2000 Days - [Hardcore Minecraft World Tour]

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what's going on minecraft fans my name is luke the notable and in this video we're going to be doing a tour of my 2 000 days hardcore minecraft world first and foremost want to say listen if you haven't watched 2000 days there's spoilers so don't watch this video go watch 2000 days then come back you won't get sad secondly also want to thank you just so much three million subscribers it like just happened i want to thank you all three million of you that's insane i like just hit a million the last thing i want to say which is very important i know a lot of you want to download this world people have been asking me for world download links for not only 2000 days but also 300 and a thousand days for forever and uh it's it's kind of tough you got to remember that this is a massive world file uncompressed it's about seven gigabytes and when thousands of people want to download a seven gigabyte file it can be kind of tough in the past links have broken that shouldn't happen this time it shouldn't happen but again the demand for the world is always so massive so please be understanding if any links break or you're not able to download the world now even going with some of the best plans that dropbox offers only about a thousand to two thousand people are going to be able to download this world every single day now again that is every single day so if you can't download it today you can always come back tomorrow and you might be able to get yourself the world you gotta know i like really wish i could give every one of my fans this world it's just not possible like that much bandwidth it's not free it doesn't exist there's a server that has to work and it is a big file and there's a lot of you so just try to be understanding i'm doing my best trying to get you guys this world because really i want you guys to have it but enough about business let's do the tour it's gonna be a lot of fun i love doing tours this is great i'm on quake pro here just for the intro but i'm actually gonna run through everything for you so when you watch 2000 days obviously i don't go into creative mode but i never really give my bass a good like look like this you know my base is very magnificent but it only started to look like that near the end and thousand days was pretty similar right the base is sort of built over time and you don't really get a good look of it like that you'll see in this video i try to take a step back take take more of a long look at things in the tour which is a very different uh from the content that you'll see actually in 2000 days there's periods in 2000 days where i might show a shot like this but i'm not gonna hold it for more than like two seconds because it's just so fast there's so many days that i have to get done but what i like about doing the tour is that i can kind of just show you everything really really detailed and show you some little things too i'm not gonna show you every single thing that i built in all of 2000 days i'm going to kind of try to keep this one a little more focused just because there is so much to go over i mean the emerald tower the compound has expanded so much and there's so many little things you know we're just we're just not going to go over absolutely everything that i've built like uh there's a birch road over here that you know what we're just not gonna talk about if you wanna see that and go to the 300 days tour but to start we gotta talk about the emerald tower if you don't know the story behind this thing it's it's pretty awesome so uh when i first spawned into my hardcore world this whole area was just completely oak and birch trees this is actually one of the few original trees here we'll get to that later but my house was was constructed basically where i spawned and and over time i increased it from wood to stone to of course now emeralds and in the process of 2000 days i did a lot of trimming up i created balconies that will obviously get a closer look at the trim as well as windows and putting stuff inside as well uh so this house has really been a long time coming really really all of 2000 days even from day one you know i'm really working on my house a big theme of 2000 days is is trying to make my main camp my main compound as safe as possible um so with my netherride armor my perfect netherite armor and all my beacons this is essentially a place that i cannot die uh and in in a series about hardcore minecraft where if you die the world gets deleted obviously i want to have a home base where i feel just absolutely absolutely safe here i'm going to spawn i can't spawn in the day i'm going to spawn 10 zombies 10 zombies can i handle 10 zombies i've never tried this uh so we're just going to see what happens but i'm going to spawn 10 zombies and see if without doing anything if i would survive being on my compound i have my netherright thorns armor on right now i want to see if with all my beacon powers if these 10 zombies would actually kill themselves or if they would kill me if you've noticed my health bar is hardly moved and that's thanks to resistance and and uh regeneration all these of these beacon powers that are just giving me all these powers again i've never i've never had 10 zombies attack me at a certain at one time but my health bar seems to be holding up so far this is obviously a very unnatural event i don't think anything like this would actually happen in vanilla minecraft especially with all of the lights that i have set up but as you can see i'm doing pretty good if uh if i had to maybe step away for a moment and somehow 10 to 15 zombies just started attacking me on the compound uh i would likely hear it and be able to come back in time but this is kind of the point of 2000 days and really the whole series is to make myself unkillable in a game where if you die it's over uh the idea that i could maybe become immortal i mean i just i just handled 15 zombies this is the last one he's got armor so you know so he's gonna be a little a little harder to take down with my thorns armor but as you can see i've hardly lost even three health and all 15 zombies were destroyed without me doing anything and that's that's sort of the point of 2000 days that's where i wanted to be with this main camp and you have to understand that when you look at something like this i wanted to make myself as unkillable as possible within minecraft within vanilla minecraft and i think through all of the work that i did in 2000 days honestly i'm pretty unkillable but you know in 2000 days i also wanted to look nice i think in 1 000 days i had the nice tower the nice emerald tower but i didn't have you know much on the outskirts it was kind of kind of rough out here on the compound and i definitely tried to increase the visual aesthetic of it all and honestly i gotta say it's quite a nice place to live now pretty nice all the sea lanterns nice cleared out area it's a nice home we're actually gonna go through my emerald piston door real quick uh i i realized in 2000 days i never showed this diamond l but there is a diamond l on my front gate this is kind of the walk up uh to my tower kind of i kind of like how magnificent it looks though i will say one thing that i'll have to do in 3000 days is definitely clean up this front entrance because this would look a lot nicer with some nice clean landscaping maybe some sea lanterns you know if i could continue the inner wall aesthetic on the outer wall that's that's obviously a lot of work a lot of vanity uh but i think it would look really really good in the end and and i think we'll get to at least some of this stuff later uh but we're just gonna at least for right now go into vmworld tower vmworld mansion and show you some of these floors so the inner inner wall this i always had an inner inner wall and uh the very most inner sanctum and it was increased with 2000 days i kind of gave it this emerald and lime and green aesthetic and i really like it love my sentinels here uh you know i don't do too many raids anymore i try to keep my my profits and my emeralds list just because the raids kind of take a lot of time and it's it's easier when you have something like an auto melon farm where you can just you know sit there and make some vegan profits um so so this really isn't made for for me keeping out monsters this this isn't a protective wall per se while it is protective it wasn't built for that it was built to look nice now obviously it's it's objectively going to keep out monsters um but with how many lights i have on the compound nothing spawns here anyway so it's all pretty much for total vanity uh and it just i like building walls so it's kind of nice going into the house it's actually pretty much the same size on the inside i haven't done any expansion though if you check here these corners are put in a spot where if i ever wanted to i could expand the house one block now of course this would take a whole lot of emeralds but what i mean here is essentially i could take this emerald here place it here this emerald here place it here this emerald here place it here and essentially do that all the way up to uh to make the tower a little bit bigger i'd gain a basically a block on each side um though obviously that would you know require a lot of work this thing is pretty huge that's an idea though if you're wondering why i'm in creative this is not the actual world i didn't think you would think this is the actual world but this is not the actual world the first floor has always been reserved for more of the rare stuff i mean you got to have your crafting table and your your furnace uh but you'll also see a lot of my memorabilia per se you know some of my first pickaxes raid breaker which is a sword that i used for most of a thousand days my first elytra this one's actually like almost dead uh code loop the notable hashtag add one of my first entrusted bows my adventure sword and uh the dolphin who wronged me just a lot of different things that i put down here so every time i go into my house i can kind of kind of see them and of course i want to increase the amount of things that i have down here the amount of treasures i also keep some of my more rare items that you only have one or two of in here you can see i have some sold speed books some mending books a lot more soul speed books down here you know stuff like beacons where i'm not gonna have a special beacon chest in my storage because you don't have many beacons to begin with like a lodestone chest what would be the point of having a whole chest for lodestones or heart of the sea um and that's what i kind of keep here some of those more rare items anyway the first floor is just supposed to look nice and uh you know have some of my memorabilia kind of a nice little entryway where you can see some of my items and let's go up to the second floor and this is a this is a bedroom that i use a lot hasn't changed much since 1000 days just kind of this blue aesthetic nothing in this chest my first boat and first gold bar up on the wall i sleep a lot here just because it is so easy to get to it's right on the second floor it was uh the original bedroom on the compound so i do sleep a lot here uh i have a more formal bedroom you can there's like three bedrooms in the house you know you can't have a house with one bedroom there's a more formal nice bedroom uh but it's almost near max height where this one is a little easier to get to this is sort of my quick and dirty bedroom of course still has the bread dispenser on top of a diamond block of