1992 NFL Week 14 Dallas at Denver 12 6 1992

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Eric Williams and Jay Novacek in front of law damnit sniffing Daryl Johnson the two runners urban and Harper why Novacek is in motion no play flag on the play before it began no play before this now the entire lines moving before the balls snap the entire line [Applause] very Austin the referee the Denver defensive line is a three-man front walker tragen and so Shay behind them Fletcher Mecklenburg Brooks and the secondary has braxton on the corners Atwater and Dennis Smith the sacred who of the best safety first and 15 [Applause] facemask violation I believe they whatever it is Pat all the officials thought because there's three or four flags came out on that play isn't that Emmitt Smith's up to know the way here I mean he can take a football and righty-ho so poor sound still first down and just watch with Emmitt Smith as it's a draw play he starts like in the five hole now he goes out to what would be the seven hole now he goes out to what would be the nine hole then he does a spinner a straight arm and gets three flags on the play first it was just for the one infraction that facemask but he is some back I think right now Emmitt Smith is the best running back Harper right urban left hey Quinta throw up intended for Daryl Johnson into [Applause] was the cover man he is looking right back into a very bright sunshine look at that maybe that's why he didn't see Alvin Harper Alvin Harper was was deep in the post he thought he was wide open he thought troy aikman should have thrown him the ball but as you said that son is out there and maybe eight but it didn't see Hartford [Music] second down and eight [Applause] inside the 32 about the 27 a pickup Mecklenburg and Brooks made the stop see he just took that ball up in here on Thanksgiving Day in the first half they told them and Smith and halftime did just just cut it loose just run right at that hole they felt like he was looking for something to happen he on waiting for something to happen he said in the second half that's where he started and that's exactly what he did on that play when the ball was snapped in Wow he just took it right to the hole [Applause] hard to imagine after watching him over this long stretch as we had that anyone would have to tell them how to run sometimes they get in a game and they and they forget things they do things they're not even aware of Novacek first time ativans about the 12 [Applause] condemning Rage Michael urban got a couple blocks down there you see number 88 he's not catching as many patches as he used to but what Michael Irvin is on the outside and he's gonna bump - these aren't vicious blocks he pushes off there as a receiver gets a little bump there that boom a little bump there that's a double dipper that's not bad for a while I was super anxious intent yeah there's some protection of course it all starts with that good pocket for playing [Applause] Dallas at the Denver 12 Novacek [Applause] Atwater made a stop after a gain of four Emmett strips was saying last night but it was talking about a run he made on Thanksgiving Day against the Giants and and it was at that one remember they throw his swing past he made a touchdown on and he says he only said for the life of me I can't figure out why they always go for that first phony move I make he said the only place I could go was out of bounds yeah but don't you do you always dip in to hold the guy every time you dip in the guy thinks they're gonna come back and that freezes them [Applause] Calvin Martin [Applause] [Music] we were about two five two yards Greg friggin having an outstanding year for Denver made the stop you know today the Dallas Cowboys now you're you know it's always a tough thing for a coach you got a guy who's going for a record a great back leg Emmitt Smith if he gets a touchdown here is going to tie an all-time cowboy record and but you don't want to feed them the ball I mean you'd like him to get his records but I gun you still have to do what you have to do to get the ball in that quest for records can't become your main concern Jimmie Johnson is worried [Applause] touchdown [Applause] [Music] close enough [Applause] Corbin's happy to get that one pad it's been a while he hasn't had a lot of touchdowns the last the last couple of months that this is what a big strong wide receiver like Michael Irvin could do you can just say he's going to just run it in and then just sit right down there and that was a perfect throw by playing Elliot to the extra point after the interception by spit Kevin Smith that is leads seven to nothing Dallas breaks on chop seven to nothing over Denver touchdown pass from Aikman to urban yesterday well we went to Denver practice it was about six degrees the wind was blowing snow sideways I felt all the smoke [Music] but today the whole thing is turned around Montgomery with swarms [Applause] [Music] if we laid that Michael Irvin he's up on top there and he's going to come off the line and make the inside move on Charles Demery you see he used his left hand he hit with his left hand that pushed dimmer to the outside then he made like a swim move you know that was him like those defensive a pass rushers use he is very good at that [Applause] hit with that left hand and through the right shoulder inside and then that gave him the [Music] throw it Maddox gets the ball to Greg Lewis and a couple yards left side Russell Maryland made the stop Marilyn to see isn't over up front Benson Smith the three linebackers Kevin Smith and Larry Brown the cornerback sporting and Washington open its safety Shawn for he's not a quarterback they alternate every play and he plans to stick to this all day [Music] sharp composure yards short that's the case of nerves that was the old short iron throw it into the dirt this is a a tough thing if you know to come in a quarterback with with no experience of playing against the number one defense in the league and then you know having to alternate and you come in and you you warmed up about 45 minutes ago and it goat says go in there and fake a run and then throw a pass and you just throw a knuckleball into the dirt Maddox intercepted by will [Applause] Washington's still on his feet bites about the 30 [Music] I should have spent in college Alex of course came out after his sophomore year at UCLA and I think it's just a case that everyone agrees is a guy playing in the national football league it's not ready to and again that was forced he was trying to hit Vance Johnson on that one in the middle the Cowboys were in there nickel defense and one day when you have a good defense like the Cowboys you're going to give every team a lot of look when you got rookie quarterback it's going to be awfully confusing first and 10 Dallas at about the 28th [Applause] Novacek on the hill water but a first down about the 12 here's the guy who's dangerous when he catches a ball - if you lay off michael irvin like that look how far to the quarterback is all he has to do is run up and stop and he has a good rack - which is run after the catch I mean whenever Michael Irvin gets the ball in his hands he's thinking he's going to score a touchdown with him he likes that end zone he hasn't been there [Music] like two touchdowns in last the handoff demons [Applause] that by Michael Brooks 10-yard game haiya that's a good news the bad news is his bait Newton went down on this play but again he can he can take that ball anywhere this is option run because the Safety's come to the inside he's going to bounce it out to the outside and seeing these safeties both Atwater and Dennis Smith are going to come out in a lunch 49 Dennis Smith come up see when he comes up for right there in the inside then that tells Emmitt Smith that bounce it to the outside he's reading that safety [Applause] the safety-wise really get back to the line of scrimmage stop by neckla burn well you know the part of the defense probably the strongest part of this Denver Bronco defense of those two safety Steve Atwater and Dennis Smith I