100 Days - [Minecraft Superflat]

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hey there minecraft fans my name is luke the notable and in this video i'll be surviving 100 days in minecraft super flat super flat is an official minecraft world style that is obviously very flat yep the entire world is flat three layers of dirt and then unbreakable bedrock structures can generate like this village here but other than that there's pretty much nothing i also want to point out i'm playing on hardcore mode so if i die the whole world is deleted and my playthrough is over i've had this idea for months and i was super excited to get playing it was a lot of fun and i definitely think you should try it yourself though you're gonna have to steal from the villagers so you gotta be okay with that if you want to live in super flat that's pretty much all i did day one i stole food i stole cobblestone if it weren't for these villages i'd probably already be dead but after a productive day one i had some shelter stone tools and taters which is really all you can hope for like my original hundred days the only objective here is to not die and that's asking a lot for super flat the most immediate threat was the slimes because of how the world is created they will constantly spawn even in daylight and without armor and stone weapons i had to be incredibly careful here all i tried to do today was cut down a few trees but the relentless slimes kept me barricaded in my house one golem in the town kinda helped but the slime spawned way faster than i can kill them so i barely got anything done today so day three i spent some time building a wall no golems allowed slimes can still technically spawn inside the wall because this game mode is torture but none can get in from outside yep it's day three and the clopping of the slimes is already starting to drive me insane i just want one treat but hey i just got an idea of how to get some iron i just have to wait i know i could just kill the golems manually but i'm scared alright it's day four i'm not dead yet and i have a bucket a bucket new tree farm wall i'm living large yeah i'm doing so well i decided to set up another base today i spawn near two villages and it'd be nice to be between them of course i built my new base out of slime because i hate them hate is a strong word but this time it's very accurate could use dirt probably should have used dirt i can punch holes in my walls way too easy here yeah and then i forgot a bed so i couldn't even sleep there tonight had to run through the slime field right in early day five i was back at the slime compound installing a wall for obvious reasons now i got a wall i got a farm i got a house looking pretty prosperous over here slimes don't seem to be able to spawn inside of my wall i'm not sure why but i'm gonna take it as a massive success and yeah i don't have a roof but i've got two doors so it's home all right now that i have my own house i can really start ripping away all of these villagers possessions i don't want to get too crazy though mostly just want some easy wood for some charcoal you can't mine coal and super flat because coal doesn't exist so this is the only way to get torches that was all i did on day six pretty sure i had to pee so i just let that charcoal cook some of the trees sprouted on day seven and that's good because now i can build more wall of course nothing's easy about a thousand slimes protested my new wall so i killed them got a nice new partition today done though gonna fill it with farmland i've got massive dreams for this farm today i'm just putting down the structure i don't even have the seeds for it if i want good stuff in super flat i've got to trade with the villagers and farming is a great way to get that started of course the slimes got in the way the whole time even with the wall so there was more of the same on day 9 taking stuff from the villagers and getting attacked by slimes mark my words one day when my true power is realized i will eradicate them all listen if all you heard all day was the pitters and patters of slimes you'd want to cleanse them from the world as well stonks were looking pretty good on day 10 i had a reliable method of getting food and blocks and i had some iron so i made a sword and a pickaxe i think most of us probably would i still didn't have armor but i was getting pretty confident at running away from the slimes especially in an open field so i decided to go after some farther villages get out of the bed timmy or i'll kill your parents i'm mostly just here for the seeds carrots potatoes wheat it doesn't matter every village also has houses in them that can spawn chess which can have some decent items but for now brett excites me in this village i found a fletcher and sold some sticks to him for some easy emeralds i definitely made sure to take his workstation there's no other way to make them because you can't get flint and super flat i can already tell i'm gonna have to do a lot more adventuring to get the good stuff but hey adventuring's fun my inventory was bursting with loot though so day twelve i had to bunny hop my way home but with all these new seeds i'm starting to get a pretty massive farm oh yeah in a few days