5 Night Appalachian Trail Food List

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hey guys this video here is just going to be a walkthrough of my upcoming trip 5 nights on the 18th from Irwin Tennessee to Hot Springs North Carolina what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk you through my food that I'm going to be taking on that trip now this is 10 pounds worth of food for 5 nights so 10 2 pounds a day plenty of calories I haven't actually calculated it out I might do that here in this video and let you know but I've got so a ton of calories here a ton of energy plenty of food and snacks for the trip so I just wanted to do this video so you guys could see just kind of have a general idea of what I do I'm trying some new stuff out for this trip but I'm just kind of doing this to want it to kind of plan a little bit more for my upcoming hike a thru-hike of DAT so I'm trying to get most of food that I can find in your typical grocery store instead of doing more mountain house type products which I usually get for my two to three night trips from my local REI so this is all food that I was able to purchase from a typical grocery store so anything I could find in a small town as I'm hiking the Appalachian Trail so I'm going to just lay everything out and walk you through it so you can see so this is a two-pound average which is usually pretty typical and plenty of calories to keep you energized and not not as much junk food but hey when you're hiking long distances all the energy you can get is obviously necessary so I'm going to go ahead and lay this out and let you take a look at it ok here we are we have all my food laid out here this is like I said earlier 10 pounds worth of food for five nights endless amounts of calories here I've got this laid out in kind of a per day basis so there's plenty of calories plenty of carbs this is one of my longer trips I've never really had to carry 5 nights worth of food so this is kind of a test run for me so everything that you see here is not exactly perfect for sure but it's just something that I wanted to test out most of the stuff can be easily found at your typical grocery store so that's that's kind of what I was looking to accomplish here be able to get stuff that any of the trail towns that I come into so that's pretty much everything so I'm just going to kind of walk you through what I have here start off with breakfast I have these Quaker Oatmeal packets they're maple and brown sugar I've got one for each day I've got these dried blueberries here that I plan on just kind of mixing in my oatmeal in the morning then I have two Crunch Bars these are called cliff crunches these things are really great I like them a lot they are very very very similar to cliff bars not quite as many calories and protein but still very close there more snacky though I would set so that it comes with two little granola bars in each one so I really I really like these and they're cheaper and then getting traditional cliff bars so I find that I've liked those a lot over the years they've been out with backpacking I've also got a bag of beef jerky here this is a bag of beef jerky for each day just a teriyaki version of beef jerky I like to have that just to snack on as a hike or when I get to camp and then I also have these energy shots here I've gotten kind of hooked on these uh these probably I won't be able to find what I'm actually on my through hike but for this trip I really enjoy these things I have one here on the left that has a little shot of caffeine I'm going to do that in the morning in place of coffee and then I've got another one here that's caffeine free that's more organic that I'll just use use uh during the day you know if I feel like I need a little bit more energy so those are those are great as well um next I've got a bag of peanuts mixed nuts for each day um I bought each one of these different nuts that you see in here separately and then mixing together this contains some pistachios some regular peanuts and then some sesame seeds I'm sorry it's sunflower seeds that have been taken out of the shell so peanuts are great I really love eating peanuts when I'm backpacking they're just really good for you a lot of calories and so looking forward to having those I've also got some dark chocolate here 70% and a 90% dark chocolate and then try both those out I've never taken chocolate on it on hiking or you know on my Heights but I've read a lot about how dark chocolate is really beneficial it doesn't melt as easily so I'm going to try that out and see how I like the two different types here I've got my olive oil that I talked about earlier in my one of my other videos I'm just going to plan on adding that to my lunch which will be these tortillas which I will put peanut butter on which I don't have here but it's just a typical creamy peanut butter with honey the most calorie packed peanut butter I could find and then also these pepperonis and they either eat these separate or I'm just going to throw them on there with the peanut butter and tortillas if it doesn't taste too gross but I read a lot of people like to do that on long distance through hikes it's just a lot of calories carbs protein a lot of energy so I'm going to give that a go on this trip and see how I like it last but not least here I've got my dinners these are I didn't pick these out specifically they were just at my Kroger here locally just like a creamy each one is I've got a couple of same and then some different types but they're just mac-and-cheese kind of dishes pastas lots of calories lots of carbs so four servings in each bag so I plan to have one of those each night just give me a ton of energy and fuel so that's pretty much it like I said it's not perfect but it's what I'm going to try on this upcoming trip and see how it works but for five nights to be at two pounds per day worth of food I think that's pretty good I'm not going to have to worry about losing energy for sure not with all this stuff so honestly I'll be lucky to eat at all so hopefully this has been a informative for you guys out there if you have any questions like always just leave them below thanks for watching
Channel: Following Redbeard
Views: 260,368
Rating: 4.7496672 out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian, Trail, food, Ultralight, Thru, Hike, backpacking, appalachian trail food, trail food, long distance trail food, AT trail food, AT food, appalachian trail snacks, gear review
Id: q5CS5sVuquI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2013
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