Bloody Night Con Europe 2018: Mikaelson Siblings Panel & Closing

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] characteristics predict in the future [Music] being able to immediately establish within a person the biggest struggle that they're dealing with in their lives can be supernatural powers the ability to fly them to see other like killings of go to Paris wait I'll come with you I have to learn normal speed I'm invisible I would like to have the power with anyone that's like trying to get you down to like have the perfect response because you know that sometimes people are like rude or mean or trying to like rain on your parade you think of it way after what you should have said you're like oh man that would have been perfect but with kindness like the perfect response to change that person for me I think I have that gift doing something wrong so you think you have that gift Tippy's say something ro to me do your worst no I can't say anything horrible - this is this is all of us it's just an exercise I got something to say actually any contribute you can if you want no but it's gonna be a little quiet in itself I'm back that's fine I don't want to say anything me too this really was like a puppy rotted hippie oh you make me sick I love you enough to let you every time you open your bath oh geez oh here it comes now Jesus calm down is that your son's my mouth finally wants to offer you lessons in peace look at that beautiful two characteristics of wish you could have hung what you people patient I do wish I was patient I wish I was able to be more present like being more than the moment rather than thinking in the future all the time I just be exactly where him and I he's one more pain patient present perverted also just think not mean afraid it would be really nice not that fear is sometimes a good thing but I think not being afraid of it like you said living at the moment being grateful and just being able to like it'd be cool you can just like have the power to spread love and stop all of the nonsense that's going on that would be good we went on a tangent a weird two engine [Music] yeah I supported an organization called pre-emptive love which deals with bringing emergency aid to people fleeing Isis areas or have been affected by it overboard with Syria in Iraq they do incredible work what makes them different to a lot of organizations like Oxfam or people that do it go out to the Middle East is that they go into the situations where there's the most need but often those places are the most dangerous so when those will finally became free of Isis over the first ones in there were the ones that turned the water back on for a lot of the people they're bringing emergency food and obviously sometimes they put their personnel at great risk to do that but you know they do amazing things and that's where the need is so often these big organizations that go and say where I'll be children in this place that we're going to Syria we're going to Iraq they only go to the safe zone and the people have to make their way down there and that's what not where the need is so this organization is incredible because they go to where the need is that I wait for the need to come for them yeah so I mean he mentioned all.experiment I work with Oxfam us here I think like I always try to give them a plug I think the refugee crisis is one of the biggest issues were facing in the world right now I mean there's so many displaced people I really want to try and as much attention as I can to the to what's going on in South Sudan like they're just people fleeing it but an attempt by the tens of thousands every week you know it I mean there's almost nobody left now because of this I've gotta be careful about my language but it really is sort of an ethnic war there between tribes you know and it's just so incredibly dangerous and you've gotten has been incredibly generous about opening their arms to South Sudanese and giving them so refugee camps but you thought this was so one of the poorest countries in the world it might like I would love anytime you can tweet or Instagram anything about the displacement of these refugees it creates awareness and might someday bring the international community that actually take some sort of action woods towards helping these people were just devastated [Music] so how did you ask you if you had to pick a name for a boy and a girl initials from your own child which ones would you choose I like the name Tristan even though he was a villain I really liked that name for a boy and for a girl I like Hayley my brother's son is actually cool Finn he's got a sunroof in spell the same way - I like I like Komal as well for boy for girl don't goodness me no some girl is that captivated just God nothing is not a beautiful name it's just I don't think I'd make that flyer at her house because you're always looking to abbreviate you know and I guess we can't but I because my daughter can get confusing with my actual cats and where's cats which cat the cat come back to home the building up of the names for the show I would ever use I'm going to go to biblical names so sorry I just kind of help was like a biblical name buddy Elijah was a prophet like no other man you know the story of Elijah I'll sell man I'll tell you what are you saying that everybody else's questions would be putting the point up to look at basil and cheese get out in here but if it says Hawaiian I love pineapple and things up but I know not always it's not my favorite but I love anything on peace I just love pizza did I mention that I love pizza surely the shoe on a pizza yeah it's true sure I it's for Nate and they made each other's throats none none but but no we [Music] but good question thank you that's a good question we should yes I brought ok so I didn't ask time that you memorize it however I brought my shoes in my closet our I thought lunch I'm probably gonna butcher it because it's been a long time since I said it let's see okay on lookin at put a mint leaf on those iam that coz