The Complete Avatar The Last Airbender Timeline | Channel Frederator

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Flamey-o hotman i'm jacob with channel Frederator and just like you I remember Aang as the adorably charming hero from Nickelodeon's hit series Avatar The Last Airbender, which premiered back in 2005 but I just finished a rewatch of it a few weeks ago and It's somehow even better than I remember it and with the announcement of a live-action Reboot of the series coming to Netflix almost 15 years later We here at channel frederator thought that this would be a pretty good time to take a trip down memory lane and look back on Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko awesome series but before we can even get to the adventures of the gang we have to go a little bit further back, so Brace yourselves because this is the avatar the last airbender Timeline the era of raava since the beginning of time the spirits of light and dark have been engaged in a constant battle these spirits are known as raava the spirit of light and peace and vaatu the spirit of darkness and chaos once every 10,000 years a supernatural occurrence takes place in which the planets align and spiritual energy is greatly amplified Enveloping the earth during this event raava and vaatu engage in a battle that determines the fate of the world for the next 10,000 years this event is known as the harmonic convergence during the convergence of nineteen thousand eight hundred and twenty nine years before Aang's time vaatu destroyed the boundaries between the mortal world and the Spirit world with nothing to keep the spirits in their own world They began migrating to the physical world taking most of the land for themselves these parts were known as the spirit wilds humans eventually had to split apart to seek shelter and protection on the backs of Giants a lion turtles and over time many started to forget that other communities existed beyond their own lion turtle the first avatar during this era people would leave their lion turtles to hunt for food in the spirit wilds in order to survive the lion turtle would Temporarily bestow the humans with the power to control or bend whichever of the four elements that turtle happened to possess one day a young Man named Juan stole the art of fire from the lion turtle in order to steal food from the rich and give to the poor He was caught however and banished to the spirit wilds permanently out of sympathy though The lion turtle allowed him to keep his firebending ability during his banishment Juan encountered a dragon who helped him master the art of firebending The technique he learned from the dragon became known as the dancing dragon form then one day He came across two battling spirits and decided to interfere unfortunately these spirits were raava and vaatu and because of one's Interference vaatu was freed to wreak havoc on the physical world Seeking redemption one teamed up with raava and began training to master all of the elements before the next oncoming harmonic convergence When the time came he challenged vaatu in the name of raava allowing the spirit to possess his body The two remained together during harmonic convergence and it caused them to permanently merge together creating the first avatar Literally the human avatar of the spirit of light. Thanks to the avatars powers The lion turtles were able to pass on their duty to protect mankind to the avatar avatar Wan became the bridge between the two worlds His task and the task of all avatars that came after him was to maintain balance and peace between the mortal and spiritual realms many years passed and when one neared the end of his life raava assured him that their spirits would remain together throughout time the avatar would Go on to be reincarnated in each new generation Ensuring the balance between the worlds the Four Nations era as humanity left behind the cities established on the backs of the lion Turtles they began to come into contact with one another and because Humanity is humanity wage war against each other one had intervened to keep the peace in the past but to little avail Once he passed away and was reincarnated The next avatar would do the same and thus the cycle continued Eventually humanity split into four different nations dictated by their respective bending arts They were the Water Tribes who learn the art of waterbending by studying the moon and tides the earth kingdom whose people learned earthbending Skills from the great badgermoles tunneling underneath the ground the Sun warriors who were taught the ancient art of firebending from the Dragons themselves and of course the air nomads who were taught by the flying bison as Centuries went by the nations evolved the water benders split into two tribes situated at the north and south poles the fire Islands were united as the Fire Nation and the earth Kings power began to wane as civil unrest began to worsen throughout his kingdom meanwhile the air nomads eventually expanded into four different temples north south east and west the Fire Nation would go on to enter an era of great prosperity and modernization unlike the other nations Avatar Roku and crown prince sozin were born into the Fire Nation during this time of progress and