100 Days in Minecraft but there's TONS OF MODS!!! *1.16.4*

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i survived in 1.16.4 mod in minecraft for 100 days and you won't believe how far i was able to get i have three main goals i want to complete before the 100 days first of course i want to kill the wither and end dragon my second goal is to automate as many machines as possible and finally my third goal is to kill at least one ice and fire dragon which is the most powerful mob in the game like trust me you do not want to get near one of these guys they are so op i want to quickly give a thanks to luke the notable and forge labs for inspiring this video but trust me this is not going to be like any 100 day video you've ever seen so grab some snacks subscribe to my youtube channel and get ready for 100 days in modded minecraft whoa hello ah well guys uh we're starting our series 100 days in uh modded minecraft this modpack has so much mods like there's gonna be so much things that we can do like i'm pretty sure we could play this mod pack for like a thousand maybe 5 000 days and not get bored so i'm really excited to dive into this look how beautiful this world is like are you kidding me look at this world generation it's insane like this is gonna be so much fun and i'm so glad you guys are joining me welcome everyone that is new to my channel we're off to a great great start here getting chased by zombies i'm going to grab some wood there actually is van miner in this mod pack that is awesome already got 64 wood right off the bat there oh look who it is it's the bees from last video yeah i know to stay away from you now buddy what's that guys i think i spotted a village hello villager lost civilization oh my gosh it's a cute little fairy thing ah i didn't drop anything whoa check this out yo this place is insane guys i've never been more excited to play minecraft in my entire life this is the coolest modpack i've ever seen i looted the rest of the village and then headed down the mountainside where i actually found an even cooler village and i made sure to let the villagers know who was in charge hello villagers my name is josh i come from a distant land and uh i'm i'm a rich king i'm a king and you guys need to all bow down and respect me we got a saddle yes we could tame a horse ah we're gonna die no we're not i'm skilled call me dream call me dream call me forge lives 2.0 here we go no get out my bed if you sit in my bed one more time we're gonna have a problem oh you wanna go you wanna go i'm bringing out the stick ah you stupid villager i hate you all right guys we gotta try and tame this horse die you wanna kill me the horse didn't seem to like me at first but then she realized how awesome i really was and finally let me ride i left the village and began the search for a place to call home but then i stumbled upon this if i'm not mistaken there's some loot over here all right i'm pretty sure right under here should be a chest maybe it's in one of these corners yeah here it is oh we got our first diamond and some iron nice i will take that sir thank you very much oh there's two chests okay whoa we got some aquamarines some bones maybe we could get a dog look at the little fish in the water guys hey fish free fish guys all it costs was their lives oh my gosh this world's amazing it makes me so excited to play minecraft uh oh it's almost nighttime again still on the search for that perfect spot to set up a base i traveled through some really cool looking biomes and then found a jungle temple simple okay this might actually be good guys we could actually probably get some good loot in here oh i'm excited let's go uh oh all right this uh has potential to be dangerous but we're gonna go ahead and see what's inside could be some good loot all right we got ourselves in a very interesting situation here not sure where to go from this exact place jungle chest yeah we got some iron yes here we go after i was all done looting i decided to quickly sleep for the night in the temple day four i discovered something extremely unfortunate for some reason riding the horse kept causing my client to crash that meant i had to return to travel by foot yeah i was disappointed but my mood quickly changed when i found the most epic place to build a house i have so many ideas we're definitely gonna be building up there it reminds me of like a place captain sparkles will build what do we have here a village yo check this out guys oh geez sweet berries are not so sweet apparently all right guys i think i have an idea until i get a bunch of resources and you know a bit more mobile i've decided i'm gonna just chill build in this village that way won't be lonely and then eventually we can actually make our main base all the way somewhere up in that insane mountain so we need to pick a spot to actually make our house out of but if we go inland a bit more i think we're gonna choose this one right here i began to set up a starter base just until i could more easily build on top of the mountain and i remember one of the goals was to kill a dragon from ice and fire by the end of the 100 days and i knew how hard that was gonna be so we didn't have much time so i went to bed eager to get to work the next day i've been so excited i can't wait any longer i gotta hop into a mine guys so i think we need to find a cave and start mining let's see what it has to offer hello everybody uh friendly in here i cannot wait to find some diamonds i'm gonna have to dream you [Music] i missed for the rest of day five i just mind in mind and i got a decent amount of resources and then it was nice so i made a quartz grindstone and crank which allowed me to double my oars safely as the night passed all right guys all of our iron is smelted oh shoot no it's not i thought i didn't realize i had that much left but anyways it's the next day i'm going to make some iron armor because honestly i don't want to die i want to see how long i can go in this series without dying but i really want to start diving into the mods and so i think getting some armor is going to be a good first step we're gonna head on out of here and go and try and find some more caves should be daytime now and we should be safe day six wasn't too interesting i pretty much just went mining and uh processed some more horses it is currently day seven and i just woke up and i gained a heart i'm fine with that i guess i have an extra heart now that's a great way to start the day looks like there's actually a cave in the village right here this creeper and first creeper will win see creepers i think have depression as i'm sure you know modded items usually are not cheap so i was trying to get a lot of resources early game and then i stumbled upon this i'm gonna kill you all i hear you there you are you can hide but you can't run i've never seen a zombie run in minecraft oh my gosh this might be a bigger dungeon than we think hey look i found two chains i'm afraid we've co oh hey yo fat zombie check get looted boy we found man of stealing it's interesting a name tag sick come here come here ugly looking boy man why are they built like that everybody's so ugly i'm better than dream i'm dreamt spawners for days i mean spawner farm how do i get out of here how did i get in here so this dungeon was actually right below my base and uh obviously it would be beneficial to have a mob farm early on so on day nine that is exactly what i worked on so i tried looking up tutorials for mob spawners but uh i didn't really like the way they were doing things so i'm gonna try and make my own way we'll see how it goes let's grind this out hey lapis viva lapis that's probably what french players are saying oh lavoie i found a piss you guys got to think about it why is it called redstone is it because the stone's red or because the red's stone fbi open up i was digging out room for the mob farm when the best thing ever happens to me i mean just watch yes i found the omans