I Survived 300 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

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300 days i can't believe we survived this far i want to say thank you to every single one of you guys for supporting my channel recently if you have no idea what's going on and you want to catch up on everything check out the playlist in the description or on my channel it has every episode of minecraft hardcore all in order youtube is telling me that 91 of you guys are not subscribed just remember that subscribing is free and you can always unsubscribe whenever you want and it helps me out a lot we are so close to 15 000 guys more info about the q a i promised coming up very soon probably my next video i hope you guys enjoyed the video get some popcorn sit back and relax because this is a long one what is up guys welcome back to another video and today we're gonna be starting on day 204 there are some slight changes i made to the world including upgrading the beacon so now i can actually run a lot faster i have speed two now you can see right there i got speed two so it makes me run a lot faster and i added a little path right here i mean i didn't really add it i just extended it on down this way just a super simple path not much details and today i'm thinking of actually building a village trading hall or like a village trading station i don't really know exactly what it's going to look like or where it's going to go but i think it's it's going to be somewhere around here either around here or like up here by this sugarcane farm i'm not exactly sure yet but first we're going to get the resources and somehow get a villager over here all right well i mean i guess we should just get straight into building it so um let's see what kind of building material should we make it out of honestly i think i'm gonna do some wood i'll grab some oak and spruce where's the zombie i hear a zombie hold on we gotta find this is it in my garden there's always a zombie in my garden i swear oh there i knew it there's literally a zombie here he he stepped on one of the things and picked it up he literally stole one of my wheat dude okay well anyway as i was saying i'm just gonna grab some more like spruce oak i guess would probably be enough there's a lot in there all right i still hear zombies they're probably below me but i'm just gonna leave them alone hopefully they just despawn by himself okay so if i was building it right here hold on let me just let me just grab my wood out i'm going to do like a simple little layout i kind of want to build something right here like along like this little hill i think it'll look kind of cool but i don't think i can build the village training hall there because it has to be straight so i think i'm just gonna be building it um right here i think i'll just build it right here for now i'll just make like an outline and see what this looks like actually chain of mine i'm just gonna build it over here instead so i'm just gonna make like a straight line here uh i think that might be a bit too long i don't know if it has to be that big and then i'll just do this just as a basic outline to get an idea of what it's going to look like and let's fly out and just see what this looks oh that was a little bit too high okay yeah it looks pretty good i guess um i mean we need to fill up more areas right there like right here because this is all just blank so we're gonna get to that someday but for now we're just gonna be working on this little section right here all right well the first thing i did was i just patched up some of these holes with some dirt so then it'll actually be some flat land and i'm just gonna extend the path over this way i also need to go grab some slabs because i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need slabs for this build or i think i definitely have enough building items i literally like grabbed way too many i'm just gonna put some of them away from the chest for now not a chest i'm in the choker box okay so i don't exactly remember how to make this but first okay since i don't know where it is i gotta dig out a hole here i'm pretty sure because i think this is where the zombie is gonna be because in this design that i'm building it's gonna make like the trades super cheap so there'll be a zombie running through here and he'll be able to kill the villagers whenever we need them to or not kill them but to like infect them so then we can cure them and then it'll give us discounted trades so the next couple of days is just me trying to build this thing looking up designs looking at my old worlds because i had this design in my old world like 500 times and we were starting to make a little bit of progress but the hardest part is just to get a villager in here and also while i was building this a horde of zombies approached me and actually got me to like have health i don't know how that really happened i added some leaves to the top to make it seem more alive because you know we're kind of like a wedding style build so at the end this is kind of what i got this is like my final design so i have like pillars on the side with lanterns i also added some slabs and trapdoors on the top and i'm like overall really proud of this design so my first night of trying to go hunt out for some zombie villagers i actually found one there was a bunch of zombies around it though so i was trying to be really careful not to hit the zombie villager but at the end i managed to lure him into a hole and i just kept him there until i could grab my materials to cure him alright so i went back and grabbed some of my materials i got the golden apple and also the weakness potion i'm gonna have to make some more of those weakness potions because i only have like one left i'm pretty sure so i have to splash the weakness potion on him and then do the golden apple there we go he should be able to be cured soon so i just kept on working on the other side of the village breeding station or not breeding like trading station i guess yeah i wanted to make it symmetrical oh it started raining i was running out of slime balls for my sticky pistons because i needed that for the villager like trading hall so i had to go down and grab some more sun hey a little bit later the villager finally cured and it's back to a normal village so pretty much all of day 205 and 206 i just spent trying to clean up this build finish it up and i added some like decorations on the sides i finished the back finally it took a long time like i was messing up dude i was trying to make it perfectly symmetrical and i finally got the villager brought it in to its spot using a mine cart and he has beetroot which is not a really good trade because i don't think i have any beer right now but i think we can change that pretty easily i placed some dirt blocks above the composter broke it again so the villager could not escape and i gotta double check that he okay there now he's not a farmer i'll place it again and then he should turn back into a farmer he has not yet i'm waiting bud there we go he's now a farmer and we got the potato trade that's really good so i went out again to try to find another zombie villager but this time i wasn't so lucky but i did come across a baby zombie riding a chicken that was unusual okay so this was annoying but i had to like completely redo the whole thing like the whole fence thing around this like trading area because zombies were able to get in and attack my villagers so this took a long time but i had to fence over everything and make sure there was no way a zombie could just walk over or jump into this area next couple of days i was trying to work on building a villager breeding place then when i get two villagers i can just breed them together instead of just trying to find zombie voters every single night so i also added some bushes on the inside of this area just to make it look a little bit nicer i mean i liked it a lot better when the bushes were on the outside but i can't do that because if i had the bushes on the outside the zombies could just use those bushes and just jump right in i said bushes a lot in this sentence so i'm digging out a hole right now because i want to build this villager breeding thing underground because i thought it looked kind of ugly if it was above ground so this is kind of what i got so far like i have a little farm area it's kind of looking disgusting like honestly i don't think it looks that great but like it's a start it's a start all right so i want to transport this villager down into the farm now this is going to be kind of hard but let's give it a shot so i think i have to break that and then i'll put that there actually wait hold on let me let me redo this they're gonna need to break that underneath him and then put rail underneath him put them in the mic cart and then hopefully he gets inside the minecart there we go we actually got it no no chilled chips don't suffocate don't suffocate but that scared me hold on i'm gonna go inside here and just push him out he should not be down here all right there we go now he's moving okay that's what we want and i already built like a rail system so it should go down and bring him straight into the farm there we go now uh how do i do this without him escaping i'm gonna push him a little bit closer all right i need to break that and then i'll break the minecart okay there now be a farmer i'll close him up and then hopefully he's a farmer and i gotta give him more carrots i only planted like a little bit of carrots back there so i gave this dude a stack of carrots and he's actually planting some seeds down this is great so i pretty much finished up this farm i have a little minecraft system that is connected up all the way to the very top and we can transfer the villagers that are down in there up to the top when we are ready so i was just chilling like i wasn't even trying to look for a zombie villager but there was just one right there right in front of my eyes so that was actually really good and a freaking jockey one of those like baby jockey things i don't know what they're called now it's day 212 and today i wanted to do something else other than working on that villager breeder thing i want to do another color of my sheep farm so today and a little bit of 213 i just worked on my sheet farm and finished up another color i actually ended up finding a zombie villager but he was so far away from my base because i was just using my rockets to fly around and look so now i gotta go and bring them all the way back okay so now that our last villager is actually finally cured we should be done with all this like villager breeding stuff so that looks good oh there's a hold up i'm gonna go oh islam has died i i was gonna say i'm gonna go check out this watering trader but islam is all dead i guess i got another leash or lead whatever it's called for free um fire coral block black tie pumpkin sand a light blue dye and a blue ice i mean it's not really anything that we need so i'm just gonna let you be all right i actually gotta go back and oh there's more leather dude is the llamas just like died bro i'm sorry man i'm sorry now i just need to grab some rails to transport that villager down all right so i cleaned up some of the messy stuff and we finally got the villagers up there and everything is looking nice there's no like rails like going all around here it's actually looking good we have the two villagers in there and then we have one villager up here that's farming for them wait it changed the potatoes i swear i gave him carrots maybe maybe i give i think i gave him potatoes too never mind okay yeah um hopefully we start getting some baby villagers soon i'll have to come back and check later but now we gotta go do something else i don't know what to do right now all right well i'll just leave those guys be hopefully they make some babies for us so we can actually use them next up i'm gonna want to make a automatic melon farm because when i have ore like pumpkin melon slash pumpkin farm because i can use that to trade for emeralds and i think it's a really good way to get emeralds like fast so we're going to need a ton of let me think i don't exactly know i think we're going to need okay i know we're going to need observers i have one wait i think i have more i have to have more right we're also going to need just normal pistons so those should be pretty easy to make i think i have some more pistons don't i oh i have two normal pistons okay i'm gonna need to make a lot more than that pretty much the rest of day 216 was just me grabbing materials and just finding all the stuff i needed for this video because i needed a lot of redstone things