2 Peter 2:2 to 3

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all right welcome back again we're continuing our verse by verse bible study through second peter and last time we started chapter two and we made it through verse one only that was a lot to get into uh because what we're looking at is the warning against false prophets and what i did is i took you to jude and john and peter and paul and all of the places where they warned about false prophets and we looked at some old testament false prophets we looked at some of the characteristics of a false prophet i even gave an example of someone that was a false prophet so today we're going to continue in verse two but let me go ahead and back up and read verse one there's a couple things i forgot to tell you about but i want you to know that this whole chapter is about false teachers and false prophets so it's not just a false prophet there are also false teachers and i've always looked at myself as a bible teacher more than a bible preacher because everybody has their gift and that's more my gift so there's false teachers as well as false preachers and i don't want to be either one i want to stick with what the bible says to stick with that would make me the right kind of a teacher and the right kind of a preacher well what is that well we're gonna have to go back and read um verse one again and i'll just have to comment on that then we can start in verse two so verse one but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you so we saw that in the new testament there's going to be false preachers and i showed you the dual application of this how in the church age there's false prophets but also there'll be some false teachers during the time of the tribulation so we need to make sure we find the right bible king james and the right preachers who are preaching the right message salvation by grace through faith in the blood of christ and the jews need to find the right message which is jesus is their christ and they need to come to him in the tribulation time and not follow a false prophet or a false teacher so how do you know if someone's a false teacher it says who privily shall bring in damnable heresy so a false teacher or a false prophet or false preacher is someone who's preaching heresy rather than truth what is heresy i've had a lot of people say brother breaker what's a heretic what is heresy well the 1828 webster's dictionary says that the word heresy means a fundamental error in religion or doctrine so someone that is preaching heresy is someone that is teaching something that is fundamentally opposite of what the bible teaches it's fundamentally wrong it's teaching man's doctrine rather than the bible sometimes it's so hard to get the lighting right in here excuse me for that so it's heresy now what is the main heresy even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so the buying the purchase price of our salvation of redemption is the blood of jesus so if someone claims to be a christian but yet they never preach the blood of christ for salvation they preach a different gospel or they preach against the blood and they say oh the blood's not important well it's not the blood it's not and they attack someone that is preaching salvation through faith in the blood they are a false teacher they are a false preacher they are a heretic and so that is heresy so a false teacher a savage preacher is a heretic and that's another word that i need to make sure i spell right sometimes i'm thinking of three different things at once when i write up here on the board and that's why i spell it wrong is because i'm thinking of something else my mind moves too fast sometimes and it probably doesn't help that that i take some vitamins in the morning that that get me going too but um so you've got damnable heresies which is error so they've fallen into error they're teaching error rather than the truth so that's one of the things that we can add up here is that they teach error rather than teaching the truth so they're an error and how do you fall into error well jesus said you therefore greatly er not knowing the scriptures or the power of god so the way that we don't fall into error is that we stick with the book rather than sticking with what someone else teaches i don't want to teach what men teach i want to teach what the bible teaches so they're going to have some destruction on them either it's going to be a destroying of them in the flesh destroying of their ministry destroying of their life and if they are saved and not lost why they won't have rewards in heaven for falling into error but i think the majority of people that are teaching error and heresy it's because they're not safe because they deny the blood so guess what that's going to be destruction for all eternity in hell and that's a sad thing now we get to verse 2 and many shall follow their pernicious ways what a sad thing what a sad verse that many will follow error rather than truth if you look at youtube i was talking to people the other day it's very hard to find the true gospel and the true gospel teachers and preachers in youtube because the vast majority of those on youtube that claim to be preachers and teachers are those that are this right here so someone told me the other day brother breaker it's so hard for me to find the right person on youtube to preach and teach the bible because there's so many out there that are preaching lies and that's true so sadly in this world which we live the majority are wrong and that's why jesus in his earthly ministry was talking and he said something to the effect of broad is the way to destruction and many there be that go in there at but narrow is the way to what to righteousness to truth to the truth so if you want the truth don't go following men the bible says that men's doctrines are like the land and they're tossed about with every wind of doctrine you go like this go which way is the wind blowing what does everybody want to believe and then i'll go that direction with them because i want to be in the majority the majority is always wrong okay let's just say that when i look at the bible i see that the theme of the whole bible is one man in god and god calls that one man to go preach against those people that have gone into error and one man who has god in his side is more powerful than the entire world and so a true christian is someone that wants to stand on truth even though he knows he's going against the majority and you've got to be willing to do that but you've got to stand on what the bible says not on your opinion not in your own teachings or doctrines so it says and many shall follow their pernicious ways now pernicious ways i looked up the word pernicious in the 1828 webster's dictionary it actually comes from latin per neco which means to kill and nexus death so pernicious really means that you hate someone so much that you want to kill them you want to murder them physically perhaps or maybe you just want to defame them and slander them and murder their good name with your lies and that's one thing that false prophets do they lie we put that way up on the top here they're liars and that's sad and so they only wanted damage so what is pernicious well it means destructive having the quality of killing destroying or injuring mischievousness so when i looked up 1828 webster's dictionary i go wow they have hate in their heart they are very hateful these false teachers and false preachers and you can tell who's a false teacher and not by the way they treat other people i don't want to be somebody that devotes my time to talking bad about other people why well because we already looked in first peter all the times where it says don't speak evil of others and and to suffer when they speak evil of you but we're going to see that even more here in this passage verse 10 talks about those who speak evil of dignities your false teachers are false prophets while they speak evil of dignities but back to verse 2 and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of so they speak evil of truth so they speak evil do i have up here that they speak they speak perverse things but what else do they speak they speak evil and it'd be one thing if they just talked bad and they said bad things but no they go to the truth and attack the truth and they attack those that are speaking truth there might be a devil in them and that's why they do that or it could be they're just in the flesh and they just like to fight but they shouldn't do that they want to kill what does the bible say let's go to proverbs chapter 8. they're pernicious that means they they desire blood they desire to kill you they want to hurt and harm other people and that's sad i've never in my life want to hurt anybody i still don't want to as a minister of the gospel i do what i do out of love not out of hate it's so sad