Bloody Night Con 7 Saturday

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[Music] our afternoons together [Music] my best friend [Music] why did you take away from us [Music] I'm sorry I knew it was gonna finish sometime but we spoke there would be a little bit more I mean it was only eight seasons just one more season maybe - was it that much to ask me afternoon when I saw heaven I would be in such a happy place I really don't know how I'm gonna live without them [Music] [Music] there's been a problem with the music I see but hey everybody how are you I mean the show might be dead but which is you're gonna meet here at this conventions right yes for swimming we're still gonna keep the show lion with me yes with bloody night the show will not die yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay we can do we got me buddy not and it didn't we stayin alive if you let me up every night and I think a lot I love [Applause] oh yeah [Music] now it's alright it's okay the shower [Music] where's Jeff [Music] I'm moving [Music] bang welcome to the seventh edition of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get ready to leave you came to the events experience for over century I have lived in secret until now [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] are we ready let's welcome on stage John MacArthur michael davies michael malarkey my tennis never was on it I'm John Junger [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there we go his rather a lot of you have a message from Ian Somerhalder Lucien but his loss is my gain [Music] thank you for having us we did prepare a dance routine to that music I got too nervous just I can't do it guys I forgot how funny you are bro I always say you're the funniest on set and people don't believe me I know and now I'm paid you continuous both what how you guys doing all the way at the back for those of you who have bad eyesight we are real this is us I have hired actors that look similar to Matt Davis joseph Morgan and Michael belonging try to stoop a few people at the back I think it's them so guys from our side and I came from the side of all of you here now in the in this room um thank you for coming by Joseph thank you so much [Applause] Oh I never know what to do what am i doing thank you so should we start with the first first panel Joseph I'm staying with you the rest thank you we'll see you around [Applause] old so quickly a courtesan we seen the line of people relax your hands hi yourself hi hi I'm Anna I'm from Barcelona I made this question and the last year Kareem I decide this question I made this question last year to Charles and Daniel and now I want to know your opinion and run in fact tomorrow when Tom's coming you can't talk about with him other person what's the question son excited yeah very sorry what is the universe yeah yeah I'm sorry I'm ready do you make me a little nervous what is it like to be really attractive [Applause] [Laughter] if you if you see me in the morning like today I'm quite Jedi at 4 a.m. when I can't get back to sleep and I'm trying to find my way to you know to the bathroom and I look up in the mirror oh I'll make it stop no I I I think that's you know that's a point of view would be you know attractive is um every everybody finds something different attractive I think so I don't know I think I'll get axed there you know I don't know how to answer that you know there are things there are things that that I find beautiful in the world that other people don't and so I'm you know on the show they make everybody look attractive because they have beautiful lighting and they have a team of hair and makeup and they have visual effects to smooth our skin out after you know so like really it's it's it's smoke endurance you know happy in solution but but thank you for welcome and Ally awkward question thank you [Music] Oh she said what do I think about Ian's becoming a father I think it's great you know I think you'd make a great father I love the generous human being and I think they're making one the father please acquire that's okay well thank you so much kiss one um you could have asked any question of us chose ours excellent it's good the world needs to know I think I'm making fun of your question whatever would I do so tough woman I probably married Charles because he's very tidy it's a very tidy dressing and he's very charming and you know very clean and then probably I don't have to kill one of them oh man I don't know you can't you can't ask me which one of my friends I'm a kid probably gillies [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] thank you I love you thank you hi the show that will be the you know if we do a convention that will be the scene when you play on the on the screen you know so I probably myself there if any of us access anymore I think I avoided that one successfully than they thank you you're welcome thank you hello Joseph I'm Elena and not be aware they wish okay here goes how is it working with special effects like when you do like this and you push some want someone to like the end of the room oh yeah okay so it kind of takes a lot of time you know so like some things we have a wire you know and we'll jump down from a balcony or something and you're on a wire so for me I like to do basically anything that's kind of cool and fun I like to do myself and anything looks like Klaus being thrown into a bookcase or something I let my stuntman so that's a scoot Jeremy he's really nice he's been my stuntman since the beginning I say this is you Jeremy like house being thrown through a staircase Europe Jeremy pretty cool in like the program and everything but then I don't know any point show yeah because so like let me give you an example you know the characters