i also made another shulker box and i named it build materials because i'm going to be storing all the materials i need for this build inside the soaker box so it's just more simple and not cleaning up my inventory now here's a little time lapse of me building this thing enjoy [Music] left [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] so now i'm finally finished up with this melon farm it looks kind of ugly right now but when i build around it it should look a lot better so like whenever a melon thing grows the piston should come out and push it you can hear them going on right now so like when the melon grows the piston will push it and then it should come out and oh we already have one it should come in that chest see i think there's like a ripe stem thing yeah it's right there oh i have to build right here i have to put blocks right here so they don't grow on this side i'll do that later all right well that's the that's the pumpkin farm i think was it saying pumpkin or was i saying melon i don't even know but yeah that's the pumpkin farm let's go check out to see if we have any baby villagers or if any villagers have come they definitely have had to i've had this thing running for like four or three in-game days wow yeah there's like three villains in there that's actually really good they've all grown up already so next episode we can probably move those up like we are pretty much set for next episode we have our melon farm so we can get pretty much unlimited melon production and we can turn those melons into emeralds right at our villager trading hall wow come on why does there have to be a storm i'm about to do the outro this video well yeah that's probably gonna be it for today guys i did a lot in this episode i think let's see if we can hit 200 likes this video last video i asked for like 100 i think and we hit 460. so today i'm gonna ask for 200. let's see if we can beat that oh oh ow calm down bro i'm trying to do the outro can't you see dude there's just okay i gotta run all right here we'll do the outro under down here i haven't been here in a while so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i'll see you guys next time peace out what is going on guys welcome back to another video this is part two of the 300 day series and i just want to say thank you guys so much for the support lately so i asked for a like goal of 200 likes i think last episode and we hit like a thousand in the first 24 hours that's just insane to me and also something you guys have mentioned is like lower the brightness of the shader so i did that so um the shader should look a lot more easy on the eye should be more pleasant to look at and it still gives me super like smooth lighting and all that like right here it's not really blocky at all and it's just not super bright like it was before so you guys are probably wondering this thing it's kind of new so i just added some glowstone and like some stone bricks and that's pretty much it so i left this thing running for like a day and it already has two stacks of pumpkins that's actually insane so that's really good now today we're gonna probably getting that villager to actually trade for us and hopefully that farmer villager has a pumpkin trade and that way it's just gonna be so easy the emeralds are just gonna come flowing in and somehow we're gonna need to get melons because honestly i just like melons better and plus i i would like to have both i would like to have a melon farm and a pumpkin farm but yeah you can literally just see how fast everything is going like it's crazy this farm is super efficient okay so down here i just did one thing i placed a block right there and hopefully that stops them from like breeding anymore because i don't want too many down here and also this chest down here like i've seen this happen when he throws like potatoes down um sometimes the dudes don't catch them and it just goes in this chest and we have a crazy amount of potatoes so like we could always trade potatoes too if they have a potato trade all right so i'm just breaking two of these rails and i don't know exactly how i'm gonna do this but i'm gonna break that glass piece for now and then he can come out i'll get him on that rail and then he's gonna suffocate a little bit oh shoot not not that much not that much honestly it's okay if this guy dies that big of a deal but oh there we go okay that was that was really scuffed but oh my god i didn't even place the rail in the right spot i'm going to push them onto the other rail yeah this is i need to get like a real way to get these villagers out of here because that was that was mega scuffed and now those guys are probably no don't go back please all right just go up this way don't fall down i'm going to push you up here no oh my god dude i literally just got him up bro no my boy is finally up there and he should be safe all right now i'm gonna try to get another villager up there as well yeah and i had some issues and he ended up escaping at the end it was all just a waste of time so that was great i'm gonna just let them go and i'm gonna get a new one i got them both here now so let's look at their trades we got potatoes that's good we want potatoes and oh also potatoes okay that's great so i need to trade with both these guys to lock in those trades so um i'm gonna grab some potatoes from down here and then i'm gonna grab an emerald from my base and then i'll trade with them all right so i got the potato i'll trade with you and also trading will actually give me tons of xp if i do it a lot oh wait why am i even going back to grab an emerald i just realized that dude gave me an emerald i can just use this emerald to trade with him give me that six bread there we go now both of you guys have your trades locked in and all set the next thing i need to do like next time it turns knight i'm gonna try luring in a zombie to come down inside of here because the reason i built it this fancy and all that stuff was because then i could actually make their trades a lot cheaper because then if i want the zombie to infect it i just switch that switch boomi falls down he can't move the zombie can hit him so he can turn into a zombie villager and then when i'm done just get him back up here cure him and then he's all set and ready to go i think i might try to get one more villager here but i don't know exactly what villager i should get i could do another farmer but like i don't know that's kind of boring i might do a cleric yeah i think i'll do a cleric all right well before we go on with anything i want to do something down here and just clean the space up a little bit because right now this place is looking really boring and just ugly like i think i want to make a room for the villagers down here to chill at see i think i'm going to dig out like a little space this way that they can go to there we go um can villagers climb ladders i don't know if they can because if they can't then i can make like a ladder thing going up so then i can get in and out and they can't okay never mind i don't have to try i just looked it up and yes they can climb a ladder so that's not gonna work i'm pretty sure they can't open gates though so i guess i could just make the gate all right this is what the new villager area looks like i think it looks good all right so the next thing i actually want to do is um okay so i kind of switched up my mind i'm gonna try doing a librarian this time instead so that means i'm gonna need a lectern so i know for electrons you're gonna need slabs i have one slab okay i think there's more slabs in here we're also going to need planks i think i don't know what else we need here hold up let's let's see how we make lectures oh we need oh we we don't even need planks we just need a bookshelf okay where can i get a bookshelf do i don't think i have any i know i have books though so i'm just going to go grab books and craft a bookshelf and then i think if i remembered it correctly electron was like that yeah there we go okay now we're going to take this lecture and go place it down inside that new room that i built for the villagers and try to convert one all right so it's nighttime right now so i don't think he's going to switch oh never mind i guess he does switch all right well since he switches let's see if i can get a good enchantment oh let's go we got i'm breaking three okay so since we have this dude i'm gonna go need to grab some emeralds really quick to make a trade so then we actually keep him in locket straight i think i needed nine emeralds to go grab that bookshelf wait a minute since when were these item frames gone when did that happen i think i remember a creeper i think a creeper blew up around here and i just never remembered to put the item frames back but like yeah whatever all right i got my emeralds hopefully his unbreaking three has not gone away yet still there there we go so now we have him locked so i can bring him up there now okay so i know you guys don't want to really see me do this boring stuff and like bring the villager back up so this is just gonna be really quick okay now everything is mostly just ready and tidied up we got our librarian chilling in there and oh wait here's one thing i forgot i put away my tone when dying i probably should get that back there we go see this is looking pretty good next i think i might just have to add the zombie i'm gonna have to wait till night to do that though oh look at those dudes showing up there this used to be i think this was waddle's design and it kind of was scuffed and someone told me he made an updated version of it uh i didn't really like watch it but i just filled in some of the glass with real blocks so then yeah there's one right there so then they wouldn't get caught on the sides and so far i haven't seen anything get stuck yet so it looks like it's working the rest of day 225 was just me grinding out the villagers and trying to get them to master level or i think it's called masters he's the master expert i don't know what the last one is all right so i threw all of my suspicious stews away on the ground right here while i was trading with them and i just picked them all up but i don't exactly know what they do so can i just eat them or do i actually have to be hungry oh i have to be hungry okay well i'm definitely gonna wait until i'm hungry to try one of these because i've never eaten a suspicious stew before i think they give you a random effect it could be like a buff or a debuff but i'm not sure hopefully we don't get like insta damage 600 or something like that that'd be pretty bad all right well i guess we'll just head off to bed for now since like there's really nothing else to do tonight okay now i'm actually like hungry hungry so let's eat some of these suspicious stews oh what is that blindness oh yeah just blindness that's some really dark blindness all right um that actually gave us a lot of food points let's eat another one oh what is that jump jump boost whoa this is sick bro i like these suspicious two things i'm gonna i'm gonna keep these actually can i jump over oh wait my jump boost ran out already that lasted like three seconds bro i wanted to see if you could jump over fences with that thing well anyway i want to like explore some things today like we haven't really been exploring in a while so let's see i'm just gonna i'm gonna go this way just fly how many rockets do i have okay that's definitely enough rockets i'm just gonna start flying this way and we can see what we come across because now that we have an elytra with rockets it's gonna be so easy to travel long distances like this is all newly generated chunks i've never been here before this is a huge forest there's just trees every direction i look that's sick wow we got some of these cherry trees up here they're not actually cherry trees these are birch trees in the in like a snowy biome i think and by the way a lot of you guys have been asking for the texture pack and instead of replying to every single person i'm just gonna say i'm using i think it's called better leaves version two or it's like better leaves 1.14 v2 or something like that so like you just looked it up and then you can get this texture back it's really nice it just adds like more texture in the leaves and adds more colorful leaves oh there's some nice flowers we should take these because you can you can bone meal them and then make sure you can just reproduce them at your house so i'm just gonna grab up all these flowers yeah i forgot how fun exploring is like exploring is a big part of minecraft and it's just tons of fun to just look around the world and just find new things you haven't seen before i don't really know what