2016 Southwest Believers’ Convention: It’s OK to Brag on God (3 p.m.)

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you got your Bibles would you turn with me to the Book of Psalms chapter 26 I want to close out and Jerry actually didn't know I was going to preach this today he said it right when he introduced me thank you for you know giving God glory on everything and I want to talk today about a very simple statement and it's this you can write it down as a title it's okay to brag on God it's okay to brag on you see when you brag on God some people think it's arrogance and cockiness when it's actually assurance and confidence it's amazing to me if we put people up tonight on this platform that we're born again and they came and said I've never been saved and I got saved that the believers convention and I just want to give God glory to place just erupts and great great joy or if we bring someone that was once in a wheelchair we and they walk up there and said I was healed last night and and God just and people just erupt and just you know I have wonderful times but if you brought someone up there and say you know let's God the Lord made me so stinking rich I just don't know do whatever kind of money I got so much money or do it myself most people go why are you talking like that he oh no they told me well why can't you give God glory on the financial side that you did on the healing side or that you did on the Salvation side it's the same God and it's okay to brag on God and I like what Muhammad Ali used to say it ain't bragging if you can do it and let's face it float like a butterfly sting like a bee he can do it he can do it you see what I'm saying so it's not bragging it's just the fact so a lot of times people have criticized me I used to never say nothing about the blessings of God in my life you wouldn't have known I would say word until the Lord one time said are you embarrassed to me and I said excuse me he said are you embarrassed in me I said no Lord he said then why don't you tell people how blessed you in a financial area and I went well you know it they would think it's arrogance and cockiness he said why do you worry about what they think they're not gonna be standing there when I judge you so I begin to say things which is not my character and now I'm full-blown in it oh I love it I didn't you know I mean man and I live in a beautiful home people say that's a big house that's it yeah I said look what God hath done I do it publicly on television and people some people they don't like that and I don't really care and I don't mean that rudely because you know I realized that I was um I didn't want people to know that not because I thought they would stop giving them my ministry but I thought well they'll they won't understand it and I had one of the most wonderful compliments when I was on TBN with Andrew Wommack he said Jesse I read one he pulls out a clipping from my magazine he cut it out he said man you convicted me I said hot I can Vic you Andrew he said you know I wouldn't tell anybody nothing neither but you know the financial blessings of my life and and he said I was wrong in that and I'm gonna give you a scripture to prove it so you'll understand what I'm talking about that we need to give God glory so it's okay to brag on God but I asked you that question can God brag on you you want one an example have you observed my servant Joe let me talk to you about my boy Joe let me talk to you about this girl named Mary did you got braggin on what about it's amazing they see if we could see if it's the truth it's not bragging it's just a fact look what King David said and this is one verse but it's a very very powerful verse Psalms chapter 26 verse 20 excuse me verse 7 he says this that I may publish with the voice of Thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works let me read it again but I made publish with the voice of Thanksgiving and tell of all of thy wondrous works david was a god and after he told everybody what God did spiritually physically or financially he published it and he called it wondrous works and he didn't care if people got mad about that I think people get mad my god all y'all talk about two Jet's wait what's wrong with that I mean you'd like to have one well sure you would why I mean I mean years and years ago you could not find a Krishna they had a new car and if you did most of them hid it in the garage especially there was a preacher and that's sad of course they'd want everybody to know how many people got healed in their church or how many people got saved but they wouldn't say anything about the blessing of the Lord in any way shape or form and not only do I say and I publish it because see I was wrong in that and let me read that verse again that I may publish with the voice of Thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works so write this down something within us enjoys a person who appreciates things and takes time to express thanks I know that's a long point but let me say it again something within us enjoys a person who appreciates things and takes time to express things one of the greatest words in any language is thank you just thank you and it's such a blessing so I appreciate what the Lord has done for now money and I said it before money don't make you happy it just makes you comfortable why are you miserable did that make you happy like I said and earlier sermons I appreciate it's a Judas Italy it's really nothing it all it is is it keeps you working in an economic world some people said Jesus didn't need no mother good lord man do you have you read the Bible he went on the ground ten minutes and three rich guys looking for it you think God won't send his son to an economic world without no finance man geez had a pot of gold do you understand say and over Herod killing every make me who you think pay for the trip to Egypt show with Joel them show what merit and you wouldn't send your child the camp or someplace but I give them a few dollars to do something right what makes you think that God would do that to Jesus oh Jesus and have no money oh my God if somebody can steal from your bag for three years and nobody know about it you ain't broke because if Peter would have found that out Peter get here to kill Judas we just gives another one where the name starts with a jaded oh man I'm doing me thinking about three years of stealing from a management gotta have something in there because there's only two or three dollars or two or three pennies or mites whatever you want to call it everybody would have known about it so people love it would people appreciate things and they say thank you why gratitude makes people smile write it down gratitude makes people smile a word of sincere thanks is so important in relationships of all kinds I like to say thank you it's a blessed and you know and I have been taught to be polite people don't see manners anymore the other day I was in a mall and it was late occur and you know and I just grabbed the door and I when she said she was shocked she said are you serious I said yes ma'am now I said yes ma'am and she was a 19 now I didn't have to say yes ma'am oh my god I could be a grandpa that's not this year but that's not the issue polite works anyway I said let me open though for you we teach our children [Laughter] it's a part of my ministry I don't pastor at all because I it's just not it's just not in my I don't counsel because I got a three point criteria counseling admit it