that's gonna make some good money now it's day 13 and i'm feeling lucky you're gonna try to get a villager back to my slime compound well this isn't gonna work but at least you can't get out of the boat yeah really not sure i'm gonna be able to go over the slime field in a boat i'm still naked just one of the big boys kills me in like three hits it's not worth the risk so day 14 i started building a tunnel gonna connect my compound to the village at this point i was just grateful that there's three dirt blocks above the bedrock otherwise this tunnel wouldn't have worked i also spent some time farming and the slimes cheered me on the entire time i still have more digging to do got to get this tunnel boat sized it might just look like a dirt tunnel now but i swear this is my first step towards greatness oh hey bro what's up yeah yeah check out this house nothing sinister in there sure this isn't the prettiest villager abduction tunnel but this is hardcore superflat it's not about vanity and look at that after a few days of labor i had my own fletcher right by camp so now i can sell all the wood i generate on a day-to-day basis for huge profits and i'll work on selling my crops next i lied the first thing i did was set up an armorer so now i can buy some iron armor of course i'm gonna need more money to get a full set but i think eventually i'll be able to get some diamond armor or if you're wondering this guy's still out here he's fine the slimes don't go after him i barely ever use third-person mode i just don't like how it looks i just don't trust these slimes one bit i've been pretty good about sleeping through the night didn't want any monsters to spawn on my land but one night i go without sleeping and look at this creepers bats oh hey look free bones and arrows i guess it's not all bad i got that villager in today made him an armor and bought some pants from him nice at night i lit up the compound with some torches i just haven't had enough to do it but i really don't want creepers spawning inside my walls again day 18 i'm finally grabbing a farmer at least i would be if the slimes would let me it didn't take long to get the farmer in just had to do a little paddling across bedrock which honestly feels kind of weird but now i have two money-making methods my oak logs for sticks and my glorious farm no slime sorry you can't have any you don't have rights so now i can sell carrots beets sticks and maybe eventually i can even buy food from this guy it's all connected and hey the armor started selling chain mail boots so i'm completely covered i'm really starting to feel confident by day 19 i've got armor walls bread everything you need you know at this point i could probably just chill in a hole for the next 81 days make it to 100 and call it a wrap but i'm gonna keep going today i got a second farmer so hopefully i can diversify my farm profit day 20 was a good one started off by getting some free arrows and killing on my land i meant witches yeah witches and after selling some sticks to this idiot i had enough emeralds to buy some diamond armor just some diamond tim's for now it's all i can afford just kidding i'm hella rich off sticks and got some diamond pants too and i don't have enough money for it yet but a few more emeralds i'll be able to get a full set so of course i went straight back to chopping wood diamond armor was a huge goal for me you know in the last year or so i've come a long way in minecraft i've definitely gotten a lot better at the game in my original 100 days by day 21 i didn't have nearly as much as i have now on a super flat world well i guess my house is made out of slime and still doesn't have a roof but at least i have some diamond armor all i'm saying is i really doubt i'd be able to live like this if i tried this challenge a year ago i would definitely almost certainly end up dead i'm mostly bringing this up because a lot of the footage for these days are me shopping i really wanted that diamond armor there it is though full set of diamonds on a super flat world next thing i'm going for is tools though i really don't want to farm and shop the whole time for all of my diamonds it's not very interesting content and honestly not very fun to play so day 23 i hit the road with a map and some food looking for some of that good village loot oh there's so much i can get pretty much every village at this point had something that i had never had before there's just a lot of value in these villages that you don't normally see in a regular minecraft playthrough every single stone mason i found was a free emerald mostly though i was looking for a saddle because with a horse i could explore even more and get even more items a horse would save a lot of food too bunny hopping is quite taxing on your body and i gotta say with my new diamond armor even the big slimes don't pose much of a threat day 25 i found a weaponsmith i forgot these existed they have two blocks of lava the weaponsmith also has a chest that has some really nice loot inside here i got some free iron tools oh hey the next village over had another one look at that and the chest inside had a saddle that's a notable moment right there and on my way back home i copped a horse we're best