can move very fast on one side of a space to another so in reality what we what happens is we play the scene and then someone who is behind camera says to everyone freeze and all the actors freeze and then they say family and then the character who moves fast like say it's me does something like this and then they go action and everyone over here goes like on now he's over that you know and then what they do is they speed it up in in post-production for a little bit they try to change the way that we did it and they tried to make us all walk like this for some reason because the legs look funny when they sped it up but that didn't last long because we all would laugh too much in me and kitties thought it was ridiculous you know it's like a bride looking down yard so they stopped doing that after a while anything that makes us laugh too much they like bait they have enough after a while it's not worth it it's taking too much time so much yo Lagonda la manera como para maana zestiness de tiene que corren muy rapido peter von der Hoff Eleazar finish de les be done especially tomorrow for sure on yo you got you the Wando indiana mentation you wanna do the walk again when I say it's in Spanish no no para que tenia que corren rapido Thea para todo se que la Concha lado y el Coria asado y despues del Maria's Meniere's Paulo de los padres Arizer los vecinos corvo's pero que no son janaba exactamente nice which is my favorite scene to perform in the whole series in the series I think I said that I mean I can tell you again I tell you a different scene that was my favorite I into my question oh yeah okay so one more scene that I really loved was in the in the end of season 3 when they do the trial of Klaus Mikaelson and basically they all put their case against me and then I have a long long speech basically the scene where it's just me talking for a long time is what I'm saying when everybody else shuts out finally and they just let me talk for like two minutes no but that scene was very fun because it was like a lot of levels in the speech and Charles just had to sit down and listen the whole time so he learnt a lot he said he wouldn't admit that but he did he's always taking notes tell him gettin oprah couches come on Sylvester hey Brenda San Fernando de parada de un gran Pilar mar-a-lago del que le gustan tourist oh no logos pero que esto porque ria muchos camis and Pfister I get those yes hi I wanna ask you what do you think about German after they love letter and if you will like the possibility of flowers and Caroline being together um the Noblet you mean the end of the finale or Vampire Diaries you think that was a love letter but the final takes Henderson with however love not to where he takes her three million dollars a lot of connotations could be made about that I don't think they should just be together because it's boring like what there's no drama they should always be conflict you know so the reason why in Vampire Diaries Season one was so successful I think is because Elena and Damon couldn't be together but everybody kind of wanted them to be together right so I think if you start season five of the originals and and Caroline comes and they're just together where's the drama and all there should be wrong I just I want that to be ah whatever happens if she comes if she doesn't come there needs to be conflict and drama so I don't know if it will happen but if it does it should be she should be really angry with him or he should be with her something should happen so that the scenes have some fire okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jenna and Alaric felt natural season 2 came along knowledge I was Connie hey Alaric and and Jenna getting it out and that felt the fuel has organic is a fellow with Jodi so we spent all the season six developing that relationship with Jodi and so I you know obviously wanted to get married to her so I think I follow the stronger emotional connection to the Joey character thanks I love you thank you look to KCC bubier guess whatever I say Ksenia con Jolie poor get a soon from the show yes I would play Elijah I like Elijah's since he's got good suits [Music] hi and my question is um how do you feel you know like transforming you know like seeing Alaric just for me you know Oh throughout the whole show yeah I love I love seeing his progression I became a became hard over time though because his a large life is actually very hard it's very difficult you know and so he it's a difficult character play over over time I wish it would have gone a bit of a different direction towards the end of the show but you know he survived and he saved his kids so it was it was a long journey for a large another quick question I think was one of them women Tara said okay I was calm as day after day like the odometer at the Dollar City to suburbia Guanacaste Costa Papa muscular part the final on to the next part okay in the custom of mass nothing - issue what's the repression what was the most difficult in the scene for you to feel the most difficult scene for me was the last scene of season 3 when Lara dies in Daviess there's an accident there the Crypt and he walks out he sees all of his friends out there waiting for so that was the hardest thing for me to shoot no agonizing everybody shout slowly onset you know occupant it's so what if it's the middle of the night that's very nice topper with a sunburn you later right just saying they did clap for him just saying it's more just okay Joseph you tell me okay [Laughter] pretty good it's like a Robin Williams in the bird and he's on point and you've seen it more than I have every moment every time he does it sends shivers up my spine I really don't know absolutely no I had I don't have any new any impressions of