20 Avatar Mysteries That Need Explaining

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it's been 16 years and yet fans around the world are still theorizing about avatar still theorizing about avatar and with the fresh and exciting launch of avatar studios we're about to get even more to talk about for at least a decade or two the beauty of theory is that we don't always have to find answers but we can imagine potential events or even what-if scenarios so hey grab a drink and some snacks and let's start discussing important questions like is cabbage bending possible would cora kick ang's butt in a fight why is mei so grumpy all the time alright here's 20 avatar mysteries that need explaining when rava merged with juan to defeat vatu they started what is known today as the avatar cycle after the harmonic convergence juan lived on as the first avatar but his legacy lived on after his death as he was reborn in the next avatar there have been mentions about korra being the reincarnation of aang and aang that of roku but what is actually reincarnated we know for a fact that rava can still manifest as her original self as seen when unlock pulls the spirit out of korra but is it really each avatar that's reincarnated or only their memories living through rava since tenzin meetsang in the fog of lost souls what might be transferred from one host to the other might not be a reincarnation of one but simply rava and her memories through previous avatars while iro is known as the dragon of the west we all know that he didn't slay the last living dragon but iro's meeting with the sun warriors and by extension the two dragons ren and shaw remains shrouded in mystery since the sun warriors are believed to be extinct how did iro stumble upon them did he meet them the same way aang and zuko did and was he alone when he did since he was the general of the fire nation army back then wouldn't he have traveled with a few soldiers there's a lot of mystery still hanging in the air about ira and the sun warriors encounter one way to solve this would be if the newly created avatar studios produces an iro spin-off series giving us a bit more about his life during the 100 year war and how he became everyone's favorite uncle saying that zuko's family is weird is quite an understatement while there's tons of strange things happening under the fire nation royal palace's roof there's also something peculiar happening when they walk the outside world while the royal family has made a great deal of effort to be feared and even more so since fire lord of zulon ascended to the throne and almost wiped out an entire nation it seems that they go unnoticed when outside the palace's walls when zuko and azula traveled to amber island for a vacation none of the other kids seemed to recognize the prince and the princess whether or not ozai only allows his face to be known throughout the fire nation it still feels a bit weird that the two most famous teenagers in the whole nation would not be recognized there might be a secret rule we don't know about or they just might be too scared to end up engulfed in blue flames so they play it cool one burning question that pretty much everyone has when it comes to top storyline and cora is who are her children's fathers because it seems that there were two men in her life one of them might just be satoru the son of the fire nation man loban who founded the earthen fire refinery with toff's father lao befong tof met satoru during the comic book the rift when ang tried to revive the yang chen's festival in cranefishtown there is a crystal clear attraction between the earthbender and the fire nation boy but since they had to battle the vengeful ancient spirit general old iron things between them were left unexplored so far but with the comic books still being published we might get to know if the two eventually ended up together and who that second mystery man will be for the only waterbender of the southern water tribe kotaro was surprisingly skilled from turning water into shards of ice to healing wounds and to one of the most impressive skills blood bending katara has shown off the amazing extent of her bending arc more than once but something technically doesn't make sense about how she uses her powers when she uses water to blast through wood or metal using water whips it seems unlikely that it would actually cut through while the way she does it makes for a very cool effect animation wise water could only cut through metal at a very high pressure point for one but also at a straight angle the curvy way her water hits steel objects would basically only make them wet or maybe dent them a little since saka puts so much effort into the making of a space sword made out of meteorite ore it's a bit of a mystery why he didn't go searching for it after it fell into the wulong forest during the same event he even sacrificed his trademark boomerang to save fire nation soldiers from falling from an airship down to their death below while the boomerang is easily replaceable although it holds symbolic value the blade made out of meteorite ore is quite a rare item the comics haven't addressed this issue yet but an interesting future trilogy featuring saka and toff using her seismic sense to find the space sword would be one cool quest to include for the comic books or a future limited series while waterbenders have access to greater energy when the moon is hanging high in the sky and more so during solar eclipses firebenders are the total opposite their main source of energy is a giant burning star floating right in the middle of our solar system when the moon hides the sun firebenders literally lose their ability to bend fire so their powers are linked to a star this is where the whole susan's comet thing makes little sense when the comet passes near earth firebenders become overpowered as we've seen when they defeated the air nomads but there's just one slight problem a comet does not really emit any fire itself made