Avatar: Where Zuko Got His Dragon Druk In The Legend of Korra

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what are the secrets behind zuko's dragon druck making very brief appearances in the legend of korra druk the massive red dragon's origin story has never been fully revealed the show's creators michael dante dimartino and brian kinitsko have shared some interesting information about druck while so little they both seem to hold on to some sort of secret information perhaps they keep the dragons a mystery in the avatar universe but i'm sure we can get to the bottom of this with a little visit to the dragonbone catacombs in this video i will explain how zuko got his dragon reveal druck's origin story and explore the thunder dragon's unique abilities now let's open the fire nation's book of dragons and find out all about druck's origins according to legends within the avatar universe dragons were once upon a time many that is before the evil fire lord sozens reign you see under sosen's rule these mythical creatures started to be seen as hunting prizes slaying dragons became a sport for the fire nation's warriors and those who succeeded in killing one would receive a legendary title the one of dragon not only did the fire nation wipe out the entire air nomads during the hundred year war or almost but an entire species or almost my dear viewers we owe the saving of the last two dragons to none other than the fan's favorite tea lover iro years before aang and zuko met with the sun warriors and had to perform the dragon dance for dragons ran and shaw iro stumbled upon the lost nation the fire-bending tribe living outside of the main fire nation society taught ira a few tricks like the fire breathing technique in exchange for their hospitality and probably some really good tea iro promised not to divulge their secrets so he kept ran and shaw's existence in the dark lying about slaying the very last dragon this little lie gave our friendly uncle the threatening title of dragon of the west scary and thanks to him firelord zuko was able to gain his own dragon pet named druck decades later but where does druck actually come from the show and the comic book sequels have shown us a few variants of dragons from white to green but never really explained druk's origins in terms of timeline the first dragon that's shown up in avatar history is the white spirit dragon that trained avatar juan back in the day in a flashback in the legend of korra we see it help juan acquire the dragon dance technique which as we know is kept alive during aang's journey to master all four elements that means that druk's bloodline stretches way back to before the spirit world and the human world had been separated following the story chronologically the next dragon that appears in the avatar universe is a green one in the comic book avatar the lost adventures the short chapter dragon days is firstly set during the events of book four fire as aang and zuko trained together after meeting ran and shot feeling a tad nostalgic our boy yang remembers the first time he saw a mighty dragon with his fire nation friend kuzon now we don't know much about kuzan but some rumors have been floating around that he might actually have been prince azul on heir to the fire throne after sozen but my little firebenders that discussion is for another day to make it brief in dragon days the two boys saved the egg of a green dragon after scaring a bunch of thieves away even getting a little dragon kiss or more like a giant gooey tongue lick from the oversized chicken lizard ew anyway just before the flashback starts aang tells zuko that there were tons of dragons before and to the fire prince's surprise they were actually shy living hidden away in mountains now i'm not quite sure how dragon genetics work but if we take into account color so far our heroes have encountered four color types white green red and blue since the white spirit dragon and the green dragon had been spotted without another dragon by their side it makes it easy for you and i to imagine that their love interest was in fact a red dragon this could mean that both aang and kuzon or zulon had a hand in saving druck's ancestors by saving that purple and red egg now let's go back to ran and shaw the two dancing dragons during a 2014 q a session avatar and cora creators michael dante dimartino and brian konitzko confirmed that druck is actually a direct descendant of both ran and shaw this means that zuko as firelord went back to meet with the dragons and adopted druck but why would the fire breathing reptiles give away their offspring to fire nation royalty considering that most of firelord ozai's citizens tried to wipe out their species turn the page to the next chapter to find out have you read the comic book smoke and shadow you'll know how the fire nation is divided over zuko's ascension to the throne for more on that one check out one of the previous avatar videos smoke benders are elite firebenders firelord zuko wants to change the fire nation's ways and pull out its colonies which angers a lot of people the boy can't even get a good night's sleep with ninjas swinging chains at him in the middle of the night so rude anyway while things got better as time passed by i have a feeling rand shaw and the whole sun warriors tribe would have been in danger if some fire nation mercenaries discovered them imagine the value of selling dragons dead or alive in this era or even better and easier to steal a dragon egg that's right ran and shaw probably did their own little dragon dance together if you know what i mean now this brings us to zuko's second visit to the sun warrior tribe as you know he won the two dragons respect by competing in the dragon's equivalent of dancing with the stars with aang so after being crowned