Escape To The Backcountry with Joe Robinet

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and we are off first canoe trip of the air and I have officially put hand sanitizer and washed my hands for the last time for the next three days I'm super excited only worried about one germ and he's over here I know with young Joseph so rope for three days in the North here and it's gonna be a good time if the road in is any inclination of what we're in for it's gonna be a great trip - the bugs we stopped for two minutes on the end of the bush and just covered in bugs already but that's all part of the course we saw two bears two moose just on the road up so yeah great to be back outdoors [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah so bad out of season bass thank you go can't stay here anyway we're just poking along and that's what my third cast of the trip we just pulled out our fishing rods inside do a couple quick casts a little bit we got a little bit time today so just throwing a jig at these rock points to see if I could get something but got a bass where anyway if it was fresh ice out then the fish would be up the shallow so I don't know where we're at because we're probably probably a month late there's something that was a bass he's gone that's okay the other season anyway it came low so I'm hoping it's a big girl but we'll see we'll see ooh with the pike Oh pike thank you making me all wet just a Pike Lake go home to just been panel across couple lakes here making our way through Caston here and there and picking up a few fish but kind of forgot the film so I'm missing a couple hours there that's okay very slow pace today and it's really nice to get get back into the the mode camp mode and just ease into instead of starting off with a mad race so that's what we're doing another hour and a bit we'll find our camp and set up and then probably go and do some fishing have a fire great day luckily the Sun has just kind of a little overcast and it's it's much better not gonna get fried deer crisp this is a low water port eyes but I think we're gonna squeak through the next Lake is possibly our are camping late that was so good I'm afraid of copyright oh I think I just barely shut it off I've been over the lip hauling on the top of the water beavers are Iraq this little creature we're gonna go over the edge that's the place very nice back here these are my favorite areas is Lily in betweens nice and close to shore and some gooses up there with the babies to your right oh we got here their bass gone good that's what we need to do with the bass you see how I just released that in the water like that you know it's a it's best for the bass hands-free yeah you don't want to you know want to do that oh boy that's a good sign first cast in the lake that we're gonna camp on possibly there's an island up here we're gonna check out for a camp so get a little overcast feels like a little bit of rain maybe but I actually don't even mind I'll take it I'm so hot you know have a look to see what it looks like if we don't like it we can we're gonna hop to the next Lake and check that one out too but right now this is their our first option Island let's go have a look good spot right here spot there spot there right here somebody's had some eggs all right so that's it that's clever where I'll never get that six inches off the branch all right cool this is camp go for it one of the problems with these island sites is they're pretty picked over for firewood we may have to go on the mainland to to get some good stuff nothing one thing about this trip is that it's a it's no lightweight trip just pack I'm using is a Sebata l beat KL JK something like that anyway it's the the big boys Avada and if it's the real nice in my canoe except for the side pockets I can't use but I got more than that for him anyways so yeah we get that tent set up because it's looking a little bit a little bit overcast so I'll be ready I brought the assume canvas tent heavy old peggeleh thing but I just wanted to bring along because I mean I get another chance of summer would be a lot more lightweight but this trip is not lightweight whatsoever so we're going to heavy and canvas it is so one of the drawbacks this time of year is a lack of bug netting now you can you can you can order that stuff but I'm good without it I'm kind of relying a bit on the the snow flaps to keep most of the bugs out but normally my bed time they're pretty much calmed down anyway but hey right now they sure found us and they're getting this just get us up my bed here now and get my gear in in case it rains and carry on come on yeah just lay down here I already have it looser of you camped here real no brain area where no no wait when weights down this you bring a little camped here the old hello mark steal an ox yellow knocks Helen omics hallmarks couldn't see she always just gave a big speech his video about you got the ultralight one it's a different material sounds like it's not as comfortable and all-around as good as mine well but a pound lighter and places which way was it probably owed imagine pretty yeah see it's all it's all material though for sure all in the wrist Oh movies up from you know Doug don't touch - hi [Music] much much wider yeah that is light though that plays the feather my little butt in it do you have Air Force Ones in your back no who's bigger Camp Camp shoot Oh Oh my butt's getting squeezed together for real I told you real it doesn't really bother me because what yeah you can live with it but it's really twisty - yeah I'm a lot lighter and have less of hips and butt than everyone average man yeah I don't like it my big butt tear part that's the chair segment right for a nap it's four o'clock camp set up and was it all it wasn't a hard day at all just the first day on the trip yep it was a great day what's a good day it's so funny early do you ever look at the map and you're always judging yourself less than you've been yeah because really in the map we can't be we're here no we're way up here so we were always judging ourselves slower we're always every time we found where we were in the map we were