Wanna Fly to Key West in an SR22 GTS? - Flight VLOG

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For some reason I hate this guy so much. I just can’t put my finger on what exactly it is

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DirkChesney πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That's what the screens are for in a glass cockpit - for watching landing tutorials. That's why they're so easy to land compared to the clock ones.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hitliteral πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

He owes me!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JustPlaneSilly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish I had SR22 type rating

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
you know where I get all my habits from good at-bat for YouTube Steve where else that was the ultimate rusty pilot was out of line for 24 years come out of a 172 want to get to this we're flying a Cirrus sr22 T GTS to the southernmost point of the US for some key lime pie but it wasn't all sunshine and lollipops we had TFRs to deal with and Jim was gonna put my feet to the fire regarding my slow progress on my instrument rating I'm gonna be taking I of our trains your iced tea each year pilots and aviation enthusiasts descend on Lakeland Florida for an event known as Sun and fun [Music] to most of us it's a great way to kick off the airshow season [Music] I always have a great time here interacting with the community and usually get up to some sort of flying adventures but this year was different schedule and weather conflicts negated getting any flying done during the event so I had to wait until the weekend was over to get into a plane but the delay was worth it Jim Stroeve is a friend and longtime flake chopped supporter I was transitioning back into flying and I was searching on internet for learning what other people are going through specifically how to land and you were having the same exact trouble FS so I felt I felt pretty good about I held vindicated so to speak and he's offered to fly as to Key West in his brand-new sr22 t GTS I heard about the plane with a parachute I had also heard about the stigma that went with the Cirrus it now holds book the safest record in general aviation and I treated that to the Train everything's gone computer-based with them everything's gone graphical it's reinforced with a high level of certification well I find it easy to fly based on their training but it's also fast applied especially when coming out of a high wing there's ultimately a lot of other airplanes that are as fast or faster but for what I do and for what I'm coming from that's a pretty fast airplane 15.6 15.8 gallons an hour that's pretty economical today's flight will take us over water and Jim impressed me with a very thorough pre-flight briefing and laid out a detailed plan 32 minutes of our flight will take us over water so this is standard preparation we'll each be wearing one of these inflatable vests also we have a pl B now each one of these things that I'm going to show you are going to be individually assigned the next one is the raft which Brock who's our cameraman will be in the back seat this is going to be his responsibility and then you're going to be in charge of the radio at our furthest point will be about 40 minutes offshore we're not gliding anywhere is what I'm saying this is this is what we're gonna need to survive all we really need to do is look for this pull to inflate peel that back peel this off hold on to it as tight as you can and throw the raft that cord will extend and jerk it with your hand and at that jerk this thing just blows up into an ice-covered inflatable date so Brock you'll be back here and assuming you're going to sit on the same side as Steve backseat split just like a car it's 38 pounds I'm going to have you lift it to get used to that weight it's going to be behind that seat well that seat on this side will pull forward and all you have to do is reach back toss it to one of us simple it was really cool to finally get to fly with Jim we've for a while and if you check out the Related content in the blog you can see that he was actually a very first flight sponsor I got you here check the autopilot make sure it's responding to heading changes and also check their vertical speed make sure going up on up and down the way we're supposed to I [Music] like oh thanks Cirrus there's a checklist for everything all right doors caps handles are checked seatbelts all right so we got oh that's it we're set to go there so we're playing IFR today and I'm gonna anticipate we're gonna get a nice file because this is pretty standard route Key West and the iPad through for flight is Bluetooth with flight stream to the g1000 so it makes loading the flight plan up and down almost effortless so I'm going to send my flight plan to the panel when accepted I'm gonna check it once I accept it and there it is so we're set to go I guess I probably over prepare for most trips but this is my sanity check that I've double-checked the frequencies I'm comfortable with them and I'm set to go I'm totally gonna be using Jim's custom template for my training and we'll share with patreon supporters as well so I've got our departure of st. Petersburg our arrival the Key West and an alternate was planned to Fort Myers just in case my frequencies are the top pattern Heights ATIS information we down here I'll write my clearance through here I have my fuel reminder here we're at about 27 gallons at 9,000 feet today I've recorded how much fuel we had on board how many hours so it's my way of pre checking and doing all my sanity checking and I've used to do that tonight before say the ground Cirrus November 1 6 1 whiskey Hotel with whiskey hiya far to Key West kilo echo whiskey with hear tell if you're out there to Key West Airport be adding two seven zero Sarasota victor 579 Lee County Victor 225 maintain 1609 or thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency 1 2 5 point 3 4 5 0 5 I want whiskey otels clear to Key West two seven zero on departures radar vector Sarasota victor 579 B County Victor two to five direct 1,600 on departure Niner thousand after ten one to five point three four five zero five on that's going for 161 we skipped up though he gave us