i'm gonna do with sunflowers but i've never gotten them before so i'm just gonna grab a couple more pumpkins oh we know we should do we should try finding a jungle because then we can find some melons and also cocoa seeds cocoa seeds are pretty cool i don't really know we're gonna use them for but i just like having a lot but i just like having everything this is a huge like lake i think i don't think this is an ocean this is just like a big lake there's tons of lily pads okay maybe this is the ocean this plane is just absolutely huge okay so this part had an error when recording apparently and it told me that after i finished recording everything so that's pretty nice but i went back to the jungle and i'll just do my best to kind of like show you what i was talking about [Music] all right honestly i think i should probably start heading back hopefully i don't run out of rockets on the way back i've got to be really conservative now so on my way back to the jungle to get some footage to like show you guys while you guys are just watching me speak i came across one of these things and it had nothing in it so i just took the obsidian and grabbed the gold now it's time to fly back so i know my coordinates are around 0-0 i don't think i'm gonna have enough fireworks for this dude i wasted way too many all right well i like recently ran out of rockets but i think we're really close because i recognize this forest being the one that's next to the village by my house i don't have that much food left but i've been picking up some sheep on the way so yeah there it is i think that's the village that is near my house yeah it definitely is i got the walls here all right well time to run back i should have like a shulker box with fireworks in it wait oh okay that's what to say if this if this choker box had fireworks i would have been mad because i spent like a whole day and a half just walking when i get back there i'm gonna make like four stacks of fireworks and keep some of them in my soccer box so then hopefully i don't run out ever again because that was just terrible dude that was so bad at least i had the bed with me though if i had to actually run through these forests through the night like that would have been terrible okay i've cleaned out my inventory it's looking pretty good and i have one more stack of fireworks and also in the soccer box we're pretty set with five other stacks of fireworks so since i'm running low on steak i think it's time to switch to our brand new food source which is gonna be golden carrots so we're gonna need some emeralds and i'm gonna go buy some golden carrots from our farmers oh wait they might actually be kind of expensive let me check how much they are okay so it's like it's one emerald for a golden carry you know we'll do it for now we'll do it for now once we get our zombie down here these trades should be a lot cheaper and yeah next time when i trade with them i'm gonna make sure i do that or else those trades are just expensive but like yeah emerald production should be pretty easy for us what is that pumpkin doing showing down there okay well anyway now we can build a melon farm here all right but real quick i want to just make the next color of the sheep farm right here and also the last video i forgot to shout someone out you guys pointed out in the comments i didn't realize so this video will be shouting two people out and one of the people that i want to shout out this episode is this guy for telling me to use the replay mod because i completely forgot that was the thing and that would make the time lapses look a lot nicer so this footage you are seeing right now is all thanks to him i'll be sure to put your name down on the sign somewhere [Music] all right that took me a couple of hours to figure out how to download replay mod and all that stuff and getting everything set up and working but we finally have it done so expect some nice high quality replay mode stuff in the future so now that we got this i can just place that wool there and we have another color done that's looking pretty good actually here look let me let me just extend to this path right here real quick yeah that looks really good all right next up i think i'm going to try building the melon farm yeah yeah i was watching back to video yesterday and i was saying like a melon farm every time when i meant to pumpkin farm so i'm kind of dumb here i'm just going to grab some pumpkins real quick and let's go do our daily trades with those villagers because i'm pretty sure these villagers reset their trades like every day or so i think right now they're kind of expensive but i don't know i'm too lazy to get the zombie right now but eventually we will eventually we will all right well i guess i'll just go to bed and then i need to gather up all the freaking resources dude i'm gonna need to go back into the nether to grab some more actually wait i think i have a lot of courts okay yeah never mind i still have a lot of courts because that one time when i was trying to grind levels in the nether i ended up getting a bunch of quartz because quartz is really good for leveling up all right well i'm going to need a ton of pistons should be easy and then i guess i want to make it the same style so i'll need these stone bricks again which is going to be easy to make and then yeah everything else is pretty simple to get so now it's time for a time lapse of me building the melon farm also you guys should drop some like music suggestions down below just like non-copyright music i can use your time lapses because i'm kind of running out of ideas and once again thank you to maxio i don't know if that's how you say it but yeah he was the one who gave me the tip about using opti fabric and like replay mod and all that stuff all right that's enough of me talking now enjoy the cinematics okay i hope you guys enjoyed that time lapse i love using that replay mod thing like it's actually my new favorite thing so now we have our melon farm going right next to our pumpkin parm we have a little two space gap i could make oh how how did you get up there a full leather armor zombie as i was saying there's a little path over here just in case i want to add more kinds of like any kind of farm i can just dig out this way and then there can just be more farmers back here i think that was a nice idea weather kind of sucks right now but it's all right what is up with all these zombies like i don't see any creepers no skeletons just zombies only like i haven't seen like a creeper skeleton or spider like anywhere oh wait i should just do it right now because it's nice i gotta get a zombie in here i gotta like lure one in here let me just break this real quick oh yeah i need a nametag or i need a zombie to pick up something so like do they do they pick up their own flesh let's see i'll drop it right there if he picks it up okay no he didn't pick it up does that guy pick it up oh that guy actually picked it up let's go okay i gotta kill this dude only and then oh my god there's another one i'm using stop hitting me i'm using the axe so then it doesn't hit both of them at the same time now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to get like a block i'll use this cobblestone right here and hopefully he comes up here and then follows me down inside here come on bud you can do it you can do it all right this is working let's go and then once he gets here i'll just run run run run run and then i'll just close it up all right there's one more thing i want to do in this episode before it ends so we are going to go and turn those villagers into zombies because now we have our zombie down there oh wait since when did that did i hit that with my axe accident i don't remember that all right well yeah we're going to try turning those villagers into zombies and then we'll see how much the trades go down by yeah i probably won't go down right away by the first one i'm pretty sure it usually takes like two to three times but like this stuff isn't really expensive either so it's not that bad oh wait i forgot a blaze powder i was wondering why i was not working for a sec there i guess the only thing that's gonna be expensive for us is just the blaze powder because we're gonna have to go back into the nether and grab a blaze in one of those no other fortresses and those are kind of far from my house right there we go now that's cooking up wait did i do something wrong here i'm so confused i don't think i did this right oh okay so i figured it out so i'm pretty sure we need normal water bottles to make these i don't think we're supposed to be using awkward potions all right so take these awkward potions out and put in the water bottles and there we go they're actually working now that's great all right so while those are cooking up i've got some questions for you guys so like i want to make a mega build like i'm not really sure what to do and where to do it so drop some comments down below like i could do it like in this area like above like my industrial area i think it's hurricane farm farm and also the trading hall like i could build it around this area or i could build like a cool thing oh that torch is in the way i could build like a cool thing inside that mountain that'd be pretty sick or i could just build something above my house or i could build something outside here like toward the front of the house but like just drop down some suggestions in the comments below of what i should build and where because i feel like this world really needs some like really cool structure also i've been reading every single comment and those tips are really helpful so like thank you guys so much for that all right i just heard that and it should be done there we go splash potion's a weakness so we only really need one because one potion should be able to get all three of them now i just need three golden apples i'll just craft one more we only have two in here all right i forgot to put these awkward potions back in here for whenever we need to brew anything next time and i'm gonna go to bed real quick cause it's getting dark all right it is now the next morning let's go and do this so all i need to do is flick these levers and hopefully the zombie will start attacking the villagers come on buddy i know you want to hurt him i think he's distracted on me right now there now he's hurting him i was like he was staring at me that whole time so i'm gonna get out of there and let him do his thing oh there we go we got our very first conversion all right now go go attack the other ones please now all the zombies are infected so all you'd have to do is just flick these levers bring them up throw the potion right in between the three now all three of them should have been hit and then i can just give them all golden apples there we go i really love this design i don't know exactly who came up with this i saw many youtube tutorials on this exact same design but it's just so nice while we are waiting on those guys to get all cured up let's do our comment shout outs of the day so since the last episode i forgot to do one i'm gonna be doing it two today that's why i have two oak signs so i'm gonna put one right here and i'm gonna do this one as number ten and this one is of course maxio which i already mentioned earlier in the video thank you so much for telling me about replay mod it helped me so much with making my time lapses a lot better so i mean it thank you and today's a second comment shout out winner it goes to zz i don't know how to put special characters on in minecraft so i'm just going to be putting yours with normal z's but yeah you are going to be the 11th episodes which is today's episode shout out winner um i'm going to put you right here there we go i made a little adjustment just adding zeros in front of it but there we go we got zz and maxio for today's video shout out winners so let's go back and check on these guys if they have been cured yet oh i think they have oh that hurt um one of them has been cured at least that means these two should be done soon let's check on his trades all right that's actually good let's go so we got we got these melon and pumpkin traits for one each so all i have to do is give him one melon or one a pumpkin and then he should give me one emerald so that's insane and also our golden carrots only cost one emerald now to make as i was speaking these guys all transformed so let's check out this guy should be the same yep we got our melon and pumpkin these guys should be enough to just give me so many emeralds and xp every day this guy 41 to 16 i don't it's more than half that's more than half 16 emeralds for an unbreaking three book all right and to end off this episode