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hi my name is Daniel Gillies I play Klaus Mikaelson on the originals Living Hope is a new show with NBC it's a medical drama with a mystical element to it it goes we have why don't understand what makes it different ghosts people should tune into saving hope because it's a heartbreaker it really is a life story hey let me finish I was kind of get to the love story geez it's a people should tune into saving Hope because it's a beautiful love story and it asks real questions and it'll break your heart working on the originals as well right so do you ever forget which character you're supposed to be on what day wait which what am I talking about here is a my Elijah right now yes I I don't some days he comes in very Vampirella it's a lesson stop wait listen you're not a vampire I love that image of her just completely analogic ah - Mike just listen we could go through the motions of me telling you about how Daniels the biggest prankster and how one time the prank went too far and he ended up scratching my car and then he had faith we've all heard that story won't we won't do yeah he came in really shamefully it's like and I didn't the shame and then he was ashamed it was probably he's probably the biggest prankster just use Instagram as a tool to mock and humiliate him but I wouldn't say that's practice you know the Lord Alloa so joke's on him yeah come on Persians in the room 3 3 give any advice or is there really no way to prepare someone no why Jerry definitely got pop dysfunction yeah you can't really describe it you have to you know I gotta go he said virgin let's just understand they're like polio socks and I'm very excited for it we actually had a girlfriend we had a camera test yes today yesterday yeah and we were in the same trailer oh yeah they get they put in the same trailer he's over here very much does that you try so many things just a little bit awkward I don't always good you know and so much the second I'm worried about my strong chefs mm-hmm but no we really want to work together yes we waited like eight episodes started saying together and then then I never did I just wanna know do you think he's beautiful on the screen what would you do if this was your last day [Music] well I think we switch it switch it up for once I'd finally be on top you if you would finally get your moment yes by the way he has beautiful fingernails I want to I want to point out can you see me even post fingernails are beautiful he is a wonderful penis dangdut okay Poland Ellie onion Laura men pray Pola response okay Daniel ah una cosa Melissa it's true it is beautiful it's beautiful [Music] I'd want to play Alijah concern so stupid I would love to play Shahir cuz I'd love to know what goes on in that labyrinth of a mind of his I got to just know it only for a minute it would be like an acid trip or dog chasing its own tail around the circle I need to know which one it is what about you I would like to play Joel for the accent challenge and all the naughty bits yeah I guess yes he's so doing I'd like to play Erika's character and have two babes fighting over me right all actors do that because they ask you can you can you horse ride can use hula-hoop and you say yes to everything even if you can't do you mean are you Chinese yes um yeah yes I'm sure I'll be are you black I'm obviously black oh yeah I think you can Jackman and then wouldn't you check Minnillo you make it where ever you know live just a news page as New York in 2000 where I was just trying to sleep with every bartender in Manhattan um female you know so if I do anything well I'm just pleased you know because I think of my career is just a series of fuck-ups Daniel that kiss at the end of episode two very prince charming of you and slightly sort of necrophilia is one of the most peculiar things to was that we they ended up like sort of having me kiss a lens and sort of pull away from me even the lamp was telling me was a terrible kisser so I just lost a group of fans who decided to get into a car and chase us at high speed down the freeways of um of some Paula and that was that was nutty and no and so I got our driver started swerving and I said I was we were saying to the driver it's not worth it can we not please please please don't do this this is not the Bourne Identity and I don't need you to I don't need you to do this I'm not mad Damon please like just just makes make certain that I get to the hotel in one piece and I respond to it by saying I said that would be convenient for everybody concerned but you're gonna be sexually attracted to fruits or rather change gender and exactly sneeze every day every day I wanna sleep for different reason I see dark chocolate like really good time I said Belgium basically I'm sticking the whole time you know there's a lot of things amiss and I thoroughly enjoy their new station what is confusing it's very confusing to me when people say place you placing legs something bad I'm thinking I just had like it a minute you're walking you know why are you sorry for me I put a nice things I should say I'm sorry to you you just had my seat so first of all I can take the sneezing option also for the problem of me gonna be a bit of a try noise because if why you came a woman every time I sneeze I would just play [Music] my favorite build my real life well it'd be creepy if I said there's kind of hard I mention each other you make me look bad guys any questions so many of the Costas eaters like Erica congratulations you're expecting a baby yes well that's what was gone how are you feeling going well I yeah I'm feeling really well the first the first bit was rough but I'm feeling great you'd have to ask the guys to see if I'm actually doing well he was doing very well very very well well he's a monster what was your dream job when you were kids speed round first thing that comes to your mind NBA player deep-sea diver mermaid Wow Fryman hooker I mean Teresa Peters absolutely must know do you like unicorn yes how much do you like unicorns well I think that my last exclamation explain seems like a really close friendship which I'm sure doesn't always happen on a film set so what do you think you guys bonded cocaine we did we both did a lot of cocaine together ed system but it's not his a bit much better than mine and we