to me the world we live in they don't like christianity many of you lost people they say oh christians well they just have hate speech hate speech i don't preach the gospel that i preach because i hate people it's because i love people god so loved the world we look at jesus christ all i see is love he loved you so much he died because he wanted you to be saved and so it's because of love that i preach because i love people enough i want to see him get saved i don't want to see him go to hell i don't have hate in my heart but the false prophets do the false teachers do and you can see it and you can see the anger and the bitterness in the just the the mischievousness the the deceit and how when they get out and they're well let's take some youtube people as an example and how they talk and you just see the smirk on their face and the anger and the happiness that it it makes them happy to put you down that is not christianity that is sick that is perverse and that is an evil evil person so proverbs chapter 8 and verse 36 the bible warns us about people who love death 8 36 says but he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul all they that hate me love death what is pernicious pernicious is wanting to kill and bring forth death it's being destructive it's delighting in hurting other people to the point of even pushing them towards suicide so let's go to romans chapter one so the world in which we live in in romans chapter one tells us about in this world there's this kind of people and this is really sad what these kind of people are like this is the kind of people that are lost so if you're a christian and you're engaged in these things then you must be a false prophet because this is the lost world don't act like and be like the lost world if you're saved okay be different romans chapter 1 verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate malignity whisperers all they want to do is debate they want to deceitfully uh talk bad about you they're envious of you is what it is they're backbiters verse 30 haters of god despiteful proud bolsters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection and placable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them in the as we go through when we study the false prophets the false teachers the false preachers these heretics you're going to see that it's a heart thing their hearts not right with god and they're full of these things in their heart that's why they do and say the things that they do old preacher told me one time he said this and it was so good he says if a man's doctrine is wrong it's usually because his heart is wrong and well that made sense to me he said if a guy is immoral and he doesn't live right then most likely he's going to be in error and not have his doctrine right and i was like man that's that makes sense it does make sense so if your heart's right and you're reading the king james bible and you love the lord you're just trying to get truth from it well then you should not fall into error but if you're in the flesh and you're angry and you read your bible just so you can attack and debate with other people you might be going the wrong way because you're not having your heart right with god so go back to uh second peter chapter two and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of so the way of truth shall be evil spoken of so they hate truth so they're hateful and they hate truth so much that they can't wait to speak evil against the truth or against someone who's preaching the truth uh look at romans 1 again in verse 25 i started in verse 28 but in romans 1 25 look at what they do when a person gets down the wrong path and falls into error and they're not saved and they just go further and further and further into becoming a reprobate it's because their hearts not right it's because they're evil but it's because of hate but look what they do to the truth they can't take the truth because it convicts them so they have to do this romans 1 25 who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who was blessed forever amen so what they do is they take the truth and they have to change it into a lie and then they preach that and say now believe it because i said so no i'd rather believe what the bible says and i'm not gonna follow you why are you changing the truth now let's skip over this next one i had here and let's go ahead and go to verse three okay so they speak evil of the truth and they are pernicious they're wicked and unfortunately many shall follow them verse two now verse three says and through covetousness so what do they do they covet covet means they want so they're covetous they want what you have you can't have that i want that that's communism in a nutshell what is communism well you have more than me and i don't like it so you have to give it all to me uh no i worked hard for this what i have i have by the grace of god and it's mine you will get yours and i'll get mine okay that's capitalism but no communism is i want what you have it's covetousness the bible warns us about covetousness and we shouldn't be covetous but it says here and through covetousness shall they with feigned words faint pretend they pretend a lot their words are pretend words it says with the feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumberth not so god is looking down from heaven he's looking at everything these people do and he's like you're gonna get yours you're going out there being evil wicked spying on trying to get in trying to speak evil and get your people to follow you you're trying to start your own cult you're hateful you're mean-spirited you're angry you're changing the truth and trying to get people to believe a lie to follow you to put them into bondage to you just remember your judgment doesn't sleep for very long your damnation slumbereth not i'm going to let you do that god has grace but for a season and then it's going to come back on you maybe you've seen this maybe you haven't but here in pensacola there's a thing called brownsville it's a it's a pentecostal church and i remember as a younger kid all these people talk about the brownsville revival the brownsville revival the brownsville revival and i'm like what is that and so i drove over there one time and and i saw these people waiting in line and and i didn't see godliness i saw people dressed in short shorts and i i was like that's not good for a girl to wear shorts that short that doesn't look christian i saw a lot of what i look like to me carnal people and everyone said oh this brownsville revival is so great it's of god and i said okay well well if it's a true revival then crime rate in pensacola must have gone down so after the what 10 years or whatever this brownsville revival i looked at the crime statistics and nothing changed so not much of revival you know in the old days in america when there was revival uh the crime rate went down people got saved and changed their lives and were different and and things changed and there was definitely you could tell that a revival had taken place well then people started to go you know maybe that's not a real revival maybe what they're doing there isn't isn't really true a guy came out that is a pentecostal pastor and even said i don't agree with the brownsville i think they're wrong joseph's something i forget his name but i got his tapes and videos and everything and he showed how it looks like there are more into the kundalini movement than into the true bible movement and if you know anything about kundalini spirit that's a false spirit okay so this guy named hey canograph hank hanegraaff wrote a book and had some tapes called christianity in crisis and h cantograph brought that out and said i want to show you guys something the bible says this but those over in brownsville say this that or the other thing and he says i don't think that's really of god you know what happened the pastor of brownsville assembly of god mr kilpatrick was his name stood up and said i i just had a vision from god god sent me a vision and said that in ninety days god will destroy hank hanegraaff for going against our church and our movement in our revival god gave me that revelation okay so 90 days people were waiting 90 days waiting on that 90th day did god get hank hannah no he didn't this kilpatrick guy was on the top of his roof doing something up there and he fell off his roof now i don't know if he broke bones or what but i if i remember correctly he had to go to the hospital and so god in heaven was kind of chuckling going he said that i said 90 days i'm going to judge this guy and god said no no i judged you because you didn't say what i said if he had said that in the old testament he would have been stoned to death he wouldn't be alive today but he's still alive still runs his church over there but it's just it's sad that people will stand up