2019 TVDNJ Joseph and Daniel Panel

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[Applause] second I'm gonna hijack this for charity purposes okay I'm psyched images how many minutes when three no three know how I would do this and this is your nemesis the tray table to watch someone's alignments again to watch very very very soon today okay maybe you know I'm pretty committed to expand on this organization it's fighting poverty around the world right now one of the major battles is that incredibly devoted to raising awareness and combat the crisis in Yemen those you don't know about that it's a terrible civil war raging in the West 2015 much much like theirs for not years this morning obvious feeling so I'm not gonna talk about that here because I want to waste everyone's time but whatever they do wonderful credits as a result of this conflict there's tens of millions of people have been disenfranchised and and are on the brink of starvation so I just want to bring you everybody's awareness to that because don't jump in here which I'm past there at least a couple of words it isn't exciting development is happening cuz right now there's a genuine momentum in the US Congress right now we're in a tremendously important bill just happening that would move the warning it will get many political parties towards a ceasefire - and bring it into the conflict so your voices can be really really useful and I'm gonna get you to help me support right now it's basically I wanna go we'll help you with a an online petition get your phone now do you phone out Thanks can you text the number at nine triple seven nine just help me here so I go ahead with two minutes okay I know I'm being selfish if my deputies hope the proceeding 927 nine tens what you give it takes Daniel for Oxfam he's said no I'm from the seven nine is to end like Danny the number for Oxfam sign the petition takes 20 seconds seriously 20 seconds and you've done and you can also yeah I'm gonna bribe you you I'm gonna brine do because someone today because if you could sign this thing today I'm going to do a private be treated with squeeze it in anyway thank you so much she knows not to the money yes one more well I really didn't expect like I need to greet with this man hanging in the middle we're not coming in a date it's not a date oh it could be it could be I love you thank you for listening to me sorry I couldn't pass up the opportunity just ask everybody around you also very I love you oh you can get a time when it's posted let's see those two talking about vampires and joseph Morgan sex dungeon which he mailed I gotta go that belongs to that famous amendment that was passed the torch so to speak translation yes I don't think that microphone is going on I left the episode about Joseph very actually I like all of my sins and there was funny so wisdom passed on for me more experience educating and yet gifting I less experience yet older so there you go any of those scenes good next question if you will about tomorrow and no wonder your name or recognize your face your fame status is just gone would you pursue acting again yeah I probably won't get into them so yeah public and then come on in this universe have we done no end and so everything we've no no no way no I do something else painting I'm not very good but I enjoy it thoroughly another steady career sonic preach I see you poet poetry yeah thank you for that question first of all I'm only here because of Daniels Instagram post that I saw a while ago so thank you for that thank you which one is it my question is for both of you which is your favorite as we said at the same time yeah that's right Henry go to the movie and read it wasn't anyone's fault definitely not point to thinkers ebony like it's not a saint enough editor before I believe yes sir it's very very funny Thomas here the funnies the autumn like yes was Greek it was dumb there's so many scenes we had to cut to me speak a gray something I can't get him out of my mind right now I like both of you guys and my question is what are you guys it is most craziest weirdest and experience ever I wish upon us this question with your own level so the unit addressed yes to conscience his more than elevator crumpled up oxygen pens until then if you could play any superhero from Marvel or DC I'll be Johnson over but everything that they kind of activity Astrix competition right now this time yeah it's been a good combo first available for never know what it is all about must make certain that each other's going to hatch Timothy Dalton [Music] in 2000 that you were you can think of this same time I'd love to be your emotional Center they member tommix at the same time [Applause] Thomas Wayne used to be something beautiful but you see sorry about that he's taking it out of you Turner still hunts Thank You seven people 17 so my question is what if you guys got nominated for Best Actor at the Oscars or what you say to your competition I'd like to it's just as a woman in there is just an honor to be nominated great talents is Stephen mad about but you know thank you for making the right choice this mission it is the track with the Austin probably a minute [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's my jam yes you say the largest and I'll say Klaus thing but we can just do a catchphrase I think you guys need Klaus and they like and you go see to like the way you sit I mean how we won't be then but both searching but see me to say exactly the same time [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm appropriate but it was gorgeous what an excellent midwife what's penis [Music] do anything I'm acting back here unfreeze I think all the money's in a good [Laughter] favorite oh you know what I remember the most is that one we're on the ground the courtyard you threw me onto a table what we exit the one we exit country the bus