2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention: In God We Trust - Pt 2 (2:00 p.m. CT)

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oh he's so good so good so good so good so good so so so good hallelujah what a privilege it is to be with you again and be a part of this great meeting it's i i'm just continually thanking god i think it's miraculous that we are having the meeting and you know it's easy to take it for granted especially this has been going on for 40 years now but thank god for the faith of brother copeland and miss gloria and their family and their staff and for the faithfulness of god i mean this didn't just happen by itself it didn't just didn't just happen by accident somebody had to hear from god and somebody had to have enough faith to step out i mean these big bills are associated with this and all kinds of things but uh nothing's too big for the lord for those that trust him let's uh and and we're thankful for the governor of this great state and for the mayor of this uh great city so let's pray for them right now just lift them up again so father god we thank you so much we lift up uh the governor we lift up the mayor we lift up the copelands we say lord strengthen them quicken them help them we bless them with our words for uh being a part of making this happen and for letting us be a part of it thank you for it lord let your anointing and let your spirit be on them and on us and in increasing fashion from glory to glory by the spirit of the lord amen so be it so be it look with me please in psalm 62 in my last session we begin on a uh a topic i'm calling in god we trust to us it's more than a phrase it's more than just a phrase it's more than just something that's on our money or on some seal it's it's a way of life say it out loud in god we trust in the 62nd psalm in the young's literal translation something comes out that is not readily apparent in the king james and this is how it reads young's literal translation psalm 62 1 says only toward god is my soul silent from him is my salvation verse 2 says only he is my rock and my salvation my tower i am not much moved verse 4 says only from his excellency they've consulted to drive away they enjoy a lie with their mouth they blessed with their hearts they revile see lie but five but only for my god be silent on my soul for from him is my hope then in verse 7 it says only he is my rock and my salvation my tower i am not moved oh god is my salvation in my honor the rock of my strength my refuge is in god verse 8 trust him somebody say trust in him trust him trust in him at all times o people pull forth before in your heart god is a refuge for us say life i mean if you if you put a title on that one what might you call it only only only what what what's the emphasis that my my trust and my focus is god only he he only is my rock he only is the one i'm relying on he's the one i'm counting on for things to happen and to get it done somebody say only only only why would you need to say that because there are other options really there's only two directions but in one of those directions there's a myriad of options what do you mean you can only trust in god or in man now in man there's a myriad of sub options under that one including yourself you're you're a human being you can trust in yourself you can trust in you people around you you can trust in all manner of things that are man originated man controlled man produced but there's a big problem with that giant problem with that go to jeremiah please the 17th chapter jeremiah 17 are you okay now you don't have to switch off just because we quit singing you can you're here you might as well get something right you might as well get everything that you came for and you're not limited to me what i know it's we're believing the spirit of god says things beyond what you and i know in jeremiah 17 in verse 5 i'm going to read this from the living bible jeremiah 17 5 the lord says cursed is the man who puts his trust in mortal man and turns his heart away from god is this true i said is this true i don't think this has been evident enough i don't think we've been aware enough of this there is actually a curse in trusting man and this will answer a lot of questions if people say well i just don't understand i just don't understand why things won't work out for me why you know it seems like i take a step forward getting knocked back too well that's evidence of a curse as opposed to blessing and you want to examine if that's happening over and over in an area especially long term what who are you looking to to make that thing happen in your life because no matter who they are and how wonderful they are they're not god and you must not substitute anybody or anything for god there's a place in your heart that that should be exclusively reserved for god alone he alone should have the core of your heart and your being the the big place of your trust i didn't say you could never have confidence in other people but it is peripheral to your faith in him faith in people is optional faith in god is not amen optional and one thing you know sometimes you hear people confused about love is not trust you can love people without trusting them now people are trying to argue with that well if you love me you have to trust me and they just lied to you five times last week well you're dumb if you do trust them but that doesn't mean you don't love them we don't trust people without question we trust god unquestionably why well for one thing he's never lied to us and it's impossible for for him to lie to us never going to happen he's never failed us and he never will there's no reason for us to question him people do but there's no legitimate reason he said cursed be is the man that puts his trust in mortal man and turns his heart away from god can you see it's a it's a matter of misplaced faith you took your faith out of god or you never put it in him and you put faith in man that you should have put in god and every time you or anybody