and say god told me this god told me that when it doesn't come to pass uh we're supposed to take you seriously continually i don't think so but anyway i just i always wanted to share that story with you i thought it was kind of funny and sad at the same time okay but anyway we're continuing here and it says here and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of so some people speak evil of the truth well this hank anagraf guy he just said look here's the truth these people over there are doing things that are not biblical and i don't know what else to do but just show you the bible says this and they're saying this and he showed the truth well they spoke evil of the truth and then 90 days go judge them and yet they got judged themselves well that kind of sounds like their judgment uh of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbered not so we see but look at what it says here in verse 3. i want to focus in on this they shall make merchandise of you they shall make merchandise of you what what does it mean to make merchandise of you well merchandise is something you sell so they're making you into something that they can sell so they're selling you what does that sound like to you that sounds like slavery slavery is selling someone making you into merchandise making you into merch i'll just abbreviate so or do they say merc i don't know i'll just abbreviate merc so what is that well if you own a slave you profit from that if you could go and buy a slave you could put that slave to work and the work that that slave does you get to profit you get the money from that that's called making merchandise of another so slavery is in the bible and it's all through the bible and that can't be denied and what i see in the last days is that there will be slavery again in fact there still is slavery today unfortunately the muslim religion the islam allows slavery much of it unfortunately is sexual slavery in which they kidnap women and make them into sexual slaves that is horrible that is horrible what do they call that they call trafficking human trafficking and that's a horrible horrible thing that's making merchandise let's look at this real quick let's go to revelation chapter 13. there's no doubt you see what's happening in the world today i hope and in the world today there's the covet i'm so sick of this covet every time you turn around it's covered disc over that cover disc go with that well covid 19 is for a purpose okay there was an agenda behind cobia 19. it just didn't accidentally come out of a lab like they're saying i don't believe that there were papers put out 10 years before the rockefeller foundation operation lockstep and how they said hey we have a scenario here what if we put out some sort of virus and what if we told people they had to wear mask and what if we did this and what if we told them and it was all about authoritarianism it's all about the way that we can take over the world is through medical tyranny and so you look at this and one of the main men behind the cobia 19 thing was bill gates and bill gates says i don't think you should buy or sell unless you have a digital tattoo a quantum digital tattoo and you say what now and then it says but that's connected with the vaccine so you've got to take this vaccine and so what the vaccine has in it are some sort of nanobites or something that when they get in you they can turn you into a 5g tower and they can track you and now you become cattle but it all ties in with making merchandise of you because now you are marked like they mark cattle with the quantum digital tattoo and they can go wherever you go and know where you are and all these things and so it's making merchandise of you just like the bible says in revelation chapter 13 how in the last days what does it say it says and he calls all both small and great now this is uh verse 16 rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads okay so they're marked that's cattle you mark cattle that you own so the eventual goal of the antichrist when he takes over in his one world order the antichrist wants to own you now he's not gonna own me because i'm gonna get out of here at the rapture but he wants to own you what is that that's gonna profit off of you there's even there's even uh uh this uh patent zero six zero six zero six patenting using you and your work for digital currency so it's making what you do in your you know you look this up in which you profit from doing something and they profit from you do so it's making merchandise of you that's the mark of the beast so the mark of the beast the whole goal of all of this is to set up a system in which your cattle in which the antichrist owns you he has his mark on you and they have made merchandise of you and eventually at any time they want they can buy or sell you or kill you or do whatever they want with you a lot of people say oh slavery there's no slavery in the last days uh no the whole bible teaches the antichrist comes to enslave the antichrist is the false prophet now i know in the bible there's the antichrist and false prophet there are two different things i understand but the antichrist is a false prophet because what is his goal to spy and enslave okay so let's go to uh this passage revelation 18 i find this quite interesting in the bible we see in the last days the goal is to own you so they can profit off of you make you a slave to the global one world religion that's the whole ultimate push of all this covet 19 stuff and vaccines and all this in the bible talks about how in the last days there will be slaves revelation chapter 18. look at this and i hate it i'm not in favor of slavery i'm not a fan of slavery i don't like slavery i think it's bad but revelation 18 11 says in the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her now who is her mystery babylon okay and it's funny the merchants what does the merchant deal in merchandise what are the merchandise well here we're about to see it's going to be men and their souls even and the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones that have pearls and a fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all fining wood and all manner of vessels of ivory and all vessels of most precious wood and of brass of iron and marble and it just gives you a list after list after list now look at verse 13 and cinnamon and odors and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots now look at the variant and slaves and the souls of men so men will become slaves and when you give yourself as a slave to the antichrist he owns your soul that's why i will not take the vaccine that they're offering now it's an rna vaccine that changes your dna no god made me this way i'm god's i belong to him i am purchased and i belong to him through the blood of jesus he bought me okay i can't take that and let them change me and then give me a digital tattoo and mark me like cattle and now my soul belongs to them no my soul belongs to jesus that's one of the greatest uh proofs of a pre-tribulation rapture of anything how could someone that is bought and purchased through the blood of christ now become the antichrist if we could go through the tribulation and we who are saved could take the mark of the beast i don't i don't see that so the rapture's got to come but look at that servants slaves so souls of men so in the old old testament there were slaves in the new testament there was slavery thank god we live in a day and age today where most nations don't allow slavery but some islamist nations do but at the very end during the tribulation period there will be slaves there will be people who are enslaved so there will be slaves during the tribulation period okay now i want you to get that now they want to own you the new world order wants to make slaves or cattle of all people and then mark you like your cattle with their mark the mark of the beast now the context of revelation 18 is religion mystery babylon the mother of harlots an abomination of the earth it's a religious system so somehow the new world order is going to set up a new world global government which i believe will be the united nations but it will also set up a global one-world religion which will probably centered in rome probably have to do with the pope because the pope has been very active going around trying to get all religions to join him into a one world global religion it's called chrislam in which christianity that's what they call catholicism i do not accept catholic catholicism as part of christianity i think it has to do with this over here i don't think it's true christianity because they deny the blood of christ they say it's a in a cup and it's wine and they teach a works gospel not faith alone okay but it is joining islam and christianity chrislam well true christianity believes that the rapture but the false christianity will