Cirrus Aircraft 2020 SR22T GTS - Personal Tour of the Purple Plane!!

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hey everyone it's al waterloo here from chicago and uh i want to give you a quick personal tour of 131 delta x-ray it's an sr-22 turbo it's our 2020 edition of fully loaded in our gts package and this is our aurora purple and if any of you have been following me on instagram at l.waterloo you've known and participated and probably helped name this airplane it is unofficially called purple rain or um there was a there was kind of a little wrinkle in there where people called it the joker as well so anyway i want to take you on a personal tour before we get going double uh if you don't mind helping this channel out you can subscribe to it hit the like button and notifications really helps it out and uh as we go through on a tour comment below on things you like you don't like you want to learn more about because i've watched and read every one of them gives me more motivation to make more of these videos for you guys so um would love it anyway let's get to the tour what's up everybody here to get up close and personal with uh this aurora purple and sterling silver sr22 turbo it's my demonstrator and it is absolutely it's been a joy to fly a lot of people have really enjoyed being around the color which is uh which is super fun i know many of you who follow me or subscribe to the youtube channel um really really participated in helping name this airplane i personally like the joker but there's been some people that i think the group masses uh have named it purple rain and uh this thing is just super cool as we get a little bit close to it and i just love this color like i'm kind of a bright color guy and like you know you know what's your not abnormal uh color for a uh for an airplane but i tell you that the reaction that people give when you get close you pull up on the ramp is just incredible you know i go up to fly from chicago to northern wisconsin quite a bit and when i land uh this was fall or this winter i ended up going landing at rhinelander wisconsin and the lion guy avid packers fan green bay packers fan which is gold and yellow and this color purple and silver are rival colors for this uh for this airplane even that line guy came up and said man this is like this is cool it's wicked and i couldn't agree more but what's really neat is if i get up close to this i got the the key fob in order to lock and unlock the airplane and uh you can hear it in the background everything clicking now normally these lights turn on but actually i have them uh turned off at the moment inside and i'll show you where i do that but when i unlock the the doors what normally happens this lights up you end up having a convenience light that turns on down there actually i'm just gonna do that real quick and so that way you can actually see it take the door handle a lot of people love this because on the older airplanes you had to pull down and torque the door and one side wouldn't open i'm going to pull this out in order to open it and rotate it up and just let the let the door open on its own it'll pop open love this interior i wish you could smell it in here because it smells like new leather new plain smell but if you look up here this is actually where everything sits um if i can go just like a car dome light there's off auto and on so i'm going to go ahead and just turn that to auto and you saw that little light pop on that's one of the dome lights there's great looking lights underneath and in the foot wells and everything so if i actually come out here now to the wing and unlock it now you can see this this light light up really cool if i lock it it turns off if i unlock it it turns on and it brightens up and this little convenience light down here illuminates everything down here in order for it to uh to light up and look really cool it's awesome i have a lot of fun actually cleaning this plane um i try to clean it at least once a week i have somebody actually help me here at the fbo if you're looking to ever clean your airplane you can ask your local line guy to give you a hand and i find that simple cleaning products are really easy just water something with a little light soap and i use this thing called polyglide which is able to do some uh make it kind of give it like a a spray-on wax if you will and it's not like a true detail or wax but it does a nice job of really helping out you start to see through here a lot of the lights this is when everything's lit up this is just one big bar of lights go ahead and turn that on for us real quick but um it's super bright i used to fly a lot of the older is i'm going to go ahead and open up the door again we're just going to leave that open from here on out come into the panel i'm going to go ahead and turn the batteries on battery 2 battery one and then i'm going to come over to the lights which there's like a little point blocker here uh and i'm gonna go one two and then three that's gonna turn all the lights on for us we'll be able to see what this actually looks like super great so now you can really start to see hey when this thing is going it is right you know i fly into the chicago executive airport a lot at night and it's super helpful to to actually have these lights on um they can be seen for as far out as 20 miles i've been in the the control tower at night has said hey is that you out there i'm like yep these lights here the older cirrus's had a little light that was a the lens was about that big and it was just more of a recognition light and this is a true landing light but it's also a recognition light when you're out flying and you're airborne what ends up happening is the landing lights they start pulsing automatically this is smart lighting and uh you're able to see it the tower is able to pick you up a lot better quicker and easier so really cool how these things uh how these things work