course gotta flex now a lot of these rooms that you'll see has not and they haven't changed at all uh since 1000 days they're utilitarian rooms that all serve a singular purpose basically this one uh i have different um terra cotta and obviously furnaces here though i don't generally use this room for furnaces it's mostly just if i ever need terra cotta this is sort of the place i go uh you do need a lot of furnaces for making terracotta so that's why this room existed potion brewing room there's nothing much super cool about a potion brewing room it's a potion pruning room that's what it is enchanting room you know this this stuff hasn't changed it's it's worked since i've built it and i haven't changed it since and i don't really want to uh because you know this works mega bad mega bad i almost never sleep in mega bed uh but it was one thing that i built you know back back in the old days it's just always stayed here you know it's not like i need the room i i have tons of rooms and you know mega bed i think every now and then i sleep in there but it's very infrequent just because it's it's kind of high up there's no near balcony mega bet now we're getting into some of the stuff that i started to do in 2000 days as we start to get up one of the first things that i captured in my house this is not the first thing but one of the first things was a skeleton i wanted to get a skeleton in 1 000 days but wasn't able to they are a little tough because they're not a melee creature they shoot you with their bow so it's kind of tough especially with my land to uh to get a skeleton to not only come from the darkness but also all the way to my house before it uh turns daytime i also really like how this one has pants i don't know why he has pants and and nothing else but it's kind of cute that he has pants and you can see he's named subject like all the other ones um and i guess i'm in creative so he doesn't really even see me uh but anyway i like i like him living here i like having things in my house i don't think it lags me too much um yeah we also have a conduit room now this is from thousand days this is not from 2000 days but uh the the skeleton just happens to be there because the skeleton was hard to get the zombie he's been around i mean catching a zombie i don't know if you're seeing zombies they're really not that hard to catch uh so he's been around since thousand days and uh yeah so nothing nothing new really to see here what i love about this room though this is the tenth floor and i've always wanted to put floor labels on the house but it's tough uh because there isn't really a good place to do it now i'll go up to this floor to show you better you know like over here there's windows you couldn't really put a floor mark you couldn't really put them here because of the ladder i've always wanted to have like a little floor mark like oh you're on the first floor uh and that's just but this is the tenth floor and i only know that because this is my house but basically this was the uh first observation deck and i decided to pay a little homage to that get a little get a little platform here these were super helpful the platforms getting around my house as the house got taller the platforms were really helpful to getting to certain rooms so like if i needed to go to the 15th floor i didn't have to go up 15 floors through a ladder i could just fly my way to the 10th floor and then go up or you can see here that's maybe like the 17th floor and i put them strategically in places where where they would be most useful and i think they turned out really well you can you can say that the emerald tower is ugly because it's built with emerald blocks but i don't care about you this is my land i do what i want with it and i'm happy so get out of here people who say don't build with with emerald or diamond they're just poor like they just they're just poor and they're sad because i am so rich anyway nothing much new in this room uh actually nothing at all new except the balcony uh but you can kind of see some of that old wooden aesthetic in these rooms as we go up we have the big old slime now i will say the slime was probably out of any of the 2 000 days close calls i would put the slime as the thing that almost killed me um if you watch back the footage when i got the slime in uh i i don't know if he was one probably one or two hits away from actually taking me out um i don't i don't exactly know what the issue was i think i was just kind of stuck here unable to get up to this area you know i i couldn't he was kind of just bashing me into the corner uh when i first got him in here and he's big and those slimes do do a lot of damage but unfortunately my totem and my beacon effect saved me and i i really like having the slime in there i'm glad i didn't die that would have been pretty bad to die by a slime um but i'm glad he's in here because he is pretty awesome and i love how his room turned out honestly the vines it's uh it's a very nice aesthetic and i love that he's big really uh even if he almost killed me i love having the slime in here i think the fact that he almost killed me makes it a little better let's be honest creeper yeah creeper room the creeper didn't almost kill me um but the creeper did blow up the house a little bit um oh you know what i i did say earlier that that zombie uh was original but that zombie is actually a second zombie because if you if you watch back the footage of in 2000 days when the first creeper got in i had a tnt block on the ground and uh it actually the tnt block went down and killed the zombie underneath so uh that i misspoke there that zombie is a different zombie same room different zombie anyway creeper was also kind of a pain to get in there uh but you know i have a creeper this is actually the third creeper i put in my house but he's got a nice little creeper carpet in bed uh and you know he's just kind of cute to look at uh sometimes when i'm flying around i can i can catch an eye of the monsters in the window and gives the house a little more character you might think i'm weird for keeping these monsters in my house but you know you're not uh i'm gonna say it once and say it again this is my land get your own phantom room he really wasn't that hard to get i just had to wait for the sleep deprivation to set in and they pretty much just run right at you and attack you uh so he was pretty easy to get into this room you can kind of see his carpet design and a phantom membrane on the wall there uh and he's he's kind of lame because he's always wants to fly up so he's not the best thing for captivity but i'm glad i at least got one you know just to say i have one now we're going to some of the farm animals so uh when i when i originally cleaned out my front gate there were a bunch of animals uh right in front of my front gate here and uh this pig is one of them uh he he ended up being one of the surviving pigs that that got to keep his life and and live in the compound tower uh i think it was just kind of nice i didn't want all those animals because like i don't eat pig meat anymore i mostly eat golden carrot you know so there really isn't much need for me to keep pigs and if i do ever need pigs or cows or or sheep you know i can build something a little more substantial uh you may know i don't know if you can really even see that but over there is uh what i call sheep city i needed more sheep so i took him away from my camp and built something a little more uh industrial uh and i don't think i'd ever need that for something like pigs but it's it's kind of cute uh to have the little pig room uh up here we also have a chicken room that was incredibly easy to set up just because of eggs know you can see they already laid one and i think there's a one in 16 chance when you throw an egg on the ground that a chicken spawns so i just grabbed a bunch of eggs threw them on the ground that's how i got the chickens in there really wasn't that tough uh the cow as well a lot of cows died in the process but really getting them in there was just just took a little bit of a little bit of work and and have a cow house again a cow that was this is a cow that was from the original farm on the camp so it's it's got it's it's got a little spot near and dear to my heart yeah this little cow he's a nice guy the sheep as well one of the original compound sheep uh i i almost am certain that it is not a naturally spawned pink sheep i'm almost certain that i dyed this sheep pink um i i don't want to try to fool anyone here but i had a pink sheep and decided that the pink sheep was gonna live uh also the nice rainbow carpet uh you know just just because i have so much of that wool and and wil wool is so useful you know you know how i feel about rainbow carpets i had one in my storage i have one in my storage now and uh you know i really like this sheep he's he's a fun guy pink sheep just living in my house cross-eyed you can you can hate it but you know what i think it's fun and this was originally supposed to be a llama room uh it was actually designed like this for the llama this this prison this prison vibe uh but the my only llama died on the way up so i had to put one of my zombie fletchers uh in here he is one of the fletchers that i would sell sticks to for one emerald a piece and uh you know this the stick farm was okay but i never really liked the building they were in so when they all got infected for like the sixth time in the row i don't know why they all kept getting infected but when they all kept getting infected this guy had some gold armor on and thought yeah i thought you know what he's the cool i'm gonna kill all the other ones i'm gonna put one in my house so i don't feel so bad about killing them all and uh you know i haven't looked back i really haven't looked back i love having him here uh and i i don't really miss all the profits that i uh miss from selling sticks because i have so many other things i can do for profit uh losing out on some sticks hasn't really hurt me that bad all right from here up there are no more entities though i i do think i should put more entities in my house imagine like if i had a dolphin in my house if i could somehow get good at keeping dolphins alive it would be fun to have a dolphin in my house but but now we're going more to the upper floors which again always have room for expansion this is the double balcony with my uh my my carpet that is the sort of symbolizes the rising and setting sun uh i liked how the gold pressure plates looked on this carpet uh sort of back to back so i had to put i had to put a balcony here and you know these places are just great for views they have a lot of function i'm really glad that i built this balcony system and this is one of my favorite rooms that utilizes it because you know it just looks it looks very nice with the carpet with the pressure plates uh with the with the balconies on either side it's very nice and most of these carpets you have definitely seen before carpets rooms whatever you want to call it the flooring creeper carpet you've seen this is one of my favorite rooms on the upper floors though i happen to really love blue orchids and i just made a little almost like a little uh little planter for all of these i don't really like how you can see dirt on the ceiling here but you know i could always put some quartz slabs down there not that this is actually gonna stay but you know little quartz slabs probably clean that up real good and like i was saying there's nothing really in these upper rooms just kind of different floor designs i don't have much plan up here