fellow castmates but I really enjoyed that thank you something I'm going to take home with me wait a second what about the time you hit the one of the crew members cars who was the biggest guy on set almost no a funny thing was fun for me again so Joseph one morning accidentally hit this gentleman's car there works in our crew but so we worked a really hard week I was really tired so I I drove all the way to the host park where we shoot and I I was talking you know on Bluetooth to my friend in the UK same time and I stopped the car and I thought I put it in reverse obviously I didn't learn it's going to drive and so we were both static and I just went into it very you know seriously dented the car and this guy got out he was like this he was mouthing off yeah and I was like hey I'm so sorry I have insurance I'm sorry yeah it was kind of terrifying and then it took ages because I had to be on the phone to insure and so and he was kind of okay about it but he was the biggest guy on set he's the biggest human I've ever seen in my life and the whole whole day they was winding me up like it's going to be a fighter yeah I was like hey gyros I just went up to him and I said you're not scared of him in any way so he's really angry about that and he wants to flight you up to work now he wants to prove a point so big that was a fun day for me my best day he's gone here Oh Daniel Gillies now Daniel Gillies actually tell Joseph that I love Daniel Gillies him and also thank you for its area to be well done the autographs thank you for the talk enntv wasn't the answer the chocolate was great I got give us a chocolate so I shared the chocolate with you you could use it have you ever confused with your real life with fiction have I ever confused have you ever confused your real life with fiction yes yes once I was working on supernatural another TV show yeah has anyone ever heard of it and I was doing a scene with the two main actors from Supernatural Jensen and Jerry Wright yes but the problem is I used to watch the show so the first time that I did a scene with them it was very very bizarre because I didn't know if it was real or if I jumped into the twilight zone and I was like wait am i acting or has this become real because I used to watch the show so much so there was a split second where I was like oh no you gotta act this is not real okay yeah and I go back into the sink but it was kind of really strange it'd be like you coming on our set and you have to be somewhat of a sudden were acting like vampires you'd be like whoa what's going on thank you we love you thank you I'm going to say that because there's some people asking for translations liminality on philosophy on yoga teachers and a supernatural yo and os2 Wolle Syria to us tena koe hospitable estas y cuando se encontró dentro de la Stella todo momento Rezende por que vivió Dante la serie kami servicios naga bandhana say generally rostock todo esto que esta pasando question I need for Nuria and we met Theodorus yes you're gonna ask me about my experience in a row do you know how I knew that sorry do you know how I knew that no I'm a vampire I could read your by us yes so yeah so in November of last year does anyone follow me on Instagram here's a more important question we doesn't follow me on Instagram oh okay constructive criticism what's wrong with it not enough selfies so I went to Iraq for some of you who saw last year I was really really affected by the crisis that's happening in our world right now with refugees and I remember seeing the video of the young boy of mine who was from Aleppo had just been at an air strike and he was sitting in the back of an ambulance completely covered in blood confused dazed I think the thing that that broke my heart most was you saw the innocence of this child so corrupted you know he had blood on his hand and he put his hand on the seat for a moment and then he felt bad for putting blood on a seat and I felt bad that our society our world has allowed something like that to happen and it broke my heart and I remember being in my apartment in Los Angeles and crying and thinking what can I do for this situation you know so I prayed about it a lot you know and I said to God I really really want to get involved and I need your help to help me and I remember it was kind of fascinating because I prayed about finding an organization that helps the people in Syria and Aleppo and in Iraq and within an hour I can across an organization called pre-emptive love which is absolutely incredible if you don't follow pre-emptive love on Instagram I would really urge you to do that today it's really simple it's a pre-emptive love do you want to translate oh yeah I'm leaning see you bye I was good it's so cool what do you think guys it's cool okay then I'm leaving see you bye no no that's the script someone got sad I thought I was being real good actor no my children all right are we going again yeah we're going to record it now so nervous I can do this gosh oh my gosh you just maybe later in my lives okay here we go again combat who do you want to fool I'm gonna save it to this mic here it's like so good bye here we go Jessie Garon oh gosh - I'm fine do getting that you're a fool no really I am practically fine have you seen the mirror Little India butcha oh okay baby see ha I am so bad how do I do this for a living it's much easier as Kol Mikaelson I promise you but now we're going to listen to it come on Thomas I don't want to watch I'm sure she got it fine come on man - food yeah sure have you seen the me up not really I'm petrified come on spit it out the healer and client okay then I'm leaving see bye and that was the last day that your facility ever acted career finished thank you for that thank you be Oh guys have I got