became close friends in their childhood eventually though their friendship went sour as Avatars gonna a baton and roku became a force of balance and peace not just among the two realms but all of humanity as well Conversely so wasn't dreamed of a global Empire under his rule and these Ambitions led the now Fire Lord Sozen to initiate a number of reforms that militarized the country as a result both Spirituality and respect for I rapidly declined throughout the nation leading to the near extinction of the Dragons one might say that Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked Eventually several colonies were established in the week in earth Kingdom which in turn quickly became local industrial centers The sozin's expansionism was eventually stunted by Roku though Since all of this goes against his whole spiritual purpose years later though as Roku Lay Dying After a failed attempt to control of volcanic eruption, he begged sozin for help So I was in rationalized However that with Roku out of the way He would be free to continue his Crusades blinded by his own ambition Fire Lord Sozen left his former best friend to die a new avatar raised by the monks of the Southern Air temple Young aang possessed a mastery in airbending by age 10 and had surpassed his master in the art and by the time he turned 12 He had invented a new airbending technique called the air scooter which led to his becoming the youngest Airbending master to ever live earning him his very own blue arrow shaped tattoos that all of the Masters wore before him It wasn't long after that the monk revealed to Aang that he was the avatar and that he alone was destined to master all four Elements and bring peace to the world. Typically this news is given once the Avatar reaches 16 years of age However, the most feared that a war among nations was imminent and it didn't leave them much time to prepare I immediately began to feel overwhelmed by his new responsibilities though Especially once his caretakers pressured him to train harder the only monk who's sympathetic towards Aang was the elder monk. Yeah So his airbending teacher and guardian whenever his training would start to take its toll Yeah, so insisted that Aang take a break and have some fun He believed that it was vital for Aang to be allowed to grow up as a normal boy Unfortunately, the other monks disagreed and they decided to send anga way to the eastern air temple where he would focus solely on training unbeknownst to them though hanging overheard their conversation And frightened by the new circumstances Aang jumped on his flying bison Appa and made his escape and couldn't catch a break though Because while over the southern ocean a storm caused often to plunge into the sea in an incredible display of power and self-preservation Aang surrounded himself in Appa in an air bubble but it quickly froze into an iceberg leaving them in a state of suspended animation the last airbender a Hundred years passed since the avatars disappearance until one day two bickering teenagers from the Southern Water Tribe Katara a waterbender and her brother Sokka a boomerang boy, which is not a real thing I just made that up accidentally freeing from his iceberg upon discovering that Aang is an airbender They escort him back to the Southern Water Tribe where he's met with many Bewildered stares as it turns out. None of them have ever seen an airbender before no one has in over a hundred years That's because during Aang's absence the Fire Nation waged war against the others starting by completely Wiping out all of the air nomads The fire lord sozin took advantage of an incoming comet later dubbed sozin's comet for obvious reasons to enhance his firebending Abilities and storm all four air temples slaughtering every monk within to ensure the death of the new avatar Thus making aang the last known airbender in existence the news of all of this transpiring doesn't come lightly to Aang it's a it's a bit of a wake-up call to put it lightly and Quickly realizes that the entire fate of the world rests on his shoulders not only is that his duty to defeat the Fire Nation But it's his destiny so to fulfill the prophecy Aang and his new friends set off on a quest to master every bending technique while carefully Evading capture by the Fire Nation who have been in search of the missing avatar for all these hundred years book one water on their journey to the North Pole in search of a waterbending teacher team avatar finds themselves in a small earth Kingdom village under Attack by hey by a monster from the spirit world Because Aang is the one person who can bridge the physical and spirit worlds the villagers believe he can make peace with the spirits So he travels to the spirit world where he's told that Avatar Roku has a message for him on the winter solstice and returns and calms the attacking spirit restoring peace to the village in order To retrieve Roku's message though team avatar must cross into the Fire Nation Waters on their way to a fire temple dubbed Roku's temple before arriving at said temple The three are met with a blockade of Fire Nation soldiers led by the newly promoted Admiral Zhao They make it through but the fire Prince Zuko pursues them through the blockade while inside the Fire Temple