fbo's got the hanger door open they're going to be pulling some planes out right now but this wing is super smooth it's fantastic you can rotate this up and down it's a part of your pre-flight but you can kind of see the sheen in here that this is the poly glide doing a nice job of of keeping everything shiny and takes me about oh i'd say an hour once a week to really kind of clean the airplane and wipe it down i enjoy it i find it actually pretty therapeutic and really nice and what i really love about it is uh it kind of helps me with a more extended pre-flight so i kind of get on the wing i can see some if there's any paint defects i can get really close to these um the tks panels here so this one has the fiki system flight into known icing and you can actually see right here where there's these micro drilled holes it's about 800 holes per square inch on this and this is essentially a porous titanium and fluid oozes out of these holes and coats the wing it it it melts any type of ice off of the leading edge and it rolls on the back portion of the wing in order to uh in order to do that you can see i got a little bit of dust here so i gotta my airplane's due for a cleaning so just shows how dirty and hangers can get or a little dusty if the plane just sits for a week right in here this is a cuffed wing this is fantastic if you get down here this is one of my favorite angles you really see the difference in this wing and how much thicker this is on the outer portion so tell people that hey this is the outer portion of the wing is all for high speed aerodynamic or excuse me it's all for low speed aerodynamics and the inner portion is for high speed aerodynamics that allows the airplane to go fast this um this is super nice in slower speeds if you do slow flight or you know when you're coming in for crosswind landings able to get the low the outer portion of the wing for the low speed aerodynamics to really kick in and help with the aileron so uh your crosswind landing is a lot a lot easier here's our fuel cap it's really cool simple to use you flip the tab up you twist this and you can pull this out and you can see a little tab in there and this is really neat a lot of people they ask me they say hey al you know what's the fuel capacity for the for the airplane well you can actually see what the tank holds 46 gallons or 30 gallons to the usable tab and there's the there's the actual tab in there i've got just a little bit over the tab um it's a little hard to see but what's really cool is i you know the reality is i can make it anywhere on the eastern seaboard non-stop from chicago so i can go from chicago really anywhere from you know portland maine all the way down to jacksonville florida can sometimes even hit non-stop in down to orlando depending on the winds if you've got a good wind and if i've got let's say i'm carrying a little bit more weight of people i'll feel to the tabs and when i have 6 30 in this side and 30 in the other tank i can usually make it non-stop to washington dc or atlanta from there here's our good part of the feeky system and this is where you actually top off the de-ice fluid so we looked at the little uh porous uh holes on the the leading edge of the feeky panel the porous titanium and what this allows us to do we can top this off this tank holds four gallons the other side holds four gallons and it's about two and a half hours worth of fluid on a normal setting and certainly enough time or distance in order to kind of navigate in and out of icing i do that a lot here in chicago or the northern wisconsin where we have a lot of icing conditions to work through this part is super helpful on the icing system a lot of people ask me hey how do i know if i have ice and i look at this this tab here this right here is one of the first places where ice is actually engineered to form on the airplane so imagine sitting in the in the cockpit right here and now you just look down on this little tab you can quickly make a decision whether or not the there's you're picking up ice or not and you can just simply turn on an on off switch in the cockpit which i'll show you a little bit of of your icing you also have a nice light here so imagine flying at night how you'd feel whether or not you have ice you're picking up ice you're sitting in the cockpit you can turn your ice light on it actually shines directly onto this tab and it's super simple you just make a decision real quick yep i'm picking up ice turn the system on and monitor and start to work yourself out of the conditions so come down here it's kind of neat this is our evs camera uh i use this probably 20 times a year so a lot of people say hey you know i find myself not using the camera as much i use this for a couple different scenarios so if i'm going into an airport that i don't normally go into and it's nighttime or evening or whatnot i turn that on because i don't necessarily rely and trust any kind of vassy lights on the side of the runway for guidance because i don't know if they you know the guy that's mowing the airport lawn uh next to the runway hit the vastly lights or the papi lights and just kind of knocked it over and put it back and didn't recalibrate the system so i don't necessarily trust them wholeheartedly so i turn the camera on at night to see if i clearing any power lines or any trees or anything along those lines this is neat part of the the the the wheel pant here there's so many different designs that we have and you can use and just how this looks we've got a little door here that you can open up to check the inside of the wheel and the the tire pressure these are the behringer brakes which look really nice some of the things here too this is important this is good fbo they actually have these small chalks these are serious size trucks that actually fit underneath the wheel pants some places have chocks that don't that that jam up only up to here so you kind of need