Best 6 Seat Single Engine Plane? Piper Malibu

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I'm Paul doobie and this is my 1986 Piper Malibu Piper was the third manufacturer to an introduced of pressurized single-engine piston aircraft with the Piper Malibu the six seat Malibu is known for its fuel economy and speed it cruises over 200 knots at 25,000 feet and only burns about 15 gallons per hour while doing that it really has a comfortable cabin for cross-country flights this is one of the nicest Malibu's I've seen with its advanced avionics from Garmin and impeccable maintenance history in this video we're gonna talk to the owner Paul and learn more about the airplane and then take it up in the air for a flight and $100 hamburger so let's meet Paul and learn more about this airplane I started flying I guess when I was about eight years old second grade my dad flew dead bodies in South Texas he would go pick them up from the morgue in Galveston Houston area and bring him back to South Texas for a funeral home that he was actually an insurance agent but he was a pilot at a 182 with back seats out flat board couldn't carry anything other than the body so at 8 years old I got to co-pilot with him and fly with our friends I got in a lot of trouble at school because I talked about that when we got back and said you know telling stories about bodies making sounds when you hit turbulence and the principal called my dad in and iris tinkly remember walking back out and he said next time you were just sick yeah so he flew in World War two my grandfather flew in World War one I have a brother who's 72 and still full-time flight instructor soap and kind of in my genes I guess I bought a plane probably about 2000 a Piper Saratoga loved it but it wasn't really the traveler it was a hauler a 16 hundred pound useful load big back doors you actually carried a safe I carried flooring water heaters and amble one time great hauler but fairly slow and not super comfortable didn't have air conditioning things like that so a couple of years ago actually four years ago I decided to step up and this seemed like the logical choice the Malibu it took me two years to find this airplane and I was looking pretty hard actually I I I had to call through quite a few some I caught early so I'm actually caught during the inspection but finally landed on this one and actually by chance I was calling the flight training school because the other plane that I was going to by fell through from the pre by inspection did failed so I called them to cancel they happened to have someone else on the other line who was canceling because he had discovered at 80 he was gonna have to have a safety pilot and he was single pilot in this airplane for 32 years and he wasn't interested in that so they actually conference the two of us together and he had the right airplane I had the interest we flew together for several months making sure I was the right buyer for him he wanted to make sure I've got a good home and didn't just go to some you know leasing company so he actually made me fly up and down the East Coast on his trips several times with meet him in places like Atlanta Providence Rhode Island Vero Beach fly around and bought plane I've been madly in love with it ever since so Thank You Bernie this is a 1986 and a half Piper Malibu PA 46 310 P so it has the Continental 520 engine in it it's pressurized it's an 86 and a half because it's the the hybrid before that era they had hydraulic flaps and Garr Kenyon landing gear this one has electric flaps and gar Canyon landing gear and shortly after that they went to Parker Hannifin gear and electric flaps so this one's a bit of a hybrid and in my estimation the right airplane the GAR Kenyan gear is a simpler system and it's much lighter system it's it's got one drawback in that it is a lighter system it requires some finesse from the pilots and that was the complaints people were saying the nose gear collapses that people talk about on these airplanes it's because you have to really be careful with these things I wanted to travel with my wife I've got two kids one is senior in college the other just graduated from college both of my kids are pilots so we thought this and we had done it in the Saratoga and we've done it I've got access to other airplanes that we'd flown quite a bit but we thought it was time to step up to something that would get a little further maybe Sedona Florida coast things like that and this is the airplane that does that really really well you can carry six people 500 miles comfortably you can carry four people a thousand miles comfortably and still have plenty of room for reserves there's a video out there of Larry Johnson actually putting four sets of golf clubs in the forward baggage hold so it carries quite a bit it's got to baggage holds both carry a hundred pounds and both quite large it's air-conditioned which will come in handy later it's pressurized we complied at 25,000 feet that allows me to get up above quite a bit of weather take