does that it's just a matter of time until you're going to be disappointed until you're going to be let down but nobody ever trusted in him and was made ashamed are embarrassed for it but don't think that you know you've arrived in this oh yeah i got that yeah trust god that's right i only trust god only trust god no honey child dear one every day is a new day and before we're through you know maybe the next time i speak we'll see you but uh we may get into some about how that it's possible to start out with a bunch of faith in god and then even years later take some of that faith out of god and put it in people there are examples of it in the scripture it's it happens all too often has to do with leaving your first faith and your first love you can go the wrong way but suffice it to say today to just get this established there's a curse accompanied with trusting in man as your source and as your solution instead of god notice how it he he paints a picture of it he said the the men the man or woman that does that he's like a stunted shrub in the desert with no hope for the future he lives on the salt encrusted plains in the barren wilderness it's a bad place good times pass him by forever good times pass him by another translation said nothing good ever happens to him have you ever heard people say that nothing good ever happens to me well they are describing experience of a curse and that curse is connected to looking to people instead of god he'll not see when prosperity comes now this this is a whole thing right here i want to declare god is faithful what do you mean if you will believe him and do what he says if you will tithe if you will give if you'll release faith provision will come not might not sometimes he will send it but here's a question will you even see it will you notice it will you recognize it when it comes will you respond to it lay hold of it maximize get the fullness of it or ignore it and go off on a tangent and miss something possible when the manna fell out of the sky that's one of the reasons it was named manna they got it and they said what is this it's your answer buddy pick it up they had to be told gather it up take it back to the house cook it eat it this happens too often that god sends the answer he provides the supply he provides the opportunity and folks ignore it or reject it or they don't like that they want something else they're looking for something more spectacular so here it says if you're looking at the wrong direction if you're trusting in man instead of god prosperity can come you not even see it didn't even recognize it verse 7 though i'm volunteering for the for the verse 7 group anybody in here i'm volunteering for the ver what but but i mean forget all that out in the desert little scrub bush nothing good ever happens life no no but blessed is the man who does what come on help me out huh who trusts in the lord and has made the lord his hope and his confidence not just blessed is the man or woman that goes to church not just blessed to the man or woman who watches programs on tv and play cds and downloads not just blessed is the man or woman that makes notes and you know jesus talked about people whose uh whose mouth you know were saying all kind of things but their heart was far from him so you can talk a good game and yet your heart is not really trusting in god but if you are there's a blessing oh somebody say blessing blessed is the man who trusts in the lord and has made the lord his hope and his confidence he is like a tree not some little dried up stunted scrub bush he's like a tree planted along a riverbank with the roots reaching deep into the water oh come on now you got you got to read this you got to read this with me it's just i'm reading the living bible verse 8. uh it's a tree not bothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought [Applause] there's a visible separation happening in the country and in the world because in many ways there are months of drought you got months you can't open your business months you can't do this much if your trust is in your customer base your trust is in your city officials your trust is in your favored party in the federal government our federal bailout and help your trust is there you're panicking because you're not sure what's going to happen and it's changing by the day and if you keep putting all your confidence in that your growth will be stunning you'll wind up in a dry place and you do care about months of drought you can't survive months of drought oh but but verse 7 but blessed blessed is the man the woman who trusts in the lord and has made the lord his hope and confidence who are we expecting to get us through we pray for our leaders we do what we know to do in the natural but that's not who we're counting on to make it happen [Applause] we're counting on somebody else we're relying not on the arm of flesh no matter how wonderful that flesh may be they cannot compare with god and what he can do somebody say my eyes are on him i'm relying on him he only is my rock hallelujah he only and that man or woman is like a tree planted along a riverbank oh somebody say praise god praise god praise god verse 8 in the new living translation says it like this they're like trees planted along a riverbank with roots that reach deep into the water such trees are not bothered by the heat say not bothered not bothered not bothered by the heat why what happened i mean there's a drought going on on all around here and when the pressure comes what does it do the tree just reaches its roots down deeper into the river of living waters that never never runs dry and so it is not worried by long months of drought their leaves stay green and they never stop producing fruit say it out loud their leaves stay green their leaves stay green green not dried out not like the little scrub bush in the desert green and they never stop producing why not because they were smarter than everybody else not because they were better prepared in the natural before