be left behind and that will be the one world religion and what does religion do it enslaves people into bondage so the pope will be one of the main men trying to get people into taking the mark of the beast and that's sad that's so sad so is it right to kidnap people and put them into slavery let's go to deuteronomy 24. in the bible god allows slavery okay god has allowed that to go on throughout history and he even gave some rules of slavery in the bible and you're supposed to follow god's book and if there's going to be slavery then you're supposed to do it god's way well i don't like slavery and i'm thankful in the united states of america there is no slavery today so i'm happy about that but if there was and there was a time when there was there was a time when the constitution of the united states of america allowed slavery it was the law of the land that a man could own a slave and what we see in colleges today is they go around say evil white men own black men um that's someone who has no idea of the truth of what really happened in america they've never studied it out america was founded by white people and in england there were lots of people that were so poor that became criminals and so on the courts in england they sent people that were white to america 16 1700s as indentured servants so it was white men having white men and servants well an indentured servant usually worked for six seven eight ten years however long it was and then they were free so but it was whites owning whites there was a guy named was it johnson i think it was who was a black man a free black man who actually owned some black slaves and even white slaves the first person in america to ever own a black slave for life not as an adventure service but a servant but as a slave for life was a black man anthony johnson that was his name anthony johnson is the one that went to the british courts and said you know i don't like this indentured servitude where i have to let him go free i want to own this guy for life and the british court said well okay so all these people run around white people bad because of slavery and they don't understand that blacks being slaves for life was started by another black man named anthony johnson why don't you study that why don't you believe that why don't you understand that because that doesn't fit your virginia your agenda is make people fight no thanks so a lot of black people came to america as slaves now if they were kidnapped and sold into slavery that's wrong and i'm very much against that and i'm going to show you a verse here in the bible where god is against that but did you study history a lot of the black people from africa that came to america as slaves do you realize that their own people sold them the portuguese slave traders were the worst and there were times that they went to the african coast and they kidnapped black people and brought them to america as slaves and that is sin but there are also times that they went over there and they met the chief and the chief was waiting on the shore and the chief said hey i've got this guy this guy this guy this guy we don't like them anymore we're going to sell them will you pay me for that and they literally sold their own people why don't they ever tell you that no you're just supposed to think that all white people are evil because they own slaves but some of the slaves were sold by their own people into slavery so you're it there it's it's more complicated it's not simple okay but it's awful i don't like slavery i wouldn't want to be a slave to anyone so my thought is i wouldn't want to own a slave but there were times in history where slavery was legal if it was done in the sense that one person was selling another person as a slave or as we're going to see in the bible right here someone chose to be a slave did you know that in the bible you could choose to be a slave for life look at deuteronomy chapter 24 and verse 7 deuteronomy 24 7 if a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of israel and maketh merchandise of him oh okay so it's wrong to make merchandise of someone or selleth him that's thief shall die and thou shalt put evil away from you so kidnapping is a sin kidnapping and selling of a person making merchandise of them that is a sin which is is the death penalty under the old testament so the death penalty under the old testament law now are we under the old testament law today no so today it is wrong to kill people if they owned a slave john brown was wrong john brown was a unitarian universalist abolitionist in america who got some of the people of his church and they went and they murdered people that owned slaves now they probably went to that old testament law and said see we're doing the righteous thing we're doing good what a idiot i'm sorry i don't know what else to say that guy didn't even realize we're under grace and we're not under the old testament we're under grace he didn't even rightly divide his bible what what he was a murderer but in the old testament that was the thing if you kidnapped someone and sold them that was sin now let me show you another passage are you ready for this one let's go to exodus chapter 2. but god did allow slavery in the bible in the old testament and look at this it was like an indentured servant god allowed people to be indentured servants but if an indentured servant chose for life to be a slave that he could have been one exodus chapter 2 and verse 1. and oh i said exodus 2 i'm sorry exodus 21. my bad exodus 21. sometimes i write it down wrong in my notes here exodus 21. now watch this exodus 21 verse 1 through 6. now these are the judgments which also set before them if thou by a hebrew servant six years he shall serve and in the seventh he shall go free for nothing so there was an indentured servitude here how one hebrew could become an indentured servant to another hebrew jew six years in the seventh year freedom no longer a servant all right verse three if he come in by himself he shall go out by himself if he were married then his wife will go out with him if his master have given him a wife and she have borne him sons or daughters the wife and her children shall be her masters and he shall go out by himself who okay and if the servant shall plainly say i love my master my wife and my children i will not go free a guy who's a servant who says i don't want to not be a servant anymore i want to be a slave for life look at what it says verse 6 then his master shall bring him unto the judges he shall also bring him to the door or unto the doorpost and his master shall bore his ear through within all and he shall serve him forever so piercing an ear and putting a hole in your ear i don't know if they put a piece of jewelry in after but the hole in the ear meant this person is a slave in bondage to their master forever wow now some people say why on earth would you want that well you know what the greatest illustration of that is in the bible abraham abraham and sarah had a servant or a slave of theirs named eliezer and abraham and sarah were 100 years old and 90 years old they had no kids well you know what the law says if you're a servant of them and they have no kids and they die everything they own goes to you wow so you would want to be a slave or a servant just in case they died because now you get everything so i can see why someone would willfully want to be a servant or a slave but uh that that didn't happen god said okay abraham i'm gonna let you have kids well in the new testament was there slavery well the greeks had slaves white people uh owning white people as slaves uh matter of fact um who owned slaves the longest uh america owned slaves something like 200 years whites owning blacks for 200 years what about israel israel was in bondage they were slaves for 400 years 200 years longer that's blacks owning jews hmm nobody wants to talk about that it's almost like there's a a conspiracy against white people no no you can't say that think about it okay now let's go to the new testament so the greeks own slaves and the romans had slaves so in greek society and roman society there was slavery and so rome was in charge in the time of paul and paul tells us the rules of slavery in the new testament if you were a christian but you were a slave well this is what the bible said let's go to ephesians chapter 6. and i just want to show you what the bible says again i don't like slavery but slavery is in the bible and so we need to see it and see what it says because there's on youtube there's this guy i guess i'd call him a false teacher that loves to attack me and the main thing that he likes to attack me on is slavery robert broker doesn't know what he's talked about there's no slavery in the bible and i'm like do you what um he came out not too long ago with a video where he says and something in the video is like