of ice and dust it would make more sense that it would power up waterbenders or earthbenders the fire surrounding the comet is only the consequence of the comet entering the earth's atmosphere and not an initial part of the flying rock the mysterious lion turtles might have been granted more screen time during cora's beginnings episode but little is known about the fate of the last lion turtle when ang was trying to come up with a way to stop fire lord ozai without having to end his life he stumbled upon what is believed to be the very last lion turtle these gigantic beasts that were once the protectors of mankind are rumored to have been brought to extinction by the humans themselves after they were allowed to keep various types of elemental bending abilities the last time we saw one of those creatures they gave aang the power to energy bend and set sail to who knows where hopefully future avatar studios productions will reveal a bit more about what happened to the mythical creature one thing that's for sure about the smaller tribes within the four nations is that we don't know much about them as i mentioned earlier in the entry about iro the sun warriors are kept as a mysterious tribe believed to have been extinct but other smaller tribes like the c wong desert tribes or the foggy swamp tribe do not have such a desire to stay hidden the foggy swamp waterbenders have helped in the effort to bring down ozai and his tyrannical rule which could have brought them onto the stage of politics but as somewhat confirmed in the legend of korra it wasn't so much the case this makes me wonder what would happen if the next avatar was born into one of these isolated tribes the air nomads the fire nation the water tribes and the earth kingdom all have their own way to test if a child is truly the avatar but what about the others this is something the legend of genji seems to explore with their sand-bending avatar genji who was born in the desert and not discovered as the avatar even in his late teens zuko and may might both be the worst and best match ever seen in an animated series while the series ends with them together they actually broke up in the comic book the promise as may finds another boyfriend named kaylo but good news for the zuma ship the two broke up but there's still a chance that may actually might be izumi's mother after all she does kinda look like her the last time the two lovebirds really worked together was in the smoke and shadow trilogy when mae's little brother got kidnapped by the fake kimurikage led by the psychotic azula while they eventually defeated azula and her newly founded fire warriors the crazy lightning bender is still at large so chances are we'd see more of zuko anime fighting side by side and maybe more one thing that is interesting but rather peculiar about animals in the avatar universe is the fact that some of them can bend elements well that in the fact that a lot of them are weird mixes between species like the adorable turtle ducks and the weird-looking cat gator flying bison can airbend in order to float around the world dragons can obviously fire bend and badger moles can earthbend by using seismic sense an incredible skill they taught toff when she was little but the question is how did they get those powers i could understand how the spirit dragon that taught juan would fire ben since spirits have been known to hold some magical powers and can even shift to dark creatures if disturbed but there's still a lot of mystery behind the fact that avatars fauna are born with natural elemental bending abilities are they the result of hybrid spirit animals and regular animals mating a discovery channel style show about these hybrid animals might be one good way to find out remember bosco that adorable dancing bear who was often accompanying earth kingdom's king quay for a while cue and bosco set out on a journey across the world as the earth kingdom abandoned him but the king eventually returned to reclaim his throne after the end of the hundred years war we're not quite sure what happened to that huggable fluff of hair but it seems that his fate might have been a grisly one pun intended it was implied in the legend of korra that bosco was eventually served on a plate for the horrible earth queen how ting now one would think that the creators of the show would not be so cruel as to how ting eat bosco right wrong in a dvd commentary both of them actually confirmed that indeed bosco ended up as a meal for the earth queen while there are four official nations that can be found in the avatar map it seems that this does not actually reflect the reality of the franchise's world for instance there are actually two kings in the earth kingdom the crazy white lotus member boomi in omashu and king kwei or later on quing hao ting in the walled bossing sei the same can somehow apply to the fire nation as on one side we have the fire lord ruling from the fire nation capital and the sun warriors having their very own singular culture when it comes to the water tribes we have the northern and southern ones which are so far apart that they highly differ in cultural identity of course there's also the foggy swamp tribe and the c wong tribes but for a time there was also the so-called fifth nation introduced in the rise of kiyoshi this group led by tagaka in the novel were a diverse group of pirates coming from various corners of the world in some ways this was an early slightly illegal version of republic city where nations mix unlike zuko azula never got to have her redemption arc but does she really deserve it no no not really azula is a very interesting villain and the franchise should definitely keep her that way after trying to impress her fire daddy to compensate for her mother's fear towards her tylee and may's betrayal and zuko siding with team avatar azula completely lost her mind the pressure to become a fitting tyrant like her father was so strong that she eventually ended up in an insane asylum