any more time or am I out of time I got four more minutes I got a couple more minutes got 10 more minutes let's get more questions thank you David and thank you for doing my voice so much better than I do I don't Michael Cimino here everyone else that ah if Daniel camber was here right now ah thank you guys yes yes question hi Hey cheeseburger I'm gonna deal with it so my question is these girls have to choose between the and his brothers what will she choose my let me say this let me say this have you ever seen coal kiss Elijah have you ever seen call kiss Klaus that could happen today [Applause] could you imagine how uncomfortable Joseph would get this way - do we have a QA if you have to do the first question should be this would Klaus kiss : and I'll be real seriously let's just see how Jason feels about it it's a good question um no I choose to be every single time every time hi always and forever with Davina no worries the Venus never target me can you play keys Maryann key with Daniel Joseph Antos Daniel Josefa Charles okay I would I'd married Joseph he seems the most committed I'd kiss gillies sorry Charles I have to look after my family do not share that with anybody at a context that is very strange okay thank you someone thank you have you guys had a good day today yes so guys I just want to say one more thing while we're going through this if you see anybody today that's sitting by themselves so they're alone or they don't have anyone to hang out with please go up to them and introduce them into your group and let them be involved in whatever you're doing I'm not going to be here tomorrow but I would love you guys to show as much love as to other people this place as you possibly can can you do that for me also I'm a straight man second party ah it's been again it's been again yes possesses many actors of the originals who would it be if I could revive what do you mean like bring back to life resurrect ah I'll probably fit the isn't it Davina oh yeah that one yeah see if I brought to Lena back in life I can make out with Davina that makes a lot of sense no speech and turski ten nos Dejan no but I was a returned understand how do you say no speech a Spanish okay how do you say this in Italian no speech a watch it watch first what's the context trusting trusting moves on I suppose let's say push it back pushing I seen one particular see gopis Acharya Seco Vista Korea seek investing career no speech a dossier co-pastor area does if you try to do the story in season three of originals episode 14 possibly there was a love scene between Cole and Davina remember when she takes his top off the back everything's got a kissy Kissy what you didn't see was this the sink continued animated on air but what happened was cold picks up Davina the prostate no thrusting the speech a teaching because I realize but in the love baking on my hips are moving and I forgot I'm an actor I was playing a character who's making love to his girlfriend unfortunately it was too sexy and they didn't put it on the show so you've never got to see the does feature no seeing one physically no see go see about a baby MA so yes there's a new rule the rustic and I made that rule by photo-ops where people come up and I say that big - big dice - I started off no thrusting Spain okay next question question and first of all can you please say hello to my friend Marta because she wasn't able to go today where's Marta she wasn't able to go to the why I don't know like I'm the one explained here are you recording this yes good Marta who's recording this Marta I just want to say hello I'm disappointed you an idea the funny thing is is before I came on stage I said if Marta is here today I'm going to pretend she's Devine I just yeah way over there but you didn't come so I can't do it and I know people say my name is Marta my name is Marta I wanted that specific model so unfortunately [Applause] [Applause] so so far get everybody it's time it's time here we go away Shh how can we get how quiet can we get let's play sleeping lines nobody moves around tickling you have to sleep Oh questions Oh Ellen especially do is get a brother get up really quiet so you could say something really powerful about the pressure zone I love this gun not a noise not a noise speak would you take a picture you I'm just trying to think which one of my catchphrases and let's be honest they are countries it's great countries that's maybe something like that in guys you're gay we here we go thank you perfect [Laughter] my question is would Klaus kiss I love you guys five because you never know what's going to happen that loves all the moms are level yeah the lipstick is on that's right I am [Laughter] would you accept a high hug I need her to be happy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today I think nobody was recording that Oh God in a sea of farms oh gosh all right get out of here next question hello yes I have a question for you okay do you like the arena football do I'd like to be enough Ricola nothing I think he needs someone more mischievous and that would complain to his bad side she she she made into honest and honorable in life I feel like you know speaking this class I feel like what someone who kind of like gets him girly boys a little more crazy plays into that side a little like Sheriff Forbes I got some bad news feed and then Melania ah spoiler alert I'm so sorry to break this to you may be mad awkward with our luck we ho did you yeah whoops yeah too soon too soon next time we should act like our characters nice friends like somebody once again doing that it's wise not Balu next what my question is we talk to actress of The Vampire Diaries would you like him or her to be in the regionals it doesn't matter if it's dead or alive we