1992 NFL Dallas vs Philadelphia, Oct 5

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three division rivals they're undefeated but one other team is also free and old the unbeaten Philadelphia Eagles are rolling as well with quarterback Randall Cunningham back on the case tonight's showdown with the Cowboys that's got him dialed in dead out there that team that young team that just goes out and just works hard and flies around and gang tackles you don't have that you can hang it up and they have it now but he is fine now and Cunningham is Wow again for coast-to-coast seeing other people just enjoying themselves is what my job is so I guess I can't look at myself or we can look at ourselves as entertainers equally entertaining is the Eagles defense the best in football but tonight's game is prickly pit we just want to be a machine that goes out and does what it takes to win and then go [Music] [Applause] on ABC's Monday Night Football [Music] [Music] night football booty for you [Music] Dallas and Philly are coming your way football and his time to play the Liberty Bell a familiar landmark in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and another familiar sight a replica of the Bell high atop veteran stadia jammed to the rafters tonight a noisy partisan Philadelphia Eagles crowd on hand a supercharged air of excitement as tonight two bitter rivals from the NFC Eastern Division get it on once again hello again everyone I'm Frank different along with Al Michaels and Dan Dierdorf happy you're with us for a happening and that's what a Cowboys Eagles game has become here in Philadelphia both teams come in at three you know and whoever wins tonight is going to take a big step in winning the Eastern Division of the NFC Philadelphia of course without their quarterback last year Randall Cunningham with ten and six they missed the playoffs and the Cowboys knocked him out in the 15th week of the season that has fueled the fire on this long-running rivalry meanwhile the Dallas Cowboys returned to the playoffs they went 11 and 5 an amazing turnaround now only three years after Jimmie Johnson came in he was 1 in 15 that first year they make the playoffs on 11 and 5 a truly great turnaround since that disastrous 89 season fronting the line on their graph has gone straight up and the question a lot of people asked at the beginning of this year was not if the Cowboys would get to the top but when they'll go a long way toward answering that question tonight Peter says three-and-oh they've already beaten Washington and if they can beat Philadelphia at the raucous vet on a Monday night they can beat anybody anywhere and if they win they're going to wake up tomorrow morning favored by a lot of people to go all the way to the Super Bowl but they in first things first it's a tough task ahead tonight against a team the Philadelphia Eagles playing about as well as you can play and you ask the question and I'll ask another one are the Philadelphia Eagles the best team in the National Football League and you might say well how can you ask for that question with them having lost Jerome Brown tragically and the auto accident back in June and plus they lost their all-pro tight end Keith Jackson to the Miami Dolphins well it had two editions one of course Herschel Walker the rejuvenated running back that has really brought back the running game to Philadelphia and of course Randall Cunningham the NFL's most exciting player is back under center back there in the best defense and the National Football League are the Eagles the best team in the NFL if they beat the Cowboys here tonight the answer is yes it is an absolutely perfect night as Frank stated at the very top it is a happening an electric atmosphere the crowd has been walking for the last 15 minutes and we are finally ready for the kickoff and the Eagles will send the ball to the Cowboys off the foot of Roger ruzek who has booted the ball into the end zone for a touchback nine times in 17 kickoffs including eight straight back team 83 is Kelvin Martin 29 is Kenneth Dan Alexander gets back is out with an injury room them last year in the game here his punt return was the difference in the game when Dallas came in the next to last week of the season and knocked Philadelphia out of the playoff so here we go some of the back the kick sailing to the 4 yard line and it is Martin down at the 26 and the Dallas Cowboys beginning from their Troy Aikman the number one pick out of UCLA by the Cowboys four years ago and now one of the premier quarterbacks in the league six touchdowns two interceptions Emmitt Smith is their key man Justin the blocking back urban the great wide out with Parker on the other side Novacek the pass packing tight end to a Newton step lasting one of the finest centers in the league he's sick and Eric Williams and milk hands full tonight first and 10 from the 27 yard line the fakest smith white cashews 8 cleaning has to throw the ball [Applause] reciever near the pass yeah I don't think May out that's it what a disastrous way to start a ball game look at the speed of Reggie White 290 pounds intentional [Music] [Music] again a reminder folks if you throw the ball away regardless of where a receiver is if you're doing it to avoid being sacked and I'd have to say that was an avoidance of Reggie one up front for the Eagles white Golic and a foreman of the tackle Simmons the bookending right defensive end along with white Joyner who has a tremendous Monday night game in Houston last year with App Engine Thomas the cornerbacks Jenkins and the Pro Bowl last year and the hard-hitting waters and Hopkins of the safeties it is second down and 25 [Applause] [Music] as the evil defense sends out an immediate message to Mike Golic number 90 the first to hit Oh at front for a very familiar one of course missing the great Jerome Brown who died back in June but they are playing in his fired brand of football they play that way in a way but they are playing it also because of Jerome Brown he is a specter that hovers over this team Eagles as you saw 11 straight games not allowed yards rushing and NFL record third down 25 as Eggman throws thank our foodie he's down Warners is in the middle of this one along with Nate Newton the fences are clearing well it only took a minute and ten seconds for all of this to happen well all I think back is to what Jimmy Johnson told us yesterday when we won the game here in December we didn't have a turnover if you allow the Eagles they will go into a frenzy early if you make a mistake this is a mistake and the Eagles are in a frenzy and for the Cowboys not only have they lost the ball but mark Steph Lasky has been injured their Center still out on the field another look and Troy Aikman who had been told not to take chances with it throw it away throw it into the ground take the penalty do anything but turn it over makes the mistake early well Budi played it perfectly he knew he had West Hopkins deep he was able to fall off underneath and John boutté knows and he has given his team a lift early lots of pride on this Eagle defensive justifiably so last year number one against the rush number one against the pass number one overall they are exactly the same now after three weeks of the season and look at this at least one turnover in 102 the last 102 regular season games if you like anything about defensive football they're fun to watch ed foody former jet when Rich go time was the offensive coordinator there several jets former depth on this Eagles football team bud Carson of course the defensive coordinator when Rich was the offensive coordinator with the Jetson but Carson record people in this game today and maybe the premier defensive coordinator around first down he goals at the 14 a minute span into the game [Applause] gets pressured stepped up down to be first condone [Applause] here is the Eagle offense eight touchdown passes nary an interception in the first three games for Cunningham Walker of course the former cowboy and Viking a new home here with buyers who does everything Barnett and Williams emerging as a fine tandem Pat beech is the tight end with Keith Jackson having been signed by Miami Heller shad Alexander Floyd and Anton Davis the offensive line which was a sore spot for the Eagles the last couple of years that they seem to be improving first now first and goal [Applause] for the one-yard line tremendous second effort there and the Eagles in effect are in a three tight end situation down here deep fires their big talented first we'll go back you can block like a tide in here is the defensive front for the Cowboys with Coburg Casillas Maryland Charles Haley the former 49er to shore him up they go with a rookie Robert Jones out of East Carolina flanked by Smith and Orton the secondary they like to gamble a lot their suspect Holton Brown on the corners Washington Wharton to the safety second down and goal [Applause] fires and motions the one-yard line Robert Jones and Finch since Smitha there and the one thing the Eagles have had a problem with is running four touchdowns they have not rushed for one since late last season every one of their scores this year have come through the air well one of the things they try to do on that play watch the cross block watch the right guard pull out and try to make a block and get driven all the way back Eric Lloyd gets pounded into the backfield when you're on the one-yard line any type of straight-ahead blocking makes more sense than combination block Randle good at the bootleg from this position getting him an option to run or pass third and goal fires in motion out of the paint set here's the homerun Frank beginning to get more back into the Randall Cunningham the wall the first couple of games this season he was hesitant last week he proved that he can pull the ball down and run with it that is a play that so many teams have watch Randall Cunningham perform he does get away from the linebacker makes a good escape from Vinson Smith but again great athleticism on the part of Randall funding Ranjha ruzek with a point answer Jeff Eagles to hold and Pat Beach to snap it tough to start any better roaring crowd two undefeated teams 325 into the game an interception and a touchdown to follow for Randall Cunningham and the Eagles take a 7 to nothing lead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as a teen I am along with Randall Cunningham the Eagles off to a perfect start create the turnover go in for the touchdown will lead it 7 to nothing the Eagles this season have already outscored the opposition 83 to 27 they've been ready to lead the offense back out [Applause] we're back to receive board Dallas and Roger ruzek to put it in the air [Applause] music a former cowboy look at the 5-yard line and this one too about the same spot [Applause] [Music] even the Eagle running back our hard hitter I'll tell you Dallas I got to come out here now and settle down and if they get another turnover this could be like come out play their offense they know they got a good football team look at this hit heat Sherman the running back and that's textbook that is Robin white ring crew you got that you can just staff to anybody not be who has shaken up on the last Alistair raise is okay and back in and snatched the ball Aikman who gives it to Emmitt Smith with painful [Applause] Tim Lewis an eagle had it jerry mark right I'm sure he pulled it out before he went down now they're going to whistle it dead [Applause] very more gin and I think for Dallas it looked to me like the ball was stripped out before Smith hit the ground okay he's got the ball now let's watch the left and see an eagle is going to come in and actually grab the football there it is right there Clyde salmon good break for Dallas that was a fumble second and ten from the sixteen Eggman throws a little bit behind Erina makes a great he's inside the 40 the 30 and brought down at the 22 yard line by Eric Allen and that's exactly the type of thing that Michael Irvin can do the spectacular capture the great speed and all of a sudden the Cowboys were at the Philadelphia 25-yard line this time Eric Allen makes the mistake he's one of the best quarterbacks in the