J2 being J2 for 19 minutes straight

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How do you weaken a vampire? Dead man's blood. That is correct. Don't drop that mic. I said they get progressively hard, I said nobody yell at me for them not being hard enough. Couldn't it be sunlight too? Technically, yeah. That's a multi-answer question. Wait a second. But that's not in your power, you can't choose like- POWER OF SUNLIGHT No, but you could drag them out of the- You can break a window and like sunlight bleed them to the- Ask your question again. How do you weaken a vampire? Make sure it's daylight outside, break a window, knock them out, and drag them out into the sunlight. Done. Done. Or dead man's blood. Quit arguing. Okay Jensen, are you ready? No. In Mystery Spot which day of the week did Sam find himself stuck in? Uh, you better know this. The seventh. The ninth day of the week. I'm gonna go with the first thing that came to my mind, which was Wednesday. Who know? Wait nobody shout it out. Go ahead. Tuesday. I was a day off! Okay, I'm gonna do one final- You were six days off! You're stupid. All right, so it's still 2-to-1. It's not 2-to-1, I have two! No, you've only answered one right. Hey. INCORRECT I had- I pulled the- Yeah, you've answered two incorrect! No, I answered the second one correctly. Doesn't count. This question is gonna end it off, so it doesn't matter. 2-to-1, but we're not keeping score. This is the final question, whichever of you answers it first, wins. You lose. Okay. Is there a buzzer or do we just shout it out? You just shout it, well you have a mic, so just say it. Okay. How do you kill Bloody Mary? Say her name three times in the mirror. No, that's how you- That's how you talk to her! And then, you show her, her image in the mirror. Yeah! Uh- Knock Knock. Who's there? Interrupting Sloth. Interrupting Sloth who? How do you, uhm, make holy water? How do you make holy water? (Yeah) Is this a pun joke? Because if it is, I already like it. You boil the HELL out of it. Alright, I got a joke for you. Knock Knock. (Who's there?) Interrupting Sloth. It's a classic. Ok, my question is: Which season was the most funnest to film? Hey. HeY. HEY. Argh-Ah. FUNNEST. That's a great question. (God I love him) Mine... Is... Maybe.. a bit.. more obvious.. UhM.. OtHeR tHaN tHe OnE yOu MeT yOuR WifE iN. If you had to pick a season, other than the one that you met Genevieve in. I like the one where I met my wife. ♬ Season Four ♬ We can make a rap. ♬ Season Four ♬ ♬ Yo ♬ ♬ For sure ♬ ♬ Walk out the door (?) ♬ ♬ You want some more, of season four ♬ ♬ Season Four ♬ ♬ Is the [?] show - the flow ♬ I suck at this. I'm pretty bad. ♬ You want some more ♬ ♬ Dean get on the flow ♬ ♬ You don't even know, uhhh ♬ ♬ I'm the best of the show- ♬ ♬ You don't even knooooOow ♬ ♬ Talk about season fooOouuur ♬ You guys are too good, and I suck & y'all are too good. This time we're just gonna, he and I are just gonna hang up here together, instead of doing the single-single. Don't- don't feel bad if you wanna ask... you know... JUST ME a question, it's fine. Don't feel bad WHEN you don't want to ask just him a question. Guys can we please- Let me ask you a huge favor right now? If no one- Just pretend to like, WANT to hear what he has to say. It'll mean a lot to me. 'Cause I have to go to work with him tomorrow. So you know, he cries, and I get sad.. (Awwwwww) "AWWWWW".. See? He really gets me. He really- He really does. (Hi Jensen and Jared, thanks for being here with us today.) Why "Jensen and Jared"? Why not "Jared and Jensen"? Not funny. Just... rolls off the tongue better. (Exactly.) I'm just kidding. I'm older. (And wiser?) I'm closer to you. I'm bigger than you. So... wiser- Hi. Sorry. You'll have to excuse my friend. (First of all... I love you. So much) You love me, right? (...Yes) (But I love Jensen more.) (I just wanted to know, what your favorite cheesy pick-up line is.) My cheesy pick-up line? I know his cheesy pick-up line. "You ever seen Supernatural?" Mine is.. uh.. "Hey, I lost my number, can I have yours?" Uh my.. I think the greatest cheesy pick-up line.. I've ever used.. is: "Hi, I'm Jared Padalecki." [Ba Dum Tss!] "Where- where.. Where are you going?! Where are you- JARED Pada- Wait, why are you leaving?" "I thought you'd be taller." "YoU cUt YoUr HaiR... iM nOt iNteReStEd." one time I did what my trailer after shooting a few scenes and I was like what in the and there was a picture upside down what do you came back after we worked together for a couple hours you at your trailer you saw that he came back I was like ah damn he found it which was that below your shoulders at one point don't yell at me in front of my friends ah he always tells me it's like staring into the Sun just laugh to the riders thank you very much everything you see something dangling why do you turn around okay and in the afternoon and you know those it was just it was just a well-run production and and it was fun for us because I'll say that they you know it was fun watching them he's so excited about what they were doing in that regard that's what happens to I think Dean and Sam would have a little bit of love for EM rolled by morning it's kind of about being on the road this isn't Jared's shush shush Samedi Sam is badass on the road again I don't think there's no today Oh you know it would normally take us about six months to shoot our season that's what happens when you give a guy nine hours to fight singing that we're going to do anything but fights and stunts today and it's gonna be all you you have no stunt double go don't forget I am you know that's not a knife this is no way to be fair that was not my fault I wasn't holding the knife no but you decided to be it look it was like this this would be this would be I did what is you know Jensen's rotund like this because that's really bad so I had to kind of like really I had to set my feet and instead of that I mean I felt it like I felt it nice it's just in there like it's in there a good like half inch this is a real steel blade and I'm like and I'm sitting there and I'm still is he gonna stop you see because I'm pretty sure yeah and something I spin this lady was just like I think I think I've been stabbed you can stop but I was like you know and they call come in I'm basically holding about I can feel this place in my leg like right above my name yeah and then they go cut and immediately I was just goes oh I felt that went down and I there's already blood spreading dirty oil they known as gems yeah it gone through my pants through my skin luckily my knee had stopped it did you call it your bone tell us things that just been to for to that episode and I guess it's not my fault this year I'll say this it's times like this that make me realize how awkward it must be for like the doctor convention on the other side the hotel to walk past these doors each other and inaccurate so I'm talking to the face I'm chair of the leg in question right now someone just threw the hero people J'son in this basically
Channel: stxnningstxn
Views: 1,459,141
Rating: 4.9822149 out of 5
Keywords: J2, Padackles, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, SPN, Supernatural, Supernatural Conventions, SPN Con, Jared and Jensen, Jensen and Jared, J2 being J2, J2 being dorks, Jared and Jensen being dorks, Jared and Jensen being J2, tinhat, Supernatural Season 15, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam and Dean
Id: s9b1pMPIflg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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