i am gonna go and trade with our villagers so i'll just grab like a stack of pumpkin we have a lot of pumpkins in there and like my card stopped working oh wait it's still working oh wait hold on is my is he is it picking the things up is my boy not picking them up they're all just standing why is it not picking them up all right well anyway do we have melons in here okay we do but all right i need to figure out a way to fix this because i am losing a lot of melons right here that is definitely a lot of them because they're all clumped up together all right well first trade for the pumpkins with this guy and that guy we leveled up to level 30 let's go and actually i'm gonna like add a crafting table over there so i don't have to run all the way back here just to craft my melons up i'm gonna craft up these melons only 17 yeah we're gonna have to fix that because i know we lost like at least a stack or something all right so let's trade with this guy and that guy here we go we got 41 emeralds i'll just use them all in here just so i can level them up let's see what book we get next power one not too great but oh we got one book is an emerald that's insane so now i can literally just place these down and then just break them again and then i have pretty much unlimited emeralds and now i can just give them back the books and we just made more emeralds so now our ammo production is looking pretty good obviously we're gonna be adding more villagers here as we go on but that's pretty much gonna be it for this episode guys i really hope you guys enjoyed it and today for the like goal since you guys completely crushed the last videos like a goal we're going to go for 500 likes that is by far the most i've ever asked for and this is insane guys so let's see if we can hit 500 likes this has been an epic episode to record and film and yeah i'll see you guys next time peace out anyway so before this video starts we just hit 10 000 subscribers so i want to thank each and every one of you guys for being an og to this channel just remember that subscribing is completely free and you can always unsubscribe whenever you want when we hit 20 000 subscribers absolutely nothing is going to happen all right scrap that actually let me hit 20 000 subscribers something will definitely happen i don't know what yet but something will anyways that's enough of me talking enjoyed the video what is going on guys welcome back to another minecraft video and today we're gonna be playing some more minecraft hardcore so i've made some minor fixes and just adjustments while you guys were gone and i'll explain this first one so for the farms i've seen many comments that are saying like oh mix the pumpkins and melons together and it'll grow faster and all that like like that's really helpful but honestly i don't really need to grow faster right now because it grows fast enough like i already have a full double chest right here i extended all these and also like i got almost a full pumpkin chest and um one thing i did change was since the minecarts were kind of slow i just put hoppers underneath all of them so yeah it's not that much of a change but it's a little bit and this thing looks kind of ugly right now and we are definitely going to be remodeling this sometime i don't know when it's not really important right now and also right here i'm going to be building something special for all the people that are donating because like you guys really don't have to donate yeah like in the live from years you guys have been sending in donations and i just want to say thank you more than just saying thank you in the chat because honestly i think you guys deserve more so i'm going to be building something right here in just a sec but before i built this little thing i went and grabbed some acacia wood so yeah i got the saplings and i brought them back home well i guess it's time to begin the build to start off this episode okay so as you guys are watching me build this you're gonna see that i have some tulips and the last video i don't know if i mentioned this i think i did but i found a flower hills thing and i wrote down the coordinates so then i can like always go back to it and hopefully make a flower farm there it was like near the jungle somewhere [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] all right so now i got this garden thing like finished up so i have some walls that i'm working on the outside i don't know if i like them or not but i'm just gonna have them in for now i'm not completely finished so i ran out of spruce wood actually i need to go grab some more wait i'm thinking of doing like this kind of pattern all the way around um i'm gonna change this in a bit yeah so this is the garden i really like it i need more lighting though honestly like it's only kind of bright over there and it's kind of dark on this side i also got some bamboo up in here and then back this way is where we're gonna have the signs that have the people's name on them so i actually went down into the nether and i grabbed some like of the warped and crimson stuff so that i could actually get some planks so for donators that donate less than a dollar which is actually insane you get a blue sign so i'll just put you like here for now and then i will change it later and i'll actually build something nice here and then if you donate more than a dollar you'll get a purple sign a special purple sign that will stick out from the rest of them so once again you don't have donut at all like i don't want you to donate actually like you don't need to man it's just for people that do like i really want them to have something special in this world because they deserve it okay so i got your names and how much you donated written down and i don't think i mentioned this earlier but i mean one dollar in like one u.s dollar so that he donated me 50 all right that's zombie's gun he donated to me 50 argentina pesos which is 60 60 us dollars so that's why he's a blue sun by the way it's not 50 us dollars that would be crazy so it's still day like 250 or something and we still live in this like small area like we don't even really live anywhere this is just like our main storage area and i think it's time for an upgrade i think we need to build a new base and i think i found a great spot for it like right over here we've got all this open room for a new base so i think i could build a new base in this area somehow and all of you guys have been talking about like mega builds and all that i love those suggestions keep on leaving them in the comments and some good ideas that i like are building something like on the side of this mountain like maybe a castle or some sort of house like outside the mountain that looks super cool and also like a big flying like some sort of flying city or something up here that would be really cool oh yeah i also don't think i showed you guys this but i started planting some bamboo just so we can get some more i'm gonna harvest this actually yeah that gives you a lot of bamboo really fast all right well now i'm at the villager area because we are gonna be trying to get a stone mason or maybe two but for now i'll just do one because we need some quartz because i'm thinking of making our brand new base out of quartz and stone bricks i think it might be a good mix and we can also experiment with other blocks too so let's just walk down here oh wait that's a lot of potatoes are you going to pick them up because you're just leaving them to rot on the ground all right yeah we have a lot of builders down here chilling that's why i closed it they were making too many like way too fast so we are going to need to pick one up does anybody want to volunteer to get inside the mine cart they'll just stare it at me like there we go i got one in right now i lined it up so he should go into his slot there we go and then i can just break these off so we can fall down there okay break all these and then i kind of forgot what i'm supposed to do next i think i need some dirt let me just grab some dirt over here oh and then i need a stone cutter okay hold up i gotta go craft this stone cutter we should have plenty of smooth stone because my silk touch pickaxe and then i think we need one iron bar which we have tons should be able to craft it like that yep there we go now i'll return over to our villager area ow that hurt play stone cutter there and he should not be able to escape oh i don't think i can reach his minecart down there all right now i can i can hear mine oh don't hurt him there we go let's go boys we got it to work and i'm pretty sure he can't escape from this so i think this is safe there we go we got our stone cutters so he's already oh no he's not cheap oh i think it's because i suffocated him while he was coming up i think i suffocated him like a lot he was like really damaged he's probably mad at me okay well i'm gonna need to hit him with a zombie villager so then we can get his trades a little bit better because they're not too good right now all right i actually got myself toon stone cutters because i figured i was gonna need a lot of quartz for my new base and then i'll just drop these guys down and the zombie will go eat them now i'm just gonna go back and grab my slowness or anything it was weakness not slowed it's a weakness potion and then two golden apples all right i got my stuff ready let's see if these guys are zombies oh yeah they are so i'll just move them back up where's my okay there's my weakness potion oh wait i might as well just do the librarian as well just so i can make him a bit cheaper i'm gonna grab one more golden apple okay let's see if these guys are damaged into zombies yet and yep he is why does he have leather armor i did not know they could just randomly get all their armor from that okay well anyway now that we have three of them splash potion of weakness all through them should be good and then boom boom boom give me your cheaper trades okay so while that is going i want to trade with these guys to get some of our emeralds for the day all right the melons have been like building up so i cleared them all out i have a crafting table here now and i just crashed them all into melons so we have this many melons but our pumpkins are way more we got one whole double chest full of stacks of them and this one just started filling up so this thing is going crazy fast like i built one of these in my old survival world but it was nowhere as big it was probably like a nine or no it was like a three by three it was small because it produces so fast all right well let's see if these guys are cured up okay they are let's check out the trades this guy is only one emerald now there's no way dude i only did this twice and he's one emerald and a book for unbreaking three okay well that's just a complete steal bro and these guys are good too they're cheaper as well so i need to level these guys up both to max so then we can get quartz trades from them i maxed out the librarian and he doesn't have a third book but he does have a name tag which is going to be useful and i maxed out to this stone mason so i got my block of course for the day and this guy i haven't quite maxed out yet because i'm gonna need granite and andesite so i'm only gonna need a nine though because i can just level up to max and then i just do one of these trades and it should level them up to the next one so i gotta wait a little bit for that until this trades back opened up okay well it's night time so we probably head to bed well now i want to start building our new base so we're gonna need it to grab quartz so that's what i want to make it out of we only have 36. okay yeah we're gonna we're gonna need to get more of that and i'll just use like cobble or something for placeholders until we get some more quartz i don't know how much we're gonna need i'm just gonna bring a lot hold on let me grab some more emeralds and just make sure that i do all the quartz trades for today all right now we're good to go and we have 60 blocks of course that's a lot better yeah we might need like a lot of those guys honestly i might have to build a separate thing only for those if we end up needing like tons and tons of courts all right well now i just want to find a big old flat area for us to build in obviously this is pretty flat we could do it right here it has a nice scenery there's like a big mountain over there it's not rendering in yet and yeah it's just a big mountain on this side hill but i also don't want to build it too far honestly it might be a bit too far because i want it to be still relatively close i guess we can put it right here actually this is a good spot yeah i like this spot there's even like a river too