Lonely Cross Country Flight - Survival Gear & Tools to Carry

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all right very nice and uneventful flight made it here to Port of south Louisiana executive Regional Airport reasonable price on fuel for 50 a gallon its overall just a nice airport nice FBO there was absolutely nobody here last time I came here but I just know that it's a good fuel stop and it's a good place to stop so we're gonna grab some gas and continue on 3:20 depending on a 4604 3000 insight Nunavut on let's go over if sky like a zero and hundred and a one 5500 Chasen because eastbound use your timings your little brothers really 198 hitting 128 pictures FM five now individual three five I need to get out to Orlando Florida to be a groomsman and a buddy's wedding and I've decided to fly myself there in the Skyhawk this video is more or less a continuation of the previous where we're discussing the ins and outs of planning and executing a long trip in a little airplane if you haven't seen the previous video definitely go check it out I covered my packing process weight and balance and choosing the fuel stops and all of that was followed by a spectacular sunrise on the first leg of the trip eastbound I landed in reserved Louisiana for a quick fuel stop and will depart Reserve and ask New Orleans approach control if we can follow the south shore of Lake Pontchartrain as we make our way toward the Florida Panhandle while I chase the beautiful beaches in front of Pensacola and Destin Florida I'll talk a little bit about the gear I like to carry in the airplane on long trips as well as some tips that I've come up with over my years of traveling the goal is to make it into Orlando Apopka Airport by the end of the day and so far the weather looks promising so let's depart Louisiana and continued eastbound alright since there's virtually no wind I'm just gonna point it right at the hold line here I'll just get this turn going toward the runway and we'll just do rev it up real quick and check the mags and stuff and then back it up with the checklist left mag out rising floor back - both right mag out rising four back - both both of those sounded great car beat carp temp rises get a drop in rpm and the EEG T's fall back in cod temp comes back down my checklist breaks fuel is on both on the trim is set for takeoff or good their flight instruments cross-checked in calibrate then 1800 mags test carpet vacuum not applicable I am smolts oil pressure oil temp I'll check close friction lock read takeoff checklist flaps set 0 to 10 we want the flaps all the way up for this takeoff mixture set for pest power we go for rich sea level car Pete is off transpires Quan canals to VFR heading bug is set to runway heading one seven two zero there were windows closed and latched close the latch closed and latched for you takeoff checklist complete any questions didn't think so or to south Louisiana traffic Skyhawk 8-0 100 on our one taxing on to runway one seven we're going to be a VFR departure out to the east or south Louisiana a little bit of a left cross on it there [Music] they call powerset little birds it just looks normal ir speeds live there's 55 he's getting fight there's 60 there's 500 feet let's go ahead make a left-hand turn and doing get high enough to talk to new orleans approach new orleans approach Skyhawk 8:09 our one ask i hawk 8-0 100 on our one just departed port of south Louisiana alpha Papa Sierra will be a far out to Perry holy Florida that's 4 0 Juliet like to see if we could transition on the south shore of Pontchartrain 0 4 1 4 8 0 net another one all right we are not cleared into the Braavos if you not enter the Bravo under one radar contact the tamale reserve clear through the New Orleans bravo airspace out of low 1,500 clear did the New Orleans Bravo out of the little 1580 another one switchin what are your requests about food two four zero Philly at that if you want by following just through the bravo or all the way there we'd like fly following all the way there if we could 5500 would be perfect fun maintain VFR at 5500 VFR up to 5,000 580 are not another one very cool I was gonna say we're not gonna be able to see too much that low but let's go ahead just client 65 IFR cam patient sees right or third time inators going to be a far frequency change approved [Music] this is cool he get he's giving me my my requested altitude 5500 transitional off the south shore 322 spinning out of 4,600 for 3000 turn right at e3 three girls main thing 2007 F for the fight approach for us to turn a mermaid so just off to our right you see this little barrier it's not a barrier island it's actually part of the mainland but that shoreline as you go I actually see two fighter jets down there doing some training so is we're staying just to the north of that shoreline because right over there is a military training area it's a restricted airspace and it is hot right now I'm kind of hungry underneath [Music] you're a freeloader you'll get any right there $1.99 one continent approach one one out of point zero one hundred point zero eight zero now to another one who wants that maintain 3000 Pensacola briefs Kyle gate zero and hundred and a one 5500 Chasen because eastbound use your one five eight the coastline that'd be great okay one tango 0 90 180 develop Airport Friday DQ copy try now you've got the disposable 24.5 today seashore is beautiful and his crystal clear blue water down there [Music] you know get this kind of fun in a view or an airliner so all the buy all my buddies that are also groomsman in the wedding that are coming out here they're all air lining and I am happy with taking the whole day to fly myself ultimately I came up to the same cause they're lining roundtrip three two point one eight zero nine another one