i found diamonds guys i found diamonds excuse me sir don't interrupt me i just found diamonds hey you're dead anyways i wonder how many there is four all right we gotta mine these bad boys found eight hey diamonds yes that's awesome that's enough for a mining turtle one two three four i started setting up the mob farm and then tunneled my way all the way up to the surface where i was met by some not so friendly dead female homo sapien oh did you guys see that yo who sent this man bro stacked how did this happen what's his name sanjo oh what are you doing where'd you come from what do i do i mean maybe i could like light it on fire [Music] no my house is gonna light on fire what do i do oh my gosh that was uh that was a close one five minutes later three two one ah hello get your butt over here sandra oh she's coming she coming yes it worked all right guys busted sandra is now captured in this little hut over here and uh i'm probably gonna kill her when i can because she's gonna be loud but um for now she's just gonna sit over there maybe we keep her maybe we move her one day i don't know all right time to get back to work on the mob farm i believe it should go water like that yeah right there and right there all four corners that should send the mobs into something like this i tried to use this plant to kill the zombies but that didn't work so on day 11 i started grinding some more iron to make iron spikes in hopes that it would do the trick then i was like wait a second i'm 11 days in modded minecraft and i don't have a pulverizer what am i doing at this point my right forearm forearm's the size of hulk from cranking away so much so i decided to set up a small automated ore doubling system with thermal expansion so first i want to make myself a sterling dynamo i think i don't know exactly uh what i'm doing here but i kind of do alright there's the sterling dynamo and then now we need the pulverizer this guy should allow us to double our auras a lot faster and the pulverizer now we should be able to make the redstone furnace i'm thinking we just set it up like this pulverizer at stone furnace boom okay so how this is gonna work is we're gonna have one chest right here and then another right here we're gonna set this guy to automatically input which should be blue and then we're gonna set him to automatically output right over here on the redstone furnace we're gonna make the output on the top and then auto eject as well so now guys watch what we can do we can grab all of our oars just place them all in this chest and then what's gonna happen is that they're gonna be automatically pulverized and then smelted and then brought into this chest so that'll be sick i started off day 12 by finally making those iron spikes and then i went to go complete the mob farm all right so we'll go chess hopper hopper if this doesn't work i don't know what to say guys there we go no way it's working sick let's go now we should have a free farm it is day 13. i think what we're gonna do is go and find some obsidian so let's make ourselves our very first diamond pickaxe there we go looking nice boys adventure awaits us brethren before i headed to get obsidian i went to harvest the crops when a faint meow in the distance caught my attention i hear a cat around i kind of want to try and tame it is that you cat can we tame it no we need more fish how did that not tame it dude you say like five fish yes we tamed him here we go guys we have our own little cat awesome all right buddy come on inside that's right there you go so you can sit right there we'll name you soon buddy don't worry it looks like there's some sort of nether portal kind of close to us so i say we go check that out that's probably gonna be our best bet when it comes to actually getting another portal set up all right looks like there's not too much of the portal actually set up here but there is enough lava it looks like to create one now is there any chest no but there's a block of gold let's go ahead and get rid of all this lava and there we go that's 26 sub city and that's plenty that's sick we definitely have enough to build our own nether portal now finishing out the rest of day 13 i killed some cows explored a bit and did some looting day 14 i wanted to make a sleeping bag so i went to go get some wool and then i found this lemons oh my gosh life gave me lemons guys it happened it finally happened wait wait but what do i do what am i suppose what am i supposed to do with lemons so i made this sleeping bag and decided to make a backpack as well and then i saw that this modpack had quarries i was so excited until i realized how expensive they were i was also really getting tired of walking on foot so i decided to set up my first nether portal ladies and gentlemen minecrafters from all around the entire world were about to create our first nether portal in this series boom what a memorable day congratulations me i made sandra the gatekeeper i wanted to see how much resources the nether had and somehow my nether portal spawned under lava so that was cool but actually managed to quickly find another fortress and i got some decent loot from it your dog water your trash you're literally horrible bro what's your earnings bro you're literally trash all right what's in here another banana blaze gold inga what the that's sick who's ready for an adventure so on day 15 i discovered there was an ore that was the secret to everything it was called all the modium and it was used to make a quarry mining lasers and it can even be used to craft some of the most op armor that's 20 times stronger than netherrite the catch is though a it's really hard to find and b you need at least another right pickaxe just to even mine it unless of course you know a secret way around that like i do or at least i hope i made what's called a block breaker and headed out into the ocean where all the modium spawns and began my search cave root interesting does that mean there's a cave down here looks like it boys please don't oh my gosh oh geez ah what just happened can i get the creeper to blow them all up ah yes we got ender pearl nice i looted the rest of the cave but i didn't find any aldemonium yet ah oh my gosh i found a jellyfish still on the search for one of the rarest but most op ores in the game i spent day 16 looting and scavenging the ocean floors day 17 i started a vein mine at y level 30 and still had no luck alright guys so i've been doing some mining and listen something sus has been happening just listen for yourself it's kind of weird like what somebody down bad that's all i know day 18 it finally happened i found it now it was time to see if the block breaker would work to mine it if you notice the top left it says mining level cobalt well we don't have a cobalt pickaxe we only have diamond and hopefully this is a way that we can bypass that all right here we go there it goes it works no way no way it's not patched yet oh my gosh let's go well call me an mlg gamer and subscribe to my youtube channel that is insane what the heck i spent day 19 mining and it was chill but then this creeper decided to confront me look at this guy bro he's literally so ugly dude doesn't even have any arms bro oh my gosh look at him he can't even climb because he doesn't have any arms buddy you're trash [Music] i was getting tired from all the time i had spent under the ocean looking for all the modium so i decided to change courses for a bit day 20 i began preparing to finally make my climb all the way to the top of the mountain where i wanted to build my base i started digging out a portion of the mountainside and built ladders to get to the top of the mountain and man was it higher than i had expected i'm not gonna lie this ladder's taking me so long i feel like i'm slowly beginning to question ah question my existence by the end of day 20 i had finally made it to the top this is awesome what wow our house is all the way down there that's crazy day 21 i