5 Quick Tips to Feel Like a Pro in a Cirrus SR22T!!

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so I'm here at the airport getting ready to go flying for the day and I'm really excited but I want to share my five tips to make yourself look like a pro in a cirrus it's excellent so let's walk through each one of those and leave a comment if you agree or disagree with anything that I say always interested in learning from you but if you find this valuable I'd certainly appreciate a like and subscribe to the channel that really helps things out but anyway let's get to it the top 5 tips to make yourself look like a pro and a cirrus so my first tip starts with the baggage compartment and this key a lot of people go and look for different types of keys but on a 2016 Cirrus and newer we're gonna start with this big black key and there's a small little round key for older services that will do this exact same thing but to open up the baggage compartment all we do is take this key we put it into the slot and we can just twist it and open it now to properly close the baggage compartment all we can do is literally take the key out put it in our pocket and then do our thing in the baggage compartment but when we're ready to shut the door we don't need the key anymore all we do is just push snap and we're done so the second thing to make yourself look like a pro is operating the radios right and going from mic one to Mike two to listen or talk on different radios and rather than going around the horn let me show you what I mean so imagine yourself in this scenario you just taxied out to the end of the runway at a towered Airport and you're talking to ground control on Mike 2 and radio 2 and if we come up here we can see we're exactly doing that we're in one to one point seven that's ground control and one one nine point nine is the tower frequency now when we actually come down to make the switch I often our mistakes where we go around the horn on the audio panel so rather than just go in the doing the appropriate action which is going from Mike two to Mike one which will do it I often see people try to turn Mike two off that does nothing they hit com two to think that that's going to turn it off but secretly behind the scenes that turns on the monitor function they'll come over to com1 and they turn the monitor function on on that and then finally they by process of elimination they push this button and voila if we look back up we're still but we're now talking to the tower but if we come back down we're still monitoring ground we can disable that and when we actually need to use com2 again or the talk not transmitted on the radio to and we switch now because we run around the horn a while back now we can we're still monitoring com1 so we can disable that so just remember to appropriately switch between each radio don't go around the horn just go left and right that'll appropriately turn on and turn off whatever radio that you want to talk to and if you truly want to monitor ground or listen to a DES you can put your tap tap that and listen and you'll literally be monitoring that frequency and to just turn it off you press it and you're done stay nice and organized that way so the third thing that I often run into and the best pro tip is to not let your frequency time out this will make sure that you've appropriately programmed and entered the frequency that you want to be talking to without letting it drop out automatically and let me show you what I mean below so imagine this scenario we're flying along and we get a new frequency that we need to enter and that frequency is one two zero five five I've entered that up here in the radio but as you can see the cursor is still blinking and after a certain period of time I didn't lock my frequency in and bouff Derek blends the frequency got deleted because I didn't lock it in I get distracted really quick and I think it's in there and I make the frequency change and I make the call and the person that we're transmitting to has no idea who we are and they say check last assigned frequency and here's the mistake we did not hit enter to lock that frequency in so I'm gonna redo this this is the right way to do it so one two zero five five I'm gonna hit enter and if I come back up here now to our radio panel I can see one two zero five five is locked in because I hit enter that is accepted and no long I can let any amount of time pass and then make the flip-flop in now we're talking on the appropriate frequency number four this one's a good one and I often need to run into this one all the time and that is using the cursor Bunny pushing it in with your thumb as the enter button it's I've seen some frustrating moments so let's go dive deep into this so you don't run into that and make it easy on yourself here we go so imagine we want to look up some Airport information and we're on the appropriate page up here at the airport information tab and we want to look at the Chicago Executive Airport but not Gary so in order to do this is where the confusion comes in we've got to turn the cursor on by pushing in the cursor button and that allows us to edit and what often happens is that people will get this far we'll go kpw k and because we hit this is to light the cursor up they think that this is the enter button so what happens is that when we press this boom all of a sudden we go right back to Gary International Airport the best way to think about this is that the cursor button allows you to edit and also undo whatever you just did so the appropriate way to lock in the Chicago Executive Airport is to go K P W K and then hit enter now we've locked that in and we can scroll using our cursor knob and be able to go through and pan for whatever information that we need in tip number five loading frequencies using the waypoint information page and doing the rapid fire frequency loading but there's a little gotcha let me show you what that is so that you don't fall into it and you've got ease in order to load your frequencies just like boom boom boom so imagine this we're at this we're flying along and we want to load our frequencies and learn more about the Chicago Executive Airport while all of our frequency information is in the system and it's easy to access so I can use this range joystick and I can click down and go one and what this does is it changes and allows me to use it move this - box line so I'm gonna go in our flight plan and click down and highlight the Chicago Executive Airport hit enter to learn more about that Airport and all the information that I have is available frequencies Airport layout here's our airport elevation if we need it but I want to specifically load all of the frequencies easy I can go ahead and push our cursor in that brings up our cursor and we want it there's two knobs on this there's a skinny knob and a wide knob I want to take the wide knob in the center the center stack here and use it to scroll all the way down and if I come down and I hit enter this is great this will load up and say hey where do you want to put the ATIS frequency well I might want that in comm to active and I want to load ground control in is my next frequency f2 income to standby easy enough but here's the problem that I often see and run run into is that people say okay I want to load the tower and I'm ready to put that into the active frequency what ends up happening if you look close here there's words for calm - or the standby frequencies are load and the top ones for the active ones are transfer so this is think about transfer it replaces it the in the active frequency and whatever was active it moves over so if I want to load our nineteen nine into our radio frequency here look at that we've got one three two point five I'm gonna I'm gonna acknowledge and say enter and look what happens I've entered it it loads nineteen nine in and it transferred whatever was active into the standby so make sure you're aware of that it's easy to use and be careful you don't I always say load your active frequencies first and then then your standbys a lot of people will load their standbys first and then their actives which will actually push out any frequencies they have so just be mindful of that load your frequencies so that you can go boom boom boom and you'll feel like a pro so there you have it those are the five tips to help you make and look and feel like a pro flying your Cirrus anyway a huge thanks to Amy Voss for helping film this and you can follow her on Instagram at Voss a vos you could follow myself on instagram @ l dot Waterloo and we'll see it flying around don't forget to Like and subscribe and have fun out there
Channel: Al Waterloo
Views: 15,903
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: airplanes, cirrus, aircraft, cirrus aircraft, Sr22T, G6, SR22, SR20, Flight Training, Aviation, Airplane, Avgeek, Learning to fly, 2020 SR22T, SR22T G6, SR22 G6, SR20 G6, fight, al waterloo
Id: 7GV8xLwp050
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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