today I got a fresh sky Hawk a zero no no one 5500 chasing the coast eastbound three zero one six eight zero nine another one [Music] when you're planning a long trip like this in a small airplane and you know your pee icy or a charge of everything and all that kind of stuff it's it's good to have you know keep a few things in mind and I've got some do's and don'ts jotted down here nothing's worse than getting to a gas pump at a fuel stop and your car won't go through for some reason it could be that it's getting Vaughn flack because you're traveling and there's all of a sudden a charge in a different state it's a good idea to let your bank or your credit card company know that you're traveling I do that all the time so carrying multiple payment methods can help kind of like temporaries temporarily solve that issue but just in case you have a card go bad or like the chip won't read or something like that just carry multiple payments payment methods with you and it's a good idea to carry a bunch of cash with you to take some basic tools with you I've got a tool bag at the back of the airplane has just got you know screwdrivers pliers cutters a few Crescent wrenches it's like just something simple like you you get to the airport and one of your nav lights are burned out I carry spare a nav light bulbs by the way and and you just need a Phillips screw driver to take the little plate off the wingtip and get in there and replace the bulb and if you don't eat don't don't even half bad we're kind of screwed plan a spared day and for your travels you know like I kind of planned for if something went wrong today and I wasn't able to get all the way through to Apopka at the end of the day is it a real big deal well I missed the bachelor party like whatever you know I like I try my best to get there and I've got most of the day tomorrow as well to try and travel there basically just be flexible with your plans and kind of plan to have something go wrong that delays you a day always be ready to divert if just if it doesn't look like fuel is gonna work out and you're gonna start to kind of dip into your reserves if you continue to your destination just dinner you know make note of where the last airport is that you could possibly stop at you know like Destin Airport is right down here Destin Florida I could easily just be like you know what I'm gonna stop and get gas here before I continue and just grab fuel and then you can reassess and like rearrange your stops after that it's no big deal divert it there's no shame in diverting and changing your plans do not cut it close on fuel I do not mess with fuel and lastly is survival equipment and and you know being prepared so there was actually there was a little bit ago that actually I wasn't even rolling cameras I shut the cameras off to save some battery crossing maybe obey Mobile Alabama the bay there was like a two minute period where I was not within gliding distance of land and I was wearing one of these guys around my waist I just went hadn't buckled this around my waist this is a manually manually inflatable life vest not an automatically inflating life vest you do not want one of those in an airplane you want to be able to exit the aircraft before you inflate the life vest if you have to ditch in water if you lose the engine and you're not it within gliding distance of land I do not like flying single-engine outside gliding distance of land but if you're prepared for it you can you're not going to eliminate the risk and bring it down to zero but you can mitigate it as much as possible you can mitigate the risk of serious injury or death because you're you're out there treading water with no floatation device to keep you up so I've actually got two of these in the bag back here and I did briefly wear it earlier while I was crossing a little bit of water so like right now you know I'm I'm out over the water right now but off to the left is the beach and I am well within gliding distance of it so if anything would have happened like the first thing I'm going to do is ditch that nose down and go that way right back here let's see it might just be right behind the sea there's an orange Pelican right back here on the back of the seat that's the survival kit I can just reach back there grab the handle and pull it up here it's got on it's got fire starters first-aid kit over blankets comma treatment stuff enough food for two people for about three days in the form of little protein tablets and then also a couple of those life straws that you can drink water through and it purifies the water so you can drink it out of a stream or whatnot relatively safely so that's the survival kit there's also a first-aid kit there's one in the survival kit but there's a separate first-aid kit that lives in the airplane and it's it's stowed underneath the backseat and this is the other thing I carry this is not sponsored by Garmin they didn't pay me or tell me to say this in any sort of way I bought this with my own money I pay for the subscription with my own money this is a Garmin in reach there's so many other products out there there's the spot spot has a similar product track plus I think that's what it's called trek plus there's tons of companies out there and some of them are even geared toward aviation this is a tracker I can I have you know all my contacts in here I can have you know a group of people that I choose keep up with my position my location throughout the day I can send and receive texts text messages through satellite it's got it's got its own the phone number so it's I mean this I pay 50 bucks a month to keep that up but this is a lifesaver SOS button right there on the side you peel this open and then mash that SOS button minute that's how you one two five point two eight zero nine or