scouted out and found the perfect spot to build but there was tons of mobs so i had to kill them to gain control of the area i began digging out the side of the mountain then on day 22 i got attacked by this mop i have never seen before check this out what i'm literally dream omega omega omega i spent the rest of day 22 gathering resources to build the base alright so i decided i'm gonna use this skyris as the floor and basically we're gonna have like a pink and blue theme maybe i think it'll look cool but we'll see all right so i have something to ask you bro i want you to attack me if you think i'm the best youtuber in the world and everybody should subscribe oh oh my gosh bro well guys i guess you have to subscribe i was excited to finally be building a permanent home for the rest of day 23 i went gathering resources for the house flooring and trim would you look at that guys the sun is setting i cannot wait to get this house finished day 24 i smelted a bunch of sand for glass and set out the framework for the base walls i also made an xp block to store my xp in case i ever die hopefully i don't but i was pretty happy with how things were turning out oh this is kind of sick this is going to be such a good base [Music] day 25 i started working towards an easy early game storage system so i went back down the mountain to the old house to get some materials i had stored there oh my gosh i also shared some sheep so i could finally make elevators that's enough wool guys we can make the elevator so i'm gonna place one right here and then we're gonna go all the way to the top all right we've made it to the top so if we place an elevator block right here i should be able to walk onto it like that press shift and teleport down now we're at the bottom see how that works now we don't need this super slow ladder that's going to make things a lot easier on day 26 i began figuring out the simple storage system so i made a little spot right here we're going to place it see if this thing works i think we have to just place the storage 3 module right in there all right so we have to lock the storage to access the items press lock i can't seem to put oh there we go okay so it does work you just gotta actually drag in the first item so now we can just dump in literally every single item we own and up to 300 stacks of different items so i'm gonna go ahead and do that alright so i have everything loaded up into here and i gotta say guys this is something you should really consider doing as early as you can if you're playing along with me today was a good day's work good stuff i spent all of day 27 working on the house and by the end of it i decided it was taking me way too long to make any progress i am just way too slow at building right now so i'm gonna pause on building my base and making it look good and i'm gonna come back to it first i think what we're gonna try and do is work towards a mechanism jet pack or maybe even a jet pack from the iron jet packs mod either way i think it would be really beneficial for us to start advancing further into the mod mechanism because there's some really cool stuff in that mod i'm gonna head to bed and then tomorrow we're gonna dive right into it all of day 28 was spent working on my house even more because i needed a place to put the machines i was going to make i'd say i made some good progress all right it's day 29 we got to go back down all the way to the village and i need to go and try and salvage basically whatever kind of uh machines we have there like the pulverizer the redstone furnace you guys know how it is i grabbed the ore setup and as i was heading back i stumbled upon this what the what the heck i've never seen this before oh whoa what's down here what i've never seen anything like this hold on i hear someone like there's something else behind you [Music] one of those spawners boys time to go in attack mode or trash trash [Music] all right what's in this chest i mean good loot vampiric berserker's netherrite acts of latent magic and two zombie spawn eggs what you can get spawnings that's pretty cool and a free anvil i'm gonna take that that's that's pretty good chest okay another one nice three diamonds let's go oh my gosh guys there's so much loot here on day 30 i started getting into the mod mechanism and made a metallurgic infuser and honestly i needed a better power source so i began diving into the bigger reactors mod just so you guys know this thing's really not too expensive to begin with you can get graphite just by smelting coal and the uranium or yellow right or whatever is actually pretty easy to find all right we're gonna start off with the redstone port right at the bottom and then we're gonna place the reactor control rod right on top followed by the power tap an access port another access port and then we have the reactor terminal and then just fill in the rest of the squares and then hopefully you should have yourself huh all right last block this is the moment of truth if it changes textures like that that's how you know it works but let's go ahead and look inside here we have the reactor info so it generates rf right here and then also does output a waste so what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna put a chest right on the end there toggle it to outputting waste and then i believe that should be set right we're gonna leave this one set on input and place a hopper and then go ahead and place a chest right on top and then now we should be ready to actually fire this thing up so let's grab some uranium here dump all of that in and it should automatically start filling this up there we go yeah so the feel is filled and now we can turn the reactor on let's do it there we go guys we're generating rf as you can see right here about 264 rf per tick and this is our fuel burn rate right there we want to get this as low as possible and this as high as possible but for a basic power generator this thing is awesome it's a great way to get early game rf all right so now we have to do is transfer the power from here to over here we need to figure out how to do that and i'm pretty sure you can do it wirelessly by this mod called flux networks and so we're going to need a flex controller flex point and a flux plug all right so let me show you guys how this works i believe you just chuck your redstone down you place an obsidian block right above it and you right click oh you left click my pad you left click and then that gives you flux dust and that's how you create all of this stuff from the flux network mod oh looks like we're gonna need some ender pearls i finished day 30 off by killing some endermen yes we got one all right sweet i really want to go to the mining dimension which you go to via this teleport pad i was out looking for all the mattium until the night set i was determined to get to this mining dimension alright guys so after spending literally forever trying to find this all the modium we finally have enough alright we should be able to craft the teleport pad and enter an entire nether dimension an entire another dimension not not another dimension ah i think we're just gonna place the teleport pad right here here we go we're entering the mining dimension three [Music] doesn't seem like there's much happening here there actually wasn't much happening in this mining dimension i guess it serves its purpose though i headed back to the base and began processing some steel to create that's right boys a jet pack i've held this off for too long we're making the jet pack boys i made an electrolytic separator which is required to create the gas that feels the jet pack and then i actually made the jet pack itself i went to go get some water and then i found this one you can ride it you can ride it oh my gosh i'm riding a llama can you be my friend oh no way no way i just tamed a llama what what do i name you all right i'll be right back don't go anywhere lama by the way guys i think we're gonna name him