The Four Walls of Protection

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Every believer has a voice, and it's the Voice of Victory. ♪ My God has made a way for me Hello everybody, I'm Gloria Copeland. Pastor George Pearsons is with us again, and we've got a great testimony, so don't miss it. - It is really something to see the hand of God operate in people, to see His protection just being poured out over them, and later on in the broadcast, you are going to see a testimony that, I mean, it will absolutely transform your life. And what we have to do, the same person that went through this situation, they took the principles that we teach about the Word of God, they applied them and recognized that they walk in perfect protection under God, no matter what is happening and no matter what is going on- - Or where they are. - They are the untouchables. And that's what this family was. - Isn't that good? I like that. - And that's what you and I, we are the untouchables, the devil cannot touch us. - We are. As long as we're walking in faith. - That's it. - And based on the Word of God. We've got Bible, we've got faith, we're safe. - I was telling our congregation, and that's what our topic is, we're talking about God's covenant of protection, the untouchables. All of these outlines are available to you,, you can go over there and download them. We have had over half a million of these downloaded since you and I started teaching on prosperity. And the protection of God is so much a part of our prosperity. It has everything to do with our prosperity. And I started to say, in talking to our congregation the other day, just talking to them about how we walk in this place of divine protection and that it is so important to be obedient to the Word of God. I told them, I said it really is important that you're in the right place, and that you're listening to God, and that you're not at a bar at 2:00 in the morning some place downtown. That's a prescription for danger, being in that kind of an atmosphere. So you just really have to be obedient to the Lord to be where you need to be, and He will protect you. So we are standing on the Word of God, and today, Gloria, we're going to look at Psalm 91. - Oh, good. - And I mean, you could do weeks of study on Psalm 91. It's that rich. It's that thick with revelation. - It's good to study it anyway, off and on all the time to remind yourself of it. - Often. Yes. Yes. It was the scripture that Terri and I, I tell you, the Psalm 91 became such a reality to me when we were in Guatemala years ago. Terri and I had gone down with a crew, Tim Fox was with us here. He works for the ministry. And several others, and we went down there to tape an interview with one of our partners, Jim Zirkle. He and his wife have a ministry down there. Well, long story short, while we were down there, we were driving to a little town called Pajapita, I'll never forget it, and we were stopped by communist guerrillas and they ordered us out of the cars, the trucks. - Interesting. - This is the long story made short, but in the midst of that, Guatemalan military workers pulled up behind us and we got caught in the middle of a fire fight. - George! - Yeah. - Wow. - I remember- - That's very unusual. - I remember, Jim Zirkle hollered out to everybody, he said, "Hit the dirt!" So we all- - Jim lived there, he knew what to do. - Yeah, he knew what was going on. So we all just went to the ground, except Terri. Terri's looking around, and I've never ... I treat my wife with ultimate care and respect. Except that day when I grabbed her by the head and shoved her on the ground. I remember, that thing went for about ten minutes, and they're shooting back and forth at each other, we're caught in the middle of this. I looked up at one point and there was a guy with a grenade launcher walking by me. I had two thoughts that came to me. Of course, Aubrey had just been born and I thought to myself, her face came before me and I thought, "I can't die. I can't die here." And all of a sudden, from it seemed like nowhere, somebody began to pray in other tongues out loud. It was Terri. And we all just jumped in there and joined in, and that fear turned to faith. - Amen. Praise God. - It dispersed that day. We got back in our vehicles and we traveled on to where we were going to. I remember when we got to the hotel that we were staying, motel, little place, I opened my Bible to the 91st Psalm. And Gloria, I read it that day like I had never read it before. - Amen. - "He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." - Yes, amen. Glory to God. - And this message was really birthed out of that time, I call it the four walls of protection. - That's good, George. - There are four major things in the Word of God that are embedded in this scripture. Our protection comes from four places, primarily from the Word, from the blood, from the angels, and from the name which is above every name. - Amen. - Each one of those, Gloria, appear in the 91st Psalm. You want to take a look at it with me? - Oh, do it, do it. I like it. - Let's go, let's