The Bride of Christ

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okay welcome back and rubber breaker and last week's sermon I preached on the subject of the body of Christ the body of Christ and I showed you the different theories that people have what the body of Christ is and then I showed you from the Bible what the body of Christ is the body of Christ is those who are saved during the church age that's Christ's body and I want to show you that again today quickly and then I want to preach on the subject of the Bride of Christ I've had a lot of people emailing me lately and saying rota breaker what is the Bride of Christ who is the Bride of Christ and they tell me that on YouTube there's some very confusing videos about that and there's people that say that the Bride of Christ is this or that or the other thing and they say what does the Bible say about it so that's wonder today I'm going to show you what the Bible says is the Bride of Christ I'll also give you one example of what other people are teaching and how what they teach just doesn't seem to jive with the scriptures or with the Apostle Paul so let's begin in Colossians chapter 1 verse 18 and I don't want to spend too much time going back to the body of Christ but I do want to just read this verse about the body of Christ and then today we're going to look at the Bride of Christ and what we're going to do today is hopefully because I've been getting so many emails from people about this subject hopefully we'll put to rest this idea of who is the Bride of Christ and would get an idea from the scriptures who it is I've recently come across a lot of people that claim to be Bible believers and it's funny they say when we have the truth we're the only ones that believe the truth that we're right and everybody else is wrong you know people like that have a little bit of a pride without even known it and they're all we know what's right and we're and you ask them what do you what do you believe about the body of Christ and they say well I don't I don't know I've never studied that out I've never got that correct I've never figured that out who the Bride of Christ is and it's just it's baffling to me if you just simply read the Bible you'll find out who the Bride of Christ is notice that it's called the Bride of Christ that's very important so what we're going to do today we're just going to have a little Bible study here this isn't really an evangelistic message this is going to be focusing on helping Christians people that are saved to teach and understand we should all be in the same mind have the same mind in the same understanding but let's start today with Colossians chapter 1 verse 18 and 24 just to remind ourselves of what I looked at last week about the body of Christ Colossians chapter 1 verse 18 it's talking about Jesus in the context in Colossians 1:18 says and he who's that Jesus he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead and in all things he might have the preeminence so in speaking about Jesus Christ and says he is the head of the body the church so what is the body of Christ the body is the church so the church is the body I mean you can't get past that so the body of Christ is the church now again in verse 24 you know there's some people out there to claim to be Christians they don't like that they get very offended when you call the body of Christ the church they believe only in the local church they don't believe in all say people consisting of the body of Christ but in verse 24 it tells us again Colossians 1 24 says who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake which is the church so Christ's body is the church so the body of Christ equals the church let me write that up there the body of Christ and notice how important that is term is of Christ the body of Christ is the church so what we're going to see today is what the body of Christ is and I'm going to show you a little bit about the Bride of Christ and what we're going to find a lot of people don't believe this but it's absolute truth from the Scriptures is that the body of Christ and the Bride of Christ are the same thing and we're going to see that from the Bible I'm actually going to show you that there's two Oh brides and what you're going to see in the scripture is that there's two different brides not just one there's a bride in the Old Testament and then there's the Bride of Christ which is the New Testament now a lot of people confuse of the two and they try to make it one and by so doing will they have problems that mess up Bible doctrines and they steal away from Jesus Christ his glory and his body and some of them will not even know in it so that's what we need to study this today we need to make this clear we need to clarify this teaching of what the Bride of Christ is so let me start with what some people say I'll tell you what they say and then I'm going to go to the scriptures and we're gonna look at what the scripture says amen the Bible says prove all things hold fast that which is good so let's look at the teaching that they give and then see does that teaching jive with the Scriptures so some people say some people teach that the Bride of Christ is Israel and what they say if they say that Old Testament here now remember one of the Old Testament start with the Old Testament started with the death of the Cross when everything back here is all Old Testament and then after Jesus Christ dies when Jesus dies what did he die for we were told that he died to purchase the church with his own blood acts 20:28 so the death of Jesus Christ the purpose of the death of Christ was for a body so Jesus died to start his body and by the way Jesus is the head of the body which is important so you've got Jesus died on the cross and that starts the New Testament so you have an Old Testament and a New Testament they are separate they are divided they are different there are a lot of differences between the old and new Testament but there are some people that claim to be Bible believers I guess you'd call them who say well no the body of Christ is Israel and what they do is they go back to the Old Testament when they were still under the law and they say well the Bible talks about Israel being a bride so they say that bra is the same bride of the New Testament now is that true is that the teaching is that what the Bible