My Minecraft Xbox Survival World Tour (2020)

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really quickly before this video gets started here's a clip of me getting an achievement on the world because I had a lot of people who seem to think that I did this in creative and I can understand why so here's just a clip you cannot get achievements in a world that has ever been on creative so just to dispel anybody thinking that here you go let's get onto the video ha loloi descent a temple to here and we are finally here for my long anticipated world tour now this isn't actually the first tour that I've done of this world if you're new here or you know you just haven't seen it already I did actually do a world tour about a year ago at this point where I showed off the world at that time but a lot has changed in a year so if you wanna go back and see what it looked like a year ago I'm still going to do all of the tour I'm going to show off the entire world in this video but you know in case you're curious and you want to see that I will leave that link below I'll also throw something on-screen but yeah let's let's those focus on this world now so a little backstory before we actually show everything off this world is a very very old world it was created on March 27th of 2014 and so it's about six years old at this point and it has been through a ton of stuff it was started on Xbox 360 it was then transferred to the Xbox one then to bedrock Edition on the Xbox one and now if I show off here it is now on Windows 10 edition and you will notice a couple of things here and there like my bow right here that has both mending and infinity that's not because this world was in creative that's why I threw in that thing at the beginning showing that I got the achievement there are just some odd odd things throughout the world you will notice that are just kind of remnants of the fact that this was an Xbox world and so one of them to start off with is the fact that our spawn is kind of the way it is if that makes sense I don't know if it still works and that's why I give that little background because at least in the old version of Minecraft on like the Xbox 360 edition you used to be able to place lava all around the perimeter of the spawn and so you could not place lava within spawn and so spawn was basically do this this I think it's 20 something I I don't actually know it's maybe like two chunks by two chunks you can't place any lava within the area where people can spawn and so originally I was able to figure out how big the spawn actually is by doing that and so we built in this little this little square that we have right here with a whole bunch of slime blocks so that people can jump around while they're stuck in here because when people join my world I've had too many people grief and so I don't give them privileges so you know you have to earn those but I figure you know let's some people have fun if they're gonna be stuck in this box and then I also have four editions they're all the same rules just on you know the four walls I have all the rules for my world I won't bore you with them I'll come up here if you want to read them here they are they basically just say you know don't be a jerk don't grieve stuff like that so yeah this is what it looks like when you first spawn in in my world and then up there we can actually fly up there real quick this big ol squared that's just hovering above spawn was originally meant to be sort of a little backstory as well in my world I have you know all the stuff that I built I call my own country we call it tadpole eeeh but it's some of my friends also have their own countries on my world and so we built this originally thinking that you know if my friends have their own country and people join the world and want to go to their country rather than spending a bunch of time in my world or like in my country they could go to you know one of my friends and my friends could have their little base here get them situated and then they could head off to that country rather than being stuck here obviously it hasn't really worked but that was kind of the idea of what this was and now it really just serves as a big old platform to look out at all this stuff near spawn especially these towers I absolutely love the towers these towers are actually kind of just a recreation of the ones that I have in my city that I will be showing off later on but these towers are just there's so much fun I love them we actually built I think from here all the way over around here we built all of these towers during live streams so I have a playlist on my channel if you want to check it out we did all of those right here live streaming on YouTube so it was a lot of fun I love these towers they are pretty much completely empty because I am horrible at decorating that's something you will notice you know the further along we get in this video but I absolutely love it and so yeah this is basically how my spawn looks so when you first join in you'll probably just be greeted by looking up at that pickles square but that's what it looks like up there so when you come in assuming that I want to let you in either myself or one of my friends will come over here and we'll open the gate for you and you can walk in this way and you will notice we have a lot of these doorways just because I've had people come on to grief and you know other people no shame to anyone who has joined my world but they're horribly closing doors and so I have doors all over the place we have the gate there a door here and then another gate way up there just to make sure nobody gets out if they're not meant to and so yeah when you first come in here this is sort of like a little hub to get started we have some basic stuff like armor and we have some tools and some food if you want to grab that just basic stuff to get you started and you'll notice it has a decidedly you know end theme to it and this was because in the old versions of Xbox I don't think you can do it now but at least on xbox 360 and Xbox one edition you used to be able to just reset the end and by that I don't mean just like respawn the dragon you could just reset the entire end and so I would fight the dragon constantly and you can get as many eggs as you want I just have two in here that are sitting here so I've had a lot of people accuse me of putting the world and creative this was actually because this was on the 360 that's why I have so many eggs but going off of the eggs you will also notice that I put and do not punch because for any fellow fellow expertise in Minecraft you will know if you punch the egg that thing will just teleport into who knows where he'll go to Timbuktu and so because this is in a pretty dense forest are pretty dense to jungle that egg will just go all over the place and I was sick and tired of people doing that right because everyone thought they were comedian you join my world you walk through here I give you some stuff and you just give the egg a big ol whack and so originally I would like laugh it off but that is no longer a laughing matter and so still within the walls of spawn which I haven't really showed off we have walls that go all the way around spawn still within these walls we have what I like to call the shame shack and this is basically just a shack where if you punch the egg you'll come over here to be like processed you know you'll sit down talk to whoever's doing it and then you'll come on over here I'll put you in a you know air quotes holding cell and then we'll pull this lever and you will fall down into the pit of shame and the pit of shame is equipped with a nice little fireball launcher and you're basically just stuck down here because a lot of people and when I say a lot I mean like most people when they join my world would punch the egg and I just got sick of his so you know I made an adorable little pit that's like its own little prison to specifically put people who punch the egg and it does have a little doorway here but you have to know that's behind the dirt so you know nobody nobody tell anybody about that but you kind of be thrown in there and you know good riddance to people who punch the egg you know and then it'll lead you out into this little cave here that admittedly I haven't done much with I did actually make a whole video of building that if you do want to check that out but I assume most y'all don't so after that assuming that you do not punch the egg this will just be something that you actually just walk past and know that you know egg punchers be where you get thrown in there but assuming that you do get out we will bring you through the big old gate which i think is just lovely you'll be walk through here and then you will have another chance to get some food I know I had some food in the little area over there but if you want like potatoes or wheat or bamboo even though you can't eat it um you can come in here and you can grab some extra food in this farm here that I set up for you and then you can you can just go out into the world and so one of my favorite things by Swann has to be the gladiator arena and that is because it's one of the first buildings that I made here by Swann it predates all of these towers and I think it was like the second thing that I built over here after I built the original spawn houses it's very loosely based off of the Colosseum it was meant to just have a whole bunch of seating so that people could come in and watch and then you know a big old platform in the middle of where people can just fight and so it doesn't get a ton of use I have to say it was mainly created because I have a lot of friends who enjoy just hashing it out and they would run amok in my world just attacking each other with swords and so we built this here so that you know if somebody wanted to come in and fight they could we have used it for just fights between friends and like usually we'll bet a couple diamonds on it we have also used it to wear the prison which I will show off in a moment when we got too many prisoners at one point in our history we did let them come over and you know hash it out and whoever won got to have their freedom we don't do that much cuz prisoners we really don't have that many anymore but I don't know it it has a whole bunch of a whole bunch of uses it could be used for we just rarely do and then you will also notice the big e in the middle that was because at one point during a livestream when I was building some of these towers my chat decided to spam e and one of my mod said the only way he would get everyone to stop was if I put a big ol e in the middle and so you know I think it's beautiful you know if people are having a little Archer duel in the arena you know they gotta watch out for the e so that's that's basically it for the gladiator arena but like I mentioned before we do actually have a prison over here and this was originally in like the corner of the world I know it definitely doesn't look like it because we have all these builds around it but basically on the other side of this gate like originally this fence that I have here used to be that side in that side that back never existed this was the corner of the original like Xbox 360 sized world and it's it's just a prison because I had a lot of people grief in like the early days since then griefing has become like going to creative and destroying stuff apparently and so if you get grief you basically get kicked but originally I would throw them in prison and so to make it a bit more scary it's hard to tell because I flattened to the entire area this used to be one big ol Plains biome like you can see right there and so to make it a bit more scary I threw in this whole dark ofcourse I know it doesn't do much I just love dark oak and so you know the first chance I had saplings I planted this entire forest here so this is completely artificial and I think it's beautiful and just