connect that they'll approach Skyhawk a zero none another one 5503 zero one four another one the government in reach it's got the SOS function that's how you can summon search and rescue you can text with it in the middle of nowhere it operates via satellite I used use this thing like crazy in Alaska and with miles and I were at Idaho where when we're at the cabin this is how I was able to communicate with you know my parents or friends or anything like that like just let people know where I am and what's up as long as it's got a clear view of the sky it can talk to the Iridium satellite network and that's how you can send and receive texts I also forgot to mention in the survival kit is an ACR personal locator beacon so that's basically like an ELT and an airplane emergency locator transmitter but that's for personal use really good idea to have something at least have at least have one of those personal locator beacons with you where it doesn't do anything but have a big red button on it that you can push and hold and it sends out a signal and it'll last for like 72 hours it's broadcasting your position to the satellites those are just some items that I think are important to me if I left anything out drop it down in the in the comments down below all right we're starting to go inland now one hour 13 minutes out my man steve-o what does that mean it means I could take a sip of my coffee in an hour I mean in 13 minutes because then that means it's one hour out there holy traffic Skyhawk 8:09 another one turning final runway 3 6 . Harry Foley and satisfied with 10 degrees of flaps for now might get down just a little bit more and I think I'm gonna add 10 more degrees bring it to flaps 20 here just a second but let's roll out of this turn and see how the energy management goes yeah let's add another notch one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand I'm just kind of feeling the airplane here there we go we're starting to decelerate coming down through 75 knots and that's okay we're just gonna float and let her bleed off the energy once we get down to the runway here like I said we've gotta go all the way to the end so it's okay let's give it a little nose up trip coming down through 70 knots we're gonna blow past the thousand foot markers and that's okay even a little bit of right rudder and just hold it right here hold it right here there she is can tell which way that winds coming from what the heck is a wind side okay all right Perry Foley Florida second fuel stop of the day and we've just got one more leg and it's only about a hundred and about 135 nautical miles from here to Orlando Apopka and that's gonna be a pretty easy leg it's gonna be VFR it's just clear skies the whole way I couldn't have asked for better weather and I'm making super good time I'm gonna get to Apopka before it gets dark and everything's so far knock on wood is going really really smoothly I'm really happy with the way the engines running the airplanes getting really good fuel economy we're getting about 15 miles to the gallon today just a little bit of a tail wind which is good but also we're running at only about 65% power so we're actually being pretty efficient with with how we're running the fuel but anyways we're just gonna take a moment stretch my leg also go into the FBO take a bathroom break and gas up here the actual run-up is all good let's run through the checklist just real quick breaks fuel on both trim stuff takeoff and flight controls free and correct up down up down elevators up and down and we got good freedom of movement - turbines check cross-checked in calibrated three zero one one mixture set for best power let's go full rich well at sea level primers in unlocked and then 1700 max test car beat vacuum absence we checked all of that everything looks great oil pressure and temp idle check closed in the throttle friction lock has set pre takeoff checklist flaps this cycle make sure they move and we want them all the way up mixture set for best power the car beat is off transplant or squawking altitude where squawking VFR the heading bugs set to runway heading doors and windows closed and latched closed and latched and the landing light on the strobe lights let's go ahead and get those on time no two zero zero zero Zulu is the current time Harry Foley traffic Skyhawk 8-0 100 under one is taxing onto runway 1 - we're going to be a straight out departure VFR pari Foley I see a 1 - I want to on the HSI and a 1 2 on the compass Bill's down the floor full power a little bit of a left cross went takeoff power set engines in the green and her speeds alive 50 knots she's already flying about 55 knots she jumps off the ground all right and one of course I suppose what I wanted to get across on this video is that you know taking a long trip in a little airplane is not a big deal at all you know do your research and make sure you know what airports you want to go into and kind of make you know make sure that they're gonna have the amenities you need but doing something like this is just not a big deal it's really not a big deal just do your homework do your planning would be ready for your plan to change like luckily today weather has been phenomenal the airplanes been phenomenal you know we just had to go high off our on the first leg to get out of San Marcos and that ended up being beautiful absolutely breathtaking sunset or sunrise rather it's no big deal to do something like this it's just you're just doing several cross countries in a day like today we've got three cross-country trips three legs the first two were pretty long you know really maxing out the range of the airplane going close to 400 nautical miles we don't have the long-range fuel tanks in this plane so you kill me like 450 nautical miles is really about as