2015 Cirrus SR22T | Taking a Spin for Lunch

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These guys are noobs:

1) No Haylose

2) No vape

3) 17:14

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_YOUR_ALTIMETER 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Preflight briefing - on engine failure, NOSE OVER.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mrtrashwheel2 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Pussy, I'd pull chute even if below 600ft

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Pilot_Bro 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Great brief on the how the chute works. Also good idea to nose over the plane for no reason!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thizzlebot 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
it's time to take to the skies and something a little different this time and that's something different is a 2015 Cirrus sr22 turbo we're going to get some breakfast last look flash lunch at over at Fredericksburg taking the Cirrus today well beautiful day it's cold down here this is an sr-22 turbo it's completely five different videos all at once you get information a loader it's got everything from radio it was always so much better in weight ratio so every camera free me tried getting P all hooked up oxygen Roger it's really put the switch right on our necks by 31 oh yeah everybody whenever whenever you are oh so uh give you the pre-flight briefing on takeoff if we were to lose our engine below 600 feet we're just going to nose over and try to land straight ahead once we're above 600 feet AGL to mm then caps becomes available one I'm gonna mount it by touching the handle anything above 2,000 we have the time to diagnose the issue and see if we can't fix it but that's about it and the even I pass out you're going to tap the play button okay you know how to fly if you do have a plan pass our chilies the blue button Reggie let's redo some orientation on good morning are you motivated and that's about it backed off but all right I can think that workers don't think George handle is up a lot uh when you pull the chute you're going to want to wait a few seconds about 20 seconds for it to kind of catch and then you want to hook up the door like the rest and a nice hard roll all right yeah thank you auntie - when we go to touch I should be out over on the MFT here we just go through get my salary one emergency equipment we go we don't have to be a life raft or anything like that but we've got the parachute there's a brief seatbelt you see built good go yeah we're gonna do the anon rookie thing here push it all the way down back mixture we're going to do a hospitai day so we're on for rich give it a remainder 3 2 is going to mount our radar vectors 300,000 with German attached approach to punch producing a lot really good way to do a lot of real property to eject around here x2 and we're good go boost pump is like mom I engage Leah to Charlie with me Charlie me read a victim read out and watch porn out at my cousin's what I want to do a pumpkin that ice queen start there if I go right here dude or it's actually helping sure is good I hope that what you yeah and we're going to switch you'll think really do that just make sure it work right so we're set on the load and think right now but we'll switch it back on our run on flaps are up nearly up down for the pre-flight our one I don't appreciate the question women break your conditioner did that lady on there I stay I'm doing I have to make sure the research is not on has something I don't know what it really does but prohibited while you're in flight and I'd like to set the flaps of early in the run up but uh preferably I like to not splash rocks on it you know oh yeah I usually put them up after put them down after responders that a pilot is secondary checked on the way over here now he breaks old local cemetery sevens resume when able make your left cross you can make three to runway three five well crash only three one runway 35 cleared for takeoff fly heading three six zero got positive amperage okay it's across three water watch it three five and still charged your father is right there's no Kiyoshi off heading is 3 6 0 4 equal meant 3 2 3 6 they aren't heading 1:30 when 0 3 0 1 2 get 1 7 we draw a pretty loose down well 3 / 7 3 0 thanks for the early turn one departure party arrival runway 3 5 cleared for the option drop 3 5 set free sugars everyone's good perfect and slaps going down to 50 Sara 367 taken leave us holding short of runway 31 ready for takeoff there six to seven sangil Lima San Marcos now hold short of runway 31 well short three 137 seven tango Lima cross runway three one runway three five cleared for takeoff Western on course traffic at the departure and cross when is the table really across three one and I can shoot on three five let's turn on course they will traffic ensigns everything on if I throw on our boost pumps are on we are set for tank and mixture is full rich we can probably go to get that music off for now yeah that one contrasted that's what separates down so that's a significant Genki a bout of the evening delta available top paris coming up 50% six-year-old three six Yankee San Marcos tower in a right downwind for runway three fun and there's sixty knots instrument verify open up those turbos come in that's the three six Yankee traffic six miles east eastbound as the Cessna 172 at mm I got anything to be a bloody awful right wing flaps up w73 Zulu runway three five cleared for the option there's about 4,000 Zulus and traffic from the family pass is available members y'all damper on start let's turn out I got area that will fire over Delta making a left cross with departure to the west common law cards here on Denmark right about that go ahead set to go direct credit referred now there's seven single lemo contact Austen approach also the first seven single negative went ahead and put on speed mode and we got navigation set so we can go ahead and flip on the autopilot second three six Yankee you can proceed direct to right base your number two fonts the time barrier turning about a three quarter mile final or the option often a first-degree 67 tango Lima is passing 2400 climbing 4,500 direct to Fredericksburg 267 I only lost the departure Ida and also to three zero three eight three zero three I did [Music] it's pretty crazy is it not they should keep on the term traffic moving to your 11 o'clock now and what are we doing 1200 feet a minute