sort of you know helps set the aura so you know if you are going to prison the first thing that you will come to is our little like processing station if that makes sense we have a government building on the other side of the world all the way out there that this links up to via rail and I mean I'll show you the bottom it's nothing too fancy we basically just have courts and sea lantern and you'll go along this rail all the way from there underground and you'll be led here and so once you get here we will walk you all the way over and you'll notice again this is still within the walls so no escape and no escaping but you'll be led over here usually we'll have like three to four other people helping me do this because you know when we're leaving you over here we have oh this is very mean oh I'm not sure why he decided to do that but um you'll have you know you'll have the person come up to the gate and then we have a little guard station in here where they pull the lever and then the gate will go down and you will lead the prisoner on in and then again since we normally have more people in this we'll have someone else pull that lever again so the gate goes back up but then you will lead them into here to our second gate where you pull that lever I'll just leave it there I don't care and you'll get get walked into like the prison yard right here and so we have a couple of prisoners over here already but the basic thing is if you are to and we don't do this for like minor stuff it's usually like if you griefed or just won't stop killing someone will take you into a prison cell right here you'll have a bed you'll have a little toilet which actually fun story about the toilet we actually had to put these blocks in place because I completely forgot if you just have this lead into like the open ocean which is where it used to be they can just swim out through the toilet and so we had we had a prisoner at one point that we found just like sitting in the ocean because we forgot that you can actually get out so you know we have a little toilet there that is kind of clogged in hindsight not the best idea but you know it is what it is but you'll have that you'll have a little bed and then we give you a little chest to throw your things in which apparently someone already has and then if you are going into prison we'll just break the key put your name on a sign and that's that usually we don't throw too many people in here like I said we have three current Reza which I'm gonna be honest and none of them really deserve to be in there but you know what it is what it is we also have this execution chamber here which knock on wood has yet to be used on a prisoner I did have a couple of friends who just wanted to use it at one point but it works the same way as the shame shack basically we have a few more rules but we'll lead you in here you've come on in we'll lock the door behind you and then we'll pull that lever and you will fall a great distance and you can see the XP from you know one of my friends who wanted to test it out it basically just has hopper to hoppers down there to collect all your stuff and you know we get a little kickback from all the stuff that you drop so we do usually let you look put your stuff in a chest if you want it but that's that's basically it for the prison like I said it doesn't get a lot of use anymore because you know most people that joined the world don't grief at this point I should say most of my friends who do I've had a number of people grief that I just let on for fun but yeah that's basically what this is for and then if you come on whoops if you come on through here basically all this stuff around here that aren't the cells are meant for like you know the guards and the warden so over here we have the warden's office now the warden's office looks very different than it used to originally it had a bit more decoration like it had some some armor stains that had diamond armor on them but people wouldn't stop stealing them my friend ty was actually the warden here and people just kept taking his armor that were his guards so now instead of you know armor stands he has his little dog here that's meant to help you know keep out any baddies or anyone that would want to bring him harm so he just sits here if somebody has a complaint they can come talk to him we also have little windows that you know probably aren't the best for privacy but you know the guards can walk around and look into each of the cells just to make sure they're not doing anything with like contraband or anything like that but yeah that is about it for the prison I just want to make sure that I close up each of these gates before we go but like I said it doesn't get a ton of use a lot of people nowadays I more often than you would think I still get griefed now but like the griefs have been getting more and more insane so I don't usually let people on much anymore but yeah that's it for the prison one of the oldest things in the world but I still absolutely love it so coming back from that I think some of the last things we have around spawn are over this way and that is actually because this right here and I know I'm pointing it like almost nothing this right here is actually the original spawn house and you will notice I have this castle here that my friend Nathan has been helping me build that connects to it that is completely separate this is just because I like having a castle here and there's not much to show off because it's not finished but hopefully by next year's tour that that will be there but this right here is actually what the original spawn used to be so I'm not sure why because this did still happen I believe on the 360 when I first found in the world I spawned somewhere around here because our spawn was basically this area and then across the bridge over here this used to be like a jungle or not a jungle forest this used to be like an oak wood forest and so around here was where spawn was originally and so similarly to the spawn we have over there I made this little house down here where you know if people join the world that can come in get some armor and supplies and stuff like that and get set up to the world rather than you know running around naked starving to death but that's basically what this is and then I will show this off it's not actually there so you're gonna have to put on your thinking cap and you know imagine it but we used to have a rail that would go all the way from here to my city and so that's why we sort of have this like cleared out path along here with like just a button sitting on the wall there used to be like a railway but especially with you know the Electra that I'm wearing right now there isn't much use for it anymore but yeah that's that's basically what this was and so you also know as we put in some stairs although we didn't actually finish the job there are a lot of projects that need to be finished and then right here we have it's a house that's like closest to spawn and that is because I had a friend who was very lazy and didn't want to come to the city so he decided to plop his house down right here and it has been griefed so many times because I don't know people just can't read the sign I put my friend's name on the sign his name was sound real and he lived here people would just come here ransacked the place whatever they wanted and so you'll notice it basically just has his chest I think at one point he had a bed in here but people would just keep stealing it so nowadays since we have been building the tower we kind of just use it as our like base of operations we would come here to sleep at night to get away from the phantoms and you know I it's a quaint little house that's why I leave it here you'll notice a very stark dichotomy between like you know the big ol towers and then just this very average looking house that is because you know it's just kind of a relic of the past if you will and then right here is a carrot farm that well it doesn't seem very special at the time it was the only other farm that existed aside from the one that I have in like my town over there so I really like it I think it's nice it's not the biggest carrot farm but you know I just think it's it's super quaint and then I think one of the more useful things that we actually have here because a lot of these are kind of just for show or for people to live is the subway station and while it definitely does not look like it from the outside originally when I built this I looked up like a Subway sandwich shop and it came up with a design kind of like this so it was meant to be like a play on words like you know Subway sandwich but for the subway I know hilarious but we have welcome to Subway see I even didn't put the subway I put welcome to subway because I wanted it to be like the sandwich shop I don't think a single person has ever gotten that reference but you know what it makes me chuckle but you come in here it's exactly what it looks like it's really just a rail way that'll take you originally this would take you over to my castle now this one will take you to my castle and then this one will take you over to the suburbs that I will show off in a minute but it was basically just here because you know especially in the early days of my world when again Elektra did not exist taking the rail was the fastest way to get to my city rather than you know trying to starve to death getting to there so you know it still kind of serves a purpose again relic of the past relic of the olden days around here we also have you know even more towers because if you if you haven't figured it out I guess some people call them skyscrapers I've always called them towers so whatever you want to call them we just have a whole bunch of empty towers that like over absolutely everything this I feel like needs a bit of explanation I think it's pretty obvious to tell what it is it's a big little block of cheese and that is because my friend Fareed who is you know a moderator on my channel um I was doing a livestream probably about like six or nine months ago where we were just having fun and a bunch of people much like the II started spamming the word cheese and so my friend said you know I'm gonna ban everyone who says cheese and I'm like well you can ban them but you can't ban me so I made a big old block of cheese I also I'll show it off later in the suburbs I wrote out the word cheese in C lanterns so it's just a big old block of cheese it's kind of just an inside joke and then on the inside we have a little mouse that we call Jarry which i think is just adorable again it's just a stupid build that that makes me smile every time I see it because I remember just how stupid it is oh I love it and then I think the final thing to show off here in the suburbs would have to be or not the suburbs in spawn would have to be whoops let me fly up would have to be the baseball stadium right here and this while it looks probably fairly unassuming is the longest single project I have ever built on my world and I say that because this took about three months to build and it probably doesn't look like it but it used to be a very tall Hill probably about I don't know that tall ish and so I had to flatten this whole thing again it's harder to tell because you know the outside is flattened but if you go back and watch the old world tour you'll know what I mean that this was a very tall hill and we flattened out the entire thing this is because I'm from st. Louis I'm a huge baseball fan loved the Cardinals and so I was watching some of their games you know one summer and I decided hey why not make a giant baseball stadium and so it does kind of work I don't know if we've ever actually played a game here so the way it'll work is you have bows and arrows and then obviously you have your uniforms over here these are supposed to be like you know red and a blue team and these are supposed to be flame arrows