brother breaker says there's slavery in bible society you know sarcastic like like what a fool robert breaker believes there's slavery in bible society and i'm like okay i wrote him a nice little you know comment the bible clearly shows slavery in the times of the societies of the bible so i i don't know what this guy is doing but all he does talk bad about me and he attacks me because he thinks i'm wrong on the doctrine of slavery or whatever and i'm like whatever man and what's funny and sad at the same time is how perverse he is he came out and made some video against me where he tried to say that i believe in slavery in the bedroom what a perverse disgusting thing what a deceitful thing to try to infer that robert breaker is a slave lover and slave owner and that he loves to to force his woman under his thumb or something and be some sort of a slave driver in the i just look at that guy and i go god he's in your hands you take care of him because that i don't know i don't understand what what that's all about but it's sad that somebody would want to just argue and then say horrible things about you and make things up and twist things it's just horrible but anyway it's in the bible slavery is in the bible and uh god allowed slavery in the old testament and here's the new testament in ephesians chapter six and verse five and seven says servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to flesh with fear and trembling and singleness of your heart as unto christ not with eye service has been pleasers but as the sermons of christ doing the will of god from the heart with good will doing service as to the lord and not to men knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth the same shall he receive of the lord whether he be bond or free and then it talks to the masters and how the masters are supposed to be treating their slaves in the next verse let's look at another example colossians chapter 3. so clearly slavery was in the bible but i'm not defending it i'm not saying yeah and that's why we ought to have it today no i'm not saying that but i'm saying there was a time when they did it and if you were going to do it because it was the law of the land then you ought to follow the bible when you do it some people wouldn't follow the bible most of america were christians before the civil war and if you draw a line in the mason-dixon line five percent or less of the cell phone slaves 30 percent or less of the north on slaves but now nowadays everyone says oh the south was evil for owning slaves and it's like oh that's pretty hypocritical statement when you owned 30 percent of them and they only owned five but that means 95 of the people in the south did not own slaves so you know but anyway it's just it's sad that people want to say well the south is evil because they own slaves and you're like really you know what i just don't know if i have it over here but i just finished reading a book about um slavery and the constitution of of the south and the south took the constitution of the north which by the way allowed slavery and they made the southern constitution of the confederacy for four years the confederacy existed and it almost matched exactly the constitution of the united states of america the confederate constitution but in the confederate constitution it says but we do not allow henceforth any more slaves being shipped into our country wow the united states constitution never said that so the south everyone says the south is evil because they wanted slavery and they fought the civil war over slavery look at that no it was over states rights what are you talking about and you look at the constitution of the confederates and they said we don't want any more slaves shipped into our states we they knew that slavery eventually was going to end just like it ended in england and all other countries and they were like it's the law just like it was the law up there but we know it's going to eventually end so we're not going to ship any more end but a lot of people they just demonize the south and all that but anyway let's go to colossians chapter 3. colossians chapter 3 verse 22 servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh not with eye service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fearing god whatsoever you do do it hardly as to the lord and not unto demand knowing that of the lord you shall receive the reward of your inheritance and it goes on there so servants obey your masters let's go to another one uh let's go to first timothy chapter six and i just think it's sad that this guy attacks me over some dumb thing like slavery but yet he goes and he's like a slave to servant are not the same thing and you're just like well in greek it's the same word doulas for save and servant oh yeah but and it's just okay okay so where are you coming from buddy well i see somebody that just wants to speak evil i don't think he could ever make a video about me without calling me names but how deceitful to try to say robert breaker is a slave driving southern man who loves slavery and he even practices them in a bedroom or some garbage as like what what what does the bible say about that man well it's here in first timothy chapter six let as many servants as they are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor by the way servant slave it's used in the bible almost interchangeably old testament the jews said we are the servants but you read and it says they were made to work under bondage what were they they were slaves and the servants in the in the south many of the slaves they called them servants so they're using the words interchangeably this guy tries to say no they're different things and you're just like ah dude do you know what you're talking about are you just trying to get disciples to come after you and just want to speak perverse and evil things to try to put down robert breaker well we know what you're doing we know who you are you're a guy that hasn't read the bible okay so you're not attacking me you're attacking the scriptures by teaching false doctrine first timothy chapter 6 says uh worthy of all honor that the name of god and his doctrine be not blasphemed this guy is blaspheming what the bible says about the doctrine of slaves or servants verse two and let them have believing masters and they have believing masters let them not despise them because their brother brother do them servants the bible says if you're a servant or a slave and you're a christian and your masters are christian then you are to do themselves so god allowed slavery in the bible and it says because they are brethren and continues there these things teach and exhort okay he talks about the benefit there was a mutual benefit that took place there verse 13. if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of the lord jesus christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness he is proud knowing nothing but donating about questions and strifes of words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil surmising perverse disputings of men of a corrupt mind and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdrawal thyself i would draw myself from that guy i don't have anything to do with a person that that talks like that doesn't know what he's saying it's really sad let's go to jeremiah too jeremiah chapter 2. so i'm not in favor of slavery i don't like it but i understand that it existed in the time of christ it existed before that existed under the law and there were some things that took place and god allowed it so i'm not defending it i'm just showing you there it is i'm glad we don't have it today but how someone could deny that it's in the bible it makes you wonder jeremiah chapter 2 and verse 14 jeremiah 2 14 says is israel a servant is he a homeborn slave why is he spoiled so there was some people in the bible and i don't have time to look at all the other verses but they were born slaves they were born as slaves in bondage to another person now you can argue if that's right or wrong all day long if you want and you can help yourself i'm not arguing the moral argument of whether it is right or wrong i'm just saying in the bible there were people that practiced it and i'm glad that we don't practice it today but you can't deny that it was in the bible but it looks like it's going to come back there will be slavery again unfortunately and i hate that because this slavery is awful it's taking the mark of the beast and then you lose your soul because the bible teaches if you take the mark of the beast then you can't be saved and when jesus comes back at armageddon the bible says all those with the mark of the beast go to hell so a lot of people are asking well brother breaker so is this vaccine for covet is it the mark of the beast and i i'm not gonna say that it is but it looks like it's the beginning of it it's the