says well let's look at that because they are right that that Israel is looked at by God as a bride the nation of Israel God in the Old Testament looked at as though it was his bride but it's not that same bride as the Bride of Christ the way I like to explain it is that in the Old Testament it is God the father's bride it's like God the father looked at Israel was dealing with Israel he says you're like my wife that was about God the Father but when Jesus shows up he's God the Son so if you read the Bible understand I don't believe the Bible you find out Wow God the Father has the bride God the son has the bright they're not the same bride imagine a father and a son sharing the same woman that's disgusting so what we have to do is we have to rightly divide well the first thing we need to rightly divide and divide the Old Testament from the New Testament because we want to rightly divide the word of truth so some people say that the body of Christ which we have today what we call the body of Christ they say that the body of Christ is not the Bride of Christ this would be your hyper dispensationalists position if you get a chance watch my video and why I'm not I had this sensation let's they claim to rightly divide the word of God but then they overly divided they go to such extremes that they don't get it right and that's the problem with Christianity today either people go to one extreme and don't divide at all or they go to the other extreme and overly divided we need to stay in the middle we need to rightly divide not wrongly divide but they say that Israel is the Bride of Christ and they further say that when Jesus comes and reigns for a thousand years in the Millennial Kingdom they say that the bride Israel which they believe is the bride will be the Bride of Christ during that time does that mean if there is no Bride of Christ today then I mean they take this Old Testament and they say that the bride is Israel so that the Bride of Christ is still Israel so today in the church ages there are no such thing at the right of Christ will they go to such an extreme that they say when the church shows up to heaven that the church doesn't even come down into the lineal Kingdom now we know we read the Bible we study that in the Millennial Kingdom those that are saved the body of Christ they go up to heaven but we can also come down in the Millennial Kingdom and reign with Christ and we will reign with him we get rewards in heaven at the judgment seat of Christ and that's the rewards that will help us as we reign with Christ now we know we reign with Christ because in 2nd Timothy Paul tells us that that we will reign with him Paul even says know you not that you shall judge the world you shall judge angels so clearly the church the body of Christ doesn't sit up in heaven for a thousand years while Jesus is down here on earth the church has something that they can do here on the earth as well and their glorified body but I want to get into that that's a different subject but they claim that the bride is Israel now they go further to say that the Bride of Christ is only in the Old Testament and that there's no Bride of Christ today in the New Testament until after the rapture and then because their teaching is the Bride of Christ is only Israel then I guess the Bride of Christ begins again in the tribulation so what they do is they have the Bride of Christ here and they have the Bride of Christ here so that's the best way I know to to put their teaching that the Bride of Christ to them is only Israel so their teaching is that Israel is the bride now that means that Jesus doesn't have a bride today that doesn't make much sense does it what about what Paul tells us were you many of these people that teach this that the Bride of Christ is only Israel they claim to follow Paul so what I'm going to do today is I'm gonna explain to you what Paul says and I'm going to show you what the Bible teaches but before we do let's look at these Old Testament verses that many of them go to because it is true in the Old Testament God the father says to Israel you are like a bride to me so yes there are Old Testament passages that talk about God the Father looking at Israel as though they were his bride so let's look at that first but remember now that's Old Testament how can you mix the old and the new when they're different old preacher said one time things different are not the same so if they're different you got to get a hold of that so let's start with Jeremiah chapter 3 I'm going to go through Jeremiah Ezekiel and Hosea Old Testament verses in which God the Father is dealing with Israel and he's saying that they are like a bride to him that has been unfaithful they were like a bride that diverted and changed from the true God Jehovah they went to other gods so it was like they committed spiritual adultery against their husband God the Father Jeremiah chapter 3 verses 14 and 15 here we have an Old Testament passage where God the Father remember God father's dealing with Israel during this time said this Jeremiah 3:14 and 15 turn all blacks sliding children saith the Lord for I am married unto you it doesn't get much clearer in the math God the Father is saying I'm married to you Israel God looks at his relationship with Israel and the Old Testament as that of a husband and a wife and so God says I'm the husband and you Israel are my wife he said Brian married unto you and I will take you 1 of a city and two of a family and I will bring you to Sian verse 15 I will give you pastors according to my heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding so God says look I am your husband I am married to you I look there verse 8 and I saw when for all the causes were by select blacks lighting Israel committed adultery I put her away and given her a bill of divorce now people will take that passage and say well God divorced Israel no God hates putting away the Bible says God is against divorce there is a difference between someone divorcing someone else and someone giving someone a writing of divorcement what happened was the children of Israel by their treachery by their sin by their going a whoring after other gods they turned away from God and God looked at that as them committing adultery and going to false gods and so God says I gave her a bill of divorcement what is a bill of divorcement a bill