ligma ligma and i immediately became best friends i think notch knew i was starting to feel alone now it's probably as good a time as ever to let you guys know my cat died so getting ligma really was perfect timing please don't ask how my cat died by the way i'd rather not talk about it all right guys i finally figured it out so we're using this electric pump from mechanism right above some water and so the pump is pumping in water directly into this electrolytic separator now all we should have to do is yes put this guy in here and he's gonna fill up with hydrogen which is what we use to fly this thing well here let's put this guy on just so we can see if it works three two one no no psych oh you guys thought you guys thought it works boys let's go i was so excited to finally have a jet pack i turned it into an armored jet pack and then called it a day yes now we got full armor bars we can make this mining gadget here which i'm pretty sure is is op that means we just need to make that and then oh my gosh what we have ourselves some mine engaging i was starting to feel proud i mean look how far we've gotten i have a jet pack a mining laser that's awesome i crafted this redstone energy cell to try and charge the mining laser but of course i found out it only held power it didn't actually charge anything so i made this basic energy cube from mechanism and that worked perfectly and of course it was way cheaper than the redstone energy so anyways anyways i got the mining laser charged up and i couldn't wait to test this thing out so i headed to the mining dimension and just like that i found diamonds this was awesome i couldn't stop mining with the laser i was having too much fun and the mining dimension or spawn rate was definitely higher than normal i felt like some side character in star wars using futuristic tech to mine pew pew i started off day 36 by absolutely demolishing this giant zombie and this spider i was really starting to get tired of mobs spawning everywhere so i decided to work on my base a bit my great great great not so great grandfather's uncle once told me never place a block unless you're gonna place it in the right spot you see you're only gonna be able to play so many blocks in your game time every single action you take will be ingrained into the code forever every time you didn't replace that sapping every time you left the creeper hole and one day you're gonna have to log in into your world and show notch everything you did are you gonna look back proud is he gonna look at chat and see you went into creative mode when it was supposed to be a survival world just remember at the end of the day you influence what code is saved so take the opportunity to make it great so i was out looking for some hide and i found a creeper but that's not really what i care about i found a cherry biome and that is what i really wanted because this wood in particular is actually exactly what i want for my base yeah i mean no not really but it's cool to have so i guess i'll get some hi chickens oh sorry i did not mean to kill your mom i have to kill your dad now just to make it even though i'm sorry i have add then i found this super cool meteor that for some reason of course i couldn't mine even with my mining laser oh yeah and check this clip out [Applause] yeah i got pretty fast reflexes i know day 38 i decided it was time to upgrade my armor so i made an enchantment table and set it up in its own little area which i would say turned out pretty nice then i discovered something absolutely broken in this mod pack wow guys i was looking at chest plates and all the modium chest plate gives you 200 armor a normal diamond chest plate gives you eight this gives you two what that thing's got to be so op yeah 200 armor is insane against normal mobs at least i later found out that it's really not that much against a dragon i've said too much apparently though emerald's armor is stronger than netherrite which is crazy to me so i decided to craft some emerald armor and enchanted with the jetpack and enchanted armor better than netherrite i headed into the nether in search of the second most rare ore in the entire game vibranium listen i needed vibranium if i was going to become the strongest most op player in modded minecraft and i knew it was the next step i needed to take in order to defeat a dragon i was in the nether searching for a long time when i found this huge piglet fortress whoa what is this i'm pretty sure this thing was included in the recent nether update but i've never fought in it so i was kind of scared are you guys friendly yeah no they were not friendly there we go guys we've looted it all right well that's actually some decent loot there guys got any more goods for me all right let's try and break into here all right where's the loot i want the loop boys oh some gold right here i'll take that gladly i was getting off track a little bit i needed to find vibranium i did some research and it seems it spawns near the ceiling of the nether so that is where i went and started a vein mine using my super cool laser after days of being in the nether i finally found it yes let's go we found vibranium ore oh my gosh there it is it's so beautiful yes it worked if you're playing along with me or plan to play with me get ready to take some notes what i'm about to tell you is game changer so there's this mod that allows you to craft potions that give you x-ray vision for specific ores or entities so yeah this is actually really really op i wish i knew this earlier on what i recommend is when you find your first like diamond or all the modium or vibranium whatever it is use the first one you find to make three potions and then from there you can find a lot more way easier if this helped you i would really appreciate it if you would subscribe day 42 was a fairly productive day i upgraded my storage cart so it could hold more items then i made some vibranium sight potions then after that i made an emerald sword and enchanted it because again emerald's better than netherrite i guess omega little xd roar oh sorry that's cringe i'm moving on day 43 i put the vibranium potions to work and collected 26 vibranium ore yeah yeah you heard that right i'm telling you these potions are so op i spent day 44 using diamond site potions in the mining world and collected literally stacks and stacks of diamonds all right our diamond site has weared out and we got almost a stack and a half of diamonds i'm going to wait and save the rest of the potions but i want to try and upgrade this mining gadget then i decided you know it's time to figure out how to upgrade my mining laser probably a good place to start so let's go ahead and craft that there we go modification table let's just put it right here why not all right now we need to make some upgrades next thing you know i was upgrading this thing left and right before i knew it i had myself the coolest mining laser that anybody had in my entire minecraft world well we're never running out of resources again on day 47 i drank in all the maori in potion and went and got as much all the modium as i possibly could for the rest of the day i gotta say it was a good all the modium run i got a lot can you guys you guys know why because what i'm about to do you guys understand this stuff so op just watch just watch i wanted to get the most out of the all the modium i had gotten so on day 48 i made what's called an enrichment chamber from the mod mechanism you can't use a pulverizer when it comes to all the modium so this is what we use to crush down and double the all the modium i had gotten because we were about to use a lot all right guys so listen here's the deal all the modium itself is already extremely op i mean check this out this sword does 76 damage look at this emerald sword it does 11.5 clearly this stuff's very op i don't think we're gonna go straight to all the modium gear yet i don't think so anyways not yet but i will do this i will