mean in a pass play they're like defensive backs but on a run play they're like extra linebacker I mean they're big strong guys that are very very good hitters [Applause] second and goal from the floor and that Smith comes a little lighter Johnson station [Applause] [Music] Cowboys because their defense made that happen there was two interceptions they got the ball and then the offense did what they had to to Troy Aikman to Michael Irvin touchdown and we talked about a happy guy who loves to score is this guy here he's that there Troy Aikman looks to the left Soph finds Michael Irvin in the end zone you see what herbin did on that one Pat he knew he was free he raised his right arm just to make sure Troy Aikman swamp is up and good cowboy 802 left to play in the first quarter and the Cowboys up by 2 both touchdowns by Michael Irvin [Music] CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by more than your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately norelco patented lift & cut shavers we make clothes comfortable and by Budweiser the king of beers with a fresh pure natural taste nothing beats a bud back at Mile High Stadium in Denver the Cowboys 14 the never Broncos nothing that's somewhere all with John man kickoff is high and deep and will be brought out by Alden Montgomery let's look at that second urban touchdown well you see him he's in this slot here they're almost in a position to double cover him you see a man over him was playing inside out he lets him go the second guy left him going just stands there and Michael Irvin not only just runs by one guy he runs by two guys that are just standing there you would think if you get down there in the end zone it's a passing average it was Emmitt Smith wasn't even in the game he would say let's watch Michael Irvin and you'd have a couple of guys on him rather than a couple guys wait a minute you'd think so we got deep in the back over the left side for three yards perhaps stopped by Casillas Maddox departs more comes in is going to say was this a good idea or a bad idea and I think you have to say compared to what compared to playing John Elway of course it's a bad idea but you don't have John Elway compared to just playing tommy maddox or just playing Sean Moore it's it's an idea anyways this is Sean Moore and after Lewis he got five yards James Washington the safety man made the same made to stop it's close to a first down but another flight one thing that Dan reads likes about this system is is that he can that he can tell the quarterback you can give him to play but you can also give him a coaching point the only thing that's bad about this pad as the fans are starting to pull it every time tommy maddox comes in they go in there very short schools compete [Music] Isak hope after a gain of 14 stop man that was a good that was a good fake that a good bootleg he's gonna fake to the right then he's going to roll out here fake to the left and roll out here to the right on the bootleg Jackson started like he was going to run and up and then he just came right back to the sideline her stint in Denver [Music] Jackson and motion authorities coming there [Applause] Dallas territory stop by Casillas era and 4/9 and that's the thing that Shawn Moore does is tommy maddox isn't a real good runner of the Shawn Moore is a pretty good runner and he gets flushed out of there from the backside by Charles Haley Haley gave him the rush and that made him run he found a lane in the middle and he almost got first down about a yard short Maddox replaces more Vance Johnson it's sharp on the moon [Applause] Vitalis 35 a gain of 14 James Washington again laid aside I'm sure Dan Reeves is saying this is working pretty good this is the way we should have started remember how they started they went for the big one on first down and had that intercepted but maybe they should have started running and havin you know a more conservative approach to the start of the game now it's war [Music] some great year the University of Virginia this is Lewis [Applause] 5-yard gain however [Applause] the other final scores around the NFL the Eagles beat Minnesota Pittsburgh over Seattle the Jets surprised Buffalo Green Bay a lot of offensive power over Detroit Leoben beat Cincinnati Indianapolis over New England on two field goals second and five Louis has five [Music] you're the safety men have to make the stop part this Greg Lewis says some moves of his own he's starting today for Gaston Greene he's usually the short yardage guy this is a lead draw the full-back leads gets a pretty good block right there on Robert Jones of middle linebacker you see right there he's going to get a block on number 55 just enough to keep Jones out of there so that Greg Lewis could get by [Applause] first down Denver the Dallas 20 about the 18 a gain of two by Ken Norton you look at their to the left tackle Russell Freeman he's a rookie free agent and that's going to be an interesting battle there is a guy's a rookie it's always tough playing in his leg is a rookie and then you're playing against Charles Haley but he's starting off he's doing a pretty good job I mean he got him on that draw he had him on a couple pass protection Charles Haley was the guy though that flushed Sean wore out the lone setback [Applause] Johnson good throw by Maddox [Applause] there was a classic move by Vance Johnson he did that because they had food Maddox just about five minutes ago and he had to fall and he wanted to point the Maddox and say hey give this guy a hand Maddox is the holder thanks the boy is good [Applause] the Broncos with a very impressive very impressive dry 14-7 cowboy let's watch his touchdown again pad into clickety Broncos got a little break here and advance Johnson was out of bounds before I went in see right here his left foot is going to step out of bound see right there he goes out of bounds and the official was right there and missed it so when they say well the official was right there on top of it that doesn't mean he's right he was on top of it I was still a good throw by tommy maddox and a quick move by Vance Johnson and another good move by Vance Johnson [Applause] as the kickoff in the end zone and this is the second good move by Vance Johnson the first one was to get open and I think this is a real classy one and that crowded than going him before why not very impressive drive by Denver John yeah you know I think sometimes when things come to easy for you to so you tend to have a little letdown I think that's what happened to the Cowboys defense I think they got they got to turnover they got the turnover they got to touchdown then I think they had a little Aikman is four out of five as the Cowboys start their own by a touchdown wolf eats a Denver showing quits they pick it up [Applause] by Braxton that time Tyrone Braxton was there I think they I think they learned their lesson that you better tighten up on Michael Irvin that you can't give him room in fact you're a lot better if you rotate towards them and bump them but if you're going to play a man don't just play way off you'll get up there and jump on it I think the Michael Irvin if they don't become p.m. on or the line of scrimmage like they're in position this could be a sick day for them I left this time apron [Applause] yes that an outstanding year and when you talk to Dan Reeves he talks about his defensive players and he says if there's anyone that should be a pro ball player that's Michael Brooks you know whether he'll he'll be in position to make it um he'd he feels it right now he's playing as an inside linebacker as well as anyone in the American Football Conference as a good play right there by Brooks and that was his third tackle so far third and 12 [Applause] facing third along [Applause] [Music] dim ray what for an NFL update banks a Greg Gumbel in New York all right bad and at the Meadowlands the Redskins have taken a seven nothing lead on the Giants Ernest Byner a one-yard touchdown run with the extra point it's Washington's seven nothing in the first quarter Patton 14-7 Dallas leading at Mile High