is saying hey look what you did to me so basically God is saying by your whoredom you divorce yourself from me Israel now here's a piece of paper to show you hey look what you did to me so God never divorced anyone I just get so upset when I hear people say well God divorced Israel so if God can get a divorce I can - then why would God say another policy just God hates putting away why would God say not to get divorced it doesn't make sense so God never divorced anyone what he did was he gave them a bill of divorcement that is he gave them notice that hey you guys have run away from me you guys as a nation have gone a whoring after other gods you have divorced to me I just want you to see that so that's the first place it's very clear there in verse 14 that God says to Israel hey I am married to you you're my wife so God looked at his relationship with Israel in the Old Testament as a marriage relationship God the Father married to Israel now because after 16 as Ezekiel chapter 16 and verse 1 through 8 here we have again this this tie for this this idea of God's relationship with the nation of Israel being a marriage relationship is he killed 16 verses 1 through 8 again was the Lord came to me saying son a man called Jerusalem to know her abominations and say thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem by birth the night activity is of the land of Canaan my father was an amirite and my mother a hittite and as for the Nativity in the day that was born thy navel was not cut neither was that washed in water to shuffle thee that was not salted at all nor swaddled at all none I pitied thee - do any of these unto thee to have compassion upon thee but thou was cast out in the open field to the loathing of thy person in the day when that was born when I passed by the I saw thee polluted in thine own blood and I said the when thou wast in thy blood live yay I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live God is saying you know Israel it's like you were you you were given birth birth as a nation you came forth and then you just lay down there and died and I wanted you to live so I came along to help you live and God has always been dealing with Israel to try to help them as a nation and the whole story of the Bible is them coming to God and living right for a little while and then turning away from God and then God has to chastise them and then they come back to God and live right for a little while and then turn away from God and God has the chastisement in the cycle goes over and over and over and over but God is continuing there and he says there were seven I have caused me to multiply as the bud of the field and now it's increased in waxing great and thou art come to an excellent ornaments that breasts are fashion and that hair has grown where thou was naked and bare now verse eight now when I pass by thee and looked upon thee behold thy time of the time of love and I spread my skirt over thee and covered that neck eNOS yeah I swear unto thee and interred into a covenant with me saith the Lord God and thou became hist mind so the type here is Jesus looking at Israel and then saying I loved you so much that I married you that you became my wife my bride so this is not the Bride of Christ but this is what people say is the Bride of Christ now what's interesting is Christ hasn't even showed up yet so how could this be the Bride of Christ if Christ hasn't shown up yet see how that doesn't seem to work this is God the Father dealing with Israel this is when Jesus comes to deal with me so it's still an Old Testament thing but they say well that's the Bride of Christ okay let's continue here in Ezekiel chapter 16 and verse 28 I want to read verse 28 down to verse 32 so think you'll 16:28 thou has played the also of his syrians because that was unsay seeable yea thou has played the harlot with them and yet could it not be satisfied so God is still dealing with Israel still talking to them as though they were his bride in the marriage and he says what you've done is you've gone a whoring after other people instead of being my bride and being faithful to me verse 29 that has moreover multiplied by fornication in the land of Canaan into Chaldea and yet that was not satisfied they were here with how weak is thine heart saith the Lord God seeing thou do us all these things the work of an imperious woman ended up building intimate place in the head of every way and make us bind high place in every street and has not been as an harlot in that they'll score nest higher in saying look you're not even as bad as a prostitute because you're not even asking for money when you go a whoring and committing adultery and fornication you just do it for fun not as condemning Israel saying what you're supposed to be faithful to me I am your God and look how you're so unfaithful just like an unfaithful adulterous woman verse 32 but as a wife that committeth adultery which take it strangers instead of her husband so the Old Testament God is speaking to Israel he says they're like a wife so God says he's he said remember we read it God said I am married to thee we read that earlier so God the Father says to Israel that he is married to them he called Israel his wife she's like his bride but how could we call that the Bride of Christ if Christ hasn't appeared yet Jesus shows up as the Christ so this is still an Old Testament and it's dealing with the nation of Israel now let me show you the other passage that many like to go to but many try to say well because they're called the wife in the Old Testament then that means that Israel is still the wife and the New Testament is that so let's find out we'll look at that but let's go to hides in hosea chapter 2 now the book of Hosea is an interesting book hosea was a prophet and he'll say it was the Prophet and God told Hosea you see that woman out there go marry her oh and by the way she's a she's a prostitute go marry that prostitute and God told a man to go marry a and a prostitute and the reason God did so is because God to what was going to happen he knew that she would turn away from him and go back to her business as you will go back to her sin and what God was trying to show Jose it was you see how bad that feels see how it hurts to marry someone and then they go commit adultery on you hey that's how I feel God says so say that's how I feel