and like a small little lake yeah i think we're obviously gonna go with right here so i'm gonna just start laying out like a floor plan or like an outline i'm gonna start off with a circle and i'm thinking of making like a low kind of flat rift dome we'll see how that goes alright so this is actually turning out to look really cool and here's the reveal so it's like not the biggest but i think it's big enough for our base currently and i also broke my shovel midway through like carving all this stuff out so yeah that's not good but i can always just go trade for another one i had to do a lot of like landscaping and all that stuff like this thing right here was not there before i had to do that pretty difficult i might fix it up later because it does not look the best right now all right well anyway i think i'm gonna go to bed right now tomorrow morning i am going to replace all the or most of it with quartz at least how much i have also go trade for some more tomorrow too and then i'll do a little time lapse of it [Music] okay this is kind of annoying me so i'm gonna go and get a new shovel i think i have a tool smith somewhere over here in this village is it this guy oh yeah it is okay diamond shelves only 11 emeralds that's really good i'll just buy that and also this is like cartographer right bro why are you hiding back there man okay does he have a ocean explorer okay we're gonna need this too oh we need a compass dang it i have a compass in my house but i don't wanna look at that right now because i want to get a guardian farm or like some prison marine and all that stuff going and yeah next episode or like at least soon i want to explore an ocean monument because those things are cool all right let me also do my trades of the day because i need my quartz okay i think we're gonna need more of these guys like two is definitely not gonna be enough i'm gonna get 24 blocks of course every single day so honestly here i might go down here and i already started digging out a thing but i want to build another like trading hall down here it's gonna be kind of ugly and it's just gonna be hidden from the surface with all the nice things and it's just gonna be a bunch of stone masons so i'll just clear out a space and i'll be back when i get some progress all right welcome guys to the brand new villager trading hall and i know it's a downgrade from the one that's upstairs but it's gonna work for now because it doesn't have to be good so i got my four little stone cutters shown here and this place is gonna give us a good amount of quartz every single day probably enough to be honest and now this is the worst part dude i gotta move four of these villagers into their assigned slots here i'll do a little time lapse for you guys [Music] as you can see there was just one villager that just wouldn't move with the piston so i don't know what's going on with that all right so i got this villager fixing that oh the mic still i got to pick that up can i oh no is it stuck down there hold up let me go picked it up real quick but anyway the villager um the minecart was like halfway off the piston so for some reason the minecart was just like glitching inside the piston but i got that fixed i just had to go back there and nudge it over a little bit so yeah now we're pretty much done all we need to do is just add a zombie in the back of those guys and that's gonna be really easy to do because now we have a librarian that sells the name tags so like that should just be a breeze yeah we don't have any villagers in here left but like next time i need villagers i'll just open it up because like honestly i don't think we're gonna need villagers any time soon because we just got four more stone masons so our quartz production should just be insane now so yeah i'm gonna wait till night time and then i'm gonna try to get some zombies lured in to the back of there all right we're gonna need to make four golden apples now so let's see how much gold we have we're kind of running low we have 40 golden nuggets though i think we might have to go back in to the nether sometime and grab some more gold because we're gonna start writing out students we're just like burning through our gold at this rate there we go four golden apples and i need uh i think i need two weakness potions for this so i'm just gonna grab two i'm gonna head on down into the bottom area with the ugly villager trading hall i need to turn these guys into zombies first so i'll just leave and let you guys do you all right that guy's dead pop both these guys back up weakness golden apple golden apple same thing with oh wait this guy is not infected yet um infect him please i'm dying help me he's like looking at me like no don't oh he was one step okay sick weakness golden apple golden apple and those guys should be cured and ready to go all right hold on let's do let's do some of these trades with these guys get some more emeralds and then with those emeralds i just got i can buy some more quartz i don't know if you guys noticed but i didn't 100 finish this up there's like five pieces right here that i did not do so i'm gonna do these real quick there we go our little base outline is done now so probably next episode is we're gonna get some more progress with this thing i kind of just wanted to start at this video but honestly though the favorite thing about this video for me is this garden i built i really like it what do you guys think the next day i just spent working on the wool farm which was cyan colored all right we got our next color of sheep in and it's looking nice and it's working pretty good so we might just do one more cola right there and then i think we're gonna be stacking them on top but not exactly on top of each other like probably back there with the shaders and like everything it just looks so smooth and pleasant to the uh i don't know i don't know how else to put it like that like it just looks good hold on it's turning dark i'm gonna go to bed real quick all right today now oh there's one of these dudes here oh yeah you guys got mad at me last episode for not killing him so you know what this time i'm gonna kill him ow i fell down actually gonna kill him this time so you guys don't kill me in the comments kill us llamas two there we go job well done so yeah we did a lot in this episode see how this world is coming together super nicely we got so many things that are just looking amazing this garden is by far my favorite though right now and our megabase dude or not our megabase like our new base is also getting started this episode next video hopefully we'll get more progress in it but yeah it's a good start one last thing i just want to check that the villagers are all good and ready i know they're cured i just want to check anyway just to make sure yep they're all cured looking good and we have our discounts so i can set this stuff up get tons of course production so i think i might do some like material gathering off camera because i know i know i need to go back into the nether and grab some more gold i mean i guess i can show you guys that if you guys want but like oh do you guys want more building time lapses or do you think i should just not do time lapses for building and just i don't know just show you when i'm done there's a lot of building in this series because i just like building big detailed impressive things i guess i don't know that's like probably one of my favorite things about minecraft that and exploring the world and for today's shout out winner it goes to crazygamer today is the 12th episode so i'm gonna put you right here crazygamers from nepal so that's pretty cool yeah you got your very own sign right there oh yeah and the r is supposed to be like that by the way it's not an accident well i guess that's gonna be pretty much it for this video i hope you guys are enjoying this series more videos are definitely gonna be coming soon so just stay tuned make sure you are subscribed hit the bell if you want remember you can always unsubscribe and it's totally free see i might have to go do some like gold mining in another off camera or on camera whatever you guys want honestly like i think it's kind of boring to watch but if you guys want to see it i'll do it okay so for the last time that's gonna be it for this video i'll see you guys next time peace out yo what's up guys welcome back to another minecraft video this is the 13th episode i think of the hardcore series if you haven't seen the rest go check out the playlist in the description below i want to start off this video by just saying thank you lincoln watson for donating in the live stream you really didn't have to but i got your purple sign right here i promise it's gonna look a lot better later i just haven't had the time to well one of the most important things i got when i was gone was an ocean explorer map and i actually found this in my world it wasn't too far it was about a thousand blocks only took me like 20-ish rockets to get there it wasn't that bad but yeah there were a lot of guardians around and i wasn't really ready i didn't have any like milk or anything so i was gonna leave and come back later okay so i wanna make a guardian farm but they are pretty expensive so this is the youtube video that i am using it should be up on the screen and these are the materials that he says that you will need so there is a lot 48 obsidian too i got to see how much obsidian i have right now currently have 18 obsidians so yeah i'm gonna have to go get some more obsidian that's gonna be really annoying but i mean i do have an efficiency for diamond pickaxe so it should be a bit better 271 was just all grinding up for some resources to make this build it was quite a complicated process because there were just so many new things i haven't made before like a scaffolding but i had the bamboo for it so that was pretty good by the end of day 271 i have gathered up these resources i'm still going to need a lot of like temporary blocks and so much soul saying i think i need like 500 or so soul sand that's absolutely crazy i guess i'm gonna have to start grinding that out tomorrow yeah there was a lot of crafting in this process okay i've basically gotten everything now i just needed the seven and a half stacks of soul sand it's time for me to go grinding is this also oh no that's another wreck i was just safe that was also said and that would have just made my job a lot easier yo i just sort of gassed where you at bro the nether's kind of scary i used to die in the oh calm down bro i used to die in the nether a lot can you stop shooting me i'm trying to talk to the freaking viewers man all right i gotta get out of here and find some soul sand oh i found some soul sand i think no never mind this is not soul sand wait what even is this is this like oh wait this is netherrack why does it look like this dude this biome is just humongous i'm trying to find some soul sand valleys or something like that all right boys we finally found some soul sand and soul soil i believe this is soul soil and this is soul sand so there's a lot here so let's get digging okay this is actually a lot slower than i thought i thought i was gonna be able to like insta mine this stuff but i guess not oh i only have efficiency one that's why i did not know that this shovel is only efficiency one well yeah i definitely need to upgrade this sometime soon oh is he mad okay calm down i can't run i can't run no get me out of here wait i think i need gold armors i'm just gonna kill them all right hopefully no one else is mad no one come near me i'm just trying to get my soul sand milk all right there's some soul sand right here i'ma just farm this up [Music] okay i'm finally done with this soul sand harvesting we got i think eight stacks of soul sand so we went a little bit above but that's all right and now it's time to go back oh i just heard i just sort of gas shoot something at me dude the nether is a scary place i really don't like this place yeah well anyway let's go back and i think we are almost all set to build this guardian farm sorry if those portal sounds were allowed i hopefully i turned them down a bit in editing yeah all right let's go back and check out what we've got here all right i think we got everything finally figured out so we got our soul sand we have our dirt which is going to be like our temporary block i couldn't fit everything in so i have some of my inventory and i use soul campfires instead of normal campfires which is mentioned in the video because i'm pretty sure soul campfires do twice the damage what are you doing up there bud let me just get rid of you real quick all right there we go back and peaceful again for some reason there's always