league and he goes for the interception but look at this catch reaching back behind him in the concentration and it's a footrace that he'll lose but not until he gets the first down at the 25-yard line Eric Allen going for that interception the Eagles were always thinking turnover you have to give that credit I think to Michael Irvin I mean that was a poorly thrown pass well behind him Franklin amazing cast 59 yards and Aikman going for seven rows incomplete Novacek too tight in who catches a lot of passes was double covered so Michael Irvin who had a tremendous day against Phoenix in the Cowboys last game two weeks ago he scored two touchdowns in the first quarter and three overall picking up tonight where he left off two weeks ago in February a team was desperate to get out of their end of the field and look at the concentration reaching back with that right hand that's a great effort let's hear a big talented receiver second and ten Dallas at the Philadelphia 25 1004 left first quarter 7 nothing Eagles a little tossed managed snake and smith who led the league in rushing lashings and picks up a very impart earned four yards he was belted and I mean belted by isael Jenkins because he was repelled we've got an eagle player down on the field and slow in getting this set up joint every wonder he's such an important element to this defense trying to shake it off not going towards the bench looking now to the bench commander is a guy who likes Monday night Frank his foot was any great Houston a load Bluetooth with a while ago incredible nine three interceptions he had a three sacks of quarterbacks at night third and five and eight connects Arvin who gets wide open [Applause] thank the philadelphia calling timeout before the play is the question i don't think this was a play the officials are acting like it never happened play does not count philadelphia call the timeout it's actually Eric Allen the man that was covering urban that called the timeout and Michael that's the only reason you were that wide open but Eric Allen the player who's covering urban is actually the guy that signals the timeout and that's why Michael was so wide open here's Allen right here look at him this is urban here but look at him calling for the timeout so he just lets urban go right on by it got the cowboy fans excited for a minute but no deal and Philadelphia where the Eagles are on top seven to nothing rich go tight now in his second season with the Eagles took over when buddy Ryan was fired Jimmy Johnson of course only the second coach in the history of the Cowboys after the great Landry run Jerry Jones bought the team Johnson in his fourth year after the timeout as at the 20-yard picks up the first down Novacek makes the cash she's out of balance inside the 10-yard line West Hopkins and isael Jenkins converge on the tackle it's going to be first and goal and Novacek was working on Seth Joyner guys and I don't think Joyner can cover him Seth Joyner is going to have to come out of the game I mean he should take himself out because he didn't look like he was able to stay anywhere near Jay Novacek and Novacek is not your ordinary tied in you can put him out flaming the wide receiver and we know that that Joyner is playing with a bad leg great speed great quickness is hard to cover him with a but it's a gallant effort by joiner not sure if he can pull it off first and goal Eggman let hit that one tip looking for Novacek at the six and it's second down and goal with 846 remaining in the opening quarter Novacek signed late took him a while to get up to speed he's bought nine balls in the first three games and is a very big part of their offense watch is Keith Jackson was when they played with Philadelphia the Philly offense will not have to change with Pat Beach taking over to Jackson roll second down goal lineThe Dylan I wonder Carson is in some sort of a coverage where he Smith and a nice tackle is made at the 9-yard line creating third and goal that's William Thomas who got ahold of them and didn't let go third and goal as you looked at but Carson the longtime assistant with several championship teams and the head coach at Cleveland and now the defensive coordinator here I think this guy knew coming here Emmitt Smith that yards were going to be hard they're hard for everybody that plays the green and white [Applause] seventy-five game the Cowboys won in December third down and go emotional - close [Applause] in for the touchdown by Zell Jenkins almost had him at the one Martin takes it in so what a bizarre drive for Dallas the fumble that wasn't a fumble the great catch by urban the touchdown that wasn't a touchdown and then finally they get in Kelvin Martin and Troy Aikman they were right in sync on this one Aikman picks up the single coverage isael Dinkins and moving back into the ball is Martin spins to the end zone superb effort to get in and talk about being all alone aisel jenkins had no help the nearest eagle was the good five yards of an 8 mil read the defense you want to play quarterback in this league that ought to make you think twice about [Music] when Elliot boots it through and was 7:55 to go in the first quarter in Philly at 7-7 [Applause] 7/7 the 755 to go in the first quarter as you look at isael Jenkins beaten by Martin on the last play the bouncing kick off the foot of Elliot bounces through the end zone by Sikahema he answered the Gerry mark right and the Eagles will begin their next drive at the 20-yard line Kelvin Martin on the right scoring his first touchdown stays November 12th of 1989 as you look into Veterans Stadium from high above the Goodyear blimp spirit of current providing the Scenic's [Applause] take a look at the numbers on the Dallas scoring drive engineered by a Qin when we say Martin hasn't scored a touchdown since 89 that's a touchdown on a pass he's scored a couple on punt returns including one on their opening Monday night game this year and won here last year against the Eagles have broke their back five yard getting guard [Applause] came into Dallas territory well this I don't think we've got many people leaving town or leaving their televisions while this is getting underway what a start to this ball game that's just a straight zone defense by Dallas they drop back in their zones and Barnett coming all the way across and underneath the top part of his own behind the lower layer layer and have you ever seen a better thrown football the man he just flicked it out there when you talked to Lou carpenter the receivers coach says no one throws the ball he's ever seen like Randall Cunningham a lot of revs as he said that but a very soft ball Barnett their leading receiver that is a team forever the years the 34 yard gain there's the faithful walkers [Applause] popo's and he's been prone to doing that a lot this season Tony Tolbert is right there but Randall is able to get it back it came right to him like it was on a string it hit the ground and won hopped right back into Randall's arms Kolbert is going to chase him from behind but immediately it's Charles Haley who flushes Randal and there's the ball stripped loose by Tolbert good hustle by a lot of members of the cowboy front floor and a fortunate bounce for Philadelphia second and seven at the 43 here's Keith fire and the versatile one is soft and for a minimal gain at the 43-yard line sitting on the third and six Vincent Smith makes the tackle down the road we go next Monday night to our nation's capital with a Washington Redskins who are shocked by Phoenix just today and our to and to take on the Broncos led by who else John Elway who does it again leading them to a one-point win over Kansas City at Mile High where Al Marty Scott not Kansas City will never ever want to go to Denver again I don't think he's considering a condo purchase overlooking [Music] [Applause] bird sex at the 43 [Applause] good protection 25 Isaac Cowles who brings it back to the 27 on a pass intended for Floyd Dixon the gambler comes up with one Isaac holt he's esta anticipates the break by Dix and Franken he makes it look easy stepping right in front good move by home gambling that Dixon was not going to take a deep because no one went behind him it was at a soft corner by Dixon Frank I mean that was not a sharp break Kinnett win' when a defensive back can that easily step in front of a receiver you have to wonder if the receiver didn't run a soft pattern he should have been sharper coming back making that break coming back to his border but particularly against hope because he'll play you that way that's the first interception thrown by his first interception of the season and only the second by two Cowboys 540 to go in the opening quarter sweet - is 4:3 turning no gain into a three-yard pickup up to the 30-yard line mike golic makes the stop Emmett Smith and his third year out of Florida Golic the the brother of the Raiders Bob Golok but if Bob say to us last week we saw the Raiders how come my brother wears em goalie on the back of his shirt I gonna confuse him with any of the other goings on the deagle team I just want to hug his two brothers look so dissimilar sector seven from the xxx print line eight well the Tecla loses the football is incomplete no cashflow fumble third down I'm very water to the cover [Applause] [Music] Andre waters who really got things started here last week a couple tremendous hits against the Broncos it seemed to set the tone for what was to follow and what followed was was one of the worst rubbings I have ever seen you know opposing runner more than 28 piglets now in a situation and you Luke do not want to get into against the Eagle they will pin their ears back and come third and seven and here they come in there goes apron Eagles think they dislodge that mark Frank Sesno he's ruling in a forward pass that was just the entire offensive line collapsing back into a common enough coverage downfield that Aikman could not release the ball on that five camp that he likes to release it on and they just collapsed into their quarterback but he had his hand coming forward and is simply an incomplete fast no sack and fourth down look at the surge here Simmons on your right Reggie white coming in from the left side and white doing the most damage almost look like a Kuenn didn't let that ball go intentionally pick up here for the Eagles by SiC ahem [Applause] and Packard Plan B picked up to run back six bikes action the funny one the best in the league and the whistle blows with 440 and it's going to be a delay of the game ball against the Cowboys to the displeasure of Johnston let's get the call from mark bright the way of going offense for special teams there you've got to be ready to get in there and the Cowboys slow getting in there to get set you think it's a coincidence that the NFL assigns a referee like jerry mark right through something as as hot as this game between the Eagles in a cobbler very best has been for a long time Saxons punt fair catch called foreign made by cinema as the 35-yard booth Eagles get it back 133 to go on the first quarter the game time 7 7 is now it's time for a regular feature on what's new in the world of sports science and technology I look behind the scenes as sports and science converge brought to you by AT&T Matt biondi's multiple Olympic gold medals are due in part to his length of stroke at the Seoul Olympics the International Olympic Committee's medical Commission videotape every race and swimmer to analyze stroke length and frequency beyond a who is six seven benefits from his naturally long stroke many factors lead the victory but especially in the short races the study concluded that length of stroke is the most important in the first quarter at veteran's stadium in Philadelphia there's been sort of a Super Bowl build-up and why not each team had a week off it's just like the Super Bowl everybody had two weeks to prepare for this one game for down them so if they could win tonight they will a feat Washington the Giants and Phoenix and pull it up everyone in their division thanks all again including at Washington [Applause] [Music] for seven to the 47 yard line Charles Lee the former 49er picked up by Dallas prior to the