I'm married Israel I love them they were supposed to be faithful to me and their God and now they're gone and committing adultery with other gods and other nations so God is looking at his relationship to Israel as though it was the relationship of a man and his wife and God calls Israel an adulterous adulterous woman but on Zeya chapter 2 and verse 5 with that context in mind God is speaking and it says it shall come to pass it that day I'm in one I need to go to hosea chapter 2 verse 5 it says here for their mother has played the harlot who's the mother Israel Israel has played the harlot she has conceived she that conceived them have done shamefully for she said I will go after my lovers that give me my bread and my water my wool and my flax my oil and my drink therefore behold I will hedge up the way with thorns and make a wall and she shall not find her pass now look at verse 10 skip down here and now will I discover her lewdness and the sight of her lover's God is speaking and saying because she turned away from me this is what I the husband will do to this adulterous wife I will discover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers and none shall deliver her out of my hand verse 11 I will also calls all her mirth to cease her feast days her New Moon's and her Sabbath's and all of her soul feasts and he continued there and he says and I will destroy her minds and her fig trees wherefore she had said these are my rewards that my lovers have given me and I will make them a forest and the beasts of the field shall eat them 13 I will visit them upon her the visit upon her the days of Balaam wherein she burned incense to them and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels and she went after her lover's and forget me saith the Lord verse 14 therefore behold I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak comfortably unto her now let me drop down there to verse 18 so this is God saying this is what I'm going to do to her because she's done wrong but now in verse 18 it says and in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven and with the creeping things of the ground I will break the bow and the sword and the battle of the earth and will make them to lie down safely verse 19 and I will betrothed the unto me for ever yay I will be trusty unto me in righteousness and in judgment and in loving-kindness and mercies I will even be trough thee unto me in faithfulness and thou shalt know the Lord so here we have a term betrothed and the word covenant so God says even though you've turned from me Israel I will betrothed you unto me what does that mean that means I will say that you are my bride and you're going to marry me again and he says I will make a covenant with you again so what does that mean that means that even though Israel has turned away from their God he's not turned away from them God the Father has promised that even though the nation of Israel will reject him and has reject him there will be a time when he goes back to them what does God to father go back to Israel well in the tribulation period after the rapture God the Father goes back to dealing with the nation of Israel and so that would make sense that that's when God the Father goes back to dealing with his bride Israel so what I preach and what I teach and what I see from the Scriptures that this is the bride of God the Father so it was God the Father dealing with Israel so God the Father said to Israel I will marry you so when you come back to the Tribulation liliom Kingdom and God goes back to dealing with Israel that's God the Father dealing with them as a nation again but when you read the Bible you find out that Jesus Christ he has a different bride Jesus came for this people and they rejected him so Jesus said okay well I'm going to start saving people I'm going to set up a body so what I'm going to do now I showed you the Old Testament verses and yeah yeah doesn't it look convincing what'd they teach that the bride is Israel so the Bride of Christ must be Israel too but they have a problem see God's dealing with Israel here and gods dealing with Israel here but because Israel rejected the Messiah there's a time period here which we call a parenthesis you know if you haven't seen my video check out my my video about that via the postponement theory in the parenthesis here the body of Christ this is the time when God is building his body Jesus is and he's getting people say that are both Jews and Gentiles the majority of the church is Gentile people so this isn't Israel so this is the church the church is different so here's what I want to do what I'd like to do is I take you to Paul and show you what the Apostle Paul says about the body of Christ and what he calls his ministry when he says that those people that it's saying are because as we look at this what we're going to find there's two brides in the Bible and you cannot make them the same they're different God the Father and God the Son do not marry the same woman that would be sick for a huh for a father and a son to marry the same one Jesus has his bride just as God the Father has his bride God the father's bride is Israel God the Son Jesus Christ bride is the body of Christ the church let me show that to you let's go to Paul now and look at Paul now let me say this to the Hyper's are quick to say that Paul never uses the term the bride the Bride of Christ and that's true Paul never says bride he never uses that word bride the word bride appears in the King James Bible 14 times the phrase Bride of Christ is not found in the New Testament either so these people that want you to believe that the Bride of Christ is only Israel they will say because Paulo never mentioned the turn Brian or Bride of Christ then the church is not the right of Christ the Bride of Christ is only Israel here and only Israel there but the the body of Christ is not the Bride of Christ that's what they teach is that what the Bible teaches even though Paul does not use the term bride or Bride of Christ it is very very clear that Paul talks about a wife and Paul talks about a Brian and how these guys can miss this when they claim to follow Paul is just astounding to me I don't understand how someone could pervert the scripture so much and teach that the body of Christ is only Israel go with me if you will to second Corinthians 11:2 because here