like to greet the vampire to the idols I feel like this is a loaded question that there's an answer that I'm supposed to say I feel like that like you're being kind of that to the work simply track in truck and kind of feel doesn't matter if they're dead yes then definitely sheriffing yeah sure and sheriff fools that's what's up welcome next question hi um can you dance the Macarena absolutely not do you think your character will end up with or do you think you will end up there because you have all the possibility to that in the intervenors I mean he's probably wind up that easily I mean it invites trouble every every time you know I don't know I don't know I like to think that there's a happy ending there for Klaus but I don't think it's with hope oh yeah definitely definitely I think she set the tone with hope I thought she's at gold Wow listen mate it's not going to end well for Carl Oh tell you that yeah I mean I've been talking to producers have you pushing say this a revival do something about Nathaniel yeah do something it's him or me and they find me soon look out good news for you yeah Jimmy Smits is actually playing Klaus in season 5 straight skirt lavatory comes up next question you have a trafficking we are crazy Edward day and our question is that do you follow this high in your free time do you watch it the originals yes yes I have to because I need it to see like if I need to you know it's how you can see like oh I wasn't really doing what I thought I was doing now or you know it helps to improve to watch it and then also I like it I think you know I want to support the show and so yeah yeah I do yeah I watch every episode okay thank you Joe thanks mister hi there well my sister is pregnant and see wasn't me in this room and I would like to know I wasn't here musladin' April next year my niece will be able to meet you cute what if she wants to meet her daddy I guess that's appropriate that's inappropriate that's in a sentence be honest maybe I don't know what we have to see if we invited yeah sir thank you thank you I emptied it's a girl it's gonna be a girl yes Natalia is a beautiful name Josh Josephine thanks question related question hi I am I was Carter in general you would like to play you have not played yet do you understand the question yeah I would like to play a cop who was also a vampire Wow and he had a partner it was a cop who's also a vampire let me ask you guys something do you like vampires do you like shows you're going to bloody love vamp cops vampires okay so here it is two vampires there coughs coughs that's as far as we've got yeah no no we have yeah well mom there's a cane going rule it and it's not dogs it's not men with dogs its walls so the men are the dogs genius their work I love it exciting they like it ah some cops canine unit this ain't no stakeout we have anything else yeah we're talking to Jimmy Smits later chief yeah Jimmy Smits we also have bank accounts with the bank of Transylvania very good I actually went to Romania and there is a make of Transylvania [Applause] the police they're here and when I went past the Bank of Transylvania I was so tempted to open a bank account so when I was in Los Angeles I got I'll pay with my up with this car Thanks Transylvania they want to suck your blood I want to make a withdrawal before vanishing at least at the photo I know I know a missed opportunity I'm going back that would have been Instagram gold yeah is it worth going back just for the photo I say I say we leave now let's go yeah what else we gonna fight up next nurse thank you thank you did you see what she said [Laughter] hello my name is Maria first of all thank you for being here my city Barcelona thank you by the way congratulation beautiful you've done an amazing job I mean ready my question is for for Nate's ah sorry Joseph so now is for Nate I was an addition in life service hello ok so one of my biggest hobbies is in passions I would say is photography yes so since when you love photography and what brings you photography in your life well that's two questions really good oh yes yes okay so the first thing I love photography because I travel a lot but I'm so often by myself so when I was yeah so when I was traveling by myself I'd always a little bit lonely nobody had much purpose but my travel buddy I always feel like I have something with me or something to do so it always inspired me to wake up go and take photos and I guess the more I took photos the more I realized that photography's tell such great stories so when I take photos I like to share a story it's interesting to see that you could share the same photo with seven different people and seven different people have seven different messages from that photo so I think it just has such power to share so I love photography now and I want to share as many stories as I can you know his photos are actually annoyingly good [Music] really okay thank you you're not the good cop in the back so I'm going to come back over the black cup I'm the good cop that's not why what city do you own because we just spoke to the mayor of Barcelona we don't want to downgrade from that you're from Catalonia continue lady we love you so much and we have the finest moment you have together offer both of us funniest moment we had this moment right now this is you can watch it on TV right now on my mine going on live less free were lined up away my hey wait live in Barcelona and I'm good evening we're live from Barcelona Clinic breaking news the mayor of Barcelona is currently the convention center she's a huge fan of the vampire those Stella - roof and you know she's worth 1 or 2 of the originals fixes all right theses are acts good loves photography yep thanks Kristine okay okay Chris I said about this question hi