always way farther ahead than we thought we were so that's rare you have like 55 flat five money back yeah got some sub today too we gotta go get some firewood and yeah that's the problem with the island if you guys could have heard the conversation we had all right well let's sit here I think you have so glad mom is my back covered in black eyes covered I don't care let's get grey shirt I never picked the right shirts it's your lot in life last year was on a trip I had a black shirt and mosquitos love the dark colors yeah place sit here for a while it's both your buggy really not biting they're just kind of annoying you know what it's like it's like a a black fly in your Chardonnay Rica like a free ride when you already paid it's a good life but oh what'd you do - I pour it in my butt like this sat and then went like this look watch this is my chair that socks I Steve freakin dry old Dave had a little tank hole snitch look at that root ball that is HUGE HUGE [Applause] is that root ball I came over that's wild that's huge it's not much but it's still good wood the maple same thing here same thing there another one over there so not bad Oh gotta get away from the bugs Wow bugs are thick in the bush oh they just seem to you're okay when you first get in there then they find you then it's just a tack anyway we got wood here and we got sturdy wood it's either black play no anyway good times and now it's starting to rain all right now head back to camp think about that a bird head holes in the wood that's crazy so loud give me a headache I just cast the lily pads in a fish jump Oh shook it little bass i castrating the lily pads there and the this jump the fish fries are starting to pick up a bit it's a good thing how about baby [Music] Joe is that camp I'm starving to death time to head into the night get that fire going and get some food in my belly maybe a cup of tea - I like it - I don't even put my coat on nice gonna tarp up I was a good boy alright the wind changed direction somebody my back now alright alright Oh tis upside down carabiner beauty pad on the top would fairly dry still except they're going I just came in here picked up my tarp here my backpack like that don't oh I didn't see him stuff sucker area right in my backpack yeah no farther away go back inside back inside big dirty thing oh I hate snakes really oh I hate him don't mind me I'm just shaking out my sleeping bag tying it up it and not before like crawl in with the dirty old snake again gross goodgoodgood glad we went and do the bushing got the widow when is dry foliage there we go that's a nice piece of wood it's mostly felt what I believe good that's that let the smoke come on back my whole kitchen Maxpedition the water bottle carrier get a little GSA Cup get my 40 ounce water bottle but I don't on a canoe trip you just drink right out of your filter mostly so I don't need that another little pot and I got a different different kind of a twig stove that's really not available it was a prototype from a fella but I'll show you more with that tomorrow but real sleek little setup the front pocket lid Ferro rod fatwood lighter couple spoons thanks for a nice little kit I always tie up our food banks even in the daytime I can't because the squirrels and chipmunks like the food as much as the Bears and there's the Sun coming back no more rain blue skies awesome you guys have a glare on the water but there's a big all right our whole evening has just changed purpose we got to get that stopping curl on real good video Jules gonna fish in trying to get an 8-byte I brought my little little carving kit and a couple blocks of wood here and I figured maybe over the next couple nights or so I'd been whip them up a little little bear a little carving or something to take home with them for the the kids to look at this good gross egg but anyway I'm not gonna I'm not gonna move it or touch it but I doubt that's a nest but maybe they just lay them wherever someone grabbed it and took it out here but pretty cool never seen a grouse eggs [Music] [Music] all right guys what a great day we had today I think we're gonna call it soon but we've just been sitting around the fire with having some real enlightening conversations we've covered mr. dressup and hammy hampster and the Friendly Giant Dani champion the world the pheasant killer Google Dani champion of the world yeah so anyway you're gonna call it for the video bugs are down I will say they are big was fantastic but what a day we had it we hit all the weather patterns and yeah well even mentioned what happened tonight even after all that like the rain and then the Sun come out the grow there's a gross egg just laying on the ground over there yeah well because when I walked up the trail this afternoon the gross scared the life out of me he just flew up right in front of me and I went back to get my camera but I couldn't find him again but then I found a gross a great on the trail let me when I scared the egg out of him anyway great day inside animals even coming into the park this morning - bears - moose and I missed one tonight Jill got to see a bear tonight on the other shore here play with a snapping turtle yeah I've caught a bunch of fish covered a lot of ground you know good never been to this part before no so good times but I'm gonna end the video tonight and just just relax so catch up with you in the morning all right good night guys [Music] [Music] morning player going again look to cook up some pancakes pancakes okay all right mornin alright Joe is up get the fire going make some pancakes pancake breakfast not in the Baycrest to take off too quick got a nice very relaxing trip I do like enjoying the mornings i camp which we never get to do well it was nice this morning because I took a lot like I would just went around the island and just stopped in every little area and it's cool just exploring and I slept yeah i whittled my tent beauty morning yeah the breeze is keeping the bugs down but I think I'm gonna have to go full pirate today they might burnt my head yesterday in that Sun get your survivor mandolin get my survivor man no Bigfoot talk extra alert today