the Apostle Paul is speaking the Apostle Paul is writing to corn he's writing to Christians he's writing to the body of Christ to save people the church look at what he says to the body of Christ or to the church Paul he says these words in 2nd Corinthians 11:2 for I am jealous over you with godly jealousy for I have espoused you to one husband that I'm it presents you as a chaste virgin to Christ so here the Apostle Paul is speaking he says I have a spouse so Paul Paul I who bet Paul espoused to you what does it mean to a spouse to no comedian spouse you to I spout you to a husband who is the husband Christ Christ Jesus is the husband of the body the church now if you don't see that and you don't believe that then you've got problems the body of Christ is the bride because Paul says that he has espoused the body to Jesus Christ so the body of Christ or the Bride of Christ is the church who will one day be married to Jesus Christ do you see that the Apostle Paul makes that very very clicker to be a spouse what is a spouse to mean I looked up the word espoused in the 1828 dictionary a spouse means betrothed of Finance which is kind of interesting the word finance it means basically bought the old days when there was a marriage the man had to pay a dowry for the life there was a payment made well Jesus made a payment for his bride the church it's the blood of Jesus Christ He shed his blood for the church acts 20:28 what is the church it's the bride it's the body now the word espoused means betrothed a financed promised in marriage by contract so what is this a spousal that Paul speaks up when Paul says to the church I have espoused you to one husband which is Christ what is he saying he's saying look I'm going to marry you to Christ you the church are the Bride of Christ if you don't get that read that verse over again that's what he's saying and Paul literally says I will be the one that presents you to Jesus Christ as a virgin as a chaste virgin we who are saved we're like the virgin why are we a virgin because when you're saved you're forgiven your sins are forgiven your purists know when you're forgiven of your sins so the Apostle Paul is clearly speaking here and even though he doesn't use the term bride or Bride of Christ he clearly uses the term espoused and in a spousal is when you take one person and you promise that person to marry someone else so the body of Christ is the church and the church is the soon-to-be Bride of Christ because we are a spouse as a bride to Jesus Christ now I don't understand how these people can't see this but that is so clear according to the Bible but they said well that's the only verse you've got well I don't believe it no that's not the only verse I have and that's not the only verse that all ever spoke of about the body of Christ being a bride or a wife go to Ephesians chapter five a Batian chapter 5 this is one of the seven mister Riis that God gave DePaul a nation chapter 5 verse 22 we have from verse 22 all the way down to verse 33 marriage and how Paul tells us that the mystery that God revealed to Paul is that marriage is a type of Christ in the church and that Christ is the type of the husband that means that the church would be the type of the wife or the bride so here's what we're going to show you let's go over this Ephesians chapter 5 let me show you that even though Paul doesn't use the word bride he does use the word a wife and what is a wife she is the bride of her husband so there is the Bride of Christ it has to be Christ's bride because Christ wasn't back here yes Jesus Christ existed in the Old Testament but he was not dealing with Israel as their Christ or their anointed one or under Messiah it was when Jesus came to be born of the Virgin Mary that's when he came as the Christ so notice the word Bride of Christ it's the bride that ties in with Jesus it's not that prior bride that is dropped the father dealing with Israel there are two different brides it cannot be the same bride now if you in chapter 5 let's start there in verse 21 submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God there's going to your wives submit yourselves to your own husband's as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife now notice what it says even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the what the body so the body is the wife all right so what is it saying here Christ is the head of the church just as the husband is the head of the one wife so Christ is the husband the wife is the church the church is the body so clearly the body of Christ is the this passage tells us that clearly now they'll say well no that's just a spiritual application well is that a spiritual application estimation yes God is taking to something anything like this in marriage happens this is what happened this marriage relationship that we have today is a type of trust in the church well Christ calls the church his body why would the church be called the body because in the marriage relationship when you're married you become one body a man and a woman come together get married they're one flesh they're one body and what is the man the husband was the wife the bride she's the wife so the wife is the bride so clearly the doctrine of the teaching of the Bride of Christ being the church is in the Bible yes Paul never uses the term bride so what he tells us that the church is espoused to Christ that means she's to be his wife which is the bride so let me bring here Ephesians pigeons 5 and then verse 23 says that Christ is the head of the wife even as the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ as the head of the church he is the savior of the body verse 24 therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husband's in everything 25 husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it who did Christ give himself for the body the saved people the church and what is the type of the bride the Bride of Christ and it says here verse 26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word verse 27 now watch this that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish now notice this verse says that this body this bride will be presented to Christ when does this bride get presented to Christ the presentation is made at the rapture the body of Christ leaves at the rapture so this bride here is still here until the rapture