make myself a sword because that just seems awesome wait a second it takes unobtainium anyways looks like we're gonna have to go to the end do you hate having your inventory look like this if you said yes then boy do i have the item for you introducing the dank knoll which is what we're about to make guys so let's do it day 49 i created what's called a dank gnome what it does is it stores a lot of stacks of items you choose so for example i could set it up to pick up cobblestone coal and iron so when i go mining the dake gnome will automatically fill up with the cobblestone coal and iron and it won't fill up my inventory which is really nice and you can actually upgrade these to store even more and more items then i realized man we're nearly 50 days in and we haven't found the m portal and also really really wanted this thing called an angel ring that gives you like basically creative flight but it was really expensive and it required an elytra and or called unobtainium that only spawns in the end so i quickly gathered my things and prepared and finished the day off by searching for the m portal 100 minus 100 plus 50 days in modded minecraft and i was just about to experience the end in this world for the first time was i nervous maybe maybe a bit but the important thing was at the end of the day no matter how i was feeling in my head i kept moving my minecraft pixel legs forward before i knew it i had traveled for an entire day i began traveling early morning on day 51 and finally reached my destination here it is guys here it is here it is this is it we found it we found it yes now we just need to find the portal i raided and looted what seemed to be a world record-sized dungeon and after an entire day finally i found the m portal yes this is the room this is the oh my gosh we found it i present to you oh we're missing one as you guys may know i am not intelligent yeah i didn't bring enough ender pearls to make the portal of course so i had to go all the way back home but don't worry on day 52 i came right back and finished the portal all right i have the last ender pearl oh my gosh there we go guys i'm getting kind of anxious all right i'm just gonna put one of these scrolls of regeneration on here we go to the end oh all right this is it okay i'm not gonna lie i wasn't really prepared to fight this dragon i just sort of wanted to at least get into the end but i was feeling extra breezy that day so i said screw it i'ma fight the hoe i know we first have to destroy all those little obelisk things at the top got it oh yeah one more one more last one come on come on yes all right we got attack we gotta attack it if i didn't have a jet pack this may have been a different story i fired arrow after arrow until eventually the dragon was near defeat one more shot one more shot yes yes he's dead yes oh my gosh there he goes it's burning yes whoa we did it guys let's get all the xp we did it we defeated the ender dragon what the heck [Music] what did i just watch we'd be minecraft and don't we be minecraft java edition yeah i spent day 53 exploring the end as i searched for an elytra and literally the most rare or in the game unobtainium i actually got a decent amount of loot but did not find the elytra until what felt like forever the next day i finally found both an elytra and a single unobtainium ore that's it yes i made sure to make unobtainium site potions right away and on day 55 i went out searching for some more unobtanium because i was going to need it to make one of the most op swords in the game then i found this tower and actually got a lot of loot from it and headed back to the overworld where the next day i was finally ready to craft the op source guys we literally got so much loot from this run holy cow i began processing the unobtainium ore and then mixed it with vibranium which gives us the ingots we need to make the op all the modium alloy sword which has 76 base attack damage by the way then i realized we needed to kill some withers so i decided it was time to upgrade to all the mariam armor as well you know the armor that's like 20 times stronger than netherred so i crafted the armor and enchanted and at that point i was addicted so i made a pickaxe too and enchanted that and before i knew all of a sudden i was the most ob character in my entire minecraft world except of course for you know the ice and fire dragons which making this armor and sword was one huge step towards being able to defeat them day 57 i began preparing to fight my very first wither or two oh let's go to the mining world genius [Music] all right i want to test out this pickaxe yo this is so op what all right well this should be big enough to fight this guy i'm certain we're gonna be able to just destroy him by the way guys you press g to change your jetpack what literally trash like i wasn't even scared of bit boys all right it's time for weather round two here we go let's do it let's run it you want some because i don't think you do oh he wants some oh he was up oh he was okay okay day 58 was an exciting day because i did something that i should have done a long time ago i wanted to see if the jet packs from the iron jetpack mod were any better so i made myself a wood jet pack and then upgraded it to copper as i was working on the jetpacks i also wanted to try to begin to set up a wireless power network with the flux network mod so i could have my jetpack automatically stay powered as well as my mining tool which would be like really really cool but i needed more blaze powder so i spent the rest of day 58 in the nether day 59 was actually a productive day i started it off by making more flux dust then i crafted a flux controller a flux plug and a flux point which are the three things you need for wireless energy then i set up a network in the flux controller and then set up the flux plug under the energy cell and connected that to the network i had just created so the flux plug is what we will use to receive energy from the reactor and then connect that and send it to the network so wherever we want power all we have to do is place a flux point and connect that to the network and then we will have wireless energy that's pretty simple and it's awesome i actually set this up a bit wrong currently it's being bottlenecked by the energy cell so i ended up moving things around but we'll talk about that later man i guess i even ended up upgrading my jet pack to bronze on day i did a lot on day 59 wow lebron's jet pack guys so i managed to work my way up all the way to the steel jet pack day 60 i finally had made the steel jet pack which is the best i could afford at the time and i realized the basic energy cube i had was just that a bit too basic so i decided to upgrade it to an advanced energy cube which can actually hold 6.4 million power i also upgraded the metallurgic infuser with some speed and energy upgrades because i knew we were going to be using that machine a lot in the future oh no way this jet pack's so fast oh my gosh guys what this is so awesome we are next level this is the best mod pack ever i'm actually really enjoying it this jetpack has caused me so much pain i hate to say but really really i hate it i hate it like so much in fact i hate it so much i'm gonna spin on it and light it on fire yeah goodbye jetpack i never want to see you again ever i actually have something a bit interesting that i'm going to show you guys on day 61 i made what's called a disenchanter and i powered it using a flex point i had gotten so many random enchanted items from dungeons that i figured i could take what i want from those and put them on my new all the modium items which is what i did and it was genius i got like mending and protection and all that good stuff day 61 i was on a roll i even managed to upgrade my entire reactor to nearly triple triple it's rf output and in case you're wondering how exactly i did that well it's actually pretty simple basically you just expand it to whatever