but you know what we all get lazy at some point but the way it's played is the pitcher will come up here with their bow they're fired in to the umpire and then the batter and I'm gonna bat lefty because I'm a lefty they'll pick up that arrow and then we give them you know one second to pull back and fire and then you just have to run the base path and try and make it home to score a run and then the fielders will pick up that arrow and basically they can shoot it into another infielder or they can just you know shoot it straight at you if they hit you you're out if you make it home without being hit you're safe that's that's basically the way it's played it's a very Genk way of playing I understand that but I love baseball and I didn't know a better way to play it so I wanted to make this and I just loved it and it was also made a while ago I don't think terracotta was out at the time or if it was it was very like difficult to get I think even at that time it was still called hardened clay but I I don't think we had enough of it to get so you will notice it's alternating between this green wool and grass and that is just so it gives sort of like this is this mode look to it like you know in real baseball stadiums how they have really nice you know grass mowed into it so I think it looks wonderful we also have you know the foul lines are also made of wool and then we have some coarse dirt for left the that foul you know the foul ball area I think it's wonderful I think it's beautiful let me actually get some more firework rockets that we can walk around but this is this is like I said the biggest project or at least the longest project in my world because it took about three months mostly because of this wool it may not seem like it but like you know when I was sharing my what like 20 sheep at the time it took months to just get all of that wool so this is probably one of my proudest achievements I would love to someday during like a stream or something play a game of baseball but for now it's just an absolute looker you know what I'm saying and then over here I'm not even gonna go inside this is basically just one big ol empty pyramid that I got bored and decided to build one day so there's really nothing to it there's especially like those towers there's a lot of things in my world that I'll just get bored and build so this is just another example of that and then I throw a beacon inside just so you know when you're running around you can get some speed and also just annoy everyone who is watching me by getting all those swell particle effects but yeah that's most of the stuff we have right around spawn and then this well it's technically still connected I consider it very different this is probably my least favorite thing in the entire world and this is my attempt at like an industrial district if that makes sense so this was basically meant to be like a factory area but first and foremost if you look at this Factory I'm not gonna sugarcoat this thing is ugly as all get-out I forgot that campfires were a thing and so I basically just threw in a whole bunch of spiderwebs at the top let me fly up here oh that's tragic yeah I basically put in a whole bunch of cobwebs so that I don't know it looked like smoke it looks terrible I'm not gonna lie it looks terrible it was meant to be like a factory and then that was going to be another subway but also like you know it's right next to the original subway so why would I need that we have this hotel here and then what I'm standing on right here are just the shops again you really have to use your imagination with some of this stuff it really doesn't look that great so if you guys have any better like industrial style builds um let me know either in the comments or you can tweet me my twitter is at Ted temple - I would like to do something better with this it just it's bad I mean it's it's really bad you'll notice in my last World Tour I think I sugar-coated it a bit more and it did not turn out as well as I would like but yeah that is basically the industrial district and now let's get on to some things I'm definitely more proud of and that would have to be over here this is what I originally called just the suburbs but I now call my subscriber suburbs and that is because after my original world tour last year it did very well on YouTube and so I had a lot of people saying hey they wanted to join and build some houses so I cleared out this big ol area here and I just let people join and build houses now I don't really do that so much anymore because like I said I got grief quite a few times I'm just kind of sick of it but the people who built like especially drone uppers house right here they made some incredible houses like it's just such a quaint little house right here where he has his beds he has some armor and then a nice little basement down here I just love it you know they're there houses that I definitely wouldn't have thought to build I I may build something kind of similar to this but I just think it's adorable he also has like a little horse table right here I think it's wonderful and basically everybody built here and you know I get that they may not be you know the best like that one right there doesn't have a roof but I just love these houses I think it's a great idea if you have your own world I would say just let some friends on and build houses cuz I mean just this amalgamation of all these different styles of builds it's just an incredible thing to me so this is basically the suburbs these houses over there I built myself but who cares about them honestly we basically just have a whole bunch of houses here originally what this was meant to be was my friends who were in the world before they got like their own country you know they wanted their own house and so like that house over there which I can fly to I had my friend join and say that he wanted to build his own house and so I'm like well you're not building the house where I have my house so we made this little suburbs area where I put in the road and basically gave people plots of land to build their own house oh you got to be kidding me okay we're gonna fight these guys off we basically just gave them this area where I would clear out the area and then they'd pay me like five diamonds for the plot and they could build their own little house here and I think the funniest thing is gnarly my friend who owns this house didn't like that I gave him like a little plot or you know I'm not sure exactly why he did this but he decided in his basement which again let me let me show this off this is the size of his plot that he had to work with and then in his basement down here he decided just to go off into the next plots basement area so his basement is like two entire plots I have asked him to fix this more times than I care to admit so this is kind of just here to stay but I don't know I just love this it's it's a nice little area where you know they could they could all come here and originally I had a lot of friends who had some houses here again like I said they have since made their own countries so nobody really lives here anymore but I just thought it was wonderful and then especially when my subscribers were first joining the world I built this little area right here that's kind of fenced in it's meant to be sort of like a community center if that makes sense so oh here's that cheese that I'd mentioned before I built this just to annoy my friend Farid but um this was meant to be you know if you joined the world and you just wanted to work in the suburbs this now leads to the subway that I have on the other side that I showed off earlier and then over here we have like a little hotel where if you know if you don't have room in your house you can have your friends stay here and then we also have a little farm over here that you know if you need some food the whole community can come and get farmed or just come and get food from the farm here I think it's a very quaint little town and then we also have a town hall here that again is completely empty but yeah there's basically just meant to be one big ol little little town for people who you know my town that I'll show off in a moment which I call it had polio it definitely has like its own little clique to it you had to be here at the beginning of the world so this is sort of like for newer people who joined the world and again one little flyover I think it's absolutely beautiful and then you know let's get to the oldest part of the city so the oldest part of the city is all the way over here and so right here is actually my first ever house and I think it's I still think it kind of stands the test of time but it's mostly just like a historic relic at this point we have you know a sign that says the day that I founded it as well as when we transferred it to the Xbox one I didn't quite get the date it was last August when I transferred it to Windows 10 edition but yeah I try to keep this as like its own little historical thing the house did not look like this the entire time this is sort of how it looked when I originally built it after I built it I decided to expand the house and so where you see that horse table right there it used to actually go all the way out there and then I hated the house so I threw my horses in there like where the horses are now is where they were in my house that just expanded out that way it was horrible so I got rid of it but this is what the original house looked like I brought in my little cat as well and then I also loved this basement down here this is where my original little like I can't even call it a chest room it's kind of just like a little nook that I had my chests were this is kind of where the chests just sit you will also notice that it combines with my neighbors basement and that is because originally like right now it has all the stuff for my villager breeding but originally this was empty and he just threw in lag machines just to make me mad and so you know I built this little doorway here so that he could not continuously lag out my world just to annoy me but we also have the nether portal which I will be going into later because we have stuff farther away but for now it just looks beautiful and then it also connects up to the mine that's right here it's nothing too crazy it's just a pretty basic mine I'll show it off real quick I added some wood to it just because I thought it would look you know cleaner and then we have this little minecart that I don't know what I haven't used the thing in quite literally years but this is the mine it's basically just a normal strip mine where you would just go off in a whole bunch of directions and it leads up to another mine that I have in my castle that'll show later on but yeah we have a lot of stuff that's kind of interconnected here's a room that one of my friends decided to make because for some reason he didn't want to make his own house so he wanted to live in my mind and be a little gremlin not really sure why he did that but you know that's there and then this room over here it is the most basic room that you will ever see I don't remember actually if I made it originally for mushrooms or for mobs but I literally just used this room to spawn mobs and to also get a whole bunch of mushrooms so I don't know it's just a very dark room that I have in my mind that you know I think is beautiful and then that right there is my basement but I will actually show you my or an extension of my basement so let me show you in here and let me let me close this up for the full effect people would always come down and just Rob me because this chest had all my stuff for when I use my enchanting table and then obviously all my stuff was right here so people would come in to rob me all the time so I thought you know I was gonna be slick so I threw in a little sticky piston with my crafting table right here and boom it gives you a little ladder where