friends forever until he dies this right here this is a massive upgrade i am living thanks to my new horse i was able to get home quickly and made a tool smith looks like i'm gonna need a fair amount of iron to level them up shouldn't be too hard to get some i know where some golems live i also tried to get a weaponsmith but he wanted to be a farmer well it's his life so now i'm going back out but this time i have a horse so i'll be a lot more efficient like i said i need iron so i'm gonna be stopping in the villages that i know about and killing the golems there i know i probably could have started doing this a long time ago but i don't really feel comfortable using this method unless i have some decent armor uh nothing happened on day 28 no nothing at all yeah more of the same just looking for that village loot if i find enough lava i can probably make another portal after finding some more love i almost left this weaponsmith without checking the chest inside that would have been a big mistake cause your boy found diamonds natural diamonds in a super flat world this is huge i can do so much now i'm pretty sure that's not the only way you can find a natural diamond in a super flat world but just the fact that i got him i was feeling good and to make things even better day 29 i found another weaponsmith and this chest had obsidian well now i can make another portal time to go back home and find out if the nether is flat too building the actual portal is going to be a bit tough i have to use lava and i don't have a flint and steel to light it i also should have been a little more careful i don't have a diamond pickaxe so i messed up here and wasn't able to fix it fortunately i had enough lava and obsidian to make the portal without much issue though like i said without flint and steel lighting it was gonna be a huge problem i've never done this before took pretty much all of day 30 and several awful youtube tutorials but i got the portal lit which is lit i wasn't really prepared to go into the nether on day 31 so i had to do some chores get a new sword you know that sort of thing that gave me an opportunity to make some more money i'm gonna need tons of it if i ever want a diamond sword i guess i could use some of the diamonds that i found while adventuring but you never know when you're gonna find more of those they're very rare oh well doing your chores is good for the soul now it's time to go to the nether it's not flat i never thought it would be but it might have been cool you know my dad works at minecraft he may be able to pull some strings and make a super flat nether it was also a real kick in the ovaries spawning in soul sand so i brought this horse i don't care about into the nether this should help yeah he really didn't get me too far had to abandon him in a crimson forest of course i was down here looking for all the good stuff like nether fortresses the blackstone fortresses but only found some gold part of it is i was just going really slow not trying to get clapped in the nether quartz and gold was enough for me it's not like i can get it anywhere else hey look gravel on super flat even that's precious i grabbed as much as i could and i found a fortress a couple hundred blocks away not too bad you really gotta be careful in these things and this gas reminded me of that almost immediately hey hey some netherrack that'll be nice for making potions if i ever find a way to make glass bottles i looted up the fortress and found myself a flint and steel that would have been nice a few days ago i also farmed up some blazes it looks like i'm in trouble but i'm actually totally fine i made it back home with some great loot and alive this nether adventure has been a great success so now i'm gonna put some of this nether stuff to good use i have a whole new dimension that i can profit off of after connecting to the nether one of the first new villagers i installed was a cleric one of the only easy ways to get redstone in a super flat world and i should be able to purchase ender pearls from him later so i blew pretty much my entire life savings all of my gold on this cleric to get myself some ender pearls then using some blaze powder i turned them into eye of enders to hopefully find the end unfortunately nothing happened yeah absolutely nothing i spent all that money all that gold just nothing nothing happened in the nether either don't even know why i tried i didn't think anything would happen when i used these eye vendors and maybe there is a way to find the end but this is definitely not it at least on a super flat world oh well there's lots of other things to do and because it's super flat they're going to be really hard and take tons of time i'm mostly back out adventuring for iron i don't really want to build an iron farm but it'd probably be pretty efficient in super flat i also just love filling out this map it's so green today was the first day where i didn't really find anything new while exploring i have most of the villager trading stuff of course there's still a ton of value out here i'm grabbing all the lava can checking the different chests there's good stuff the plan was pretty much to stay out until my sword broke on these golems and then i'd go home