start of the season makes the stop and what a key man he will be as the season progresses to the Cowboys I mean it's it's just an indication of of the commitment that Jerry Jones and and Jimmie Johnson have to winning but here's Charles Vallejo was unhappy in San Francisco let everybody know it and yes since he's been in Dallas has just been [Laughter] second and three at the 47 [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] saying yes Barnett likes to do that he does that in the endzone 'life it's part of his touchdown move here he's correcting for extra yardage he'll do it for a first down also and that's what he thought he was doing there I think Al and he fortunately was down fortunately for the Eagles and they Fisher right on top of it it was a great effort to pull out of the grasp of Larry Brown that he's carrying that ball like a loaf of bread stretch it out but he is down when he releases the football you can't count how many risks he took carrying the ball there he's down he has the ball but you know he's just carrying it in the right hand one handed to left hand one handed that that will come out sooner or later [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Washington make the Stockman there's no question about Herschel Walker he has made both teams in this game tonight better he certainly has he made Dallas better by leaving and he's made Philadelphia better by arriving should be that's when a few players have put two different teams into a Super Bowl yeah he his Washington like he's running that heart as ever hands Washington Washington hits Walker and Walker ends up three yards farther down the station rather be strong down and six Walker [Applause] she does so well [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] joy was trying to pull up the side judges right there and there is no plan [Applause] the pressure Randall can put on you though the quarterback Larry Brown didn't know whether to come up and make the play go back with the receiver he went with the receiver and Cunningham turned it into a nifty pickup why the crowd is booing and I think justifiably so Norton hits Cunningham jeredy no yet his mic on I mean I I mean that is a penalty I don't think there's any doubt about that Ken Norton makes contact with Randall Cunningham out of bounds do they call this or not I mean we I mean but look I know he's trying to pull up I think he even tried to hold him up well why did it even touch him I mean is there really a need to even make contact with the guy now we were also looking at it in slow motion there it is I mean nobody's gonna call that a violent blow keep him up well from that angle but a great play by Cunningham as Larry Brown was tied up with Barnett ground in the weather to come up or stay with Barnett he saved the Barnett the 14 yard penalty which was half the distance in this play is dead before its inception Tony Casillas grabbing cunning man that the whistle was blown before the snap [Applause] we'll start number 73 offense prior to the snap first down on eller open the left side [Applause] at his hands full tonight he'll be dealing primarily with Charles Haley even though they do move Haley over to the left side casually Haley with the incredible quickness [Applause] he's a man you like to run at it go directly at him you can handling pretty good we've seen the Eagles do it a couple times tonight first and 15 at the 18 and then at 56 to go on the corner tied at 7 laughing it into the end zone incomplete intended for the tight end pat beach covered by larry brown the corner beads a longtime cult in fact so long time and he played with the Colts in Baltimore as Heller has a couple of words with the umpire over the last ball and and for Beach who is picked up by the Jets in the waves by them it's been a dream come true to wind up not only with the Eagles but then have Keith Jackson sign with Miami open the left side again Haley Charles Haley with the credible quickness and obviously putting two people on and Herschel Walker helping out Heller the Nexus right in there you could say so [Music] [Applause] trapped us with Calvin Williams well Larry Brown got tied up with Pat Beach on the last play into the end zone didn't get a flag because the ball was way over Beach's head and nowhere near to catchable let's take a look at this one from behind we see Williams making his break to the outside I wish we could see his left hand and how much pressure he put on Williams the initial shot was after the five-yard where you're allowed to make contact with the receiver that could have drawn the flag here it is again very close there fifteen Barnett at home fighters flank the left and Cunningham lost one to the right an action completed [Applause] just good strong coverage again Kenneth damp that time and forth down well there's major contest dance a former quarterback and he played that like a cornerback he comes in in the nickel and and it gives you a good man for man coverage when you have to isolate him and it was a good play again if kind of played that very close to drawing the flag but both corners get away with it I think we've certainly seen a new indication on how things are going to be called for the balance of the game which is fine as long as it remains consistent [Applause] 36-yard 1/10 plus five is a 26 and we've got a whistle before that play I think we had contact on the line of scrimmage or else some sort of a false start that stops it early [Applause] no one will ever say that Jimmy Johnson doesn't get into a football game he was like a high school kid out there before this game loving the feeling of well that's going to make it a 41-yard field goal attempt now we're in seconds been so hot this year he is not missed is 5 of 5 [Applause] turkey jerky first quarter neither team wants the ethem to really get into a rhythm the plenty of excitement to this point 11:7 it looks like Dallas was in big trouble until Michael Urban reached behind him and caught that football and took Dallas from deep in their own territory 41 yard attempt by ruzek this one the season with 134 remaining in the opening quarter it is now 10 to 7 [Applause] and it will go into the books officially as a 40-yarder while spotted just inside the 41 for ruzek so the Cowboys will get the ball back and we can tell you college football will be coming your way this Saturday and another beauty for you Miami coming off that victory over Florida State 5-3 going to what they call happy Valley and it's been pretty happy for the Nittany Lions of Penn State because they're five and oh and seventh ranked in the country this Saturday at noon Eastern Time and then the second half of the doubleheader featuring regional action those games in your regions and don't forget that calling your local cable operator will give you access to those games if you have an interest in one of those it's not being shown in your area Michigan Michigan State game a distinct possibility Dierdorf outside and with feeling maybe in your favorite chair I'll curl up and get rid of the TV and having called your local cable I'm sure my shawl and by cocoa dog and slippers shawls and hot cocoa have no place with this game tonight this has been to this point exactly what we thought it would be very hard-hitting aggressive play on both sides of the football [Applause] two teams full of playmakers full of big play manaphy martin and dancer back to receive the kick from ruzek again their kickoff returner is hurt and this is more [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] pants the forty-ones into his own name Otis Smith to come from behind and make the tackle ruzek made a superb play he saved the touchdown he didn't make the tackle that he was able to slow Martin down by playing off the block otherwise Martin is in the end zone if Bates hits ruzek and then Martin hits Bates and that is exactly the scenario it's tough to come all the way across the field there is Bates watching hit ruzek right there and then Martin collides with fades in that break of stride that finishes it off Billy Bates is just doing his job and really boiling at Al's touchdown 39 right into the shirt applies evidence going against this bus 39-yard from the Interscope I mean 39 yards against some teams is alright against these guys you know Dan you've got to go with the run you've got to keep trying to run the football to keep that defense honest they're tough enough when they're playing pass more have to make them with at least think run our whole Dallas having a very difficult time establishing the running game myth 6 carries and [Applause] Smith stays in the block [Applause] first down the 22 yard line West Hopkins makes the tackle again Joyner was in there involved in the coverage and I let's see if we can see Saif joiners footwork he looks to me like he's having trouble planning his foot and moving laterally our let's watch it Novacek is going to move outside and then inside you see the way Joyner pulled that right foot back behind him he didn't appear to me to be able to play it on that foot and pivot back to the inside but again Novacek is like an outside receiver they even used him as a slot man in motion up on that way that is the end of the first quarter the Eagles lead the Cowboys 10:7 will return with monday night football after this message in the word for ABC stations that is north turn of the offensive coordinator on the left and Dave a launch step assistant head coach the offensive coordinator on the right and I think they have picked up on the fact that fifth corner is hurting [Applause] start the second quarter he goes up by three the 22 yard line biggest run of the night picks up a first down he's run out of bounds by West Hopkins inside tentatively first and goal at the 7th boy a good block there by Alvin Harper as we look at the first quarter numbers each team with a turnover but you see that Dallas gave up seven points on their turnover time of possession well how about two seconds Timmer huh yeah but in the past games filling up you've been dominating in time of possession in as you see they're there right even with them and as hard as this game has been played and so many of the good things seems to have happened for the Eagles look who's getting ready to put some points on the board the Dallas Cowboys they have a first and goal of all a spot at the 8 yard line Florent activate at the 4-yard line as he runs into the brace of Safety's waters and hopkins second and goal [Applause] and I have had our disagreements in the past but I don't think anybody can argue with the fact that Andre waters the last couple of years in the National Football League this is a guy who always hit as hard as anybody in the game and the last couple of years in the NFL's complaints from safety as good man is fine [Applause] couple of heavy fines girl from the floor for a gain of a yard and a half as Simmons wrapped them up at the floor and then Smith was able to keep the legs moving and the ride fly for another yard and a half it'll be third down and goal [Applause] and the Cowboys looking at a rarity a possible score on the ground against Philadelphia they don't give up many [Applause] - venomoth Smith but obscured a lot of production for a ninth round draft choice flights image Aikman takes a timeout as the Cowboys prepare for a third and goal after second timeout' they've had to take already just their first good guess one of those team left in the first half Al Michaels Frank Gifford Dan Dierdorf Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia Eagles lead by three as the Cowboys come up to the line of scrimmage the Eagles have allowed one [Applause] the timeout a twin the throw they've been screaming and looking and throwing I think they're going to rule it at the one at the one-yard line it was deflected in the endzone and then picked off by Hopkins on a third and Hopkins in trying to concentrate Bible football he was out over the they're going to market there we tried to get back I think William Thomas was the guy who gets the right hand on the ball he's hustling all the way across right a couple key things happen here first of all number 56 Byron Evans forces