a low profile chalk in order to to block that wheel you know if you're having a hard time putting this low profile chalk into your uh underneath your wheel a good chance that the tire pressure is extremely low at that point start walking around here this is really neat got some windshield nozzles for the ice fluid it's a good way to spray a little extra spray up on the window if you need it on approach or something like that those don't normally run on their own they come through this looks really nice i think this looks super hot this black kind of anodized uh baffling that was a change couple years back and you know against the black this is why i call it the the joker i mean just this color against black really cool her tannis heater you can pull that off a lot of people will tell fbo people or line line crews hey you know plug my airplane in if it sits out overnight uh during the the colder months put that in there's usually a little red light that will indicate whether or not the the the tannis heater is on or not make sure you put your cowl plugs in if you do use it you know not only right now this is important in the springtime because of all the birds but we need in the winter it keeps the heat in junior pre-flight watch out for these screws these are way more important than they look very important the prop looks awesome this thing is just like super sharp here's the propeller this leading edge looks really sharp i think it looks wicked is zoom out just a little bit look at how wide this thing is this prop is ahead of some people get really excited about the four blade prop too and i started to see one up front and it's so cool but i tell people when you're up close to it you can tap this and it doesn't it's not metal it's a composite kevlar composite with this little nickel edge here so really strong and really light very smooth vibrations a very low nose profile especially on these turbos here's our de-icing tks pipette so this little pipette actually leaks out fluid when you turn the system on or the the de-ice system on and you can see these little channels that the fluid is designed to flow through here and it goes all the way up to this point and that's where the bulk of the propeller spins a lot slower down here than a up at the top so ice really forms only on this portion of the propeller and uh you need the fluid in order to run through and once it melts that ice off it reuses that fluid and pushes it all the way back along the cowling and then spreads evenly across the windshield it's a really cool system works very well see some of the alternators [Music] on the turbocharged aircraft could tell this is a this is a specific opening here and on the other side you can kind of see it down there those are the air inlets that go into the induction system the nose gear it's fantastic [Music] these best hugs i have a best hug here in the hanger and i use it to move it around and it's super easy these little plugs where you can hook up and tow the airplane around is really simple this side right here is for your cabin air fresh air system so that's your inlet there looking good i'm gonna go ahead and open this looking sharp this side is essentially the same this come the lights this side is the green led to signify that the right side here it's awesome now when i push this down the aileron you can see how this springs back to neutral you'd be surprised how crisp and sporty and responsive the airplane gets when we're actually out flying uh it's literally you can just take the yoke and just turn it let go and then boom the airplane just literally snaps and holds right into place and it feels like literally you're driving a porsche down a a like a pretty high bank curve it's awesome see this side of the wheel pants they look good it's kind of funny i these wheel pants um are actually you know make the airplane go faster so if you take the wheel pants off due to the aerodynamic shape you end up losing some speed and you know personally i think the wheel pants make it look a lot better if you ever seen a cirrus without wheel pants it kind of looks funny in my opinion let me know what you think about cirrus with wheel pants or not uh comment below and let me know what you think it's pretty cool these flaps starting in generation five of the cirrus awesome uh you can put them out at 150 knots on the g6 sr20 we're able to do that now too and it's super helpful i fly into chicago midway back when uh things were really uh busy back at midway before this pandemic and you know they typically put you in between a two seven thirty sevens going into for landing and it was uh it was super helpful because they would say hey maintain 160 knots until uh you know a five mile final uh and you could do that and have your have your flaps out and be able to uh kind of comply with with whatever air traffic control need needed this does have 150 knot limitations so 160 knots until five mile final then you can put your flaps out or if they needed 150 or less you could you could definitely run with the flaps out it's super helpful for getting into busier airports like that picture of the interior looking really sharp just if you look close to the stitching and the kind of the quality of this leather it's awesome one of my favorite details on the plane is actually this little tab i always felt like that looked like the levi's red tag on the blue jeans and like you know if cirrus ever wanted to start a fashion line that could be the fashion tag on this we'll go inside in just a second this looks really sharp one of the fun things here at cirrus is that we have a um you know they let us pick our demo colors or uh they they they let us pick our tail numbers if the opportunity arises and i picked this one because in 2019 i ended up running my first half marathon which is one three one that's what 13.1 is that's the distance 13.1 miles is of a half marathon and dx is a kind of a personal