i gotta say though part of me is pretty sad that i couldn't find an end fortress if i had an elytra this would be a lot easier you know i'll live though i played minecraft for years without an elytra you don't need one oh and i definitely know it's not pronounced elytra but at this point i just say it to make people mad now i'm on my way back my sword's about to break murdering the innocent is hard work oh yeah slime hot sweet slime hut it's great to be home took most of the day stashing away all my items i don't have storage because i'm a terrible person i know i recently got done saying that i like the way the map looks but when you put it on the wall oh that's ugly day 42 was a good one i was able to buy my first diamond pickaxe with emeralds now i can finally get rid of that corner obsidian piece that's been bothering me since i put it down i also went to the nether and stole my generated portals obsidian as well it's a good life hack i've been really cautious on what to use my actual diamonds for but making an enchanting table was obviously a no-brainer and thanks to tons of librarians that i stole books from this thing's fully functional thing is you need lapis lazuli to enchant and the only way i can get that is through the clerics so that's a little annoying that didn't stop me from enchanting my new pickaxe efficiency 4 not bad farming is getting a little old i mean not for you i can cut it up because i'm an expert editor but for me it's getting old you know this may be one of the last harvests i'm gonna do the unspeakable i'm gonna build an iron farm it's gotta be up in the air though and i was afraid of falling and dying so i made myself some feather falling boots for safety but of course as you know obviously i'm playing on super flat which is gonna make building an iron farm a little more difficult one of the things i'm definitely gonna need is a name tag and instead of trying to get one luckily from some random village i'm just gonna make a librarian this took all day because i wanted a mending librarian but i got one nice now i have to get him to master level which just means i need more money when does it end oh it'll never end because life is eternal suffering i made a speed farm which kind of helped i just don't have a really good way of getting bones i'll figure it out it's not even half over hopefully like my real life not sure why but my fov was all weird day 46 gotta put it back to 69 where it belongs so this is the start of my iron farm i'm not very good at building them because i don't like building them because i find them cruel which is weird because i'm generally pretty cruel in the game anyway but whatever again i still need a ton of items to make this thing happen but at least i've got some sort of structure done well it's very ugly and i already hate it but i'm not gonna give up so soon first things first gotta dig a tunnel to that other village it was a lot quicker this time because i had a diamond shovel i'm gonna set up a villager breeder over here for the iron farm and they're you know just useful to have even if you're not building an iron farm hey look at that it's already working pretty good these villagers are far too trusting yeah it's not much but it's simple and it works which is really all you can ask for a super flat world i gave them some bread and they started reproducing faster than your mom securing unlimited villagers for myself was definitely a good play i think this will turn out to be very profitable so to build that iron farm i need a name tag which means i need to farm ah you gotta know the whole time i was chopping and farming i was brainstorming more ideas to make more money i'm not dead set on anything today i played with the idea of an auto netherrack farm but i don't think that can even exist well you know what it's called netherwort not netherrack the slimes must be getting to me uh why do bats spawn and why did so many of them spawn you know this is the first time i've seen my iron farm at least what should be an iron farm from this far out and it totally ruins the super flat aesthetic you know what though i just got a sweet idea and it involves sheep as you can see i've never made an auto sheep farm before but it will require a lot less resources than building an iron farm and shouldn't be as ugly gathering all the supplies for an auto sheep farm took less than a day probably would have been faster if my chests weren't so cluttered not sure why i killed zombies tonight i normally just go to bed and let the sun burn them must have been dealing with some personal stuff it's official i'm getting rid of the iron farm or i guess i should say i'm getting rid of this ugly dirt thing i built in the sky like i said previously i've never made an auto sheep farm before so most of day 52 was just me tinkering you know i made some progress day 53 i have a sheep and he should be farmed i think not this point only the collection system works but you can see by how i moved my mouse i was at least proud of myself with that okay i think it's working now and you know it was way easier to build than any iron farm i think finally my farming days are numbered i know i've said that like 10 times now but i really think this is