this hit than everybody else i don't care how well prepared you are it can go away quickly but there is a source i said there is a source that never runs dry like we talked about on monday i changed my phraseology some years ago the lord helped me to see it i no longer say i received something through an unex unexpected source i don't say that anymore because there's only one source there are many channels many channels you receive something through an unexpected channel but it came from the same unfailing unlimited source somebody say god is my source not man not myself not anybody else only god god only is my source unfailing unlimited faithful source that means no matter how dry it gets or how long the drought lasts i'm going to be well-watered i'm going to be well what i don't have to know how i don't have to go through what channels i just got to keep my eyes on him and not let them get on anybody else or anything else we saw uh on monday i'll read this to you again in psalms 78. let's touch on this for just a moment psalm 78 it talked about what happened with the first generation that god delivered out of egyptian bondage verse psalm 78 41 you may have this marked if you don't it's good to get a hold of it verse 41 psalm 78 41 says they turned back and they limited the holy one of israel they limit it this only appears to my knowledge this particular word just this one place right here and it includes the idea of hurting as well as restricting so don't let a modern translation lead you astray on this limited is correct hurt is also correct you got to watch about a lot of modern translations because they're really not word for word transliterations they're paraphrases the translators are telling you what they think it means exactly what it said so you got to watch out for this now i know a lot of people get excited about this new uh or that new uh translation but get you something that you trust to see exactly what the word said to compare it to for you develop a new doctrine and it really helps to read the verse before it and the verse after it that'll help you a bunch too limited god limited god what determines where what determines the cap on what you can have where you can live what you can wear and eat what you can drive what's where's what's where's the limiter what's the limiter where's the cap y'all are too quiet huh here's a list karma the universe strange things happening in the universe you know cosmic influences about what determines how far you can go in life and how you can live what you can have what you can do what you can give what limits that your parents huh your family where you were born your gender your color you sure i know it's your education see i didn't get everybody on that and they're like come on now you got to know there's a lot of people with tons of education can't get a job [Applause] and being what people would call genius level intellect doesn't even begin to assure you a good happy life let him begin being a genius doesn't make you a good person it won't make you it won't give you a good life i'm not advocating the benefits of being dumb either but the reason i say this is because society a bunch of science society says education is the answer if we can just get you the right education then you can have the big house you can get the new car you can go somewhere you can be somebody you can do something there's a curse on that why because you're relying on the arm of flesh what men can do for you what you can do with them it's a godless life did i lose somebody oh i know what it is it's the government that determines what you can have who's in power i know it's the bank huh it's the bank if you can get the right bank you can get the house but if you can't get the right bank you can't have the house can you if nobody will owe you the money you can't build the church right or it's the size of your congregation if you can't get past a certain number then you can't buy that piece of land huh it's how many partners you have if you get enough partners say all that's flesh flesh if you can get the right exposure i know what you need is some uh platform time at the southwest believer's convention you just need some exposure and and you need a bunch of likes if you get enough likes on social media you are assured success [Laughter] are we going to make it through this what do you think i'm just offering some suggestions about what limits you what limits you uh brother jesse yesterday talked about riding in phyllis's car who was here fancy car he didn't tell you what kind it is but i'll tell you because there's a story behind it it is a bentley uh gtc continental convertible with the big motor the big twin turbo v12 this is a serious mobile [Applause] 10 years ago was more than that now but everybody say 10 years ago ten years ago phyllis and i were already having vision lists every year towards the end of the year we'd sit down just she and i at the kitchen table and we'd talk about how god had blessed us the year before we'd thank him for it we've acknowledged things that we had asked for and we'd sit down and we'd write down what we're believing to put into the kingdom next year and then we'd write down any obligations that we had and we'd claim what we needed for that before we went into the new year we called it our vision list based on the scripture write the vision make it plain we had done that for years and this one year this was in 1995. we were doing this as we approached 1996. and i had a yellow legal pad and we had the two categories number one put god first what we're going to believe to put into the kingdom number two our obligations and needs and requirements so we'd been talking an hour a couple hours and we had done that and i thought we're done we're about to get up and go i started get up out of the chair and the lord spoke to my heart i don't mean to heard an audible voice but very clear on the inside like he would speak to any christian if you learn how to listen he said i'll sit back down i told