preparation it's getting people uh to think that it's okay to take a mark on your right hand that it's okay you notice all the things they put on your forehead as they go beep and check your you know fever you know oh do you have covered oh no fever and so right hand forehead right here why it sounds exactly like revelation 13. so it's headed that way don't sell your soul if you miss the rapture make sure you come to christ he is the one that purchased us with his own blood i don't belong to someone else i belong to jesus so go back to verse three and second peter chapter two and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingers not and their damnation slung birth not so they teach falsely they teach falsely let's see i put that up here they teach they're false teachers so they teach falsely they're teaching heresies like this guy it's a it's not true there wasn't any slavery in the bible society it's like dude you don't know what you're talking about but anyway um they follow pernicious ways and they speak evil of others so that's what a false prophet or false teacher they just want to talk bad about you this guy just wants to talk bad about me well help yourself buddy all you're doing is exposing that you're wrong the bible's right you don't know what you're talking about and uh they continue um it says here and they covet verse three and they make merchandise of you but what shall they have verse 1 swift destruction they shall be judged and they shall be damned so watch out don't be a false prophet don't be a false teacher don't be a false preacher speak the truth now back to verse 2 it talks about speaking how we should speak don't speak like them they speak what they speak evil of the way of truth so by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of so if someone is saying the opposite of what the bible says then we look at them and go man you must be a false prophet you must be a heretic you must be someone who's teaching something that's not true i'm going to stick with the way of truth with the bible i'm going to go out by what the bible says and i'm going to warn people about slavery that's upcoming thank god slavery is all behind us we don't have to go through it today in our society but in the future if you miss the rapture your soul's at stake i would rather starve to death or have my head cut off than become a slave to the antichrist system let's go on to and continue so we're moving right along and we're eventually going to get here to verse 4. uh but uh um let me see here well this will be a good place to stop we've got 10 minutes to finish up here and then next time we'll start on some really fun part where we talk real go into real detail of the doctrine about angels and fallen angels and things like that so is it right to speak evil of other people like i told you that that youtube fella all he did was speak evil of me i mean there's one time i think someone showed me brother breaker he made 14 videos in one day against you it's like wow this isn't a thing about me versus him this is about what does the bible say and let's always get to the bible but as a christian as a teacher as a preacher i don't want to devote my time to speaking evil of others that's not what god called me to do god called me to preach the truth to teach bob says speak the truth in love season with salt the bible says so we're not supposed to be deceitful and speak evil things and perverse things of other people let me show you some verses on that and that's just oh man that was all in first peter we looked at don't speak evil of others but i feel like we need to go back to it again because more and more as i get older and as i've been in the ministry i see more people just attacking others and they claim to be christians when i went to bible school i saw peter ruckman and he attacked people a lot peter ruckman if you get his commentaries you'll see where he calls people names a lot and i never liked that i remember one time i went to the bookstore over at peter rockman's bookstore there was a man there named skip and skip was just amazing this sweet kind loving caring person he's since passed away a couple years ago but i remember going into saying hey skip how you doing skip goes hey brother breaker how are you he says and he looks around like this he goes have you got ruckman's new commentary on first corinthians yet i said no i haven't got that yet he looks around he goes it's really good because he doesn't call people names he just teaches the bible and i'll never forget that i always thought that was so funny because you know a lot of ruckman's commentaries you just have to kind of read over all the places where he's attacking people to get to the meat but then first corinthians it was just you know what i'm going to stick with teaching the bible i'm not going to talk bad about other people much and it just he became better and it was easier to read and i just thought that was good so i've always determined in my ministry that i'm not going to go out there to tear down and attack and put down and name call and and talk bad about other people i'm not going to mention their names and then devote my time and energy to just attacking them what a waste of time when we could all be having fun studying the bible so that's what i want to do but i gave that one fella as an example of wow you know how sad that you speak evil and then you become perverse you have to you have to pervert it don't you you have to say i don't agree with breaker i think he says and they go why he's this in the bedroom it's like oh oh now you've just exposed your heart of who you are buddy you're a deceitful person who is projecting on me probably what you yourself are guilty of okay weird weird what we're seeing and so as a christian i decided i don't ever want to go out there and attack people i want to just stick with teaching the bible and the bible tells us not to go tear down an attack and do that's what the false prophets do that's not what we're supposed to do okay so let's look at some verses on that psalms 34 13 keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking gail let's go to james 4 11 we got to run we got a lot of verses i just want to show you this because this is how a true christian is supposed to be someone that doesn't speak evil of others someone that just tells the truth james 4 11 speak not evil one of another brethren he that speaketh evil of his brother and judgeth his brother speaketh evil of the law and judgeth the law but if thou judge the law thou are not a doer of the law but a judge so who made you the judge no god's going to judge us the bible says to the lord we all stand or fall so we're all going to give account to god someday for what we've said so do you feel in your conscience that you've done right have you done your best to teach the bible and edified people or if you devoted your time to just trying to tear people down and talk bad about them and spy on them and try to steal their viewers and and try to you know are you in the flesh are you teaching error are you is that which who are you that well that's the characteristics of a false prophet are you this over here what the bible says you're supposed to be someone that speaks uh correctly first peter 3 10 for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile that's a quote from from where we just were if i remember and it says verse 11 let him skew evil and do good let him seek peace and ensue it that's all i want i want peace with this fella i'd love for him to say hey brother breaker you know i'm not going to talk about you anymore i want peace i'm just going to teach my bible and you teach yours i'll be like hey hey man you know but no some people they can't do that they just they live and delight in trying to hurt others and attack them and put them down and that's sad first peter 3 16 having good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ well they ought to be ashamed when they speak evil of you i don't feel bad i have a good conscience i know i haven't said anything i shouldn't so i don't care but it is sad look what it says in verse four wherein they think it strange chapter four verse four wherein they think it's strange that you run not with them to the same excessive right speaking evil of you there's people out there that just live to speak evil of others now go to second peter chapter 2 and we haven't got down to verse 10 yet remember all of chapter 2 is a warning against false prophets but what do false prophets do verse 2 they speak evil of the way of truth and they speak evil of dignities verse 10 let me read all of verse 10 but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanliness and despise government presumptuous are they self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities so the context is the false prophets and boy do they love to