2019 Appalachian Trail Food and Cook Kit

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hey y'all mosey Mike I thought we'd go inside the portable man cave here and see what food I'm taking on this Appalachian thru-hike and take a look at my cooking gear come on let's get started [Music] oh yeah so let's take a look at this food and this cook gear I also let's take a look at what I typically carry in my food bag now this is isn't all that I will carry this is just some of the meals that I like to eat and then I you know I I do whatever three day four day five day supply whatever it is two days supply depending on where you're at but this is typically some of the food that I will carry that you'll find in my food bag and we'll start here and we'll work our way across we'll skip this right here this was my snacks we'll do this last so breakfast so what do I have for breakfast normally I will take two packages of oatmeal my favorite maple brown sugar any variety will do but this is my favorite I will take two of these and then I would take one of these you know one of the instant carnations my favorite is the classic french vanilla but I'll use the chocolate and you know can't go wrong with chocolate anyway there's some of the stuff I like to do and then I mix this together in a bag and I do this you know when I'm supplying this is already ready-made this is two bags of oatmeal one bag of carnation instant and then you'll notice in here I have some cranberries sometimes they'll be raisins in there sometimes they'll be freeze-dried bananas just you know just fruit and there's about 500 calories right in this bag add your water if you want warm you can that warm cold whatever you need this you know it's ready in minutes easy to eat it tastes great like eating ice cream if you will I love this stuff so that would be typically breakfast or of course if that's not enough everybody's favorite pop-tart brown maple sugar or brown cinnamon I'm sorry is my favorite pop tart and then set don't hit the spot of course time bar Clif Bar whatever and if I don't eat these and the pop-tarts to stuff that just allows me to have a few more snacks along the trail but if I need to always carry enough of these as a supplement to breakfast and sometimes I just have you know pop-tarts you still feel like a pop-tart you need to get on the truck trail in a hurry and I should grab then go so let's move on to lunch so I know a lot of people use the tortilla wrapped and are you know the tortilla wraps and and you know they they use you know the super size the big ones but I like the small you know like this size because this allows me to eat if I'm just feel like one I can just have one I don't have to have this massive amount of bread and if I want to know and then I'll just make another one well I'll double up on my meat however I want to do it but I'll use one of these you know tortillas wrap I'll throw some sort of meat on it whether it be this really is my favorite spam I know it's terrible for you but it's awesome on the trail tuna hickory smoked is my favorite bottle of all these flavors these are these are really great you know any of these tuna creations if not that I'll throw some pepperoni on there maybe if I got some summer sausage I'll throw some of that on it then I'll throw some cheese on it baby bella is uh it's my favorite right now but you know if it's string cheese or grated cheese long chicken you know you don't have so much that it goes bad you can always take this with you and throw that on the sandwich and then I'll add some Fritos for a little salt with crunch little variety I'll throw some of that on there and then I always carry a bag condiments with me this has got some mustard in it some mayonnaise in it I only carry the mayonnaise in the cool weather I don't carry it during the hot you know during the summer um just to be sure it doesn't go bad but this mustard you can pick this up it you know any fast food or even those convenience stores that sell hot dogs and lunches and stuff they'll have a bin full of this you just grab a few of those throw it in a bag give yourself a little flavor so that's kind of what I have and and if I just don't feel like this then the next thing I'll do is I'll do peanut butter I usually just have a jar of peanut butter but I'll carry these if these are you know available or are have these don't have these so I'll probably start with these they're a little bit more waste and that sort of thing but you know little peanut butter get some wild naked honey or any kind of honey in a in a squeeze bottle these I have available I've used these before and there's a ton of honey in this little this little package and then again I'll throw some kind of dried fruit on there cranberries raisins cherries bananas whatever and that basically is lunch so that's one of my favorite meals as lunch and I eat a bunch at lunch because I don't need a bunch of breakfast I'm eat more at lunch and then I you know a decent dinner moving on to dinner these are my staples your North side's Alfredo is my favorite but I like a lot of these I mean they're they've got just a variety of these North side's pasta sides these are awesome of course you go to find it anywhere ramen noodle beef creamy chicken you usually have two of these I'm gonna eat ramen I used to have two those or I just do the four serving potatoes and then what I'll do is you know I'm a meat aisle you they add tuna some spam maybe some sausage if I have it or I like to add this if I can find it if I if you can find this premium chunk white chicken this stuff keeps forever it's precooked throw one of these in there this potatoes has four servings at 110 calories per serving that's 440 calories right there yeah this chicken this is another three and a half servings at seventy that's 250 so we're talking you know for 40 to 50 we're talking 700 calories for dinner so and of course your mountain house meals you know or any freeze-dried meals you know I'll eat these because if they're available that they're just more expensive but there's two servings in there or two servings in there I think this one is 500 calories and this is