5 Most Powerful Avatars Ranked

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isn't that whole channel a mess?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/XiuhtecuhtliVazquez ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 15 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Welp CBR is always posting random shit so of course they are constantly changing. At least they put her above Wan and Roku, but Kyoshi really doesn't deserve her spot.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tekton1c ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] who do you think is the greatest strongest most powerful bestest avatar of all time who do you think is the goat avatar even though only a few avatars have ever been mentioned on the show which is a travesty there have been hundreds and hundreds of avatars throughout history i'd imagine how long the show would have been if we learned about every single avatar anyway from the first avatar one to the most recent avatar cora we've seen them restore peace to the universe by mastering all four elements so i'm gonna rank the most powerful avatars who have separated themselves from the pack it's only fair to start off with the first avatar one he was the most spiritual avatar of all time seeing as he lived back when the physical world and the spirit world were one back then human cities were on the backs of lion turtles that were capable of giving humans power to go into the spirit woods and defend themselves these powers would later become known as the elements once the humans returned they would give their powers back to the lion turtle so they don't harm anyone in the city these lion turtles were essentially the guardians of human civilization as you can see times were much simpler back then juan was the first human to treat the spirits with respect despite mastering the power to bend fire and eventually earned their respect and fused with rabba the spirit of light and peace he was the first human to live among the spirits rava had to hold the other abilities for one because the lion turtle said you can't have more than one element at a time weird rule i know but once rava fused with him at the harmonic convergence he was finally able to use all four elements and sealed the dark spirit vatu in the tree of time this separated the physical and spirit worlds for the next ten thousand years decisively defeating vatu was no easy feat whatsoever but it took fusing with rava for one to even stand a chance so it wasn't all his doing sure he accessed the avatar state and sealed vatu away for ten thousand years but he needed some help from the spirit of light and peace i'm sure he did so much good for the world in his lifetime that we weren't able to see but at the end of the day war is inevitable and he lost his life trying to bring peace to the world they say that the avatar benefits from the knowledge of their past lives but considering one is the first avatar he had no past lives to benefit from juan was clearly the strongest human of his time and the first to master all four elements but over the last ten thousand years there have been some stronger avatars than him [Music] roku succeeded kiyoshi and preceded eng he was one of the most well-respected avatars in history from the day he learned he was the avatar roku spent countless hours studying and learning everything about the history of the world and the four elements he was the most dedicated avatar and probably the wisest and most experienced one as well naturally this led to roku mastering the elements quickly and becoming incredibly powerful but not everything came easy to him sure learning the four abilities was a breeze for him but he struggled with the avatar state at first similar to aang he initially was out of control but eventually got it down pat roku had one big weakness and that was his tendency to show mercy he mentioned that he was too indecisive in his life which eventually led to his downfall he grew up best friends with fire lord sozen over time sozen and him grew distant since like most fire lords for some reason zozin wanted the fire nation to conquer the world while roku wanted to keep world peace this put roku in between a rock and a hard place he defeated susan in battle and had the opportunity to take his friend's life but he showed mercy which led to a war that would last 100 years roku would later lose his life defending his hometown from a volcano threatening to destroy it he died because of his decision and it was clear that his choice weighed heavily on him when we saw aang talk to him he wanted to make sure that aang didn't make the same mistakes as him and let him know that he very well might need to take fire lord ozai's life if it came down to it he wanted ang to be stronger than he was some would see roku's inability to take sozen's life as a sign of weakness but that's not necessarily the case of course the avatar should have taken him out then and there knowing how sozin had the potential to bring chaos to the world but roku still showed his strength when he put his life on the line to save his hometown and came up short that being said it was a very underwhelming way for roku to go out next up is protagonist of avatar the legend of korra you guessed it it's korra herself being the main character of one of the series means that we know more about korra than most avatars honestly she's probably the most naturally gifted out of all of the avatars she mastered water bending fire bending and earth bending by the age of four something that took the other avatar's years and years of training she mastered as a kid it's actually insane when you think about it she was a natural cora only struggled with airbending because it was so much different than what she was used to yet she was also the first avatar to learn metal bending she's all about combat and power very heads strong and willing to do anything to save those she loves but that doesn't mean that she was the most powerful avatar you'd also think that since she's the most recent