Doctor Reacts To The Most Shocking TikTok Anatomy

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I wish I can go back to the moment where I didn't know this existed

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/OGRubySimp 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

I tried to do this, but my leg won't move anymore after I did.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/One-Ad-39 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Our girl has Hypermobility! But of course!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Nano_user 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Alexa, how to delete YouTube video?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Fetishgeek 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

Chizuru's leg in that panel can't be explained away with hyper mobility though. XD Her hip would have to be extremely turned outwards and then backwards (while in the video, the legs are turned inwards). The only explanation would be that Chizuru's hip is reversed on her torso. (@_@ I have no idea if this condition exists and I'm not sure if I want to know...)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Yukiokoshi 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Human bodies are all beautifully different, and we're gonna prove it by watching some TikToks. - What's a really weird thing that your body does, that you're not sure anybody else's body does. - So I was just wondering, if anybody else can make their tongue disappear? - Yeah look, now you see it. Now you don't. Wow. Did it like fold back into her throat? She must have an extended soft palate or something, that she's able to just like put her tongue, all the way back in her mouth. (high energy music) Oh no. It's not doctors signatures. That's potentially varicose veins. That's actually a problem. So veins, the way that they work in comparison to arteries, is they're thin walled and they have little valves in them, that prevent backflow. Sometimes when veins swell from an overabundance of blood, or perhaps from gravity, pooling, what have you, they could sometimes get damaged, and they don't return back to their normal shape, so they look like that. (laughs) That's so cool. I wanna be able to do that. I can do it Whenever people have unique control of their bodies, I get so jealous cause I cannot do anything remotely special except touch my nose with my tongue. I can't anymore. I used to be able to. (lively music) Interesting, yeah. Lipedema is frequently confused with a lymphedema. Lymphedema is swelling from the lymphatic system. Lipedema is basically an increase amount or accumulation, of fat tissue in a specific area, and it's not like that you could lose that fat tissue. - I have two uvulas. (exclaims) - It's actually just excess skin at the back of my throat, and it's quite uncomfortable and has been for the last 12 years. - I see it. It's almost like a skin tag, but in the back of the throat, it could easily pass for a second uvula. - Did you know that spine circles, can not only lubricate your spine, but they can strengthen muscle and tendon coordination. - An accurate TikTok. Absolutely do spine circles. Like I do cat cow, but this is like cat cow on steroids. Do this. This is amazing. If you're otherwise healthy, and have no other medical injuries, kind of got to be careful on this. - I have three nostrils. Told you. - See, I wonder if this individual has just a septum there, like an extra septum meaning a separation. And then it continues and merges into one nasal passage way. Or are there truly three nasal passageways? Cause I've never seen that before. I wonder what an E-N-T would say about this. Can I do this? All right, I'm ready. Oh wait. What? No, that's not real. I can't imagine that to be real. There is a medical condition where you have multiple pupils, but not like a full iris at all. - I was born with a condition called ectrodactyly - Oh, it's almost like a, they call this sometimes a cleft hand, almost like a cleft palate. - I don't have my middle fingers, which means yes, I cannot flip someone off. Thank you. - Oh, she's doing the Friends' joke. - This finger for some reason just, and then this one too. - Well, that makes sense. She has an extra joint there, so she has extra mobility there. So that's interesting. - That's it. I love my hands and I think they're really cool. - Love your differences. (exclaims) Worm. When I was on The Doctors Show, we talked about this. How you can get loiasis, which is a type of parasitic worm that can enter your eye. There are treatments for this. I can't believe they got it on camera, this clearly though, it's nice. - Let's test my spice limit again. - Oh, I have zero spice limit, so I already know I'm gonna lose. - Takis. - I don't know what a Taki is. What's a Taki? Holland/Cayanne pepper. (exclaims) - Serrano. - Remember the spiciness from peppers comes from capsaicin. It's the compound that actually triggers, that burning sensation in your mouth. No actual damage is happening, but it's tricking your body, into thinking it there's damage happening, so your body's creating all of these reactions, like the sensation, the sweating, the swelling. I could never do this. This is like extra and then going one step past extra. No, no, don't do it. You