they keep us going this is super good I want the middle cooked so that's important big will chocolate chips in their super lardy it's crispy on the outside very good gents very very good full of chocolate chips like a dessert pancake chocolate chips is good nobody good you can drink it so chuckles nice oh what a treat it's a lard heavy but they'll feel us for the day's nicely for our 5 kilometer traveled yeah but come on fire now we got a 1200 kilometer kilometer 1214 1400 meters yeah right there I don't know that's the two anyway very good Joe taste good like when I complain about bugs it's not that I'm worried about bugs it's not that I don't like to be bit or have them swarming I physically have a reaction to them I showed up the one of my leg I have a big one spider webbing up to there I'll show you here see see I got a bite they're pretty swollen but then you can see the red tracking I can see it go - - they're so far but that wasn't like that this morning when I woke up but I think it's when they can get in there and get get attached and mangle it all around because not every bite does that to me but this is gonna be a poisoning of your oh yeah I feel sick yeah like I feel achy I'm slow like and you never used to be like that it's only been the last three years two years yeah I got exposed like 12 years ago real bad and then like with Kyle me in tomorrow me was the first real time that I notice it happened for too bad alright getting my full pirate on campus packed up and we're moving on got a little more Protoss than yesterday but still it's still a easy day so if that wind stays down like it is right now be great but seems to just gust up come and go so what it's beautiful day and porta number one today that's still not bad considering other trips we've done so get through that and then basically we're in the same lake system that we're gonna camp tonight so it's a pretty quick day we got all afternoon I like this kind of campus here goes nothing these canoes are so light it's fantastic for Porto's can't imagine doing with my old heavy canoe anymore well that's the end of the port eyes the bugs were merciless in that Bush but it's overcast and it's starting to rain now no I don't expect to be a big rain oh that was a slog yeah bugs are gonna find us too just as the rain picks up yep most of it it's coming in I can see blue already like the storm seems to be blowing over so I'm not getting up in rain suits or nothing gonna wing it quints winds moving pretty good out here but we're gonna cross this lake still and how do we cross this lake well what more fur ties I thought it was I thought it was I was in on this one but I guess one more and then we're in our lake for the day so it's 12 on the button so I'm looking forward to getting to her lake and getting some grub in me again I can't live on snacks well a bit wrong on the range it's just gonna blow over it's actually such a light steady rain it feels kind of nice after sweaty port eyes we decided to hit a campsite and have a snack under the trees and see if this blows over before we get all suited up beautiful nice rain to cool down and Sun coming right behind it blue skies what a difference that makes man the Sun is just beaten down now just in a matter of an eye even 20 to 25 minutes from rain to full Sun and really no wind right now so maybe the rain and the wind we're a package gone together time will tell this lake is deeper than the last couple we've been in but the water is so clear I'll show ya beautiful I can see down so far when you just piling over it's fun to watch the stuff go by underneath I'm the lake this is just a small piece of the lake it's a large very large lake just full of islands probably the biggest one up here with lots of these little arms and fingers and base camps not too far ahead I go to camp get some lunch decide what to do there it is our camp tonight made the camp and this is the only priority I have is to get some munch of me so that's what I'm gonna do seal it up wait 15 minutes little Nescafe three-in-one go with it and they'll hit the spot can we catch a fish for supper right Joe yep fish for supper that's our goal our real estate is not too great here nice to 2 spots that we could find here they're both super sloped and the the earth only covers about 3 inches and it's rock below so all my stakes are like snow stakes on an angle Joe's the same way over here just got basically all I could find is this one spot where you can lay your body and the rest is just your gear doesn't need to be flat so it'll do though I just own a little exploratory paddle poor poor Jo's not feeling it that the black play business going but there's what pike just drifted across the lake it's still pretty windy to note there but yeah it's not bad I'm not gonna keep them yet I'm a whole note for a walleye for supper but that's a good sign water is beautiful crystal-clear here too so I gotta be a little a little more stealthy than that similar to your legs but it's not a bass finally lake yesterday it was far too fast see to keep fishing in really want to catch it while I eat tonight I'll take a Pike if I have to but ideally Wally and fish Crispin oil all radar all yeah Joey's got the black fly fever whenever you call it it all welted up feeling sick and the mites are actually starting to spiderweb up his leg this is pretty pretty bad wind came back with a vengeance pretty gusty hard to hold to hold a canoe and fish oh we got something else in the line deep deep it looks like another pike another pike pike put it back into so what I'm doing is I got this jig I have 3/8 ounce jig head on it not really sure efficient I'm keeping it out well like they're letting it sink down I'm just dragging that jig rail on the Bob if I was to guess probably 10 10 to 12 feet of water and just kind of pop it along and getting snags yeah pop it along and get the snags between the rocks all right I really make a well I catch a stick girl lots of stick Earl on this lake for pike in on this shoreline here it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I think I'm gambling now and I think if I catch another Pike I'm