avatar she'd be the strongest one but her connection to the past avatars was severed in her battle against unilak and vatu she did retain the spirit of rava which could temporarily increase her strength so it wasn't all bad for cora but losing that connection to the past avatars is a big deal korra lacked focus and commitment in other areas the reason she struggled so much with airbending was because it involves keeping a calm mind something she's always had difficulty with she's very hot tempered and emotional which caused her to lag well behind other avatars in her spiritual training even when she was able to enter the spirit world she didn't get along with the spirits at first because she had trouble keeping a positive attitude she was far from the most balanced avatar in battle cora could be a force to be reckoned with due to her mastery of combat just look at her experience in the pro scene the fire ferrets only lost to the white falls wolf bats in the finals because they were cheating not because they were better than the team in most battles including those not in the pro-bending scene cora often relied on the help of others to get the job done which made her look weaker than some of the other avatars we've seen [Music] an argument could be made that kiyoshi should be considered the strongest avatar but i believe that she was the second strongest she was undoubtedly the most ruthless avatar out of all of them and shared a lot of similarities with korra they're both headstrong and like to face conflicts head-on but the difference is that kiyoshi didn't have the easiest upbringing she was born to two criminals who eventually abandoned her but despite all of this her parents were the inspiration behind her unique outfit kiyoshi was the tallest and longest living avatar of all time in fact she single-handedly used her immense power to create kiyoshi island instead of fighting chin the conqueror kiyoshi entered the avatar state and broke off a chunk of the peninsula where she lived from mainland earth kingdom which would later become known as kiyoshi island chin was standing right on the edge of the cliff and lost his life when the ground gave out from under him kiyoshi wasn't the most well-liked avatar because she did things her way which tended to work out more often than not kiyoshi could honestly top this list just from the feat of strength alone but wait there's more in the novel the rise of kiyoshi we learned so much more about the warrior the first time kiyoshi used the avatar state she boiled the sea and capsized plenty of ships with jets of rock coming from the sea floor yeah if you thought aang's avatar state was impressive hers was also very powerful she was able to send armies into a complete panic all on her own from a horrific upbringing to having enough power to create a whole island by herself kiyoshi has done some unbelievable things in her time she mastered her iconic combat style where she combined her fans with bending to give her the utmost precision her armor protects her against arrows and other projectiles she even passed down her legacy to a whole group of women on her island the kiyoshi warriors while the kiyoshi warriors might not be masters of any elements they dedicate their life to keeping kioshi island and the greater earth kingdom safe in her honor last but certainly not least we have aang the strongest avatar in history he is of course the protagonist of avatar the last airbender and one of the best main characters of all time there are so many things that impress me about aang i don't even know where to start but i guess we could start where it all began technically aang is 112 years old during the show but he was frozen in ice for a hundred of those years so he's actually just 12. yes you heard that right aang defeated the firelord and brought peace to the world at just 12 years old it's unbelievable technically aang went through the most avatar cycles since his successor korra lost their connection with the past avatars that means that aang went through the most avatar cycles and benefited the most from his past lives so his inner power was stronger than any other avatar in history being the last airbender ang knew all there was to know about airbending but he didn't know how to use any of the other three elements he mastered each of the other three elements in under a year he didn't perfect them but he learned enough about them to defeat fire lord ozai i feel like if he had more time he would have definitely been able to master something else like blood bending metal bending or lava bending aang wasn't just strong physically but he was morally strong as well despite all of the avatars telling aang that he might have to permanently take care of firelord ozai if you know what i mean why would i put my finger on his throat he spared the fire lord finding a way to take his bending and not his life that was a huge responsibility for yang to deal with but he got the job done and ended the war while still showing mercy he even did incredible things in adulthood with firelord zuko that we weren't able to see eng is the most powerful and well-respected avatar of all time because he was strong in multiple different aspects not just in terms of bending he created a legacy that will last forever and is immortalized through a gorgeous statue in republic city [Music] man i wish i could master the four elements i'd be able to heat up my coffee in the cold and even shield myself from the snow life would be perfect that being said i'd probably be the least responsible avatar ever so you wouldn't want the fate of the world in my hands
Channel: CBR
Views: 577,575
Rating: 4.8935657 out of 5
Keywords: Avatar The Last Airbender, The Legend Of Korra, Most Powerful Avatars, Strongest Avatars, Best Avatar Ranked, Avatar Rankings, Avatar Wan, Avatar Roku, Avatar Korra, Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar Aang, Water Bending, Air Bending, CBR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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