accidentally take off the tank even wouldn't stop and said that he would like to take never to go into this abyss Daniel space he said no knowledge of this don't this time yeah this time the ball after the scene was done against punching in the maze since I just want to keep it character for tomorrow that was a miserable day [Music] each other [Applause] Hey better sister Freya this is the you what do you need my pension Oh like Klaus is favorite my favorite cuz he had a thousand years of history with her and I'm going to cram hi you guys don't get it Klaus uh sorry Josie so I know you've been very powerful the whole nine yards but when Marcel became invincible did you feel discouraged amazing I love you guys this question is for Joseph in the show class has a certain way of [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] but you want to sell it I think she got confused she's saying you know we like them to play this amazing and maybe mate is everything and then she sort of said that you played realize the civil meters of the ship [Applause] od amazing hey come here withered old bread hey I'd love to say he's my friend of mine way to do with them hey do you mind Thelma if I'm Louise understand hi folder you're doing well as one question from each of you so Daniel who is your favorite villain throughout the two shows you've been had Lucien happened Michael or a skirt and arguably has one of the best character development in TV history it's gonna have to choose that though some of that Cologne oh okay so he has one of the best character development EQ mystery or inversion of name was her favorite to play good question two common parts of him [Applause] [Music] so starstruck I didn't even shake your hand but my question was in that five years you were down in that dungeon out there by Marcellus why didn't you just revert to being the thousand-year-old Klaus Mikaelson seeking vengeance in a terrifying person because of how they're trained and that was the fundamental thing that changed in him you know being there for the birth of Daniel's children there for me what it was like time and then somewhere to think about I had to put how fast so that was some fun Tiger is launching a talk show it's kind of summertime it's summertime it's great over them I suppose as long as it painted as the disastrous champions so you have one of the most disastrous on television history I'm just framing for your name same question is there anything you can tell us about the character that you'll be playing on a brave new world or especially I can tell you this that it's route peace so sometimes it's a smaller part of the episodes but also a lot of the Iliad and yeah and I were doing a lot of visual effects stuff it's like a futuristic sci-fi kind of shows are quite different and very very different kind of character in in terms of how we wound is least in the beginning alone becomes he changes throughout the course of the season and yeah excited to see it because I've been doing a lot of stuff with weeks when you don't get to court to see what the finished products how you like so it'll be maybe a journey for me to be interested in this [Music] actually did [Music] [Music] has told I that was really good favorite books probably the passage by ingesting cronin or the last one [Music] [Applause] I liked it yeah because it was like your kind of it was really different to anything that thought again and it was so patient able every movie so that was kind of fun sort of like when the battery goes off it's not it's not your phone do it ends then that's it next question first of all thank you for the gift of your acting and my question is what do you eat imagine that personalized are doing an afterlife once the 30 likes I feel when a lovely garden fences the actor who plays for this man is much my heart a little smile yeah it undoes all these silly impressions he doesn't I love you for the scenes really like that people's part out how'd you do it they gave us a fake heart and then they covered our hands in blood we'd hold it against the chest and then I I'd let me meet a vegan yeah so they gave you so they gave me I had to take a bite out of the heart it was season five and so they made a vegan comment and they had a friend of me good hearted [Music] [Applause] how did your relationship on the show as brothers affect your relationship back breathing rates patterns forward ruins right - you know the spotlight this morning a bunch of funny yeah it's four seasons the Joshua Tree Friends no return if you can reply if there was easy right there was a meeting beautiful soundtrack to to our friendship will be those place for playing the violins as the Titanic thanks that's what we owe thanks much I loved your sacrifice at the very last citizen to go with Klaus you would do if chosen to stay alive just let go by himself excuse me I got a missing my question to you is if you could have stayed alive would you have chosen that left it let it go by themself nothing wrong you guys if you did could would you play in well I think we've established like we couldn't be playing the stock and I'm going to be playing the elderly Brad Pitt honey Jones and they're telling me they're actually Toledo just playing his father and their God yes which is driving it was so inconsistent like not anything they say the following does it hope or hope for care creating their reason those hope for hope [Applause] this is the strings and how and how I think it is you wouldn't keep it for us both kiss coat on seal team together and he put angel so in front of company because it's probably if I these super poor iana's and once was that the guy who was operating camel and pilot says he he was lining up a shot with David and I and he goes you know so weird it does it's good to be huh just shoot you shoot here like as a soldier another vampire a David Boreanaz