the throw there's Thomas with the right hand flips it up in the air where West Hopkins makes it in Hopkins in no man land no man's land straddling the goal line but again Aikman trying to force something to happen he could have pulled that down he wouldn't have scored but they would have got three points out of three people though firing Evans hustling to force the throw Thomas with the good evening he was leaving Spain to the 4-yard line to give them some breathing room it'll be second and seven ABC's Monday Night Football is being brought to you by Ford and your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately you make a valid point so Frank about you don't do anything that compromises your team's chances of putting points on the board second down and and Sherman takes it out of the seven and the Cowboys both the ball had come loose James Washington arguing it should have been a fumble and live in shame no sir third down the official thrilling forward progress that calls it to the point where they rule it did [Applause] [Music] again a reminder these two teams have had 15 days to get ready for this both coaches have talked about the difficulty of keeping their respective teams in check trying to not leave this game on the practice field third and four seven interesting offensive set inside your 10-yard line Geneva [Applause] for the first time vanity [Applause] it is a first down for Philadelphia Herschel Walker who I think caught over 70 passes as a Dallas Cowboy both a wide receiver and working out of the backfield makes a big play for the Eagles and again it shows the trust of rich co tied has in his quarterback Randall Cunningham not to jeopardize anything with the turnover down deep in your own territory they go with the five four wide receivers when they get the first [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] tries to wrestle the ball away as well if you're going to get the ball away from Herschel Walker you're going to have to bring a jackhammer look at him cover up the ball knowing where he is on the field watch him keep two hands on the ball he's goes through and admitted he senses a trouble he covers that thing up and they're trying to get it they're trying to get it really seriously consider keeping both hands on the football from start to finish second and a yard close to the 22 close to a first down popped by Robert Jones the rookie out of East Carolina the only rookie and the Dallas starting lineup no stranger to sing a number 55 play middle linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys that was a great Lee Roy Jordans number 14 years local Pro Bowls I believe Robert Jones and Leroy Jordan are right next to each other in the directory of Dallas Cowboy players alphabetically they are side by side Jones preceding Jordan which go tight when they Hershel Walker they let him do what he wanted to do all the time he was in Minnesota he lines up about seven yards deep they's own block basically everything they don't take him wide to the outside he's not a cutback runner at all he's a power runner and he sees a gap he hits it and he sees it very well from about six or seven yards deep there he is from seven yards in the 22 yard line [Applause] earns a loss into a short game tackled by vincent Smith at the 24-yard Russell Marilyn hit him first [Applause] vintage random it's fun to watch isn't it yeah he breaks away from that one tackle the Cowboys were in a rare man form and offense he would have been long gone he reads that man for man 2 and he pulls the falldown right there it's just remarkable and made all the more so when you meet and talk to Randall Cunningham when he's in street clothes so frail so thin wonder how we survive second today three stop by Robert Jones with 855 remaining in the first half and the Eagles on top ten seven [Applause] looking over disco tonight balls the offense he plays for the Eagles physique Brent Kowski the quarterback scopes who is just in awe of Randall Cunningham ability to throw the football forget about the athleticism does they've never seen anyone like there's a spring we could fire the ball this class good at 30 or 40 yards just with his arm third and five [Music] play fake and then the cross is out of reach where keep fires incomplete and forth ow Flyers drafted as a running back he's been everything age back tight in you name it they split him he has been their most versatile player for the last three or four seasons and even though that drive ended on a bad play an incomplete pass a successful drive where the Eagles they started at their one yard line [Applause] their tank control for at the 20-yard line by Kelvin see this beauty they gained 69 yards that field position Tipperary that putt turn of Akron look at downtown Philadelphia one Liberty Place in the center of your picture there sparkling early autumn 53 degrees raucous crowd Eagles lead by three first and Alice in the 21-yard it's myth after the 25-yard tackled by Joyner little and Golic as well it'll be second down in six Emmitt Smith who's had tremendous success against the rest of the league two games last year against the Eagles was limited to 3.1 yards per carry and tonight 35 yards 10 carries the league average is normally around 4.0 we got half of that 35 on one carry that League average isn't against evil 25 yard line they can dropped it off first man those were first down as he's run out of bounds by Andre waters he is not a big part of the passing game because he carries the ball so much but for Emmett Smith that is a nonetheless his 12th reception of the season and it comes in at an opportune time as it Nets a first down for the Cowboys Eagles trying to get double coverage on the outside receivers of the Dallas Cowboys and often that's going to turn loose the running back and that was the case at that point on the outside the 30k people Carter [Applause] 25 yard line aisel Dickens with the coverage [Applause] our fur the receiver from Tennessee also world-class high jumper they use him in situations where they get down into fade patterns at the goal line this time he goes up high but doesn't come down with it had a chance to handle this ball it would have been tough and a good play by Jenkins to disturb the concentration well Jenkins actually pulls down harper's arm after he makes it attacked with a football look like Dartmoor was going to catch that and as he went to put in eyes el Jenkins actually pulls his forearms down nicely done second and 10 from the 32 throwing underneath to Novacek and over check tackled at the 41 short of the first down Jenkins and Joyner stopping a yards short of the first down you just can't play Novacek like most tight ends in the league you have to play him in a passing situation certainly with my defensive back linebackers are not going to stay with me that time cept when he was playing hurt no question tonight it dropped off and now joined is going to get a little breather Rose comes in and 41 third and one Dallas and then to the 44 yard line as the clock ticks down to 6 minutes remaining in the first half and the Eagles on top 10 to 7 but just can't help but watch the Dallas Cowboys on offense on defense their special teams alertness and every time it seems to handle the ball being so close to breaking a big play all I can think about is 1 and 15 what three years ago 1 and 15 and now look at this ball fall young and emerging obviously a ways to go this team gets from the 44 apron West throws on the rod [Applause] intended for michael irvin covered by Hopkins white putting the pressure on [Applause] we've Illustrated in a sense how far the Cowboys have come with Jimmie Johnson there he was in 89 [Music] when wind was against one sound a little bit better in 1990 and then last season one of only three teams in league history to improve by four or more wins in two consecutive seasons the Vikings did it in the late 60s and the 49ers in it until Walsh's first three season that's the animation that the guys on Sunday can only dream about first down and he takes it into Eagle territory tackled at the 45 yard line [Applause] limited Monday night budget they may have nightmares about it Jimmie Johnson arguing that Andre waters came up in speared Martin when he was on the ground [Applause] when you have a reputation that Andre waters has had over the years but you're going to get attention like this but I think very well if how to fly actually the other point you have - he looked like he was in the air was sitting it from the 45 stop by mike golic after a minimal gain 420 remaining in the first half and another intimidating pop by Watters [Applause] second and nine at the 44-yard line waters and Hopkins the two safeties Andre and his ninth year Hopkins also in his ninth year in terms of service Hopkins the longest serving of a core Inigo here since 83 from the 44-yard line just about the line of scrimmage Harmon and Simmons converged with a tackle it'll be third and law think Harmon depleted Troy Aikman reached out a hand and snaked his leg Andy Harmon from Kent State a promising looking kid for a sixth round draft choice they're getting a lot of work along the interior part of that line you can also play on the outside well everybody in the middle is getting a lot more work because of Jerome Brown there you see Harmon gets in now he's got a Qin shoe there now are we going to see some sportsmanship no.23 go get it yourself three mark right setting the 1440 seconds Boyka Andy Harmon saying hey if you're going to run away from me and make me work to catch you go get your own shoes [Applause] Aikman going underneath for Smith he loses the football as winter made the tackle loose on the far side who's got the football I think there's gonna be a Dallas holding call against Philadelphia there's a flag down at the 27 yard line well downfield well sis Joyner he's not playing a full speed but even at 80 percent he's still better than most linebackers in this game and he forces the fumble by stripping the ball away Novacek coming off the line of scrimmage there he's going to draw the holding call holding [Applause] otice sniff out part of the nickel combination and doing anything he can to slow down Novacek no but check breaking to the inside and sniffing he was going to be beaten deep and he was man-for-man he had told even he did and drew the flag keep in mind that field judge back there his responsibility is to watch the tight end release from the line of scrimmage it was apparent the hold and that was an excellent look at Kenny whooping Craig jenoff gave us of the official looking right at it and growing the flag it can show you what a Novacek can do to you it forces to all kinds of things that you ordinarily would not have to do to another tight end which the automatic that's the killer here here's Emmitt Smith and 240 to go in the half and as we look ahead two timeouts left for Dallas plus the two-minute warning Lilith Smith shakes his head what I have to do to find an opening [Applause] I think you never really have to worry about the ego do you guys about they're tackling you know you see you talk to the coaches well we didn't tackle well we didn't tackle well I never hear that about the Eagles no not when you look in that chart that says overall against the running against the past but all you see are number one number one in the con [Music] second and 11 a queen is incomplete now that Harper the intended receiver and Eric Allen breaking it up [Applause] and it will be third down and 11 as we have come to the two-minute warning it comes officially with 158 remaining in the first half in Philadelphia Eagles 10 Cowboys 7 [Music] Cowboys at the Eagle 40-yard line Eagles up 5-3 158 to go on the have two timeouts remaining for Dallas bacon has to get it to the 29 Hispanic second he gets tackled at the 33 yard line his fourth reception of the game he is stopped by West Hopkins and now we'll see if the Cowboys with a rookie kicker off for a 50-yard field goal attempt and that is what Johnson is doing right now Novacek again as they continue to double up on the outside they did that in the first game played last year when they had the 11 sacks and they shut