some sort uh dice or another one there's always some sort of zombies or anything that's just alive somehow he's he's probably below me to be honest so before we go and leave for the ocean monument i went to go grab some buckets of milk and i'm also going to bring me a shield and also an extra totem dying just in case this one gets used pretty unlikely but you know just in case i'm going to keep the totem and dying in there and i'll just have the shield ready just in case i want to use it a lot of you guys say i should use shields and yeah i agree but like also i kind of want the total of a dying because it kind of just saves me from a life but yeah i'll use my shield there too if i ever get low on health though i'll just switch over to my totem of undying we finally got to the ocean monument so now all i have to do is just find a little place to set down my bed and my materials alright so i don't know if this is lucky or not but i think this is a shipwreck down here i was just gonna like plant my base up from this thing and yeah i think that's a shipwreck but i don't know if they're rare or like they always spawn next to these ocean monuments but that's pretty cool we can check that out later first i'm just gonna make a little platform right here so i can just put my bed down and my materials so build materials let's put them here and then oh wait my beds in this one so put that down grab the white bed and then also a torch there we go that's our little base all right well that's nice so i'm just gonna head to bed wait what's that i thought that was just like an island but it's just like a half a tree not rendered in okay well now it's a day and i'm actually gonna have to go defeat the elder guardians this is gonna be kind of tricky because the actual like guardian thingies do a lot of damage so i gotta be careful but i have my total of undying ready so i don't know how to approach this really because like i've only done this one other time and i kind of forgot how i did it this was a while ago do i just shoot them with like a bow does that work underwater okay i don't know this is not good how are they hitting me this far okay maybe i should actually do or i need a better way of tackling this because this is not working they get a lot of damage off me so yeah i'm gonna be really careful i'm gonna move away if they do like more than half hearts to me yeah so as you guys can see i'm not a pro at this i don't know how to do this but i think i found an all right way i like sit up here with a bow and i'm just shooting them and so far it seems like it's working so i've been sitting here shooting at them for a while and i kind of forgot to put my chest plate on so that was why they were doing so much damage to me so um let's see if i can get a tnt down so i'll oh i'll only do one heart okay that always scares me bro cuz before they were hitting me for so much how where are you hitting me from is it that guy oh my i got my fatigue again bro are you joking so let's heal a little bit more who is hitting me like i'm actually so confused about this i think it's that guy okay so i need to put tnt down here and then dirt rest on block go go go let's see if that works all right so broke open a hole oh that kid's shooting at me ah calm down bud all right maybe i should build these walls higher because people are still hitting me somehow let's check out what happened okay there he is okay oh oh he's coming out yo run run run yo calm down bro wait what i don't know if i did this right guys where did he go so i sat up here and shot him a couple times with the bow and it actually ended up working i was so surprised i'm getting hit okay well um i've gotta do this quick because i don't have much time in the water let's try doing this one i gotta place down the tnt i think it should be right here and then dirt around it oh that was not dirt that's not dirt oh run run run hopefully it still works yeah it did not work let me let me do that again oh i don't even have mining fatigue now dude no i'm just gonna drink my milk all right this is really scuffed but i think i found a decent strategy so i got a door down here so i can actually get some air all right this might work this might work this has to work man come on how many hits does it take dude oh there we go let's go that's the second one down all right well now i have a good strategy i can use for the third one so i just exploded it open with tnt and then it took a lot of time but i managed to kill him okay now that all that stuff is taken care of we can actually get started with the build [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well now since everything is finally finished that was probably the most annoying thing i've ever had to do on this series it took so long to build that and i was not prepared for like anything yeah i'm like just about sick of playing minecraft now so it's time to afk all right guys now i'm back i think i have kid for a bit too long actually because i like ate dinner i went outside you know i did some old things and it's been like five days so let's i'm hoping the chests did not like overfill that would be bad but there's a lot of guardians here so that's a good sign oh my game is lagging whenever i walk by these guys it's just legs probably because all these bubbles there's so many bubbles that have to render in okay let's get out of here let's go back to zero zero all right so i'm finally here in the nether it took a while to get here i had to build a lot of things so i know where i'm going like i got arrows and all that stuff that's a really ugly arrow all right well anyway let's see how much stuff we have oh yep wow calm down where did you come from oh my gosh she actually got me low well anyway my predictions were right this is completely full dude that's that's crazy this is literally all full yeah i'm definitely gonna come back here and add probably two two more layers or just one more layer i don't even know honestly this is literally enough for like a lifetime we're not gonna need any more than this i swear also infinite fish i guess too all right well that's cool um here i gotta i gotta clean up my inventory so i can bring some back i don't think we're gonna need the cod i'll throw some of the card away kelp definitely not and this tropical fish okay let's just fill up our inventory with as much of this stuff as possible and we can always come back for more oh dude honestly feels so great to be back oh there's phantoms here let me get rid of you guys real quick i did i got to get my armor and everything all mended up and since i villagers it should be a really easy process all right i gotta go to bed to get rid of these guys all right well as i was saying i am so happy to be back here i missed this place man i was out in the ocean making that monument for so long afk and all that and we're finally back so today i want to continue work on our base because we need a new base as fast as possible and once our new base is constructed we can pretty much just do whatever like we'll just be adding on crazy things from them building more farms just building mega structures and it'll just be epic so we got to get our base foundation down first all right well now it's time for me to sort out my inventory this is going to be so much fun yeah so i went and traded with the villagers so i can mend up my armor and my tools after a while of sorting out my stuff mainly just dumping everything in that chest but my inventory is looking pretty good i also got some quartz for the day and here i'm gonna bring all this quartz with me except those bricks those bricks are ugly all right yeah we got all those courts with me and i want to get some dark prismarine i don't know how to craft dark prismarine hold up let's see if i can craft it oh you just need a black dye with okay that's that's easy enough okay oh where did i put my inky sacks man oh okay they're in here there we go so let's craft up some dark prismarine i think we're gonna need a lot of it oh i need to make black dye first okay there now i should be able to do it all right let's just make as much darker screen as we can we can only make 16 pieces what actually okay maybe we're gonna need a bit more of that uh of those chard thingies all right that's all that i had let's see how much dark prismarine we can make another 24 pieces we got 40 now okay i mean i guess it's not that bad because i only grabbed like six or seven stacks i think all right well it worked yeah we're definitely gonna have to go back and grab some more so i can make more dark persona all right we're back at the farm and we have a clean inventory mostly i probably should have left this block of quartz back but we have a whole sugar box called build materials that's completely empty so we should be chilling and yeah i added more rows down here and they should be slowly starting to fill up all right well i guess it's time to just grab everything i'm gonna throw all these raw cods away because like we're never really gonna need all that all right then we're good to go we have full inventory a full shulker box and yeah i think it's ready oh wait we we have to put one stack back so we can actually pick up the soaker box there we go okay that's a lot of raw cod there all right so i crafted the most amount of dark person marine i could with the black dye that we had because it was the black guy that we didn't have enough of not the prison marine as you can see so yeah i think this is definitely good enough though we have two stacks of dark for serene so if we ever need more i can always go back and just afk and all that stuff that form was actually efficient i didn't really know like but i then again i guess i did afk pretty long okay well now i guess it's time to go work on the base all right so i've been in a creative in like a super flat world designing a base idea for so long and i just like i don't know man it was really hard to make this design i'm not that good at making like futuristic type faces and all that stuff but this was my best shot at it so here's the reveal in three two one oh just kidding you thought i'm not actually gonna show you but i do have a design down so you guys are gonna have to wait until i actually build it in my real world this took like an hour or so to design because i just didn't know what to do all right so one last thing i need actually so this this area right here spawns oxidases they give you gray dye and i need great dye for this build so i've just been sitting here picking up these flowers bone milling them all right now i just need to make some light gray concrete powder and we have a stack in 24 it's probably enough i hope it is if it's not enough then i'm kind of too lazy to go and grab some more of the dye and to turn the stuff into actual concrete i'm just gonna have to go here and just mine it like this so yeah i guess i'll see you guys in a couple minutes when i'm done mining all this okay well now i got all my concrete ready to go and i think it is time to start this build so enjoy this time lapse actually one more thing i'm sorry this episode has been just a lot of building it kind of had to be done but i promise next episode is going to be the 300 day finale so there's gonna be some nice exciting things waiting for you then that's probably gonna be sometime next week see i'm sorry this episode has just been mainly building some people like it some people don't alright well that's enough of me talking enjoy the time lapse [Music] do [Music] okay guys we are finally back and this is what i've gotten so far so this whole outer thing is going to be all filled up soon i don't have the right materials for that because i do need blue stained glass and i'm gonna need a lot of it and also some white stained glass for these windows right here so right here they're just gonna be normal windows i've yet to figure out a front door this could probably be a front door or there could just be doors on every single corner i could just open this up make it a door and there will be like a hallway inside here and then in the center there will be i don't know tons of rooms and stuff just where we can get things done and we can always like expand it out like like this way for example we could just break this and then just have like a hallway going this way connecting to even more things so this thing has endless possibilities so once again i'm super sorry this video has just been a lot of building but i had to get things done today but i think it turned out pretty cool all right well now it's time for today's shout out winner so today's shout out winner goes to lydia i'm gonna put you right here and you're today's shout out winner for episode 