My 5 Favorite Backpacking Meals

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[Music] today let's talk about my five favorite backpacking meals first one up is tuna alfredo what you need for this is a pasta side it doesn't have to be Alfredo it can be anything else I use an I dough which is kind of like a powder milk tuna packets and optional green beans so you add your pasta side to boiling water just bring it up to a boil and I add NATO to it it it brings a little bit of extra creamy creaminess and I just take whatever I need out of the packet and pack it in a ziploc bag and white tuna and if you want and if it's not a long trip and you don't mind extra weight it's kind of nice to have green beans in there to bring it all to a boil combine the green beans and the tuna until they're warm and then boom you're done next one up is pancakes the ingredients for this is a just AB water a pancake mix dehydrated fruit and optional again is the NATO for a little bit of extra creaminess and I use those little syrup packets i prepackaged my pancake mix for the ever amount I need and then have my packet of fruit I put my fruit in a little bit of boiling water just to heat it up a little bit add my water to the pancake mix and stir it up with my hands [Music] at the pancake mix - I have a this mini frying pan I use all the time I know a lot of people think it's probably a little bit heavy but I use this all the time heat up your pancakes like how you would any other time until they start to bubble on the top once they're bubbled then you just need to flip them over add your fruit to the top and add your syrup and there you go for the great breakfast [Music] next up is pork mashed potatoes and gravy the ingredients for this is a dry pork which you can find in the international aisle in the Asian area instant mashed potatoes Lipton onion soup mix [Music] so a lot of people aren't familiar with the pork but this is what the pork looks like [Music] so dried-up pork that needs to be rehydrated and here is a picture of the container I also use like a beefy onion onion soup mix but you could probably just use the regular one too I boil it up the water at the onion soup mix to it this is gonna be your base for like the gravy when you're making this you're going to you want to use more water than what you would normally use just for mashed potatoes because you the pork is gonna soak up some of that water too so kind of keep that in mind add the water and the pork mixture into the mashed potatoes and then you are ready to go this is a great hearty meal it really fills you up and it warms you up on a pool or night next up is Thanksgiving dinner on the trail the ingredients for this is grilled chicken packet a gravy a packet stovetop stuffing instant mashed potatoes if you don't want to go this extreme you could just have the chicken with mashed potatoes or the chicken with the stuffin I also show corn on here too which you can use to if you want to that's optional boil up some water add it to the stuffing mix in into the instant mashed potatoes use and freezer basics freezer bags can handle the heat stir your stuffing and your mashed potatoes you can do it with your hands or with a spoon add the gravy packet to the chicken and the water and serve it this again is this is one of my favorite meals it's a probably a bit extreme but in reality it's probably not that heavy just the chicken is going to be the heaviest thing you're gonna be carrying [Music] my final favorite meal and this is even not even on the trail but at home also is fajitas for the Figge dish and the grilled chicken packet a fresh bell pepper a small onion tortilla shells taco seasoning and cheese and can use those little cheese packets that you get at a convenience store I usually make this my first night out because you know the peppers and the onions are pretty heavy to carry for you know a long time again here is my little frying pan I use this to fry up my peppers and my onions and I add my taco seasoning mix to it I [Music] am my grill ready chicken to it stir it all up and then it's done basically it's pretty simple it's just a matter of the extra weight of carrying the pepper and the onion and then you have the heat is so thanks for watching my five favorite backpacking nails [Music]
Channel: oc6088
Views: 133,795
Rating: 4.8731165 out of 5
Keywords: camping, food, backpacking food, easy food, alternate to dehydrated food, turkey, dried pork, camp, backpack, solo, cooking, cook, meal
Id: zMfwntbie3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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