just just it was a natural sort of ascension to a relationship we just we both really enjoy mountains and mountains of snow white blow know he's just such a good guy I just I just love Joseph I think he's very very funny and he's only gotten funnier I don't know it's it's it's weird that the here he's gotten a more arrogant and everything it's like he's gotten funnier which is weird that I'm paying him a compliment here but it's he's actually yeah as he's become more obnoxious his sense of humor sort of mean right now I'm wearing a suit underneath this oh I just had it tailored this morning that's why I look overweight not because I gained any balance but look I love wearing those suits in the show too I actually find it incredibly gratifying to be able to wear the Wardrobe that I do I mean Elijah's a Halloween costume means he's awesome but how does it feel to not be I'm looking forward to the suits again to be honest look at me I'm a mess away baby number two that's so exciting yeah oh my goodness he's just sweet I got this chubby little Buddha who loves to snuggle he's the best it's not my kid but I mean um but I'm just saying it's so by the numbers and nothing could be more of a of an erection killer than the cameras around you and kind of you know that sentence it was a terrible why did I deal with it in their own way so um it's I think it's gonna be um there's gonna be kind of less no it's good I'm this is this is just a wish out of the pea ball again what I wouldn't this is a woman I suspect that um hard when you're talking isn't it when I sat next to someone thinking about like I could do this badly this is that isn't it that's not what I was thinking I was thinking I should jump into some brother doesn't have any idea about how to help him it was watching somebody's drowning and you can't swim here I am I'm in the water to build around it sharks okay okay okay so it's a period Oh nurturing and I think you know and and also sort of preparing to strike you know and and retaliate and I think I imagine that this sort of the edict that a light is laid down in a way towards his brother but both of your characters are so loveable so how do we choose which one to dislike what is just a magician tonight you actually do it every morning yes every moment yeah I choose me I guess you directed episode for this you enjoy it I enjoyed it yeah I enjoyed it very much it's uh nobody else did nobody else applause that's not the purpose of it enjoyed it I mean it was I enjoyed it very much it was very pleasurable Michael is a great talent he is like Stanley Kubrick he had a quasi friend I suppose a decent decent enough friend with his wife and from weather with a sort of a burgeoning perhaps something happening there nobody really knows yeah I I didn't envy you is what I'm trying to say I was happy to pass her off it was good yes I feel we're done times a center or like bleeding HEC lunch just to get out again Russian mail-order brides okay you can't say that - okay Klaus finally like made this great sacrifice for siblings in the finale but right right just so selfless people saying yeah you'll see I feel like I'm in somebody's never-ending sexual fantasy but but but it's but right now I'm not talk about yours I'm saying it I'm saying the creator's cheese thank you thank you so much weirdest materialise we are word from our sponsor um and anyway uh I do love like her prefer Coke Zero oh and we're and we're in coke country now I feel like CW foo like a low-level Apache helicopter or something over Australian just with one of those giant claw and one of those giant falls a claw that I'm making up in my mind no one you might operate with a computer game to get a teddy bear oh I got a claw they just grabbed some Australians and cuz they didn't look anywhere else didn't even look in New Zealand for these roles by the way I'm offended for one um they didn't they didn't I think they looked in England but they went to Australia they've got all these all these roles were Australians my spiel with a wealth of talent s and the giant claw I just AM to come on the show so much though how do you look at them in do you guys I did an interpretive dance I didn't I did I did and you weren't there so you don't really know I was sort of it was I was shirtless anastasiya kind of kind of tested this I was oiled but it was I was with battery assets was didn't work out but I did like a sort of a robot dance how did that go did they respond by doing the same that was like you didn't need a cold security Elijah's relationship with Haley I don't like it I don't know piata [Applause] nagi Beato I look I I only have one complaint about my relationship with Haley on the show and it's just not enough sex when Phoebe comes home she comes home and I got that did you kiss Daniel break that yeah quando PB turn a casa naked sfotch a to Daniel my mother brush your teeth brush your teeth but meanwhile it's worse for her I mean she is she's orders to kiss she likes to kiss him she's vomiting while she's playing disfigure always amazing Eliezer is so loyal to Klaus I mean how does he keep it going okay it's bizarre isn't it her and I just had to make it a disease I had to make it is it because early because when their right mind over the course of a millennium would like support this creature you know thankfully so I made him sort of like you know somebody who has a drug addict and a family you know someone who's an enabling you need to see that those shows all the time the vision intervention yeah thank you you know and they those shows are so silly but you see parents kind of constantly who are like well he seems so upset so I let him in the house and look I just gave him 20 bucks because he needed no I feel like that sort of my job so so all I'm just going to be this like it's it's like what is obi-wan Kenobi say to now I'm showing like no no obi-wan Kenobi sister Han Solo and and and so was he sister who's the more foolish the fool or the fool e-files are and that applies yeah
Channel: Fan V
Views: 121,714
Rating: 4.9798398 out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Gillies, Elijah Mikaelsson, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Saving Hope, Joel Goran, Actor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2016
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