out thalis 24 to nothing they have gone back to that type of defense Novacek is the open receiver and aproned is forced to go to when they center line in the hold and now they line up under center with Beuerlein on fourth down and to see if they can get Philadelphia sent jump play clock is down to five we might not even pick the Snapple out they're not going to know snap by Dallas and even by Philadelphian sitting at home we used to do that at Bakersfield high school [Applause] I'm sure that's where Jimmy Johnson got it well it has a hideout too I think you know I wonder how smart the plate I think it would've been a smarter blade they taking the time out maybe with one second left on the on the plate like why take the penalty now you you're looking at a 55-yard at ten or you have to go to work for an eight obviously I'll he had no intention of kicking though okay well Kelly its longest career field goal of 52 yards by not taking the time out they were demonstrating that they never intended to kick the whole goal they need at this point since Jackson in the pooch ticket at the 38-yard line the line of scrimmage [Applause] like that inside the fire but just got it into the end zone so it comes out to the 20 with exactly a minute remaining in the first half and Cunningham and the Eagles take over up 5-3 one minute remaining in the first half Eagles have it at the 20 they have two timeouts at their disposal Cunningham nearly sacked the first out hi-de-ho both with you what a pleasure to what that ate up 9 seconds there's tomorrow's lineup primetime on ABC Full House hanging with mr. Cooper Roseanne coach and going to extremes the primetime block tomorrow night on ABC [Applause] I'm glad I wasn't one of our cameramen having to follow Cunningham doing last it would have been a little better off in Godfrey miles in their line back to crime to tackle Cunningham he didn't even touch him he was the last one in Joo ran to the covr game he's picked up 42 yards on the ground tonight on first half didn't pick it all intended for buyers broken up by kenneth chance well the Cowboys sitting in zone and Gantt just reading it all the way buyers working short watch Gantt there in the middle of your screen he'll make his break go right by the guys heading downfield [Applause] that is not the way to have a half come to an end we may see brand will be a little more selective here one second and ten at the 32-yard line three ruch they put the pressure on and it's one hop to Williams up at the 44-yard line it'll be third down in 10 42 seconds and two timeouts left with Eagles and Dan was right deliberately one up by Randall Cunningham and he was looking over 31 left taco but now with two incomplete passes and the clock stopping dallas is looking at getting the ball back here i won't guess how many timeouts this doll is that they've got to do okay 50% chance again yeah I've discovered that snowballs what's wrong is stay around 33% yes third and ten at the 32-yard line at the 25-yard line and that Dallas to take a timeout as Tony Tolbert gets credit for the sack and that's going to stop the clock with 37 seconds remaining in the first half a good play by Randle good coverage by the Cowboys downfield he wasn't going to try to force anything in there go down at the 25-yard line Dallas takes a timeout they have one left over getting the ball after the punt with 37 ticks remaining in the half of the three-point Eagle advantage we special teams coach on the Left Larry for squally the Eagles special teams coach the Eagles are going to get the ball and the man to watch here is Isaac Holt right there the premier kick blocker the Cowboys Cowboys will get the ball after the Eagle kicks eagle sets up at his own 10 yard line boat number 30 Dallas has walked six picks in the last 12 regular season games at the 23-yard line runs out of bounds at the 33 so that's where Dallas has it with 26 seconds and one timeout remaining after a beautiful 52 yard booth by Jeff Eagles Veterans Stadium opened in 1971 home of the Eagles of the Phillies and their Eagles unbeaten as are the Cowboys coming in each team three and oh the winner undisputed possession the first place in the NFC but Carson the defensive coordinator of the Eagles watching discharges if you're north turner troy aikman Jimmie Johnson how aggressive you get here with this amount of time left from the 34-yard line this regressive yep aggressive enough that it's incomplete intended for urban who's been limited only one cats tonight Eric Allen with a coverage urban with that one catch it was a big one fifty nine yards and it was a spectacular catch as he had a reach from behind let's take a look at urban going up against one of the better defensive backs in the game today Allen he's made a couple of big plays tonight coming back timing it out just perfectly turbans big receiver six 299 pounds plays even bigger than that and he has a great use of the hands in pushing off of defenders second and ten four-man rush bacon of Novacek the tight end with 16 seconds remaining it'll be third and 10 [Applause] Eagles last year finished the season number one against the rush number one against the past which of course makes them number one overall good and there was a team spot this year yeah everybody calls it the Triple Crown it's really it's the double Grammys are we gonna lead the league in rushing defense and passing the bench a handful even total defense will have a piece on Randall Cunningham at halftime and I think the receiver that Eagles I've got to watch her as Harper they like this the ball up and just let him go up and jump for it they're going to play it safe and as the first ten steps out of bounds within seconds at the 48 yard line that's one of those running plays that will make Emmitt Smith's yardage numbers here for the first half seem more productive than they really were I mean that's going to add handily to his total and it really almost uncontested rushing yardage by by the Eagles defensively that's a 48 now first down King kicks left dick take it out of bounds near the Eagles 30 they still have that time a skill here is apron it's Novacek he's trying to get out of bounds and keep at the 45 yard line with three seconds and Dallas why would you run a seven yard pattern in that situation with ten seconds and they're going to take the time I don't say that that makes no sense whatsoever to me what does that have to do I mean I don't see any might not have been damn where things go to work might not have been the prime receiver maybe he was to pull the linebacker off the coverage downfield but you got to go downfield it's a very least hoping you might get a penalty of some kind right now that and with 10 seconds left I mean you need 25 yards to set up a field goal attempt Johnson obviously doesn't feel that Llanelli is for heat she's 50 yards by the way he made that pretty clear on the last Drive present a year ago in RFK Stadium they went with I hate to even say I get something heat about saying Hail Mary they went with the Hail Mary against the Washington Redskins in a successful new Harper just before the half for that game well that's what they're down to here you've got three seconds in placekicker Elliot he is no factory at this moment nobody Ottoman I think he I'd be trying to stay loose and possibly get some sort of a penalty or remember the half can end on a defensive pedal [Music] wasn't up for grabs in a snuck sound each side the five-yard line five Eagles we're back there so that's the end of the [Music] activities after this message from the National Football League and word from our ABC station [Music] we start the second half at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia each team three-and-oh coming in Eagles on top ten to seven and Philadelphia will get the ball for the Cowboys bicycie Hema back to receive for the evil right now they're waiting for the clock to get reset at 15 [Applause] [Music] second nipple weeks [Applause] straight up the middle after the 24 tackled by Darren Woodson rookie out of Arizona State and let's take a look at the numbers through the first 30 minutes of play Canales with an overwhelming lead in yardage but they also have the turnovers the two turnovers and one of them prevented points the other gave up a touchdown the opening interception by booty was one that led to the eagle touchdown destroyed Exim emotions and Herschel Walker begin with a one-yard pick up over the right side tackled by Tony Tolbert and Vincent Smith also helping out it will be second down and nine at the 25-yard line Herschel Walker very much of a workhorse through the first three games 76 carries and three games coming in as 25 carries a game well you know the story released by Minnesota and it would seem to be perfect fit in the Philadelphia offense [Applause] they should get in motion [Applause] up to the 29 yard line Russell Marilyn makes the tackle it'll be third and five al to take your Herschel Walker analysis a step further what I harken back to was on this very field the Vikings were here to play the Eagles a couple of years ago and it was on that night that Herschel Walker looks so so out of it so not even a part of the Viking team I mean I really thought his career was in jeopardy of being oldest team he it was a low point of his career no question but pitch Co tied when he brought him in he gave him this kind of an offense look at him seven yards deep his own block when he carries the ball and let him pick the hole third and for a first down up to the 35 yard line tackle by Norton and miles now that's Herschel Walker you don't send him outside you don't try to let him do a lot of blocking you line him up there deep he has great speed not a whole lot of nifty nuts but if he ever gets to a gap he's gone with that 9 300 speed of his and also I think Frank amplifies if you ask the Eagle what is their biggest area of improvement on this football team and they'll tell you that it's the play of their offensive line keller sat out van der floyd and davis a much improved unit from year ago and ten at the 35-yard jocular and Hershel can't break a tackle as Larry Brown the corner comes up to stop Matt for a 1-yard pickup [Applause] two men that came into the league at the opposite end of things Herschel Walker and Larry Browns Larry Brown a 12th round draft choice last year started 13 games where the Cowboys had a couple of interceptions but one guy with a Heisman Trophy and one guy hanging on by his finger starters both productive second of nine he goes into 36 pulling in five three take the Walker none tackled at the one-yard gain by Casillas and Washington will be third and 8 that was should have given Walker the ball that's the prettiest thing we've seen all night it was I don't know what he was missing what's unit a sir and I don't know what to do thinking to do kind of better blown something by Cunningham you roll out behind the flow of a play you're gonna attract the crowd and he did at the 37-yard line pressure to the 25 the ball is Lewin Easter been no whistle burning all in Allen Frank Randall's hurt grabbing his right leg it was the left knee by the way that was hurt last year requiring the surgery Jimmy Jones comes in it looked like the right guard Eric Floyd didn't know what the snap count was Jones goes right by him while Floyd is still down in his stance and Randall jogging it off on the sidelines and I think all of [Music] [Applause] fourth down Fievel pounce at the 30 cool on did he get a break [Applause] twenty yards roll the Dallas was in a return mode with their special team no pressure on figures he had a bad snap and there is a collective sort of sigh of relief by this capacity crowd of Randall Cunningham appears to be alright [Music] here here is Jimmy Jones watch Floyd he doesn't know the snap count he still got his hand on the ground Jones is by him he makes the contact with Cunningham but it's Jeffcoat who falls into Cunningham's knee that crew is Sharron to everybody and then after a 63-yard fievel's punt 20 of those yards on the ground first down from the 12 Smith stopped by Harmon Floyd was on the bench talking to Phil mirrors offensive line coach