size you want add more fuel rods and then add some water for cooling and there you go it's it's not the best setup in the world but really it's more than good enough for for at least what we need right now the rf is rising per tick 700 780 800 what we get 800 800 yes 800 rf protect ladies and gentlemen i was excited for how far we've come along and now that we have a really good jet pack i figured it was time to secure and build up our base more so that is exactly what i did for the next couple of days [Music] after three days of hard work and dedication and master craftsmanship i present to you the mountain base check this out guys inside here we have my new bedroom and i went with a bit of a japanese theme we're gonna spruce it up make it look a bit better soon don't worry i did finish this entrance a bit i don't know if i'm gonna add anything in the center of this i kind of like the way this looks though and leaving this open and then eventually we're gonna expand this whole area into a farm and yeah that's pretty much it guys i definitely feel a lot better having this all cleaned up and touched up you guys like it i hope you like it i'm excited things are finally starting to come together [Music] you know what this storage is really getting outdated so we should probably try and update it setting up a better storage system was key if we were going to start advancing further into tech and really any other mod so on day 66 i began diving into the mod refined storage you might want to pay attention here in case you ever want to do this yourself it's actually not that difficult right now we should be able to make it yes okay that's our third and final piece we need all right so we're actually gonna switch this up and it's now gonna look like the crafting grid in the middle disk drive on the bottom and then the controller on top now this thing does actually require power so what we're gonna do flux point you can't go wrong with these things and we'll just stick that guy like right there select the network and now the whole network should be powered and now all that's left to do is to add some discs which is what holds the items i made a 4k storage disk drive and then moved everything over into the new storage system and i gotta say it was a huge relief to have that set up in modded minecraft you get so many items and having a system like that really helps you just stay organized and advance in the game faster day 67 i was so excited because i was ready to make a quarry that is right of course something i had never done in 1.16.4 so this was gonna make me feel really nostalgic and i couldn't wait the koi was really expensive though so i spent all of day 67 absolutely destroying the mining dimension with my mining laser and got like way too many resources day 68 i was finally able to craft the core you might want to pay attention especially if you're playing along with me it's a little bit different than the older versions all right so for the quarry plus we're gonna need some diamonds gold iron redstone ender pearls and unobtainium all right we should have everything to craft this quarry plus i've never actually done this so let's see how this works if we put everything in there we select the quarry plus now what happens extract uh well it didn't take any resources but it it gave me the it gave me it i i don't know guys but we have the quarry plus now so okay i could not wait to get this thing set up i headed to the mining dimension and added a flex point and it worked we got ourselves some quarry let's go let's go let's go later i added a golden chest and then i let it do its staying while i did my thing in the overworld are you seeing this how tall can sugar can't even grow like look at this is it going to go all the way to sky limit if i'm being honest guys i was feeling lonely on day 69 so i went to visit the old village but then something strange happened everyone was just gone so i set out to look for some company hey guys you guys uh enjoy living with uh other people and having company yeah i bet you do huh i'm getting kind of lonely and no one ever visits me why don't you guys visit music because uh because i'm weird you don't like me you don't want to hang out with me well i've had enough die you're literally bogged die die i hate you say you'll be my friend and i'll spare you so uh i just really want to make a gun for some reason i feel like it's something that would be fun to do so we're gonna do it it's actually not that difficult so for for the ammo really not difficult to make either all right let's see if this works alright we loaded it oh my gosh guys i literally have a pistol in my hand right now answer me are you a spy ah i knew it they're all spies day 71 i went to check and see how our cory was doing all right so it got us three emeralds 60 coal and 58 iron the iron is really what's helpful and yeah it went all the way to bedrock nice oh this is actually sick oh there's diamonds right there mine those no way guys all the modium spawns here what that's crazy well that's good to know all right we're gonna reset up the koi real quick all right there it goes we're gonna let this thing run i decided i wanted to set up a better mob farm near me and made a silk touch pickaxe and headed to the nether to get a blaze spawner i ended up finding a piglin spawner as well so i was like okay free gold so i grabbed that too and headed back to the overworld where i spent the rest of day 71 digging out and building an area for the mob farm day 72 i wanted a mob crusher for the mob farm but i realized it was way more expensive than i thought yeah it's from the mod industrial for going and to be honest that mod is just trash i'm gonna i'm gonna say it's trash okay it's just too grindy like i like the other industrial craft way better but anyways i made a latex processing unit and fluid extractor to make some rubber then a dissolution chamber and a bunch of stuff and eventually on day 73 i got the mob crusher and i was finally able to set up a kind of working version of the mob farm so we're gonna begin by placing this mob crusher then we are going to add a flux point right on the side there then add a range upgrade of seven and then we're gonna put this fluid tank right on top i cleared out the area and began running some tests so this one pack has a mod that actually lets you modify spawners which is really useful so for example adding sugar to a spawner will decrease the minimum spawn time of the spawner and different items have different effects so this means you could make some really really op spawners i completed the farm and decided it's time to start setting up a better machine room we need to start automating some things and i figured mechanism was the best tech mod to start advancing further into for now so i processed a ton of different mechanism alloys and then upgraded the machines as well as inserted the maximum speed upgrades and energy upgrades for each of them and let me tell you guys these machines were definitely an upgrade i cleaned up my machine room and i upgraded these machines so every single one of them has speed upgrades energy upgrades and check this guy out if you blink you'll miss it ready literally so fast it's so cool look at that it's so satisfying what's up bruvs it's day 76 and uh i'm thinking about i really want to upgrade this energy cupid day 76 i managed to upgrade my energy cell all the way to ultimate which holds like a lot of power 102.4 million to be exact honestly i love the mechanism mod then i went to my flex controller and remembered i could set up my network to wirelessly charge items in my inventory including my jetpack and mining laser which is so nice to have set up i'm telling you day 77 i felt like getting into the mod mystical agriculture which allows you to grow things like diamonds gold or coal which is insane so i headed out to collect some roses and wool to create the altar needed to craft some of the seeds i