advantage of the jet stream another nice thing about being a Piston airplane though unlike a turbine engine I can stay down low and still just be burning fifteen gallons an hour chugging along a little slower I lose about two and a half knots per thousand feet but still comfortable and not having to fight that 100 not jet stream in some case it's like the other guys are having to do cruise in this airplane you have a little bit of fluctuation in that as I mentioned earlier you get about two and a half knots per thousand feet so if we're in the teens I cruise just under 200 and I'm burning about 15 to 15 and a half gallons an hour if I can get it up higher and fewer people and we're going further get up into the flight levels to 100 to 200 we're going over 200 knots and we're still only burning 15 15 and a half gallons an hour so it's quite comfortable to get places and it's got really long legs because we're only burning 15 gallons an hour I carry 140 gallons can go quite a ways so what I was looking for in the early Malibu is that continental engine because they can run Lena peak there's a mirage right next door over here nice airplane but the lycoming engines aren't comfortable running Lena peak you're burning 50 percent more fuel to go the exact speeds that means you're carrying fewer passengers we're having to make more stops so I was really interested in that 86 to 89 era when they had the electric flaps still had the Garr Canyon gear but we're able to go longer places and burn a lot less fuel the Piper Malibu comes with pneumatic de-ice boots for all the surfaces the early airplanes did not have the radar this is actually an add-on but after 87 I believe the radar came standard this one has got a wood composite prop the mt4 blade prop which is a very lightweight they claim they're infinitely rebuildable because it's wood it's just got an epoxy wrap with a nickel leading edge on it so they're very simple the key to them o is they're a very lightweight in fact the selling feature of this airplane was the owner balanced a nickel on the yoke for about ten minutes while flying and went through several different power settings and the nickel met never moved just a very quiet comfortable airplane and you'll notice that when we fly it that is it's that prop and this airplane and that engine are a great combination the early Malibu's came with a hot plate it was just a small plate that sat in front of the pilot as those have gotten older and aged out people have replaced them with this heated windshield on the pilot side rather expensive windshield so we try to be careful with how we treat those but it makes a great bit of difference when you're flying in a lot of IFR and because it's a traveling airplane you tend to do get into ice and conditions where you would want that kind of stuff I spent two years looking for this airplane and there are a fair number of them out there but finding a thirty-year-old airplane that has been well maintained for that period is it's a needle in a haystack and I have to give a shout out to Bernie Freeman the gentleman that kept this airplane looking good flying well and mechanically sound for over three decades that's just an amazing feat for somebody to be able to do that with any thing with engines and systems and all this going on all right well you ready to go fly it yeah if I can stop sweating yeah so Paul pulled the airplane out and it was gonna be a short flight from Mesquite around the class Bravo over to Dallas executive [Music] so this thing will have V speeds on it and everything or yeah okay I'll give you the call-outs you'll need to worry about okay speed ground Malibu Niner zero Niner zero Juliet right below you with information Foxtrot four one eight or VFR two red bird Malibu mentor zero-niner-zero Juliet musky ground row by 1/8 to actually be an alpha 180 out that matters your Juliet okay so you got the controls all right I asked controls and so on that way she lies overly right this is outfit you're good to go okay boy I mean I'm telling you this air conditioning makes all the difference I mean this is I mean it it's a it's a hundred degrees outside this autopilot would get to 130 vomit erupted on it really pretty brutal yeah so you got the Garmin always good well yeah gia 500 now it's not a touch geez 750 is a touch 650 is the 750 you're basically the exact same radio but with a bigger screen you can actually put a 650 and a 750 so hot it's just a little run-up area there yeah I would just pull over here somewhere by that all right DPS plane you got it already all right so we're gonna bring up I'll show you a DM is way over there so it's sort of hard for me to see okay so it probably easier for you although you got polarized glasses well yeah it's well yeah so we're gonna bring it up to about 1800 rpm 89 okay and then right down here are the two bags I can check for you if you want there's a 1800 okay cycle the prop okay and then left and right bags are right there just turn off each individually oh there we go okay Meg left