Anita and that means unlock and allow my entrance empty his life you're welcome I'm sorry to memorize it but I did [Applause] [Music] we have word insanity tomato and say you have to watch enough sweat before burgers than after garden to do an impersonation of that one instead of anti German you lost my father's study mr. mr. Venus will tell you about it Oh watch it I'm gonna watch it and I'm going to be personate Thanks thanks Jerry next year here on this stage if I get invited back from a friend-friend hair she also wondered do you guys know what dingy and daniel Smith name is JJ I do d Jackson never written Jacqueline - check check woman 2 : it's actually Jennifer it's Jennifer my same time to enjoy the forgiveness the parents didn't know they don't know it's a very masculine name in New Zealand Siddharth must make sure they're come check the show I'm so curious now everybody knew that he had a journey I didn't know this is old news to me nobody knows my middle name you would know if you to be smart it's laced with your name you're a private detective if the FBI doesn't get you in the next two years of work for them I don't know what they're doing thank you wonderful evening you know just so you guys we were the escape room on a Friday night made that little one and we got out with 21 seconds to go that's two visiting and 59 minutes and whatever seconds - 21 maps was not my strength never begin a sentence with I'm not saying you guys are old but [Music] barbra streisand they would play baby play me I feel like the other person I trust your performance of my life it was a movie and they put 150 million dollars into it would be debt your kitties he's not as good as me as an actor but I found Wahlberg to play me just so I could look Jax I just want to be Jax once month-long people have got man I realized and it was so big but close enough yeah on Goldberg yeah Brent pick would have to play oh yeah she's not quite [Laughter] I just stopped even practicing it's scheana Budda Budda BBB Bob channa perfect any other did they write it I'm sorry say it one more time guys you know this is a real English excuse yourself sir did you realize that this is a real English word it's one of the longest English or it is the longest English next to my middle name which begins with J which is it's in her bones with the longest words in the English dictionary but say the longest word ela go for she Karina's that is a English word she just made that up good yes you know for she or he or is she just made that up I argue the same thing it's so medium like you may not - not yet [Music] [Music] yeah Americans and Russians if you actually look all around the world it's people to people if I ask every single person in this room what kind of world would you want to live in we would all probably unanimously agree a world without hate a world without betrayal and jealousy or evil right we'd all agree that we want to remove evil [Music] [Laughter] though it's poetic it's poetic so we would all agree that we want to live in a world without that but where does that stop no no no guys even simpler it starts in here right so it's like the world we want to live in a world without sin but we're not willing to let the sin that our own heart and taken away from us you know in order for God to remove sin from the world yes to removes it from our heart first it's like a doctor saying hey I got to take out your appendix and put says that's absolutely fine but don't touch mainly right so well it's the brokenness of man as sad as I suspect that is this is a statement of truth until we realize that we are capable of ruling underneath ourself will always be like this there are always people they'll always construction there'll always be greed but it's just proving the fact that if we don't follow God's will for our life that were always going to be broken and my evidence for this case is look at the world today turn on the news for 15 minutes so is there a zero solution yes there is all people accept it absolutely not because God's been telling us that story four thousand years and we still don't listen happening within the country it's not just country it's country too you know you look in your own backyard that happens every day you know people just not kind to each other and so like Nathaniel is saying I think it starts with each one of us doing our best to love and accept and spread that yeah we can always you know change the world even though we want to right there I think it's it is a solution when the wealth learns to love their enemies the world will be a different place can you love your enemy it's a hard question yeah that's the thing the answer is probably most people will say no but that's human nature so there's something very wrong with you [Music] [Music] so was it for Elijah was it really this always always let me stop you right there and I definitely not prepared myself to Einstein but this is one of my great heroes but this one to this famous quote of life whatever you believe that your problems with mathematics mine might be believe me - ah greater - that I want to superpose that or to us trying to figure out our own scripts whatever your problems are with that the narratives and our story believe me ours with much greater like we they will do it whenever I doing things in there their ideas and loopholes that we just couldn't figure out look at the writers in the defense they had an enormous amount of mythology to try and navigate into to coalesce into sort of and to sort of bend and twist and make make some sense out of but they had the in this gigantic equation and we there is just certain areas that we simply cannot on set like this in the middle like I think somebody could write a university paper on on the Apocrypha of Mary always and forever based on just been you know alone it's you know we don't know how to answer that we can only speculate like you you probably know more than we do we said on set a lot we would just go because sometimes we would also have like questions and be