13. so congratulations to you and now you have your very own sign wait one thing before this video ends i think i need to refill my golden carrots all right there we go now we have enough golden carrots okay well anyway guys that's gonna be probably it for this video stay tuned for this weekend there's gonna be some cool content dropping that's not minecraft hardcore but don't worry minecraft hardcore will be coming up right after that so don't you worry i'm never gonna be stopping this series we're gonna be going as long as i can let's see if you can make it to a thousand days hopefully that would be really sick so yeah next week we're gonna be hitting 300 days in minecraft hardcore so i hope you guys are all excited for that and that's going pretty much it for this video and i'll see you guys next time peace out [Music] what is going on guys welcome back to another video so yeah hopefully this is an exciting episode for y'all because we're finally gonna be hitting day at 300. so there's one little thing i did off-camera it's actually it's not even it's not even little it's minuscule all i did was i just carved out like this much like dirt i'm just trying to get all this dirt on because we're going to need this for our floor so we can't have all this dirt here so slowly i've just been carving away some of this dirt it's going to take a while i have haste 2 on but like it doesn't really help to be honest yeah today i'm not really sure what we want to do like i kind of want to finish the base so we could keep on working on the base we also could add some more villagers to our villager farm because or like our villager breeding station you guys have had really good suggestions for like what to trade in stuff like a fisherman we can trade our cod i threw you guys were triggered at me i threw all my card away last time there were many stacks and i could have traded that all for emeralds so my bad i did not know that but yeah we can get a fisherman because then that's at least something we can do with all of our extra cod oh yeah and also make a mob farm in an xp farm there's just a lot of things i haven't done yet we've got a long ways to go till day a thousand but hopefully we make it there i also need to fix the speaking issue this is kind of like the ugliest beacon i've ever seen and like i don't know these bars just don't look good they just don't look good so i think when we build up our new base i could have a beacon somewhere around there all right well some of them can you guys be quiet the pistons are so loud anyway some of the materials we're going to need for like this outer wall thing are going to be we need more quartz actually i think we have it of course we have a lot of quartz uh we have like five stacks that's probably enough because we're only actually is that enough i don't know but yeah we got five seconds of course we're gonna need a ton of light blue stained glass because that's gonna be kind of like the roof and once we complete this i'm thinking of probably expanding actually i don't know there's not really a good way to expand because there's just mountains so we're gonna have to expand up i guess we can we can just build up like that could be like an entrance to like another area i don't know just some ideas but if we were to expand this way it'd be kind of cool building something along this mountain because this is a nice mountain i've decided to do the cleric villager first so i'm going to make a brewing stand so i'm going to need uh three more cobblestone already got the blaze rod and then i'm pretty sure brewing stands just like that there we go pretty simple yeah we're gonna go grab a villager now so the reason i want a cleric filter is because they won't run flesh which is a good use to throw away some rotten flesh and also i can trade an emerald into a lapis which is the main reason i want to get them because i'm going to need tons of lapis for this because i'm using lapis for the build because i can combine lapis with bone meal or like white dye and then it makes it light blue because we're gonna be needing some light blue glass and they also give me xp bottles at the very end i'm pretty sure so that's really handy and i'm pretty sure also trade redstone so if we ever need redstone that's a good i guess it's a good way to get it because emeralds are just super easy to get now i'm gonna adjust that path i think i'm gonna have to go grab a minecart i don't think i have one down here okay i got my minecarts and it's time to capture one of these villagers who is it gonna be you know what i'll do you get in oh not that way not that way bro you're going the wrong way now it's time for you to go don't die too much man all right it seems like we got him out looking good now i just got to push him all the way up he's almost there you push them in here lower the lever all right looking good then we can break that put in a brewing stand um i think we need to put in some dirt around here to make sure he doesn't jump out oh one sec i gotta i gotta move this zombie thing real quick let's take the zombie to follow us back here and then i can trap them there we go now i think it's all set so i should just be able to break that yay let's go it worked so now this should all be safe and yeah it's looking good once we're finished up with this like villager trading hall this is all going to be gone i only need this to transfer villagers right now so it's looking kind of ugly all right so our first trades are 32 round flesh for one emerald and one emerald for two redstone dust so i'm gonna go grab our rotten flesh right now let's see how much we have and see how many emeralds we can get out of it while i'm here i'm gonna grab my melons and pumpkins anyway because i have to do that trade too oh we only have two stacks of rotten flesh okay it's not that much i also need to grab some melons over here all righty come here buddy we're gonna just give you all my rotten flesh that was all so the rest i'll just trade for redstone and you should level up all right next one we got the emeralds for lapis so i'm just going to cash out and buy as many as i can which is 12 looking good and he's already maxed to the next level see what's the next one oh for emerald for one glowstone okay that's kind of bad to be honest i don't think i really need to worry about this because all we need is the lapis so like i think we're chilling for now all right well now we should be able to make some a light blue dye pretty easily do that and we got 24 light blue dye it's looking pretty good yeah well anyway this video i just really want to do at least like half of this building or like half of this base because we're going to need a good amount of glass not really sure how much but like probably i don't know 10 15 stacks maybe i'm not sure because i want to make this like a glass roof and yeah i hope it kind of looks good here i did do it in like my practice world as you guys saw last episode and i thought it looked pretty good so we'll see what it looks like all right well since we're gonna need lots of glass i'm gonna go ahead and trade with some of our librarians or we only have one librarian actually hey hold on since i'm here i'm just gonna grab some of this stuff to trade with them dude i wish auto crafting was the thing like honestly i i craft all these mountings by hand and it's just annoying but oh this is getting full i got to craft them again yeah which was an auto crafter in the game that'd be a really cool thing to see in like a 1.17 or whatever 1.17 stuff it was about 1.17 just released and it's looking pretty hype yeah i think they did the glow squid yeah the glow squid is what they like decided to do yeah well i'm hyped for our new base because i really want a new place to stay like our current base just isn't cutting it and plus our new base is so expandable we're able to add so many things to it oh i just thought bread oh i didn't mean to okay i guess i got a stack and a half of bread that's great i don't know if i'm gonna need more quartz from you guys but i'll buy quartz anyway so i used all of our dye and glass and i made three stacks of light blue dye from our 24 it was either 24 or 28 to die so it's a good amount three stacks is a lot for only using like 24 die another thing i just added real quick was just this barrel right here i know it kind of looks ugly and like kind of out of place but i just needed a place to store my like materials from trading because i didn't want to walk all the way back over there i know i kind of seem lazy but like i really am like i don't want to walk all the way back there just put my stuff back all right so one little quick thing before we get started building on the base over there i want to just like freshen things up here a little bit because this has been sitting like this for a while and it's just so ugly like it's just all dirt and stuff so i'm gonna like build i don't know maybe like some bushes here uh some chairs i i have no idea but i'm gonna build something here where i can just put the signs for now that's not as ugly as this so i finished up building this thing and i think it looks all right hopefully you guys like it i'm going to be adding on more things in the future but like we got a little pathway here we got our names on the back of these chair thingies and i'm going to be extending this to i don't know how long whenever whenever i decide to just stop and we got some glow sun underneath these leaves to provide some light during the night wow that just rhymed perfectly um yeah i hope you guys like it that is kind of like the donation area back there all right now i think it's probably time to start filling in some of this glass and uh more quartz because i think i'm gonna have another layer of quartz up here i don't exactly remember how i built this i'm gonna have to go back and check into my prototype world well now i guess it's time for a time lapse [Music] come on literally right when i started recording it started pouring rain that just sucks well anyway i think i'm pretty much done with this half of the build i'm sorry if it's not what you guys thought it was gonna be but like i don't know we'll we'll be extending it and everything it'll look a lot better i hope it'll look better at least i'm not really sure i'm just kind of like freestyling this as i go on i'm making a lot of adjustments to it but i mean i think it looks pretty cool it's like a huge little dome that did not make sense i just had huge little dome yeah i'm i'm a smart man on the inside here we're gonna have walls like another circular wall inside here and then like a hallway a circular hallway that's running around the outside we got our mini windows right here we can kind of see through we got to fill in all this grass yo get out of here bro why you bullying me oh my gosh there's a lot of mobs in here maybe i should light this up now listen to me super annoying i probably won't do this this episode but i'm going to have to gather up a bunch of materials so i can build the other half too it's going to suck and i also have to clear all all this land in here and replace the flooring there's a lot to be done but i can't do it all in one episode this is gonna this base is gonna take multiple episodes to complete as you guys can tell all right i filled up my shulker box with a bunch of beds because it is time to upgrade some of our netherite tools so i'm just gonna go in and just see how much another i can find with like this many beds and yeah i've been reading all your comments and you guys have been saying use beds other than tnt that is so much better than using tnt so thank you guys for pointing that out to me oh i need to expand on the sheep farm i forgot about this thing maybe next episode we're just gonna add another one wow this chest is really filling up with another rag that's crazy oh yeah i don't know if i mentioned this but last episode i came across one of those bastion remnant things oh my god there's so many guys shooting me calm down stop it oh i hit him now there's a hogwarts chasing me oh my god why are there so many people here this is dangerous okay i gotta get out of here i'm going back up i gotta chill out that was dangerous what was there's so many people down there i can't see them right now but you guys saw there were way too many like hoglands down there it was not safe all right i'll just talk up here well as i was saying i found a bastion remnant last episode i don't think i mentioned it but yeah it's right it's really close to our guardian farm area and another and one day we can go and check that place out with max gold armor we're not max just full gold armor it doesn't have to be enchanted i'm