you can get down here I leave it open almost all the time so I'm not sure why I thought I was slick to do that but you know what yeah so here is like my little bunker that I built it was because like I have said too many times in this video already I got grieved a whole bunch of times I mean like the early days of my world and I still get grieved to this day but I was paranoid so I wanted like a little bunker where if the top of my world got completely obliterated I could still live out my days here so we have like a semi-auto pumpkin and melon farm right here we also have a carrot farm right here this used to be an automatic sugarcane farm but it has since stopped working so I just threw in a button right here and you just push that it knocks all the sugarcane into the hoppers puts it into this chest works quite nicely I used to have like an egg thing I just have like a chicken sitting there and then one day I mean you can see right here something happened to him I don't know what happened but we used to have a chicken right there and then in here we also have a nice little cactus farm that this is probably the only farm I have ever built like automatic farm that has not broken so please Mojang don't ever destroy this but yeah and then we also have like a water source block right here it's a little 4x4 in case you ever need water so this is really meant to where if I need to get anything at any point I can come down here and just you know live out my days and well originally it was made to be kind of like a bunker I then decided to expand it to turn it into like a full-fledged basement and so over here I won't actually go down there right now this will be towards the end of the video this track right here leads you all the way to my XP farm as well as my end portal so it's it's a very handy way to get around but through here was actually my original like full chest room so much like most people when they first play Minecraft I never actually had a normal chest room in my world I basically just had chests sitting around my house and so I wanted to dedicate an entire room to nothing but chests and so you'll notice it's pretty organized well that's that's not me but it's pretty organized with like the signs of everything that's in these chests I have since moved to a new place I live in a castle now and so you will notice this is kind of disheveled there's not a lot of stuff in here and that's because I moved most of it but I always love coming in here because I think it's wonderful and you can't really tell now because it's off but I thought I was the biggest brain because um in the very early days of Minecraft I don't know when it actually came out but when day license sensors came out I thought it was brilliant if this was going to be a bunker I have a daylight sensor that's just sitting in the middle of the water like off the coast of this little island that I live on where you know when it's nighttime this thing will be often what is a daytime this will be on because I thought you know if I'm spending so much time down here I'll know could have also just used a clock which you know I forgot existed but I thought I was big brain for doing that so I'm very proud of this and then over here we obviously have the beds and then a little enchanting table and then this table right here was because like I've said so many times I was super paranoid in the olden days of my world that I was going to get grief so I thought you know if ever I was I was getting grief I would have a little war room right here where people could come in we could meet and discuss how we would fight off the the griefing I don't know I don't know I I was pretty stupid back then so I had a lot of these things in place as like an idea of what I wanted to do but yeah that's basically what this was and then if you come through here it has much like the farms that I had over that way I decided to put in some animal farms right here so we have your cows your chickens your sheep and your pigs and these are the same sheep that I shared then you've know what out of in order to make that entire baseball stadium so I love these guys I've read them quite a bit over the years because somehow wolves still manage to spawn down here and so they have almost been wiped out on numerous occasions but yeah there's them and then the dogs I I wish I could show off the dogs better I'm not sure how it happened but somebody came in and redyed all of these white and that because I said in my last World Tour that they were all white since then when I transferred it to Windows 10 edition I don't know how they kept their name but these are not my dogs these are just like wolves that sit in there I don't know how it works but you know I I do at some point need to get the bones that I have right here and make these all my dogs again these were originally just like you know the dog pack that I had because everybody's gotta have dogs so we have all of them here with their name and originally they used to have like you know the wool here I would have the color dyed that color I have to do that again someday but that's that's sort of like the the basic purpose of all of this and so yeah this was basically in case you know my food got low I could come in here and have my own little animal farm it was such a hassle I I know it probably doesn't look like it but getting all of these animals downstairs and into my basement was such a hassle so I was super proud of this at the time and then finally in my basement if you come around here I'll quickly show this off this used to be an armory and it may look like someone grief didn't blew it up but I never finished the armory and then I just destroyed the whole thing so you know ripped of the armory this right here I'll show it as I leave this links up it's actually one big ol circle that you can you know run laps in' again in case I was getting grief I wanted multiple ways to get out so you can run up through that way or you can get out through here there's a whole bunch of exits for this basement so you can never truly be stuck down here but over here I have a little potion making room you'll notice it is very far how did that creeper get to oh boy I don't like that you'll notice it's very far from all the other stuff and that is because I suck at making potions and so this was like an afterthought and I think I've brewed a couple of potions in my day I can promise you every single one of these I had to look up the crafting recipe to make because I have no idea how to make potions so this is more of you know in case I needed it it was really just an afterthought and then over here this was originally just like a normal cave which a lot of this was actually just a normal cave so I decided one day I was bored and so I made my own little American flag right here I was very proud of it because I like free-handed this flag for a lot of my builds especially like flags and stuff like that I would just look them up but to get an idea so this one I'm very proud of because I just kind of came up with it on my own but you know America you gotta love it and then through here we have up there I haven't really used it and I know in the last World Tour I said I was going to but we do have a spider spawner right here that at some point I'm gonna have to use but I I I don't know how you can make it like an XP farm out of them because I do have an X you farm but it's with a skeleton spawner but you know what it is and then down here we have a giant obsidian room and we also have these beds here because this is where I used to fight the wither now it no longer really serves that purpose for the wither fighting room as you can tell I throw a bunch of chests in here we used to duplicate quite a bit in here like this became my duplication room which you know I I will admit right now that if you don't like duplicating I'm sorry I have done that quite a bit in this world especially when I first got to Xbox one when I didn't have a whole bunch of saplings for like acacia or for like dark oak I would duplicate those but I'll be honest it has since gone past that a bit so this is kinda just become a duplication room I used to fight the wither all the time in here and so you'll notice you know the ceiling was a little roughed up it used to originally be obsidian but they just blew the heck out of that so I decided to get rid of that and you know it just reminds me of the good old days when I had to fight the wither constantly to get all the beacons that I have and then like I said we was sleeping there just so that if we did get killed which we got killed a lot fighting the wither we could get right into there really quick so that is about it for my original house and the reason I show it off so much is because this was like literally the combination of years of working on this so it's it's still one of my favorite things I don't live here anymore although it still just has so much so much used to it it's so many different builds put into one it's like you know a farm potion making fighting the wither all that stuff I just love it and so that's why I wanted to show it off and then we also have this pond here and this is my first beacon I don't remember quite when I got it but those fish we're just going insane there for a second I don't exactly remember when I first got it but when I first got my beacon I wanted to throw it right in the middle of town and so we call this town I think we call it like Ted polla we've had a couple different names sometimes we call it old tadpole iya because this was the first first town but yeah this house right here you can see it's the Simon the cat but you will notice it has a very large cat living in it and that is because this house is absolutely cursed because you know I love how it looks I think it's a very quaint little house however every single person that I have given it to has either like backstab me by stealing stuff from me or they tried to blow up the house or they just decided not to live here I don't know what it is every time I give this house to someone they ruin it or get themselves kicked off the server and my cat is no exception I gave this to my cat who I named Simon I threw him in here and he has since disappeared I have not seen that cat in well over like two years at this point so I now have my horse in here we call him dem hops because he is slow as molasses but boy howdy can he jump I think he can jump like six blocks or something like that he's a jumper so you know I can't use him as a normal horse but we threw him in here eventually he's probably gonna run away give him the track history of this place but I love it this house right here was owned by one of my friends he's the one who would love to make lag machines and so he has not been on in years but I still love it it's still a very cute little house he also had an obsession with the nether so that's why it has this very you know evil look to it and then right here we also have my lighthouse which I used to let people live in but similarly to the less similarly to this one because this one I actually had like griefers living the lighthouse I would give to people and they just wouldn't live in it so now it just serves as like a lighthouse and originally when we were very far from I say very far but like you know Xbox 360 left will far away from spawn this would sort of let people know where they were going to get over here and then finally before you know we start moving towards the city along here is something that I call unfinished Island now by the looks of it that's kind of a weird name we call it unfinished Island because this is an island where I've never really finished a project aside from this villager farm that I have right here like this villager breeder that I have we never really finished anything at one point I tried putting towers here that failed my original like two villager breeders didn't really work