speak evil of others and that's sad that's sad that's not how we as christians are supposed to be look at verse 12 but these says and why do they do it let me back that up why because they're after the flesh verse 10 but verse 12 but these as natural group beasts made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption you need to think before you speak and make sure are is what i'm saying edifying is is this going to help other christians what i say or is this going to hurt because if all you want to do is hurt other people then you're pernicious you're one of those that loves destroying and hurting and trying to kill other people and i don't want to be like that and i don't want to be around you okay jude verse 8 likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh and despise dominion and speak evil of dignities verse 10 but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts and those things they corrupt themselves i mean that almost sounds like what we just read so peter jude paul all saying the same things why because they got on the same page and they all wrote to each other and talked to each other and things like that let's go to acts 23 5. acts 23 5 paul if i remember correctly this is paul yeah acts 23 5 speaking and he says and he's speaking to the lost jews and paul says then said paul i wish not brethren that he was the high priest for it was written thou shall not speak evil of the ruler of thy people. so paul says look i shouldn't speak evil of the ruler of the people. well that's speaking evil of dignitaries now that's a quote from exodus 22 and it's a quote of speaking evil against the rulers of israel who were the religious rulers so that's interesting exodus 22 and verse 28 thou shalt not revile the gods nor curse the ruler of thy people well who is the ruler well the king of israel but also there were the religious rulers and there were two people you don't talk bad against so when it comes to today well we shouldn't go talking bad about the president even though we may or may not like him we tell the truth about them though but we we don't need to attack them and put them down and call them names and things like that we'll just tell the truth and the truth is sad enough for a lot of cases but we shouldn't talk bad about people that that are preachers and teachers that preach the bible and their king james only and have the right doctrine that are preaching the blood atonement of christ those should not be our enemies those should be our friends who preach the right gospel as we do titus chapter three i'm just gonna have to read all of titus chapter three we'll go a little long today but that's okay put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers to obey magistrates to be ready to every good work over here they just want to do bad works your false teachers to speak evil of no man oh but that's what they do your false prophet the ones that peter is warning about are those who just live to speak evil of others to be no brawlers what's a brawler someone who wants to fight well these people what they do they do because they just want to fight but gentle showing all meekness and all men are your false prophets gentle are they meek no they're not like that it says free work for we ourselves are also sometimes foolish disobedient deceived serving diverse lust and pleasures living in malice and envy hateful and hating one another that's what lost people are supposed to be that's what these people that's the characteristics of them don't be like that or you identify as a false prophet as a false teacher as a false preacher verse 4 but after that the kindness and love of god our savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the holy ghost which he shed on us abundantly through jesus christ our savior that being justified by his grace oh when i got saved i got saved by grace so shouldn't i practice grace on others these people have no grace because they're in the flesh they're carnal it says should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life this is a faithful saying these things i will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in god might be careful to maintain good works these things are good and profitable unto men well these are bad works what this class of people do so if someone claims on youtube or in a church house or something claims to be a minister or a preacher or a teacher and this is what they're guilty of and they're not doing right they're not edifying they don't care they're not gentle making kind then they're identifying of their own accord with those people and that's sad um verse 9 but avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions you know we shouldn't be contentious as christians and striving's about the law for they are unprofitable and vain a man that is in a heretic after the first and second admonition reject so if someone's a heretic well we need to try to get away from and say um let's get away from this after the first and second admonition now i might have sent too many admonitions to this fella you know but every now and then i'll send him one and then two you know to me i'm like well there's your one and two and then reject you on that and if it's a different thing that he's teaching well okay let's deal with that issue first second forget it oh you got another issue you're out teaching now okay first sec so i just try to help christians that claim to believe in the blood of christ and claim to be ministers and you know after the second admonition i guess we finish but to me that's on each subject that they teach different sometimes but anyway it continues there knowing that he is such a subverted subverted means destroyed ruined or corrupt what is corrupt perverse and sin is being condemned of himself see i'm not condemning these fellows and and out there preaching against them and putting them down and naming their names i've never even said who this person is but i'm not attacking them i'm using it as an illustration because it's a great illustration of what the bible's saying right here amen but they condemn themselves because they are guilty of these things so i take you to the bible and i say the bible says watch out for this crowd all right now you want to go watch that guy just watching all these things he's guilty of and then you come back and you tell me has he condemned himself you know i don't care if you watch that fella or other fellows like him i just want you to have discernment and to see whether or not people like that line up with the bible and i continue could continue there but i'll stop there and we'll turn over to philippians chapter one philippians chapter one so i want to be faithful preaching and teaching the bible and come what may and if these people attack and say well that's fine that's fine i don't hate them i cannot allow myself to hate i literally pray for them sometimes i get up in the middle of night get down by my bed and say lord i don't know why i'm thinking of this fellow lord but but i guess it needs prayer and i just want to pray for this guy lord i love him so much i wish he could be my friend i wish we could get along god he has such potential he could be such a good teacher if you just get out of the flesh and do right but he's got such pride and anger and hatred in his heart and he just all he wants to do is tear people down help them lord get them right and help them to do right and live right well philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of christ that whether i come and see you or else be absent i may hear of your affairs and that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel so that's what it's all about the gospel and the gospel is first corinthians 15 1-4 and that's the gospel we're supposed to preach and that's the gospel of how christ died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures how did he do it he shed his blood so the shed blood so the blood is important to preach and i preach the blood for salvation and salvation through faith in the blood faith in his shed blood that's salvation and if some guy is not preaching on the blood or he denies the blood then he's obviously a false prophet well if he claims to preach salvation through faith in the blood well then he needs to stop being like that and to get along with others otherwise verse 28 and in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation and that of god so if a guy's out there and he's attacking you and saying bad things about you then you just say you know what that's on him that's an evident token that he is not what he ought to be he's in error and he's not saying and doing what he should and we need to pray for him we need to pray for him and i ask you to pray for that fellow there's actually several fellows i'm not just thinking of one in particular sometimes i'm thinking of like four or