yeah okay I was doing about 1700 feet at a time you go serious 67 taken in love with you 4567 ting-a-ling with hands-on approach welcome summoners three zero three four three zero three four and some micro me and I will do now is I do 75% on anything and one hit the lane assist button will start dragging down the mixture I was turning the booze pop off otherwise we're going to be doing a little extra there we can just watch as our fuel flow goes down dramatically and we'll watch our engine temperatures go up you'll see that peak yeah this is their cheating huh oh yeah something doesn't like on take these the center one three or four pointed that's all five four two four seven top of my computation so where we did go from thirty get thirty gallons an hour or about the sixteen now and we can see the peak and we want to go - fifty there where this injured likes to be [Music] I told you before approaching and there we are Wow fourteen point seven gallons an hour [Music] and with our ears 357 Mott 180 across the ground right now with a 23 not direct tailwind so I say what's up to 205 210 miles an hour that's pretty good right that was 1204 30 days and you guys are 70 not in November tough with social for syndrome probably carbon 19 6000 years removed for this November screen six that are all ever separately so forth this is an approach 1 2014 that was one thing 7 point 2 - 4 - Romeo Romeo - Romeo Romeo from this to 7 points or the whole thing about the icing is we can just if we just turn it on we got a switch right here and it doesn't slip it on we've got two and a half hours of flying through icing conditions before we run out of icing fluid that's with it coming out of the prop coming out of all the leading edges and coming on the windscreen we can vote on the high mode and we got an hour and 20 minutes and if we're in really bad stuff we can throw it on back this button right here and we got about 40 minutes so that's still pretty good in my opinion if you don't want to just be flying through ice even if you got this kind of airplane absolutely so so I wanted to show you something that's pretty cool about this point so for the new guys that's why these aircraft mm-hmm happy with it you start a banking too much you can watch right here we get over to this 45 degrees the plane is automatically going to throw us back really it just grabbed the yoke and threw us back over wow that's crazy [Music] so how to steep turns work for a private pilot ship rise this thing you got me I'm sure there's some way to disable it yeah I think so it's not something I ever alright yeah believe it like you know some people very sick yeah well and you do have to do a 45-degree Bank for a put the check ride and just like that we're back on autopilot yes sir and I switched on altitude mode and put us at 44 70 here right natural right and I'm with the once and I can just bump that down I'll go back up and it'll just was 350 nice and sometimes you make another one just for that too and you send one of the linemen back I mowed here and I had heading and nap selected and that's like the capture you know okay okay so it does it pretty much for you so it Sam why not heading on the heading bug until you capture the yeah pretty buddy capture the final approach is just like what a fella 37 would do right you don't of course the Elmer have it you know you don't have a localizer for the ILS I'm a heading drug and for cashiers and if it does it so there we are with my paws racing apologies if I've fallen from was it on but expiry traffic sir six to seven single iman's about two miles from the final approach fix inbound runway 1 4 . Fredericksburg we go ahead and armed the approach here [Music] so you'll see we got a little glide bug that just came in and there's a cheapy other glide path and once we actually hit at the right moment then I'll activate you'll see it change colors okay [Music] telecom ecosystem I'm gonna be writing popular no don't put 550 I'm just watching the sick doing its thing over here I love watching that love watching autopilot it never gets old alright so there comes our glide path and you're gonna go watch it capture it's pretty sweet and a little dime in there on them on the altitude tape [Music] about to cross and they would get glidepath is captured we're just going to watch it go down [Music] what do you cross the numbers in this airplane about 85 about a mile final via like 90 and across the numbers the pullback we like to and we're doing it up 112 now like right above when you get a ground effect I like to be about 82 and you'll pull the power and then single this drop okay so it is called altitude so it's calling for us at the missed approach altitude that's 4,500 so it's got everything set up the cool thing about this bottle right here is though if we were to come out of any bump and not break out the procedure is we're going to hit the there's a button right here for takeoff go-around and we're just going to hit that full power and we'll get positive very pull the flaps up but I don't even put flaps 100 until I'm out of cloud right you know just to make it easier yeah I don't do that my airplane either I usually don't go more than 10 when I'm on an approach 10 or 15 or your Imam of the about Berlin people here 0 1 will be untrained now I know oh yeah [Music] but expert traffic 367 tango Lima on approach when we want for full suffrage bird that we're approaching minimums I forgot to put it here it'll call it out for us though automatically so then we broke out 500 pull the power back I'll just connect Milan make sure y'all dampers on because you're rich boost pump is on we are good to go [Music] below 110 slaps going in full and you like to bring the power back up to 30% that's a sweet spot [Music] and there's a hub circle power and there we are very nice that's coming up we all fly for the same reason because we love it it doesn't matter whether you're flying assessment from the 1970s or a 21st century Cirrus with state-of-the-art technology in the cockpit they all have one thing in common they give man wings and allow us to explore the third dimension like never before and that's what we all truly care about [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 242,806
Rating: 4.9072356 out of 5
Keywords: cirrus, sr22, turbo, chute, pulled, flying, aviation, josh, flowers, nick, tyson, n80991, n627tl, fredericksburg, flight vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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