is off got a little drop back on right mag is off a little drop and back on okay engine instruments are all looking good you can we got vacuum which we only use for de-ice in this airplane because it's glass panel yeah I heard a funny one on Joe Casey's podcast the other day people always want the g1000 right huh thinking oh it's got to be better I said well this is 650 this is 750 and 500 that's 1250 plus the six dude this is better than my estimation it actually yeah it is that two more yeah well there's some cool things that this does at the g1000 Brenda buys got a g1000 that was not was uh-huh it's gonna cost him for Tahoe yeah oh yeah for sure with this you just change out a piece yeah right okay alright so we got three calls that we're gonna make on the runway one is we want to be doing 55 on the speed tape by the thousand foot markers that tells me we're generating enough power to make it right right 70 I want no annunciators okay eighty we rotate when you raise the gear do it underhanded or you'll be bleeding okay you do it oriented you're gonna break your knuckle right okay and it's a it's a valve it's not electric so it's gonna take some power okay and then I'll take care of the flaps and we get up speed I'm out at about 120 okay but for the initial let's climb out at be why 90 righty get up the pattern altitude then okay go to 120 okay alright that's all yours I'll call the tower all righty your controls I got this guitar melody Niner zero Niner zero Juliet ready to go one eight we're gonna head over to Dallas executive element under Julie mesquite air aroma one eight clear for takeoff proceed on course when to 0-0 at 1 1 takeoff it's just all the way forward yeah it's gonna over boost a little bit so don't be surprised if I pull it back just a hair okay looks clear left okay you're probably jet guy so you're probably used to being on the brakes to you spool it up yeah I'll just turn and go this one's fine you know it depends on the runway sometime right [Music] are a live Jeff this is complete good to go [Music] all right engine instruments roll in the green looking good better we got 55 by the thousands we'll look for annunciators by 70 and we're going to rotate it eighty back with fish down this letter back you got it underhanded gear up oh yeah the other would have broken your knuckle oh yeah [Music] and the gears up baking turn right there we go a little for our encore setting is red bird to five four I usually dodge this little bit of the Bravo that comes down like I kind of go around that horn okay that keeps love-filled happy right so just go around that okay alba 9-0 Julian no traffic reported South frequency change approved if you wanted 25 to 4 flights all under first Southwest 51:46 with you passing 14 for 9 probation the turbos in everything up so you can cover your honor ok we're just going to go around the floor of that is lower we got a 3,000 foot floor where we are and that one's sorry we got a four here and it's three there's we're gonna go to 2500 and kind of catch up that corner ok it's up to you if you want to talk to regional approach to go there or just go there now we just go there and start it oh wait a couple more miles return anyway right carry on a little more conversation about the plane right right alright so I like flying so far but a long time it is a great traveling airplane yeah IFR no problem icing yeah you don't want to you know go looking for it but yeah still not a big deal oh you know do it 113 odds climbing and thousand well almost out meet a minute yep you're probably [Music] 900 feet above us oh yeah he's coming out as they're six enter the level up here two thousand areas of their Southwest problem comment if it was little 152 there there's another guy had now a twenty five hundred stay around three thousand so all we get it was twenty five hundred in then you're going to pull us back to about thirty thirty and a half inch okay whoa whoa hurt bird yeah Jesus yeah so when you level it off 30 inches manifold throat about thirty thirty and a half somewhere in there and then we're gonna as we pulled a prop back it'll bring us up to thirty one which is our cruise power okay and again somebody flying formation with us yeah okay well a little oh there we go couple miles off your left shoulder yeah Soph minute ago but lost I go alright so now we're pull the prop back to about 2400 rpm all right you'll see the manifold pressure go up when you do that yeah fifteen hours Skyhawk what you want you to fall here's the big selling point about this air pull the mixture back number one to two in uniform in skeet are you set up for a left or right gunman left out Wiggly I have to inform reporting out an hour left open ask me nicely to what the other paw report beat it feel left downwind heat our sky land port three much slower but it failed on right down hey it's so much nice having having all that you know traffic on there and everything yep much safer ask you Ripper in sight just tell us which ones open right yeah well they've been doing