Naruto: 10 Forbidden Jutsu Techniques

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mirror mirror on the wall who is the strongest of them all uh strongest jutsu that is throughout naruto we've come across a variety of jutsu from naruto's rasengan to shikamaru's shadow possession jutsu now these jutsu are great in all but they're far from the strongest those are reserved for the jutsu that have been sealed away due to how dangerous they are and it so happens that cbr knows them all at this point we may even know more than orochimaru that's why today we're stepping out from the kitty leagues and ranking the top 10 forbidden jutsu throughout naruto kicking off our list is the twin snake sacrifice jutsu passed on to anko from her dear teacher orochimaru this jutsu is performed by forcing the targeted individual to assist in completing a set of hand signs once done the summoned twin snakes will bite both the target and the jutsu caster sending both to the great beyond what a love story right i bet you're asking if this jutsu is powerful enough to create a romeo and juliet's storybook ending why is it ranked so low on our list you see this jutsu has a huge glaring hole in it that can be manipulated by the target the caster can be easily tricked into taking their own life if the target is actually a shadow clone it's such a small detail to overlook in the heat of battle it's a good thing that orochimaru didn't want to see his favorite test subject i mean student pass away at least not yet need a bit of surgery you'll need the earth grudge fear technique hailing from the hidden waterfall village primarily used and stolen by akatsuki member kakuzu this jutsu practically makes the guy immortal manipulating black thread kakuzu can sew up any injury he may suffer including reattaching limbs nerves and muscles let's say those get destroyed though never fear because he can also send that daunting black thread through his opponents and steal any organ and the chakra that comes with it as he pleases for example kokzu has four additional hearts that he stole from powerful shinobi and has access to all five elemental releases as a result these hearts can be detached to become individual bodies can be switched out for his own heart if destroyed and kakuzu will keep on kicking until all those hearts are gone i guess the good news is that gives his opponents something to aim for right you wanna know one character who's never gonna leave naruto orochimaru due to his infamous living corpse reanimation jutsu with this jutsu the user or in this case orochimaru immortalizes his mind and once every three years can transfer his mind and soul to a new stronger host however the process isn't as simple as the yamanaka clan's mind transfer jutsu it's actually very disturbing for one orochimaru reveals his true form a giant snake composed of smaller snakes swallows his target hole and then takes the mind of his victim secondly the poor soul he targeted stays alive subdued and trapped forever until orochimaru decides it's time to shed his skin after taking a body orochimaru morphs it to fit his figure and modifies it to use his snake-like abilities in order to increase his survival now this includes abilities such as stretching and bending his body reattaching limbs and more so uh warning to you if you're in urochimaru sites just run decreed by the fifth hokage herself every medical ninja must follow three rules which prohibit their direct involvement in any conflict however this decree has one loophole and that is to become masters of the strength of a hundred technique signified by the full body markings released by the strength of a hundred seal this forbidden jutsu gives the user the ability to continuously and automatically heal any injury instantly without the use of hand signs or effort as long as the user has chakra now i'm gonna be honest from the sound of it it sounds kinda iffy but trust me it works for proof we can look at tsunade whose wounds were instantly healed after being impaled by a giant sword from matara's susanoo if she can heal from that you can heal from anything at this point lady tsunade and sakura are the only masters of this formidable jutsu so i want no sakura hate down in the comments created by naruto uzumaki the rasan shuriken is a destructive jutsu that hits its target on a cellular level upon impact the jutsu bursts into a vortex of wind creating countless microscopic blades which pierce every cell in the body also it can disconnect the target from their chakra network to a point that can't be healed by medical ninjutsu according to gram asunade if the damage is great enough the individual may never be able to use jutsu again it was even dangerous for naruto to use as every time he did he severely damaged his arm and nearly cut off his own chakra network however that all changed when he mastered sage mode paired with senjutsu the rasan shuriken became the throwable and nearly undodgeable weapon we've grown to love and there is plenty more he can do with it too by imbuing the jutsu with tailed beast chakra naruto can create the super tailed