takes place that's when it goes up or Jesus Christ and is presented as the bride now it says here that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish verse 28 so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies and he that loveth his wife loveth himself for nobody never hated his own flesh nor cherish nor should it and cherishes it even as the Lord the church for we are members of his body and an expression of his bones for this cause shall be able to eat his father and mother and shall be joined it to his wife and they too shall be one flesh this is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the church notice what Paul says he says I'm not just talking about a man and a woman getting married he said I am explaining to you the mystery of Christ in the church Christ is the husband and the church is the life nevertheless verse 33 let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband the body in Christ is the Bride of Christ that's what Paul just said I don't care if I'll never use the word bride he just showed us that the body of Christ the church is the wife what is the wife hey bride you can't get around that now this bride this bride will be presented to Jesus Sunday this bride is not this bride this bride is this real that goes into the Millennial Kingdom this bride Christ's bride goes up to heaven show you about two distinct and very different brides one is an Old Testament bride which I call the bride of God the Father which God the Father will come back to and remake a covenant with and re re up remarry if you will but this bride is the bride that belongs to Jesus Christ now when Jesus returns at the Battle of Armageddon and rules in the Millennial Kingdom he rules as the king over Israel but while he's ruling as the king over Israel he still has his bride you said well that does that well let me show you something one of the greatest types in the Bible of Jesus Christ ruling as king of kings and Lord of lords of the Millennium is Solomon King Solomon was a Jewish King that ruled over Israel the nation and he married a Gentile bride isn't that something he didn't marry a Jewish bride you see these people try to say there's only one body of Christ are one Bride of Christ and they say that one bride is Israel then they say that the church is just the body of Christ it's not the bride that's ridiculous Jesus Christ can have his own bride and still rule in the Millennium with his bride by his side over Israel and that promise can still be fulfilled from God the Father to Israel that he would go back to dealing with him and there's no problem there's no problem but these people that believe that the body of Christ and the Bride of Christ is only Israel when he gets the money a kingdom you say well where's the UM where's the bride oh well it's here on earth and Jesus is ruling with his bride here on earth and he said well where's the body of Christ the church oh they're way up in heaven and they're gone and they stay up there so for a thousand years the church stays up in heaven on Jesus's down here on earth jesus said I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee Jesus Christ said that when we get saved we'll always be with him why would he suddenly put us away from a thousand years and we can all see all the thousand years they care and the church is waiting four thousand years for Jesus to come back to them that doesn't make sense no we are with Jesus at his side as his bride in the Millennial Kingdom in our glorified bodies which we get at the rapture while the Jews are in their natural bodies here on earth and God is Jesus Christ is ruling over the nation of Israel so you've got to see that there's the Bride of Christ which is Jesus a bride and that's why it's called the Bride of Christ which is the body the church and that's going to be the spiritual Bride of Christ that's going to be us who are saved there was also this old body or older bride in the Old Testament you cannot force them and make them one they're not the same things different are not the same now what happens when a person gets married you go to Matthew chapter 19 when a person gets married guess what happens when a man and a woman come together and get married they're no more to their one so why is the Bride of Christ called the body of Christ because when we get saved we join Christ's body and we become part of his body and that's what the body of Christ is it's people getting saved and becoming one with Jesus and so now they're one flesh they're no longer separated it's marriage it's taking place of a joining together into his body that's why I said to Matthew chapter 19 verse 4 through 6 and he answered and said unto them have you not read that which that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female they said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they 21 flesh wherefore they are no more Twain but one flesh what God has joined together let no man put asunder so man leaves his father and mother Jesus Christ left heaven where God the Father was came down joined himself to his bride so Jesus is going to join that ride God the Father had a bride in the Old Testament but that cannot be the same bride as Jesus Christ bride because then even have God the Father marrying the same bride that jesus big man and his son can't marry the same woman so I don't know how to go any more detail into it than this but simply that you must understand these Old Testament verses our Old Testament verses and when they talk about God the Father saying that he married Israel that was then today the Bride of Christ is the Church and the Bride of Christ is the body of Christ and it saved people and they're going to be married to Jesus now the question is when will they be married to Jesus well there's a lot more we need to look at so let's go over here to Revelation chapter 21 but I hope it's very clear to you hope there's no longer any confusion these people that say this the body of Christ and the Bride of Christ are not the same thing they're confusing people and they're they're forgetting Paul and what Paul wrote Paul said in second Corinthians 11 that we are espoused to Christ that means we are his bride we who are saved the body of Friday Revelation chapter 21 and verse 2 revelation 21 - yawn the Apostle says and I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from