good but this isn't that maybe SOI said there's always a loophole like me that was kind of a common see yeah there's always there's always some explanation deep down for why you know sometimes they're just simply overlooked an idea like it became like how do we even answer that or address that do you think was in some ways more important to the others yeah absolutely yeah was you know kind of disease yeah well thank you guys to all of you and thank you Danielle everything you smile thank you so much for turning up of being in the funniest you someone did on you someone else we always dread this question because none of us have a good answer for this I did tell a story though about human Joseph I used when which I actually wasn't there for it but as far as the car like the first space of the parking was Joseph's and then the one over it was Daniel's that when I first got on the show I heard rain in the first one and didn't realize that there was kind of a favorite that and I believe was it Joseph that put a picture of him holding his Teen Choice Award on your parking space just to put a picture of a cell phone at a Teen Choice Award and mine Hawking space and then you turned apart and then I moved a note honking sighing I drank one out of the ground hammered one into the ground and right in front of his parking space did you park right and accidentally hit his car a little bit so you just keep going oh she says so I parked diagonally across his park one time taking up both my space and his space then he threw a whole lot of trash across like my space one day so I couldn't get in and then one day I came in and I said all right he had popped in my space and I booked I'm just gonna talk so close to his car and he can't possibly get in and I parked so close that I scratched his it is cold when Frank's go too far it was a dark day and it cost me $600 and the vet will listen here is I don't want to tell this story ever again it's a lovely question I said there's there's so many I was talking about today Germany Italy yes Switzerland I mean there's so many places I haven't been night I've been to so many so little some hard question at night do we want to go to Japan and just I'd be grateful to go anywhere new honestly I know that's kind of cheap answer but we're good hello no I just I love going to see new cultures people should grease one wife really wants to go to the Greek islands and we kinda I would love to go there I said catch me I want to go to or just to catch me I really like no I slipped I'd like to see Iceland so I can see the Northern Lights and you know see how a population of 300 well [Music] yeah it's like there's a conspiracy somewhere there where is she okay what can she come [Music] [Music] but maybe should bring up the fact that she did and won't invest the money intimating you a person Daniel okay something am i recording now Dianna what were you here clearly you're not committed to me as you thought you might be sure I'm standing here seething with resentment but I love you anyway this is the kind of guy I am and the kind of friend your friend isn't I wasn't really mentioned in I don't know if you really watch the originals but I'm also an ex if 31 is disappointed here with this voicemail message I'm always opening to accepting you fans so please let me know [Laughter] [Applause] give us your questions there's a table [Music] excellent skin why don't you do another it's true like luminescent see Germans I'm trying to think of the right word which would just be I guess connected because I'm German and I want to go and we talked a lot about that what word connected it's not the right word but I can't think oh how well today is really crazy thing where we have to save money and if you see all these really really wealthy people in life and save so much money and they keep it in their bank account and they amassed wealth can they keep it massive wealth and that these people die and there's millions of dollars they're just sitting there bank account that never got used never got spent and it kind of goes to waste and I like to think about his bank account ID and I say we all have an opportunity we have a bank account waiting for ourselves which is full of the love that we have whether we give it to others or we give it to ourselves right or we keep them on hold on to it we're like keeping it right maybe the day we might need it by the end of my life I want to make sure that my bank account that holds the love that I have [Applause] I do the exact same thing while eating pizza drinking wine the thing too bad Ivy's music my daughter loves this everybody could really design the last payment my daughter loves this beach and she just but I know that she loves that place woman in the world thank you you said something about loving your enemy but how is it possible if you confusing but even come say something back what do you have what do you do then when they say something better yeah you do the same thing that you were supposed to do the first time love them it's really hard I'm not saying it's easy to love your enemy it's absolutely not but everybody can love their friend it's not a great achievement to love your friend to love someone that loves you right but then again love isn't necessarily the thing where it's good for made good for you the true definition of love is when I sacrifice something of myself for the benefit of someone else and when someone I - I used to I ever loved them is the only real way to break down that wall because if someone slapped me in my face my first reaction is to slap them back that's my human nature I just let me else like I'm gonna defend myself right but if someone slapped me in the face and I came back with them with like a gesture of love where do they go from there did I slap me again and I'm saying it's not easy to do but I'm saying that is the purest form of love as we can learn to love the people if you can learn to love the enemy just imagine how much you love your friends for sure and I think there's there's power