go. First of all, the Word. If you look at Psalm 91, verse 4, "He shall cover thee with His feathers and under His wing shalt thou trust. His truth shall be thy shield and buckler." - Armor, your shield and armor. And of course we read this a few days ago, but the Hebrew translation of that means "a circle of protection." Now, let me read this scripture, John 17:17. "Sanctify them through thy truth. Thy Word is truth." So he said here- - So sanctify is to set apart. - Set apart. - Set them apart by the truth. - Yup. - Thy Word is truth. - Yup. Amen. - "His truth shall be your shield and buckler," or you could say there, his Word. The Word of God shall be your shield and your buckler. - Praise God. - So no matter what is going on in our lives, one of the four walls of protection that we construct and we put up, we stay in the Word of God. Gloria, I was up early this morning doing my daily Bible reading, and we read chapters from the Old Testament, chapters from the New, and we're going through the Bible. I was sitting there thinking to myself, "I am so glad that we as a church are doing this together," because we're reading the same scriptures every day- - That's powerful. - And we're feeding on the Word of God. The more you feed on the Word of God, and the more revelation that you get about your protection, the more confident you will be that no matter where you go- - That's called faith. - You're protected. That's called faith. - Glory to God. - It's called faith. - Hallelujah. - So the Word is one of the four walls of protection. Let's take a look at the blood. - I like that, circle of protection. In Hebrew, it means circle of protection. - Yup. - Your shield and buckler, surrounded. - And you know where I got that. - Where? - I got it from you. - You sanctify them, that means you set them apart by the truth. - You set them apart. Yup. - That's why we're Word people. - The Word of God separates us- - From the curse. - From the curse. - That's right. In finances, in healing, in peace, safety. Glory to God. - It separates us. We are separated out from the evil of this world. We're in it, we're not of it. - That's right. - It can't touch us. - That's right. Read that next scripture. Have you read 91:10 yet? That's an awesome- - No, we're going into that right now. That's good. - That's an awesome scripture. Covers a lot of territory. - All right, the second wall is the blood, and it says, "There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling." - Praise! No evil and no plague. - No plague. - Glory to God. - Now what you might ask, what does that have to do with the blood of Jesus? Well, if you look at Exodus chapter 12 in verse 13, it says, "And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are. When I see the blood-" - When I see the blood- - "I will pass over you." - Glory to God, and no plague. - "And the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt." - They were protected by the blood. - Protected by the blood. - But if they didn't put the blood out like He said to, on the door post- - Well, then ... - We don't want to talk about it. - No, we don't want to talk about that. - You've got to take it. - And the Lord showed me something one time, Gloria, about the fact that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we take communion, it is as if we are painting the blood on the door posts of our hearts. - And if you hear somebody say, "I plead the blood of Jesus over this car, I plead the blood of Jesus over my children," this is what they're talking about. They're saying, "My children have the blood of Jesus on them, they'll not be touched. I stand on the blood of the covenants, hallelujah." - That's right, that's right. And of course, Revelation chapter 12, verse 11, "They overcame him" by what? - The blood of the lamb. - The blood of the lamb. - And that wasn't all. - And the word of their testimony. - So we overcome Satan by the blood, that's been done. We stand on it. But it's what we say about it that keeps you and me individually- - Individually. - So we take the blood, we plead the blood. That just means, "I'm standing on the blood of Jesus." - Praise God. - "His blood's been shed for me, I take it. I am healed, I am saved, I am delivered." In Jesus' name. - Praise God. - Hallelujah. - That's why it's so important that we read the Word of God, that we meditate on the Word of God, and the Word of God becomes real to us. - It's got to be inside of you. - It has to be. It has to be. It has to be to the place where no matter what kind of pressure the devil puts on us, the only thing that comes up and out of us is the Word. - Every time we're squeezed? - That's right. - The Word comes out. - The Word comes out when we're squeezed. And that we use the blood of Jesus. Billye Brim, Sister Billye says this about the blood. "You make much-" - She's got a marvelous teaching. - What a teaching she has on the blood of Jesus. "You make much of the blood and the blood will make much of you." - I like that, I believe it. Glory to God. Hallelujah. - Praise God. - That's awesome. - Well, then the third