Ackles and Padalecki Doing What They Do Best

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and walk out of that war [Applause] [Music] yeah I don't know that that's ever something that can be replaced obviously you look at the been offender's garage and there are a lot of different vehicles explain that they only drive one or is it funny yeah so I don't I don't know that there's a modern-day equivalent it's boring even a modern-day replacement it would be it would be catastrophic if that day ever [Applause] I'm sorry yeah it was a real fun it was a it was a real pro that was a problem they had several of them and the first time that the first tape had tried to actually break it with one hand which the spawns are a lot tougher than they look so I was actually able to break the screen with my fingers but then that was about as far as it go and the director was like not really want to see it like snap like I want to use both hands for that so we went another tape and I went to break it and it was again I was like wow this thing must be like reinforce the steel so I went one more take and I was like well I'm not gonna let the foam and that's for sure and that was a that was a real foam and that was a real break and that took a lot more than I had anticipated I think it's a samsung yeah the fire inside the phone actually we could just about the savage yeah it was a real it was those hands-on I'm not sure what model but it was it was a lot tougher [Music] [Music] and obviously the jurors stomach when it comes to like stuff like that yes especially stuff like that and it's like hey we need you to like redness foam and then all of a sudden it just like it won't break looks like no I would break my features before this guy but my hands will have to shatter it before I give up on crack this thing so luckily the note of that I was able to snap it yeah thanks video game tester [Music] the moment is when they're like okay Jared we should kick the door in but we don't watch the break-in and our onset carpenter day whether he's he's fantastic but he has put up with a lot of crap from us over the years and by that I mean actually putting it back up because we just destroyed sets sometimes and I had a lot of time for any work that we're trying to bust in a door that maybe has been supernaturally closed and it's you know it won't open and we can't kick it over them and we're giving it a big heavy shoulder and we didn't take he's actually a one sitting on the other side of the door just getting hammered so the thing he's a big guy but man he takes a punishment [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you produce all the revenue right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look like hummingbird coming [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's just mine I would say that in general wasn't and it wasn't there a month months starting about when I fell on my face it's a little embarrassing webinar but is a little unnerving when we're filming outside and public and sometimes there's a small crowd of fans that enjoy the show and so that's cool because warmups cleanse but a lot of times there's a bunch of bystanders that have no idea who you are but they're just stuff and they just start doing good just like now we have this like highly judgmental crowd watch miss muttering loudly walked off the street to their order to their house and and they're just staring at a selectively arms hold it you know it's like that the angry neighbor who's just like what are you kids doing on my lawn and and so then it gets like okay if let's not mess up here let's actually do something cool or you know and then we have those kind of judgment a judgmental eyes watching us and that could be that could be a comfortable maybe slightly embarrassing at times and a lot of times it's it's you know downtown and like business core of Vancouver it's like lunchtime where there's hundreds of people walking around us and they're all looking at us like what do these people what are they doing and now we've got a crowd of people who don't even know what we are but we're just watching and judging so much luck and that's generally when we jump in the Impala and I try to spin the tires a nice fishtail [Applause] punch me in the face I'll be like what's wrong what's wrong [Laughter] it's true when I talk with him I don't face him just the in the off chance that a little I mean no I swear it wasn't okay wait nothing anything about the show like a little detail and so a character even an entire season what would it be it would be set normal and we're from southwestern watch your mouth [Laughter] that I mean it's a small detail but I always wished my brother wasn't so short we do this thing sometimes we'll get this boat legs like and he's here [Laughter] [Music] making more trips to the barbershop [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you mr. jereth one there she's like I came over from Norway I'd so like oh boy [Applause] but you missed it you missed it so I took [Applause] yeah [Applause]
Channel: Supernatural Conventions
Views: 150,539
Rating: 4.9814854 out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural, Supernatural Conventions, Conventions, 2019, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Jensen, Jared, J2, Jensen and Jared, Funny, Moments
Id: pM6D18g3RLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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