know what all I'm thinking about is like, it's burning on its way in, but it's also gonna burn on its way out. - Fun fact. Did you know, that removing caffeine from your diet can help you lose... - Please be accurate. Please be accurate. - Over 60% Of your will to live. (laughs) - Not accurate, but funny. Quickly removing caffeine from your diet, can cause withdrawal headaches. (soft music) To-make-a To make a difference. (laughs) She got me up. For doc Dana always coming in clutch. He braids his armpit hair? I can do that. Ow! - That was pretty weird. - No, it's not. I can pull out my armpit hair too, but it's not going to feel good. - Think fast. - Oh! Not fast enough. - Listen! That child is going to be a pro athlete. (laughs) - He just gets hit in the face. That's me as a kid all the time. I had the same little hoop just in my like tiny one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, where I used to dunk all the time. And because it had a springy, like a rim, I would dunk it and it would chew right back into my face. - I invented this peeing aid when we need to pee, we activate this, which will help us to hold it. We don't need to use our hands at all. It also helps us to shake a little. Very easy to use. - Oh! Man. That's gonna hurt. I don't want it, I don't want it. Blister. What am I looking at? Blister blister. Oh, blister that pop. Yeah don't pop your blisters because within the blister that's kind of a sterile environment, so you don't want to open it up and create a potential source of infection. Cause remember immediately underneath the blister, like underneath the pocket of fluid, you have sensitive skin there that hasn't healed yet. - This is super weird. I can move my head. - Ah, that's cool. Your scalp actually has muscles. That's normal. Actually. Do you know why goosebumps happen? Do you know why hair stands up on your skin ? Because of muscles. Is that cool? - Okay. So I'm 20 years old and I've never met anybody else that's able to do this. - Show us. whoa. - I can bend both my knees backwards and I can take it to the side and bend it. - Wow! She is really hyper flexible. It's hypermobility, not just in the knee joint, but also in the hip joint as well. Cause to do that whole rotation there, I could see that causing a significant problem medically down the line. That's why it's important that your doctor understands the risks that you face. So therefore you require individual care and individual assessment of your risks to prevent future problems or decrease the likelihood of them. (indistinct) - What it looks like I'm looking at here is potentially clubbing of the distal phalanges. It's an enlargement of the furthest part of your finger, where you actually have down sloping of the nail as well. This most commonly happens in cancers related to the lung, but it can happen with heart disease as well. Also some malabsorption conditions. Also I'm talking about secondary clubbing of the, of the hands. If you have primary clubbing of the hands, that means you just happened to be born like that. And you actually don't have a problem. Oh, I think this is called syndactyly where two fingers are actually attached and never separated at birth. It's a congenital situation. Based on the movement there, it looks like a surgical option would be possible and still retain motion of both fingers based on how it was moving. - I have been Vegan for two years due to allergies, sensitivities, and medical reasons I have to start eating fish. - I wonder why fish specifically. I've never seen someone so sad to have to eat fish. - I'm really sad. - Aw. I'm guessing she was vegan for ethical reasons. - I'm literally having a breakdown over this piece of fish right now. - I don't know who this person is and I don't know if they're acting here, but if they aren't, I feel bad. - Here No. Find a joint in my neck. - Oh, wow. Dangerous. If you have hyperlaxity like this in your neck, imagine you're involved in a car accident. You have a traditional whiplash injury where you snap your neck back and forth because you were rear-ended huge problem here because there's not enough supportive tissue here to prevent a serious, serious injury. Ooh, splinter time, splinter time. - Jake told me he had a splinter in his foot. - I hope this is a doctor doing this. I can't really see what's going on. Is that, oh, that's a blade. That's a type of blade that we use in certain skin procedures do like a shave biopsy. - Oh my god! - Oh wow. Is that blood? I can't really see. Oh, that is a serious, serious, serious. I want to say one more time. Serious splinter. The first time I actually moved into my home in Staten island. I never had a big home. Before that we lived in a tiny box apartment for like a decade. I ran across the floor, this new wooden floor. And I slid in my socks. I had something like that go into my foot, but it didn't go all the way in. I was able to pull it out, but it was the most painful experience ever. So from that moment on, I said, I am never sliding on the floor with socks again, because I have a fear of that. - Hope y'all understand me. - (indistinct) answer your questions. So what's that on your face, no offense. It is called a metal rod. When I got shot right here, the bullet came up, my neck - A bullet - and my jaw shattered. So