I'm Laura and the question is will use it what is here so that works just relax for a second yeah I'll take a break yes why did you stop doing a video on moisture like you stop ladies Oh the promotional videos well for two reasons one is because I finish it another two reason just let me go let me know when you're finished good one is because this time for the first time while the show was airing we were not shooting the show so I was not with the other cast and I was not in the costume and everything to do the promotional videos and then secondly is because I wanted to have more of a break from social media you know to give myself a bit of distance because sometimes you guys know it's I'm the same as well it can get a little crazy when you're just all your head is in your phone I feel like there's a question coming on from a very excited young man in the audience excuse me excuse me I have a question ladies and gentlemen I have a question for that Joseph please yes you the odd-looking youngster that I love you very much very polite inspiration to me I want to ask the question about them what is the if you could kiss I have a question for you yes hey you know you should've thought about it before you read all the way around you built it up to this point I'm nervous it's nervous in this position I know the pressures on now again what do you think Daniel Gillies is doing right now and should we FaceTime him I mean I don't on my phone because I'm a professional I do [Applause] if we do this guy's we're gonna pretend we're a naive you still gotta miss Daniel Vampire Diaries it's been five years really where my what am i under let me up now know what I want if I have the Joseph um but I think you might be okay it's ringing if Daniel Gillies picks this up he's not gonna come it's like 4:00 in the morning you got that guy now it's like who's this oh you don't have my number [Music] unavailable so and we're trying 10 points for trying we try some for you nice yes what are the 20 most useful things you've learned for me over the last break me oh wow no let's go let's go to these guys questions okay you can tell me later in the form of an email yes question me so we did because you know that I love you more than you know more pissed she loves me more than I love waffles I love waffles I'm a waffle for breakfast every morning ah good is your question no just a statement love that question love that maybe it was a question I will always love you more than I love you look awful so you're far away look at the same as ever see Agra has the corner yeah sure it should join me to take this question I don't know any other you say is he [Laughter] if Cole's got come backing this is this season I didn't season I think I understand what you said if God's going back next next I've comes to me what he says is it is called gonna come back next season I'm gonna try my hardest to make sure it doesn't happen anything back into my name is a Brazilian yeah yeah we'll see who wants to say call back next season I would say that's at least a culture of them that's a corner of the room that's enough what it for flooding for excuse me yester it's time oh I'd stay this time oh I will until it's my last episode not getting you okay I want cake next question question Josef Gustav I liked the way of being a father you know he's some of it he's very protective and I like that but I'm not sure why he's the best influence for her so yeah he has his moments but not all of it thank you I can't believe Daniel Gillies was sleeping [Laughter] hello she said can you say hello to my phone because she's claiming she's loved you she loved you we were you meant she's shy okay is it true you love me ready really pretty much thank you don't tag that one by the way you're not crying are you cry or me for you Nate you cry for me always good could you do me a favor of course next time you cry collect those tears and then offer to them to me as a gift you come here yes you can eat quickly quick quick quick quick look I want to give you hope because you love me so much I want to cry thank you thank you don't cry why you don't know is it was surreptitiously collecting her tears right there yes but he's a peddler of Tears every witch knows that three tears could make some great he has power of you though yes he's got your tears yes do you have a question if you ever have the vision of what was it there like the two ones that are big hearted most the two deaths be the most yeah think about it I think I mean they've all been graded probably one time it was that time I killed cold well as I was dying him he stepped on my foot ah so does that and then when I when I drowned man Lockwood Oh in the fountain - sir I was wearing a really nice suit and I got water all over it - sir it was wet for about 20 or 30 minutes and it was like it got a little uncomfortable it kind of rubbed in places yeah so that hurt as well yeah and you know what I think she tried to apologize in her own way because I remember when she was floating she was like yeah there was an apology there forget it your suit wet gosh next question thank you there are no next questions so I'm very sorry but we have to finish the panel here thank you very much thank you we just we just I know next question [Applause] when Daniel Gillies gets back to me I'll say you say hello [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jesica K
Views: 181,045
Rating: 4.9672308 out of 5
Keywords: BloodyNight Con 7, BloodyNight, BloodyNightCon, TheOriginals, Nathaniel Buzolic, Joseph Morgan, Vampire Diaries, Matt Davis, Michael Malarkey, Bloody Night Con, Bloody Night Con 7, The Originlas, KLZ, KLZ Events, Funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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