out that well I'd use it for a time to make an afk fishing farm but that also didn't really work and so now it's just swarmed with cats and then on the inside of that little thing right there which I can't really show off I can jump up to show you but this is where we got a whole bunch of villagers I actually made an entire video out of it we just have villagers in there and so you know maybe I should rename it to like the villager Island or something but we've always called it unfinished island I also left the road unfinished just you know to keep up with the lore but yeah this is it's a very quaint little thing that you would think being so close to my original town should be finished but I never actually did so yeah that is most of like old Ted polio and then the last two things I want to show off before we move on to the city are actually like you'll notice all of these trees that I have here I kind of wanted to make this original town like a utopia so it has one of each of the tree types aside from dark out in it just because you know in my travels of getting all of the saplings I wanted to bring him back and make this you know its own little place and then like I said that I am obsessed with farming this is my original farm in my world which is dummy big for some of you who have luck even bigger farms this may not seem like a lot but if you were to farm this entire farm you would not have to get food for like two real-life weeks it gives you stupid amounts of food and so you know we have never needed any other farms that's why the farms that I had before seemed kind of special because we never really had all that many in the world until I decided to just start building them out of vanity so this is my farm I absolutely love it and then if you come across here you will notice the city now this is probably my most recognizable part of my world and definitely what I think most people are proud of so before when I was saying that I like towers let me let me give you a quick flyover of just how many towers we have I think last count there were about 50 this basically just takes up one entire like continent I call it a continent but it's more of just like a little island this takes up one entire island completely filled with towers and I don't have time to go through all of these towers otherwise this video would be like three hours long but I just love it I don't know why originally in mind you this was before he ever thought of running I saw picture of like Trump Tower or no I think I went to Chicago and saw the Trump Tower there and I just thought it was amazing and since my name is you know tended tadpole I wanted one that had a big old T on it like shrimp tower again this was all created before he ever thought about running so there were no politics involved in that I just thought it would be neat so I can't remember I always say it was one of the other but I can't remember if it was actually the swirl tower that I have here or tadpole tower that I have here either way I just thought would be really neat to have stupid tall towers in the world and the original tadpole tower took about two weeks to build and since then I'm able to build the towers in about a day so I just love those towers if you do at some point want to see me go through like each of the towers I can because they do each have like their own little story a lot of them have some meeting there are some that I really don't care about it just pill them for fun but I love the city so getting back to the original part of it when you first came into the city the first thing assuming you aren't just awestruck inside the towers you will notice this here pyramid and that was actually the first thing that I built over here because you know I noticed it was a desert and I think in school we were learning about you know ancient Giza and so I wanted to make I think it to jeez I don't know I was learning about the pyramids and I just thought it would be really neat to have my own pyramid here and so much like the ones that they originally built I threw in some gold at the top and this was like literally all of the gold I had at the time and so I made this little pyramid I've had a number of friends try to live in it but every time they I think gnarly was the most successful he lived in it for a while for now it's just kind of meant to be like a little tomb type area I mean it's it's meant to just be a pyramid there are some chess where people just throw in random stuff from time to time but I don't know I just thought it was really neat it was never really meant to serve an actual purpose I just loved the idea of making a pyramid so I threw one in and that was sort of the start of all of this and then I decided this was after I spent a very long time building the houses over there so this was after I had like my full-on basement years into the world I decided I wanted to have a full-on castle and so I built this in other people's worlds at times but I just wanted my own castle and so I decided to make my own so it's literally just four walls with little towers on each of the four corners and I think it's absolutely magnificent I have lived here for I think the bulk of the world at this point I think it was the world was maybe like a year or two old when I made it and I have technically built a new house that I'm supposed to live in but I still don't actually live in that house but yeah so when you come in here the first thing you will notice the map here is all disoriented I don't know who somebody came in here and just messed with the map so I don't feel like fixing that right now but when you come in you'll notice I have the throne here where you know me being the king of the world I'll just sit here and you know glare - if you walk into the castle and then along the walls there aren't a ton of them I know but for everyone who has ever donated during like my live streams or has donated to like my paypal or something I've thrown the name on the wall all the way around again there aren't a ton of them but I really do appreciate each and every person who has donated to me during streams I looked on the super chat or something so I thought that would be a nice way to say thanks to them and then on the inside we also have these little guys right here that have either my best or just like some of my rarest armor so like you know you'll notice the chainmail it's not necessarily great it's just fairly rare and then my best set of armor right there they're basically just meant to just you know sit there and look cute and then oh one thing I do want to show off as well I built this here this big ol 1000 that there when I got to my first thousand subscribers and I love just keeping it there it is as a reminder to how far we've come so I just love all of this and then probably the best part of the tower or of the castle that we have would have to be the basement and this basement is magnificent I absolutely love it it has I mean I showed off my chest room before this is basically that chest room multiplied out by like what six or something like each one of these is as big as my original chest room and so this is just a giant chest room with anything you could ever want we have you know our nether stuff right here we have just random stuff here we have our food and our tools here we have stone and saying we just have anything you could possibly want I threw it all in here I also have some you know little armor stands here for decoration and then over here I've never really done much with it right there I have a duplicate err because like I said I have duplicated on the world I try not to use it that much but you know I use it more than I wish I did in here I have a little bedroom that is honestly pretty trash I've tried to update this thing a couple of times but I never seem to get it right and so that's really why I originally made my my new house that I will show off in a moment but yeah that's that's kind of what this was and then down here is not much but we have the enchanting table over there and then this right here is actually that rail that I showed off the subway earlier this leads up to that subway and so this side actually goes over to the suburbs that I showed off before and then this side over here still takes you to that original subway so I think it's nice I'll show off the bottom since I showed off the other one I think it's it's nice and quaint it's very beautiful and these minecarts I I don't know why they just go on in perpetuity I never really stopped them they just kind of bounce around so if ever you need to use this you'll always find a minecart just kind of just kind of going from place to place so yeah that's basically it for my castle I know I went through this a lot quicker than my original house and that's just because for the most part this is really just storage so yeah that's basically my castle over here we do have I know I showed I have a horse stable on the other side I do have my one fastest horses ooze right here that you know if ever I needed to get off in a jiffy I can use him whoa there's a lot of mops one thing I don't think I've showed off enough is in the towers I do also have I mean I showed you in in the other area that I flattened the entire area I also put in these roads that intersect absolutely everything so if ever you want to go from tower to tower you will notice the the great roads that go all around them and I mean I absolutely love everything about this city I think it's definitely my favorite thing that I've done in Minecraft so far so it's just wonderful so that's you know that's that's mostly it for most of the city but just outside of the city we have this little island here along this bridge which I love this bridge we call this Ted polio federal Island and that is because it has like the two federal buildings like the two government type buildings for the world and that is the nonagon and the bank and so the bank is exactly what you think it is it's literally just a bank up there is where we keep all of the diamonds we have an economy in this world that's literally just based on diamonds and so you know you'll come in here because we've had a lot of duplication in the world I try not to accept too many diamonds but you know if you're going on a great mining trip you would come in you throw your diamonds over to the teller the teller would take them up we also have like our own I have my own like in-person log where I keep all of the transactions so if the bank is ever robbed which it has been quite a few times we know how many diamonds each person actually has so yeah I mean we do actually have a fairly functioning economy on this world and so that's why we have the bank there and then over here is the nonagon and the reason we call it the nonagon you probably won't be able to tell if I fly up but it's technically like a nine sided building so you know how like the Pentagon is five sides well you know nonagon is nine sides and so it's difficult to tell but I will show you this side all the way over here is like technically rounded off and so you'll notice it's kind of rounded along the edges that's because it's technically round so it's not a face so I keep it nine sides you see what I mean but yeah so the nonagon the biggest thing that we really use the nonagon for would have to be the little like trial room that we have here remember the courtroom that we have here so if ever a crime is committed in the world usually would have to be like theft or killing someone we will hold a trial and so over here we have the prosecution we have the defense because I'm you know the king of my world I usually preside over the cases unless I'm involved in them and so we'll sit here we'll have witnesses come up for both sides we'll hear it all out and then we'll usually dole out a punishment of normally it's it's paying someone like a fine of however many diamonds or if they really want to go