but it's nice to have some extra rooms in your house if you ever need to build something though i will say the one thing about these rooms is they are fairly small that's why putting one entity in them is kind of a nice thing uh because you can just put an entity in and deck out the room for that single entity and it looks pretty nice this here is the highest balcony i use this one all the time when i want to go to sleep in my formal bedroom it's really easy to get to because i have a space elevator here as you can see and then once i get to the top there it's pretty easy to fly over to this balcony though i will say one of the things i really really really really really want to do is i want to take this technology this space elevator and put it inside the emerald tower you know you need to have one of these things you need to have an elevator to max height especially if you're flying around all the time it saves just so many rockets and it's so eco-friendly to have one of these things but i really hate how it looks it's it's an unfortunate thing that i have to have on my camp i you know i i love having the tower i love the beacons but that thing has always been just a little bit ugly uh you know i guess i could deck it out with emeralds but then you almost have two towers uh what i what i definitely would prefer and one of the big projects that i think i'm gonna be working on in 3000 days is finding a way to get a space elevator actually inside the emerald tower now what i was thinking is maybe if i just went up here and like finished off this corner right finish off this corner and then i can go down here and essentially build build a space elevator in this corner that's that's sort of the plan you know not to give you guys tons of spoilers but you know to build a nice little space elevator in the tower would be a huge quality of life improvement for me um and it would you know it would keep the aesthetic it would just kind of be one corner of the whole tower that that is then space elevator just just giving you some insights on what i want to do next it would just feel really good to not have that thing be part of the skyline anymore i i have it part of the skyline now just because it's going to be a lot of work to not have it part of the skyline but if you know you give me another thousand days if i go to 3 000 days you know i can obviously do a lot of work so uh that's definitely one thing that i want to get done going up from that balcony you have one more room with nothing in it and then my formal bedroom with the dragon head elytras diamonds you know i didn't really know what i was doing with everything up here i just kind of wanted to have a little bit of everything an ender chest a nice carpet a nice place to lay my head where i felt a little more luxury you know it is it is high up you're way up high so i wanted it to feel a little a little penthousey maybe a little a little bougie and uh yeah i'm not i'm not the best interior decorator doesn't make it easy that i do everything with emeralds but i think i did at least an okay job here you know can't go wrong with elytras and diamonds as as decoration you know be getting expensive hard to get items uh seems to be my uh my my interior decorating style but right above my formal bedroom is my throne room love the throne room i come up here actually a surprising amount of time to watch the sunset i love this big window that i did because you can kind of just see the entire sunset as it happens um let me let me try to get a sunset for you here so here's kind of the start of the sunset the sun is still technically in the sky uh but as you can see you can really see that sun as it starts to set and you you get to see basically the entire thing it's a great window and you can sit from the throne and just watch the sunset in in a series where you know it's it's all about the next day i think this is a really nice room to sort of sit and chill and reflect you can see as that sun gets low you really get to see the whole sun um it's it's pretty much nighttime on the compound you can see it's very very dark uh but because i'm up so high i can see that sun as it goes sort of past that world boundary and then on top of course uh you have just the design that i have here uh i should probably get rid of that because that is not original um but you see my sort of my design up here uh it originally was flat and i really didn't like that uh but i also wanted the beacon because i like how the beacon is directly in the middle um everything on the compound is centered on this block this is the exact center point of the compound and i wanted to keep that true so all of the beacons are exactly centered on this point uh it's very very symmetrical perfect beacon coverage anywhere you go on this emerald perimeter i wanted to create a safe area the safest space there is but also have it look nice and i think by the end of 2000 like it's not perfect there's still things i want to do like the like the space elevator um but i'm getting there it's it's objectively a very very safe area again the whole theme i think of 2000 days this whole series is never dying and i definitely have an area where i it would be very difficult for me to die especially from anything naturally spawning in minecraft like sure if 30 zombies and 20 skeletons attacked me i might die but that doesn't normally happen in minecraft especially with all of the different things i have now there's still stuff to do you know the space elevator needs to go inside the house the outer wall stuff needs to be cleaned up might have to get rid of some monster farms uh but as far as me not dying i think i've definitely secured that by two thousand days at least if i am standing on my main compound if i'm outside if i'm outside this emerald perimeter all bets are off i could die easily i don't have beacon powers you know i don't have walls i could die but i like staying on my camp psychologically it's nice to have a place where you can go where you really don't have to worry about dying and losing at all and that's what i love about the compound also you know want to say hi to binx i put him on top of the space elevator he was originally on top of my house uh you know and the joke was that he owned everything because he was up there um but you know i think i think he's better on top of here i i actually see him more uh because i go up my space elevator more than i go on the actual top of my house so i i got to see him more on this side and so that's why he uh is moved now if i ever destroy the space elevator and put it inside my house which i'm gonna be honest guys i'm gonna do that that's gonna happen uh binks will definitely be back on the top of the emerald tower because he deserves it he deserves it he's banks he's awesome he deserves to own everything in the world tower is not done though we have gone up what's actually cool is that there's a lot more new stuff underneath the tower um so i almost want it to kind of feel like an ant hill i don't know if that's the right analogy if that if that works for you but i want this emerald feel of the tower to to go throughout the basement of the tower um the only place where it's not is in the disposal system which i have a little shame about that but i make so many emeralds it would only take me maybe a day or two to fix that up you know near the end of 2000 days i kind of started running out on time uh just because it does take so long to get all the emeralds to trim this place out but uh the basement was another big big project for me um to really deck out in emeralds and i'm not sure where i'm gonna start maybe the map room yeah the map room so i love my maps i am a cartographer at heart i love looking down on the pixley art of your minecraft world and this is just probably my favorite room um i i loved having the map in front of my base it was almost at my front door but it got a little big and it was kind of an eyesore it was made out of made out of redstone and lapis uh so this is a little better you know it kind of has like a game of thrones vibe you know where where you know there's that scene where they they uh walk over a world map on the ground it kind of has that vibe uh i feel that at least i feel the power um and i love looking at the map down here anytime i ever update the camp one of the best parts about updating the camp is coming down to the map room and updating the map and seeing the new map so that's it's it's one of the things that really motivates me to keep doing stuff is uh is the map getting this nice nice picture of it when it's all done so i i really love the map room i'm actually down here a lot more than you might think it's it's just great and you know if it ever gets wrecked you can always kind of do a puzzle and i've built enough in in most directions where the puzzle isn't that hard to do uh though you'll see here this this part needs to be fixed uh that's that's sort of uh uh when i was getting how did we get here one of the shulkers spawned down here and and wrecked this map and it despawned so uh it is not perfect but at least this part around my main camp uh is perfect so just try not to look at that and i like this quartz and emerald design i think for the rest of the basement i'm going to go with this where you know the floor and ceiling are quartz the walls are emerald i just like that look before we head into the treasure room i want to check out some of these rooms first we'll go into the seed bank now when i destroyed my farm i you know i don't eat out of the farm and i hardly ever come in here anyway but i wanted a place where i could kind of have all the seeds in the game have a place to auto farm them here have a hoe and uh this is this is sort of what i came up with the seed bank now you might notice that there's no melons or pumpkins i did that because on the day i created this i was sort of running low on emeralds so i couldn't i couldn't extend it you know that extra couple blocks to actually get melons and pumpkins in here um you know this thing was made near the end of 2000 days where where all of my emeralds sort of had a home but again you give me another thousand days i'll be able to do so much especially since a lot of 2000 days was me setting up the infrastructure to make crazy profits uh and and really i only started collecting on those profits near the end i said earlier they're kind of like vegan profits you know i don't have to do raids uh it's something that i can kind of do in the background every single day and it was only near the end of 2000 days where i really started to get that um but i definitely want to add melons and pumpkins to this room just for this you know just just to have them but basically all of these chests have the seed so here's carrots here's the carrot chest if i ever need carrots i have them here's potatoes here's another rack or not netherrack another wart uh sweet berries beets wheat you know if i ever need any of this stuff i can just grab some seeds grab the i'm breaking stuff grab the seeds grab the hoe plant the stuff you flick this lever and then uh if you actually had bone meal it would start to work i thought i actually put bone meal in here i guess i did not uh but this is an auto super farmer and it would just if you ever need anything you just come in here and you can get it easily and this is a little it saves a lot more space than having a big old farm on my land i know during the premiere a lot of people were sad to see the farm go but if i'm being honest i i never really used it like it didn't really serve a purpose to farm uh ah all