Stadium a minute 32 left in the first quarter Saxon back to punt - Arthur Marshall now most partners love to punt here because of the mile high altitude sometimes they try and hit it too hard like that and over in takes a pretty good bounce for the Cowboys and Saxon Denver tried to lock the punt I remember when I coach the Oakland Raiders ray guy was one of the greatest punters who ever punted a ball and he had always looked forward to coming here to Denver because of the altitude thing and boy you could really boom one and he would he would over swing or overpower and he never did have a big day here they always tell you when you get to a place like this or when you feel like you're having a good day just kick it normally just kick it like you would an extra point or just punt it like you normally would but you can't do that they're always reminding you that this is Mile High Stadium the era stand where the ball will really carry you can't wait to play golf there for Jackson [Music] second down for Shaun more as he comes in with the play from the head coach Dan Reeves Reeves offender quite a bit of heat from the papers here in Denver been here 12 years now the big thing is that Dan Reeves his contract is up this year and doesn't have a new one roars past as sharp as about the 40 taken down by vincent Smith gain of seven not a first down there's an interesting guy Shannon Sharpe ended that he's a tight end you know he was a wide receiver and then they they moved him to H back so they list him as a tight end and the Broncos got all these telephone calls from these fancy league players you know as Shannon Sharpe a wide receiver and tight in brilliant truth he's listed as a tight end but he's one of those in-between guys is kind of half a wide receiver and had play for Green Bay it was not a tweener he's jet coke jumped offside axis coming out of there at the 40 can't put him down no game but Jim Jeffcoat jump those are one of those free play kind he was looking at their food bands Johnson [Applause] the right side for Vance Johnson Vance Johnson was covered on an out pattern that's the time that you hope you have someone go and beat you see 82 down here on the bottom of the picture now he's going to run an out but had he running up then at least Maddox could have just taken a shot and thrown it up there because it's a free play so its first inch an after the penalty 14 seconds left to play the first runner [Applause] the pass is caught Vance Johnson now but it's complete that's the end of the first quarter with the score Dallas 14 Denver 7 [Applause] [Music] what's this catch it's a good catch by Vance Johnson it looks like James Washington goes up and misjudges it seeing the ball goes right over his left hand and you always talk about a receiver and concentration that was it but look at what Maddux had to deal with he gets a flea-flicker and watch Russell Marilyn boom he had to throw that one going backwards and I was Shawn Moore throwing that one now it's Maddox the quarterback and Shawn Burt was pretty strong though yeah that's what Dan Reeves said he was a strong guy because he took a tough hit by Russell Maryland great we'll stop by Leon left a gain of three and when you think about these Cowboys and their number one defense this number one defense may not have a player make the Pro Bowl was going to be a future Pro Bowl player is Leon left they have so many where doesn't have a chance every day Macias Shawn Moore beg your pardon Reggie rivers the intended receiver what they're doing there they're doing a smart thing they're doubling Charles Haley and if they're going to get any pressure it's going to or any big pressure or any quick pressure is probably going to come from Haley on that back side of both tommy maddox and Shawn Moore and looks like every time they always have two guys there to make sure that Haley doesn't get in there because Haley if you one-on-one block him can be one of the dominant players in this lane once he gets going [Applause] one is no badge touchdown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah I said earlier that he didn't look like he was that he was ready for the NFL but in this after that he sure does look like he's ready he's standing in there his babies he's the holder of extra points which they botched Dallas will leave now by one I don't believe there's a penalty marker but there might be hold on a second no penalty 1413 the Cowboys by a single point this game summary is sponsored by Budweiser Dallas leads 1413 both their touchdowns as a result of turnovers Maddux of Denver two touchdowns two interceptions statistically in terms of total yards Denver dominates Daniel II Seoul kicked off from here [Applause] bad way to say it he vans a very strong leg watch.watch tommy maddox on this one fat what's really impressive he looks one he looks too and then boom he throws it to his third guy that was Mark Jackson now watch what they do to Mark Jackson they're going to zone him and double him the double guy right there sue Washington he runs by wart Larson it's the same thing Michael Irvin did they had a double on him but he ran right by the gobble that should never have boys by one 1413 right maybe he got a yard [Applause] hey Carl Becklund Berta's been a good player on this on this defense for a long time and he plays everywhere you know he lines up as an inside linebacker his map side linebacker on pass rushing down so you line up as a defensive end and he's one of those tough guys and has a motive all the time [Music] [Applause] showing blitz the Cowboys very much Smith [Applause] delassalle keep it they an Emmitt Smith is going to help Michael Irvin up on that play because Ethan really did help them but since they're going to come on a blitz you see they kick off the blitz and then and then that gave eight men time to throw the ball and then he just comes off and he couldn't find his deep guys so that's not bad always have your outlet guy just right around the line of scrimmage and it's really good when it's a Matt Smith and Emmitt Smith is really happy when he fumbles the ball and his buddy Michael Irvin's ray first of ten [Applause] right through his gloves that's one of the things that Cowboys are very proud of they've only lost three fumbles this year and then on these two plays here they're they're having a tough time with the handle [Applause] very foster another big day for the Pittsburgh Steelers theythey never count those Cleveland Browns out of a layoff theater - looking for a place to break it Tim Lucas and Michael Brooks converged to make a stop after a yard game when they about this this Denver Bronco defense they're always going to get a lot of guys around the ball you know say you're you you're gonna have to hit quickly and get through through the line of scrimmage there's Kenny Walker his starting defensive end for the Denver Broncos his death it's interesting he has a a sign language guy in the sideline who tells him what the coaches are saying Novacek in motion as a [Applause] across midfield and might have gotten the first down with that lunge he did if you look here sir nice partner defensive language see he's talking and see behind Ernie is the interpreter you see the sign language guys so he's given a sign language to Kenny Walker and then Kenny Walker is getting the instructions from Bernice partner the guy that is back there with the signs his name is guy Smith and he spends 45 hours a week with Kenny Walker's on all the meetings and practice everything that's his only job Ernie was saying yesterday as long as I can remember my lips I'm always turning away as the harbor complete for me stop by Demery six yard game well they've gone from an atmosphere of relaxation on the Dallas bench to one of some looks of concern yeah and they're talking to Washington there and they're talking about you know that double I mean if you're going to double even though it's a zone you can't let that guy get inside if you have the inside you can't let them get inside John's Haley Blue Book work he's trying to look at the formation what