quit it forget it I get out of here born out you know and I know that don't work in a church you know that don't work so it talked to cafe I talked to pastor Kenny or something like that you know but we teach our children social graces we got some kids at five six years old and they got a little girl walking they run to the door and he open the door you don't see that anymore and people appreciates those things so gratitude makes people smile that's why David said I will publish I'm gonna publish all the wonderful things you've done for me and notice how he even talked about the amount of money he was saving for the temple then he talked about the money that he gave to the temple and you heard you know you can't talk about my don't let the left handle by the right hander now you see that somebody hadn't read the Bible at all that's talking about when you give arms to the poor in other words you protect people's dignity but manager David said did you see how much money I gave God's work now people would think I'm saying well that's this angry no no he's publishing he's bragging on God and he's talking of the wondrous works and maybe the reason why some of you or maybe some of you that are watching by television have not been blessed because you refused to publish you refused to say thank you yet but instead of financing who cares about that I had one mention but I could hurt you offer to hurt yours at war mine don't shout me down when I'm preaching good that's a fact you see so I've learned that gratitude makes people smile and a word of sincere thanks is so important in relationships of all kinds see most people recoil when they see someone who takes everything for granted and never says thank you we teach it I mean it's just such amazing we've taught Meredith her mother and cousin and Kathy Asami me I'm her grandpa she'll say thank you all the time yeah why why not and it's such a bother people say she's such a polite little girl and you know sometimes we used to give her things to make her do things Jody I don't know if I told you this you're Jody I talked to Jody but that's my daughter yesterday she said that you know Meredith did at school why can't they have a camp there at the school I mean it's wonderful to make a long story short she said the teacher said I could give Meredith I don't know a piece of candy or something getting married go do what I said she said I try to get Meredith to do this and that and man who says I have everything I need I [Laughter] have everything I mean in other words you do it I ain't doing it I have everything honey she's 8 years old I got the river look god heywhat she wasn't rude and the teacher said well I guess you know that's good is it that don't work no more I have everything I need well you know what ladies and gentlemen look at me I have everything I need you looking at a preacher how many of you seen me on television have you ever heard me say won't you watch this is large either if I hit you today we're going off there that's a lot you ever heard Jesus say if you don't help me today we can't go to Capernaum won't be able to see mama wait you just preach the God that can do everything everything except there are no exceptions he will do everything you see what I'm saying so what I do is I and I tell people be blessing yep tell them what we're gonna do because I deal with vision all the time I never deal with budgets I have a budget because I'm a business person but I never deal with it I deal with my vision of what God wants me to do nothing that needs me to do wants me to do see there's a vast difference and that's what people don't understand because when you tell god what you want they say that's green no that's growth that's growth that means you growing to the fullest the Lord always ask you what you want he taught y'all supply oh you need me not now when I will we warn you see what I'm saying why because he wants to be a blessing so yeah but people recall when someone won't say thank you or take everything for granted you know J I had when I first went to minister you know what a preacher told me we were at a preachers look convincing listen he said I'm rather Jessie you suck not my men astray as I saw you starting out in the ministry so anytime you go to dinner make sure you don't pay for the meal because they should pay for everything you do and I said I'm not doing I didn't do that when I work for the devil you think I'm gonna do that working for God and ladies and gentlemen everywhere I go out on charge anybody any expense overseas everything I pay everything and I'm not bragging about that I'm bragging on God about it and I mean it costs a lot I had one man tell me said I want to meet your budget let's it do you I said okay sit down let me tell you my buddy said let's let's just pray by faith from now on okay cuz this in the millions a month you don't say this is a big money I'm not bragging I'm bragging on God and it's paid for that's not the issue but I said this the other day and I didn't realize how much it was you know because most people when they ask you to come they pay for your hotel they pay for your food and they should I mean if my god wouldn't you feel funny if somebody invited you you was invited to someone home someone's home you spent the night and during the night they slip the bill under the bedroom and said let me put this vegetable on sale for $49.99 you want to be a blessing right and they kind of did a calculation because I fly so much and and and most people and I if I name these ministers you know them because they made your ministries in the world I've had some time comments and men you making us look bad I said what well you don't have a choice and I chose him I said go ahead that's okay they should do that they asked you to come that's not the issue but why don't you do it you know why I don't do that do you wanna know why I don't and it's it was little over fifty million dollars just in expenses that not one year but I'm talking about that my accounting department said I said you that much it you know I don't do it cuz David one time wanted to buy a piece of property and a guy named Aaron Auer said listen David I just give it to you night almost Brits are looking for everybody but somebody give him something there's not a thing wrong with that because this is a vast difference between being a receiver and take her a receiver will be a blessing a taker that's a con so religious car and David said no and watch this I will not offer God something that doesn't cost me something you see when I go if that made that meeting doesn't cost me something young man then it's not valuable to me and you ain't heard too many preachers say that and yet in 40 years of preaching 38 years of full-time ministry I've never had a financial deficit this lady wants to take a picture excuse me a minute [Applause] sure beats I get a few tongue out thinking looks up at me a disability if this meaning that caution ISM then it's not it's not a value to me you see you walk by faith and not by sight now I'm not telling you to do that please but I know this is just what I received in in my life or in my revelation of what God wants me to do and I've never had a financial deficit now people get mad at me how do you think you are and I said well I'm just bragging on God he told me to go in fact when he told her the second he said go he said did you lack anything that's another script you can go find that's it but what he doesn't like is when you