Aang manages to enter the sanctuary after narrowly escaping capture by Zuko and the other fire sages who instead capture Sokka and Katara He's confronted by the spirit of Avatar Roku. Who warns Aang about sozin's comments The comet is due to return in less than a year at which time it will increase the fire nation's power Allowing them to end the war with a final assault if Aang is to stop the Fire Nation He must defeat the Fire Lord before the Comets arrival and trying to have any hope of defeating the Fire Lord He must first master all four elements. It's a hell of a ticking clock Roku spirit then briefly possesses Aang's body repelling forces and destroying the temple Aang is Unnerved by the fact that he has to master all elements in under a year I didn't need to learn every language in a week while he's at it So despite still being a relatively inexperienced waterbender herself Katara begins teaching and everything. She knows about waterbending while in town to buy supplies She comes across a waterbending scroll owned by pirates and swipes it so that they can both learn its new techniques Katara struggles to learn the new moves while Aang picks them up quickly much to her frustration Meanwhile Zuko always hot on the trail Encounters the Pirates and agrees to help them search for the scroll knowing that it will lead them to the avatar Which of course leads to the capturing of an Katara and Sokka? luckily The three managed to escape using their newly developed waterbending skills and also Sokka is there but he does he can't he's not a waterbender Meanwhile, Zuko's crew begins to question is leadership skills So his uncle Iroh explains to them that the Prince didn't get his trademark scar in a training accident as the crew were led to believe but in an Agni Kai a type of ceremonial firebending duel with his own father Fire Lord Ozai the Grandson of sozin when Zuko spoke up in a meeting protesting the Fire Nation generals ends justify the means mentality towards their own soldiers lives His father challenged him to Agni Kai as a punishment for such insubordination And when Zuko refused to fight back his father burned his face and banished him from the Fire Nation For the last three years of Zuko's life He's not been allowed to return unless he restored his honor by finding and capturing the avatar Something no one has been able to do in over a hundred years So until recently the odds haven't exactly been with Zuko on this one during this time team avatar arrives at a Fire Nation town That's hosting a festival here The trio learns about the deserter a man named Zhang Jiang who went AWOL on the Fire Nation army and lived to tell the tale Making him a powerful firebending master who's unaffiliated with the Fire Nation? Unfortunately Aang has difficulties maintaining the self-discipline required for safe firebending and accidentally burns Katara However, this leads Katara to discover that she possesses the power of healing meanwhile Admiral Zhao arrives to fight Aang but Aang escapes him by using Zhao's lack of self-control against him causing him to burn his own ship Turns out - I was not exactly the master tactician He'd have people believed in Zhang Zhang being a former teacher has always seen right through afterwards the group journeys to the Northern Water Tribe where they're welcomed warmly by its citizens Aang and Katara's seek the teachings of PACU the Northern Water Tribes best waterbending master however, being a stubborn traditionalist He fuses to teach a woman like guitar in the ways of combat that is until he notices Katara's pendant Which was a gift from her mother PACU recognises the necklace as the same one that he gave to his fiancee years earlier meaning Weight is Katara his fiancee now, I'm just kidding but her grandma was she left him after realizing he was kind of sexist Realizing that it was his stubborn commitment to tradition that drove away strew love in the first place and impressed with Qataris fighting skills PACU finally agrees to train her meanwhile, uncle Iroh helped Zuko fake his death and sneak aboard Zhao's lead ship as his fleet departs for the North Pole Jo had previously attempted to assassinate Zuko after Zuko secretly thwarted one of John's attempted captures of the avatar after all if now captures the avatar then Zuko can't do it to regain his honour caning as the fire nation's Armada approaches the Northern Water Tribe the citizens scramble to set up their defenses and believe speaking to the moon and Ocean spirits could give him some insight into defeating the Fire Nation however Once Aang's spirit leaves his body Zuko arrives and kidnaps Aang's defenseless body just before the Fire Nation begins their attack the Firebenders managed to infiltrate the fortress of the Northern Water Tribe and raid the city Aang attempts to return to the spirit world But since his body has been moved his spirit rockets across the sky towards the location of his body this allows Sokka Katara an you a princess of the Northern Water Tribe and sokka's girlfriend to follow his spirit back to hang in order to destroy the moon thus eliminating the source of the water benders powers Admiral Zhao slays the moon spirits we in its physical form despite warnings from Iroh to not destroy the