Bloodbending is The Most Broken Bending Style in Avatar

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there's one thing that the avatar world makes clear bending is awesome to have control over one of the elements comes with some major perks but looking at all the different variations of bending it's clear that some are way more op than others i think just looking at some of the benders we've seen on the show there's one bending style that's definitely better than the rest the art of blood bending is not just creepy it's also insanely powerful you try fighting a bloodbender and see how that goes but is that really the best one check out today's video as i break down all the different enhanced bending styles on the show to see which reigns supreme let's get into it right now avatar the franchise did a great job in showcasing how the elements adapted and evolved over time all four primary elements eventually got a neat addition to them something with a little bit of extra flair but after examining all the different unique bending styles i've come to the conclusion that blood bending is the best one and no that's not just because there's a creepy old woman standing behind me blood bending my vocal cords to make me say whatever she wants that would be crazy oh and there is no war in boston say anyway when people talk about the most powerful bending styles i think water is often overlooked and i thought that way at first too but as i've rewatched the show again and again and again i've come to have a new appreciation for water bending it can be devastatingly powerful if used correctly but also give you a strong defense plus the healing abilities of water gives waterbenders a serious edge so it's not surprising that their bending evolution was one of the best and most terrifying it seems every upgrade or evolution in one of the primary bending styles comes from great trauma zaheer learned to fly after he watched his love pulley blow herself up toff invented metal bending after being trapped in a confined space for too long so how did blood bending get started well that's where hama comes into play hama was a waterbender from the southern water tribe who was captured by the fire nation during one of their raids and thrown in prison now the fire nation in the show were pretty smart when it came to their prisoners they made sure to keep a certain element away from the benders and took extra precaution with the waterbenders for example they purposefully kept humidity to a minimum and chained their arms and legs when giving them drinking water hama was subject to horrible conditions but it wouldn't stay that way every month hama would feel herself grow stronger thanks to the full moon and realized if she was going to escape it would be during one of those nights she found during the full moon she could manipulate the bodies of the elephant rats around her by bending the water in their blood she didn't care how brutal or unethical it was she was only consumed with one thought revenge so even though it took years of practicing only on full moons hama developed her skills enough to become a full-on bloodbender and then blood bended the guard at her cage to release her and it wasn't enough for hama to just escape and go home either no she moved to a fire nation village where every full moon she would blood bend the fire nation villagers and keep them chained up like she was back in the day when team avatar came strolling in hama wanted to make katara her heir and pass on her new water bending ability too but katara recognized how dangerous this could be she watched hama drain the life out of nearby objects in order to draw water from them and eventually hama revealed her true intentions although qatar was initially against something as cruel and unethical as bloodbending she was forced in a position where she had to blood bend hama in order to save aang and saka and think about that for a second hama's blood bending was so powerful that she incapacitated the avatar instantly and almost killed him it was only because katara had to resort to bloodbending to stop hama katara had to do an evil thing to prevent an evil thing and that's what makes blood bending so dangerous anyone who could do it could mostly win any fight imaginable and it would be tempting to use it to beat your enemies by forcing them to stand down and qatar vowed to never use it again she recognized the danger and knew it was a dark bending style she shouldn't mess around with of course we know katara used it again while hunting the man who killed her mother with zuko katara used the blood bending on a full moon to unleash her fury when the anger and the rage took over katara didn't stop to think about the moral ramifications of bloodbending yeah it proved you should not mess with katara on any day but especially not on a full moon and you would think there was a balance to bloodbending like sure it was an incredibly dangerous art form and effective bending style that only really powerful waterbenders could use but also it could only be done on a full moon well i hate to break it to you but things change if there's anything we've learned from bending in the avatar world is how it's so prone to evolution and drastic changes it starts with an anomaly but then grows into something more powerful and generally accepted that brings me to yacon a powerful crime lord in republic city that an adult aang and his crew had to deal with you should know at this time bloodbending was officially banned from being taught in republic city which means there were a growing group of waterbenders who could perform this terrifying ability though yacon seemed to have brought it to the next level he was able to bloodbend without a full moon now this was a total game changer bloodbending without a full moon lifted the biggest restriction on the ability and suddenly it became the most powerful bending style though at first no one could believe it was possible yokon's whole defense at his trial was how it was impossible to bloodbend without a full moon though the council led by saka was pretty smart saka basically said yeah it should be impossible but i've seen some crazy stuff in my day and bending has always been able to evolve so yeah this guy probably did it but that led to yokona fully unleashing his might by bloodbending