look at the man oh but near tears and and can you imagine that if Randall would have been hurt it would have been your fault and yet it looks like Randall Cunningham is just fine and very Floyd a very happy guy either they are talking [Applause] pickup from San Diego Smith after a two-yard game second and eight to take the Smith and eight Minh is going deep [Music] [Applause] getting position on those days and coming back to make the catch at the 45 of Philadelphia we talked in the first half about his jumping ability a seven to high jumper he hung it up there and just took it away from isael Jenkins he's big six three they love to put it up Jenkins not bad position on the ball and it's really kind of an ugly past underthrown both guys have to slow down to the point but Alvin Harper was just that tremendous and look how long he stayed up in the air he rides l Jenkins how do you defend that I don't I don't know that anybody has an answer for first and ten at the 45 yard line the take draw [Applause] 45 of the was it Reggie White it was somebody coming from the right side that Joyner says Joyner got a hand on the ball coming from the outside on the right [Applause] joining her kids around Eric Williams Araki tackle and there's a big play that joiner is one of those rare football players that he makes things happen in the football game we talked about his game great game gets Houston a year ago he does it all year long here he comes number 59 top of your screen Eric Williams just gives him the soft corner doesn't even hit join her as an inferior play first intent Eagles at the 45-yard three takes you to the 42 the initial stop made by Robert Joan and we'll take another peek at that interception [Applause] from the left side there is Joyner this makes contact and heavens this has to wait for it to get there it got quickly the Eagles defensive team gets into a black mo waters coming back with a block that makes extra yardage for Evans third interception for a but you can't blame that on the Dallas quarterback a the first three games this season second and six from the 41 yard line here's fire stop by Jill sure to the first island with a third and roughly two with 815 to go in the third quarter and the Eagles on top ten seven with all of the scoring in the game in the first period Troy Aikman coming into the game had completed close to 70 percent of his passes but tonight 10 out of 20 for the one touchdown to Martin and three picks it only thrown two interceptions in the previous three games but look at that three times of the four times he's done it have come against the Eagles I mean that's every quarterback in the NFC East third and two from the 37-yard coming in close the catcher's made in full [Applause] Barna and a good read by cunningham he found the man for man coverage garnett just was the threat going up field against Larry Brown Brown playing way off but in the man coverage in Cunningham region the old saying pigs get fat hogs get slaughtered bread barnett knew exactly how far to go got his first down by about a yard because that's all he had to hair down the 34 [Applause] 37 yard [Applause] big and boom Davis gets out in front of that the classy act and Herschel Walker he kept his mouth shut all week long and for the last two weeks about all the height building up to this game how he would like to have a great game against Dallas you heard nothing from Herschel Walker did you know that inside he would love to have a great one tonight second and four for the 27-yard [Applause] [Music] and it's very close to the first down I believe he has it Robert Jones makes the tackle first down groaning 622 go shorter egos on top by three [Applause] there was any question about Rando [Applause] on a pass intended for Calvin Williams Williams got tangled up and he tripped and Horton had an easy shot at the interception [Applause] Williams went down inside the 5-yard line he wasn't there even to take it away from Mort he got tangled up with his defender there goes way of these down the Horten playing centerfield was right there Isaac Pope providing the coverage on Williams they got tangled up in Williams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is pretty that is really pretty being chased by Leon stop and sidearms the ball back perfectly to buyers I mean you don't work on it in practice you know coach it you don't even talk about it few people can do it [Applause] first and goal - the turnover watch the broken tackle in the backfield he's been had by Kenny Norton Junior and this right here they start a trend Herschel Walker acting like he's been there before guru Zak for the extra point 17 to 7 [Music] yuppies made those teams better [Music] schools cash in walk the interception marched down the field Philadelphia up on top 17 to 7 with five-oh dance he wants war crowd noise he'll get it ruzek to kickoff to run attack [Applause] and when we come back the Cowboys trailing monsoon in the first sound puts wasn't checked the Eagles go 45 yards in a bush the river on a sparkling night for the Eagle fans to this point B is their club lead 17 7 Cowboys 24:55 to go in the third picks up only three and it's amazing what that Philadelphia defense can do they can make your running game look terrible and you're passing to hit the terrible night after night after night and how they consistently generate points off of turnovers they were interceptions accounting for both legal touchdowns tonight [Applause] the session kept balance from the three-point field goal almost certain on second and 7 here Smith again a decent home is time for him but it closes in a hurry short of the first down stop by William Thomas and then waters comes up and it will be third down and a short two from the 28 yard line and waters is slow and getting up waters actually took a good shot from one of his own teammates and this is where it's wise to just stay down [Applause] more often than not you'll see a defensive player ends up with an acre of pain it's because one of his own guys coming up to finish somebody off ends up making the hit watch the right waters it's coming from the left he led with the helmet as he customarily does and this time he collides with his own man and Clyde Simmons waters is now on the carpet injury timeout under his own power if acting ran off the field with his out for at least one play and rich Miano takes his spot third and two at the putting for the cowboy Aikman throws and a tax by urban at the 37-yard line he's been followed up tonight and only his second capture of the night but at a very opportune time as they convert on third for another first down there both of Michael's chances tonight have kept drives alive the big one after the Eagles climbed to an early lead he reached behind him took the Cowboys down the field and this was again a very opportune grab I'm Michael Irvin the the desperate need of a time consuming yardage gathering point producing drive from the 37 yard line dammit Smith hello mr. breeding Simmons is a terrific player the problem as he plays on a team with so many big names and the other bookend is Reggie White so if Simmons were anywhere else you'd be hearing a lot more about him he has a great player but Reggie White makes him a much better player Reggie attracts so much attention over the right side here Simmons bottom of your screen there's nobody on him at that board that he is [Applause] very swift could have been nice for a cowboy's might've tried to block the 37-yard they've been pumping it for Emmett's [Music] huh straighten pan and join her who I think was very apparent early in the ball game was was having a problem with a leg has just come back and been playing beautifully and you know it is inspirations like that that really flow to everybody else in the defensive huddle they all know the joiners Nick and here is that situation where you hate to have third down along against the Eagles now watched Emmitt Smith the jobs and Seth Jonah a superb athlete and apparent makes a tough open-field tax third and 12 Andre waters is back in the game Aikman over the middle the catch is made by Martin and he's got a first down he is tackled by booty but he needed 12 and got 13 first down at the 48 yard line as he applauds himself well thrown pretty good coverage on Martin and Aikman as the pocket was beginning to collapse delivered a right on target back-to-back third down conversions for Jimmie Johnson's Cowboys [Applause] where to get protection but as it starts to collapse Eggman throws the perfect strike tough to fault the coverage by booty as we mentioned waters back in the game first and ten at the 48 39 seconds left in the quarter [Applause] fumble by John Kasich [Applause] defensive football they are so disruptive [Applause] Evans hits Johnston and the Eagles come up with the ball as Gogan where geese ik loses the football and William Thomas gives the Eagles possession at the 48 yard line I mean needless to say John Kasich isn't used to carrying the ball it comes right to him and he just loses it bad break Dallas Devon's creating that one opportunistic again the word we keep applying to that Philadelphia defensive team there are constant pressure on every offensive player who's touching the football has just become a hallmark of this Eagle team so great outstanding defensive plays and I bicep jointer Byron Evans who buddy Ryan always said to turn into a great football player is developing even more each year at a big hitter and he put us smack on well Johnston on that play when you force two fumbles on the same play that's somewhat indicative of a larger head oh yeah thirty seconds remaining in the quarter here's buyers taking the inside handbook I'm just getting back to the line of scrimmage and that will be the final play of the third quarter well we've reached that point where you ask an awful lot of your defensive team and that's what the Cowboys right now are asking of their group they to force the Philadelphia Eagles to run just a couple more plays and punt the ball away they cannot fall farther behind and expect to win this game third quarter is over fact we come with Monday Night Football after this from our ABC stations [Applause] [Music] and Bremen owns the Eagles man on the right is the president and chief operating officer Harry gamble who was quite instrumental in the signing of Herschel Walker like the Reverend Norman Brennan yes he does in that shot as we start the fourth quarter on second half of the 40 and a second attempt he makes the catch takes the ball to the 45 yard line where it'll be third down and three and Jerry Jones in the middle of the shot the man in the suit and tie the owner of the Cowboys watching his team trailing by 10 is this fourth quarter commences [Applause] the Minister of Defense Reggie White he makes everyone along that defensive line just a little bit better he and Bruce Smith just go back and forth this who this week or this day is the most dominating defensive lineman in the game [Applause] the Gertz and fur as he's tackled by brown first out another good read by random he reads the single coverage and you don't often get it from Dallas they usually cover and hide their coverage really well get inside help or double help he read the single coverage and got the completion turnover is the big number right there see the Cowboys have out gained the Eagles by over a hundred yards but the turnovers have killed [Applause] big protection [Music] [Music] he and Calvin Williams were both drafted together two years ago when the Eagle went into the grass saying we need receivers and they actually went for Mike Bellamy as their first choice of the three and he's not with the team anymore but the other two have really paid off but again look at the throw by Cunningham Barnett the Washington delivered a blow to the head which he did just a pinpoint passed by Randall Cunningham perfect cuts in the 16-yard [Applause] there's a flag thrown [Applause] [Applause] taking pass they cometh the draw her still expose into the end zone [Applause] let me go will the big cannons I don't know what that is you can feel it [Applause] mark Bryan getting together with the side judge [Applause] sigh