a little visit was in order and this is where he discovered that a newborn dragon was about to hatch worried about the probable displacement of the fire nation colonies and the trouble that would follow ran and shaw gave their baby a way for zuko to protect with dragons still believed to be extinct by the public it was the perfect plan to keep druck safe somewhere in a gigantic private mansion on ember island while it's quite possible that besides ran and shaw who won't live forever there are other dragons out there we still have no proof of that yet for zuko amber island is a place full of good childhood memories every summer he would travel there to spend quality time with his family his fondest memories of his cousin lou ten who fell during the war are all linked to the family's beach house so it's no wonder that he would choose the island to not only rebuild himself after all that happened but take care of and cherish what would become his lifetime companion while azula is still cuckoo and on the run with her smoke-bending fire warriors zuko has rebuilt his own family without her of course he has team avatar his uncle ira but also his mother ursa everyone pretty much thought she was gone forever until she was found with a fresh new face and living under the name noriko in the comic book sequel the search ursa was given a whole new face by the mother of faces a giant multi-faced spirit who also happens to be that creepy cow's mom yep that same weird insect-like face steeler who tried to get hank's face to add to his collection being a bit nicer than her estranged son but not much she gave ursa her only way out of ozai's aim taking her face and her memories as queen but don't be too sad for her she eventually regains her face and her memories goes back to the castle and confronts ozai now a tiny pathetic powerless man while that meeting seemed to have powered her up she still has some trauma about the palace and who wouldn't that's why ursa would move permanently to amber island with a new husband and daughter this without a doubt would be the perfect plan to hide druk while he's growing up and keep rumors about the place down to a minimum while druck spent his childhood under the sun of ember island his true nature lies in the power of thunder get ready for chapter three we're flying right to the heart of the storm now since fire bending was taught to won by a dragon there's a lot of chance that lightning generation was also a technique mastered through the help of one of these beasts in the past the technique was so rare that people thought it was a myth of course things have changed quite a lot in korra's era with a bunch of lightning benders generating energy for republic city but like all elements benders have first learned from animals how to control their elemental bending without catching on fire or accidentally freezing themselves this is where druck's name is important the dragon's name comes from tibetan and bhutanese mythology and represents a thunder dragon we don't know a lot about drugs abilities besides the fact that he flies and most probably breathes fire like any good dragon would but his name and the fact that firebenders can use lightning hints at his potential for lightning generation how exactly would he use lightning well one potential theory would be that just like fire he would breathe thunder but it would work more or less with the nature of lightning generation the technique which requires a firebender to get rid of all emotion and be in a state of total peace of mind is too precise compared to firebending druk might just shock himself that way don't try this at home kids the lightning is produced by separating positive and negative energies from within and then needs to be directed to a specific point in the body firebenders channel their energies through the arm and out of their fingertips making the technique quite precise and also very dangerous now i don't see a dragon using a fancy martial arts move to shoot lightning at its enemies but druck must have these sharp and narrow horns for something right not only would he be able to shoot lightning through the tip of his horns but also channel thunder from the sky which would overpower him and allow him to let out an amazing electrical charge but also almost fly at the speed of light would zuko be able to mount him while he's overcharged like a battery if he wants to be druk's next fried dinner maybe but i wouldn't advise it having a thunder dragon trained to its full potential would be a game changer but would also inspire firebenders to improve their techniques if they can control lightning from within what stops them from channeling the sky's thunder alright probably being afraid of being struck by lightning or something like that but hear me out with advanced bending techniques we could see in future comics or a new generation the arrival of pure thunderbenders well and if more dragons started showing up we could get thunderbender knights on top of thunder dragons electrifying user terviliset brought up a good fire bending idea in a previous video on wood bending they wrote imagine if the avatar could make a fire sword with wood metal and fire i don't know about you but that sounds quite op if you ask me hey what kind of thunder infused weapon would you carry if you had one of these thunder dragons a thunder hammer maybe let me know in the comments
Channel: CBR
Views: 871,037
Rating: 4.9072723 out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Korra, Legend of Korra, Firebender, firebending, lightning, lightning generation, Azula, Roku, Aang, airbender, waterbender, earthbender, Zuko, durk, dragons, anime, thunder, Thor
Id: ps1TbKFnNGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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