moon kind of crazy plan is that thankfully Angra turns and slips into the Avatar state a sort of Turbocharged mode where the avatar is able to channel the knowledge and power of all of their previous Incarnations and joins forces with the ocean spirit law to wipe out the Fire Nation Armada after Iroh and Zuko both survived the assault Zuko confronts and fights in escaping Zhao while Iroh stays with Team avatar to try to revive tweet It's at this point we should probably mention that while Iroh was a renowned Fire Nation general at one point Iroh is now a good-natured person who doesn't necessarily stand with the Fire Nation so much as he wants to keep his nephew from slipping into the abyss and Therefore doesn't really harbor any ill will toward team avatar like Zuko does it's revealed that the moon spirit touched princess Yue a as a baby giving her a spark of life UA gives that spark back Sacrificing herself to become reincarnated as the moon spear. Oh poor Sokka, that's rough, buddy Xiao was then pulled underwater by the ocean spirit and is cast into the spirit world to wander through the fog of lost souls for All eternity as punishment for his misdeeds good lord at this point I think founding would have been a better fate for him upon hearing the results of the battle Fire Lord Ozai back at the Fire Nation command Zuko sister Azula to hunt down her traitors uncle and brother for failing to capture the avatar book to earth After their journey to the North Pole and his friends travel to Omashu Searching for Aang's childhood friend King Bumi in hopes that he'll teach young Aang the ways of earthbending it's also Suggested saying that he consider fighting the Fire Lord by triggering the Avatar State since doing so at the North Pole was so effective however Aang is later warned by avatar roku that if he's killed during the Avatar State the avatar spirit will disappear and the line of reincarnation Will end forever to make matters worse Aang and his friends arrive at Omashu to find it captured having been renamed new Ozai by Azula Meanwhile Zuko and Iroh receive a surprise visit from Azula who asks them to return home Zuko believing his banishment to be over excited Lee agrees while a more reserved Iroh reluctantly accompanies him to Azula ship where they discover her Invitation is a ploy to imprison them They escape but are forced to live as outcasts because their actions at the North Pole are viewed as treasonous by the Fire Nation Team avatar search for an earthbending teacher takes them to an underground earthbending tournament In foo, it's here that they witness a young blind girl named Toph show-off formidable earthbending skills She fights under the secretive moniker the blind bandit unfortunately top is restricted by her overprotective parents who keep her isolated in hopes that she'll eventually Conform to the social roles of the earth Kingdom Aristocracy it goes about as well as you'd expect so Toph runs away from home and joins team avatar But her parents believing she was kidnapped pay off chin foo and local earthbending teacher master Yu to retrieve her by any means necessary Aang begins his earthbending training with Toph, but it doesn't come easy avatars naturally have more trouble learning elements that run counter to their own as the elements are a reflection of their Personalities and the strong steady will power required for earthbending is a little difficult for a twinkle-toed air nomads Elsewhere Zuko determined to get stronger struggles with lightning bending an advanced form of firebending His anger keeps him from obtaining the precision required to pull it off and his frustrations only grow in knowing his father and sister have already mastered the skill trying a different approach IRA shared his belief that wisdom comes many sources he advises young Zucco to study the other elements and in doing so he can become a wiser and more balanced individual to Drive the point home IRA then teaches uu Co the art of not lightening bending but redirecting lightning a technique he Originated by training with water benders at an oasis team avatar encounters a professor who tells them about a hidden spirit library in the desert The group travels into the desert and eventually locates the entrance to the library Toth claiming She's never really seen the appeal of book spun completely intended. It likes to stay outside with Appa Once she Tong the giant owl spirit who guards the library let's the man on the condition that they don't use any of the knowledge In the library for war sure. No problem inside the library However, Sokka learned something that could end the war an upcoming solar eclipse will temporarily render the firebenders completely powerless unfortunately, once she thong refuses to let them leave with this information and sinks the library into the sand and while all of this is going on a group of San bender bandits attack making away with Appa tuff who's learned to use her feet to gauge her surroundings is Marred by the desert sands and is unable to stop them the rest of team avatar makes that out of the library But the professor decides to stay behind forever and revel in the endless well of knowledge that he's discovered I don't know what he thinks. He's gonna eat down there