pretty sure you just need a full set of gold armor so the hoglands don't come and kill you oh we found another right okay that's good oh that's lava that's oh get me out get me out can i get out thanks there we go i i literally just dove right into the lava that was a stupid move i don't know what i'm doing should be okay though because my armor is decent or that's not decent it's good my armor is good i don't know what i'm saying all right that was that was kind of scary but yeah we're just gonna ignore that pretend like that never happened because yeah i might be the worst minecraft player of all time let's just grab this ancient debris yes so um i wasn't really good at using the beds i would always explode myself and all that but like i came out with four ancient debris so here's just a little montage of just the moments when i got some ancient debris i'm back up in the overworld and i think it's time to smelt up our nether right so i can make two things into netherright so i'm gonna do i'm probably do my pickaxe on my sword since they're the two things that are like the most i don't know maxed out i guess oh it's four nether with scraps for one thing are you kidding me that's gonna take so long and i realized i completely forgot it already it's been like i think around a month or so or i don't know how long i'm just guessing since i went to go get another way for the last time and i completely forgot wait okay i have oh i have three in there that's not enough all right well i guess we can make one nether right ingot i'll upgrade my pickaxe because i don't fight people as much so i think pickaxe would be more important all right well ow that hurts well now i'm off to the village to go and turn my sword into another right sword or not my sword my pickaxe i think it's this guy diamond pickaxe oh we're gonna need names for this there we go another right pickaxe that's looking epic that looks so sick dude my first ever netherite tool i don't even get an achievement for that that sucks ooh this bamboo looks ready to harvest ow that hurts dude i keep on hitting myself with this elytra thing all right well finished harvesting up those i'm just going to replant a couple because we really don't even need this bamboo to be honest we're just we just have way too much i just end up putting all this bamboo in like a throwaway chest just a chest for like useless items so i don't know why i'm even harvesting this bamboo goes away all right wait where's my anvil i kind of i want to rename some of my stuff so i'm going to rename my uh bow let's rename this oh that that's the j i'm dumb dude that's not the anvil all right this is the anvil i'm going to rename my bow to ak-47 that's a pretty good name for that bow all right i want i want a name for my pickaxe and my sword let's let's see some ideas down in the comments below so just drop an idea of what the name of this big x would be and drop an idea for what name this sword should be i'll pick some next episode and they'll most likely be on that pickaxe or sword all right the day is starting to end so we're gonna do some trades [Music] all right let me just grab an ironing it because i want to change this beacon back to speed 1 and regeneration because i'm not really using this haste right now let's put that in there and then i select speed yeah speed no like this right hopefully i did that right okay good it looks like i did that right oh i forgot about the trophy room dude this thing is so ugly i need i need to take this thing down like right now okay so like down here doesn't even look that bad there's a lot of courts right here yeah we got our shroom lights down there we got some lava pillars and we have our dragon egg here it's like a trophy room is a really cool idea like i definitely want to build a trophy room but this i don't think this is a great spot for it to be honest like up here it just looks horrible like what is this thing i need to get rid of this thing like now dude let's check down on these filters how are they doing oh i still have this thing locked i should should i unlock it actually i don't think i really need to there's only three voters down there i don't think i'm really gonna need that much you guys are all doing fine yes good good good yeah the next 100 days like days 300 to 400 i want to start focusing more on building things because we've done a lot of like the mechanical stuff of minecraft already like we've built a lot of farms maybe we need we might still need a couple farms like an xp farm from enderman's or like a mob farm like there are some things we have not built yet but like we have most of the basics down these next 100 days i don't know what to call them like chapters like chapter four like i don't know what to call it man these next 100 days i want to focus my building style toward more like nordic medieval type builds that'd be cool but like of course we have our big like thing over there i don't know what to call that like a laboratory futuristic type base and i just want to branch out from like what i'm used to and i want to start building some medieval type things because i think those are really cool i'm not really sure what else to do today um i'm probably just going to extend one of these guys like like another sheep color because like why not i don't know what else to do one more day until we hit day 300. oh i'm so low on food damn i've been running around i didn't even realize that i was this low on food all right so i'm gonna try this transition and i'll know if it looks good or bad during editing but let's just see how this goes it's probably gonna look trash to be honest i won't know till after edit oh okay i messed it up i wasn't i wasn't supposed to climb that ladder right there i gotta do it again now oh and that was the transition it probably sucked dude now that i'm looking back at it that was probably a really bad idea yeah um we have this dude in and this is going to be the last thing of the row and then after that we're going to start stacking them up that's going to be pretty nice oh you just got harvested oh well since now it's nice time i can actually go to bed i just need an excuse to get to date 300. hey there we go finally day 300 oh what are you doing here bud anyway it's finally day 300 let's go baby on day 100 we built this cake and we ate out of it so on day 300 i don't know why we didn't do the 200 we're gonna go make a cake so cakes we need eggs which i think i have milk and flour and sugar i think those are the only things we need let's just go check on what we have and i'm sorry if you guys already banging on my window uh there's like it's windy so like yeah i can't really do anything about it okay we got wheat we got milk i think we need more milk than that um sugar we have a lot of sugar cane that's gonna work and then eggs we have 12 eggs okay perfect i think we need three milk buckets hopefully i am right on that okay i need to make some more buckets all right we have three buckets now oh hey under a minute i'm gonna kill you oh he left okay never mind i just wanted a center pearl all right so let's milk you guys up hey there we go three buckets of milk i think we have enough to craft this oh wait there's actually one last thing i forgot we needed to turn the sugar cane into actual sugar i don't know how much you need i think two maybe hey there we go let's craft up this cake and we have a cake i don't know where to put it day 300 i guess i can put it like i'll put it inside this house let's see if there's a spot that's doing the day 100k i could put it on not really i don't know where else it like would it be symmetrical if i put it like here it just wouldn't look that good oh put it right here pretty cool i love that sound of placing it that's just satisfying okay i need to get hungry so i can eat this cake time to do some jogs around the map hey this place is looking pretty sick from the inside i love this blue glass design okay for you how am i not hungry yet i've like ran so much okay what's going on i'm still running i think the saturation of the golden carrots have gotten to me dude they're just not making me hungry i've been oh parkour i'm just not getting hungry man i'm going to run all the way back to my old base let's see what we got over there hey we got this jungle tree right here i never really harvested we have a spruce tree back there oh this is bringing back memories man i didn't have time for glass so i just filled it in with oak first ever farmer of this world pretty nice and yeah this is this was our first house was the floor made out of slab oh yeah it was i knew how to save stuff back in the day we have um a cartography table let's turn i don't know why that stuff's in here i think i stole it from the village and i just brought it back nothing in these chests except my first pickaxe right there all right am i how am i still not hungry this game just does not want me to eat the cake does it dude this street farm is coming together man this is looking really nice oh finally let's go we lost a hunger bar let's go eat that cake to celebrate 300 days of this world hey there we go there's no sound effect for that but that was that was great that was really yummy yeah well like i was saying before next chapter i don't even almost call a chapter the next chapter of this series is gonna be more focused on building because we kind of have a lot of the core mechanics of the game down like what else oh that did not work what else do you guys want me to really build like farm wise or like something that would actually help me not just straight up builds like i said before like an enderman farm or all that stuff like i can still build some of that and also i want to go achievement hunting too because one day i want to get every single achievement i still have not finished all the achievements in the game they're pretty hard yeah i was in this room when we ended on day 100 this is bringing back nostalgia i know it's only been like four months or so like it hasn't been that long but it feels like so long to me it's gonna be exciting if i still have this world in like a thousand days it's gonna be so exciting just coming back and seeing all the memories i've made all the way back from day 100 yeah but for real though i need to tear this place down and like move it somewhere else that's nicer because like we got we all have to admit this is like the ugliest thing i've ever built all right so this part is recorded after the outro that's why it's darker because i forgot about this once again i always forget about this i swear but anyway today's common shadow winner goes to gochi plays i think that's how you say it i'm sorry if i said it wrong but i'll put your name right here there we go episode 14 shout out winner goes to you alright now back to the normal video yeah so i'm really excited next chapter to start building some like cool medieval nordic style builds and also expanding our base over there we really that bass is gonna look really cool when we're all finished with it and have all of our stuff moved in oh yeah i haven't technically completed everything i still need to get like all this stuff to another right that's kind of a grind though to be honest yo i really hope you guys have enjoyed this whole series so far 300 days that's a lot hopefully soon i'll come out with a video that's just day 200 300 like a marathon kind of video if you don't want to watch all five of them so yeah i'll just be in one long video like i kind of did with that 100 days and yeah you guys will probably like that but yeah i'm super excited for the next chapter of this world it's gonna be really fun and i can't wait to see what kind of adventures we're gonna have thank you guys so much for being on this journey with me we're gonna be going as long as i can hopefully we can make it to 1000 days that would be really epic and yeah that's gonna be probably it for this video guys make sure you smash like and subscribe and i'll see you guys next time peace [Music] [Music] out [Music] you
Channel: OneTap
Views: 853,785
Rating: 4.8685603 out of 5
Keywords: onetap, minecraft, luke the notable, luke thenotable, 100 days hardcore, minecraft hardcore, 100 days minecraft hardcore, hard mode, 100 days minecraft, minecraft 100 days, wadzee, dream, 200 days hardcore, i survived 200 days minecraft, onetap minecraft, underrated minecraft youtubers, onetap crack, 100 days in minecraft, hardcore mode, and this is what happened, 100 days, 300 days in minecraft, 300 days, full 300 days, full 100 days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 12sec (5652 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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