don't publish what he says you don't publish what he's done for you in the spiritual in the physical or the financial way see Thanksgiving needs to be a part of our lives why because it's one of the finest words in any language so I say that constantly all the time that's a word that I use quite often and if I and I might have paid something I said thank you for life I'm in a hotel they took care of me somewhere and I may have paid a fortune for that room or something like that and I just say thank you and yet I get so blessed little Jesus I gotta watch what I say cuz I get it now people say that's a good no I am publishing you this great work ago and that's what that's what creflo dollar's he suggests one of those homeless men and it's true I mean hey I sleep on the floor one time I was in a why I had a phenomenal we and there was a couple that came and they can and they and they had a child well I knew and they had a room this room was it was a Lewiston a man I hold the Grand Wailea in Maui Hawaii yep if you miss the rapture go to the Grand Wailea that'll help you out during the tribulation that's just if you can get there well watch this man not me now and then I bought a regular room and the regular rooms are wonderful but them suites are just knock your lights I had a big suite alright I mean there's a monster so he's won about 2500 square foot pretty nice huh all right watch this you know and I don't mean that arrogant some people freak out over that it doesn't make any different god bless me when I went to pay for it they said oh the owner loves you brother just I said he does he said he's going to take 75 percent off the bill I said I can afford it he said he knows again he just knows there's something really special about you and he wants to be blessed it was from he was a Japanese man I look I don't understand a word he said which I thought though you won't stop not just go okay I don't think I understood was a little breath on him it so why is it I mean is a blessed blessing I mean that's a blessing you never I'm looking at five six thousand dollars a night easy easy ain't that a miracle of Jesus so why is it so I said hey Kathy would you mind get is a sweet I said why don't we give that sweet to these this couple and we'll just take their room which was a UH I guess a king-sized but it you know just a regular room with a king-size bed Kathy said okay no problem well mine doing that stay she got pregnant I said that ain't my fault I said but the blessing of increase is on me that's a true story now that child is what 16 years old 17 years old now something like that and you know and I thought what a blessing they said we've never had a room like at mine I walked up to that same place one time and that Japanese guy he sold it now you know cuz he was he said you have been social blessing but they had the kind of translated from and they wanted to give me the top sweet $15,000 a night 5,600 square feet with a butler 24 hours a day standing outside just in case you want something some time I did I'm not gonna go oh you there oh yeah yes sir and I looked at him and and I said told him I said thank you what a blessing but that's okay I said I said my lord where everybody got something I said y'all have done so much work they couldn't get over it because I felt my spirit you got to know when to say yes and when they say no so me and Kathy we did we did we didn't we didn't take that sweet they said no he once I said I know that I said but let me be a blessing than hell what what let me be a blessing to you and he had a grandson in a wheelchair and I ain't never seen a kid work a wheelchair that's Benson this kid could spin a wheelchair he was little it was about six of you I'm and he'd make it get up you know and he looked and I can understand him because he spoke English you know and I got to meet the whole family and the father and the one that really want that loved me was the grandfather the one that built the place and and I mean I would play with him more and I said but he just like he said watch this me and I said and I did Buddhist you see and you got to be careful so I'm playing with the little film he likes me and all that kind of stuff and the grandfather the grandfather just does tears start coming down his eyes because I knew if I bless his grandson that would be the greatest blessing ever the father said and I just played around with the kid and I said sir I translate this it is okay is it okay if I pray for this little guy and you know because I didn't want to you know overstep in any way shape or form and then the father said Oh would you I said yes farming and they were friend and the little fella said do it now he's a little Buddhist and I prayed for it his legs I don't know if he had polio I don't know how that happened and I said lord I ask you to heal this child and minister and tears are just driving and I said father I'm not moved by what I see but I boo but would I believe and I said this little fella if he can do this with this hand handicapped by moving me this boy can do something just think what he could do if he could run and I just touched his little legs and I prayed for him and I said in Jesus name oh yeah the father my grandfather did it I said amen I said I was that easy that's good before we took off which he didn't get out the wheelchair but that blessed and oh I tell you he couldn't get over I got to thinking I wonder how many ministers had an opportunity to be a blessing to this billionaire and never did and I published that all over the world not little fella I'm telling it was just such a blessing and I believe he's walking today oh why not we got doing Blee Blee you see what I'm saying so Thanksgiving needs to be a part of your life that's what that's what it's okay to brag oh god that's what David I said and tell them all I won this works write this down we should never ignore one thing God has done never we shouldn't just be thankful but we should be vocal let me say it again we should never ignore one thing that God has done we shouldn't just be thankful but should be vocal so I'm vocal in that even if I'm in a restaurant jail or whatever God blesses me but Wall Street went up today did you did you see that Lula I thought about you today I said I smiled the day I made somebody today cool I'm a wall or not looking like that me now I can't you see why do you watch that all the time okay I'm gonna tell you this when I was building my house I live in hurricane country okay and I'm not worried about hurricane but you get a lot of people around you believe for it well you know ain't had a big one in a while shut up I hate that so I wanted steel construction and I said and I have told her I gave God Lord because everything I've ever built in my life not built some nice thing it's always been under budget why because I watch over it I got people I could do that for me but see they can spend my money quicker than I can so I wanted steel construction fact State Farm Insurance said this is how a house ought to be built in state Louisiana especially on the Gulf Coast of Florida so why is this so that the contractor that was building ha he said uh bridge Essen we need the art of the steal I said not yet I had him set me up a little television but this meant much my bigger than this notepad Wow and I'm watching I said CNBC one of them you know you know not like kind of stuff he said what are you doing I said I'll let you know when order that steel he said okay well you