to the gladiator arena or go to prison or something like that we can raise that as well but like I said it's mostly fines and so if you do come in here and on the off chance that you are sentenced to prison what we will do is over here we have little jail cells which make up like the rounded side that I was showing off before so you're coming here you'll kind of just sit and wait and you know what we'll lock the door and keep you in here just like we have at the prison and then right here oh I don't know how that wolf got in there right here we have like I showed at the prison this is where that meets up too so if you are convicted of a crime you'll be brought over here and sent down this little this little pathway and it'll take you to the prison that I showed off earlier on in the video and so those are the two biggest things that we have for the nonagon upstairs I do also have my own little room because you know I am the judge so I have this little room here where I sit and we also funny story about this little desk right here I have a friend who was like I don't want to say he was dirt poor at the time but he wanted to build something I think he wanted this might have been for his house he didn't have enough diamonds to buy a plot of land to build something so he decided he needed a job and so I gave him a job of being like my little my little clerk for for the judge so he would sit here and anytime anyone would come up to get to to talk to me or something like that he would just yell at them like I'm telling you we would sit here it was like a day of just like fake role-playing of me being a judge where you know some of my friends came over and they're just like hey I have an issue and he would just yell at them to get them to leave so I thought it was hilarious and there on the backside I absolutely loved you have this nice view of all the towers over here and we also have well it's not technically a tower I absolutely love this thing right here it's a little sculpture that I built because you know we have enough towers I had plotted off usually when I'm building the towers I'll plot off a bunch of areas and then put the towers in and so I had this little plot here and I didn't want to build a tower and so I decided to make this little statue here that was originally meant to be like a snake and going in and through like the lava right here but because it's made of stone and because the head is kind of rounded all of my friends seem to think that this is like the Pokemon onyx so you know it's it's pretty much an optic statue this point and you know what it is what it is so I think it's great and then we also have this unfinished tower here that's meant to be like a construction site type thing I've been meaning to put a crane on the inside of that but I never do but you know what there's a lot of works in progress throughout the world and then finally over here before we move on I do want to show off this is our mall and I say mall very loosely which side goes down actually this side goes down I say very loosely because it almost never gets used but originally we made this as sort of a way where people could put their own shops and more often than not if somebody needs something they'll just go to another person and that's where they buy it so over here we have like a little tunnel area that was meant to be sort of like an escape room that we've never actually finished up because that leads to an abandoned mineshaft so eventually we'll do something with them all down here over here is my friend he calls it the cartography shop this is my friend ties he just has a little map room right here that we spent a lot of time investing in to get like the 3x3 maps and then it never ended up working so we kind of just gave up on that over here is actually my personal shop we call it the block shop where if you ever need to buy any blocks for any reason you can just come down here and we have I don't have a ton of them because like I said most people just come to my castle to get stuff but you can buy Shanker boxes here you can get obsidian I think there's stone there's grass there's just a whole bunch of stuff any any block you could want I'll sell down here and then over here we have our own little cafe which i think is quaint this is definitely when I was first trying to figure out trying to decorate so I threw in these little seats and then we also have like a downstairs area where it's supposed to be storage but you know what you you get the idea you know you get was more for the idea rather than the actual build and then right here is the suicide booth which may seem a little crass it may seem a little off-color but I built this because I think I was watching like Futurama at the time and so in something one of the first episodes they have like a suicide booth and the basic thing is you know you walk in you walk up there and then that'll pull out from under you and much like the execution chamber at the prison you fall to your death down there and then if you come through here you can go down and there's a chest with some hoppers and you can pick up all their stuff and so again if it comes across crass or it offends you I'm sorry about that it was meant to just be sort of a joke and so yeah that's basically it for the mall like I said it doesn't get a ton of use because any commerce that we really do have people just kind of figure it out on their own and so it's it's nothing too crazy so that is mostly it for the city I would give one last flyover because I think it's absolutely beautiful and it's just wonderful so the next couple things I want to show off our kind of just like bits and pieces that are all over the place Oh actually before we move on I do want to quickly show you this this here is you will notice an absolutely giant building and that is because this is our hospital and so let me fall down to the very bottom this is I mean it's exactly what I said it was it's a hospital where people can come in I've tried furnishing it a bit better we have a gift shop right here that's completely empty we have a couple of waiting rooms and then I just threw in a ton of offices all over the place so I don't want to show it all off because it's a lot I can show this off at a different if you guys want me to make a video of showing off the hospital or actually finishing it because not all the forces are even finished this is just sort of like a big project I wanted to throw in some beacons and other stuff because originally this was supposed to be the mall but as you will notice it's just too big it's too big to be the mall and so we decided to turn it into a little hospital and I think it's turned out lovely so yeah if you were wondering what that giant building was I finally addressed that but over here because I've mentioned it a few times after I built the castle you may have noticed it's it's less for me it's more so for my other friends my castle is very laggy at this point and that is because it's very old it has a lot of stuff near it and so instead of that we decided to come over here or I decided to come over here and build myself a new mansion and so it's not too far out you can still see one of the one of the towers from the city but this here is my mansion and I she spent a couple episodes building this on my channel so if you want to check those out they are on my channel it's basically just a big ol house that has a bunch of stuff that I could need I still haven't fully moved in because I haven't finished building it but we basically have the bedroom I tried getting B's for a while that's why I locked up the back way but back there we just have a couple of big old farms and then I got to make sure every so often a wolf will get in there just terrorize them now they're good okay we have some bees in there we have a little pantry right here we have my dogs because you know you gotta love the dog it's like basically every time I walk by here I'm not doing it now I'll just breed the dogs and so they just keep multiplying and I love it we have our own little kitchen right here and then there are a couple of floors that I think I'll stop showing it off before I take too long we've basically just furnished the whole oh there's the beef we've basically just furnished the whole place not completely some of the top floors are still not done but I'm just really proud of this because I mean I think you saw in my castle I was horrible at decorating and so I really wanted to make this look good and I hope you appreciate it as well so this is technically we were supposed to be living now and that is about it for my personal builds so like I said before we kind of from here split off into countries so after I built the city my friends decided that they wanted to do like their own different things with the world and so that's when the splits sort of happened and so the first area that we split is actually along this bridge right here and it was meant to be a friend of mine named gnarly it was meant to be his country but gnarly has decided he wanted a new country more times than I care to admit so along this bridge right here it's technically not my country but we built like a snowy suburbs so the suburbs that you saw before I would let literally anyone building so if anyone just joined the world and wanted to build someone could build in the suburbs these snowy suburbs over here that I've been meaning to give a name these are only for people who are like pretty good at building so I've had probably about five or so people come in and they just build these really nice houses that I absolutely love so it's meant to be sort of like a gated community where I put a fence all the way around the thing it's very snowy I love the snow and we just have a bunch of really nice houses and I don't think any of them are furnished because we have a horrible a horrible you know track record of not furnishing anything in the world but I just think the houses are really lovely and so yeah this is basically meant to be like the the fancier the upper living part of my world if that makes sense also before I fly off to quick that right there is a heart that my friend John I told him to come over and build a house and so he built this little heart that I just thought was so wholesome but yeah that's that's the one that's like not actually a full-on country let us head over to it was a tower that I sort of brushed over and very quickly but the tower that technically connects a lot of these is something that I call a grant Central Station it is a tower that my name is grant for those of you who don't know so it was a real play on words instead of like Grand Central Station we called it Grant Central Station and so it's this tower right here it's meant to sort of be especially before we had Ally Shara I threw this in here to be like a hub where you know we would have all of all of the railways to different countries as you can see we only have the one so you know that that might be another work in progress but let us quickly go to the first country that ever existed aside from my own and that is Thailand and finally here we are in Thailand now this isn't it's meant to be sort of like a play on words you know it's not spelled Thailand like th AI is spelled T why cuz my friend's name is Thai and so he thought it would be it was a very good play on words to call it Thailand you know T while and that's the name of the place it's a pretty bare-bones place because a lot of these countries when people made their countries didn't actually play on them too much just because it never really caught wind as much as you know my city did so over here there isn't a ton that we have this right here is a house that I built I will quickly go up the hill of here this Hill is actually or this house over here is actually the one made by Ty himself it's all boy why have so many creepers this is basically his house it's nothing too