far as you want to go before getting into reserves and then the last leg is only hundred 30 nautical mile or 99 nautical miles away 55 minutes out from Apopka our final destination it's really rewarding to like you know get to your final destination meet up with your friend or what have you and and just be able to think to yourself be like I'm responsible for getting myself here or you know getting you know you and your family here or whatever it is it seems overwhelming and you're going really far away from home and you've never taken your airplane that far but it is so easy and so worth it Thanks your meadow never won a pop gun sighs I just tried to be holding over over a pasta around 3,000 feet radar service terminated coffee and Farfrae change fruit have a nice day squawk could talk to me FR thanks for the help sorry I don't let's go ahead and eat a free landing brakes pedal test they feel good landing lights on autopilot Soph and Carvey fuel flaps Apopka traffic Skyhawk a zero Niner Niner one approximately two miles to the north of the field we're now entering the left downwind runway 3 3 will be a full stop a pumpkin a pumpkin traffic Skyhawk 8:09 and enter one is 1,200 feet descending we're on the left downwind now for runway 3 3 . a pumpkin and we're in the wide arc first notch flaps one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand looks like we're gonna have to roll all the way to the end and there is no displaced threshold on this side 3 0 ax naught temperature field zero Sofia 2.4 Celsius altimeter three zero one zero density altitude 600 over Apopka traffic's cocky zero then another one left base 3 3 . a pumpkin one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand a pumpkin traffic's cockade zero another another one turning final 3 3 . a pumpkin 500 feet a little fast we're a little high but I'm actually feeling ok about it let's see how I feel when I roll out of this turn see if we get a sinker here don't quite want to add another notch of flaps just yet I don't think we need any more flaps coming down through 70 knots now and we need to go all the way to the end so we're just gonna float just like that Perry Foley no big deal coming down through 60 knots yeah just hold off let her tell me when she's ready to stop flying nice roll the in vodka Skyhawks rolling up all right beautiful welcome to Apopka Florida our final destination we got the hangar all closed up eight zero nine nine one is behind this locked door thank goodness and that's where she will sit for the weekend so next up is the wedding how rewarding is that you fly yourself halfway across the country with all your stuff to be to be here for a friend's wedding you flew your own plane after the wedding you're gonna go have some fun flying around this beautiful area seriously planning and executing a long cross-country and a small airplane is no big deal at all it's no big deal it just takes a little bit of planning do your homework and break it down into steps break it down into each leg and I can assure you that by doing that the thought of a trip like that becomes much much less daunting all that being said welcome to Florida it's good to be back in Florida I have a lot of friends that live here and the general aviation stage is alive and well in the Sunshine State every time I'm out here it always turns out to be an awesome time with friends whether it's going to Sun and fun flying formation to the keys or being a part of a very important day for a close friend using your own airplane whatever it may be to get you there makes the entire trip even more rewarding and it's not as difficult to pull off as you might think I hope the previous video and this one inspires you to take a long trip of your own and branch out of your local area to really let your airplane take you somewhere even get an instructor to help you plan it if you need to speed and travel time tend to make people with small airplanes shy away from taking long trips but there were times on my way home that my ground speed dipped as low as 70 knots meaning that a slightly speeding car on Interstate 10 would be going faster than me but I didn't care my view was better than theirs the trip home was awesome with a good amount of flying through IMC and rain and I spent a couple of days in Pensacola Florida to collaborate with aviation one öhlins newest sponsor stay tuned for those videos if you like this video be sure and hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't and if you'd like to support the channel you can shop merch and gear at aviation 101.com slash store if you'd like access to exclusive content such as live streams giveaways in full-length edits you can sign up at aviation 101.com slash cockpit Club both of these methods greatly contribute to keeping this channel and this free content on youtube flowing so your support is greatly appreciated until next time I want you to get out and plan a trip come up with a mission plan it and execute it I want you to stay happy healthy current and most importantly stay proficient we'll see in the next one fly safe [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 115,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: florida, coast, pensacola, blue angels, cross country flight, n80991, cessna 172 skyhawk, survival gear, flying, aviation, general aviation, air traffic control, atc, radio, intercom, audio, cockpit, takeoff, landing, training, vfr, ifr, flight, vlog, flight vlog, pilot vlog, aviation101, josh flowers, cfi, flight training, private pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, hd, 4k, vacation, trip, travel, atc audio, pilot, cinematic, pilot life, becoming a pilot
Id: NvkN5-Px9SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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