wall of protection, the angels. It says here in Psalm 91, verses 11 and 12, "He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all of your ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone." - Amen. - There they are. - Isn't that awesome? - There they are. - In all of your ways, the angels have charge. You just don't want to bind them with unbelief. - That's right. - Or fear. - No. We don't want to decommission them by doubt and unbelief. We want to release them. And next week on the broadcast, we're going to spend an entire day talking just about, the broadcast, talking ... You could spend an entire day. But an entire broadcast talking about angels and the protection of angels. But that's right here, and that's the third wall of protection are the angels. The Word, the blood, the angels, and look at these two scriptures here. In Hebrews 1:14, "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation." - That's me. - That's me too. - I'm an heir. How did I get to be an heir? I made Jesus the Lord of my life. I was born again. I got my inheritance. I became an heir. I got protection, among a lot of other things. - That's right. - Prosperity, blessing. - And angels are part of the benefit of the covenant that we have. - Yeah, that's right. - We should really be talking about this. I mean, we really should be ... You know, to keep these fresh in our thinking and fresh before our minds and ... I was praying about something, Gloria, the other day about what I do as a pastor. And do you know what I do primarily? I primarily remind people of what belongs to them. - Yeah. - I primarily just keep reminding them over and over again, pay attention to this, listen to that. I basically take the things that you and Kenneth have taught me and just go back over them and over them and over them. I like what Brother Hagin said one time to a man that came up to him and said, "When are you going to get off of Mark 11:23?" And Brother Hagin answered him and said, "When you get it." - Yeah, amen. Amen. - We have to keep that before us. - That's not just a formula with us. That's not just something, we do it to stay safe, to stay whole, to stay protected, to stay blessed. We take our place. - That's right. Every time we take off in the airplane- - Give the devil no place. - The Citation X out here, I know that you and Kenneth do it, whenever Terri and I are flying in it, we do it. We just stop what we're doing and we pray over the flight. I lay my hands on the plane itself, pray for our partners. Do you know that Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, every time they take off to go somewhere on this earth to preach, they pray for you. - Praise God. - So you're taking off with them. And Gloria, we exercise our faith in the Word over that flight, we exercise the blood, we plead the blood of Jesus over that aircraft, from front to back, tail to tail- - Wingtip. - And wingtips, and charge the angels to lift us up and then to set us back down again. - Amen. - The four walls of protection. - I endeavor to do that every time I get in my car to go somewhere. Plead the blood. Plead the blood of Jesus. - Of Jesus over it. Thank you Lord for a safe trip. - This Psalm 34:7, "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them." - Praise God. - So those, the Word, the blood, the angels. - Now, what does that mean, those that fear Him, that doesn't mean that you're afraid of Him, that means you honor Him. - Right. You honor Him. - And you obey Him and you have reverence, is a good word for it. - That's a good way to put it. Reverence Him. - You reverence God to the degree that you do what He says. That's a safe place. That's a safe place. - The final wall here in this wall of protection in Psalm 91 is found in verse 14. "Because He has sent His love upon me, therefore will I deliver Him, I will set Him on high because He has known my name." - He knows me. Glory to God. - There is a name which is above every name. We have the scripture right here, "God has highly exalted him." In Philippians 2:9. - Given him a name. - "Given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven, things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father." - Now when we make Jesus the Lord of our lives, we get the name. - We do, we get the name. - That's right. - We get the name, we get the Word. - We're born of Him, we're born of God. - We get the blood, we get the angels, we get it all. He set a table before us in the presence of our enemies, and we take ... We don't leave anything on the table. - Oh no, we don't. - Don't leave anything on the table. I like this, Proverbs 18:10. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it." - That's what we do. - "And they are saved." - Praise God. Storms, danger of any kind. - Yeah, yeah. - Just because I'm going somewhere and I'm driving, or anybody else is driving. - That's right. - We run into that name. We believe that, we stand on it. We take it. - That's right, the name of the Lord. - Sickness and disease symptom comes, we run into that name. We thank you, Jesus. And we rebuke that off of us in the name of Jesus. - We are fully protected. We are fully armed. We are fully armed with the armor of God. I like what Kenneth said, we'll be reading this next week, I have it with my other notes. But in one of his recent Partner Letters, he was talking about this very thing. He was talking about Psalm 91 and protection and living in that place of protection. He said that we have to put on the armor of God. He said, "See yourself putting on that armor. Your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and putting on the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation." - That's the way we live. - That's the way we live. - Not just when we go somewhere. - We cover ... As a matter of fact, Gloria, let's look at that really quick. We got about two minutes left here. - Okay, go ahead. - Over in Ephesians, it says this. It says in verse 10, these are not in the notes, but this just came up in my heart. "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, having done all the stand," and the Amplified Bible says, "Hold your ground. Stand therefore, having your loins gird about with truth which is the Word of God and having on the breastplate of righteousness," we've been made the righteousness of God in Christ. "Your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, taking the shield of faith," and what Brother Copeland said in that letter, he said, "the shield which is taller than us that goes right down to our feet." - And covers us. - "And covers us. The shield of faith, where with you'll be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God." - Praise God. - Now, let me just comment here, the fiery darts of the wicked. Protected from the fiery darts of the wicked. We have a family in our church, the Sorenson family. She works for us in our children's department. She was in a situation during convention time last year where she was fired upon literally with a fiery dart or a bullet. - Wow. - And you need to see this testimony because- - Ooh, I want to- She had the four walls of protection covering her and covering her family. - Praise God, praise God. - Watch this, Gloria and I will be right back with you. My name is Clara Sorenson. I was raised in the church, I actually got born again at a Believer's Convention in 1985. I have four daughters, and my husband and I had determined we were going to have all of our children attend the Believers' Convention. So all week long, we were attending the convention, our little girls are with me, our older girls went with the big Superkids. My husband was attending. But by Friday night, that was July 4th, it was a Friday night, my little girls were tired. They were two and four at the time. They were tired. So I determined, this is probably the night they need to go home. I left my older girls and my husband at convention, drove the 20 minutes back to our home, put the kids down for a nap, had a nice evening, and then it was time to pick them up, so I took a route into downtown that then became very flooded with traffic. Well, next thing you know, I hear a sound, a pop, and we sort of all shuddered a little bit and looked at each other. I looked at my mother and I looked back at my girls and I thought, "What was that?" So I got out of the car and looked on top. It's a minivan, and I looked on top of the minivan and saw a bullet hole. I got back in the car and told my mother, "We've been shot at." So we motioned a police officer over and we start to realize the magnitude of what has just happened. He lets us know this bullet has gone all the way through the top of my minivan. So if you imagine me sitting here in this chair, I could put my finger right here in my van, and that is where ... So just as close as my hand is to my head, that is where the bullet entry point was. So my mother begins to look for the bullet. He asked for the round, in mom terms this means the bullet. So she starts looking. We have two captain's chairs in the front and two captain's chairs behind. I'm in the driver's seat, Mom is in the passenger seat. Behind me is my four and a half year old, behind my mother is my two and a half year old. Everyone's quiet, no fear, but just quiet. She finds the bullet underneath my diaper bag, which is between our chairs. Which to me is just another part of the miracle, because how can you have a bullet just land under a diaper bag? The bag wasn't injured, people weren't injured, and there's this bullet entry point in my vehicle. I said, "It has to be a miracle. This has to be a miracle." That's all I kept saying. "Angels protected us, it had to be a miracle." My daughter, who was sitting behind me, my little four and a half year old, the first words that came out of her mouth were, "Glory to God." And a bullet coming into our car and not harming any of us, to hear that come out of her mouth was just confirmation, again. For us, we didn't have fear at that moment, and every time we've spoken of it since, it just compounds and highlights what God did for us. It just, for me, talking about it never has it given an opportunity for fear. It has