judge Howard Slavin has been involved in a lot of action today [Applause] he's not going to rule a celebration violation in there we have a personal foul on number 73 Philadelphia after the score personal foul unnecessary roughness will assess 15 Ron Heller raising some hell in the endzone this happened well after Herschel Walker behind just superior blocking takes it into the end zone I punched on it earlier but the improved quality of way by the [Applause] we demonstrate it right there the Eagles and stretched it out to twenty four to seven [Applause] but Gary Floyd number 61 as one of his legs is he gingerly tried to make this way for deagle fish well I touched on it earlier are they the best team in the game they're playing like it right now [Applause] providing that rotating view from high above Veterans Stadium and Philadelphia [Applause] they're down 24/7 and put is not the team you want to play catch up against on every play with the ears pinned back playing pass [Music] to go to the family the assessment on the kickoff of us instead of the 35 [Applause] and he sends that out of bounds and so normally you take it as a 35 if these are the penalty then get into the 50 dare you that's a it's a costly penalty [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right Jerry Mark Ryden excellent explanation you almost forgive Heller that penalty though in the sense that it you have to pay attention to how he's played tonight against Charles Haley Haley has really been a non-factor in this game tonight and and Ron Heller left tackle gets a lot of credit he's the guy that more often than not is responsible for blocking one of the great pass records in the game and Herschel Walker has picked up a lot of his yard he'd ride over Heller's but talk about a costly penalty opening up a shop at the 50-yard line without even touching the football is this is just superb field position for down first and ten Cowboys at the 50-yard line Smith stays in the block eight been throwing for Novacek did he have possessions Oh incomplete broken up by Eric that is an absolute great play by Alan Novacek had that football and Alan just took it out of there slapped it out they play the football collectively better than any team in the NFL and that's why those number ones are right across there in the defensive categories ha chalindo bang the ball is that gone I think Eric Allen is showing why he's made a couple trips to Honolulu for the Pro Bowl probably well this year as well second and ten from the fifty look out Simmons the basic feeding frenzy well that's 500 more dollars to the Jerome Brown foundation the foundation created after the death of the great eagle tackle and Simmons donating that amount for every sack single coverage is to an eight rise to handle Simmons their double up on the other side against Reggie White I think he gives some of that too there's the patch you can see on the shoulder of Reggie White though the new-and-improved the larger patch they're wearing third and 17 is lucky that was [Applause] who else I might be trying the other side of the field I would pick that look over see if I could locate I fell Jenkins boy I saw hungry water [Applause] [Music] lives by the sword dies by the sword he he talks a good game when it's going his way and if that's the way you're going to play you better expect to get in when things aren't going so well one big reception tonight - for the night Verve and then in that 24 to nothing game last September bourbon was also held to one reset the great job by but Carson's the defensive coordinator here tonight [Applause] I sick of him you can do that when you need twenty four to seven I guess 11:39 left in the fourth Eagles up by 17 [Applause] a walker or two sucks ass but I can't get started this time Robert Jones in on the tackle well when you look ahead now for the Eagles over the next two weeks rich coats hike takes his team to Kansas City and to Washington but he'll take them in the way it looks right now with a four no record and he'll also take them in with the added baggage of a lot of people looking at his club saying here's the team that ought to be in Pasadena second is an admirer with a 13 it really is when you think about the Eagle is an amazing thing when you watched what happened last year in the way code side kept them together with Cunningham hurt on opening day and then to have an off season in which Jerome Brown dies and then you have Keith Jackson regarded as the best pass catching tight end in football signing with another team so there are two guys who just don't replace well that began right now for no it became so apparent last year I mean he has Tim McMahon but McMahon is hurt more than he's healthy cap is carried off the [Applause] make the playoffs that's equality of the personnel on his face [Applause] [Music] makes the catch and James Washington came in late brings back to last year it was a remarkable thing the rich coat I did when he came in and replaced very popular buddy Ryan at least popular with the players and he had no problems with it the players had none and just on his own strength then they got to be talking about the back it was epic it just came together yeah you're right from they gotta be talking about the fact that nobody touch Williams on the field he's free to get up and run I mean I still no no in other words you've got a player on the field that's I didn't say anybody touching [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well let's see if he was touched down on the field [Applause] right here's the catch in the middle of no traffic Williams is done or you can see there is Larry Brown who comes in and puts his right hand on the shoulder Washington was already airborne and after the 40 speaking of Jim McMahon very I said women before they gain how you doing he said I'm bored he had a little radio-controlled car running around the carpet out here before the game you know what he said to me though he said I said why are you doing he said real simple I want one more ring and this team could give it to no bow and shoulder operated on during the offseason a rather elbow [Applause] Walker [Applause] a lot of people close to this team or giving McMahon a lot of credit for Cunningham because they said last year Randall you know forced to watch because of the injury and he watched the way McMahon would do things methodically and in his own very unique fashion he did all during the rehab during the off-season he'd get the clips to sit down with the glue carpenters eek breakout ski and go over the coverages how McMahon would read them how he should be reading them better Cunningham in the past has been so quick to jump out of that pocket he's not doing that anymore he's a much more mature quarterback second in 645 Eagles up by 17 into a pen full of cowboys with no game Robert Jones leading the charge and we have under nine minutes to go Jimmie Johnson next week has his team going home to face the adil and we move down to RFK always a great scene on a Monday night Redskins with a mark of two and two hosting the AFC West leading Denver Broncos Monday Night Football they open our season there what three years ago with Denver and Washington remembrance so that there was a little bit into the year that was an we got sick desiring at the 45-yard line picks up a couple up to the 47 and the Korea the fourth then Gary Kubiak had to come in on eventually into a winner Denver of course on top of the AFC West somebody said it there other succinctly that Denver is the best worst team in the league whether four and one and what have allowed two more points than they have scored try that on for size they've scored 70 and allowed 75 and yet they're a four and one well they wanted now right here 30 nothing wasn't that close Jeff Eagles had the bluest right to accept the Senate it is filled at the 9-yard buried at the 12 early celebration for Mark McMillan a rookie from Alabama his moment in the Sun for bull 24/7 until now some thought imported luxury sedans possessed a higher level of engineering but change is on the horizon introducing the 1993 Cadillac Seville STS with the Northstar system at its heart a 295 horsepower Northstar v8 so advanced its first scheduled tune-up is 100,000 miles Cadillac Seville STS with the Northstar system changing the way you think about American automobiles one of these engines was filled with Castrol Syntec a new synthetic oil the rest with conventional oils they were then drained and started without oil to prove a point you see syntax unique molecular structure bomb that test show it leaves a layer of protection far stronger than conventional oil and if syntek protects this well now imagine if you leave it in Castrol Syntec protects in ways other oils can't the Postal Service would like to present today Priority Mail that's delivery in just two days of up to two pounds for just two dollars and ninety cents remember Oh two days two pounds 292 two-day Priority Mail for your Postal Service the pickup service call 1-800 two two two one eight one one we'll take you where no one else dares what that gets to it away well there's something going on between you and makes civil wars it only looks like television Wednesday sedan what do you think answer that question he goes best team in the league right now I think so I mean I think they're the most complete team offensively defensively the improvement of their special teams and of all the things that Randall Cunningham was accomplished tonight I'm not so sure the most important was the way he took a tremendous shot on his knees and came back in it again and they keep on smoking is Reggie White gets the soft back at the 5-yard line on the other side of the field though Jimmy Johnson I said to us last night said we'll be there I don't know who in the game or not we will play well if they are playing well then there's no question that this Philadelphia Eagle team is the best in the league so this is a good football team a Dallas Cowboys the youngest team in the league and there the better the Reggie chant after that sack here's Emmitt Smith to the 16 yard line and a flag is down Brittany white is one of the reasons I think that this Eagle team has some of the urgency that they have because Reggie's the first to say that I am man and my years in the National Football League are I can see the end of the road and I want to get there and I want to get there this year and he's very upfront and saying now is the time not next year not to year after now well it's a mature defensive unit let's go it off you get the film safeties Hopkins and waters regi moving along [Applause] second in pointing in this play is dead before it starts well either false tartar delay it has to be but Jerry said he questioned the headline [Applause] second down those are the things that really are not even recorded they're caused by a defensive unit that gets you and they're so disrupting those Gogan there crying to get to the other side trying to get position [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there [Laughter] about a foot Justin four stars 79 [Applause] a penalty on Gogan and a penalty on Eric Williams is just moving down the line all the way to your right and you've got a you've got to give an assist to the crowd here at the bet they came to make noise and they are making noise and Nobby boys on the office having trouble hearing the sack the last seven quarters one touchdown against Denver this is a this is an ugly place to be if you're 22 and just to get breathing room that's Darryl Johnston's first carry as he takes it out to the 3 yard line Nathan's face reflecting the kind of night it's been joiner putting it to Eric Williams you know the the Cowboys a young Dean Frank mentioning a team at tickets it gets better maybe they'll be fresher in the second half of the season but interestingly this year to this point they've outscored the opposition 64 to 17 in the first half in the second half they've been asked for 41 to 24 case in point Eggman style next raphae Novacek go true hell they had a thirty four to nothing lead over the Giants into the third quarter the judge came back and almost pulled