radar vectors Sarasota which is right over here assert you so you just rubberband it there and then you're gonna snap it back up to there and correct and there we have it we're all set there i document every flight cloud of hawaii just a good record of what i'm doing i don't necessarily use it for debriefing anymore but it is a record of the flight and in particular circumstance of concern so now everything is integrated to ATSB so anything that's coming in through ATS be weather wise traffic they'll be displayed on this the ground Cirrus one six one was Kyoto with whiskey signature ray attack c36 over 500 always good dog well glad you guys can make it today oh man thanks Rick gonna happen pretty awesome way to end trip yeah it's Joyce nice weather right so the idea here is to get around 1700 and it load up the electrical so right now look at the alternator I'm looking at the batteries everything's stable turn on the pitot heat so you can see you there the alternators compensated for it so everything's working a few eats verified XA has a little bag check pretty standard so on the right bag looking for eg T's rising and we know sixteen forty 1650 well the governor's dropping the arm cam a little bit now Miss Marple very checklist so flops back down verified cheque 1602 seven to zero said on the bug or I'll sit through all the lights that I did check landing lights on for takeoff a lot more time on the flight controls all set trim hits now adjusted it should page for takeoff Laurent switch engage takeoff go-around guys ready yep ed tower Cirrus deliver one six one let's go tell short three six alpha 5 44 caputure ever take up three six one six what most good dome bit of a right cross win their final okay judge agree cute alive [Music] what's up traffic six o'clock same altitude less than one mile Tampa Bay campus you're right there water to your left [Music] so it's gonna be severe clear all day I didn't look at the weather they have pretty much [Music] and while that's gonna tell my me nine hundred to seven or departure always could tell you as well Sam departure service November 1 six on let's go tell 1104 1602 7-0 I want thick planetoid in observed radar contact term a lot steady enough one days there I'll have fired momentarily want your one was good double so you're on autopilot now what point did you put it on at it notice right when I started to make the turn to to stuff Israel so they had tires later which is very unusual so there must be traffic somewhere so I've throttled who act looking at the portfolio approach power setting to just basically a cruise that reducing peracetic base nine percentage you know we're probably very anything like that isn't it awesome it is so different coming out of the traditional line into this because it is a constant prop but it's doing it for you that's correct beautiful day isn't it this is a South st. Petersburg that's the famous Skyway Bridge that joints South st. Petersburg to the Bradenton Sarasota area take monkey is straight ahead is popular spot with boaters and then Anna Maria Island is behind that [Music] gonna be taken I of our trades to your right Steve let's 498 dozen people it just learned yes I'm on frequency 1 1 9 or 65 of 5,000 on a heading 2 to 2 0 and then I'll write the time down that I was given that anything changes here I know what go back so yeah Jim knows I've been working forever toward my instrument rating and on this flight I'm just really gonna sit here and try to absorb that's a TFR that we're dealing with which is a temporary flake restriction so these things just pop up but if you don't get your NOTAMs if you don't get a play for unit remember 2 kilo beard we're gonna miss that if you bust it you're gonna details is I do want to think before which is where I picked that up because landed yesterday gopher walks I pick that up they do 3 briefing and then today I happen to contact flight service got a supplementary explanation on what's going on here just because I wasn't totally clear so would you just call those residential T of hours my route today took us some st. Petersburg down to Fort Myers and from Fort Myers we cut across the Gulf into Key West we didn't have to go all the way to Fort Myers traditionally they make us go all the way but I was a vice-presidential TFR and they seem to cut us out earlier so we're over the water probably a little longer than normal a little more than 30 minutes maybe 35 but that was our route the TFR we saws of size and a significant part being POTUS or President of the United States has the ultimate temporary flight restrictions and has two cones an inner cone and outer cone and anybody that's familiar with TFR knows not only the restrictions of those cones but the importance of the inner cone and the total restriction the height difference is also significantly different on the POTUS TFR we saw 18,000 foot height whereas the vice-president TFR only had 3000 the key thing is to read the information about it in the case of a POTUS it's pretty much you can't go in there in the case of the vice president yes you're going to go in but you better be communicating with ATC it's a little bit more lenient service they're doing a really good job the sizing kisstixx ahead of time we know they're doing battle with several days or even a week we does the cloud circuit frog so I don't think there's much though I think this is this the line yeah that's it we're done how you gauge the sky conditions you can see the reflections in the water and I'd say they're scattered to almost broke it under this line but if I look beyond the line I can't see any shadows at the water so that's what I'm thinking for clear beyond this line what little band here also noteworthy is I'm always game character so if we did that we do something where we go in so I see one there and we'll probably see a lot more as we get further down likelihood they're coming this way now the weekend so you want to go near a boat so that you have something help you right hopefully yeah is that like a mariner code that you kind of understand that you want to try to help I would try it glide as close as I can but at some point I better Linda's you need and let me pull those two launches a rocket they're gonna hear a very loud thing that rocket shoots and then they're gonna see us with something trailing