code uh for one of my good friends at cirrus that's where we uh we we uh it's kind of our little code which is fun so aileron or our elevator a horizontal stabilizer now this is a platinum edition airplane so platinum you'll see some carbons rhodiums a lot of people think hey is this extra or different charge or whatnot no it's just the design you can kind of see the nice swooping aerodynamic section back here i absolutely love this year's platinum design i think it looks so good i like it a little bit better than last year's both of them are awesome but really sharp i'll show you in the back seat here in the luggage compartment this thing is a lot bigger than what it looks this is this key right here um this big key is just for the doors we end up having a fuel cap key so you can lock your fuel fuel tanks uh while you're sitting overnight this is a de-ice key so these in order to get the fill up the de-ice cap right here you need to open this and close it and then this is actually the ignition um in order to do it to get the airplane fired up so we're gonna take the big key here go through open this i'm just going to let that kind of open on its own here's a few things that i keep back here so i've got like my little to-go kit i keep some cleaners and everything back there here's a tow bar log books for the airplane i keep um some oxygen or excuse me some uh sometimes i keep an oxygen kit but then i keep some extra blankets for people that i'm flying with it's just super nice to have if the volume really on this is huge so when you actually like look up the volume can really fill out there's a little baggage light back up there that you can see so when i actually open this up i can actually put a ton of stuff back here three sets of golf clubs heck i've even had a corvette bumper back here five cocktail tables um certainly you know four people's worth of luggage for a weekend can go in here it's really nice a lot of people that have families and kids gonna love this this is actually one of those car seats uh easy click buckles for for kid seats and all that so you can actually start to see a little bit that's one of those universal easy clip connectors which is nice and then if you ever needed more space you can take this latch over here and turn this the seat actually back here can recline on this little bracket so people in the back seat can recline and go or you can actually fold the seat forward and down and get more cargo space people make it really comfy for dogs if they need to um you know it's a good little area i usually keep brochures and all that in here or a lot of people keep their fuel cup or jack points down there which is nice just such a cool color i mean this is this color is really fun that's a really oop always do this you want to double check make sure you have all the straps out and a lot of people actually you know close on this door here i pull the key out and what i do is all i have to do is push this closed until it clicks and now it's locked these are windows let's go inside i'm going to turn all the lights off we don't need to use those here's our yoke and it's all spring-loaded so if i push this it will go back we saw that those those those ailerons if i move that i let go of the yoke they just kind of snap back in it's fantastic it's such a smooth responsive feel when i'm actually flying i want to i tried it here's our trim so if i can go forward or back and a lot of uh airplanes this size and up have roll trim so it's aileron trim that actually helps you helps you that way so if you find yourself having to hold the stick like that you know that means that you have a mist trimmed airplane so you're going to take the trim and add it to the left or to the right whatever direction you need to go there's actually a little trim indicator here so it's only electric trim there's no wheel and you can start to see that this little bar here needs to fit in the take-off slot so i'm gonna take my thumb and and adjust this so that this little bar here that's the indicator uh goes right in the take-off slot and then a proper roll trim as this point will point right up to that zero the null point which is great platinum interior is awesome the platinum and uh it kind of matches the the the vibe of the exterior so you end up having these nickel vents here this brush nickel which looks really nice this brush nickel side paneling when you do a carbon it looks a little bit different carbon fiber cut paneling right here in black anodized vents all the switches batteries avionics strobe lights here's the ice light that we were talking about you can turn that on and look down at the wing at that that little tab right there that tells us that if we have ice or not and if we do see ice you know hopefully we already have our pitot heat on but then here's the master switch all we have to do is go off and then turn that on you can hear it real quick i'm not going to turn it and run the pump right now but this has to be checked every 30 days whether it's summertime or not there's little sponges in those panels that if they dry out it can take a long time for your icing to kick back in so you want to run this every 30 days summertime or not in the winter you know you're probably using this a little bit more but this is either on or off if you turn the system on it automatically goes to whatever this switch is so there's a low a high position and then there's a max and this is just like a little push button down and when you push that button down the system goes on max for two minutes and it and it runs 400 percent of the normal fluid over the wing it kind of looks like a a you know a really flowing you know rapid white water river going over the top of the wing it's a lot of fluid sometimes you may need it there's a windshield pump so all i got to do to get a little ice you know cleared off of the windshield here is i got to push the windshield button and that