phyllis i said wait just a minute i got something on my heart she sat back down he said turn to a clean page turn to a clean page on my yellow legal path he said now you've done the right thing you've talked about putting me first that's first and you've talked about taking care of your obligations that's second he said but now i want you to write down a third thing third category he said write down you and phyllis anything and everything you would like to have or do if money was no object write down anything and everything you'd like to have or do personally or for other people we've already talked about the other things putting the kingdom first if money was no object no issue no factor i told phyllis it bore witness with her we started talking and every other phrase we'd say yeah but how much does that cost and the lord would bring up to me he said i said if money was not an object was not an issue now why am i talking about this what determines what we can have my salary my job are you sure doesn't that kind of determine what where i can live what kind of house i can have what kind of car i can have so after an hour or so of this i saw one of the reasons why he told us to do it i looked at the list as big as we could think i mean this is this is bigger than a billionaire giving you carte blanche saying you know you want anything anything you want this is god saying right down anything and i looked at our list it's pitiful it's pitiful the little stuff we had on there this is why a lot of people don't do that it's easier just to be lazy and do nothing and re and try to be so vague and gentle well just whatever the lord wants you can't leave up to him what he left up to you these things don't happen according to what god can do they happen according to your faith oh i think i found it i think i found it what limits what we can have and do because god can do all kind of amazing things then the limitation is our faith and our vision well uh you know years went by and we put some things on that man it's amazing how quick they came to pass but we were hooked we thought oh yeah this works and so we kept doing it year went by your way by after about four or five years we saw one of these bentleys out somewhere and we thought now that's a nice car and the thought came to us put it on your vision list you know with you've got to discipline yourself not to even think about how you could ever make it happen because that is relying on the arm of flesh faith is the evidence of things not seen [Music] so we just hauled off and put one on there we didn't tell anybody else about it no need to advertise in these things really i mean you know if it's a church thing if it's a ministry thing well that's not just us all of us are believing for but for my our personal stuff i don't need to tell anybody about that a lot of times it's better that i don't so she and i only ones that knew about it she and i we put it on our vision list uh bentley continental gtc convertible well a year passed we didn't get it another year passed we didn't get it four years passed we didn't get it five years passed we didn't get it and you know once in a while we'd notice one and we'd say what are you thinking we'd get to looking and we'd go we're not there we're not there but that doesn't mean we can't have it we put it on the list we've claimed one come on can you see this through faith and patience persistence you inherit you lay hold six years past seven years passed eight years past nine years past ten years passed time's passing anyway you might as well be believing for something is that right well but it's been eight years glory to god you're eight years closer to it now maybe you're maybe you're right there maybe it only takes two years for you i don't know or two weeks i don't know but that is not the thing to focus on well ten years had passed and uh these things are selling for like 280 000 you know substantial a good used ones 150 and we weren't there how many understand faith is not pretending you're not acting like you're at a place that you you're not and you don't load yourself with so many bills and debts that you think you can't even tithe and give anymore that's your priorities are wrong so if it takes a little time it takes a little time i had had a corvette and the lord prompted me to sow it to give it to another minister it's a great car and i did and i was happy to do it and i hadn't had a sports car for a few years and phyllis said i want you to get another one and i said well you know whatever's right let's look she was looking online on a saturday morning for me a car and she pointed out a couple to me and i said yeah i don't have i don't have much of a witness about that and so she decided before she quit looking she'd just check and see how the bentleys were coming along you know remember it's been 10 years and she saw one that was the color she liked and so she came over to me with the ipad she said can this price be right i said no i don't think so i think they must have made a mistake on that she come back a little bit she said would you check i said yeah i'll check i picked up the phone it was a few states away and the guy said yeah that's the right price i said and what's wrong with it and he said it's primo car and it was at a ford dealership where they they specialized in pickups they'd never had one before i don't know if they ever got another one but i said really he told me about sent me a bunch of pictures it looked perfect i told phyllis she said i want to go i want to go see it and i said okay so uh we went by the bank to to to get some money in case that was the case it was and we made arrangements to get up there and uh uh i called him again i said we're coming he said too late it's sold yeah i thought the same thing i said i got to tell phyllis [Applause] that oh i said really he said yeah he said in fact he said he sold the guy in california and he said and and i got two backups on that one if that one doesn't go through i said is it sold