right i'm just i'm just breaking all this i don't care this is not my actual world it doesn't matter we're moving on this is uh another map i i do want to build something more permanent for this i feel like it's weird to just have it up on the wall like that um but this is actually a map of my uh kind of whole area you can see i am actually right there that is me that's my compound um it's just like a couple pixels over here this is actually where glasstown is this is the mountain um that's right behind my base uh if you notice this is actually the ocean canal so there's a big lake over here that you pass through and i probably just sound like a crazy person staring at all these pixels knowing what all of them are but when you're when you're on a world as long as i am you know you you start to you know recognize where stuff is on even a big map like this i said earlier i love my maps so i have this one on the wall um of course i could always expand it but you know expanding a map like this does take some time um these maps you can pretty much do in a day you know like they are not big and you just you know stitch them all together this whole map this whole big section uh is is just like it's like a couple it's it's maybe like 100 pixels right here that that whole section here this whole map is just a tiny little piece here so again i i like map making i might expand this later for now it's just on the wall first thing i want to go through is something that in 2000 days i called notable names and this gave a lot of people hype uh though as you can see there's no more signs down here um there was an idea to turn this room into sort of an you know a way to pay homage to fans i was gonna put fan names down here notable members of the community just that sort of thing um and you know what it kind of tanked my frame rate um right before i recorded the tour i took them down and it was noticeable i got like 30 to 40 frames depending on where i was in the compound just taking down all the signs i don't know what it is about signs they lag you whatever it is they lag you this is a big room full of signs and it got really really laggy you know i did make it very clear that i wasn't exactly sure if i wanted to use this room uh for paying respects to the fans that was just one of the first ideas i had for the room and if it worked out then that would have been cool um but 30 to 40 fps when i'm already so close to 60 is a little tough for me uh i don't like my my footage dropping below 60 frames and after getting rid of all the signs i noticed that i i'm basically sitting around 100 frames now so i'm right at that sweet spot where i don't have to worry about the recording being stuttery or jumpy or anything like that so uh this officially at least for now maybe i build a better computer with two graphics cards or whatever i can run it but if for now we're not doing that sign thing it was just an idea i mean if you want download the world put all of the signs that i had in here and you'll notice it too i don't i have like a mega machine and and my thing was hardly able to uh to get those good frames when i had all these signs in here but essentially this room will just become more rooms if i ever need something like a like a farm or you know really anything anything a shooting range i could build anything down here and it would look nice it would have the emerald aesthetic and i could kind of section off the rooms build hallways it's just nice to have a nice built clean out cleaned out area where i could put new stuff and that's what i will essentially be using this whole section of the house for yeah not saying that i'm never going to pay homage to fans i do want to i just i don't want to lose 40 30 50 sometimes fps to do it especially on my main camp when i have so many other things that i want to build i don't want to sort of uh shoot myself in the foot by putting up all these signs and you know what i could always die and then and then it'd be gone forever anyway so it doesn't really matter before i go through the storage tunnel and that's one thing i want to show you guys because i didn't really show that too much in uh 2000 days kind of kind of built that real quick didn't really show it i want to go to the treasure room so the treasure room uh has changed a lot i mean when i first built it you can go back to 100 days when i first built it it was very dingy i actually just watched a hundred days and i'm like that's my treasure room a small room with diorite and a creeper that's your treasure room now of course it's all trimmed out with emeralds all nice i got my diamond block cakes in here i got my monster heads i got my assorted nice items like a dragon head netherright ingot part of the seat just just some of those rare items that are a little harder to come by stuff that you know you don't necessarily see every day um i i come down here every now and then to say hi to the creepers you know they're very they're a huge classic you got tors and elbaton if you download this world do not break the glass unless you are uncreative because if you aren't uncreative you break the glass they are they are definitely blowing up um but if you're on creative you can you can look at them you know as i get more and more treasure as this world lives longer and longer i can see expanding the amount of item frames that i have on this wall um some people have said it'd be cool if i got a third creeper in there named holly uh that's that's the name of my my little girl who was born pretty recently uh and i'm i'm thinking about that it might be nice i just don't want to lose tours in el baton anytime i open this hole uh i i always get huge amounts of anxiety just because you know they've been in there so long as soon as you open a hole they're like i'm gonna explode i'm gonna i'm gonna do it so i don't wanna lose them you know for getting a third one and honestly it might look a little sad if three were in there let me let me see this yeah i don't know three in there it it's starting to look less it's like they're bumping into each other i don't know i'd have to expand the whole cage and that's just a whole job in and of itself though i will say one thing that's always kind of bothered me is they stand on andesite uh i don't i i don't know how i'm gonna get emeralds under their feet it's just building this whole thing has been tough and uh any changes to it are obviously just as tough uh though i have read your comments i read your comments i see all these suggestions anyway that is the treasure room a lot of fun in there some of my favorite memories and i already showed you disposal i want to trim that all out in emeralds it's just i'm not rich enough i am very rich but not that rich all right now we're going to the storage tunnel one of the things i wanted to do with my storage was physically connect it to the mansion uh my my previous storage was not connected to my house in any way so if i was in my house i'd leave my house to go to the storage but now we have a nice little storage tunnel and uh it's at least trimmed out with emeralds and quartz to a point um at this point it starts to transit transition so you go from emerald walls to emerald floor and then stone walls and like everything else that i've ever built i'd love if this all was emeralds emeralds are just a lot harder to get than stone so that is why the walls are stone i i would love to trim this all out as you can see i've kind of started here with the uh with the emerald trim uh i don't know why i'm addicted emeralds but i just i just love them and eventually i think all of this will be emeralds i just haven't done it yet uh same thing with the storage you can see nice little tunnel from my house to the storage i would love for this to be emeralds not necessarily all of it i'm not i'm not saying every single block in here has to be emeralds i think that might look a little ugly but some emerald trim some quartz would look a lot nicer than all of this stone though i will say i really do love how my storage looks i don't i don't have my old storage because it was destroyed but if you remember my old storage it was just one long hallway with all these chests lined up where this one is still kind of one long hallway but it's got these pods that has just tons of different items you know all the bricks all the stone bricks all the cobblestone all the all the smooth stone and it's it's really helped me to stay organized um with my redstone components as it was one of the big things uh instead of having you know a big chest full of redstone stuff i just have a bunch of different stuff so if i need a dispenser i go here piston i go here uh just redstone dust here and it keeps me very organized having all of these different compartments and storage and i i think settings one of these things up obviously takes a lot of work but i haven't i haven't gotten the chance to really live with it too much because i think it was done by like 1980 in 2000 days so i really haven't had much chance to live with it but in the short time i did it was just super helpful being able to keep my inventory insanely clean having a space for everything and and knowing where i can go to get any specific item that i needed was really helpful in all of my builds you know before i built this storage i had one food chest with all of these items inside of it just crammed and it was just so hard to find stuff but now if i ever need a fish or kelp or seagrass or or uh sugar cane anything like that i have a special chest that i can go to and just pick that out and it's really nice one thing about this storage that i also didn't really bring up in 2000 days is i wanted it to have sort of a more open exit so my previous storage was kind of kind of closed in you couldn't really fly out of it but now if i have an elytra it's very easy for me to fly out and also fly in sometimes i do take a little bit of damage flying in here but it's pretty easy to fly glide into my storage and glide out where the other one was a lot more closed off also i just have a lot of quality of life things that were in my old storage but were set up a little strange one thing i always wanted in my old storage was a proper disposal system and this is actually a double disposal system as you can see two items go at a single time so it's very fast if you ever have like some dirt you need to get rid of or some cobblestone for one this is this is a better storage for keeping all of that stuff but if you ever have extra you can see 64 seeds gone in an instant if maybe you had a ton of dirt from some build you throw all of the dirt in there and it's twice as fast getting rid of every single block of it uh this disposal system has has truly saved me i think and i've been saying this i think this storage is really going to help with my productivity and my building for 3000 days and it's sort of a shame that i didn't have something like this set up for more of 2000 days i was doing a lot of work out of my old storage and i think like i was saying the the product productivity of my of my whole builds and everything is going to just skyrocket now that i have something like this if i ever need a loom or or a grindstone or an anvil all of these things were in separate places back in my old storage now they're all in one spot real nice i also like how i did this as an auto furnace uh and i kind of just hit it behind some some uh some trap doors i don't know i think it looks kind of nice if you don't like it then you don't like it's my land and of course there's also tons of room to expand i could put chests here