will do it there's our real stats for our lighting so i'm going to turn the screens back on a little bit i'll make another video of updating the databases but this is very very simple to do there's the other side of the paneling over here this is air conditioning in the environmental system saw that inlet and it's very much designed like a car so you can see that there's these like um once you get everything up and running and the system on i can turn it's off right now but when i turn it to zero one two or three you know we can change how the how the cabin air flows we can turn air conditioning on or off or re-circ so to even cool it down even further i can't tell you how nice it is even in chicago i'll use the air conditioning uh like 50 degree day you know excuse me not 50 degree days definitely on 50 degree days but sometimes like i turn the air conditioning on as early as february because you might be in a 35 degree day the airplane is out on the ramp it's one of those bright uh days out in um on the in the winter and it really gets hot inside of the cabin you kind of have to start taking your glares off and you know you might sweat a little bit so i actually use that uh that air conditioning a lot earlier than people think panel looks great [Music] autopilot controls big thing here is 90 of my time flying is spent using this and it's really neat this is a kind of a guidance computer versus i call it the autopilot controls autopilot either is on or it's off but anytime you make an input here you're really making an input of for the flight director and you can either hand fly and match whatever the flight director is doing or turn the autopilot on and the autopilot will follow the flight director so it's big big important distinguish audio panel very crisp clear you know it's got bluetooth so you can stream all the different everyone can listen to their own uh audio as they need to all i got to do to fire that on is turn the avionics switch and be able to uh to run that so one of the things i see a lot of people miss they don't know how to work this properly and all we need to do is to switch radios is hit mic 2 or mic uh mic 1. a lot of people will hit okay i want to turn the mic one off they push that and then like ah that doesn't work i'll come up here and hit com1 oh that doesn't work but by hitting this comm one and then going to mic 2 look what it does you've kept com1 the ear the the monitoring or the listening piece on and you switch it over to mic too so now you're listening to two radios so you really have to be conscious about that so to turn the monitoring portion off and to fully turn a radio off or switch radios you just gotta push the bottom don't you know it's like they go around the horn they're like oh that doesn't work that doesn't work oh that doesn't work oh oh now i got it but they really don't because they left this on now they go back over here this one's lit up because they went around the horn bluetooth is great because we can listen stream via bluetooth from our phone or our ipad listen to audio books podcast music we can change the pilot or co-pilot passengers can all listen to different music sources i can check that out by pushing this button in and anytime this is highlight and flashes it tells me that who's listening to that source so this is for the satellite phone this is for just some type of um this is for any of the music sources like xm radio bluetooth anything with a blue box around it means that bluetooth can be um can do it looks great this airplane has oxygen so i can turn the oxygen system on or off it tells us how much we have flaps very simple three positions it's either up 50 or 100 you can see that 150 knot limitation for flaps 50 percent come through now it's a big thing a lot of people call this throttle this is actually a power lever because underneath right underneath this paneling here or the bulkhead is there's a mechanical linkage that uses uh some of the that pushes the throttle or the the the propeller level back back and forth it's a little bit different on a turbo's but same concept and when you blend those two movements together mechanically you come up with a power lever everything's very intentional here mixture there's a little button underneath here called the toga button little trigger button and it just comes in super handy for taking off or going around literally that's what it says here go around or toga when you click that and the avionics pop up it brings up your flight director to the take off takeoff position if i want to clear that i can hit the flight director button and now that goes away or if i hit the toga button again right now that pops up and shows that i'm ready for takeoff for both lateral navigation and for vertical navigation if i could do a go-around it essentially does the same thing but it's going to say gaga in this plane we use a lot of common sense items like percent power it's an easy way to think of it rather than set your rpms to this and your manifold pressure to that it's really simple to just blend that into a power really some good stuff here i got all the lights blinking in here because i'm in the in the hangar don't have good uh um reception for outdoors for the satellites or whatnot so this stuff turns green and all as we start to go now if i come over here and i start hitting enter i use this button all the time brings through some very friendly welcome screens you know there's a passenger briefing thing and i actually have a uh if you go on my channel my youtube channel and scroll around a little bit you'll see a passenger briefing video that you can use and send that to your your passengers ahead of time i did that with my colleague amy voss we had a lot of fun putting it together and makes it a lot more approachable and friendly versus you know and says hey let's have fun versus here's what you need to do in case of emergency stuff you need to be aware of