sold he said well he said well not really the guy's working on his financing i said i can pay you cash if it's not so i'm not trying to do something wrong here he said well let's there's not a done contract and it's like actually taking him too long to work on his financing i said how about this i said we let's put a couple of thousand dollars on a credit card and you hold it for me and when i get there if it's like you say we will pay you today pause he said come on [Applause] we got up there it was exactly what phyllis liked it was white it had the what do they call it magnolia interior it had the ebony wood it had the special mullen or wheels it had all the options i mean it was it was a real not just i mean one of those is a great car but then it was stuff on top of that we we looked it over mike that travels with me and shara they came with us and he looked at me he said if you don't buy it i'm gonna i said back off but it didn't have a scratch on a wheel anything the salesmen were trying to show her how the top would go up and down they couldn't figure it out they never had one finally phyllis said just leave it alone we'll figure it out we'll get it she drove it off the showroom floor we paid 49 000 49 not 149 40. we had lunch with some friends of ours after uh and they saw the car they were shot they were amazed but we didn't tell them how much we paid they were amazed and and they asked us about and i told them his the guy's wife looked at him and said i paid more than that for my mustang [Applause] we got it home and and uh well when we drove it we drove it home and she drove it we were going to swap up but she drove it the whole way home i mean i never got in the driver's seat and by the time we got home man she was passing everything on the road i said you okay well she said i like it i like it of course it's smooth and quiet and when we got home we put the top down and we were driving down by the by the beach and there were some construction workers on the side we stopped at a signal light one of them yelled at so look at that there's one of those such-and-such cars he said man that's that that's a half million dollar car in it of course it wasn't i said should we tell him she said no no what did you tell what determined whether we could have one or not come here you're going to help me with this or not what determined whether we could have one or not we didn't have to pay 300 grand for one we didn't have to pay a hundred grand for one how many the lord could do it so you don't have to pay anything for one is that right yeah now it didn't happen overnight or in a year or two but glory to god all things are possible to him or her the not if he got the right education to the job to him or her that billy if you will dare dare yes dare to claim one put it on your vision list release faith for it sow a seed and expect and see what the lord can do oh somebody say glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god oh somebody's getting ready to make a vision list i can i cannot i can sense it oh hallelujah somebody's getting ready somebody's getting ready [Applause] go go with me to mark 10. let me introduce this to you and maybe we go further with it on our next session mark 10 is the story what we call of the rich young ruler and it is a much misunderstood passage you will hear you will actually hear ministers who teach from this passage the opposite of what jesus taught in it let's read it you'll see what i'm talking about the bible said verse 17 when jesus was gone forth in the way mark 10 17 there came one running and kneeling to him and said good master what shall i do that i may inherit eternal life now it would help to read matthew's account of this because matthew includes that he said what good thing shall i do that's why jesus takes the word and gives it back to him about the good why call us thou me good there is none good but one that is god that's been source of confusion for for folks i don't claim to understand all about it but the emphasis is on good and doing good and what he's i'll jump ahead a little bit the the rich young ruler has his trust in the wrong places his trust first of all is in doing good can you see this which is why the lord answered him the way he did no human being amongst the billions walking on the earth can achieve equal goodness with god through their efforts and their labors in the work like brother creflo was saying last night you had to be made righteous well that's what he's saying and then uh he goes on to say uh you know the commandments the word that he had of the day don't commit adultery don't kill don't steal don't bear false witness defraud not honor your father and your mother he answered and said to him master all these i've observed from my youth and jesus beholding him loved him this is we'd say a good man not perfectly good as god is what jesus was revealing to him but he's a good man he's a moral man he's been observing the law jesus looked at him and loved him there's a lot of things to like about this young man and for one thing why is he out here bugging jesus about this what's motivating him what's going on with him he wants more he wants to go all the way and he sees what's happening in jesus ministry and stirred him up and he runs over there to him but he's got the wrong idea what good thing can i do to get me the rest of the way and basically the lord's saying ah that's not the good there's only one intrinsically completely perfectly good as god you can't get there by doing enough good things he said there's one thing you lack go sell whatever you have and give it to the poor and he said come take up the cross and follow me he said give it to the poor you'll have treasure in heaven take up the cross and follow me follow me is the same thing he said to the 12. follow me he said you'll have treasure in heaven he's not asking the young man to take a vow of poverty remember when zacchaeus saw him and jesus said come down from that tree we're going to have have eat at your