know week went by week and a half finally said if you want to stay on schedule because they were doing a lot of you have to do a lot of different work on the foundations in in the state of Louisiana you get close to the Gups code you have to drive pylons that things that if all the dirt wash away wouldn't make a difference because you got to get that is called pylons you got to make sure that foundation is solid so they're doing all right which takes a little time so it costs more than build a house in state of Louisiana or if you have that kind of Irving Texas has that same sand and they have and there's some places that they have to do what we do in the state Louisiana and the southern part so anyway y'all remember this is the when the Olympics was in China and China was buying it but ever piece of steel they could get two hands off because they want to build a bird cage I don't know if you're seeing that you know I mean who instead of price of steel was $1100 a metric ton that's how you buy by the time $1100 a metric ton so I'm watching you know and so he comes Richie Richie says he said Jesse I said don't call me but Jenson call me just he said Jesse if you want us if you want to stay on schedule because I got crews coming you know and they all setting this so they don't step over on each other because I wanted a certain time frame and I like I said he said I got order that's it and I'm watching I said I'll let you know all of a sudden China sends a direct about that they no longer will be purchasing steel that they had got enough steel what's up to do the things that they wanted to do but man I saw the prices of steel trap it I'm sitting there going I said stay right there Richie to eleven hundred thousand nine fifty come on baby come on I didn't she watched she dropped the four hundred and fifty dollars a metric ton I look at rich and I said by now he said what call him get him on the phone I wore a cop and get it on your now he said well I'll do it Monday this is right after now do it now he said yes sir well the week and I bought it a full fifty watch this thirty minutes later she cuz every dead thing has a bounce to it even a dead cat bounces sell on the bounce you said all of a sudden II said we made a mistake we're gonna be purchasing some more we got to do some things she shoots back up to $1500 a metric ton it was a great day glory that God and I said I think you just saw a miracle of God with a man I told everybody that things and I don't I oughta tell that that's a miracle of the Lord Jesus Christ he should be glorified [Music] don't your how much money I spent I'll save a lot and it brought down all the insurance rates automatically because of the structure in the strength of the house so we should never ignore one thing that is done we should just didn't just be thankful we should be vocal publish means to make your voice heard and that doesn't mean to whispers but to shout about it I told you about that money in there in the and with the name it lakeside more $14,000 and why I didn't tell you this when I got home I have a hard time going in my front yard I have a beautiful place I got wrought iron gates around my house and all that kind of stuff I mean it isn't a state looking thing I don't mean that private giving God glory for well and I always got to go in the back and Kathy got this thing manicured I mean I mean the lawns and the flower it's just this nice liberal Thompson wife Carolyn single Oh Lord Jesus wait why'd you watch I'll mix that red with that green we Kathy good at that she just knows how to do what I said well I said I'm going out the front yard it's Christmas Eve I'm going on the front I want to look at it I won't look at the flowers and all that kind of stuff he has a what they call it seasonal stuff so we always have color you know and you know and it's really nice make a long story short I walk out there now watch it I just I just received $14,000 cash and I turn around give it all the way blessing people in the mall Mississippi I made it twice on scene but if you think God was finishing it no so man I just go out and I mean I closed the door and we have these huge doors to the front of our house Kathy had those things designed I mean ages head out of a huge and they've really dressed up with millwork you know when millwork is up I don't know it's it's nice well I walk out that I guess I get about from here ah too wet met wet by the riser started you know I'm walking like it all of a sudden it this pickup truck comes by he hits his brake not thinking my buddy gonna hit some but it was nobody in front he just hits his brakes throws the door open he goes merry christma rather just hey I don't know who this guy is I went hey Merry Christmas and he throws $5,000 over the fence I got $100 bills float flying all over the yard look like a mushroom cloud I said I ain't telling Cathy nothing I I'm I'm skip five thousand dollars in hundred-dollar bills first thing I did I gotta go tell somebody what God did the man just he struck have a nice day I don't know who it is still today I publish that all over the world look ain't nobody gonna jump out of a truck and throw $5,000 over your face without God doing something so why shouldn't he get the glory of that and I'll tell you what I did I finally decided to tell Cathy and what didn't take took about 20 minutes of total conviction on gave it a $5,000 a night I don't even know where the money is she said I take care of it publish means to make your voice heard that doesn't mean the whisper but the shout about it see you must adopt a more fearless attitude when it comes to voicing Thanksgiving it's not bragging it's giving God glory now I do some thing that some preachers don't do sometime I'm believing God for a figure and I know it is you can do over in the book and when I hit the fig I say stop and they've had people with tons of money in it because they know that when they give them my minister what it when it is going to the work of the Lord I say stop we didn't let it fine now most people don't know you take all you get well that may be true cuz you can do so much more with it it's not the issue but I go when God tells me to do that you know maybe tell him to stop I stop if he tells me to continue I continue it's pretty simple because he knows almost thank you and I'm gonna do it vocally owned television with the cameras on me and there's people back at the corner this matters I'm Tilly getting trouble then they called me and asked me to help them I said I thought I was a piece of trash I thought I was this event how come I'm popular now well what is that I'm bragging on God I had a guy tell me one time he said well you know I I'm just like Christianity is not my thing yeah I'm a Muslim I said mom did Oliver give you fat I'm not I'm not being critical here he said no I said Jesus don't meet many times I said has a hollow ever giving you a hundredfold on anything you've ever given I'm not being critical here I'm not against Muslims oh I guess anybody I'm against the devil he said well no I said what Jesus just does definitely all the time he does I said yes he does really that's it really and I live by the Mississippi River make long story short I went up on my Leavitt it's beautiful it's like going back in time it's a plantation on we get up on the balcony and you got two ships and I'm going on and then Kathy is out there drinking a coffee and all that comment so I went up on a thing here's a Chinese man now that's the