five different ones out there and i love them i want to see them get right i do i really do ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers and uh let me skip to verse 31 let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice malice means hatred with vengeance and be kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake hath forgiven you so we're supposed to forgive people that attack us and i want to do that i want to say publicly i forgive you buddy i won't say your name i'll just call you buddy i forgive you buddy for all the things you've said about me and the lies and even the perverse things that you've tried to project onto me and my lifestyle and things i forgive you i care about you and in meekness i publicly ask you would you please recant of what you said yeah we don't have to agree on what we believe but you don't have to be that speaking evil and mean and full of hate and envy and just oh that's not a true christian and you're just exposing yourself for who you are you need to get right with god romans chapter 12 and verse 9 says let love be without the simulation it's all about that abort that which is evil cleave to that which is good be kindly affection one to another with brotherly love and honor preferring one another look at verse 16 be of the same mind one toward another mind not high things but condescend to men of low estate be not wise in your own conceits and then verse 17 recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest inside of all men well i it would be so easy for me to get in the flesh and fight back and as he calls me names call him names the bible tells me not to do that so i'm going to choose the high ground i'm going to go with the bible and follow it it says verse 18 if it be possible as much as life then you live peaceably with all men okay i'm i'm peace man peace bro peace okay i'm not calling you names i'm not calling you out i'm not mentioning your name i'm not i'm just giving you as an illustration this is what you're doing and it doesn't look like according to the bible right let's put our bible goggles on and view all things according to the bible it doesn't look like what you're doing on your channel is the right thing makes us think that you're a false teacher so if you want credibility if you want us to follow you if you want to be heard and listen to then get rid of all that get right with god make peace with me i wish you would and let's just serve the lord and preach the gospel and teach the bible verse 21 says be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good and some people unfortunately out there have overcome good with evil and they're so awful in what they do and they look at and they try to creep in and and it's like they're they're wanting to draw disciples away after themselves like we read in acts 20 uh in the last time and they and they're in the flesh and they and they're teaching things that aren't true and and they're and they're being deceitful and and they're even making up for verse things and you look at that you go false prophet are they lost well i like to give people the benefit of the doubt if they claim to believe the blood of christ they go well they're just in the flesh not walking in the spirit maybe they're saved but then there's others out there that you can clearly see no they're not saved there's some videos on youtube where they all oh you got to get under the law you got to keep the law to be safe well that's someone who's not teaching the truth and a lot of your religion is all about putting you into bondage to them i'll close with this and i'll be done in honduras i went to a village way out in the middle of nowhere i believe that was the village of magdalena i remember right and uh there was a church already established it was the catholic church in magdalena and it was a village out way close to el salvador and uh there was a catholic church which preaches works gospel and then there was a santidad church something that is holiness so there's a holiness church which holiness is kind of like pentecostal in a lot of ways and so i talked to this people and uh talked to someone in that church and they were holiness and they believed in their works and i got to lead them to the lord alecandro i believe was his name and uh he he got it he understood wow it's what jesus did i've been trusting in what i did to get to heaven no i trust in the blood i trust jesus for salvation and he got saved because i got to give him the gospel and i shared it with him i still remember we were in a little store his house was a store and we're sitting there with the bible and i'm going through verses with him and showing likandro how to be saved and he went to that pastor of that holiness church afterwards and he says pastor i cannot be a member here anymore because i wasn't told the truth you told me that i had to do works to get to heaven in my whole life i was hoping and i was living in fear and i was just i hope i do good enough to get to heaven he says now i know the truth and he says i can't be a member of your church anymore and that pastor of that santiago holiness church told him how dare you he said of course it has to be of works of course you have to get to heaven by works he said if i don't teach works for salvation then you won't obey me he said he said if you don't think that you'll go to hell unless you do what i say then i can't control you what does that sound like to you that sounds like putting someone into bondage to you to them and when he told me that story what that pastor said i just thought to myself there's there's the passage in uh in second peter talking about making merchandise of you that's religion false religion tries to make you think that your only hope is in them and they're the only way to heaven and they make you into their slave and now you're enslaved and in bondage to that religion and you don't even have salvation and when he told me that i was like wow well he left that church and there's a real small pastor there now magdalena and i guess the church is still going i know that pastor he used to be a pastor of one of the churches there and he got saved the pastor and he was a different church just a little outside of that little community and he started preaching salvation by faith alone and then a lot of people left and went to the other side church because they wanted to be in bondage they wanted to be under a religious system that said only we can save you you must come through us and they said to the pastor you are our head and what you say goes and will follow you rather than the bible that's a cult and that pastor was a false prophet and so this guy he got saved in lycandro and now they had bible studies in their house and i don't know i'd love to go back to honduras and see if they were able to start a church with sound doctrine but i'll never forget i told you that story because i'll never forget what that false preacher of that false suntide church said if i don't preach works for salvation then i can't get them into bondage to me to do what i say and what did he say give me your money forgot to say one of the things that false prophets are all about is money if they can get you thinking that the only way to heaven is through them or you'll go to hell then they can just say now give me your money and that's what the catholic church does catholic church makes it all about you have to give us your money you have to pay to get your loved one out of purgatory and so watch out for religion and false prophets so we got a lot longer to go in chapter 2 of second peter but it's all about false prophets and i've done my best to show you uh some of the characteristics of false prophets and how false prophets are more than just prophets they're teachers and preachers but when they begin to teach it's heresy and so and it's all because they don't love you they make merchandise of you and that's what the one world religion will do make you their slave and they'll take your soul so come to jesus now come through grace through faith in the blood of christ that's the way of salvation all right we'll close there maybe next time we'll we'll uh get into a different subject but we'll still be dealing with with uh false prophets and uh next time we'll look a little bit at angels and how angels fell and uh what happened there so this was basic milk but next time is going to be a whole lot of meat and i hope that's a blessing to you all right god bless bye-bye you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 12,929
Rating: 4.8838711 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible, 2 Peter, Verse by Verse Bible Study, Bible Study, Robert Breaker
Id: 7s3az6f79yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 21sec (4401 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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