chest here chest in this area always expand this out tons of room to expand for more chests but as you can see there's already tons of chests in there you also might notice that the ceiling drips uh if i'm being honest i kind of like it it feels like a a dank cellar with the ceiling dripping um nothing gets wet it's just sort of a cool effect uh comment down below if you like the dripping ceiling i personally love it i think it's awesome if i ever were to do this ceiling in emeralds i would make it so it still drips yeah that's that's pretty much the storage nothing too crazy in here uh though i will say in all of my minecraft playthroughs ever i've never ever had any storage like this you gotta understand this world it's my pride and joy like i played minecraft in my day i've played minecraft for well over 10 years but really never to this extent like i've never had any storage that looked anything like this and i gotta say i'm proud of it i wish it had emeralds i really did and i think it will have emeralds in the end um but i think this is one of the best builds really uh in all of 2000 days is the storage this is gonna really help me and i love that i can fly out of it oh that's that's just so convenient so now we're just gonna kind of work around the inner wall of the compound work our way out in this inner wall the the i try to keep it mostly clean um before 2000 days i had machines contraptions all kinds of weird stuff in this inner wall but i think this inner wall with how nice it looks is a little more sacred to me um if i ever build something here you know i want it to look nice at least to my standard i know my my architectural design in minecraft isn't necessarily like everyone else's but if i build something on the inner wall i want it to at least look somewhat clean have somewhat of an aesthetic and i i try to keep stuff that's a little more i want to say the word is monumenty things like the five-year garden stuff that's not necessarily a purpose but is more sentimental i want to keep that stuff in the inner wall so like the five-year garden with my five diamond blocks and five-year cake you know i don't normally touch this but i'm going to touch it i'm going to touch it just because i can uh i'm also going to break that oh i'm not on creative awkward but i think going further with the compound not much is going to get built in this inner wall i really want to keep it very clean if i do build anything in here it's going to be it's going to be sentimental i'm just telling you right now i'm never going to like put up an auto farm you know in my in my inner wall uh it's going to be stuff that's like a monument like the eternal flame uh stuff like that um this tree one of the original trees on the compound it even has a a little sign there was a a shot in 2000 days where i misspelled trees i didn't misspell trees that was all for that was all for jokes but this inner wall is essentially going to be kept very clean very very uh a very bare of lots of stuff not gonna have a lot of farms sentimental stuff like the tim monument you know this this really doesn't serve a purpose it's just there kind of a waste of two diamond blocks uh but you know it makes me feel good to have this on my land things like the nether hub stuff that seems to have a little bit more trim to it this isn't some auto farm this isn't some gross thing now you might you might think this is gross but i i think this looks okay i don't know i'm i said earlier i build a little weird uh some you know compared to some people but this is my nether hub it's it's just on the my other hub used to just be a portal jutting out of the top of my camp i spent some time building a nice one um yeah not not much to see here but this inner wall is going to be pretty and fancy and ultimately in the end serve no purpose like the vault the vault isn't part of an achievement it's not part of anything to do with the game it's just something that i wanted to put on my camp to kind of prove that i could um and i don't know if you guys saw this in the video too well i i watching back 2000 days i don't really exactly show it um but yeah this is the vault all of the different villagers from all of the different biomes um i actually wasn't recording when i got the spruce villager some people were a little confused on that i just i just wasn't recording but all the different villagers from all the different biomes uh were assembled here into one room i call it the vault it's one of my favorite builds i come down here a lot visit my villagers i should give them names i haven't yet but i want to um just because they're kind of fun i love the savannah i love the jungle you don't see jungle villagers like ever and uh it's nice to have one down here uh even the even the snowy villagers you know that they're a little hard to come by because you have to find them in a tundra um so this is one of those builds that really doesn't need to exist right it's not like like i said it's not part of an achievement you know it's it's there's really no point to any of this but the stuff that i want in my inner wall i don't really want a point it's it's that stuff that i build that's like fun to build that i have an idea and and i just want to execute it and and the vault is one of those things it's frivolous it's stupid but it's mine and you can shove it i'll never get rid of the giant totem you can say what you say i know some people don't like the look of this thing i absolutely love it and i've been talking this whole time about the theme of never dying i don't i don't know if there's a better theme of never dying than having literally six double chests full of totems there is not a single totem missing in any of these chests it is it is quite insane that i have six double chests full of totems like how how i know why tons and tons of raids but i'll never die i swear if i'm standing on my camp i have totems and uh you know the whole series is really trying to get myself to that point and uh you know had to build the totem for that this here is something i uh might end up moving actually um because it is in the inner wall and uh it's just a little another access to my to my nether portal uh if you come down here you can see uh really down there i built a utility nether portal for moving things like villagers getting more villagers in the inner wall stuff like that but if i'm being honest the output of this building doesn't need to be into the inner wall um so i might end up moving this over the industrial side not sure obviously that's going to take some work the sky elevator we have already talked about this thing's days are numbered i swear to you by the end of 3000 days this thing will not be here i have a vendetta against it i'm gonna take it down i'm putting in my house you heard it here first and the stone cutters you know they don't really go with the aesthetic of the of the inner wall i i think eventually will get rid of this facade and put more of an entrance on the other side so this wall will be more clean um i it was just easy to get them all in there when i had this door here uh there's a broken window has that been there the whole time is that on the official world a broken window for these guys they're so rich but this this whole area kind of goes back so one of the things i definitely am planning on doing is like i said building some sort of entrance on the industrial side to the stone cutters just because uh this while they are very profitable this doesn't really go with the whole aesthetic of the inner wall and i just didn't have enough time in 2000 days to do everything that i wanted to do perfectly and you know these guys were already making me some money so much money didn't want to didn't want to ruin anything and really if you get rid of these three buildings it's these are really the last three buildings in the inner wall that i need to move and uh the only reason i haven't moved them is because i you know it's a lot of work and i put them there before i had the whole idea of keeping this inner wall really really clean and you can see industrial district here as soon as you leave this inner wall it starts to get bad you'll see birthday candles uh you'll see random trap doors on the ground that lead uh to different areas with villagers in them i mean this outside of the inner wall it gets it gets pretty bad pretty quick uh birthday candles uneven ground it's it's a little industrial and i think eventually i i will want that to look good as well um though i think it is a little unrealistic to have everything in your world look perfect and uh that's why i kind of want to focus on the inner wall specifically uh making that sort of as perfect as i can at least as perfect as i want it to be and uh everything else i'm going to kind of at least go with the flow a little bit there's no reason that i need to have a 1 000 block area be absolutely perfect so if you have 3000 days you never know i might have enough time to get that all done outside of the main wall there really isn't too much that is new um there's a couple new industrial builds uh in 2000 days i finished the melon farm which absolutely just produces so many melons i mean this this was not this expanded when i started moving on the library was new in 2000 days i actually used this place a lot uh you can see that the two anvils there but this is where i get some of my best enchantments if i ever need a new piece of gear i have access to mending unbreaking protection channeling i mean literally pretty much every enchantment under the sun i have 10 different librarians that all have some of the best enchantments in the game and you know because i have so many books so many emeralds whatever i gotta get it's easy to get and they're all at least cured one or two times so they're pretty discounted as well if i need efficiency five it's 19 emeralds which ain't bad i will say the library is a little crowded i i do wish i built it a little bigger because the 10 librarians especially if there's any golems in here um they can get a little cramped uh but you know at the end of the day you never want to take up too much room on the camp so i'm happy with it at the end of the day also gotta check out the polar bears uh at this point what four left i think there were originally five one died from poison and uh you know these guys i check out every now and then just one of those things you know i got the i got the panda bears first uh and again that's one of those achievements that it's not an achievement at all i just wanted some pandas on my land because they're kind of far away kind of luxury and you know it's just a couple pandas they're not really hurting anybody but once i got the pandas here i i kind of saw this bridge and just thought some polar bears would go naturally right there you know it didn't take too long to put these guys in and it's one of my favorite builds on the camp for sure the the the two bears if they ever had more bears you know i'm gonna be collecting those bears now i show a lot of the melon men in 2000 days so you probably are pretty familiar with this area uh this is where i got a lot of my early profits one of the first sort of business ventures that i set out in 2000 days was to get these cured farmers down here that buy melons and pumpkins for one emerald a piece and i don't know how many emeralds i made down here but like i made a lot of emeralds down here uh and they're vegan you know because my i have an auto farm basically producing melons and pumpkins all the time um so while i don't show it in two thousand days pretty much every single