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we are about to film a video with David and Jason but before we get into that this video is sponsored by drop drop is a free app that lets you link your credit or debit card and you automatically earn points wherever you shop swords like Target Sephora list and many many more I have used refered years I use my drop points to redeem gift cards at places that I love like AMC Starbucks Amazon or Whole Foods another feature that allows you to earn way more points is the Browse page there's always cool deals on there like 10% back on coast mates order all you have to do is click the order now or shop now button inside the app it will generate a link and allow you to shop and earn points all of your purchases at these stores you partner with drop this week and we will be giving away an assortment of gift card prizes through the 100 of you will be chosen at random to receive gift cards ranging from five to twenty five dollars which is five thousand to twenty five thousand points on the app once you download the app enter code Carly Aaron and finish setting up by linking your cards for a chance to win and make sure to comment below pay what you would redeem your points for if you were the winner the contest ends July 31st we are going to be redeeming our points for Starbucks gift cards and were going to be trying a bunch of their summer drinks so make sure to go download drop and enjoy the video bank's job new merch out now just me just David in Jason I can't really start hi it's out there's lights on nothing okay so you didn't see random darken bi trussed up as a dog I feel like I can feel their personality that makes me so excited you're a psychic they completely guess what what dogs are allowed at my wedding venue and we already know like three people bringing them hell yeah I'll get a dog for your weddings Bobby coming he can come if you want nacho just his dog no Joe's on the list Joe made the cut okay so like we said we're ordering a bunch of the summer drinks at Starbucks and some of the food yeah and by food we mean like what does it cakepops yeah but there's a crispy grilled cheese I figured David me like that one it was crispy guh cheese a cheesy grilled cheese that sounds pretty good oh look at this strawberry acai is it a guy Society I'm sorry Starbucks refresher do you want that yeah so Charlie orders oh it's a new thing that when I woke up Hoodie crumble yeah we're getting that here ask for all these things do you want this strawberry si all right yes I'd like a written code yeah maybe no shade no tea no shade no tea just coffee hi Paul can I do all of these in tall's here we go the mocha cookie crumble Frappuccino the caramel ribbon crunch Frappuccino cold brew with salted cream cold foam all right yes the crispy grilled cheese okay and then I'll do the frosted donut cake pop and then kind of a strawberry och I drink was it be a frosted doughnut we don't actually have nothing that's okay probably it sounds really unhealthy anyway my French put it on the list it wasn't my idea okay we don't need it we're good and then can we have one drink that's your go to whatever you get okay let me see it positive do you want anything to sweetness nope Jason are you coming for goulash - Larry oh yeah my parents are making goulash what time tonight oh my god I can't wait I'm so many great W to eat all the sugar really you should be more excited to eat the goulash I'm so excited I'm probably don't cry can you make sure you get the bread too please for Aaron I have your mom it's like a hearty soup yeah it's like kind of like a stew yeah yeah it transferred all of our drop points to my Starbucks card it just automatically did it so it's all right here we ready to go oh I'll show you do it you're gonna have to try everything first yeah I could do the diva thanks guys you're welcome wait there's a nice coffee too right no this is it I'm trying the food what's all the stuff on church I don't know cinnamon wow thank you so much does it say food coming I thought they were out what did I get other no cheese what did I get your super crispy please what makes the crispy grilled cheese crispy oh my god I want to try all of these right you know I'm so excited why don't you try the caramel crunch Frappuccino this one no this one okay okay okay I think I'm one more egg why fire thank you what about it not good not good oh man I just took all my teeth rotting I feel you're not gonna like this it's way too sweet I must've liked whoa it annoys me it's like too much try this one that was like really intense I don't what's this it's the one I ordered yeah this is he's this is her favorite yeah just really sugary swishes it's good that's what I ordered yep I think refreshing you like it what's the go-to which one is it but when you just drink yeah Oh with the cinnamon the cinnamon counts together but I did like this no it's delicious you did great what's in it that tasted like like salted caramel ice cream yeah I'm trying to bowl again bowl did you ever like a salmon what the rest is great thank you you're throwing out you have any food you're throwing up I'll come back later I've heroin so far yeah it's like the perfect amount of sweet in that sweet that looks crazy that looks dangerous yeah it looks like that looks like a s'mores it is what it is this is a mocha what is a double chocolate cake hey where's your shirt right yeah oh good that's like a chocolate cake oh my ear you're gonna die I'm so excited hey look Trey literally tastes like a cake how I guess we go to Portillo's what's that also we're doing goulash the Nepalese is good do I try this cake one cold from cold brew oh yeah that was all mode allow that's so good it tastes like a cave that iceberg that's the best I don't know I think so this one this one I wish she didn't put cinnamon in it