both go through here another fine welcome screen just for the pilot this is kind of a measurement tool for your aeronautical ability so think of this as ski hills if i were actually out skiing my my level wouldn't be on here i'd be on the pink bunny hill but from a flying standpoint this is this is uh your your your aeronautical ability your airmanship and then finally the i'm safe a lot of you have heard that or that who are taking lessons you're going to hear that that's you as a human being are you okay to make this flight hit enter again this is incredibly accurate um when you start to when you start to use this so i'm gonna next time i fly i'm gonna get a top off and hit full to bring my bring my fuel levels back up and sync with each other but when you start taking some cross-countries and this is properly initialized very very accurate all the sloshing around um in their fuel gauges you know the floats they just it's it's all gone it's very accurate let me start to see it it's all digital here's a weight and balance profile so you can actually go in and change the weight and balance the airplane knows how much fuel is on board based on what you just hold it and now you can go through and enter different stations so if uh you're flying with your buddies 100 and you know 85 pounds i'm 220. you know we've got 40 pounds of tks fluid no passengers in the back but let's say we're bringing you know 85 pounds worth of stuff in the back you know this allows you to check and see where your the weight and balance is you're able to really kind of calculate how much how much you have left in terms of weight how much um this this little triangle shows you where uh you're going to be actually taking off at and then there's a little diamond that sits underneath that and that is going to show you where the weight and balance is shifting in flight so it's going to travel along this as the airplane gets lighter you're going to have less weight and the cg is going to move forward i'm going to confirm that brings us up to our main menus and go to the ogs page using the center knob to scroll over to the aux page [Music] you can scroll down to the radio stations this is a satellite phone this is awesome a lot of people never have used one of these on their personal plane before and it's like you don't use it if you don't have it but then once you have it you start using it it's great you can start sending text messages some emails make phone calls there's even a little data link for kind of as a backup weather source very helpful i used it not too long ago to actually make a dinner reservation with a client while i was flying home from tennessee back in february here's that evs camera that we saw underneath the wing this is what you see it's great you can see the propeller sitting right here and uh you know usually it's this little half moon shape or quarter moon shape while you're flying and you're able to see it's infrared so you're able to see any type of heat signatures water pretty decent as you start to go through so it's really great home this home button is awesome i'm able to pivot in and out of menus rather than having to scroll back and forth and get lost and figure out where i need to go again that brings it right back up to our home page these buttons are great because on the older legacy garmin aircraft the perspective perspective plus whenever you see these buttons in the blue form this means that it's controlling your make you can make an input on whatever's blue here so if i see all right so in the com all i need to do if i get a radio change and i want to go to chicago approach let's say i can go one two five zero and then flip flop it and it goes right on over up here or i can go you know one two one point five for emergency right up there and then i can hit flip-flop and then i don't have the airplanes nice and nice and set up here another thing i can do i can go home i could do that for the transponder code so now the transponder code can be entered so if i went one two zero zero i don't have to hit enter it just automatically takes it defaults back up to com i got a flight plan though watch what happens to these buttons they go white and that's because anything in the flight plan here i can do you know let's say east troy wisconsin go 5 7 charlie so it allows me because some airports have letters and numbers in them you know that's what you want when you're programming your flight plan page or if you're programming different altitudes uh you can program things over here you know that's what the number function is you'd hate to be trying to plug in 5000 feet over here in your your vertical profile but it's actually trying to program some bogus frequency but if you need it on if you're on this page and you need to get the you get a frequency change real quick all you have to do is press com and then it turns blue momentarily so that you can program your frequency and then it will time back out and go white so that you can get back to your flight plan page it's great look at this leather is the mocha color really soft really really fantastic i've got a cell phone pouch here so you can put you know one or two phones in here sunglasses whatever you want so that everyone stays comfortable the stitching on this is in the platinum design the seats the leather can be in carbon or or platinum but the the stitching changes no difference in the comfort of seat there's a lot more bolstering back in here it's really nice these seat belts and seat backs are fantastic you have an air bag equipped in the seat belt on this side right here so if we go down under parachute and we don't have to worry about shutting the door or having her face hit the door or whatnot these will deploy under the right conditions i always hang up my headsets here these are great because they're magnets i can undo those and what i actually like to do these it took me a little while to figure this out