cousin and being there done that bought a t-shirt because I don't know Simon manually because the guy was shooting it had filmed David in a Buffy and it also filled me in the originals and I guess I was memorable it's not a competition but that was I wonder I didn't mean to hijack your sort of questions but you know you'd be gonna first test it absolutely Lucy and the second one is Coca Cola for you how do you both feel about those blistering degrees [Applause] my favorite female Ghostbuster actually I've been thinking about that way since I've been on stage and it's a resounding no actually um I would like to do comedy Winterson and there's a I'm talking about for a while trying to um I'm gonna go try and sell this thing that I've been done that I have written that is a common and I have a role in line for Joseph that isn't too dissimilar from this relationship here right now anyway so yes I would love to I would love to work with Joe and but I really hope that the next thing we get to do is the thing I've written and and I'm sure fiduciary for example Joseph Norman you here in the mix my definitely the mix tell three scary Christmas down Ryan Phillippe do you think they're very silly I mean well the thing it was all came up with a with a lot of us he did oh and for Joseph I was there in a panic inspiration for your character did you take anything from films or both or anything like that - because yeah at the beginning from the start and Hannibal Lecter and another thing after me but yeah that was like a stunt I think you hey again two questions one for Joseph and one for name Joseph I have a question so a question is how do you how do you become this powerful character physically and then all of a sudden you want weekly at weekly in real one it's a good question Michael you're a physical strong character in this TV show and then you break down at certain times how do you transition so good like just talent and then your what does it feel like to be the shoulder that everyone [Applause] [Music] would you fear it season two I mean actually like it seemed like for the beginning to end who's sort of moving in the same direction like I liked filming season 3 but we introduced this plenty of vampires and they kind of disappeared halfway through the season yeah so if I might contradict what didn't have as they were driving loved the son of one another or season cruel but that was I didn't love much house about a season so I think probably too with his beats found our voice and it was kind of consistent Oberman it was amazingly detailed honorable in heaven [Music] or whatever like you guys you know what that was end of that story and you know Klaus is in legacies in the hearts and minds and I know there's so much desert [Music] just for the speaker's you're going to say as loudly as you can thank you sorry oh yeah yeah it was weird the time I am I knew that it would be not out what the fact that whole can of worms whatever maybe you're the one who's blamed to I didn't write it and believe me it was actually even more incriminating than a loss that I didn't go down without a fight with that one that was just so I don't know I felt that he was riding a bicycle honest with that I didn't understand like I was what was happening at the time we were kind of intended as anyway because it was absolutely and a minute that there was a little bit of the pants around the narrative we didn't really understand how we were sort of closing it out and I think I wanted to introduce the new show too and it felt sort of like an invasive thing even though I understand why they had I totally get it it just felt intrusive to you know to the to the process which I have no emotional attachments are now I also do it with a comment on this we would an introduction to you know we we adventure they used us for in the vampire episodes across and closer look taking a dip stuff funny funny so my question is who was the last person I was wondering actually person that was just in front of me kinda said the same thing but I know how low you were to everybody in the show and I kind of felt like when he went why I don't know the monster loyal oh boy yeah and I felt like when you were gonna go through the red door there was going to be more of an extreme breakdown with you over Haley and I was wondering if you felt like you gave it your all during that shoot but you felt like you should put more into it I like my breakdown after she died I didn't know I think you are amazing but I just I thought that there was going to be so much more emotion because I felt like your love story with you [Music] any question yeah well he's doing that other thing in heaven with him you watch anything that's my last comments for evidence wait am I gonna get peculiar laughs again dishes funny hello hello of this ever so just a comment and a question for Daniel so this is coming from akela boy who's had multiple trying to figure out I think we have running joke on us so where I just thought it'd be funny to parody a guy who's kind of just a lesser but much creepier agent than James Bond and double annoying and bond Dave Dave bonds then staying calm and I'm just totally really funny to play a really shitty mi5 guy who simply I got sick and cousins I think of James Bond enough to know parity then yeah it would be that that would be magnificent legit enough beating down my door or a buckle five years over the winters then let's have dinner ready with that you're supposed to be played on I'd love to play their role and thank you so much for uh for your immersion in our show that's incredibly touching and I and I hope we entertained you in [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Joelle Modderman
Views: 375,177
Rating: 4.9771385 out of 5
Id: TlprdGV-QlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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