though. I mean maybe that owl will give it. Oh, oh With their main mode of transport Appa GaN The team is stranded after a long Exhausting hike through the desert Aang tracks down the sandbenders who stole Appa and learns that his beloved flying bison was traded to a merchant in Ba Sing Se the capital of the earth Kingdom when Aang learns that Appa has been traded he gets so angry that he triggers the Avatar state Nearly killing the sandbenders showing once again the true Terrifying power of the Avatar state the group then travels to the impenetrable walled city of Ba Sing Se on a mission to find Appa and inform the earth King about the solar eclipse However, they soon discovered that this is no easy feat They're assigned to liaison a young woman named Judy who gives them a tour of the kingdom along with its many Disturbing rules one of which forbids mentioning the war there is no war in Ba Sing Se however, the rigid rules aren't the most disturbing thing They encounter within the earth Kingdom team avatar also discovers the existence of the Dai Li the secret police force of Ba Sing Se which enforce the law under the command of their corrupt leader long who appears to know something about Appa? Finally the group decides to sneak away from their chaperones to find Appa They discover facility located at the bottom of Lake laogai where they uncover a brainwashing Operation perpetrated by Long Feng and the Dai Li to control Ba Sing se from behind the scenes Zuko who had been hiding out in Ba Sing se at the time helping his uncle manage a tea shop Finds that old habits die hard and tracks aim down to the facility But stumbles upon an imprisoned Appa first he plans to use app as a bargaining chip But his uncle encourages him to free the sky bison instead Surprisingly Zuko agrees with his uncle team avatar faces off against the Dai Li in an intense battle that ends with the good guys Victorious but not without loss and afterwards Aang and Appa are joyously Reunited after discovering the king has been kept in the dark about the war with the Fire Nation as well as the Dai Li Corrupting his kingdom the group breaks into the earth king Huai's palace to warn him about the upcoming eclipse on the conspiracy against him though initially unsuccessful As the king is unaware that there's even a war going on Thanks to the Dai Lee's propaganda team avatar is ultimately able to expose Long Fangs lies Long Feng is then promptly arrested for treason and the earth King agrees to cooperate with Team avatar as they prepare for an invasion of the Fire Nation during the solar eclipse Meanwhile Zuko Falls mysteriously ill which Iroh believes is caused by his nephews internal conflict Zuko struggles with both what's required of him as Prince of the Fire Nation and his true self whose growth Iroh has been trying to foster four years later Aang travels to the eastern air temple to meet with guru Patty who trains him in mastering the Avatar state through Unlocking his chakras during this time. Toph is captured by Shen foo and master you remember them They lock her in an iron case to negate her earthbending powers and start to take her back to her parents however they've vastly Underestimated Topps ability as she realizes there are tiny bits of earth within the metal and tears opened the enclosure Thus creating a new form of earthbending Metal bending back at the air temple Aang slowly unlocks all of his chakras except from the last which requires he give up all earthly attachments including his feelings toward others specifically Katara Which he simply cannot do he abandons his training with the Guru after sensing. Katara is in trouble back at Ba Sing Se what sort of trouble is Katara in well Azula and her entourage have infiltrated the earth Kingdom disguised as friends of team avatars The noble warriors of former avatar. Oshi upon gaining Everyone's trust azul a freeze longfang captures katara and takes over the daily having Zuko imprisoned as well Zuko Officially meets Katara for the first time and discovers They have a lot in common Katara even considers lifting some of Zuko's burden by healing his scar with her healing powers and a small amount of water from the spirit Oasis of the Northern Water Tribe It's basically Super healing water and Katara only has a small vial of it at that moment Aang Aided by Iroh attempts to free Zuko and Katara. I wrote implores Zuko to consider the path he's on in hopes that the prince will abandon his brutal past and become enlightened much to iroh's dismay though Zuko chooses to attack the Avatar instead and the battle ensues Aang enters the Avatar state just as Azula strikes him with lightning essentially killing him and severing his connection to the avatar spirits launching into the offensive Iroh delays the fire nations forces just long enough for Team avatar to escape I row then surrenders and is taken prisoner as a traitor to the Fire Nation and Katara uses her healing powers As well as that spirit Oasis water in order to resuscitate egg, but consequences of being killed in the Avatar state Remain Aang is no longer able to enter the Avatar state at all Book 3 fire Aang awakens to find himself and his friends aboard a stolen Fire Nation ship He's still very weak sporting a wicked scar on his