the one alright now i just gotta work on expanding it sheep you know what to do by the end of the day i had two sheep in these pens that are gonna be farmed forever this is free wool automatically forever you may cringe at me using slimes for this but it's pretty much the only block i have unlimited out i mean i guess there's dirt but i don't want to make it out of dirt the hardest part about all of this is getting the sheep where you need them the actual farm is not that difficult to build though looking back this is a pretty wasteful collection system i don't need all these hoppers and mine carts i do need more iron though one nice thing about the villager breeder i built is that it's kind of like an iron farm a low-key one got tons of iron today day 56 i expanded the collection system the old one was a horrible waste of iron i'm really starting to hit my flow putting these sheep in the more i do the faster i get though i'll say having to expand the collection system every time i want to put a new sheep in is definitely not efficient but because this is super flat before i do that thing i have to do another thing so i can get a separate thing to create the first thing wow what a super effective cobblestone generator that didn't break immediately i built another generator that was much more effective but then a creeper decided to explode in a gang of zombies got in the camp you know at least this happened at night so it's not a bunch of slimes wow today was awful the sun is coming up and i am just now going to bed an apple a day keeps the slimes away no it doesn't nothing keeps the slimes away all right get on down here sheep number seven or eight i don't know i'm getting to a point where i can't even count how many i have sure it's all automatic but you need a lot of wool to make profits i mean 18 white wool for an emerald that's pretty steep as you can see though i've got some massive plans for this sheep farm it's going to be profitable one way or another more of the same day 58 just putting sheeps in their holes this one got stuck in some slime though and didn't make it i hope the others didn't see that the rest of the day i pretty much just farmed up cobblestone and got wool the entire time thanks to my sheepy employees first thing i did day 59 was go harvest more iron and honestly i might still build an iron farm because this is just a sad way to get it i decided to put the infrastructure for these sheep in all today there's room for 20. i built the rail system for 20 sheep as well so getting them in should be a breeze from here on out you can tell by all my sheep plots that this is going to be quite the farm when it's all done unlimited profit potential and you know i still don't regret building it all out of slime i know you're supposed to use glass but i have no idea how to get glass so this works sad news though today my horse died pretty sure he suffocated in this big tree the slimes care not for my grief you know what though today i think i'm actually gonna finish it setting up all the guts first was a good play uh somehow i ran out of slime though so i took some from my house i installed some white trim it makes it look modern i was a renault joke for those dumb enough to buy a fixer-upper like me still need more slime though so i spent the night clubbing some of the babies and now it's done i have 20 sheep being automatically farmed for wool forever well technically at this time i still had to put one more in but i don't have a better shot of it so this is what you get now that the sheep farm's done i'm gonna let it produce for a few days so i decided to grab a horse in the slime fields which was just terrifying i had a pretty close call here with an iron golem one and a half hearts and i would have been dead that's why i don't like doing that without armor probably should have just stayed by the sheep where it was safe oh no i wasn't safe at all i tried to make a makeshift iron farm inside of my villagers and two baby zombies had another idea it was fine i had my plate body on but these things are still annoying all i ended up doing was making a big mess then i tried to clean up the mess the next day and the slimes were out so that's awesome i'm gonna try to set up a system for infecting and then curing zombie villagers down here might be a little difficult but i'm a big boy i'll figure it out it's nothing crazy just some fence in a hole but that's pretty much all you need and after a night of trapping zombies as you can see it works but remember i'm cursed to this flat existence and doing anything at all requires planning googling in time also the killing of several slimes to make a potion of weakness to cure a zombie villager i need to kill a witch at night to get a lucky sugar drop but a creeper decided to throw a wrench in my plans right at sunset so it looks like tonight i'm patching holes and killing slimes instead of doing what i wanted farming more iron day 65 and got bopped pretty good again that's why i always wear armor when i do this i needed the iron to level up my weaponsmith i'm getting close to that diamond sword i can see a diamond x and here we go day 66 i got my weaponsmith to master and he'll sell me diamond swords that's nice and