in silence I think sometimes silence is looked at as weakness but when people go to that level sometimes just being silent and I wants to talk to this this older man on an airplane was listening to his stories and he kind of said you know when people when I show kindness and people don't show it just okay and it's so simple but it's just like okay and that's okay but there's like power in that you know and sometimes you can't find the right word since I agree sometimes I want don't want to let anyone walk all over me or anything like that and I want to go back but the best sometimes defense and the strongest event and you don't even take Tetris has to rumors say you didn't sound very good yeah it says we only like you know it's typically traditional Tetris is they will zero to 16 [Music] as awesome can you go for that you had this awesome seniority you talking about it and pretty bad soon [Music] sorry sorry this is so rude another question thank you what did they mean and alright I don't know if you have that Susan what would you choose that in the future I don't have any tattoos but I have always wanted one yes and I there were several I wanted since I was young and I kept waiting because I wanted to be sure so I I it's going down to a long one at some point in my life I wanted to be small and meaningful and there's a couple things I'm deciding between wait to say once they decide but I do want one but I don't have any yes but I do love tattoos John 16:33 in life you'll have troubles to take on overcome the world Jesus said this to his disciples for me it's important because he doesn't send it away this is the exact opposite you're gonna have troubles but it's in fact that I've overcome all those things that you can have hope in something that's on the way which is me salvation my name the other one is the line of Judah which is not my other wrist and above it is Hebrew writing that says lamb bollock which makes the property of the king so it's a seal and it just means that I belong to him and don't want to get snatched me out of his hand I don't want to my back I sorted some trophy somewhere I just like the shape of it and I usually get a tattoo when I'm just to finish something big the one on my back when I just finished the movie in Colombia when I just finished directing there I was at last under shooting in Colombia and I'm so good I went back at like 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning we 10:00 to 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon and my first lady decides they would go get tattoos it's in Farsi I just think I think it says for every King there was a crown but it could say it could say Daniel Gillies is a stupid of us all and I really wouldn't know what never I've never actually had the courage to us somebody who could reign Farsi - to do identifying for me it's got two keys I think I just always liked keys I think I think they might I think the keys might have been a religious thing it might have signified Peter's keys one to the door one to love but I don't know I just like I like the keys and there might be say something for didn't feel like accompany this one was just when I finish it up like Elijah but I don't know what it means I just like [Music] [Applause] [Music] well okay guys first of all I wanted to thank all the staff all the volunteers you guys literally served everybody to have this experience it wouldn't be possible without you guys and we know that you don't make it you literally do it out of the kindness of your heart yeah I wanted to take this moment to say thank you for allowing us thank you you guys have actually filled my heart so much that I feel like I can give even more maybe these places and I feel like if the world could be more like this experience if you a really great place and so thank you for your love and your kindness and you've all inspired me different ways all our little conversations and connections and just very very grateful to be here and thank you for supporting our careers as well without you we it would happen and say you guys they have our characters life and thank you weekend why man I'm so grateful just to have been a part of a series that people watched at all night and I want to speak for anyone else and I'm sure we can all relate events intimate but the fact that here we are all these years later and you guys are still talking about and want to talk about it with us it's such a joy thank you guys so much for loving this show thank you for loving all of the shows thank you for being so kind this weekend thank you for your energy and your smiles and your warmth and your really fun photo ideas thank you for the chocolates our cookie from Michael Trevino very very much is really important you guys have been wonderful thank you guys so much what a wonderful event it's been it's been a great weekend did you guys have fun yeah it's all been said they get UK LC and everybody for attending and being here and yeah you know we've all been doing these conventions for some time now but you know for us I have to say Vampira divers has been off the air for a bit and I don't mean it was see these guys who I haven't seen but you know answer these questions is different now because we're not filming right now we're not in it so you really have to think like on it's kind of going memory lane and it's it's a different experience now it really is and so I'm grateful for that I'm thankful and just any for being here this weekend Siegel [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Conmose
Views: 31,409
Rating: 4.9945354 out of 5
Keywords: bloody night con 2018, Bloody night con europe 2018, Bloody night con brussels 2018, Mikaelson Siblings Panel, Nate buzolic, Elijah Mikaelson, freya mikaelson, Daniel Gillies, Riley Voelkel, originals, panel, Panel bloody night con europe, brussels, nate buzolic brussels, Riley voelkel brussels, daniel gillies brussels
Id: 62XfqyZn750
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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