instead solidified the protection of God. This untouchableness, this I like to tease that I'm bulletproof. Not in any sort of casual way or reckless way, but truly, the Word of God protects your body, protects your mind, everything. How can I explain a bullet coming into the roof of my vehicle and not touching or hurting anyone in my vehicle? The fact that we believed the Word of the Lord, through Brother Copeland and through Pastor George. All of these things leading up to that night, us being in that position, another vehicle not in that position, all of those things. God is a God of order. He knows what's happening, when it's happening, and if we will just be obedient, then we'll eat the good of the land. And so by being in the position I was in, I truly believe someone else was protected from injury. By being in the position that we were in, I'm now having the opportunity to tell the partners of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland what God did in that year of victory over death. And does that mean because 2014 is over that now we're no longer in the year of victory over death? Absolutely not. When the Lord speaks the Word, it's true from that point forward. So I will never have another day of my life where I wonder, "Will I have victory over death? Can I have victory over death? Should I have victory over death?" I already know it's true. - Clara and her family literally had the four walls of protection surrounding them. Gloria, that is an amazing testimony. - It is, it really is. - That bullet went through the roof, went underneath their, what ... The diaper bag in the car, thank you. And no one was touched. I'll tell you, there's another testimony that I have. This is from somebody else in our church. This woman writes, "In praying for my children, I discovered this is very effective. My sons and daughter-in-law just recently experienced a drive-by shooting where a bullet went through the wall of their home, went through right above my daughter-in-law's head. My granddaughters would have normally been in there, were in another room." She says, "We pray Psalm 91 and Isaiah 54:17 over them. No weapon formed against them shall prosper." - Hallelujah. Hallelujah. - So Father, right now we pray over everyone that's watching. And I thank You that the partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries and the friends of this ministry are under Your protective covering and Your protective care. And Father, I thank you right now that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. - Thank you Lord. No weapon. - And every tongue that rises against them, we condemn it for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. - Yes, glory to God. - And their righteousness is of me, sayeth God. - Thank you, Father. Thank you. - In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. - Thank you Lord. Hallelujah. - And you know what, not only are our partners and friends protected, but they are prospering. - Amen. - And we want to thank you for the continued giving and support that you have to Kenneth Copeland Ministries. I mean, it is helping us get the Word of God from the top of this world, literally, to the bottom and all the way around. And here's a scripture for you. "But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus." The Amplified Bible says, "He will liberally supply and fill to the full your every need." So as you give into Kenneth Copeland Ministries, it's given back to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall men give into your bosom. - And Lord, we believe for and with every person participating in this offering. - Yes, Jesus. Thank you. - We add our faith to it, Lord. - Thank you, Father. - Reveal to them Your will, Your Word, Your inspiration. What it is, we're, all of us, what are we supposed to do? Tell us and we'll fulfill that action in Jesus' name. - Praise God. - We are the blessed, hallelujah. - We are the blessed. - Glory to God. - And we are the untouchables. - And we've got to stay in the Word to be that way. - That's right. - George and I will be studying next week, it's called Hidden in Plain Sight. I want to hear that one myself. Until then, remember, God loves you and we love you, and [Together] Jesus is Lord. [Announcer] Thank you for joining us today on the Believer's Voice of Victory. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland would like to thank you for your faithful support. To give by text to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, text the letters KCM and the dollar amount you'd like to give to 36609. Text to give is available in the United States only. Monday on the Believer's Voice of Victory. - We can be out there in the world with everybody else and things going on all around us. We'll be out there and in the midst of all of that, we are in a place of God's supernatural protection.
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
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Id: 2qICbJ0vtM8
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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