formations he's getting single covered that won't be often [Applause] - about the 40 stop by Reagan and Brooks [Music] yeah you're one of the good players I think is number 79 Eric Williams and I'll tell you when he hits a guy wants to go inside and when he gets on him he can really collapse that side of the line of scrimmage we talk about good young players on the Cowboys I think Eric Williams is one of them is a guy that once he could say the promo could be in ten years well I agree when he get many collapses on top of you after you collapse you don't get up very fast then the collapse in the ground and him on top of you goes about 320 nathless complete to her then Broncos I believe jumped offside timrie made the stop on urban let's see if they were pulled off the plane before the snap number 71 Joey named [Applause] I was talking to Jimmy Johnson before the game he said you know like people keep telling me this is this is football weather this is Denver he said the heck with that if they like it warmer he hates cold weather he says he's going to have everything on that he can to keep warm except he's not going to put anything on his head this is what we avoided here the thing you were talking about the way it was yesterday eight degrees and snowing sideways and we went to the Broncos practice but they didn't track [Applause] I made the tackle [Applause] pick up yeah this Bronco team he got off to a little slow start but once they got a touchdown their home team has been fired up offense defense and special teams Saxon back to punt Arthur Marshall back deep for Denver take a funny face was funny Saxon kind of fumbled the punt before he kicked it and it took a funny bounce 1413 Mile High Stadium in Denver concern on the face Jimmy Johnson leads by one [Applause] back supporters the CS jump was interesting John both Maddox and more we're talking yesterday to us about how they tried to emulate the sound of John Elway's voice and coach you wanna be here that's a smart thing you can't have three different quarterbacks all with the different voice and cadence so they have to get in the same room so instead of Maddox having his rhythm and more having his rhythm what they did is they took L raised rhythm and they all copied his rhythm so at least all the rest of the guys in the team are used to that same Katy's rhythm first and five six with a little bit of breathing room Louis deep in his own terror bags everywhere facemask I'm sure that face mass because it was at the end of the run a day were used to Emmitt Smith exploding like that but Greg Lewis really exploded off that left tackle on that play I mean he came flying through there Charles Haley is still standing there talking about where he comin who's supposed to have that five hole five-yard facemask let's just watch this thread as we see Luis come here he starts out to the right and then watch it cut back see right there they cut Haley that's what gives him the cutback Lane then he jumps over right there and then does he explode and runs right by to there and then gets the facemask at the end that was a heck of a run first and ten Denver about the 30 Van Johnson for yards stop by brown I'm sure that be the Broncos are happy to have a healthy Vance Johnson bag because when you have a a Vance Johnson on one side and a Mark Jackson on the other side you have two pretty good receivers two good receivers and they can get open can catch the ball and can score touchdowns for you plus they're very intelligent the other thing I liked about it was they both have a lot of light and they've been around the lake they've been here but they still have fun played and they got a lot of life in second at six [Music] passed out of the hands of Gretchen River back to New York to our studio for an update all right fan at the Meadowlands earnest Byner caps a 96-yard drive with an 11 yard run determined effort by biner with the extra point the Redskins lead over the Giants is now 14 nothing in the second quarter back to my Ohio Stadium Patton John 14:13 Dallas by a point here remember that bot step extra point 36 and those things usually come back to haunt you [Applause] [Music] as it merits one of the cowboy player's loans just in front of him ray Horton the one day about Maddox you know he can put the mustard on this thing I mean he could stand up there he has a quick-release a very strong arm and he's zipped that thing in there that was Gann that crossed in front of him and blocked his view thank can't trust in front of him blocked his view but I don't think ever touched it didn't think he did this is a good Martin retreats shakes one time we had shape the second one so Dallas will take over leading by a point 49 yard punt six yard return 14:13 Dallas leading 650 left to play in the first half the Cowboys broke on top it looked like it was going to be a long but suddenly [Applause] one of these you're always worried about when you get off to a real class start that you can please too quickly got Harper all over the place Tyrone braixen with Harper Harper is shaken up just a bit they had a collision no question about it I was right here about the 45 yard line right in front of us number 34 is Tyrone Braxton they're still checking Harper it looks like his right shoulder but they really did get tangled up here you know look at some bottom of the picture here number 34 is Braxton 80 coming off the line is Harper and right there in fact I think Harper ran into Braxton Braxton looked like he had pretty good position and Harper ran into him and knocked him down that'll look like maybe he fell on that right shoulder [Music] well the Cowboys all year long haven't had any what you would call serious injuries where they've lost players [Applause] some luck involved there and it's the line of scrimmage by Walker and taken down finally by Cragen Kenny Walker was the first guy in their number 96 and again that's what the Broncos are doing well they're there they're pursuing they're getting to the ball and in that case they're getting penetration Walker got penetration to the side and Emmitt Smith was trying to go to then you don't give him the cutback you make him make a decision right then and then front we get a bunch of orange jerseys honor Elden Martin has taken Harper's place and he is wit wide to the left Bateman back to Brogan outside the barrel job [Applause] seven yard game stop by Brooks you know last night we were talking to Troy Aikman he said that Daryl Johnson is probably the most underrated player - cowboy team and for all the things he does he said he's a smart player he's a very good blocker he's a good receiver good hands he knows what everyone has to do it he doesn't and and on most of Emmitt Smith's big runs this guy here is the guy that makes block doesn't carry the ball much he said someday enjoyed it they call him a moose so [Music] the Moose loose I don't think that we're going to see that days long as they have Michael Irvin and Emmitt Smith the nose guys I don't think they're gonna turn the moose loose I don't think so either the timeout Dallas 1413 Cowboys leading by one hey listen if you guys are tired rushing put a hand up and let's get people in there Russians quarterback we got rush the quarterback relentlessly relentlessly let's get out there and stop em let's go well what a job that guy's done the future next week the Giants play at Phoenix on Saturday thirty-two [Applause] not enough for a first down you know that's always been a trademark of this Denver Bronco defense I always said I remember years coaching against him years watching them they always played short yardage and goal line as well as anyone you see how organized they arm and everyone has a hole everyone has a gap there was no blocker on Michael Brooks 156 he just comes lying right there he's the free guy and he's the guy that makes the play first down and the Cowboys are going for it on fourth fourth in about a foot and it Smith about 6-7 : more or far more than enough for a first at a Denver Bronco defense wasn't what wasn't ready on that play they were running off