torso and to top it all off everyone outside The ship believes him to be dead again, though Aang's friends assure him that this is a good thing because if the Fire Nation thinks he's dead They won't be chasing him down nor will they expect their impending invasion back in the Fire Nation Fire Lord? Ozai finally makes an in-person appearance to welcome his children home and praise them for taking out the avatar However, Zuko secretly suspects that Aang is still alive and seeks out a terrifying looking assassin to finish the job as a fail-safe Sokka Finally admits that his lack of bending skills have made him feel like a bit of an outcast So to ensure that he can hold his own in the oncoming battles He decides to build upon his sword fighting skills Sokka eventually convinces piandao a renowned Fire Nation sword master to be his instructor and output Sokka through the ringer but delivers on his promise and even helps him forge his own sword out of the metal from a meteor after all one sword is an Extension of oneself sokka's guild grows, though And he eventually confesses to piandao that he is not in fact from the Fire Nation a bold move considering the fire nation's attitudes towards anyone who's not Fire Nation piandao responds by attacking Sokka but after he proves himself in an intense sword duel Piandao reveals that this was his final test assuring Sokka that he already knew He wasn't Fire Nation but trained him nonetheless because he truly believed that the way of the sword belongs to all nations On Eclipse day many friends and allies reunite with team avatar to launch an invasion on the Fire Nation Their invasion forces rely heavily upon several forms of bending and even some aquatic vehicles But with their combined efforts, they're able to circumvent the fire nation's defenses and infiltrate the capital waging a grueling assault on the place however Once Aang finally reaches the fire Lords palace He discovers that no one is there after all as ulla had already learned of their plans after? infiltrating Ba Sing se in gaming the earth Kings trust The Eclipse begins as Sokka Aang and Toph search for the Fire Lord They find a zoo line an underground bunker and she provokes them into chasing her to stall them until the Eclipse is over meanwhile Zuko at this point has learned many things about himself since returning home including the fact that he is the Great-grandson of Avatar Roku on his mother's side in light of this Information as well as growing disdain towards ozai's plan Zuko confronts his father and tells him that not only does the avatar still live But he's decided to join forces with him before Zuko can leave though Ozai offers to tell him what happened to his mother fire lord Azulon Zuko's grandfather had ordered Ozai to kill Zuko as a punishment for Ozai mocking the death of his brother Iroh son Lu 10 in order to save her son's life Zuko's mother created a treasonous plan to poison Azul on so that o's I could take the throne the plan worked and Zuko's mother was banished for her efforts Suddenly the Eclipse ends and Ozai attacks Zuko with his firebending finally back using Irish technique Zuko Redirects Ozzy's lightning back at him and retreats to freeze uncle however upon arriving at his cell he discovers that Iroh has already broken out At this point the invasion force is exhausted and has no choice but to surrender Aang then flees with his friends to the Western air temple with Zuko trailing them on stolen war balloon their Zuko Desperately tries to prove himself to team avatar and wishes to atone for all of his past mistakes It's only after he helps save them from sparky-sparky boom man or combustion man or whatever you wanna call the very assassin that he had previously hired to kill them that the crew accepts him as Firebending teacher and the newest member of team avatar Except Katara guitars still a little salty about the whole following them and constantly betraying their trust and helping a Zula kill Aang thing But a quick field trip with him and a confrontation with her mother's killer eventually convinces Katara that Zuko's really changed Unfortunately one Zuko tries to teach aang had a fire Bend he discovers that he's lost his ability to bend now that he no longer Fuels his bending with his own rage Toph suggests that they learn from the original teachers of firebending the mighty dragons but supposedly I wrote killed the last dragon long ago during his metaphorical past life as a general recalling that the dragons imparted their knowledge to the Sun warriors Zuko and Aang travelled to the ruins of the Sun warrior civilization where they Discover a tribe of Sun warriors still exists in order to learn the true meaning of firebending They must first carry a sacred flame up a mountain and be judged by the Masters who turn out to be a pair of surviving dragons after being deemed worthy the two dragons teach that Firebending is a source of life not destruction the Sun warriors reveal that Iroh lied about the extinction of the Dragons after his own training They then ask Zuko and the rest to do the same to protect the remaining members of the species team avatar leaves with both Aang and Zuko firebending better than ever with sozin's comment on the horizon aang decides that it's