2019 TVDNJ Ian Somerhalder & Paul Wesley Gold Panel 1/3

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] this morning in life man [Music] all right it's up dude see man see this guy so obviously this is not about all I think what you mean is citizen about us Brandon questions about conversation problem soliloquy I wouldn't say there was conversation without soliloquy usually that's just [Laughter] this do tonight it's almost [Applause] [Laughter] because I feel great what is this what is this costume Haley oh god it okay oh it's just baby [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] I see just so you know a crying inside and may look like I'm crying outside once every 11 years this is like just one close yesterday watching cousin Horace oh yeah and I was literally and I was sniffling something on the plane maybe sneeze oh okay you're one gentle kind soul I am crying keywords cuz you're not if you love you guys how does this work you guys want to ask me questions tell us about your latest project hi oh you remember dinner oh you literally why don't you take the microphone over here girl I know why would you stop we're going to ask you answer but that is true and that is a lots of artists hand out the local art I'm pretty sure [Music] [Laughter] you know we have karaoke together there we did take geography either in Poland it was unbelievable I had the most insane seems like it's like you eat like a tractor-trailer it's amazing no but in life I really could [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] people always said food you compel and that is would be the superpower I think that we would all use I mean I would literally go to Washington DC like that's what I would use that power I mean can you imagine if you could walk in to the United States Congress to Parliament the US China India Russia have the ability to change the Overland stage for the next generations that's No thank you why what's going on I would win another character in the show oh no I wouldn't I honestly you know maybe I would that that dancing scene Kayla that one now at first that was very fun day so maybe that became up during that day aren't even that day I'll never forget this as long as I live like he's killing would like a dear sister of ours who by the way it's amazing she was also one of my favorite actresses but she ones that I know when you're on a TV show then you realize like this character this person was actor it's an asset to this show when his series why are we killing and he was written that way from the beginning I mean that's the thing with a show like Vampire Diaries or like a lost you know the characters live on the presence by the killing I was the pretty white boy I was prettiest just called himself pretty but that character I don't mean this in any lady she's sort of giving his actors and so kind of crude she's so in character so awesome but she is kaylee old and her underwear running around this house and you know the crew has to be respectful these are all a lot of them like young guys go see Jerusalem over life happily married man with kids and she hey what's up hi
Channel: Joelle Modderman
Views: 198,256
Rating: 4.9750538 out of 5
Id: tH_ZaRkhwBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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