after a quick enchanting session i got a pretty powerful sword sharpness 3 and knockback 2 ain't too bad i know my shovel's still iron but now i can purchase every single diamond tool from my villagers i guess i don't have hoes but whatever sure i don't got hoes but i got my witches i've got to kill a bunch of them tonight to try to get a lucky sugar drop with my new diamond sword it was pretty easy i just ran up to them on horseback and sliced them before they could throw a potion after a whole night i only got one sugar but you know that's enough day 67 i had to go to the nether i need mushrooms and gold to complete the potion of weakness gold's pretty much everywhere in the nether now so that was pretty easy to get and the brown mushrooms were a little more scarce but i still found those too and after a quick brewing session i have everything i needed to make myself some zombie villagers my system's insanely low tech it's made of mostly dirt but my shepherd already buys wool for 11 a piece took about a day and three cures but now i have a shepherd that buys one wall for one emerald and with how much wool i can make per day this is gonna be huge thing is though now i have way more wool than i could even sell so i want to get a second cured shepherd so it was back to the nether i'm really not sure what i would have done without this nether goal otherwise in super flat i don't think would be possible to find it wandering through the nether i found myself a black stone fortress and i know for a fact there's tons of gold in there being very careful i went straight for these gold blocks without touching everything once you're up here all of the piglets can't really get to you and then of course once you start touching the gold all of the piglin brutes and most of the piglens make themselves known and you can just shoot them with your bow and once all the piglens are dead there's pretty much nothing to be afraid of so i loot it up to my heart's content yeah and the big chest i even found an ancient debris that's pretty awesome filled to the absolute brim with gold and loot i went home it was a great day so then of course i got to curing my second shepherd it's going to be a pretty long night for him yeah not much else going on could have farmed but really didn't want to i still have to wait for that last shepherd to gear up so today i decided to build a disposal system i have so much trash it took all day because i didn't google but you're never gonna learn anything if you just google i got the system working but don't have enough lava to actually make it dispose of things it was no problem though i just took some lava from my cobblestone generator and thanks to my years in gamer college i was able to make an auto disposal system slash cobblestone generator that works flawlessly second shepard's done too of course he buys white wool for one emerald a piece but if i could get my hands on some gray wool i could make even more money day 72 i spent some time cleaning up my items i still don't have a storage system but at least i can get rid of trash oh and i got some absolutely insane luck a wandering trainer showed up i've been waiting for this i don't know how but i needed black dye and a day later this guy shows up and sells me black dye this is just insanely lucky in super flat there's a ton of items that can only be got from the wandering trader and it's so lucky that i got black dye here so all i had to do was dye a few sheep gray and now i'll automatically make some profits off that wall as well and then to top it all off some raiders showed up what is happening well i guess i'm doing a raid now it's only level one i'll be careful i should be fine the hardest part was just getting them to come to me they'd spawn out in the flats and i'd have to shoot them with my arrows from far away eventually i just did everything on horseback which seemed to work a lot better there's a lot of room to run around here i was worried about some of the bigger mobs like ravagers but again on a horse in the open they can't really touch me of course i was most worried about the evokers they're very fast and spawn the vex but in the open that wasn't much trouble and i just got my first totem of undying nice i know i have walls diamond armor diamond tools and stuff but i never really feel comfortable in a hardcore world unless i have that totem i wasted a lot of arrows on the rest of the raid but it was pretty straightforward it was level one it still took pretty much a whole day but i beat the raid became a hero and got some totems and sugar in the process that was very stressful but at least now i know i can do raids about once a centennial the hero status didn't help too much i got some discounted golden carrots but my main money making method is already maxed out i put some blue orchids in front of my house they're my favorite flower and then realize that my house is kind of ugly and probably should be demolished i've made a nice industrial district here it's kept me alive kept me fed kept my pockets full but it's not home so the first thing i did on day 76 is i put down some blocks where i'll build my new property of course my slime supervisors helped a ton you know i'm gonna try to keep it