but i grab when i hang my headset back up i grab my hand i hang the headset on my hand just like this and i actually come in and grab the strap and then i put this right on top and you'll be able to see that this just is a simple magnet and they hold up pretty nicely these seats can really recline back just like this you know and this is really cruising here there's a little lever underneath here or i can actually grab like it's like an old car manual seat where you can actually move these there's a cup holder down here a little back uh net for any type of valuables or pilot equipment supplies it's super comfortable when you actually go forward so when the passengers need to get in you can take this little lever back here and actually roll the seat forward and kind of get a good look at what this plane looks like smells awesome with this new leather really soft and coming back here we've got the same in the back seat a cell phone pouch right back here got a usbc cable charging cable a usb cable my headset's hung up that's how i like to hold my headsets seat belts it's really comfortable back there you know i'm a big guy i'm 220 pounds six foot one and i would have no problem flying across the country with two of me back there it's really quite comfortable here's our caps handle safety pin i always want to remove that before flight can pull that down put this back it's just simple velcro that hangs out up here show you the back seat again in order to fold the seat forward all i need to do is i'm trying to do this with one hand grab that i can do that easily come back in that's simple all i got to do is step down [Music] and i can slide back in the back seat here and really start to see how nice this is there's the amps amperage these things put out a lot of power so you're able to actually use and charge your phones and devices uh pretty quickly i'm gonna pull the seat back i wanna show you this leg room you know like i said i'm six foot one guy this seat is all the way back on the on the seat rails so the pilot would be the seat is slid all the way forward all the way back and you can still see what my legs are i still have plenty of room if i actually move the seat forward a little bit as if the pilot were flying i need to hit the rudder pedals i'd be able to have even more room back here get to see these a little fresh air outlet and the seat belts back here operate like a car so i could take this buckle this is like a shoulder strap you can bring it on down click it in here really comfortable a lot a lot of people will bring the appropriate booster seats if they have young kids flying back here because sometimes this will go over their ear knock their headset off so you want an elevation a booster seat for kind of a three four five six year old and then this this will sit really comfortable over them because their head will be up here versus down here and this is uh digging into their neck a little bit just a regular booster seat will work it doesn't have to be specific you can get it at target walmart wherever you get it here's this this lever back here so you can actually recline this back seat and if i pull this back i can push with my elbow and actually see that this moved back and reclined to show you take the headset and you can see the gap here so this is no longer flush so you can actually recline really decently back here and if i trust the pilot that's flying i am more than happy to sit in the back seat because this is really comfortable it's a great place to take a nap there's a little handle back here up on the roof in order if you want to hang something got some reading lamps just fantastic just super comfortable you know being in this airplane especially now with how travel is changing you know i go to o'hare a lot is uh just sit down and watch airplanes take off and land and man hasn't changed i actually even did a touch and go for it o'hare uh the other week because it was so quiet in the middle of the day and the o'hare controller said hey you're cleared for the option i mean who's been cleared for the option at o'hare i mean that's how much that's how much it's changed and how little you know the agility to get places has really changed so imagine it's just sitting back here flying to new york dc about two hours 45 minutes or three three hours in order to get to washington dc from chicago you've got the air conditioning and the environmentals work really well you can be really comfortable back here with a little blanket reading something bluetooth connected to your headset or to the panel you know everyone's sitting and being involved the one of the fun things with this interior and this color i actually flew somebody and after our flight they said they have an older cirrus one of the spouse said you know what i really feel like i can entertain people as if like they're hosting a dinner party in this airplane i thought that was quite powerful anyway a really cool thing to do you know enjoy enjoy general aviation and private personal aviation and what you can do you can do big things with this anyway i appreciate you coming on the tour here if there's anything else you want to see leave some comments below and uh subscribe and like to the channel really helps it out appreciate it i'm al waterloo live here in chicago based at the chicago executive airport this is uh the 2020 sr 22 turbo 131 delta x-ray in the platinum in aurora colored paint scheme and unofficially named purple rain or my personal favorite the joker fly safe everyone
Channel: Al Waterloo
Views: 26,039
Rating: 4.9528718 out of 5
Keywords: Al Waterloo, Cirrus Aircraft, 2020 SR22T, Garmin Perspecitve, Aviation, Flight Trianing, Owning an Airplane, SR22, SR20, SR22T, G6, Flying, Airplanes, Airplane
Id: nug_tETyEpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 52sec (3172 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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