slowest running jog of a sort of my life this fast I said it gonna take a long time to get where he's going this is it I mean I could out walking dude so I'm standing there and I actually want to get on it sir and I'm looking at a la maison de lavit that's the name of our home the house of dreams say I mean and I'm just looking at God one accessable I look at this thing understand and obviously he stops he goes hellooo he just stopped I said hello this your house yes he says why do you have it so big why is this too big I said how big is your house he says four thousand square foot I said I come in so big he said that's what I wanted I said that's what I wanted he goes that's good that's what he wanted aim at and I love when black people come by now cuz I ain't had one black person criticized that uh white people I mean they got the fangs out some black people Billy big ability the throat I'm brother just down whooping I got it's so wonderful I had a black moment she hit it but 350 floor she jump out I cook Jesse you know she if she's kind of heavy cuz when she stopped the body was still kind of moving a little bit she when she turned around her husband and you gonna believe what that to do you understand me she chewed him out I said you okay sir he said yes sir yes or tomorrow I'm gonna do exactly what she says and she's I'm gonna give God glory I said I'm good with you I believe with you [Applause] it was a great day I never go to Burger King I'm not a Burger King gun that Rumble Burger King I just don't go but one time I said we were hungry I mean calf that's it let's just stop at Burger you can get something she doesn't go inside said I think it's all right I mean in it a little black ball five years old he come up to me you know chili to get your face he goes you just do please I said yes I am statue house over there I said yes he said that's a big house I said yes it is I said you liked it he said yes I'm gonna build one just like it his mother said barn get away from the man you ain't been doing it and I looked at lay I said excuse me ma'am I don't mean to correct you but when I was five years old sleeping on the floor and I eight foot wide 32 foot trailer come on my brother sleeping over I was sleeping before I don't know where momma got that television we were watching gone with the wind I don't even know how we got the telev it and I saw a Scarlett O'Hara walk up there white steps and I turned around my mom I said mama I'm a bill of health like the movies she said shut up but he's sleeping on the floor you think the catch the boy is it and I remember hurt my feeling but I didn't say nothing about it and I told I said I was five years old I said let me tell you see that boy yours he's gonna build one bigger than I have a good bill I look at my sick you do your thing little man he went remember that little fella Catherine he was such a sweetheart I believe he gonna build a bigger house you ever saw now you know a five year old don't think like that I didn't think I could think like that but God put that in mid five years old because he knew I'd say thank you I think sometime he makes Kathleen nervous because she goes shut up boy don't tell them too much oh yeah I shake up my own family I said I don't care that Scripture I'm gonna say this with a lot of awesome because God represented what's the matter you embarrassed to me say I'll take the persecution in the world to have the glove of God in my life so that means that to have the approval of God I don't care they can say what they want I'm gonna I'm only accept approval of gun and they can say it all they want it didn't make anything I mean I bet the television oh good I mean my lord you're not yeah why don't why does he need that has nothing do it need didn't need a thing need ain't got anything do this at all it's just obedience to God's Word write this down we must adopt a more fearless attitude when it comes to voicing Thanksgiving you got to adopt a more fearless attitude when it comes to voicing Thanksgiving so do what the word says instead of worrying about what people might think you got to have a fearless attitude it's not bragging it's not it's giving God glory I mean yesterday somebody bless me walked up doing just shook had some money now I said thank you I received that what a blessing of the Lord years ago I would say no no no no it was and I thought thought I'm sorry he suggests I can bless your ministry but I can't bless you and you know why I wouldn't let that happen one book has a pride because I'm I come out of a work generation well my daddy my grandpa said boy you get anything love you work you understand me and boy they put us to work we work for everything we have a God so automatically when people did I'd say no no I work I'll take care of it one of the probably things just the way I was taught and then and when the Lord told me I said Lord forgive me of that he said would it hurt your feelings if you wanted to bless Kathy and she gonna know I work from home money and she does Kathy makes her own money you know and would you be hurt would you get your feelings hurt if you went to bless Jody and she go know that I work for I don't wanna them I said well yeah he said you know why you want to hurt me I never thought it now this was years and years ago she had to change because that's not my character humor is not my character so God was just the overhauling me to understand and I said Lord you said hundredfold would persecution he said well they persecuted me that a problem I said with Percy eight cute so no I guess I did so he didn't make no do anybody says I don't mean that rudely it's just giving God glory it's okay to brag on God so do what the word says instead of worrying about what people might think and adopt a more fearless attitude why bold praise say it bold praise bold praise will encourage others to put aside their shyness about God's blessing in their life why why why that's all over the body of Christ cuz Satan don't want you talking about how good god is he don't want you talking about healing he didn't want you talking about salvation utley what you're talking about blessing why because the minute you get blessed it comes out of his account what it comes out of his account the wealth of the center later for the just do you understand that the minute you get blessing away it came from God sucked that out of his account he don't know how God got in there God put a virus and then sucked it out of his account and put it in yours do you understand that because he thinks he owns this planet in Iran this planet this planet belongs to us the heavens even the heavens of the lord psalm 115 verse 16 but the earth that's the planet has he given to the children of men Lord that's us Satan don't want you talking about that so he makes it come up like a you shouldn't talk about finances because you know it's it's just it's a it's just not right yes it is right you don't want to prove us right revelation the whole book is about gold streets diamond it's whole chapters diamond Barrow Jasper onyx ruby gates of pearl this is God talking so you think he's wrong think about that Bible said Jesus became poor that you might become well that's it's a phone that a word you don't have problems say another four-letter word people don't think twice to f-bomb you're writing it right right in front of children they don't care I don't mind using the word rich in from everybody huh if you can F money me you can say all Satan's words