the field I think they thought when they stopped him that they that they weren't going to go for it on fourth down and you can see that the defense wasn't ready necklace burg jumped and what we would call the floor hall Emmett Smith ran and won hall out that we'd call the six hole watch Mecklenburg 7/7 make that jump and pull and it's v goes one hole out away from the jump he usually does that that's the smart guy does that and complete braxton the cover what caused it fed you look at the Broncos and they didn't have enough guys on the field and you can see confusion here and guys moving around and when they only have a foot to go if you're not set and ready to hit something right now they're going to get a first down on you take one is 9 out of 14 Harper by the way as back yeah that bruised shoulder very serious but chorus family [Applause] [Music] I'm Justin [Applause] Aikman thought he was going to turn back to his left and he turned to the right instead and the guy that was on him as a guy that I watched in films has been very impressive shan-dro net he's a big cookie from Texas as you know he's playing against a the guys and he kind of followed when he was in high school but he's a fake young strong guy and a heck of a pass rusher he was a guy that made eight men throw that ball when he did third and ten [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the line of scrimmage when he let it go [Applause] and there's Flags all over the place Aikman was over the line of scrimmage and Jay Novacek was out of bounds what else can go wrong the Awad series he's about three yards over the line of scrimmage when he throws that blow and even had he not been around [Music] wasup down and five yards so it's fourth down you see he had to pressure from the outside he had a step up he could have thrown when he stepped that but there was no one open the protection was really pretty good and the thing that made eight men run there was a good coverage by the Bronco course he never looked at that at that stick out there where he were hit we could do to nothing right by it he lost track yeah that's like you come up in your car you see a red light you go right through the red light Elliot sixteen out of 26 for the year would be 53 yards if they do try the feel though I think they will [Music] 53 yards Elliott's still on the field he kid one from 53 yards Thanksgiving Day against the Giants didn't want to try it yeah you said Jimmy John's was up there and said go kick it and he said but coach is 53 yards he said I know what it is go kick it power it through and he did but you could do that to a rookie kicker what Jimmy Johnson says before every game he asks him what his maximums are and that day told him was 50 go 53 I bet here today he probably told us back Ollie said the air was heavy on thanks [Applause] he's found a spot he likes 53-yard that I think Jimmy Johnson has found a kicker that he likes anytime early in the season that you make a decision to go with a rookie kicker and you have a team that can you know make the playoffs be in the playoffs maybe be in a championship game maybe be in a Superbowl game that's a real tough decision to keep her rookie kicker this one didn't have a lot of room at the end ever remember the name of this stadium Mile High Stadium and you're always gonna get that little extra that's 13 in a row for Elliot it's a big horse yeah that's that's the Bronco in fact they have a a horse here too that after every Bronco score the horse runs around the field that's not it no no that's not the horse that's some other kind of mascot but there's a horse right there he's in the ease in the bar and he's in the paddock care in fact he ran and when no one told Tommy Maddox about it and it Ricky he almost got run over by the horse after a score and what the squib kick goes out of think he meant to do that John Daly this game that win this game he attained raves have gotten to be great buddies he lives at Castle Pines not too far from here PGA champion two years ago can you work this game oh yeah and I'll tell you the thing that's that daily comes out and and he can also kick field goals and Dan Reeves had him out there one day and and said if Daly makes his field goal practice is over John Daly tennis shoot for me get up there made the field goal and the whole Denver team got to go ahead so they love John Deere left-footed soccer style [Music] [Applause] Dallas pressure early Benson Smith finally took him down to yard pickup you know this thing is is really working pretty well in this first half with tommy maddox playing again every first down or every new series then Sean Moore coming in on second down Maddox has thrown two touchdown more got him a big play remember on that flea-flicker he stood in there when Russell Maryland hit him and he hit a big pass on them when those scoring drive [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a problem with that bacon bootleg if you don't block that indoor if you don't run by him or make a move on him watch number 92 at the top of the screen you see they pulled the tackle to try and influence Tolbert Tolbert didn't to go down the line with the tackle linear he just goes right up the field Sean Moore makes the faith and boom there's Tony tober they tried to influence Tolbert he didn't buy any of that they pulled number 76 Ken Lanier they tried to get him to think it was that counter and come down the line he said no way it'll bring up third and 15 as we get down to the two minutes remaining to play in the first half at Mile High Stadium in Denver [Music] Dallas 17 Denver 13 two minutes left in this first half Pat Summerall the John Madden they alternate quarterbacks and here's the book on them well you see Maddux is 4 for 8 he's thrown two touchdowns and two interceptions more's 2 for 5 from 47 yards and this is how they played first down Maddox's had seven of the first dance because he starts every series for five three and six on second Nemours had more sickness second downs and then they've been five third downs and Maddux had them all see the total offense Maddox's 34 Russian 48 passing bores 39 rushing young team Russell pretty close Dean fall back into 30 after a city start they're both doing well the second sack and you know it's just a matter of time because Charles Haley number 94 down here at the bottom of the screen one of the best pass rushers in the lake he's working against Russell Freeman that time he just got Freeman going back I think Freeman was waiting for a move and Charles just gave him a little power that's what Haley was looking for I mean knowing Charles Haley he's waiting for someone to single team him because he know if there's a guy single teammate he's going to win that battle Dallas is called a timeout Lanier being assisted off the field Dallas has one timeout remaining Ken Lanier has been a steady player on this Dallas Cowboy off and you always think of all the big games of the the Broncos have been in and and yours thinking Ken Lanier he's been there for 12 years as a right tackle for the Denver Broncos played in all their big games championship playoffs Super Bowl game and he's been one steady influence in the bronco offensive line Calvin Martin back deep there for the Cowboys [Music] Parker for Denver they decided history [Music] spirit right [Music] at first in 10 Cowboys at about their own 26:49 yard punt that looks terrible at the beginning coming up on the NFL today halftime report Greg and Terry will have all the action sports highlights what's going on around the league today plus Dan Rather will have a special report from Somalia I'm sure one of the games are going to look at is that New York jet Buffalo Bill game gets you're playing awfully well and of course we want to wish our our best and prayers to Dennis Berg [Applause] everyone does [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coverage bike racks Emery I beg your pardon one thing that this bronco defense has really done well as they've kept Emmitt Smith under control and we talked to Troy Aikman last night and the one thing