beast ross and shuriken get hit by that and you've got a lot more to worry about than your chakra networks if you had a second chance at life in exchange for your eyesight would you take it this is a question many uchiha have asked as they use the forbidden izanagi visual jutsu now this jutsu is practically the ultimate uno reverse card as it can turn illusion into reality it can change yours and others fate it can bring you back to life unfortunately this jutsu was abused by the uchiha clan throughout their years of conflict so a second visual jutsu was developed as a counter called izanami this genjutsu traps the target in an infinite unalterable loop that can't be broken built around physical sensations the target will feel pain sorrow etc over and over again despite how awful this sounds this dojutsu wasn't developed to be used against an enemy it was created to save those addicted to using izanagi if the target can accept their fate the mistakes they made and the reality they created the jutsu will release talk about a wake-up call invented by the uzumaki clan the reaper death seal is something you do not want to mess with you see this jutsu summons the shinigami the god of death and from that you can probably already tell what's about to go down at the start of this jutsu the shinigami partly takes the soul of the caster then practically without warning the shinigami drives its hand through its target snatching their soul and sealing it away forever along with the casters where they will do battle for all of eternity in the pits of its stomach talk about a first date now the success of this jutsu depends all on the caster's strength to pull the soul out of the body if you're on the weaker side you may only be able to seal orochimaru's arms but if you're as strong as minotau in his prime you'll be able to seal half the nine tails inside of you okay so this jutsu is technically not a jutsu but for me to not include the technique of the strongest ninja next to matara on this list i would be doing the entire video a huge disservice what i'm talking about is the 8 gates technique and specifically the opening of the gate of death mastered by might guy the opening of the 8th gate is signified by the release of a red aura symbolizing the blood boiling from within in guy's case his chakra appears as a fierce dragon and his speed and strength increases to a level that can catch even moderate off guard in his ten tails form and that's not all with this technique comes guy's strongest taijutsu night guy which is a kick delivered with such force and speed it can obliterate the target's body followed by a shock wave that will shake the surrounding area with a technique like this no one and i mean no one should ever doubt the power of youth again coming in at second place in our forbidden jutsu battle is summoning impure world reanimation seen plenty of times in naruto this jutsu brings a soul back to the living by binding said soul to a living human sacrifice now one downside to this jutsu is that it requires finding the dna of the person you want revived but if you have that you're home free throughout naruto we've seen this jutsu bring back the likes of hashirama senju minato and even madura all at peak form due to kabuto's improvements on the jutsu since its creation by tobi rama senju we must mention too that these reincarnates are immortal any lost limbs or even the body itself can rejuvenate and the only way to stop them is for either the revived person to give up or the caster has to release the seal it's easy to see why this jutsu is forbidden it's opie now this world shall know pain or joy due to the rene tensei or rene rebirth jutsu used through the outer path the last of the seven paths of pain this jutsu summons the king of he double hockey sticks from the ground where he then releases souls from the afterlife back into their original bodies hey a good jutsu to have when your entire village gets wiped out in an instant also a great jutsu to have when oh i don't know you get brought back to life by a reanimation jutsu and want to be a real boy again hopefully you're on the receiving side though you see due to the immense amount of chakra this jutsu requires the user's hair will turn white and will likely pass on to the other side much like nagato did after reviving the leaf village but hey maybe one of those guys you brought back will have a good heart and sacrifice themselves for you so what did you think of our list did we leave anything out i want to give an honorable mention to deidaraziwagakure kinjutsu which he paired with his explosive keke genkai if i remember anything from naruto it's that art is an explosion
Channel: CBR
Views: 435,306
Rating: 4.9261875 out of 5
Keywords: Boruto: The Next Generation, CBR, Forbidden Jutsu, Forbidden Jutsu Ranked, Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto, Naruto Forbidden Jutsu, Naruto Jutsus, Naruto Shippuden, Naruto Uzumaki, Pain Rinne Rebirth, Sasuke Susanno, Sasuke Uchiha
Id: tyE9hL3XDMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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