heaven from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned adorned for her what for her husband who's the husband Jesus so he's the husband what does that make the wife the bride now it says that New Jerusalem is like a bride and she is like a bride adorned for her husband so in in this passage in Revelation it begins to talk about a thing called New Jerusalem look at verse 9 and there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying come hither I will show thee the bride , the Lambs wife alright so there is a bride and it says the bride is the wife of the lamb or the Lambs wife who is the land's wife the lamb is Jesus Christ behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world so Jesus Christ must have a bride who is it is Jesus bride Israel why would it be Israel Jesus came to save Israel but they rejected Jesus so he said alright I'm gonna make myself a body and the body of Christ is made up of both Jew and Gentile so it's not just Jews it's both Jew and Gentile the body of Christ and so anybody that gets saved whether that you are Gentile becomes part of the body of Christ the church and they are the Bride of Christ they are the Lambs wife and they will marry the lamp someday when will that be what will take place there why is it light of Christ liken unto New Jerusalem what is New Jerusalem New Jerusalem in the building now I don't have time to go into all of New Jerusalem you get a chance to read the the last several chapters of the book of Revelation and it talks about New Jerusalem New Jerusalem is this huge building or this huge city and it's it's everybody that saved it's like they have a mansion in this big building and it's a place where we are saved we get a place where we can stay but just because that's our place doesn't mean we stay there some people teach what when we get saved you get in a New Jerusalem you go way up in heaven and you never come back down well that doesn't make sense why wouldn't Jesus want to be with his bride if he's writing 4000 years here on earth why would he tell his wife and you go up there you stay up there don't come back I'll see you in a thousand years that doesn't make sense doesn't make sense at all so what does the Bible say about the building well Paul tells us over and over and over and over that the church is like a building lesson right then because in a revelation when it talks about the New Jerusalem the new Jerusalem's like a building so the body of Christ is like a building and the more people can say the more at building builds more New Jerusalem is built 1st Corinthians I don't want to confuse anybody but try to tie this all together 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 for sure these 3 9 where we are laborers together with God you're God's husbandry ye are God's building all right so when we the church what we are was we are God's building we're his husband tree we are part of him 2nd Corinthians 5:1 what does the Bible say that Christmas by one excuse me yeah by one for we know that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens we that are saved we have a house in the heavens that's eternal what is that house that's eternal in the heavens why is New Jerusalem Ephesians chapter 2 verse 21 the Bible says talking about Jesus Christ Ephesians 2 21 it will all the building fitly framed together groweth into a holy temple in the Lord verse 22 and whom you also are builded together for a habitation of God through the spirit what is he talking about there well verse 27 and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets if you go back to Revelation it talks about New Jerusalem it says in Jerusalem has these foundations and that they're the names of the Apostles so New Jerusalem is the Bride of Christ there's no doubt of that an uber of Jerusalem is the church and the church is likened unto New Jerusalem the churches this huge city Foursquare the Bible talks about revelation 21 18 and the building of the wall of it was like jasper and the city was pure gold like unto clear glass so there is a city that's built by God and somehow the church in this building in this New Jerusalem now what's going to happen to New Jerusalem what's going to happen to this church this building what's going to happen to the bride because the New Jerusalem is called the bride we'll go to Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 and 8 because in Revelation 19 7 and 8 we read let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready so there is a marriage ceremony it's going to take place look at verse 8 and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints so here we have a marriage a marriage is going to take place some day in which the bride is going to marry to Jesus and notice what we said earlier in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 I believe was verse 2 yeah Paul said I spouse tieu to one husband he said I will present you some day when will the marriage ceremony of the land take place some people say when the rapture takes place and then right up here when we all go to heaven who are saved at the rapture this is when the marriage supper of the land on this marriage supper of the Lamb I'll abbreviate it that's when the msl takes place so what we are today when we're saying it's like we are a spouse to our husband and yet we're not with our husband yet he's in heaven but we're here on earth and when that rapture takes place then we all get to go up to our husband who's waiting there and then he gets married and Jesus Christ stands before God the Father and I guess God the Father says alright you two I do I do you're married and that's when the marriage ceremony takes place but even though we're not quite married yet in God's eyes we are because we're called the virgin who's a spouse to the husband so Jesus has already called our husband so it's like it's a marriage that's going to take place no matter what have you like that for eternal security that is eternal security let me show an example this when two people come together in an espousal as far as God is concerned they're already married even though they haven't joined themselves together when people are espoused in the Bible they're as good as married let me show you what I mean the matthew chapter 1 that is chapter 1 verse 18 now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together