yeah she said it was just black I thought she did she didn't bring up the cinnamon on the car that was not mentioned on the cool it's just be a horrible for you I mean yeah there'll probably 10,000 calories oh my god this was so good it's crazy when you don't care about calories life so much better I think about how great life is it's like you get stuff because you think it's delicious I don't even know like what calories mean it's something about it are you saying that because you don't follow them or you just I don't know what it is and I looked at this and it was like there's a thousand calories I'm like okay so what is that oh it means you have to slow down later a 90 too many spoons yeah but why I don't know that's just what I mean when I sing with five hours ago okay I could either have this or a Big Mac yeah I think if you're eating healthy you should eat it's not like 400 calories a meal if you're eating like really healthy so if this is a thousand calories that's like a leukemia I guess also I've like never had to worry about it in my life yeah to be like oh I need a diet I can only have X amount of calories so I'm like crazy Aaron what you've never had a rod I understand it's a shaker mm how is yours mm your day how do people have shake you could like allocate it differently like you don't eat anything else you just have a shake and then another thousand there's another 23 hours of the day I wish I could take I wish I could take someone like you it was very thin and then taken with someone who's Jonah who like see a lot and have you guys eat the exact same thing see what it does to your body because I eat way more than me I have a hard time having my head around how your body can get rid of food I mean it sounds better than anybody else's damn like it just doesn't make sense here's the sandwich though the great cheese oh my god well this is very crispy here we go Wow yummy Wow thank you whoo it went is a little garlicky - oh wow very good what cheese is this one dude jeez this feels healthy it tastes like butter this is not healthy at all the bread is a god for you butter letters on it bad for you and she's probably isn't good for you no we don't care we're gonna McDonald's oh yeah Starbucks is ever like let's get into burgers which make people burger edit Big Mac on Sunday night and I like forgot how good they work their necks are the best so happen people hate on McDonald's yeah like it's number one from passing up McDonald's could get more stuff no I genuinely I don't I never I never got them it don't suck dude there's 300 of them on that corner is that your favorite fast-food you think that one's your favorite man food that's really tough cuz actually I could do Wendy's every day of my life when is a big one when these doesn't feel like it's not healthy mmm because of their the sea salt fries I don't know it just feels right there's people sitting outside my house today like 1:30 in the morning just sitting in their car what you need to get dirty let's let's get you security no I'm getting security you are yeah cuz if it's getting really scary stop from an ABS maybe I'm at my house yeah Cal coming my health was everyone's favorite drink coasters good buzz yeah I agree which one this is like a good like pick me up and then role doesn't really cook like these two are like actual coffee the tenant is just I don't know this is a really dumb size coffee iced coffee with cinnamon Richards weird interesting and then this was the tall cold foam cold brewed with salted but salted-caramel something oh foam cola foam yeah sells a caramel cold foam this one was a really good wine something not right about this yeah I like the chocolate cake one I think that's my favorite what's my favorite between the two treats let's go to Portillo's you're gonna drive to Anaheim right now gosh we're having Coolidge that's the only reason I can't do it Ellie and I tried eating an entire cake once from there and we threw up right outside of the hotel us and we weighed two gallons of milk on each end we should we should go do that what's your favorite kind of cake chocolate just oh no no I like confetti cake with vanilla frosting it's the best like a funfetti cake yeah that's the best I like ice cream cake I'm choosing much too much I can't believe I have to get that for my money it's on the menu like I freaked out because they have it was I no way funfetti are they gonna do that I was it's neither between the funfetti the red velvet or you'll think this is disgusting Oh carrot cake okay yeah I'm gonna try to take some of my money back now literally especially our friend group we're like not that good on eating cake so let me get the exact cake that you just want to eat well those are the three that I want you you actually are considering carrot cake just to clear everybody all group doesn't like cake I love kids yeah what do you say every time cake comes around like especially you J well you like but you always I like cake too but we always turn it down oh hell yeah what welcome to the Angry Birds family David over get ready to Matt meet Axl the new trailer oh my god there go god they're saying yeah yeah yeah anything to add Jason I mean I don't know I just want to let everybody know that I'm really happy to be a part of this channel oh I'm happy to be friends everybody see it makes him laugh actually I was even listening you guys do the outro and then I heard that song and I like step right back [Music]
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 2,044,510
Rating: 4.9507194 out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, david dobrik, jason nash, david starbucks, carly erin david, starbucks summer drinks, vlog squad, vlog squad girls, starbucks david dobrik
Id: jnwvlQXaQZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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