that they wanted to do is get some consistency in their offense and specifically because some consistency in their running game just first-half that they haven't had Emmet's represents it he's only had 31 yards so far but the Broncos have really kept him under control went back to throw [Applause] [Music] at big number 99 you were talking about just a minute ago after 99 is on the left 71 Cragen is on the right they have a stunt here in the left Cragen is just pushing up the middle Aikman puts the ball down and the two of them are right on him third down and long Cowboys lead 1713 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 17:13 Dallas over Denver minute 34 left to play in the first half [Applause] shucks 14-nothing and since then been equal to the task [Applause] six or seven yards not nearly enough for a first down troll when that water made the stop I think the Broncos want to take a timeout here Pat because they know they're going to get the ball the only problem is they've already used to so this is their last timeout so they would like to use it they'll get another timeout here on change of possession the clock will stop after the after the punt return but they're going to get the ball and then they're not going to have any timeouts now one thing Dan Reeves did tell us yesterday he said if he gets into a two-minute drill Tommy Maddox is gonna run the two-minute drill which means of course that he won't be sending in the plays with Sean Moore but will be signal signaling him cymatics yeah I wouldn't be surprised if baby and yuppie has an incomplete pass you may still try and do it just to get a word in there's Dan Reeves the guy facing this as one of the all-time greats that's Raymond berry in fact on that Bronco sideline there's two Hall of Famers Raymond berry who's the quarterback coach and Ernie Stockton er is a defensive line coach Raymond berry was something else Saxon gets off treats all the way to the fifth [Music] Marshall was about [Applause] Venson Ian Smith there's already starting there one of the video when you talk about the all-time greats of the NFL of course were nice partners in the Hall of Fame but talk about old-timers and guys have played against her nice partner they they'll always say he was a toughest call they ever played again oh yeah like there's a story is somewhat it didn't want to go to a Pro Bowl because he had a play against 3030 again that's right he would hurt you just touching him just shake hands and you'd come away injured but you're Ernie's 67 years old and he still looks like you know Maddox as complete the rivers for gain of five [Music] next day [Music] Pass is complete into Dallas territory now they say incomplete put a flag on the play there's a flag back in that area where they usually call offensive holding right in the area where those offensive linemen and defensive lineman kind of grunt and groan to get an advantage now with that penalty now Dan Reeves is able to shuttle as quarterback so Shawn Moore is going in on this down because of course a a penalty will stop the clock that'll be like in timeout illegal use of hands number 67 to the face mask on the offense ten yards repeat Center now both Moore and Maddox the two quarterbacks that Reeves is alternating are big guys Maddox not so big but he's about six five more is just a big guy six-four two-twenty and more is he is a stronger than too efficient way you'll probably run better do those kinds of things Maddox has the better arm out of the shotgun Sean Moore [Music] marzo made an interception and I did a smart thing back there they double-teamed Haley and then they rolled out outside of Haley outside of the double-team what they do is they're gonna lock him in an alliance scrimmage watch 94 down here in the bottom screen see boom they get their double-team and that also locks him in and then Shawn Moore can get to the outside set up have a clear Lane to throw like that they had a guy who locked him in was Greg Lewis for running back and he did a pretty good job of blocking and locking Chuck Johnson replaced when here step them in the pocket through it intended for Reggie rivers he was there Jeff Davidson did it Hayley's going to go right by Russell Freeman then watch the left guard Jeff Davidson he's gonna peel back right there and knock Hayley off just before he got Tommy Maddox where you talk about a guy peeling a guy off with your quarterback old Jeff Davidson sure did at that time for mataji was one time he was the left tackle Davidson was and it moved him the left guard the big ol 300-pound guy well second and 10 [Applause] Cheerilee Denver got it back they wrestle Marilyn come in there to do some damage watch it's a three-man line Russell Marilyn is right in the middle he's right in the middle he's going to get the pressure sprayed up the middle more now the quarterback [Applause] he's going to take off and gets out of bounds at about the cowboy 47s scramble or [Applause] Marylyn sure put pressure on Shawn more on that he was he looked like he was going to do some damage and look at the pressure both of maddox been sacked once or twice managers hurried three times with more twice neither one have been knocked down no batted balls and of course there was two interceptions both of them thrown by clammy manage fourth down eight seconds file [Music] this is Maddox throw it as high as far as you can [Applause] by the Cowboys it's an interesting thing Pat yeah that's how I mark a 15 they put him there wide reciever they put him in a defense he was right on me and the goal line and he got the interception that's the end of the first half with the score Dallas 17 Denver 13 [Applause] Shinobu Baldy is sponsored by the heartbeat of America's Chevrolet and your local Chevy dealer Deskjet printers from Hewlett Packard desk jet printers make it happen and buy Paine Webber we believe our most important way turned out to be a much more pleasant day than we thought and you he so sent to kick off John Elway not sure when he'll be set to do anything you know when talking to him yesterday he said the the shoulder still doesn't have any strength and he says if he doesn't have any strength in his arm and he's not John Elway and he can't play until he gets that strength back and he can throw it the way he normally does he's not sure about next week he kind of thinks maybe in two weeks some people say he may not play the rest of the season I didn't get that feeling and talking with John Elway yesterday that he thought that he wasn't gonna play again this year not at all he just doesn't have as you say the strength in fact he said he'd be straining to throw in 40 yards we're trying to go away that's not much was that 40 yards could throw it through him yeah but that shoulder and arm as hell there we go you talk about a one-man gang and that guy is it well they've been saying L way or no way here in Denver but he has really had some impact on this franchise yeah I think if you look at those halftime stats the big thing there's of turnovers the Broncos have had three turnovers [Applause] and had 14 points off they lead 1713 [Applause] [Music] I am at Smith to about the 26 Kenny Walker tripped him up a gain of six there the Cowboys started off real strong they got theirs turnovers a full moment a went right in and they got 14 points then they kind of slowed down after that you can see where Prague been threw the ball for pretend to his wide receivers of course two of those were big plays they were touchdown passes to Michael Irvin there are only two touchdowns of the day [Applause] our again Emmitt Smith again Smith got enough for the first down but flag was thrown back where it looks like it might be holding it that's in that same area that the Broncos head just before half-time that's in the area of offensive holding number 96 of the defense even legal due for hands Kenny Walker [Applause] if you look at it Kenny Walker is right here and we'll look and see that that that he jumps off sigh I mean I mean that he gets him he gets knocked off the ball pretty good and then right as he comes