: The Ark Church
Views: 5,035
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Id: USfsyiRpZxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 18sec (5118 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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