probably best to fight the Fire Lord after it passes since You know that would be when the Fire Nation is most powerful But Zuko derails the plan when he reveals that Ozai intends to use his comet enhanced firebending to destroy the entire Earth Kingdom continent during that time the gang begins frantically training Aang to make up for lost time with the end goal of Stopping the fire nation's assault on the earth Kingdom Needless to say the kid starts to get a wee bit stressed out not to mention Conflicted at the idea that in order to stop the Fire Lord Aang has to kill him which goes against many of his teachings and philosophies that night Aang dreams of a mysterious island that appears in The middle of the sea the next day Aang awakens on the island He'd seen in his dreams much to the worry of team avatar. Cos Aang has vanished at a pretty important moment Meanwhile Ozai names Azula the successor to the Fire Nation throne effectively making her the leader of the Fire Nation now while Ozai declares himself Phoenix king ruler over the world a bit presumptuous, but that's just how he is I guess on the island and discovers that he's on top of a giant lion turtle who gives him the insight and guidance He's been seeking meanwhile team avatar enlists the help of a bounty hunter named Jun to find Aang But when Jun is unable to locate their friend Zuko asks her to find his uncle Iroh instead her tracking skills Take them to the outer wall of Ba Sing. Se where they're reunited with Iroh along with king Bumi Zhang Zhang master pakku and master pan Bao. What? What is this? What's going on turns out that all of these old guys are members of the order of the White Lotus A secret society led by Iroh dedicated to sharing wisdom Regardless of nationality or politics the team decides to split up to help stall the fire nation's plans Zuko and Katara set out to handle Azula Sokka Toph and Suki one of the aforementioned Kyoshi warriors, but you know It's actually her this time we'll attempt to deflect the Fire Nation Airships headed towards the earth Kingdom and Iroh is to lead the White Lotus society in the liberation of Ba Sing Se sozin's comet arrives and Ozai prepares for battle Zuko and Katara confront Azula But as Azula had been steadily unraveling ever since her return to the Fire Nation She stubbornly challenges her brother to Agni Kai Zuko initially prevails but is struck down when Azula fights dirty and fires a lightning bolt at Katara which he dives in front of during This time egg begins to duel Ozai but narrowly avoids his powerful attacks Which are augmented by the comments after a long battle the order of the White Lotus? Successfully liberates bastings say while Sokka Suki and tough. Stop the attack on the earth Kingdom Katara fights Azula freezing her in ice and chaining her to the ground She then revives Zuko with her now Exceptionally strong healing abilities Katara got like super Opie throughout the series Remember the scene in the southern Raiders where she just literally suspended the rain around her and turned into icicles I'm not complaining. I was amazing scene. I love that episode It's just an observation during their dual OS I overpowers Aang with his enhanced firebending pushing him back first into a jut of rock But the rock hits Aang in exactly the same place that azula's lightning did Miraculously unblocking his chakras and restoring his connection to the avatar spirit Nice Aang enters the Avatar state and easily overwhelm zoe's I yet refuses to kill him instead He employs a much more honorable technique that he learned from the lion turtle back when he went missing energy bending by using an ancient Form of bending Aang is able to alter ozai's energy and permanently strip him of all firebending abilities Thus defeating the Phoenix king and saving the world without bloodshed days later Jose and Zul are imprisoned We appointed fire lord zuko declares the war over and team avatar have a little celebration at I rose tea shop in Ba Sing Se Aang and Katara's slip out to share a quiet moment together where they finally embrace each other and share a kiss under the sunset And as we learn in The Legend of Korra The avatars friendships go on to transcend lifetimes and at last we've reached the end of the avatar the last airbender timeline I know we didn't include the comics. But if you want, maybe we'll dive into more avatar timelines in the future Maybe a legend of korra won. Let us know. I've been Jacob with channel Frederator Of course, if you liked this video, be sure to subscribe and remember Frederator loves you
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 2,039,851
Rating: 4.8873143 out of 5
Keywords: the last airbender, the complete avatar the last air bender timeline, the complete avatar timeline, aang, avatar, avatar the last airbender, Avatar the last airbender complete recap, avatar the last airbender story explained, avatar the last airbender timeline, toph, katara, avatar the last airbender recap, sokka, zuko, azula, sozin's comet, ozai, earth kingdom, fire nation, ba sing se, avatar the last airbender netflix, water tribe, channel frederator, nickelodeon
Id: iZx04fmxdfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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