in at the end of the play I don't see what he did to an a just knocked him off the ball as you said I don't know what they call he's just trying to get away [Applause] first and ten Cowboys [Applause] down [Applause] Walker made sure he stayed down stop back of the line of scrimmage the loss of three yeah that was flying at play before what they called on Walker because he just got blocked by to an a this time he takes an inside move and Emmitt Smith it just fell down as he was making a cut one thing about this this field here at Mile High Stadium this is a good field and you pretty good footing in this field no matter what the weather may be and that's set to us last night he brought three different pair of shoes different kinds of [Applause] Mike Kroll made the stop I just saw the owner of the Dallas Cowboys at halftime out in me outside there Jerry Jones and he said this is what I told you last night he said these can be the tough ones for you and they are you know you can go and you can get your team up when you play their Washington Redskins of Philadelphia Eagles but it's tough to get him up for an AFC team it doesn't have their quarterback planned it's very difficult third name and [Applause] rooks there was a good job by lilo lang number 21 of making Emmitt Smith cut back to the inside and then as you say as he cut back then he cut right into Michael Brooke we seen lying right there he's the guy that made him cut right back into that part of it was Brookes part of it was his own guy Jay Novacek Saxon back to punt Arthur Marshall [Applause] for the den prevention they were double teaming Gant and it's probably going to be against those guys answers one of the pop special teams guide top cover guys for the Broncos I mean for the holy number 21 ten yards will be birth now the Broncos have to be very aware of Gant called against Leo Lang score remains the same back at their own 17 yard line got to keep those nachos warm yeah look at John Elway he's easier keeping his feet warm he's sticking his feet in the thing that's an experienced guy I don't know about those shoes no we're something we're old boots or something would work he's like a heavy now scramble he says we got it and the officials are grave Benson Smith came up with a ball they exchanged that's Denver's fourth turnover [Applause] you can see the ball the ball looked like it got up there and tommy maddox went to pull out and didn't bring the ball with him sometimes the ball doesn't get up but that one looked like it got all the way up to his hand almost like his hands are in the wrong place and then you see the thing that is really hurt this bronco team more than anything are those four turnovers first intent at the Denver 20 [Applause] for points make them [Music] stop buying Braxton but a gain of eight [Music] is the thing in most teams in the last few weeks had been rotating up and bump and michael irvin are right on the line of scrimmage so that he couldn't run that matter the deep in is his favorite pattern that you know 1 2 3 drop quick slant is the next favorite pattern the last three or four weeks they had that [Music] there's a dividend [Music] [Applause] [Music] my parole had that thing read all the way to me he's zeroed in on Emmitt Smith all the way he had such an outstanding year last year Dan roof said yesterday he thought he had some sophomore itis he plays he takes it inside slant goes into that tackle plays off him image spent zeroed in to [Applause] in 1713 Nova the check [Applause] braxton Brooks knocked him out of bounds and that's the thing that Aikman does so well is as we saw him throw it over and get rid of it quickly we see now 1 2 3 boom in then it's Jay Novacek I think if he has learned anything or AB North turn the offensive coordinator has helped 8 min in any way it's to get rid of the ball quickly and to make quicker reeds [Applause] couple times [Music] you didn't get in that time stop by Brooks in about the one about the one and a half Megan and this is one that he's not ready to cut back he's just going to take that ball on the right side Johnston leads again and he's just going to dive and try and get as much yardage as again that wasn't one that was going to be a cutback or anything that was just going to be a straight-ahead get there as quickly as you can and then jump and dive and fight for any yardage chicken [Applause] all just outside [Applause] Kenny Walker was the first Bronco defender to hit it whereas Emmitt Smith was going for a Dallas Cowboy touchdown record he has 15 this year the record is 16 held by Dan Reeves Dan Reeves says you know if he gets it and he looks like he's going to make a touchdown I make one tackle umber trip him but of course down in the goal line you can't get out there from there effect Dan Reeves made those 16 touchdowns his second years we're receiving as well [Applause] third of the day too this one to Jay Novacek was looking for alfredo roberts and ran the play past the guy they were trying to break free was number 87 Robert and he had to come off of Roberts and go to Novacek you see a good play fake there they expected Emmitt Smith Emmitt Smith makes a good block you see he's looking here look at how afraid of Roberts 87 down here he couldn't get the ball in he was covered but in behind Alfredo Roberts comes Jane Overton [Music] point is good means it 2413 like watch number 66 kevin Gogan here he's eligible because he's a tight end and he's open throw me the ball throw me the ball and then he's better uncovered look he's not open they're in the end zone and didn't see him he didn't even look for him it's sort of difficult for him to get open anywhere yeah but watch him uncover watch here he is 66 I'm open I got it I'm uncovered I got a step on my guy you starting to pull away the guy was Dennis Smith he was bringing it home yeah he was so proud of himself I don't know what else I have to do I was open I was wide open I gave him my best pose what more do you want from me what's the guy have to do to catch a ball in this lake that's the flag on the kickoff a look at eight men looks bored he's not even listening he's telling them how open he is Eggman hears that from everyone he doesn't expect it from some big bubble Oh back up tackle that Kevin garbage from my hometown dude Daly City California his dad my dad worked for the same place less Logan Chevrolet we're both Kevin goes with that I think he had those gloves on where he's a crazy good open now I had a hand up here the beer hand naked hand he was lumbering though he was really going but Lee runs it for six again let's send you back to our studios in New York for an NFL update Greg Gumbel all right Pat me Washington Redskins looking to stay alive in the hunt for a playoff spot in the NFC mark Ripon rolling to his left from 20 yards out hits Terry or who will go the last six yards for the touchdown it's a 21-2 10 lead over the Giants in the fourth quarter Pat Pat Summerall here with John Madden at Mile High Stadium Dallas 24 [Music] over the right side got five yards stop by Norton danrage continues to alternate his quarterbacks I think the idea was really a pretty good idea and again we talked about it in the first half that you don't have John Elway you got two rookie quarterbacks and by alternate you can tell them to play on the sidelines and then along with the play give them the coaching club tell them what to look for what do they expect that this is their cases bored [Applause] Smith tripped been impressed with both Sean Moore and Maddox is that they've both been kind of cool in this thing I mean neither one of them know Maddox had a little slow start with the interceptions but Sean Ward really hangs in there on the screen pass he waits he waits boom he gets it out there just when he has to Maddox has been pretty common after he got settled down throwing a couple of touchdown passes and and yo for for rookies hangar bags under fire it really feels pretty well this is Maddox back to throw the Shannon Sharpe the bounds after a big'un before [Music] see again how those two quarterbacks compare