they had to put these rods in my jaw in hopes that my jaw bone reconstruct itself. - Well, it does. The body does heal itself. I mean, I don't know in this specific instance, obviously, but generally speaking, the body does a fantastic job of healing itself. Imagine a bone breaks. You put it together, even though like you didn't put any glue or anything, it just starts healing. Isn't that amazing? - Hi , it's me Riri. - Hi, Riri. - I will show you the CPR. I know all the CPR. Duck is hurt. Save the duck. - No Riri you got to check If the duck has a pulse, ask the duck if it's alive first. Call for help Riri. That was really cute though. Would sculpting breaks down cellulite. Then we transfer the fat to the butt. You really think you can just move fat around in your body. Imagine I'm like, oh, this muscle is so nice. You know what? Let's just put it here. No, it doesn't work like that. The reality of cellulite is that it's near permanent and you have to go through drastic measures to address it. Like laser procedures or even surgical procedures. So to say that like, you're just going to do this and then move the fat. Come on now. - Hey, what's up guys. - How to make your lady juice smell and tastes like heaven. Is that the name of her concoction. - Teach you how to make your huha smell and taste amazing. So it's all about the pH depending on what you eat, it can taste really bitter or you can also smell and taste fishy, which is not what you want. - A vaginal odor that has a fishy odor to it does not come from eating fish. Man. TikTok is so problematic. First of all, a vagina should smell like a vagina. It shouldn't smell like peaches. Like that's not what it's supposed to smell like. A healthy vaginal pH is actually acidic to some degree. And that's the normal vaginal pH and changes in that vaginal pH can change the odor, but it's not the pH that's changing the odor. It's the pH that's changing the microorganisms that live in the vagina that changed the odor. - Good morning. I'm here for the interview. - Ah, oh, you're hired. - Excuse me. Yeah, you can have the job. - Oh, I love this doctor. This doctor actually has an amazing story because I've read that this doctor's heart stopped and his wife actually saved his life by doing chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compre- You know what? After this video, I'm going to email this doctor and send him a chest compressions merch shirt, because I think it would probably mean a lot more to him than it does to me. - What do you think a typical workday looks like for a primary care doctor. - Fitting 12 hours of appointments into eight hours then going home and charting until I fall asleep at my computer. - So the only thing I would change for myself, there is fitting 14 hours of appointments into 10 hours and charting at my desk at work before I fall asleep. I can't go home. Once I'm home I suck at doing notes at home. So I have to stay in the office and sometimes it's so dark, it's so late when I'm leaving. Family medicine is an amazing, amazing specialty. There's so much good stuff to it. But everything mentioned here is so spot on. - Did you have fun at the Doctor? - They were measuring me. - Aww. We measure the length of a baby. The circumference of the baby's head. We weigh the baby. - They got me some stickers. - I love stickers. I love giving stickers away. - Yeah I did have fun. I do wanna go back to the doctor. - In my head. This is how all my pediatric patients think of me. It's definitely not the case. - Let's go back to the doctor. - The miracle of positive reinforcement. - And they can give me some more stickers. - How about the fact that we're helping you with your health? Huh? It's not all about stickers. I'm officially going on tour. I never thought that this would happen. Here are the cities that I'm visiting in April. I'm so excited to meet you guys. I'm about to blow the roof off these stages by having a blast, educating, staying happy and healthy. So check out the tour, link down below, get your tickets. It's going to be a blast. Like if you you're not going to be there, you're going to miss out. There's actually VIP tickets available that are limited in quantity, where you get special merch items. I may sign them. We'll take a photo together. We'll meet in person. The tickets are limited in quantity too. So get yours now before they get sold out, I'm only doing these four cities for now and click down below. The link is right there. Dr. Mike And if you drink green tea or you want to know more about green tea, here are seven factually interesting facts. It's a fact, a lot of green tea click here and check that out. As always stay happy and healthy. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 7,511,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, tiktok, tiktoks, tik tok, doctor reacts, doctor reacts to tiktok, tiktok react, charlie puth, cellulite, vaginal odor, splinter removal, splinters, vegan, webbed fingers, eye worms, chest compressions, pop blister, toilet, armpit hair, headaches, caffeine, mountain dew, takis, spicy, hot ones, dactyly, flexiblity, lipedema, double jointed, body builder, tour, doctor mike tour, a-live
Id: unQWa4i14rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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