then with that chute opens I don't think you could visit us right so the forest approach the Metro seizure in a serious is all the shoots call the shoot up the most logical ways if you don't calm then you're just chance what that's for that's why I'll throw this off so it's readily available to you as a passenger would be relevant for it yo grab it is bend it down two hands thirty pounds of pull one out there's a direct little firm and that's it she launches into this series g1000 is this blue level but what you probably heard a lot about if I were to big capacity or for a reason I lose control just by pushing level so you're gonna hold level flight to pick up the ADA's get our information hotel one four five threes Alou zero zero eight seven one zero few thousand four thousand temperature 250 point wonderful well to the three zero zero Niner wait nine reviews should make priests predict everybody on it every fan behavior with IFRS which is overtly baby I'll tell them I Apple to see save time it's gonna come back and say gamble tell ya I notice you don't say with you which is cool cuz I think that's a habit that a lot of guys have that controllers typically don't appreciate you know where I get home like habits from good at that for YouTube Steve where else so I'm always trying to stay a little bit of a head so I know baby is our next and up from Miami is to Navy so I've got the Navy frequency in and once we go to Navy I'll be substituting that but with the tower for cue eyes I've already picked up our ATIS so I will come down here hit the column fight with the cursor down to this one and I will fold it so we've got our ground frequency ready to go once we land thickly we're on the international side of the US waters these are the warning areas or the militaries you know for more information on flying over international waters visit flight shops calm for the related blog post about this episode but bottom line this is a lot more difficult to do VFR which is why we're flying IFR Bladerunner technology is the real so we pre-programmed in our route and the computer is giving us virtual Highway in the sky to fly through our pilot that box and I've left it on it doesn't bother but some guys don't like it some guys do yeah I think it's a fun novelty I don't know if I would leave it turned on or not but I guess at a glance it really does help show you that not only are you on heading but you're on help dude Jim and I both share a mission to be ambassadors for general aviation I've found people sitting here looking at the fence and I know what they're doing and I've walked up and I've offered them a ride they will always deny the ride always and so I'll say well come on look at the plane and I give him my card that's what kind of can I call you and I've called him back I've gotten two takers two out of four 50% ratio and he's not kidding Jim is actually seriously offering to take someone watching this video to fly the same flight so if you're interested visit flight chops com if anything that I'm trying to help with g8 it's to get guys back in a flying again and a rusty pilot has a lot of definitions they usually associate it with older pilots that don't fly anymore but even you yourself when was the last time you're in a 172 how comfortable do you feel so I'll do whatever it takes to get somebody flying again that was the ultimate rusty pilot was out of line for 24 years come out of a 172 backstage where I went into G 1000 guys really know these and I chose a different structure for each phase of that especially when I got into this oh my god I set us up for the approach into Key West so I've loaded it up it was really inspiring to see how far Jim has come with his instrument flying you at the approach Cirrus number one six one always go tell descending 5.14 4000 to wreck us serious woman takes one whiskey with three zeros your honor that's good I'm gonna take much of a sea level rise to erase all this I asked him to demonstrate an RNAV approach both to see how it worked in this yearΓ­s but also so we'd have a little more time over this awesome scenery that water is pretty awesome Billy turquoise now isn't it GPS load directed how the Jets and when I hit Chet so I'm gonna hit it welcome internal medical reason why she's right you and our service deliver one six one whiskey hotel are have row a counter full stop Hewitt Airport but being bound support Busby one six month is good though based not this way I'm just gonna start a nice slow turn and I've got approach engaged here so they will pick up the approach so now blow fast so I start slowing down again alright should get prepared seatbelts are on everything's good you good back there Brock oh yeah so is this the furthest point in the US is that right correct again we're a couple alive here so now what we'll do is we'll help the autopilot a bit job lot bunch of flaps good still on the markers will Medina little in turtle and rolling thunder' while these can tell minimum shout about my approach to be a serous buddy knots I'm just gradually bleeding that off I'm keeping that nose down pointed that did not burst just watching the speed that's but looks like we're pretty close to 80 knots got turkey vultures here right yep he's coming at us stall nice so thanks again to Jim for taking me flying and definitely if you want to do this flight visit flight shops comm for your chance to do it with him and thanks to sponsors and patreon supporters for helping us create this content I definitely couldn't do it without you guys and beyond entering your chance to win the flight with Jim you can also check out over a hundred back catalogue episodes at flight jobs calm meantime you can play chopped sharp so you know after being out of it for 24 years struggling to get back into it seeing you on YouTube and now to 500 hours that's somebody's getting the credit Florida does it not me so I'm going to give part of it to you yeah
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 266,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IFR flying, landing, aviation, atc, control zone, air traffic control, flight chops, Flight VLOG, VLOG, pilot career, pilot life, tropical flying, Florida, Key West, Cirrus, SR22
Id: jw9SvtgQtxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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