like 440 so and my favorite condiment to add to any of these meals is bacon bits but it's got to be the real bacon bits can't be fake you can't be that artificial stuff that's got to be this and a Scoutmaster said last year you put this on your food it's gonna be so good it's gonna make you want to slap your mama so just make sure if you're adding this mama ain't around so and you could add it to breakfast I guess if it's that good to you you could use it anywhere anyway also I have salt and pepper and I have a Italian seasoning that I use that I love to throw on my meals so moving on to my snacks you know the go-to and Snickers can't go wrong with that I enjoy a hard candy from time to time or you know I'm I love sour patch or any of those gummies I love to have those kind of things with me but these are these are delicious the Apple filled move caramel apple fills awesome now here's a couple of items I try to find to take the honey stinger these gel shots you'll notice there's 32 grams of caffeine in that bad boy so for you like me I'm not a I'm not a coffee person but this will get you moving in the morning so I'm in a along the trail so I carry some of these 5-hour energy whatever it takes and then of course you have your staples that beef sticks you know nut butter fill Clif bars one problem with these these ain't big enough don't need to make these bigger less needs to make those bigger same thing there's my favorite Sierra Trail this is hard to find it's not as available as some of the other ones this is my favorite and then of course you know got your beef jerky whatever it takes so far summer sausage or whatever you know variety of snacks that you're gonna love to have with you and like said this isn't all that I carry this is just some of the things that I carry and depending on what mood I'm in I try to change it up have some variety and allows myself nothing gets sick of something because I'm gonna tell you I cannot eat trail mix ever again because I ate so much when I first started backpacking I just can't stomach it and so I'm trying to keep that from happening and you got four to six months on the trail you don't to eat the same thing every day and then make yourself sick of it so you can't eat so here's just some of the things I eat now let's take a look a quick look at how I'm gonna cook this stuff and really the only meal that I really do cook other than maybe warm up a little water in the morning will be dinner so I'll show you that cook kit right now all right y'all let's look at this cook gear of course it is the GSI dualist and it's not titanium but it is light is durable and what I love about it is everything is in there this lid stays tight with this handle clamped down on it nothing comes out every state everything stays right there where I need it I also love this handle because this handle stays away from the fire so when you're done you just yank this sucker up off of there you have to worry about having a rag or anything to protect yourself this thing has never gotten so hot that I couldn't grab it so also what I love about the lid is the lid has these vents in it so if you need to drain water off a meal you can do that without taking the lid off this is really nice hey what else we got in here of course got our bandana for cleaning up this is the Snow Peak pocket rocket I love this because it has four legs or four stands if you will for your pot it's just really stable also this control allows me to simmer if I needed to you know if you needed to keep something just warm while you're doing something else you could do with this it really does is a very versatile stove that's why I carry it anyway and of course I've got seasoning in there salt and pepper this is my Italian seasoning I can't remember the exact name of this but I love this stuff I put it on almost every dinner that I have sometimes I'll even sprinkle it on munch so this is two-thirds salt 1/3 pepper I use this on a lot of meals sponge it's about time for a new one of those bad boys my knife nothing big exactly what I need the old canister goes in there lighter just in case your autumn lights fails on your stove and this I picked up probably two or three years ago it's it's basically a windscreen for the stove you see those four slots they slide over the legs or the arms or whatever you want to call those where your pot sits and works as the windscreen and keeps the heat come it sits right about this low right in right in here like that and it keeps all the heat from you know you know dissipating the heat below it's all above and I did the comparison with this setup versus a jet boil and they were almost exactly the same this one is a little slower but not most like a couple saved make 5 seconds so this works great also in there I got my collapsible cup up to 2 cups of water I use this for measuring a hot chocolate you know sometimes I'll buy some instant apple cider throw in there so that's what that's for and then of course my pot cool thing is it all fits in there so everything goes in there lid comes down on it nothing come falls out of it I put it anywhere on my pack not worrying about anything spilling out of it perfect for me GSI oh yeah so that's some of the food I'll be taking on the trail I hope that was a helpful also my cook kit I hope you enjoyed that if you did hit that like button again I appreciate all the support that we're getting we are ten days out today from leaving from Springer we have one more video we probably put out what you'll be the clothes that I'll be taking hope everybody's doing well hope life is treating you great cannot wait to get out there I've been following everybody's out there and I appreciate y'all who are out there or getting hammered by that weather but the attitudes are awesome you guys are doing great just keep up the good work just cannot wait to get on the trail again thank you all for the support this is mo zhee Mike and I will talk to you all later
Channel: mike bowman
Views: 4,080
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TLd4nMrFxys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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