I've got some vocabulary that'll knock your socks off and a lot of us in tone COBOL come on into other crazy Anna I just slept I like what Terry prepares and said her grandmother used to say hit it with tones hit it with tongue he just hit it with tongues bold praise encourages others to put aside their shyness about God's blessing see giving God glory as you visualize His goodness brings every need and desire of your heart to past you know why there had been a lot of people struggling financially in your ministry because they won't believe what I'm saying they think they might get hurt if they say something now marks been on my board at the red marker stick he knows everybody knows that's him is why wonderful people live in San Antonio we just love moment just we just love it bit but can I say with your children it is that I don't know if I said it mark and inviting me to eat in his house now various I'm meeting people's homes because you see I'm a Cajun boy we know how to cook and they want to make gumbo for me no no you don't know nothing you wanna well what is the specialty of your area Mexican food we'll take that because some people you know they make gumbo and I want to tell you it'll kid they have no idea what a gumbo Cajun people know what they're talking about in that mark same buddy we had Mexican you asked me what I wanted inna well I tell you what I like that Papa seat isn't the Lord I can drink that salsa John hey you said how can you eat that salsa like soup I said like this oh I just drink - max I just love I just love it what they were so wonderful to invite us he's got a wonderful family okay I mean he got something to find his smartest brightest kids I'm not just saying that but it's just the fact so why I don't know this is gonna happen but see Marcus it not only in aviation in eons FBO they're in a San Antonio but you know he hit his father they givers to God the blessings of the Lord they just wonderful people make a long story short we fly in man and man I'm going on awesome will give me some good Mexican food Lord Jesus to me am I so I walk in there but see he had read a scripture in the Lord spoke to him am I correct I don't want to add anything that he was minted received the sword so he decided to give some seed to the source of his children to bless me and bless my ministry now watch this I don't know this is going to happen I'd heard he told me said but yes I we got something for you here at the house you know what I'm thinking enchiladas tacos hot sauce cholesterol who want something healthy you have lost your mind Jesus so you die looking good you're still gonna rot anyway I'm not tell you to go out do that I get there and here comes one of his what's his name Michael Michael yeah he goes but yes I want to sold this in the old ministry kiss me a check how old was Michael then eight it's $2,000 I go aim everything no you hit to that you go I'll put this in your ministry and I got some more change true to me get Kwame he's dropping his change in my hand I thought man he said I'm given the ISO under said we saw worse how many children you have five each one of them gave me $2,000 that's $10,000 where they come from his daddy what no God moved on his daddy to make his children swords and medicine see the soul I've never had that and you should have seen him it was it one just like this mama said daddy said the gate is which most kids are on that these his children but into this thing I mean they were into it you understand what I'm saying I honestly of all five of your kids gonna become so financially blessed as that grow good Lord man he's already sold that harvest is coming up even as I'm speaking and if Jesus tears and mark gets to be eight to nine nine hundred years old his kids would be so blessing these children should Bobby you seed and your seeding you know your children your children's children you're not a blessing man I walked out of there with some of the best Mexican food and ten thousand and and about two and three dollars and change gave it to God's work we're not a blessing I can you met that send his children for the rest of their lives and they talk about it man ah and I'm not told mark if you don't want I got to live but it is cuz I'm giving God glory God so you know what God picked Abraham you know what you know he wasn't a Jew he became a Jew because the Bible said he will teach his children go readers I believe it's Genesis 18 of it he will teach his children Jody's teaching Meredith and we are why because see God giving God glory as you visualize his goodness brings every need and desire your heart to pass now I'm at the point in my life that without sounding prideful I gotta watch what I say because I get it and I close with this I have a beautiful aircraft you ought to see it's gorgeous people love it am i right mark mark I've flown in there man man I can I say what you've done for me something and every time I go to sense and I don't stop there just to do it I said mark he gives me jet fuel Jeff feels expensive I said no more mark no no more he just looks at me like with him out you don't lost your white headed man boy I'm sowing seed and then I might come back maybe a month of live he said borma my selling my gallons went up so high cuz I I'm not asking for that I don't want you missing then I'm just pretty giving God glory it didn't only increases on me well he has a plane he decided to come to New Orleans they like to eat you know he don't know her I got a fuel phone - so he flies in there and he said okay i'ma go over the Atlantic I said Nina I said Philip his plane whatever he wants and I believe us I'm the first person ever gave you whew the only one ever and they said and how many people have you blessed in the ministry at your f-feel and I said you can't come to New Orleans when you leave you go I will give you some food there's never been anyone that's had an aircraft a minister of anything that's come to my ministry in any way she'll just visit that I did not bless them a brother coping did that for you to me and Kenneth Oppel yeah ain't had a blessing so you know God would put us together as a team cuz we think alike we looking to be a blessing to someone just also we want to do I mean that's it not people want you seeing they tell me y'all just give each other what was wrong with that I mean what's wrong with that but you have no idea what we do I just paid a person's house off at $750,000 nah I'm giving God boy why cuz I can do it I didn't even have to blink I just went okay the Lord said do that it's a chore now when you say that I know I may have letters Monday but Jesse what you pay off my let me help you know why cuz you made me your source you better make God start ragging on God what God's done and got a short pay your mortgage off if you just bless it and let people know about it and it's not bragging on any way shape or form it's okay to brag on God you're not doing this for yourself so it was such a blessed and I got such blessing out of giving mark Fessler some fuel why not it was such a blessing it was just wonderful and I've had some come and they say oh but just will purchase this you might be a blessed day not bragging on giving God glory I said Lord he said yes I appreciate you doing that one time I told brother Copeland olan something listen to this bill can't forgive you this kind of like this his hand kind of move a little bit trying to take my seed away from me nope I realized that I said but brother Koch if you don't