AT Thru Hike Food Resupply

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hey guys what's up it's Darwin so as snuggles and I'd get a little bit closer to headed back to the 80 in June we've been talking a lot about resupply and the things that we ate on the trail that we wouldn't normally eat in everyday life so I wanted to take the opportunity to make a video kind of explaining and showing what my typical resupply looks like typically we would pop into town and resupply for about 3 or 4 days when we first started out it was something like 5 days as we got a little further in the trail we noticed that we would pop out and close to towns and convenience stores a little closer than five days so we kind of scaled that back and went from three to four days so I'm going to show you all the food that I carried for a four day resupply what I carried and how I packed it alright guys so here is everything laid out and from my food bag as you can see I've kind of divided everything up into individual days and here in a second I'll actually break it out and kind of show you what I eat within a day but as you can see I have day 1 2 3 4 and then I have a bag that just has all my lunch items in it and a little extra to kind of add to any of the food I have 4 extra calories typically chips or crackers drink mixes tea have some hot cocoa in there in case I need a little extra filling up at night and then I have my reserve so I always keep a few little extra things on me just in case some extra hungry it had a bigger day and need the calories all right guys so I have laid everything out here to kind of break down and show you what I eat in a day let's start down here on day 1 so like I said day one we would have woke up I would have already had my previous day 4 with my breakfast in it and some snacks to get me through the day so here's day 1 typically after resupply after sitting outside the store and breaking all the boxes down I would put a few protein bars some snack bars and side of my hip belt to make sure that I got fueled all the way to camp and then for dinner I took will have something like a rice side and a tune packet if you watched in one of my previous videos that kind of showed how to efficiently make the rice side and you know a good idea to kind of ditch those backpacker pantries this is a much cheaper option same amount of calories get about 800 calories here especially whenever you go with the you know the extra-virgin olive oil tuna which pops up on the calories so yeah there's day one we go to camp that night and then day two this is going to start a full day for me if you look down here I typically for breakfast have a pop-tart peanut butter sandwich definitely not the healthiest thing but very calorie Laden would definitely get me started in the morning and then I'm the coffee nut so to Starbucks vias about two cups of coffee would be perfect for me logos in my hip belt I would typically put snacks about three snack bars Clif Bar it would vary sometimes everyone small I'd go with candy bar or something like a snicker but after a while you kind of get burn out and you can definitely have too many Snickers and then for dinner I would switch it up from the previous day and go with an instant mashed potato and again a tuna with an olive oil definitely nice to have those extra calories in that day three exact same as day to day nut butter sandwich coffee snack bars and back to the right side and tuna packet this isn't always how we ate sometimes we swapped it up and actually went to a no cook option where we ate a lot of tuna tortillas and just kind of didn't want to cook whenever I got hotter this is just kind of a basic layout of what we would typically take obviously we would swap it out for different things here and there so we didn't get to burn out so just keep that in mind and then day four didn't need a dinner because we'd be going into town to resupply so I would have typical breakfast popped up filmer sandwich and coffee and then have a couple of snaps to get me to town I would typically have an extra pop-tart and keep that kinda as a snack if I needed it throughout all of these days for lunch whenever we stop for lunch I would keep one bag separate with all my lunch stuff in there and typically for lunch I would have a tortilla or two with either one of these pre-made salad packs or pepperoni and cheese for a while we carried the big block of cheese and it seemed like it just went bad real quick and found these little guys in most places your individual Land O'Lakes cheddar packs and they were really nice cheap about the same price as a big block of cheese for a whole bag of them so I will just take these slice it up a little bit put it in a tortilla put either pepperoni or tuna and that will typically be my lunch and then I would also carry either a bag of chips or something like some cheddar crackers something to get extra calories these are also really good to kind of add into the rice and mashed potatoes to kind of jazz mabh give them a little cheese flavor and also add two extra calories the last thing that I kept in my food bag was a thing of drink mixes so had this kind of sport electrolyte mix here has some B vitamins and a little bit of caffeine in it to kind of put my water to give it a little boost some tea on the big tea fan and hot chocolate carry hot chocolate pretty much throughout the trail even on nights when it got hot because a nice big mug of hot chocolate it's something that definitely fills you up if you're still hungry whenever you get to camp which through hikers are always still hungry and then at the very bottom of my bag I would always be safe and carry a couple reserve so a couple ramen noodles extra push bar just in case for those days it was a really big day I got really hungry and needed those extra calories and something fill me up so yeah that is typically what a three to four day resupply looks like for me again wasn't what we always did sometimes we ate nothing but cold whenever it was real hot outside sometimes I just want nothing but instant mashed potatoes rice sides it seemed to work for me it gave me enough calories obviously I was always still hungry anytime we were in a town we always tried to get a burger or something extra to throw in our stomach for calories but this tend to work for me and especially breaking down by the day that way I knew every day I could fill out this bag in my food bag and was going to have exactly what I needed for that day and I didn't eat extra so you know if we were on a stent between three days before we were going to get to a town I didn't accidentally eat too much to where I didn't have calories for the next day so definitely a good option for me maybe it'll work for you so hopefully the video helped and showing you what you can pack and how you can pack it for a small three to four day resupply on the 80 we're really looking forward to getting back and I'm kind of looking forward to eating this stuff again believe it or not so like dislike my video leave me some comments below subscribe to my channel go check out Darwin on the trail calm and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Darwin onthetrail
Views: 123,338
Rating: 4.9553075 out of 5
Keywords: Hiking (Sport), Thru-hiking, Appalachian National Scenic Trail (Protected Site), Backpacking (Sport), Gear
Id: N2VQhW0gym4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2016
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