pretty flat super flat even i carved out a massive section of dirt underneath my new home and this is where i'll put a lot of the stuff that i need like storage i've just really come to like the bedrock flooring it's solid and sturdy unlike your grandma things were off center so i had to spend most of day 77 fixing it i'm gonna blame the slimes oh and i will be building with emeralds here if you don't like it it's probably because you're in the firm clutches of poverty thought it might be snazzy to add a piston door but there's no way i can install one without it looking like absolute garbage so i threw that concept out quick also because i can't source glass i still have slime windows i've definitely got to fix that today was monumental though i tore down my old slime shack it's been used in abuse for the last 70 days or so and just needed to be put down but hey for the first time in 78 days i have an actual roof over my head there's still slimes everywhere but part of this build is getting rid of them so their days are numbered i guess my days are number two and today's number is 79 where i'm still working on my house you know the flatness of this world can be quite beautiful but i need a wall i feel naked without one and this wall i want to make nice no more oak fences for me i'm going to make some nice cooked stone day 80 i grabbed some lava from the nether it's pretty much unlimited fuel since i got access to it then i got my stone cooking did some chores it was a very productive day 80. any day that has wall building is a good day in my book and today i put up huge amounts of wall stone brick may be just as effective as oak fence at keeping out slimes but you can't deny it doesn't look nicer i'm going to make this one a double layer wall you can never have too much unfortunately slimes are still actively spawning inside of my wall but i'll fix it eventually well this is a little awkward i wasn't recording for a day but i started putting some carpet down the carpet will prevent any monster from spawning inside of my wall even the slime it's gonna take a long time to fill it all up but it'll be worth it in the end so now i'm just working on making everything in the house look nicer it's not that big so i can put in some fancy touches i think this black and white floor with the gilded pieces looks pretty nice today i finally finished the emerald walls it was only a matter of time with how much money i can make and in an attempt to get actual glass i tried to get silk touch on a pickaxe and maybe i'd steal it from some villagers but it didn't work today i decided to scrap that idea and went over to my villager breeder day 84 to try to get a librarian to sell me some glass gotta say it's kind of funny how many dirt pillars are around this villager breeder everyone is from an iron golem who died spent a ton of money on the first guy and he didn't sell me glass that was just awful however on day 85 after some quick sheep profits i got a librarian to sell me glass not gonna lie going back home this glass felt like diamonds i didn't even bother making glass panes i just put the blocks in oh it's so transparent there's still a lot of work to do around here but getting that glass was a massive goal of mine now i'm working on the basement the dirt walls are nice and all but i think black stone might be better i want to create the illusion that you're not inside a dirt hole it's gonna take some time and a lot more black stone but i think in the end it'll look fairly nice it doesn't matter how many torches i put on my land i need the carpet to stop the slimes but i can see the end it's close it's a lot of area though i'm just glad i have 20 sheeps working round the clock putting in this design kind of helped at least it stopped the big slimes from spawning so there's that yeah couple more days it should be done and honestly i can't wait well i never put lights up around the wall so now creepers are spawning inside this shouldn't be a problem in a few days but this is definitely a problem now i also decided to change up the entryway give it a little bit more design i just wish i didn't have an oak door i guess i could make an iron door today but i don't know i just don't like killing them it just feels bad today is the day that i finish the carpet no more slimes ever do you hear that no like i'm really asking do you hear that well you shouldn't because you can't because there's no slimes for the first time ever like i know it's just minecraft but i've been listening to those slimes for 88 days now and it's just so nice to hear nothing but silence all right and now with my increased mental state it's time to keep working on my house i always take far too long to build storage and this playthrough was no different but at least i got it done it's not like i had that many items anyway it was a good opportunity to go back to the industrial district and clean stuff up grab items that i need that sort of thing sure i'll miss my old slime hut but you gotta love my house now fits that super flat aesthetic perfectly day 89 i cleaned up some of the dirt pillars outside the villager breeder they were making me feel bad i also moved my nether portal over by the villager breeder i couldn't