crazy he just has some chests a bed and then over here I really love this it has a nice little window that looks out into real snow we buy them I just love the snow and then over there you will notice that big old Tower like I have said numerous times I love towers and so on each person's country everyone is allowed to build their own like embassy and so you know because I build towers all the time I thought what better embassy than to put a giant Tower and so I'll show that off in a minute but there aren't too many builds this also leads into the cave where he has everybody has a nether portal that links up their country to my original one and we will go in that in a little bit because ties is the only one like I said that you can get to via rail so I prefer to do that then go through the nether but the biggest and probably most obvious part about Thailand would have to be the Jedi Temple and that is because my friend ty is a huge Star Wars fan he was a real big prequels fan and so when he decided to come over here and build his country he really wanted you know because I have the towers on my world or on my country that you know define what that place is but he wanted his own thing and so we decided to make the Jedi Temple for him originally he wanted to make like the Millennium Falcon or like the Death Star something and I'm like dude we can't not do that and so this is basically like a replica of the one the Jedi Temple that's on Coruscant and so when you walk inside we have recently furnished it just a little bit and I wouldn't even say furnish it we basically gave it like a flooring and made it to where it wasn't completely dark there's not much to it it's it's basically just meant to be a little I don't I'm not sure what he's gonna do with it actually but we built it because you know I love Star Wars and so deceived so we thought it would look nice and so that's probably the most recognizable part of Thailand and then over here like I was mentioning before my tower because we had we had some fun times in Thailand because first and foremost I love Tower and I also love farms one thing you will quickly notice is this is the only farm in Thailand so in a country made for my friend he kept having to mooch food off of me and so this sort of started not fights with me per se but some of my other friends that join the world were in arguments with him and they wanted to come to his his country very badly and so he decided to promptly banished them from coming to the country and so what we did because this is my embassy it's technically my property and so because it's you know Ted polio properly my other friends were allowed to come in here and so I basically had to make this like an actually livable place so that's why we have you know the enchanting table and then over here they decided to make this wonderful little mind that clearly juts out of my own property line and so you know they tried to make their own little secret base down here in Thailand because they wanted to overthrow him in his own country I know this sounds ridiculous but like they literally put this base down here so that they could overthrow my friend Thai in his own country so like I said not a ton happened here in Thailand it's just you know most of the stuff that did happen on my property and so eventually Thai came in and I think the way they did it was like you know oh you don't have an extradition treaty with Thai so like I couldn't I couldn't let Thai in to just you know come in and kill them because they were illegally on his property and so you know at one point we just kicked them out and Thai decided to kill everyone that was on his country or that was in his country aside from me so part of the reason that you will not see a lot of stuff made in Thailand is because Thai was a bit of a tyrant as a ruler and so yeah that's about it for Thailand because you know we already had to take a pretty long rail ride to get over here for the next couple countries I'm going to go in through the nether because we do have a nice little another hub but I will cut to when we finally make it to like the centre of the nether hub okay so this is the nether of my world and one thing that I should also mention is this nether portal right here is not the one that we went through in Thailand this actually links up to the nether portal that is in the basement of my Ridge the house that I showed off so just just to stop some confusion there that's what this is my nether is not it leaves much to be desired part of the reason I haven't done a lot with my nether is because the new nether update will be coming to Minecraft soon and I don't want to explore too much I want to leave it sort of a small you know rendered nether so that I can get like the nether right and all the cool stuff that they're adding so my nether isn't incredible but basically I made these little hallways that lead in each of the cardinal directions you know that go I don't know the directions right now but let's assume you know like west north and east something like that these are basically the directions that they go in and so we came from that way technically over there is where you come in from Thailand the next country that was built actually I'll go this way the next country that was built and then rebuilt and then rebuilt again was my friend gnarly his name his full name is for gamertag I should say is gnarly wrecks and so he wanted to create his own country that he was going to call rexington and so he tried out a couple of different lands for some reason every time he would get a country he would decide he needed a new one and so eventually we finally went through the nether created this portal and it brought him here which was a little acacia biome and so up these stairs is what we like to call rexington now this is the newest of the nations it was created ooh it was only a couple of months ago and I should say this specific one because like I said gnarly has had a couple of different countries but one day I think it was like on a weekend when he got on on a whim we decided to create his own little town up here which i think is absolutely adorable it basically just has you know a little farm with some stuff over here and then over here I think there are only like four or five buildings so this right here is my house that I built which I like to think I got a little bit better at furnishing things but this right here is the little house that I had in here it has a nice little nice little fireplace it has a kitchen and then upstairs it has this wonderful wonder a little bedroom than I have but what can I get this ladder but it also has this big old care for him that I built oddly enough I said that I didn't do a ton in Thailand pretty much everything you see here in rexington I built because gnarlie is a rather stubborn individual which gnarly if you're watching you know you're a pretty stubborn individual he basically picked the land and then questioned whether he actually wanted it and so we basically built him a little country here my friend John built this house we have a little fishing dock I think it's I don't know if it's a fishing or a boat dog we have a little dock right here and then a fishing hut here I built a little house right there for salver most of it is pretty empty that's why I'm not showing any of it off really we have a couple of farms you know in case you need some food and I have tried to keep the cows to themselves but somehow every time I do a sheep mask just to get in anyway so I kind of gave up on that one this over here is just I thought would be really neat to try and like hide the beacon that we were using for him so I think it's neat that it has like a little a little dirt pile because I wanted this to kind of look like a little African village if that makes sense I didn't mean for it to be like super dilapidated or anything like that I just wanted to look you know not so urbanized you know how my entire city just looks like that so we have this little town here and then gnarly himself has a little house here that we kind of tried to furnish but then didn't entirely so yeah I think this is definitely definitely an ode to gnarly that you know he was so stubborn he didn't want to make his own village so this is rexington all right so back at the hub for my another to get to rexington you would have to go that way the next country over that we are going to go to is actually just straight this way but it's pretty far so I'm gonna have to cut this again and that is salvia and that is because you know we try to name the countries after the person who owns it so you know we have Thailand for tie we have rexington for gnarly wrecks and then my friend Sal Burt made her country and we call it salvia now unlike the other two countries that honestly aren't that far away and you can really just fly to them in the overworld salvia is pretty far away so that's why you will notice that we of this nice little ice Shrek that we take boats across although I already put my boat away but yeah so sabi is pretty far away so to get to salvia you you actually have to go through the nether but when you get to salvia I mean I just think this place over the three countries I definitely think this is the most well thought-out and she actually worked on quite a bit so when you first get to salvia she has her nice little castle here that I love because you know I built the big ole spawn for my entire world so I like that when you actually come to salvia she did something to make it seem welcoming you know for ty you kind of just come in in a craggily cave for gnarly it's basically in mine but force albert she has this nice little nice little castle right here and it has some beds in here just in case you want to stay but aside from the castle similarly too gnarly in effect she didn't do a ton here in Sally yet so she has this little this little ravine where she put some she put some stained glass over it which she kind of stole from me but you know we're gonna accept it for what it is but she has this that's basically it so over here similarly to width gnarly I decided to build a whole bunch of stuff and so I have my own little house here she doesn't actually even have a mind here that's my mind that I built here and then I built a little farm over there and then actually drone Napper who built a house that you saw in the suburbs before put a house here as well so I think it's really quaint I like salvia so far definitely this is a project that will be worked on more and more in the future because Sal Burt does play quite a bit and so I anticipate she will be helping quite a bit on her own country so this is one sort of to look out more for the future with and then one other thing that I love about salvia is and this is I think the second video that I have mentioned this Sal Burt does not pay attention necessarily to what I'm doing when I come to her country so I decided to just come out here with a whole bunch of stone and put in another pyramid because like I said I love pyramids so you know this is the third pyramid of the world I threw this in here and she has yet to call me on it so Sal Burt I don't know if you're gonna be watching this far because you know even when I make ten minute videos you only watch halfway through room but you know everybody else you can kind of ignore that one just you know it's a pyramid but but I love that I have made two videos now where I'm showing off her pyramid and she has yet to see it so yeah shout out to south and then the final country to actually show off in the world is one that I made an entire series about on my channel so I'm going to only very briefly show it off so back at my nether hub the final country that is in my world is actually one that I myself created and I definitely think is the most hashed out now if you're not new to my channel you definitely know about this but for those of you who are new