before they had sex before they consummated the marriage she was found with child of the Holy Ghost then verse 19 says then Joseph her husband being a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away privily then what happened in the dream came and the angel came to him and said hey that's that's God that has put that baby in you don't don't put her away but we'll notice what it calls him her husband Joseph and Mary had not yet gotten married but the Holy Spirit says that he is her husband we could say we can bar the body of Christ the Bible calls the body of Christ the Bride of Christ Paul says when you get saved by trusting the gospel trusting the blood Tolman of Christ he espoused you to a husband and that someday there will be a marriage that takes place the marriage of the land to where you will be married to that husband you will join and meet him when will that take place at the rapture now I'm going to close with this let's go to Romans chapter 7 there are people out there and you can listen to their YouTube videos if you like and get confused like many people have or you can go to the Scriptures involve the Word of God but they will say well no you just you know your arguments weak you're wrong there's no marriage of the marriages between Jesus and Israel because Jesus marries the bride Israel and the Bride of Christ is Israel okay if you want to forget Paul and what Paul said you can help yourself but I read the Bible and I see Paul saying to the church the body of Christ I've espoused you to your husband Jesus that means that you are the Bride of Christ because he is your husband Ephesians 5 says that Sankranthi is 11 - and there's one more verse Romans chapter 7 notice what he says here in Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 verses 1 through 4 no he not brought them for I speak to them that know the law how did the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth for the woman which happened husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth but if the husband be dead she is loosed from the law of her husband Paul is talking saying being on the Old Testament law was like being married to the law well that's what Jesus or the Old Testament God the Father was saying he was saying hey when you are under the law and you're following me and my people you're under that Covenant that contract that law it's like you're married to me look what it says here as long as he liveth but if the husband be dead she is loosed from the law of her husband so then if while her husband liveth she be married to another man she should be called an adulteress but if her husband be dead she is free from the law so that she is no longer an adulteress though she be married to another man we are no longer under that Old Testament law Jesus came to redeem us from the curse of the law so we're not saved by the law we're not under that Covenant or that Testament were under New Testament so we're no longer married like this in the Old Testament how do we get married today verse 4 wherefore my brethren call speaking to the church the body of Christ ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ that she should be married to another even to him who raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God so the Apostle Paul says you are dead to the law when you're a part of the body of Christ so we're no longer under this covenant being married to God the Father we are under this one our husband is Jesus Christ and we're married to him when we're saved when we get saved we become part of the body of Christ which as far as God is concerned is the Bride of Christ because you're one flesh you're one body with Christ and no we haven't had a marriage ceremony yet that's the marriage supper of the Lamb that's later but as far as God is concerned you are already a spouse to Jesus Christ and you are already his bride so when I say the Bride of Christ is the church the body of Christ save people in the church age that's what I'm talking about and I call them the bride even though they haven't officially married in heaven at the marriage supper of the Lamb it's still the Bible refers to us and the bride and we are the Bride of Christ when we are saved during the church age today and Paul is the one who explained that to us if you deny that then you're denying what God gave to Paul I mean it's that simple I don't see how people say there's only one bride and the one bride is Israel when the Bible clearly teaches God said to Israel the Old Testament you're my bride and my wife and I'm married to you but that was God the father's dealing with them in the Old Testament under the New Testament it's a different bride everyone who gets saved in the church age the part of the body of Christ they're the Bride of Christ yes God the Father we'll come back to dealing with Israel over here but when Jesus sits on his throne and he rules on earth over the Jewish nation by his side will be his bride the church who will be ruling with him that's what these guys don't see that's what these guys don't believe and that's fine if they want to pretty something that's different then they can help themselves but I've tried to show you the verses today and I hope that this avoids all confusion and I hope that you see that the only way to look at this the only way to see this is there's more than one bride God the Father has his bride which he called Israel and God the Son Jesus Christ his bride is his body the church and this bride is the bride that will rule with him God even built them a mansion to glend New Jerusalem in that something a man gets married the first thing he wants to do is get a house for his life wants to live with her in that house wants to dwell with her so there it is I hope this has been a blessing to you I hope off hope you understand it if you don't please study some more but it's clear that the body of Christ according to the Bible is the church and now for this study we can see that the church is the Bride of Christ it's Christ's bride thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 56,811
Rating: 4.6318212 out of 5
Keywords: The Bride of Christ, Who the Bride of Christ is, The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Id: SL3YcM25AUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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