day that i'm by or even near my camp uh started with me coming to the melon men and selling them all melons and pumpkins pretty much every single day now every single day i don't say that because there's other things that i do but the mornings would pretty much always start with me selling melons later in the series it would start with me selling melons and stone to my stone cutters so you may have seen a lot of the melon people though you may be wondering what this door is i never talked about it in 2000 days it might have caught your eye originally i thought i was going to put like almost like a zombie spawner down here it was like a very very very very uh prototype idea for like an infector uh you know i wanted a long hallway where essentially i could spawn zombies so if you uh actually flip this lever the lights will turn off in this hallway and my thought was maybe i'd turn off the lights get a zombie to spawn lure them in infect the villagers of course i built something completely different which i'll show you but that's why this hallway exists and then later i actually turned it into a another auto farm here you can see this one was actually very very profitable one thing i do regret not doing is hyper curing these farmers so that they bought stuff like beets and potatoes for one emerald a piece but that would have cost a lot of gold and such and i make already so much money selling them melons and pumpkins i said i was going to show you my infector so let's go on to the orphanage this place is pretty nice um i went through a lot of different designs for villager breeders i don't know why there are none in here there there should be at least three uh that's weird of course i have access to a lot of villagers so it wouldn't be that hard to restock this thing um the whole idea of this breeder though was to kind of have on-demand villagers so i didn't want to have a big stock of like 40 50 villagers that i could pull from uh i wanted to have more of like you know four to five and then when i needed a villager i would breed one more uh just to keep the lag down you know when you have a compound like mine when you have a base my size you know you you really got to find a way to keep that lag down because if you don't you're going to get killed but what i love about the orphanage is it's a pretty pretty low-key spawner like there's not a lot of villagers in here at any given time and i love the fact that it's got an attached and sort of somewhat hidden zombie infector and it's very simple it's just water pushes them into this room and this is where they are infected a lot of a lot of math to make sure all of the tunnels connected to this one room um but again not too complicated of a build uh that turned out a lot of profits for me like really having a a consistent way to infect zombie villagers is part of the reason that i have so many emeralds today is because i was able to get those stone cutters the fletchers even though the fletchers didn't end up working out in the end this was a really important build for me even though it doesn't it doesn't really look like it there's sand and dirt yeah kind of kind of underwhelming i guess but again even though it's kind of an underwhelming build not the prettiest i like that it's hidden and i like that it works so well it was a good build i guess we can also talk a little bit about the uh perimeter gotta love the emerald perimeter this is an idea that i've had for a very very very long time um i always wanted some sort of visual marker as to where my my beacon effects lie um because as you know uh when i have my beacon effects essentially i'm unkillable early in this video i took on 15 zombies without even killing a single one because i had beacon powers um so how this works is if you are standing on the emeralds you will have every beacon effect at all times none of the beacon effects will ever go down they will constantly refresh you can see all of them went up to 16 seconds so as if i'm standing on the emeralds i am invincible if i go over here i don't lose all the beacon powers but as you can see uh here speed 2 jump boost 2 resistance 2 starts to not refresh so i'll still have strength to regeneration in haste to if i'm one block away but if i'm not going to get those other powers if i'm not standing on the emeralds and that took a lot of math it took a lot of coordinates to get that to work perfectly but it's it's honestly one of my favorite additions because i have a visual represent a visual representation of essentially where i cannot die if i'm standing right here i am vulnerable if i'm standing right here i am virtually unkillable and part of the reason i wanted to build this was because of this obelisk not only that but the perimeter also looks really really awesome on the map and uh you know that i'm i'm a big fan of maps having a big emerald perimeter around your around your land does look really awesome on the map and it is it has a lot of function i can see right now that i'm standing inside and i really don't have to have much fear at all as you can see of course if i go like two or three blocks away from that emerald perimeter i'm gonna start to lose some of these effects like here i'm maybe three blocks three four blocks away and you can see that all of my effects are totally going to run out so it's very very accurate you can see right as i go onto the perimeter all of the effects should boop 16 all of them it's perfect it's perfect now part of the reason i was able to get it perfect is because my house is centered on a single block it's centered on this lodestone if i were to go all the way up uh on this block i would hit the beacon that's on the top of my house and it's centered perfectly all of the beacons everything is centered perfectly with this block and that took a lot a lot you know a lot of time a lot of math a lot of planning uh but in the end i think it really turned out great this is probably my favorite area of the emerald perimeter i know i don't have anything built in here i know it's just an absolute massive amount of torches uh but this is probably my favorite area i can't wait to start building stuff in this area just because i love how the perimeter looks next to that mountain that used to be there definitely one of my favorite spots on the camp i also want to take some time and show you guys the obelisk this was another one of those builds that i had a lot of fun building a lot of fun with this thing i really truly if you watch back that part of 2000 days you can just tell i was just having fun tinkering with all this stuff and this was built back before my compound looks so nice this was built when there was a lot of auto farms and different contraptions littered around the whole camp and pillagers would basically spawn wherever they wanted they'd get trapped in farms they'd get trapped behind my bamboo farm all kinds of things so i built this as a nice little area where i could fight the raids without having to worry about all the things on my camp um and if you watch the video you'll see it's just packed full of little contraptions you know i really tried to build different stuff to make this thing you know kind of unique in a way that basically i also couldn't die here i wanted to extend that that that thought that that idea of not being able to die to this obelisk and have so many different ways that i could cheese raids and keep myself safe one of my favorite aspects about this place though is if you flick this lever the beacons can turn on and off that's probably my favorite aspect because you know the beacons here are cool and all and they they help with effects and stuff and and fighting the raids but they do kind of ruin the skyline so so it was important for me to to keep the vanity of that as well also gotta talk about panda mountain it's one of my favorite builds really uh this mountain always was very bare i don't know if you caught that joke in the video it's a bear mountain but it was always very bare and i always wanted to put something on it and i just took the opportunity of all those pandas dying in the video to build this uh this monument it's just a very simple panda with some crying eyes some decent pixel art i think i did okay if you can get your hands on my world there's also a nice little entrance down here you know if you don't want to hop on creative i know some people will actually like play my world out they'll live in my house and stuff like that um there's a nice little entrance for you to get inside of the panda monument though i never really built any way for you to like look out through the panda's eyes uh though you can get on top of it here it's actually fairly large like it's it's kind of a large monument i wanted to be able to see it from my main camp and what i like about the monument is it gives me a nice view of my camp while also making this mountain look really nice yeah it's definitely one of my favorite additions i have friends who watched the video and they also thought that it uh the panda panda saga was really fun part of the video so i think panda mountain will forever be in my heart it's just a great great build if you haven't found out by now i love building monuments the monument to me got a little upgrade during 2000 days got some gold blocks and some emeralds on the top there uh you know it's i'd love to further deck this thing out you know i just got to get some ideas for it don't give me ideas down in the comments though i won't listen to you this is my land i do what i want it's really tough to go over everything in a world tour though you know because there's so many little things when you survive for 2000 days like there's just so many little things that you do on a daily day basis that i would never be able to show in your video and and never even really be able to show you in a flushed out tour video like this which is why i think it's important that as i try to get this world download to as many people out there as possible because i do want you to experience this world you know in your own computer it's a different experience when you can fly around the world interact with things versus watching a video of it and again i just want to say you know if there are some troubles with those world downloads links world download links just know that i'm trying i'm trying my best but uh it's hard you know world downloads and bandwidth doesn't grow on trees uh so it's it's it's a little tough for me to get my big ass world out to like a million people uh i'm trying my best i want you all to see the world you know i want you all to experience it just know that and if you ever have trouble with any of the world downloads now or in the future just know that i do want you to get the world it's just sometimes a little hard that's pretty much it for the new stuff though there's there's some stuff that's a little self-explanatory like you know my striders uh and there's a lot of new old stuff i i'm sorry that you might see you know like my my boner horses my my old dog barracks i used to breed horses in there uh you know a lot a lot of little stuff like that that really uh you know i i think may or may not live during 3000 days i i definitely think this outer wall is going to get a big big makeover in 3000 days um i don't really like these stone walls here i want to make it a little cleaner uh to my actual emerald perimeter uh but obviously there's there's an absolute mountain of work to do there uh good thing i have three thousand days to get that all done but yeah i think that's pretty much everything at least the the really really cool