mind you have been such a blessing at one time his plane shut down and I shouted I said brother Cookman I'll send my plane I'll pick you up I'll just take you home I say fat guy I flew with him just would you like some tea it was great day I mean a man if anybody something tough but I get a chance I'm not saying God broke his plane so I could do that but maybe he needed I don't know no I don't think he didn't know you don't do that but it was such a blessing that I could do how many y'all want to do things like that don't you yeah you do let me tell you how you do those things I don't care if it's two cents you tell them I God gave me two cents somebody shopping god blessed me today you publish it with a loud voice not a whisper do you understand what I'm saying it's just such a blessing hey where do we have to know you it's nice to owe you I don't know how many people have bought their meals and didn't know who they were had no cars I just look the Lord said that's it personally sure or Lord you know minded people tried to buy my lunch today how many cut five y'all know your she bought thorns I said listen I'll give you some one I got my own money Jesse okay all right I mean I couldn't get out the restaurant people trying to buy and one person said did you pay for the meal already well yeah but Kathy did exit and we saw a very young but what it's press than any I don't know they gonna call majority make it long so that was Jerry's grandson we saw him how many is the girlfriend I said what y'all do it oh nothing I see you hungry well yeah I see you want to eat lunch with oh really would you let us do that well yeah yeah yeah why not come on and we had a wonderful time with Preston Preston Jerry and in his beautiful girlfriend I said you've got good taste he said yes and we got the eat lunch it was a blessing but I couldn't want to get out the hotel Oh at the hotel where they called the little restaurant so many people and I thought God I just such a blessing I said why you do that he said cuz you've been good to me Jesse and you will not you will publish my blessing so I will bless you beyond your wildest dreams and ladies and gentle I'm believing God for that Falcon 7x I done told New Orleans on strong International Airport and they freaked around to them cuz I got my own I got my own hanging and but you know because the security you got to have badges and you just dunk when I said I don't told him I said look when I 7x come in I said I'm gonna put that baby on i'ma put that on the tarmac and if y'all don't mind y'all can have all you security said but I want people just come look at touch it when I get to Sacramento you going in that thing billiards you got to get in there and he just got to do it it's just it's just part of that's a bracket on God how do we know how to fly the plane even brother Copeland's tried to get me to fly Jesse don't you want to learn how to fly listen no I want to learn how to land that's what I miss - fine I mean I guess it's good I mean I know he loves it that jarrell all I'm loving I'm not interesting that but I'd like to be able to know how to land it just in case then boys pass out nothing's give me know so it's been nothing but just a blessing to brag on God and now the tables have turned I never thought that Lord would ever say that now God's bragging on me I have become a job named Jesse have you observed my servant Jesse the bomb bless Annie Jesus and I'm talking heathen safe I'll tell you what that preacher everything he touches prospers I said thank you Lord he said I told him that I didn't go to my head cuz I can't do any of this but I can do all things through Christ do you understand so there's no way you can get Luke I don't know if y'all have this in Texas or whatever we call it the big head you can't get the big head on something it's just the law I do it so nice bragging on and God protects me from government things other people get nailed to the wall I'll just have Benny Hinn suggest you know how to talk to the media well I'm a media person oh yeah yeah and I'm not bragging on me I'm giving God I said Lord what you want me to say I'll say one more thing close when I wrote this book I was signed with Simon & Schuster out of New York when we did the everyday visionary so I says Simon shows - gave me a big front book money and I'll like comment on everything is nice and they said boy you know people buy your books and all that kind of stuff you know and we have the biggest book sales ever at the bookstore in the city of New Orleans because they wanted me to sign another concept one I'm Brad giving God glory so why said they said wait you can be in California they looked at my schedule which is Long Beach Long Beach California where brother where we had did the last West Coast believers going it was that Long Beach I think so thanks anyway to make a long story short they said there's a big bookstore down there and would you mind doing an interview and then you can go to the bookstore and sign looks I said ok yeah I believe I can do that so they were excited that I do that so I'm gonna be on this major radio station in California and we're gonna talk about the book you know like to do it Fox so they do it CNN you know people do that I thought well you know and they wanted me because you because see what you don't get noticed until you finish up different money how that stuff works anyway so I said okay I don't know about it so I get on the phone but I'm doing the interview we said ladies and gentlemen we have with us here Reverend Jesse Duplantis he will be preaching with Reverend Kenneth Copeland there and uh Jerry Savelle and Gloria Copeland and creflo dollar that's before bill and Keith will preach it with on the team at the and he named it place at the south at the West Coast believers convention I thought that was nice he says now I want to ask you a question in revenue price so I'm thinking we're going to the ever divisionary the book what is your view on homosexuality I said excuse me I want to say I don't think I had that in the book what chapter is that what is your view on sexuality because this is one of the biggest areas of homosexuality I said I don't have a view on homosexuality I just believed what God said and eating the rule of you well I heard you hate homosexual uh-huh I said no no you said that I didn't say that well I was born that way I said no you wouldn't yes I was I said no you would I said you were born in creating the image of God I said you I'll grant you this you may not know when you became a homosexual or how you became a homosexual but you wouldn't want a homosexual it's not in your genes he just looked at me well let me come on I'm a little irritated as simon and schuster didn't throw me in here and I thought what are you doing up I'd rather hello you know he said I said everything you said I said no you said that I didn't say that I said let me tell you something sir I'm the first person ever been honest with you I said they say someone I think I said I know some homosexual someone are the most talented people I've ever seen in my life well he got quiet he just looked at what I said some of the most talented people I've ever seen I mean they can do the most amazing things I said listen I'm not against anybody else if God wouldn't have said anything about this I don't care who you sleep with ain't none of my business what you do I said but God said it and I want to tell you something listen to me hey man that you need it