but was released by zuko in the search to help find her mother ursa while she surely was of help from time to time she acted like a ticking time bomb for most of the journey before disappearing at the thin air as explained earlier her last appearance as of yet was in smoke and shadow where she tries to control the throne from behind the scenes we still don't know what happened to her between avatar and cora but one theory i have is that her fire warriors orchestrated mako and bolin's parents death it's quite impressive that every single air nomad is born an airbender this can be explained by the fact that these people are way more spiritually connected than any other nations and in order to airbend properly one needs to constantly nurture this connection to the spirit world when kyoshi's mother jessa left the air nomads to live a life of crime with the flying opera company her airbending powers dwindled and she had to resort to using golden fans in order to increase and direct her powers while a lot of these kids are heir to airbending powers what happens if one of them is born a non-bender i mean if it happens in other nations it could also happen to them right but more importantly how would a non-bender air nomad travel without the ability to fly with an airbender staff would they be stuck on top of those high perch temples forever with harmonic convergence changing the game for the airbenders it'd be interesting to see how a non-bender would grow up with the air nomads [Music] throughout its run avatar kept one huge secret from its viewers regarding the whereabouts of zuko's mother ursa only seen through flashbacks her leaving her children left both of them scarred for life she was zuko's anchor while living in the madness that is the fire nation royal palace and her negligence of azula probably helped her fall into madness before stepping over the edge azula literally started hallucinating about her mother it was revealed in the comics that she helped ozai kill his own father azulon with poison and left to return to her hometown where she rekindled with her first love icum to escape the fire lord's torment she asked the mother of faces to change her face as did i come years ago the only problem is that she would lose some of her memories the two eventually had a daughter she got her memories back and they went to live with zuko remember when katara saved zang after he was lightning struck by azula at the time she used healing spirit water she was saving for a good occasion but that moment which almost took aang's life was not the first life-threatening event the waterbender was faced with in book 3 during the lake laogai arc jett escaped the secret police after being brainwashed but after his escape he was attacked and contrary to what he said to katara before she left he wasn't fine while she tried to heal him using water bending she could have used the healing spirit water she was traveling with after all how could she have known aang would need it while fighting against the zula or maybe she was just saving it for use on the avatar only if it was saka lying there instead of jets things might have turned out differently while the sages who were part of the white lotus were introduced throughout avatar they were not introduced at first as such members of the secret organization like iro boomi jong-jong and paku were only revealed towards the end of the series as they set out to liberate bossing sei from the clutches of the fire nation during the passing of sozen's comet before getting involved with finding the avatar when everyone passes away the order of the white lotus's original goal was to gather scholars from the four nations to share knowledge amongst themselves little is known about the order's origin story as they mostly work behind the scenes but i'm curious to find out how ira became the grand lotus can we get that iro spin-off already now there's always an amount of hypocrisy when it comes to heroes with a no kill rule in a world where a devastating war has been waged for so long there is bound to be a few casualties from the enemy's side characters without a name or a face are often seen as disposable and are sacrificed without anyone even mentioning them ever again this is what happens with most of the masked fire nation soldiers that aang ends up killing when he destroys airships or even boats full of them some are blown away others are drowned and yet aang just goes on living his life without really caring about it when it comes to ozai the avatar can't seem to be able to end his life like he did with the others although maybe in a more indirect way the most hilarious gag of the entire franchise clearly goes to the poor cabbage merchant who keeps getting his cart destroyed by the gang but what do we really know about him besides the fact that he sells cabbages pretty much nothing really although we see him in the comic books as the owner of the cabbage delicacies bistro and later on the founder of cabbage corp and cora the poor guy was never even given an actual name the identity and origin story behind the cabbage merchant is clearly one of the most pressing unsolved mysteries in the whole avatar franchise right under our book one video user ryan n wonders if firebenders would affect someone's nervous system by sending electrical pulses well since waterbenders have blood bending and airbenders can steal the air out of someone's lungs it could be a possibility let me take your idea a bit further and suggest that maybe they could also use mind control by controlling electrical pulses in the brain
Channel: CBR
Views: 862,353
Rating: 4.9028168 out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar the last airbender, aang, airbending, avatar studio, bolin, earthbending, firebending, genji, katara, korra, the legend of genji, the legend of korra, uncle iroh, waterbending, zuko
Id: KKvW_z2q7-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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