out out 34:28 Novacek making a one-handed grab for that ball that ball was very catchable and Jay Novacek who missed all of training camp in a contract fold-out has not had a real strong start to his 1992 season and has dropped a couple passes syenite as well very careful that he doesn't step out of the back of the end zone to do Mike Saxon they've got those sick and Heather and the rookie [Music] and sick and Hema returns the kick to the 34-yard [Applause] Tommy Agee 5:34 remaining in the fourth quarter and I find it interesting as it as you see Saxon being very careful with it there that the team does six teams of feet the Eagles a year ago they averaged nine completions and a hundred and ten yards but they didn't turn it over what is Saxon doing that was Saran Stacy giving in the saran wrap look Academy Award nice try Mike yep first down at the 34-yard line partial you know the one thing about Walker a lot of people questioned his part and his willingness to play the game in the last year and a half in Minnesota and it really it really aided and for Walker who's not a real outwardly effusive guy but a very proud man this has to be a wonderful night I don't think there are any more question and he's handled it so well - as we said earlier we weren't getting in it quotes out of Herschel Walker over the past two weeks as they got ready for Dallas [Applause] Walker 18 carry for 77 yards and now they give it to flyers and he goes ahead as a 29 yard line just before the game started today I heard a night I watched his Jimmy Johnson looked around and really searched out Herschel Walker walked over put his arm around into a big hug by both of them the Walker has handled this situation so graciously and and he might have put both of these teams in a Super Bowl August not the same one but down the line it could certainly happen [Applause] for the 28 yard line [Applause] there's a big time stuff [Applause] but a rich coat I'd say about him he was stunned how strong he is well Larry Brown just found out these two had a confrontation earlier where Brown was making the tackle on Walker this time he does not hmm goodbye first and ten to twenty and rich co tied on the sidelines can finish Berta Walker again what is this Washington she's breathing in frustration when it takes something to get a rise out of isn't it ironic though that a lot of fans were upset when the Eagles didn't make a big play for James Brooks and Cleveland got him after Cincinnati let him go and Brooks of course was let go by Cleveland and picked up by Tampa Bay and a lot of people questioned the acquisition of Walker and it was all rich ecocide and Harry gamble took full responsibility for it [Applause] it appears they should take full credit second out of two so much about Walker there we're subordinated very [Applause] he fires over the past couple of years has had to play in a lot of situations of positions that terribly Fonda but they call him me all of a team player he'll play tight in he'll play the slot for you play running back great player indeed in all positions nope whatsoever they do not want to play kept out the Philadelphia Regan 31-7 these two teams go at it again November 1st in Irving bridge ecotypes said I must have improvement in two areas special teams and the play of my offensive line so far this season he has seen dramatic improvement in both but nowhere more so than what he's gotten out of his offensive line Keith Byars went into the end zone without a Dallas Cowboy making a serious bid to tackle him as a matter of fact I don't believe he was even touched in flag football that would have been a touchdown this is the first time since 1980 the Eagles have scored four rushing touchdowns in a game as that offensive line and a great improvement by and tone Davis the big first-round draft pick overwrite tuck from a year ago they gave up two number ones to acquire him and he was helpless and hopeless for much of the beginning of last year he settled down came in block were twenty off-season lost a little bit of weight and has turned into an excellent certainly an excellent run blocking tackle in he is improving as a pass blocker it's a title jersey had on here as big as they've got you could take the numbers off that thing and show a drive-in movie widescreen put a swing set down in front of dude hands up sure tech taken dinya level with the dancing hotdogs and stuff telling you to go to the concession stand [Applause] park my overhead that last act singing pickles Cowboys tonight in the second hand remember they were down by only three at halftime the first half makes those putts look pretty good yeah the intersection the fumble and two punts in the second half that's been owned by the Eagles out at Denver Broncos looking on and kind of sitting back saying we understand oh you better believe it a lot of Kansas City Chiefs looking on to me as they get both these teams over the next two weeks it was a penalty on the run back picks it back to the 11 yard line Philadelphia's Kansas City next week right now at KC and then the Chiefs go to down until the smiling Walker on the Philadelphia sideline first and ten the Eagles go Kansas City Washington and this is Tommy Agee that's at the 21 yard line well the egos among other things took Emmitt Smith out of the game tonight if if the Cowboys can't get a big game out of Emmitt Smith they're not gonna you're not gonna beat a team like Philadelphia no chance they took the leading rusher out from a year ago and they took the leading receiver in terms of yardage Michael Irvin right out of this football game and it's just another game in which they take in Smith out of it I guess it's really strange that in the same division as the defending Super Bowl champions that we are talking about Philadelphia in such glowing terms but if you really compare the two teams right now there is no comparison the Redskins are not playing like defending super well maybe they are playing like the [Applause] more often than not we've seen a fade by the defending champ but if you are just looking at the first week of October and who is on it and who's off of it right now the Eagles are on it and the Redskins are off of it but you're looking at Emmitt Smith you know it's one of those goofy statistics that needs an asterisk when they tell you that a team is twenty at O which they are when he carries the ball eighteen or more times a lot of it has to do with getting the lead and sitting eyes but tonight it's relevant in the sense that he's carrying at 18 I'm gonna get killed so we'll be 21 it's a resounding warm and it will take us to the two-minute warning close to a first down and they'll celebrate into the night in the City of Brotherly Love where they love the Eagles and they leave by 24 until now some thought high maintenance was an unavoidable expense of high performance changes inside introducing the Northstar system by Cadillac with a 295 horsepower v8 engine so advanced its first scheduled tune-up is 100,000 miles so while others promise the world Cadillac gives you the equivalent of a trip around four times over the Northstar system by Cadillac changing the way you think about American automobiles who you gonna call the most this month most good question is about with Sprint's new program the most first you get 20% off whoever you call the most each month second you get 20% off calls to any of the millions of other sprint customers automatically a special announcement from Sprint an independent consumer group has announced that of unrestricted plans the most from Sprint often offers the best savings with the fewest restrictions the affordable Canon CJ 10 the power of colors is yours [Music] imagine a rent-a-car company that offers special delivery right to your door that's enterprise [Applause] here let me help enterprise a special rent-a-car company that gives you special delivery well when you come to Philadelphia I mean you got to have a cheesesteak when you see this guy whippin it together you'll know why yeah I like to have a la bourse biggest dance I mean the biggest lobster I've ever seen punch it on last night the lobsters not worth eating unless they bring it to your table on a leash a cheese stick and Philip trying to gear up for a slimfast commercial take down the line 14 inches you can't eat it for camp against Dallas going for and they pick up the first down so they'll maintain possession for what it's worth and a game that is over thirty one to seven the egos on top if we're in one of those rare situations where both teams are threatened around the clock out we talked about the the irony tonight and Herschel Walker and his move from Dallas through Minnesota here rich coat ID and what a game like tonight means to the Eagles and this I think back to rich coats I taking over for Buddy Ryan it's fires as a quinone first down retreat and hit servin he's out of bounds at the 48 when Ryan got fired Ritchie was on buddy staff and co tied had left New York when Joel Walton was fired the year before he gets the call to go upstairs as they say and he thinks she's going to get fired along with Ryan and instead they offer him the job he actually is is told to hang around and would you like the interview yep and lo and behold before he knew it he was the the new guy and as it turned out or as it's turning out appears to be the perfect choice he has been a real calming influence in what was a very turbulent situation at the Ritz coat I'd it worked out well the Carson was really [Applause] now there's that yep none of a typical way for an eagle game to end as Reggie White comes in and it's for Saks tonight for Philadelphia spell fatten up the pro-bowl numbers Reggie white would go to the Pro Bowl if he brushed the quarterback on his hands and knees that's pretty strong way to just yank a guy down between the thumb and forefinger Lewis career he's averaged about a sack the game is Alfredo Roberts makes the catch here I'd like to get pinched by Reggie White he hauled out Troy Aikman with his thumb and a forefinger more importantly he just girls had double coverage all the time the best of that defensive line get single blocking against them Tommy Agee with a catch saw that graphic for sack for turnover we saved it at the very beginning tonight not a question of if for the cowboys they're going to get to the top question is when sure is not tonight at least [Applause] and the Eagles I think we've the best receiving crown the early October Super Bowl fingers Berlin next or next week for that bad yep the Eagles do it on tonight went in a Randall for sure Randall Cunningham very average night in fact below average for him big story again the turnovers as always with the Eagles [Music] [Applause] Randall with well you know attention to you where you divide the yards by attempts and it's only about six yards per attempt we mentioned it from time to time sevens about average eight is very good nines excellent you got a big cushion forty fended for Roberts broken up by Otis Smith sapore the cowboy offensive lineman go oh goody two seconds left in a game I get the pass block Reggie White and Clyde sevens one more time how lucky can a guy get [Applause] maybe they just finding out how far the rookie can dig it in 52 yards as a collegian 48 yard at 10 be a few people funny and you know what I mean it's right it was wide and under it was it was certainly it was right on I think it was I believe the Oh on you is 38 tonight let's go tide what a great job he has done Jimmy Johnson you've built yourself one for the future and we'll be seeing a lot of man Troy Aikman that was a push to the right you might say give us some good news if you go up with up big night for the Eagles they went at 31 seven undisputed possession of first talk to you next week from Washington now Michaels Branca for Dan Dierdorf good night from Philadelphia you [Applause]
Channel: CMB Alt Chanel
Views: 29,228
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Keywords: sports
Id: SU_XLAuessA
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Length: 136min 42sec (8202 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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