so I think they've been linked anyone three right for a while it's actually pretty convenient Airport flying into Dallas well when the run went the long runway opens under will be alright so you're nine miles out okay if Dallas executive tower Bella blue Connors the road Niners Julia nine miles to the east information Bravo full stop [Music] so that was nine zero nine zero Julia affirmative Julie exerted re-enter left downwind runway one seven curdled and left at 1:11 clear to land I'm here Julia okay so now we're just going to go down to pattern altitude 1,600 feet RS work your way down we don't pull any power or anything we just okay here let's get the extra speed you can use the electric trimmer yeah we'll just pick up a little air so you probably gonna be number two now I have Malibu coming in from the southwest he's just inside of five miles okay we're looking for the traffic not you Julie second tower birdie and pasta but he looked Charlie was about four point three read the webmaster that we are landing here 4/7 ready master exhibitor yeah - 6000 informs Jetta you lose the forward stop in a very different time let's pick it up a few all right okay great airplane so 27,000 foot ceiling Oh Buffy a little bumpy up here today yeah 2004 hot is a typical hot summer July there I am at that kill John we're gonna CrossFit feel they probably go read all the treatment right too slow to help that where is he cross it you can make a left 360 and just re-enter it right down one time flip kill trial you can have to repeat sorry this we're making left a 360 and enter it down one again that's rafter coming in from the southeast Michael left 360 and as your Juliet number one runway 172 and pepper 1 1 7 cleared land 9th regret so we're number one now yes so now we're just gonna turn ourselves downwind now downwind and you're clicking along at 160 knots so just don't treat it like a little Cessna yeah I'm gonna need a lot of room to get yourself cranked around okay there you go and we get even with the numbers you can drop a gear all right like not going to are they relax remember once Evans this close runway right yeah that throws a lot of people off yeah already and a gear typical Troy have four out is he okay Charlie you're number two traffic to follow is approaching left circular dry all right can we go in and take a letter come on down about a hundred going to keep are there at all manager Charlie blue has requested numbers only one 7/3 lanta soaked enjoy okay number two and we're gonna cross the good to turn better go down one four one seven yeah hundred ten knots is perfect you guys it and we're going to cross the numbers around 85 or 90 okay that helps we just kind of gradually bring every slower down as we come in [Music] I give you a little more power if you feel it low I mean I got your good little fast though too so alright come on around yep and I see two red to white perfect look at that you think we plant that no all right now we're just gotta start working your power out alrighty now this one we're not gonna really flare like you would have 182 or so you're just gonna kind of hold it right I'm just gonna get us off the runway and hold it let her come down and separate raw that we're left downwind please advise my glance we don't have time you know Charlie Roger you weigh 170 letters short file right now on three green I've got breaks okay butter down 85 you're holding her up there you go and then just hold it there hold her right there just let her do her job perfect okay good and let it roll out a little I guess yeah just I saved the brakes yeah all right well cool thanks sir then a while enjoy that yeah it's been a while Julie it's already the end and liftoff cross 1/3 inbound to the rim all right all the way to the end of left off across the 1/3 to the ramp I'm Julia it was a short taxi over to the terminal and the airport restaurant so even though it's not a hamburger that's what they call the pork slider so pretty culture thanks for taking powder well thanks so much for taking me out it was my pleasure yeah thanks for lunch too and I was a pretty cool airplane and I'm flown in the left seat do you haven't lost your touch all right we'll do it thanks again we'll do it again sometime all right thank you well thank you again for watching another episode of flying noodles real appreciate it pretty cool machine would love to have one please click that like button and subscribe if you'd like to fly with me sometime my emails popping up right here shoot me an email and we'll see about filming your plane [Music]
Channel: Flying Doodles
Views: 831,311
Rating: 4.9214501 out of 5
Keywords: piper malibu, malibu, piper, pa46, general aviation, airplane, aviation, landing, mirage, ifr, pilot, aircraft, flying, boeing, mzeroa, vfr, jet, airplanes, cessna, takeoff, 6 seat airplane, passenger drone, personal aircraft, travel hacks, traveling by plane, air travel
Id: XP_--KthFMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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