to my channel I actually made an entire series out of building this I called it running away and the main purpose for this one was because you know my other friends wanted their own country where they could have their own stuff in my world but I figured because I mean you've seen the city that I've had you've seen all the stuff that I've built I decided that I wanted to have you know my own little my own little separate area away from all the other things and I didn't want to create my own new world for it and so I decided to build my own little area that I called the series running away because you know I was running away from from all the other stuff that I have but we now call this area tad shy and so I don't want to show it off too much because I already did an entire tour of it if you'd like to see that I'll throw something on screen and also put that in the description but this is tad shire it's basically just like an old English or Germanic village I'm not sure what you would call it where you know we basically just lived here for like I think it took about six months and maybe nine months to create it I'm not sure exactly how long did it took but we basically just tried to restart I came here originally without anything else and we restarted and tried to play it like a new survival world and I absolutely love the place it's kind of where I got this this nice little wall and the gate theme that I eventually put around my entire spawn but I think it's absolutely lovely if you would like to see either the world tour or for it or we built this entire thing you know as a video series so if you want to see either of those I will throw both of those in the description of this but ah I just love this place so with a lot of my other builds as well as the other countries out of the way I want to finish up on a few key builds that we have in the world and that is because I mean a lot of things that I have or honestly some fluff and some of these are at least to me some of the most sentimental builds that I have in the world and most of them are actually on this little cove right here and so I think the one that stands out to me the most is this cake and this cake was actually I made it as part of a video this was made on the 6th birthday of my world just because I mean like I said at the beginning this video this this world is amazing I absolutely love it I definitely talked about it in my last world to her a lot more but this world has been through with me through a lot of difficult times in my life it was with me when my uncle died when my grandma died when I found out some of my family members were sick you know it was like I could come here and it would sort of be like a little a little I don't want to say like a mini therapy session but it was very therapeutic to me to plan this world so to pay homage I I made this cake here that I think is absolutely adorable my friend gnarlie helped me with it and on the inside we basically turned it into a little Museum where we have some like important blocks or things that represent you know some important times like you know when I first built the towers or when I transferred it to the x-bow and things like that so I absolutely love this cake and it definitely means a lot to me it's one of the more meaningful things in my world over here while it doesn't necessarily mean a ton to me I really really like this build actually one of one of my subscribers built it this is our little panda sanctuary and the reason I love it so much is because I feel like this was really the first time that I let subscribers come on and help me much and this was because it was the first time I had really gotten pandas in my world and they came on and we got some some baby pandas and my friend ty promptly came over and killed them and so out of the kindness of his heart I believe it was comedy shout out to you came over here and built this entire panda sanctuary that I absolutely love and I mean it's just beautiful it's definitely is overflowing with bamboo but it's something that you know while it may not necessarily be incredible I definitely appreciate it I think it was very surreal after you know my YouTube channel first started to pop off that I actually had people who would want to come on and help me with builds like this so I just love this because it's very sentimental to me and I love that it's in the city as well because you know you get to have the pain this year and then I think the second to last thing that I will show off is probably one of the biggest builds I think it's the biggest singular build that we have not timewise but like physically and that is W CPM mansion and we call it W CPM mansion because you know back in like the black ops 2 days we had our little clan that we called W CPM and we decided everyone that was a member could live in one big ole big old mansion and so because I have a thing for building giant mansions that I will never actually use we built just this stupid large mansion here that is I don't even I think it's like six floors tall five or six floors tall we're each member of like our little clan would be given a floor where they could build obviously as with all great builds in my world it is completely empty but I absolutely love just the aesthetic of it like the outside look of it over here we do have like it was it was a very odd one it was like its own little island and it had a lake within the island so I thought it was beautiful it's basically like our little swimming pool here and then we also have an entire other mansion made for just the guest house so this is definitely one of my favorite builds even though much like most of the towers it's completely empty I really like it and so yeah I don't know it definitely doesn't serve much of a purpose it was really meant to sort of bring all of us as friends together like you know I would definitely recommend this on your own world make it like a town hall or something you can actually use but building something with a bunch of friends where you're all sort of working towards something you all kind of own is definitely one of my favorite things so that is why to me this this building definitely holds a special place in my heart and so with all of that out of the way I think we're about done with my world and so I figure what better place to end than the end so over here it's actually ooh I don't remember if this was actually the first ever mansion that I built but it was definitely one of the first mansions that I ever built it's this I don't think it looks great I'm gonna be honest but when we first found the end this whole spot was one big ol swamp I know it definitely looks a lot more tamed now but I mean you can see the trees over there this was just a big old swamp that had almost nothing in it and so what we did was we decided you know we came in here we found the the end portal all the way down here but interestingly this is just a room right here has nothing in it but interestingly when we were going down there to get to the stronghold we also found a little spawner right over here and you will notice if it spawns is it going to spawn I don't know it might take a second this is actually a skeleton spawner and that doesn't sound all that interesting because it's like who cares just a skeleton spawner it used to be a zombie spawner at some point we were transferring it I think from Xbox one addition to bedrock addition it got transferred into a skeleton spawner which I just find very fascinating because you know it wasn't originally I also have this light where you can turn it kind of on and off things will still spawn somewhat but you can definitely hinder it quite a bit if you turn that on so interesting thing if you want to be able to turn your spawner on and off just add some lanterns to it or some redstone lanterns to it and then we used to have the little output right here where they could either you know they'd go up all the way and then they'd either fall to their death and we can collect their stuff there or they'd fall and be one shot right there and very useful I absolutely love it and then last but certainly not least if you come through here and I really ought to make a better pathway for this but you literally just walk in here and then you take a left right here and it will take you right to our end portal and so what do you do you come in here I've definitely tried to you know modernize it a bit and so I have a tower as I have to as well as you know my stereotypical road that I threw in here however if I come on over here I got to be very careful not to look at these guys you will notice I bought the Enderdragon at one point after creating it and so you know kinda got a little messed up but yeah I haven't done much with the end actually when I years ago when when you used to be able this was actually before you could reset the end I came in here and I completely filled the end in water I spent two weeks doing that and then I built an ender ender right about where that obelisk is and since then they they made it to where you could reset the end and I lost all of that progress so I definitely think the end is something that I want to do more with you know whether I make an ender ender or whether I just make you know a city here or do something with it this is definitely something that I want to work on in the future that's why I started making you know a little tower right there but you know this this is just I think it's a great place to end of so I really want to thank everybody who has watched thus far I know in my last World Tour nobody made it into like the hour-long that was and this will probably be like an hour and a half something like that so I really do want to thank everyone who has watched I've been asked a whole bunch of times by people you know if it would be okay if you took anything from my world and used it for inspiration I absolutely love that people can can see my world like see towers or something like this and get inspiration from it so please feel free if you like what you see and you would like to do something with this I would love it if you rebuilt that stuff in your own world I would appreciate if you didn't try to like you know steal it and pass it off as your own or something like that but honestly everybody gets inspiration from somewhere so if you want to build anything that you've seen anywhere in my world I would be happy to let you do that I would love it if you tweeted a picture of it to me as well because I love seeing people do stuff like that but thank you guys so so so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I also love how because how old this world is every time I go through the nether of the end something like this happens but thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed like I said before if you didn't see part one and you'd like to see my original world or not my original put a year ago you can check that one out but thank you guys so much for watching if you liked the video I would love it if you left a like and if you're new here I would absolutely love if you subscribed so thank you guys so much for watching and I will catch you guys next time true skin do [Music]
Channel: TendedTadpole2
Views: 1,210,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Survival world, minecraft xbox, minecraft xbox world, tendedtadpole2, cool minecraft, cool minecraft world, cool minecraft buildings, minecraft towers, tendedtadpole2 world, minecraft world, xbox, best minecraft world, cool minecraft house, minecraft survival, mansion, minecraft mansion, giant minecraft build, minecraft world tour, cool minecraft builds, minecraft skyscraper, minecraft city tour, minecraft city, bedrock, minecraft bedrock, old minecraft world tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 18sec (5358 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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