stuff um i guess this this barn is all right right it's a barn i think i said that in the video i was like yeah it's a barn it's not supposed to be super super fancy i do want to check out a couple more places again i'm not going to go to all the little areas that i went to in 2000 days because honestly that would just take forever uh there's so many different areas there's so many different little things that i did i want to try to focus on some of the more bigger things that i did in 2000 days uh rather than going over everything that i've ever done in the world because that stuff is probably covered in the other tours one of the things i really wanted to give a better look at though was l town uh if you don't know l town got a really big facelift in 2000 days as you can see it is now e-town looking really good l-town is absolutely booming uh one of the things that i wanted to do here was actually free these villagers they they lived under my iron fist for so long and i kind of owe them a lot uh part of the reason i think i did so well uh in the first couple hundred days was l town i had this town here and i don't know something about me yeah i just i just wanted to thank them in some way i know their computer programs and don't really need thanks you know you could stick them in in a one block and they would be happy they wouldn't be happy they wouldn't be sad they wouldn't be anything because their computer programs but i wanted to kind of you know give give back to this town in a way i don't know if that makes any sense to you maybe it only makes sense to me uh but after all of my wealth and prosperity it felt really good to come back to a town that really gave me my start in a way and uh deck him out in emeralds like this it was it was a lot of fun doing this project one of my favorite elements about the build are the two maps here so you'll notice this map if you're on the world don't touch it because as soon as you touch the map it's gonna change this is a historical map i thought about encasing it in glass but i thought you know i'd have to move it i'd have to move the the actual um i'd have to move the street uh to encase this in class so i just know not to touch it but if you're out there downloading my world don't touch the map you'll wreck it and this is the new uh e-town or l town whatever you want to call it map uh where you can see all of the different trims and the emeralds um you'll actually notice there uh one little green block on each of the houses there that was that was something i put in there's an emerald on top of each house just to give it a little bit better look uh on the map that's 100 for vanity that's there's no other reason for those blocks on top there other than to give the houses a good look on the map so uh really enjoyed all of the work that i did here in in l town honestly uh i didn't show it in the video but i would come here quite frequently and just sort of hang out and vibe and train with the villagers even sometimes it's it's it's a town that i i owe a lot and that i love and that i i just i i had to do something cool with it and uh my thing is kind of just like putting emeralds on everything so i had a lot of fun here again so i just i just love l town so much i don't know if you guys feel the same uh sentimental feeling that i feel you know this is my world um but i definitely got my start here i felt like i wanted to give back and uh to tell you the truth granite and diorite roads aren't exactly the most luxurious so you know in 3000 days this may see even further facelifts it all depends on what i have time for a thousand days is a lot of time but it's not unlimited time you know it's it's not like i have absolutely unlimited time to do whatever i want um but yeah again i i really love at least where i got with l town in 2000 days and while i didn't really do much with ghost town i probably should spruce it up come 3000 i don't know it's it's very ugly there's a there's a lot of ugg in this town it is there's a big farm whatever this thing is we're just we're just gonna leave so i'm gonna fly on over to new glass town again new glass town this is not glass town this is new glass town different town entirely i gotta get rid of this uh i gotta get rid of this lava pillar why is this still here there's actually two lava pillars i don't need them anymore they're still here i'm kind of embarrassed so if you've watched 2000 days you obviously know about glasstown i spend a lot of time in glasstown uh and and again sort of like l town i just felt like i had to give back to them in some way i had to i couldn't just treat them as awful as i did for as long as i did i just i felt that i know their computer programs but i just i felt bad whenever i went there i just i didn't feel right about how i was treating these villagers uh so as you can see new glass town they are free they're free to go there's no there's no restraints there's no no one's locked in their home everyone sort of has free mo movement and range and can go wherever they want um only recently have these huts start to get fill up it's taken a long time for these villagers to sort of realize that there's huts over here and that they can they can work and be free uh but as you can see they're starting to fill up because once a villager finds his profession block finds a bed you know they don't like moving which was part of the reason there were uh there were and still are so many villagers that hang out in this area just because this is where they work this is where they sleep there's really no reason for them to leave um even though they are as you can see 100 free i definitely didn't give new glass town as much polish as l town um but that's you know that's because glasstown was not as important as l-town as far as the the the initial steps to getting powerful um i would like to do more with glasstown i'd like to make sort of like an apartment building kind of thing um i also had a cool idea for this is a naturally spawned uh desert temple and i thought it might be cool if uh if some last town residents uh could live in that because it does go down very far so i could build sort of like apartments down there and that by cool might be cool uh but again all of that's gonna require work uh which which i uh and in two thousand days didn't exactly have time for but again three thousand the sky's the limit as long as i don't die i'm gonna keep playing this series uh a lot of people think like you know i'm gonna get to 5 000 and like jump off a cliff but as long as i am not dead you will see me playing gotta check out the uh the graphics card in the sky here i know this was really not talked about too much in 2000 days i kind of built it and then i think like a day after i built it the nether update officially came out so it was like all right cool i built this thing but now it's time to go to the nether uh we got our drowned farm as you can see we have one raw salmon uh i built this thing never really used it it's still not totally functional i mean i think it does spawn drowned and obviously salmon uh you know but it's my java trident farm that i never really used and is kind of ugly but i'm glad i built one i always said i wanted to build a java trident farm and it's there and we also have my pride and joy this really this is where i spent most of my time when it came this is why i freed uh glasstown is because i built the pit i had been farming sand out of this desert for just just forever basically you know in a thousand days i wasn't exactly curing a bunch of zombie villagers so i needed a lot of sand to make a lot of glass to get a lot of emeralds it wasn't as efficient as it was now so this whole pit is essentially where i got all that sand from and it got to a point where it started to almost look pretty you know it's like you got all this exposed stone and you got all this exposed different blocks and stuff and i thought it might look cool to put something in the middle of it and uh honestly i think it really came out great i love the pit this is actually the back entrance but i love the aesthetic you can see it's it's kind of kind of mad made this is red sand obviously which doesn't spawn in natural deserts uh these sort of uh i guess i i almost wanted them to look like lava smoke pits i don't know those obviously don't spawn um but i think in the end this build turned out just really really great really really great really proud of this a lot of emeralds were made here and uh this is really where i got one of my first ideas for making sort of seamless uh zombie villager infectors you know it has an attached zombie villager infector was the one of the first times that i i tried that concept uh and it worked out perfectly let's go down here we can actually see the cartographers all neatly set out very nice looking but yeah a lot of emeralds were made at the pit uh it's it's not the most efficient because they're not fully cured uh i think the the pit has kind of been eclipsed uh by other emerald making methods um but this was sort of my introduction into more efficient profits taking you know what i was doing before which was selling glass to just regular old cartographers and then selling glass to cured cartographers here over at the pit and one thing i do love about it is that i kept the surrounding area unlit um except for you know obviously those magma blocks and i think at night this place really shines it really looks cool it looks deserted not deserted but more uh it looks like a hellscape uh and it serves two purposes as well zombies will spawn here and it makes infecting villagers in the pit a lot easier but this is one of my favorite builds of all of 2000 days truly i made a lot of money here i like the aesthetic and i love glasstown so and that's part of glasstown so there's one last place we got to go to uh to show you really all of the newest 2000 day stuff and to get there we have to go through the nether so i have uh labeled all of this stuff for anyone that ends up downloading the world uh if you ever want to go to the mansion which is where i'm about to go now uh there's a little area here i guess i should have put a better label but honestly guys like it's mostly just me who plays this world so that stuff's all for you anyway if you ever want to get to the mansion you just take this track literally all the way there it is easy takes about a day but at least you don't have to think about it give you a little insight while we're rolling here a lot of people are really excited to see 3 000 days and i'm gonna sort of wait until the new caves and cliffs updates come out for uh to start really recording 3000 days i might play on some snapshots i'm not entirely sure yet what i'm gonna do as far as that goes uh but the mansion i think is going to be one of my sort of sort of hubs for caves and clips because a lot like the nether update you know when the nether update came out i had to kind of go a couple thousand blocks away from my main camp before i started finding new nether and in the same way i think that's gonna is how the caves and cliffs updates gonna work so so i'm gonna find these new caves is i'm going to sort of set up my spawn my my hub in the mansion if i ever need to find uh some new kings now i won't find new caves around the mansion but if i go about a thousand or two thousand blocks away from the mansion there's definitely a lot of land out there that i haven't explored and that's where i'm going to find some of those new caves and cliffs i just know a lot of people are wondering what i'm going to do for 3000 days wondering when i'm