just gonna keep it for supper the walleye aren't coming in there's no real rock points drops I don't know where the humps and bumps are in the lake and the evening by it's gonna be too late to come back to make supper with if the walleye come in an evening up in the shallow so if I cut another Pike I'm just gonna keep it because I would hate hate hate to beaten some junk except her again after letting go all these fish so another Pike and I'll keep it for supper tonight oh man that was spectacular I lost the pike when it was a big pike come up under these pine trees here I had it really deep and he fought like crazy and he came straight up and he jumped right straight on the water and shook the sick did jig but what a show that was awesome you pull them down from that bottom feel a lot bigger than they really are that is separate I'm fake it's a good size proper he'll do all right like I said that's not the target I was after but fried fish is fried fish and we all go hungry tonight I can head back to camp anyway this wasn't supposed to be a fishing afternoon I was gonna just do an exploratory run and I got carried away well the wind helped carry me away but anyway I'm gonna go check on Joe see how he's doing you did [Music] I'm good maple it's doing a little bit of woman yeah well belt whittling making a bear and decided what Jojo can take it home to his kids if he wants to yeah well let them fight to fight over it you know yeah I won't sign it so you can't sell it okay forge your signature this over with some wind noise or so Joe talks adjust put wind noise dubbed over it was not what I was going for but still good yeah yeah no well I found that's - shadow over there okay and I picked up five I was holding out for about what my policy fight on it and there's holding out for a while I said I can put them back and then I just decided now I said I'm not gonna be the guy that throws the last mission it has no supper so I kept a pike in the negative and the Canadian please look at look at these black flies this is crazy crazy I say hey [Music] well that's that's what we got I got the little little tubes of paint I can at least do the the nose and the eyes and a little bit of oil finish him up here we find Joe in his natural habitat oh look at that that's pretty good man thank you there you go that's for autumn I'm going to play up my pike and give him a little tweak stuff going and fry them up we're gonna go up for another quick little fish so gonna eat him up and go fishing again just so their little fire gets going here a little baggie of pike hopefully boneless cut him up a little pieces so I can fry them in the frying pan and they got some roasting roasted garlic and butter fish crisp its rocky Madsen's fish crisp a couple to get started here and then the frypan go on time I did this so incoming food does it all eat another you care about the fingers oil oil sanitize everything [Music] that's it fish get the tail separately stick to tail off and then pick the top well then hopefully hopefully got the Y blowing out that's good and the fry pan yet beat they're pretty good you could play it right can't tell difference hardly from any other fish all right if you play it right if you're hungry - oh it's good no I can't I can't tell the difference between disempower wallet let's go nice they're making prints on there we apply it with fright and garlic butter and garlic and butter not garlic butter that's it rocky Madison's garlic and butter you're gonna lose anyway we're gonna finish her supper and probably go for a paddle coffee Madson I don't know you know I do not something to do a fish maybe go well that's it back in the water that was a that was quite a feed young Joseph only had a couple little bites so I ain't most of that fish was good glad haven't been eaten like I should be so that was a good feed note for a paddle throw a few more casts Joe's already out all bundled up but you know it's my job to to make fun of him but it's got a suck to react like that the black place especially when the spring canoeing is there's that Sun out for one more look just up with the Narrows tomorrow a little piece of Lake into another piece of Lake and yeah this is gonna feed out into a real big section of Lake let's go for a little little tour around here see what we can see that guy over there what's he up to you so quiet peaceful out of the wind here I'm happy just paddling believe it or not it's a 10 o'clock at night still light out but we're just winding down by the fire and it's gonna be an early night Joe's sickly and beat and I'm beat and a pretty uneventful evening I think so check back with you in the morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] can I go oh yeah all right guys all right guys I'm gonna call it a video right here right now I'm gonna have gonna have a little little camp time yet and basically we got a clean up camp and what we did in the last two days we're gonna do yet today on the way out today on their way out so we got to do our two days in and one day out and drive home so it's gonna be a hectic day I'm gonna pack the camera up in my bag and just enjoy camp for a little bit yep enjoy the day paddle I know you have a good trip I did do you I had a great trip really enjoyed it I do have this disabled clary Park this park is alive hey yeah I do like so much going on here in the environment it's great loved it saw more more animals yesterday coming in and I'm sorry the day before that I'm having a lot of trips oh yeah you know it's been the it's been great so anyway hope you liked the video and I'll see you guys the next one goodbye password goodbye
Channel: Doug Linker
Views: 106,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canoe, canoe trip, camping, doug linker, joe robinet, fishing, pike, shore lunch, swift canoe, pack boat, tschum tent, savotta, wilderness adventure, bushcraft, black flies, mosquitos, loons, geese, snapping turtle, whittling, woodcarving
Id: jTSFdG15Yyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 38sec (4538 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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