hadn't really messed around with this mod too much before so this was sort of a learning curve for me but eventually by day 78 i had figured some things out i figured it out believe it actually takes a redstone signal all right so let's try this out let's place the prosperity seed base right there everything should be set up let's press this button it's doing it it's doing things yes we figured it out and there we go and now we have a coal seat i'm gonna make it look nice real quick and then we're gonna dive into setting these seeds up and hopefully automate them i spent the rest of day 78 making a gazebo for the altar area and i think it came out pretty nice oh she's looking clean boys check this out we got the altar set up now i didn't want to just plant the mystical agriculture seeds anywhere i wanted to automate them so i began working on making garden closures from the mod immersive engineering but i realized to even begin that mod i needed to make what's called a coke oven and that meant i needed sandstone so i went exploring for a desert biome all right we finally made it to the desert now we just need some sandstone which looks like there's some right here gladly take that skeleton spawner what's in the chest here yellow dye iron bones i grabbed tons of sandstone and sand thanks to the mining laser then headed back to my base and began working on the coke oven let me walk you through the process that way you can learn too there we go we have some coke bricks let's create an engineer's hammer real quick there we go this seems like a cool spot for it all you got to do is place the blocks in a three by three by three and right click with the engineer's hammer there we go awesome we have ours yo this thing's kinda i mean anyone else all right anyways so this this coco van apparently we just put like stuff like wood in it or blocks of coal might be the most efficient way so i put a block of coal in the coke oven and it took forever to burn so i didn't know if it was working so i watched the tutorial i'm watching a tutorial in a different language so we'll see how much this helps it turns out it was working it was just taking a really long time so i began crafting some of the parts needed to get the garden closures then i went to the mining dimension checked the quarry and got some more redstone then i was finally able to make the garden cloches and began setting them up for automation which isn't the most difficult process but it definitely took some time it's actually really simple you use a pump to feed in water from the bottom and then provide electricity at the top and then some way to export the items which we work on day 83 okay so there are different levels of farmland and each grows the crop faster so i made the highest tier i could at the time and then made item pipes from cyclic and joris to have whatever we choose to grow automatically be exported and stored i tossed in some inferium essence seeds and you know what i was tired of being inside all right i've been inside for too long so i decided it was time for an adventure i learned that there was a secret dimension called the other filled with some of the most dangerous mobs ever to exist in minecraft so of course i had to check it out and all i had to do to get there was place a teleport pad in the nether if i'm not mistaken whoa as soon as i got into the other dimension i quickly realized this place was different than any other the or spawn rates were through the roof like we're talking insane amounts of everything from diamonds to vibranium but it comes with a cost this is one of the most dangerous dimensions hands down if i didn't have a jet pack i don't think i'd have a chance at surviving i went mining and exploring for a bit and kept getting attacked by these stupid mcdonald's super sized wannabe chicken looking boys they have insane reach and gave you nausea it's super annoying but then i found this that was uh epic we just killed a cyclops proud i defeated such an ugly one-eyed giant i was feeling confident until until i found this dragon guys no no way it's a ice dragon oh my gosh it's waking up it's waking up oh no i actually have no idea how powerful these things are i don't know how to explain it but i had this gut feeling that if i tried to kill the dragon right now something really really bad would happen i don't know what but something really bad so i decided to head back to base to try and gear up a bit more and then maybe and then maybe once we're stronger we could we could try to defeat a dragon the 85 i managed to set up wireless access to my storage which i should have done a long time ago you know how useful that is anyways don't worry i'll show you how i did it all you got to do is make a wireless transmitter a cable then connect the cable to your system and place the wireless transmitter right on top then make a remote and connect it to the controller and by the big bada boom you got wireless access to your storage let's go home all right so basically we're going to do some sort of shrine out of heads because we have beheading on our sword now we get so many we might as well it seems kind of fun maybe we do it in our room we're gonna keep all the heads we get inside of our room there we go looks pretty cool right that was a good day but uh i think it's time to get some rest uh i'm excited for today guys i was thinking today we oh my gosh that was a dream oh thank goodness all right we're good we're good i'm alive i'm alive day 86 i tried to upgrade the mob farm because we were getting so much mob essence and items but we weren't actually saving it but i had two issues that maybe you could help me with i couldn't find a good enough item pipe that is able to filter out specific items and then i had an issue with the ender tanks not working and being able to extract the mob essence so if you know a better solution please leave a comment day 88 i made a magnet which i should have done a long time ago as well it's pretty useful and then i went to the end and collected a ton of ender pros because i wanted to test out the travel anchors all right now we should have ender pros so i'm pretty sure this works very very simply i don't know if it requires any power but let's make one right here we're going to set this one to base so apparently for the travel anchors mod it doesn't take any power at all and i can just walk basically pretty much anywhere look at it right click and it's gonna teleport me right to it i'm gonna set one right here as well there we go so now we can just go back and forth from the two and that's pretty awesome if you ask me all right guys i was just trying to get some uh iron and dude these animations are so cool like this is like my favorite enemy mob so far like look at them look at them just beat me up guys all right guys so i just spent pretty much an entire day mining in the other you're not gonna believe how much resources i got check this out yeah look at all those diamonds and i got tons of oars and redstone you think that's uh that's a lot check this out in my dank knoll 1.6k redstone 2.3 k lapis and 994 iron guys when i say that the other is op to mine in it's actually better than the mining world in my opinion with that many ores we needed an easy way to process them so i set up a quick system that automatically takes oars from one chest crushes them then smells them and outputs them into another chest this was a great step towards automation and i was happy with it day 90 i made something that's actually really essential if you ask me it's called a matter receiver and a charge porter and what i did was place it right here with the flux point and then connected it to the charged porter what this allows me to do is go literally anywhere in the world or even a different dimension right click the charge border and be teleported immediately back to wherever we place the matter receiver pretty awesome right that would like really come in handy if you're like