find a good spot to put it in my house then i went back to that blackstone fortress i know about and mined tons of the blackstone for my basement also killed some baby hoglands because i hate them back to reality day 90 putting some black stone in my storage it's starting to look okay i was going to do the ceiling too but then taurus said she liked it so it's staying other than that was kind of figuring out where i wanted to put my new enchanting room yeah it's going to be under my house day 91 the enchanting room was finally underneath my house and i immediately made a nice new diamond sword with smite and mending called smoter that wasn't all i did i also made some mending armor and some of my tools got mending as well i know i can technically buy as many diamonds as i want but now i can work on getting some perfect armor and it won't break on me however smoter my new sword does have smite and also looting three which makes it perfect for weather skeletons yep that's right i'm gonna try to fight the wither by day 100 and with this new sword it should be possible and you know fighting the wither is pretty essential to most minecraft playthroughs if you want beacons and i definitely want beacons you can help yourself get more skulls by having a looting three sword but also increasing the surface area of the nether fortress is a good way to go too i was feeling pretty confident after two days i got two skulls which means one more and i'm fighting william i've had pretty good luck in this series though finding diamonds in a village getting a wandering traitor to sell me black die and surviving the few close calls that i had but it makes sense i would have some bad luck and on day 94 i didn't get the last skull statistically speaking by day 95 i was overdue for that last skull yeah and running around another fortress isn't exactly the most fun or safe thing to do i really don't like being down here well killing some hogland children made me feel a little better piglin hoglin who cares understand that there was no point whatsoever where i was ever going to give up it's just not in my notable nature still i was very happy to get the last skull early on day 96 so now i'm just going to take the next few days to prepare myself to fight the weather it's going to be a little interesting on a super flat world day 97 i tried my best to make some protection mending armor it's really good against the wither it took pretty much all my money in emeralds but now everything but my chest plate has protection for and mending and the chest plate has protection three so i'm pretty much perfect i should have made a better bow i worked on my axe instead and broke my anvil and there's no way i'm getting enough iron to make a new one i really hope that doesn't come back to bite me hopefully a power to bow is enough i think i was pretty much ready by day 98 but my anxiety led me to triple and double check if i want to continue this series i can't die by the way if you'd like me to continue this series you could always hit the like button you could write a comment maybe subscribe show a little support all right day 99 i hit the road you got to know i'd never fight the wither near my house i have a plan and it involves golems i'm going to spawn the wither in this church and surrounded by golems i'm not sure if it'll work but it's worth a shot when i went to summon the wither on day 100 unfortunately the footage corrupted not all of it though i've got the fight here the golems died almost immediately moving fast was a definite advantage and i thought my horse would help though tragically it didn't take long for my horse to get absolutely clapped after my horse died i just went in with a blind rage and surprisingly the weather didn't do too much damage to me between golden carrots and protection armor my health stayed up pretty well sadly the footage got deep fried but at least i killed the wither and got the nether star it's such a shame the footage held together so well in this video don't know why it crapped out of me in the most important part anyway i bunny hopped back home and installed my first beacon on gold because i don't have enough emeralds these 100 days of super flat have been quite the journey i didn't know what to expect when i started but i knew it would be a wild ride and it was if you want to see 200 days of super flat or even 1000 let me know by hitting the like button i'd really appreciate that also make sure to subscribe so you don't miss the next one thank you all for watching stay notable
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 13,249,486
Rating: 4.9137654 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, luke thenotable minecraft, luke thenotable 100 days, 100 days, 100, 100 drops, luke thenotable 1000 days in minecraft, luke thenotable 400 days, luke thenotable 100 drops, 1000 days, 2000 days, superflat, minecraft superflat, 100 days hardcore, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, surviving 100 days in hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days, minecraft flat world, 100 games, luke thenotable meme, minecraft hardcore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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