house today and when they were all eating zacchaeus stood up and said you know man if he's a tax collector and he had been a crooked one so he said if i've cheated somebody out of something i'm going to repay them fourfold and half of what i got i'm going to give to the poor did the lord say no uh not half uh no no no it's all or nothing no basically he said that's great salvation's come to this household well what is it all or half a third what's enough it's not about the money you see it when people misquoting first timothy 6 saying money is the root of all evil that's not what he said that's not money's not the problem we saw this last time said uh some trust in horses and some in chariots but we'll remember the name of the lord our god is horse is the problem is god just against horses he just got a problem with chariots no they had horses they had cherries what was the problem trusting in the chariots and the horses instead of god that's what the problem was and that's what this is it's not about the money it's about where the man's trust was and he was sad at that saying he went away grieved for he had great possessions and jesus said he looked at his disciples he said how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of god and there are preachers all over the place who take this and try to preach that maybe if they don't say it so many words but they imply that the way to heaven is by helping the poor there's salvation in giving to the poor that's the very thing he said was not the answer you're still trusting in your good work come on can you see that you're trusting in your good works that's not what he said what did he say he he went on verse 24 the disciples were astonished at his words they needed clarity but jesus said children how hard is it for them that what that what their what that what trust in riches to enter the kingdom of god and there was only one way for him to demonstrate that and prove that because if he's really relying on his money as long as it's there he's got his safety cushion he's got his pad he's got what he can rely on and if he does what the lord says and sows it all to people in need he won't have it to rely on he'll have to rely on god that's what the lord was after with him and we know what would have happened there's no need to try to conjecture we know what would have happened because the very next phrase peter verse 28 he began to say lo we did that we left everything and we followed you we did it we did it jesus said verily i say to you there's no man that has left house brothers sisters father mother wife or children or lands for my sake in the gospels he shall receive a hundredfold read those next words for me read them out read them out loud huh huh in the sweet by and by over yonder what now in this time house zazz that's more than one house brothers sisters lanza lands lands with persecutions not everybody's going to be happy about it no matter how little you paid for your bentley [Applause] or if you paid nothing it just makes some folks sick it's what they say for a preacher to drive a nice car they don't realize what they're saying they're saying it's too good for us that's too nice for people like us it's wasted on people like me that's ugly are y'all okay [Applause] [Laughter] he'll receive a hundredfold now in this time with persecutions and in the world to come eternal life we don't have to wonder we know what would have happened with the rich young ruler if hitler responded like moses moses was a prince of egypt he had everything but he considered that nothing compared to the reward of christ he was willing to suffer persecution with the people of god he had the reward in sight if this young man would have thought right he'd have said a place on jesus crusade team a place close to him in the eternal kingdom eternal reward and instead of being gloomy and depressed he was shouted when he went to liquidate that and he wouldn't even been broke the rest of his natural life down here jesus said it would have come back a hundredfold now in this time [Applause] money is not the problem has never been the problem it's trust in it trust in it first timothy went on to say don't trust in uncertain riches first timothy 6 17 don't trust in uncertain riches but in the living god who gives richly hallelujah gives us richly all things to enjoy hallelujah the lord will give you amazing things he will let you have an enjoyment he will let you give amazing things if they don't compete with him if you don't care more about him than you do him see there's only one way to demonstrate that when jesus told him that you see why he told him that because if it hadn't been a problem he'd have done it and the fact that he refused to do it means his his trust is in it he thinks he can't turn loose of it he thinks he can't live without it he can't let it go that's a prob not the money that place in his heart that's the problem man looks on the outward appearance tell me where god looks where does he always look he looks on the heart hallelujah i want you to say it again with me out loud god is my source not any man not any woman not any group not any institution of men my god is only my rock only my provider only my protector is my god oh hallelujah praise god praise god praise god stand on your feet if you would lift your hands let's rejoice in the lord come on take a moment lift your voice say thank you lord give glory to god give praise to the lord lord we worship you we praise you we bless you we give glory to you thanks be to god thanks be to god oh somebody say thanks be to god thanks thanks be to god thanks be to god thanks be to god you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 37,177
Rating: 4.8904901 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 southwest believers’ convention, faith, faithful, keith moore, needs, one, only, provider, rock, salvation, source, trust
Id: LNg6dOUv5cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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