Aang Wasn't Actually The Last Airbender

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since the day aang was found frozen in ice and introduced to our television screens we have been told that he is the last airbender because of this aang feels guilty for leaving his brethren behind but this guilt leads into becoming the avatar the world needs stopping the fire nation and bringing balance to the world but what if we were wrong what if aang was wrong what if aang isn't the last airbender with the new evidence we have that very well may be possible and that's what we're gonna prove in today's cbr video so you're telling me my whole childhood is a lie aang wasn't the last airbender before jumping into this theory let's look at what we know from the day aang reappeared into the world we have been told that he is the last airbender and why would we question that after aang disappeared fire lord sozen enacted his plan to eliminate all airbenders from existence by using the power of sozen's comet which enhanced the fire nation's bending power from the looks of it they succeeded the western air temp will contain the remains of mongolzo surrounded by fire nation soldiers the northern air temple was home to refugees but was also converted into a fire nation workshop and the eastern temple was deserted from the original series we haven't been given anything that says hey we're still here however when really thinking about it how could the fire nation eliminate every single airbender or should i say air nomad by definition a nomad is someone who doesn't have a permanent home and travels from place to place this means that some air nomads should have been away from the temple at the time of sozin's comet also i imagine that some nomads escaped from the temple too we've seen plenty of times aang outfly the fire nation so who's to say that no one did 100 years ago so if some air nomads did survive where would they go and is there any proof that some did survive well yes in the avatar the last airbender comic series avatar lost adventures there's a comic called relics giving us the proof we need we find our heroes in a small town in the earth kingdom where aang comes across an ancient airbender pendant being sold by a merchant this merchant explains that a man came and sold him the pendant a few days ago and that he likely came from up the mountains this excites aang so later in the night aang goes off on his own to investigate and comes across a cave full of old airbender relics however it's a trap laid out by commander zhao he explains that this is a trick sozen used years ago to lure surviving airbenders out of hiding let me say that again surviving so there we have it with this comic we have proof that some airbenders did survive and headed toward the earth kingdom for refuge some fell for the trap but i am more than certain that some didn't and remained hidden how well it's known that the air nomads were the most spiritual out of the four nations and spirituality was the main source for their bending ability if the surviving airbenders needed to stay hidden the first thing they would need to do is grow out their hair of course hide their tattoos if they had them but also sever all ties to their culture without their spiritual awareness their ability to airbend would diminish allowing them to blend in with the earth kingdom natives by the time aang wakes up 100 years later him and the world's claim to him being the last airbender may hold true but not because they were wiped out it's because they gave up their teachings for survival or simply stopped bending like boomi who was 112 years old when he reunited with aang there might be others although old alive but too afraid to come out and say you are not alone leaving aang well alone if any of this holds true this changes everything we know about the original avatar series while technically being the last airbender aang is no longer the last aired nomad he's just the only one out in the open who's to say though that any of them survived sozen's trap right now it's only speculation unless we have definite proof some survived guess what we do in the sequel series the legend of korra [Music] at the time of the legend of korra sadly aang has left the world but we have a brand new avatar cora who's trying her best to deal with the world aang left behind as for the airbenders the only remaining airbenders are aang's son tenzin and tenzin's kids genora iki and milo hey that's better than before however this all changes after the harmonic convergence the harmonic convergence was a huge event where the planets aligned and the spirit world reconnected with the physical as a result many who were unable to bend suddenly were able to without reason like boomi aang's first born son boomi wasn't the only one because around the world new airbenders suddenly popped up out of nowhere now at first glance this looks like it could be random as originally aang was the last airbender but we've already confirmed that some airbenders had to survive susan's attack so what do these new airbenders have to do with the original let's clear some stuff up passed down from the lion turtles to the animals and animals to the people bending is dependent on two things spirituality which we've already talked about but the other is heritage the ability to bend is something that's passed down from generation to generation and can skip generations like we saw with boomi that doesn't mean that the gene to bend isn't there it's just recessive so these non-benders if born from families who could bend at some point in their family history have bending in their jeans also don't expect to bend outside your family's bending ability waterbenders aren't suddenly going to be able to bend fire and vice versa you get what you get and you don't have a fit unless you're the avatar who is only able to bend all four elements due to their connection with rava the spirit of light and peace if bending is passed down then there's only one way these new airbenders could begin to airbend they would have to be descendants of the original air nomads and i'm certain they are when