I'm just trying to save your life are you thinking about your life here I'm trying to help you for eternity I don't doubt you a nice man yes I am a nice I said I know you are that's not the issue I said I'm trying to well you can live for attorney where you can be blessed me on all I want to do is be a blessing to you tears still coming in there I said I got it I got it I got it and here I said listen I'm not against you man I'm not gonna fight you in any way shape or form I said listen I'm the only one honest with it I'm trying to help you I don't call it look down on you I said heterosexual sin is just as bad homosexual sin on any other kind of sin I said I don't even call it homosexual sin or heterosexual sin I just call it sin it said that's just it I mean I don't try to I said listen man I don't doubt you you probably can do wonderful things for God in heaven you probably a very talented man it turned the whole thing around he said well I appreciate you saying that I said what I mean that I said I'm serious so I'm not against you I just want you to go to hell yeah I just want you to be saved guy says this is a sin sick terrible life stuff man you know what not know it I said I'm just trying to make it easier for you I said there's some heterosexuals probably worse than you are how come my god of a murderer gets a view shot about all that boy oh god the man murdered his money got boned they're gonna say but Bobby been a homo section is likely something good they gotta have to watch that boy I had to watch that girl we need to say it about the murderer how come you can forgive a murderer you can to forgive a divorcee [Music] whoa excuse me so what I do I'm just gonna preach what's right and if I preach enough right it would get rid of the wrong do you understand what I'm saying and then he asked me this crazy question he said you think you could ever be a homosexual I said that could never happen I said if I was stranded on an island with a man I don't care if he looked like Hercules in anger 1/2 now I have seen some guys that I wish I was built like they were you go to Venice California they got guys in the Muscle Beach company Muscle Beach I call the boss a I think it's in Venice cava and yes ask those guys they were working on they say where's the bathroom they go little way other way I mean I wish I had that and when I was young I did I got the pictures to prove it I was a chisel piece of man candy ass Catholic she said he's a legend in his own mind got her I got her at a swimming pool boy I had muscled mantlet I just you see that [Applause] Adam this is a phantom that he should soon I've been bulking up so I'm bulking up rah huh I say Catherine where do you think she said put your shirt on I don't work it don't work the movie stuff but the ball when I was young long standing out there oh I mean and my muscles used to do this under my skin girls it just she didn't care about that at all and she just blew me out the water last night I mean I looked at my home I said Kevin look what it's the first time in my life I ever seen a little wrinkle on my skin she said oh I've been seeing that for a long time [Applause] well I was just a piece of mankind and now I'm just slow taffy just melted tapping so you're going to hear it when my Falcon 7x come in I'm I'm gonna shout and publish that all over the world and give God glory I'm gonna do it I've had people buy me lottery tickets and if I the one you know what I said picture that's a sin that's the cheapest in I've ever seen two dollars how's it cheap see my mom I did it for me I would shout I learned it want me on The Today Show let me tell you what the down here oh that's the sin then why would you take the money there you go you see you can tell when he did but I'm not here to push it you know I'm not talking about cold alatar and all I got what I'm saying is I'm gonna give God glory from any blessing putting my hand whether it be spiritual physical or financial I'm gonna brag or more My Lord Jesus Christ every day of my life because he told me you never be embarrassed about what I've done to you and the other day I was in the on the top balcony in my home and this person stopped and when I look and I know who I said hello how do you feel how they still live in a place like that as it is great it's workable have a good time boy will and Cathy spoiled me all my life she has because I traveled so much when I come in oh I mean they put the party on and all that kind of stuff but it's quit and I'm so used to it I may be sinning and then maybe a glass I said can't they get that water for bring over here your leg broke I believe in miracle healing I pray for your leg I said well you used to do that that's your fault that I'm spoiled well I that didn't work too well let me go over here see that she does for me that I and my daughter's father my grandmother I am and it's a good spoil because sometime I get up I said today is and blessing day for everybody Jodie says Oh Lord let's go with him and whoa I mean I just have myself more fun because it is more blessed to give I love that more than anything I've ever done in my life I just enjoyed that so much I said why Lord he said it's my nature I get such a warmness in my life when I'm able to be a blessing but I don't let people take advantage of that and when I see him look at me as I'm their source and ain't no telling what I'm liable to do because God has placed it in my hand this is my last closing I thought years ago years and years if I could make a hundred million dollars that's a big figure Lord if you let me make a hundred million liquid dollars I'm touched the world it's not true I've made hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars it's not enough Satan is very expensive and these holy people in bondage you got to remember you his slave he has a master mentality he comes to kill steal and destroy he's a master he's that he's not a father anyway he's a master everyone is in slavery death and bondage to him and he's controlling this he controls it all through economy and that's why the prosperity message is fought so hard because we break that power he's finished you can knock him out but healing with the name of Jesus you can knock him out with salvation where you're struggling this isn't your money and that's why he got people like brother cook myself and Jared bill was an Incred my god Keith won tearing up people that just believed not so we can get stuff ain't got anything do it stuff it's to break his power once you break that power because he controls the world through economy you want to shut a nation down sanctions and if everybody obeyed they'll come in the line or they'll starve to death we break that power he's finished and he knows that so that's why he makes you feel funny if you talk about the blessing of God financially cuz he don't want nobody knowing just how good god is when imma be like David i'ma be his - I'm gonna publish the war and speak of the wondrous works of the Lord did you enjoy today come on stand up and give him a break standing ovation come on give him one lower the God hallelujah [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 59,110
Rating: 4.8528061 out of 5
Keywords: 5028625423001, jesse duplantis, relationships, spiritual growth, thankfulness, trust, word of god
Id: dWjO8Tu0WX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 50sec (4070 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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