about to die by a dragon or something the rest of day 90 i spent creating a place for cows and sheep but this was a special place and i put a lot of effort into it so it actually took me the rest of the night i think they turned out pretty cool my plan was to fill these little side islands with cows and sheep to farm so i made a mob imprisonment tool from industrial foregoing and caught a bunch of animals and breeded them now we have ourselves a bunch of beautiful animals on the side of our mountain hopefully none of them jump off the mountain and die it's day 92 and like i said before the 100 days is up i was going to kill a dragon i don't know if you guys know this but dragons are the most powerful mobs in this game in in minecraft at all like i'm telling you these dragons are so hard to kill so so i upgraded my armor sometimes in game there's going to be obstacles that we can't defeat as who we are but that's okay because it causes us to grow unobtainium armor was expensive but it was going to hopefully allow us to survive an attack against a dragon but real quick before i set out to kill a dragon i want to show you guys a secret tip that i learned so i had to quickly kill a wither so i could craft it alright abracadabra pop out a wither skeleton there we go we needed another star to craft the spectral eye amulet the spectral eye amulet allows you to see an x-ray of all mobs near you when activated this is what we're going to use to find a dragon okay so whoa whoa whoa what's happening whoa no no whoa oh no stop stop stop stop stop stop please please please what just happened wha wha what's this what the look huh dear josh i know you're probably wondering what just happened using advanced knurling technology i opened a portal into the time dimension in order to send you this very urgent message you are the chosen chosen one what me the future of human development depends on you i'm limited on what i can tell you but i will say this no matter what do not fight a dragon right now wait until day 99 5d human crush and then it just glitches out anything else huh what in the world is that supposed to happen in minecraft i don't know how i feel about that it's saying i'm the chosen one that my timeline depends on me surviving well i guess we should wait until day 99. all right since we have to wait until day 99 to get a dragon i figured let's have some fun so we're gonna mess around with some mods and check this out look at how weird this thing looks in an ortho dimensional hyper furnace and it's actually not that hard to make you just need like 27 furnaces i'll save you the paint i made the furnace and it was pretty trash like at least compared to our mechanism one okay so surprise i have a dog i forgot to tell you guys i tamed it and today on day 94 i decide to name him and i went with the name subscribe because i think he kind of looks like a subscribe right right you see it i see anyways i set up a little house for him and i think he really liked it he didn't want to seem to leave so i think it looks great day 95 i create one of my favorite items in minecraft the digital miner this item is really important and so useful so let me explain how to use it real quick you might want to take some notes you're going to want to set it up with the power source just like that and then you're just going to want to place a chest right on top no actually you place it on the back but i figured that out in a second so now we're going to come into the config and we are gonna have to switch things up here a bit first we're gonna want to put in all of our energy upgrades because this thing does take a lot of energy we wanna set this to auto eject on and we're gonna keep it off silk touch but that is an option now we're gonna type in the highest number possible so 32 is the max there we're gonna go here again 60 is the highest for the minimum and then the maximum height is 255. so now this is going to give us the biggest radius that it's going to mine in if you want to set it to mine for a specific item you go to item stack and then you just click whatever you want to mine for and click save we don't want to do that though we wanted to mine all the ores possible so we're gonna head to tag filter and type in or and then star or star and then or yeah that's it so now what it's gonna do is mine for every single ore and now we should be able to use this digital miner there you go as you can see it's gonna mine a thousand ores in this vicinity and it's already going so i guess the output is actually on the back right here and now we should just be getting free ores automatically put into this chest day 96 i enchanted a bow in preparation for the dragon of course and then began building a garden and i made these cool little floating islands to grow crops and but it kind of backfired when i realized because of our altitude the water was freezing into ice it looks cool though and that's all that really matters right see i knew something was wrong day 97 is when i crafted and enchanted the bow here let's test that real quick no i'm kidding i'm playing i wouldn't do that listen guys you know me i treat my animals very well apparently you can enchant your jet pack i did not know that so now we have soul bound on it all right let's add protection projectile protection fire protection that should be good day 98 i prepared to head out on my journey and i didn't know if i was gonna make it back alive so i made sure to say my goodbyes hey buddy just wanted to say i appreciate you sticking around and being my friend keeping me company i gotta go and try and stab a dragon with my sword and make its soul die so please hold down the house for me buddy and if i'm not back in a day or two that means i'm probably dead and humanity is apparently doomed as well so uh yeah all right man i'll catch you later everything led up to this moment and i was ready i scavenged the other for a dragon and eventually i found one there it is guys my sworn this was it i was going to kill the dragon or die trying all right now's your chance all or nothing guys i'm going to go for it there we go we fit it we hit it i just don't know how much damage this thing's going to do to me hurry attack attack we don't want it to hit us guys i know these dragons are super strong oh my gosh let's grab me oh my gosh it's got 17 000 health man this dragon was no joke and i nearly died multiple times till eventually with the strength of notch i managed to slay it and i couldn't believe it yes yes yes it's dead we killed the dragon we killed our first dragon i knew we could do it when you spend enough time putting in hard work and making the right choices even if it's difficult eventually you might just find yourself in a position where you've accomplished everything you set out to do so where do we go from here well we just keep on living i suppose one day after the other and enjoy the game time we still have left well i managed to make it back alive and we have a trophy to prove our victory that is awesome well guys we managed to do it we survived 100 days in modern minecraft if you guys enjoyed this video i really hope you will stick around and join me for another 100 days of survival in this video we set out to kill a dragon and we did in the next video we're going to try and tame one like sewing scoop you think these guys are going to subscribe
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 2,469,748
Rating: 4.8782053 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in modded minecraft, biggest modded survival, Surviving 100 days in minecraft, I Spent 100 Days in Modded Minecraft, Modded 1.16.4, Minecraft Hardcore, Spending 100 Days in Minecraft, 100 Days in Minecraft Modded, Modded with friends, Modded Survival, Modded Lets Play, All the mods 6
Id: _RsqmAc1m0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 11sec (3791 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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