KLZ_Experience - BloodyNightCon 2017 - Best moments

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oh oh la la who's ready for him [Applause] [Music] good evening we're live from Barcelona right breaking news the mayor part liner is currently in a convention center she's a huge fan just a speed about is like everyday when you scream with me my buddies are like yeah it was good number Rebecca is always like my which impression I guess pretty close pretty good give it a little bit is before I came on stage I said it Mada and today I'm going to pretend she's Devine I just yeah make our but you didn't come so I can't do it and I know people say my name is Marta my name is Marta I wanted that specific model unfortunately [Applause] [Music] my name is bottom particular oh yeah the lipstick you God that's right I am my [Music] yeah and if I see you creating a t-shirt that says hashtag villains have more fun I'm gonna be very disappointed that my business it's my visit ladies and gentlemen Charles Michael Damon [Applause] [Music] don't you I just want to use this time to announce I'm coming out with a t-shirt line the slogan is what what's the slogan something about villains check it out is that the shirt you get this on my new Twitter account okay can you do an impression of one of the originals or the members are you like sir because we see like a Salvation hello I'm not the Prince of the quarter friend I'm the king show me some respect you will all fall one by friend one by foe and one by family oh yeah yeah yeah I'll do impression of my favorites he plays what's the house it's like Rebecca [Music] I feel like there's a question coming on I have a question for a justice yes you the odd-looking youngster that I love you very much very big thank you very big inspiration to me I want to ask you a question about tell me what is the young if you could keep call yes you know you see you should have thought about it before you run all the way through that I thought about it I built it after this point I'm nervous it's nervous in this position real I tell how do I know the pressures on now again what do you think Daniel Gillies is doing right now and should we face time in if we do this guy's we're going to pretend we're now I have you still got him as Daniel Vampire Diaries it's been five years really what am I in what am i under uh let me up now I want to know what I'm under when I am the Joseph vampire I think you buy be okay it's ringing he's not going to pick up it's like 4:00 in the morning or something there you're that guy now he's like who's this oh you don't have my number back enough hello hello
Channel: KLZ Events
Views: 571,698
Rating: 4.9865794 out of 5
Keywords: klz events, klz, events, bloodynightcon, convention, europe, actors, Q&A, fun, moments, experience, rebekah, the vampire diaries, the originals, tvd, to, cast, macarena, Michael Malarkey, Joseph Morgan, Charles M. Davis, Riley Voelkel, Matt Davis, Nate buzolic, enzo, marcel, vampire, salvatore, fan, daniel gillies, europa, barcelona, barceló, sants, event, always and forever, por y para siempre
Id: sigr6dqaD-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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