korra and crew began to travel the world to recruit the new airbending generation i noticed that many of them are from the earth kingdom like kai who grew up as an orphan remember what the nickelodeon comics showed us earlier the surviving air nomads traveled to the earth kingdom for refuge that would mean they had to start families though right well yes and why wouldn't they after sozen's attack our surviving air nomads had to give up their teachings and way of life to survive surviving does not mean stop living though it's reasonable that the remaining air nomads would begin to start looking at how they can restart their lives starting families and living on the best they could this also makes sense when we look at why our new benders couldn't bend until the harmonic convergence occurred the og air nomads left their way of life and slowly their bending abilities would begin to fade the knowledge they held would be lost and any of their descendants would know nothing of the air nomadic culture no spirituality no bending no bending no airbenders until the harmonic convergence relinks the spirit world to the physical and ancestors to their descendants who in the case of the new airbending generation are the original air nomads so there we have it dang i'm sorry but you were never alone however thanks to your efforts as the avatar you gave your descendants the ability to start anew and revive the air nomadic culture that's something to be seriously proud of one question i have now is knowing that there were surviving air nomads did aang ever come across his brethren unknowingly or even one of their descendants based on a popular reddit theory that very well may be the case so far we've proven that some of the original air nomads survived sozin's comet and started new families within the earth kingdom during cora's time as avatar their descendants were able to reconnect with their ancestors during the harmonic convergence and gain the ability to airbend since the air nomads ventured out seeking refuge one possibility i started to think about is if the airbenders journeyed beyond the earth kingdom although this would be incredibly dangerous what if an air nomad took refuge in the fire nation i know what you're saying every fire nation native 100 supported the war but if we are looking at 100 years ago like with any war there are those who wouldn't support the war well if my theory holds true in addition to a popular reddit theory it's very much possible so who's the air nomad descendant air drum roll please it's none other than ty lee wait what let me explain this reddit theory rests on two key points tyler's physical characteristics and her fighting style comparing ty lee and eng side to side one thing we can definitely notice is they're a similar rounded face big gray eyes and brownish hair if we were to face swap them they would be nearly identical especially among the kids a rounded face was a common air nomad characteristic where in the fire nation your facial features were more defined and your eyes were gold also look at her personality she's carefree social excitable loves to entertain and share her huge smile aang and the other air nomads always had a cheerful personality behind them and made time for jokes and a bit of fun now let's break down tylie's fighting style when tyler was introduced to the show we immediately noticed her overall acrobatic ability and agility also she immediately became awesome in our eyes due to her ability to chi block with this fighting style tylie attacked an opponent's pressure points and on contact rendered her opponent's muscles useless and blocked their abilities to bend although this attack seems to always be on the offensive meaning she's attacking her opponent in reality this technique is defensive much like airbending ty lee's attacks don't cause damage or injury they only paralyze opponents temporarily to end whatever conflict she may be in let's look at how she moves light and nimble smooth uncoiling and coiling movements and dynamic footwork she moves exactly how an airbender would now i know a lot of this comes from her time in the circus but we have seen that she's had this innate ability since she was a kid and that kind of talent has to come from somewhere now do i think tyler is an airbender no i don't because as we've seen she can't bend however like our future airbenders i think she is a descendant from the air nomads and doesn't even know it i can't tell you who her parents are but she was raised in the higher ranks of the fire nation holding true to our theory either her grand or great grandfather or mother would have been a former air nomad and would have seen the abilities she had growing up ty lee probably mentioned how she could see auras and began training to chi block and fight like an airbender without even knowing it if the truth ever came out about her heritage she would need a way to defend herself that wouldn't cause more trouble and harm others chi blocking would be her get out of jail free technique it just so happened that she ended up with a zula and this technique was used for evil but hey we're all humans and make mistakes sometimes whoever this air nomad was this was their way of continuing their culture that would be lost for the next 80 years until tenzin and the air acolytes began to reteach what it meant to be an air nomad and the airbenders returned [Music] what do you think of our theory do you agree that the air nomad survived the fire nation's attacks or did we miss something what about tai lee let me know what you think down in the comments below also please leave a like subscribe and hit that notification bell to never miss a cbr video thanks for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,493,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar the last airbender, the last airbender, Avatar Aang, Avatar Korra, The Legend of Korra, ATLA Theory, Harmonic Convergence, CBR Avatar Theory, Hama Bloodbending, Air Nomads, Sozin’s Comet, Fire Lord Sozin
Id: -4s9_ris86E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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