going to start making 3000 days and i think you're going to see a lot more of the mansion uh when 3000 days happens i kind of set up that base with the thought that if there is ever a new update i have an area that's already like 10 000 blocks away so i can find new chunks and get those new updates okay now we're at the mansion that's good this is the last area my voice is getting tired i don't know how much longer i can do this i have too much land anyway the mansion is very big and it's not fully done how i want it to be but i definitely think this is going to become a hub for me uh come 3000 days at least when it in regards to the caves and cliffs update um if you want to know what i think the mansion might look like in the end just look at this top layer i want to do the carpets a lot better i want to do a lot of things a lot better in the mansion um but as far as the trim goes i would love if one day the entire thing uh was made out of emeralds i know i say that with like every build i just want to make it all out of emeralds but i just i love building with money is there is there a problem with that do you have a problem with me building with all this money um i think maybe with with how long i want to spend in 3000 days getting all of it changed over shouldn't be that bad i mean there's some very big windows in it so at least it's uh it's not all emeralds not solid emeralds uh but i definitely i'm gonna do a lot more work in the mansion around the mansion uh come 3000 days so i think you'll see a lot more of this the entire track to the mansion was built with an iron farm that doesn't exist anymore that's why i built this monument uh you can say what you will about the front of the design uh but i i wanted to pay some homage to the iron golems killed this is every single poppy out of all of my iron farms at the time so it was all the poppies out of this iron farm but i also stole some poppies from the iron farm that i built near my main camp and it's it's a lot this is a lot of poppies the whole walk up it's it's really one of my favorite builds it's very somber i love this view of it where you're looking at the iron golem from this side it's just it's just a great build and i can't wait to spend more time here at the mansion i truly love it you know it it's come a long way from being absolutely burned down in 1476. but basically what i was saying earlier is that in that direction probably only about a thousand or maybe even 2 000 blocks away new chunks should generate so if caves and cliffs comes out uh if if in 1.18 there's even newer stuff you know i'll be able to have an area where i can go reliably and have a nice base to come back to um so again i think you're going to see a lot more of this come 3000 days just because it's already like 20 000 blocks away from my main camp the mansion doesn't really get shown a lot in 2000 days and that's because a lot of the audio was cut out of the mansion renovation now you guys ended up liking that part of the video because i just said one word about each uh little section but i didn't really show a lot of the mansion because i didn't have much time the first floor is all tiled birch and dark oak uh it also has elevators and some of the original stuff this is actually original art that say uh was saved in the fire uh the i was somehow lucky uh that this didn't get burned down especially considering the fact that the sp the fire started like right around here um now i'm thinking maybe it had something to do with this cobblestone pillar being here uh but this is like right where the fire started so i'm really surprised this ended up being saved another original piece of art is this thing here i think it's a shovel uh part of another villager artifact i believe there was another head that went along with this but that burned down this was able to be saved though this is original as well almost everything else in the mansion though is is just completely done by me i think the only other original thing uh is the jail i did not get rid of the jail and that's because it's made of cobblestone so it couldn't burn but i actually turned this into kind of a low-key villager infector um this is the uh villager side uh their villagers come from swamp town and and get pushed in here and then uh there's also a zombie side here i don't know if i can can show you this anyway this is my sort of in-house villager infector i like to have them you know ever since i built the one at the pit i like to have my villager infectors be a little more more low-key a little more built-in and that's what i obviously have here i also have some decent storage at the mansion you know i have a lot of extra chests where i can put stuff in uh so some decent storage i think it's going to be a nice home base when it finally comes time to uh to to start working out of this thing it's got a nice skylight here so i can always shoot out with my rockets if i ever need to shoot out from my storage or if i'm ever flying into the mansion i can go straight down to my storage here uh though i wouldn't recommend using this if you don't have feather falling four so if you're playing on my world you know and you don't use my armor for whatever reason don't use this hole unless you have feather falling four you'll definitely die a lot of open space though there's uh quite a lot of open space in the mansion so far so there's obviously a lot of room for expansion uh for adding in villagers or or whatever i really want to add in especially this upper floor there's really not much up here uh in the way of of things like you can see endermen are spawning and it's not perfect there needs they need some work i'd like to have more chandeliers and stuff like that i'd like to clean up uh you know some of this some of this roof stuff i don't know why there's missing blocks there there really shouldn't be uh it needs some cleaning up but you know considering that it was pretty much a hellscape burned down i think it looks pretty good now and again i know i didn't show that too much in 2000 days because the sound was cut out uh but this place has definitely definitely come a long way i didn't really show my bedroom much but it's kind of nice i don't know got this lime carpet so nothing spawns because it's such a big room i didn't want to do floor lights so i thought i'll just put some carpet in and there actually is a lodestone here so this is a charged lodestone i have a i have a mansion compass which will really help in the long run when i want to you know use this as more of my home base you can see i've sort of explored enough to get a a small map going there's actually a little bit of a tundra nearby uh so i didn't have to go as far when i got my snowy villager into the vault um but not much of this area has really been explored and i did that intentionally to make sure that you know if i ever do want to explore this area um in in future snapshots and in future updates i'll be able to and i'll get those those updates it won't all be already explored already but the sun is setting and that's pretty much it i mean i could show you this dirty swamp people but you probably don't want to see them my voice is starting to go i've been at this almost uh almost three hours now it's it's a lot of stuff there's a lot of stuff in my world i'm very rich i've i have lots of property and i'm i hope you enjoyed watching it all i i really do i like doing the tour because it gives a different look at the stuff around my base around my camp you know 2000 days is so quick you see just little snippets of everything you don't really get a big flushed out view like this and i like being able to do this at the end of a long video for all the people that you know want to see a more a more intricate look at everything some of those more little details fun facts and of course everyone that downloads the world so i'm just going to teleport back to my camp go up to this thing i think it just spawned here one day i didn't i didn't actually build this i don't know what it is who is in there what this thing even is i don't know what but i guess i can do the outro here yeah that'll be good i want to thank everyone for watching 2000 days everyone that came out to the premiere there were over 200 000 people that watched 2000 days all live that's awesome i'm looking at it right now it's almost got 10 million views just so much support so much support from everybody i was blown away by all of it just hit 3 million subscribers i just want to say a big thank you to everyone there's a lot of work and it was i was just so happy to see that you all loved it and uh yeah just so really thank you thank you please remember what i said about the world best case scenario one to two thousand people are going to be able to get the world download every single day so if the link is broken you can always come back the next day and uh you should be able to get yourself that download you know provided that another thousand people haven't tried to get it i know it's unfortunate i would love to just easily give it to all three million of you it's just not it's not possible it's such a big download there's so many of you you have to understand like i said if you're wondering about 3000 days i am going to take a little break you know i'm gonna kind of wait for the caves and cliffs update to maybe be fully released again i might play on some snapshots snapshots are a little risky the nether snapshots kind of broke the world a little bit so i'm not too keen to play on snapshots but again caves and cliffs is when you're going to see a lot of 3000 days and obviously a thousand days is a lot more than you know what i can do for for caves and cliffs so uh you'll see a lot more than just caves and cliffs in 3000 days but i am going to wait a little bit before i start recording just so i can have that footage on there of course in the meantime i'm still gonna be doing minecraft a lot of other stuff uh torres and i are working on tours 200 days i know pretty much everyone wants to see that so we know you guys want it and we're going to try to get it to you as best as possible it's a little tough with the new little one but you know we're trying we're trying we want you to see it and just i just want to say thank you again really i appreciate all of you it's been so much fun playing on this world making the content seeing you all enjoy it having these tours doing all of this stuff it's it's really been awesome and a little life-changing honestly so you know i do want to thank you all again for watching and thank you for subscribing and liking the videos and just giving me all of the support you've done i i really appreciate it my my heart goes out to all the fans i love you all my voice is going i i only have so much mountain do have game fuel i'm gonna probably die soon if i don't stop this i have too much stuff i gotta end this video thank you all for watching stay notable i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 6,104,317
Rating: 4.7085724 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, 1000 days, luke thenotable minecraft, 300 days, and this is what happened, world tour, 100 drops, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, hardcore minecraft 1000 days, 2000 days, 2000 days hardcore minecraft, 2000 Days - [Hardcore Minecraft], 2000 Days - [Minecraft World Tour], i survived hardcore minecraft for 1000 days and this is what happened
Id: 9nsv5Xsf5Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 27sec (5067 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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