the entire room of people including saka toff and aang and he did it all without moving his hands that much power was incredibly dangerous in the hands of a criminal bent on ruling republic city and aang knew what he had to do yacon almost ended the avatar but thankfully the avatar state helped aang out of that bind and aang took away yokon's bending fire lord style and you would think that would be the end of it but nope jacon eventually broke out of prison and fled to the northern water tribe where he had two sons noahtak and tarlock and surprise they were both waterbenders too yacon started to train them at a young age and they grew to be powerful bloodbenders as well in fact noatak who eventually became the villain amman upgraded bloodbending even more so by developing the ability enough where he could block other people's bending by making it seem like he was taking it away completely that's why i think blood bending is the most op bending style not only is it one of the most powerful most devastating most deadly types of bending you could do on a person but it also continues to grow and evolve in such a short period of time it went from hama using blood bending on a full moon to exact revenge on the fire nation to amman using it to seemingly take away bending away forever all in less than hundred years that's a crazy change it makes me wonder where blood bending can evolve to next what would happen if the avatar decided to start using blood bending it must be tempting right the ability to incapacitate your foes before they can attack could potentially save a lot of lives but at a potentially terrible moral cost and if a normal bloodbender like yacon could control an entire room without using his hands then how powerful would the avatar be if they used the ability could they control the entire city by going into the avatar state and blood bending everyone kind of a scary thought right [Music] okay i've spent all this time talking about how blood bending is the most broken bending style so it's only fair that i mentioned some of the other bending evolutions that we've seen so far and compare them to blood bending the other big one that is most comparable is metal bending toff invented this earth bending level up after being trapped in a metal box and learning how to bend the sand the metal was made out of this eventually led to a complete change in earth bending practices where metal bending was widely taught everywhere and it became a staple in legend of korra not only was the police forcing korra mainly metal benders but there were cities like zaofu which suyin founded as an entirely metal city devoted to metal bending now earth bending was already a pretty strong bending style in the last airbender because mostly everything was made of earth but there was a huge technological revolution between the last airbender and korra where things made of metal became the norm and it just goes to show how much earthbenders adapted to the increasingly metal world and of course earthbending had another huge upgrade as well with lava bending which in the hands of something like gazan could wreak havoc and destroy everything it touches you know how hot lava can be yeah it burns everything it touches and it's way deadlier it seems than just a normal fire bending which is interesting and thanks to legend of korra we've seen how deadly lava bending can be with things like gazan completely tearing down the wall embossing sei now that's a powerful bending style though i still think blood bending is more powerful than both metal bending and lava bending even though lava bending has a raw destructive strength to it it's too unwieldy and harder to get under control and for metal bending people like kuvera were already figuring out ways to avoid the metal benders like how she made her giant robot made out of platinum but there isn't a way to block blood bending like there is with metal bending or lava bending you just basically have to hope whoever is blood bending you is gonna let you go or make a mistake which doesn't sound like a great battle strategy does it and what about the other bending styles that aren't just variations of earthbending sure i could mention how zaheer learned to actually fly and while that's a neat magic trick is that really better than bloodbending nope that leaves things like lightning bending and swamp bending for the later one swamp bending i think that one just goes to show how innovative water bending can be and it was a precursor to blood bending after all swamp benders like to use vines and other swamp plants to bend using the water in the plants around them and using the water in living things to control those living things is exactly like blood bending but you know just way less creepy and lightning benders started off so unique and different than anyone else in the last airbender lightning bending was incredibly rare and insanely powerful but as we saw in korra it sort of lost a lot of its shine compared to the others in fact lightning bending seemed to grow to be commonplace amongst firebenders and was used mainly to generate power for the cities like it was someone's job to lightning bend all day for work it makes sense given the technological advancements of the city but it was disappointing to see such a powerful bending style in the original show lose its spark in the sequel series again this is why bloodbending is the most overpowered bending style it's not only powerful enough to take down any foe but it's continuing to grow and evolve over the years to new heights we couldn't ever imagine just think where bloodbending will be in another 70 years what do you think do you agree bloodbending is the most broken bending style or do you think another one is more powerful let us know in the comments below and be sure to hit that subscribe button for more awesome avatar content like this thanks for watching cbr see you next time
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,072,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Bloodbending, The Legend of Korra, bloodbending technique, Hama, Yakone, Amon, Tarrlock, lavabending, lightning bending, metalbending Avatar, amazing bending styles, most OP bending styles
Id: yASf4-yfR3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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