Maddox is 6 for 12 more is 4 for 7 again Maddox has the two touchdowns that's the good news but he's also thrown the three interceptions and then he had the other turnover - I mean he's had dirt the Broncos of that four turnovers three interceptions in it this is more [Applause] [Music] Russell Marilyn first there is really starting to play well Russell Marilyn is he's right there in front of us in the left handed stance number 67 he had a broken toe dislocated toe earlier in the season he couldn't push off but for about the last three or four weeks that toe has gotten better and Russell Maryland looks like the player the Cowboys thought he was going to be when they drafted number one and was at the end of last year has a good play [Music] [Applause] made to stop a gain of 10 good blocking by Russell Freeman the left tackle he has Charles Haley man-to-man watch him here at number 68 Freeman he gets on him he gets his hands in there now you take them and you just run him right by and that gave Maddox a little time to step up out of some story Russell Freeman you see Maddux batting the offensive lineman on the head now the inside guys because they were the guys have kept their guys on the line of scrimmage so he could step up in motion [Music] now boys showed lips coke [Applause] I think that has to be a penalty for throwing the ball away because the closest guy was an offensive tackle I think they have to call their legal grounding and Jim Jeffcoat got there and it was either take a sack now the other thing is the referee could have blown the whistle and it could have been that he blew the whistle blew him down we'll have the illegal touching the ball hit and then eligible receiver the penalty has lost them down second down that's not a bad one of all the three things that it could be Jeffcoat is coming down here from this side number 77 he's a guy that flushes him out right there and he's just going down he throws the ball away and then throwing the ball away there is no eligible receiver there so he's just avoiding a sack today that's not a bad play there because it's just lost sit down so in second of ten welcome to Dallas 36 Cowboys leading 24 [Music] [Music] Russell Maryland and Dickson Edwards made the stop I have access quick hands you know we were watching them on film and the shot got him started in high school he was a great basketball player average like 36 points a game and in a way he handles and catches the ball he looks like a basketball player he looks like he has handled a ball a lot played basketball at Hearst Texas just [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they came with the shuffle pass and then they covered it's going to be short organize play almost got tackled there at the line of scrimmage but more is is a good runner and he has good movement and good power he broke that play at the line of scrimmage the Broncos have their team in there now they're taking a timeout they have the field goal team and shred well is number 9 322 in the third left now boys on the Redskins I got to get back east I'm just going to follow the moon this is what happens when you and your body gets hot and you're playing on a cold day in the pits that's Russell Marilyn who's made some big plays today you know the Cowboys were going then they took a timeout now they're going for it in four or the chart by the yard [Applause] the reason they did they this is Maddox flag on the play sure about that flag that was late yeah but I think there was a whistle that probably didn't get the snap off in time before the snap was made the 25 second game by guards I say the ironic thing as I said to Broncos were going to kick a field goal one time then they took a timeout then they were going for it on fourth down now they get the penalty they're still going to go for it on fourth down this time they put in there their wide receivers they'll probably get the shotgun fourth and about 6:00 now three wide receivers left one to the right medics [Music] [Applause] by Watson but the Broncos get that first down the advanced Johnson has all the booms testing he's the fun guy to watch he had the three wide receivers on one side and Vance Johnson knows where the first down marker is he's the third guy in he just goes here takes a little cutback then goes in then he starts to when he started that second cut back I think he saw the first you have our Sydney I better get down I don't want to lose his first down first and ten the quarterback outsider [Applause] it's ironic we watched tommy maddox he'll come in in this next play the reason he went to UCLA from Texas was it he met Troy Aikman when Aikman was a quarterback at UCLA they were playing in a cotton ball and he was a reason that Maddox went there to UCLA now when Maddox was coming out after a slump for a year he decided to come out Troy Aikman called him and told him that he shouldn't do it tried to discourage second of ten then get rid of it - Reggie liberals the other scores for the third touchdown pass of the day [Applause] you get from it from a quarterback with good vision and his falling arm and he could move a little panicked and inertia said he's a big guy man easy he's a six foot four guy and even though you got rushes you never look at the rushes you always look downfield and that's what Maddux did the cowboy leads cut 2 for 24 to 20 five left third oh and I'm 14 I even pony pods 8 next Sunday Game one of our doubleheader the 49ers take on the Vikings in Minnesota Jerry Rice looks to break the NFL career record for touchdown reception she tied it last week against the eagle however a tough test next week against Minnesota's tough defense big doubleheader starting with the Vikings and 49ers next Sunday here on CBS [Music] [Applause] the results take through the end zone [Applause] but touchdown again here's Reggie rivers number 38 now first of all he's going to block Vinson Smith number 57 see him right there then he goes to the ground then when Maddox starts to scramble he gets up off the block and that's why he got lost in there because he made a good block and that will bring the horse out every time briefly the Deskjet finish to go on the third quarter Dallas by four over Denver at Summerall with John Madden at Mile High Stadium in Denver Reggie rivers just scored that touchdown for Denver Jerry Rice by the way just broke we all came in a reception run of about eight let's again send you back to New York for an NFL update all right fad at the Meadowlands the Redskins are rolling mark Ripon finds art month behind Mark Collins down the sideline 42 yards in a touchdown and with eight and a half minutes to play the Redskins lead the Giants twenty eight to ten Pat [Music] Dallas Leavesden 420 420 second rule [Applause] Cowboys of Lifta scrout get in the game where the [Applause] stopped Emmitt Smith rolling friggin was in there you know there's not a lot of nose tackles that get a lot of notoriety anymore in fact in fact there aren't many of them but one of the guys that has been playing well for this Bronco team and he's diving his brake breaker they have going to run down some me and the nose tackle and he's been very very silent all day third and two two tight ends Dallas Brod first down to Michael Arden our Troy Aikman how quickly he gets rid of the ball you see he sees he sees right now Ervin puts up his hand he doesn't have to put up his hand because he's watching them all away but what just just watch his release here as you roll out there as a ball comes up as soon as it gets up it's out of there and if it weren't out of there right then it would've been a completion and that's the end of the third quarter with the score the Cowboys 24 the Broncos 20 our coverage will continue after this message from your local station you're watching the NFL on CBS [Music] at the end of 3/4 one more to go [Applause] first until that last ball at their own 43 complete their much [Applause] it is now 21 degrees that on the field and it looks like it's starting to get slippery well what happens I think as a as the Sun Goes Down then it becomes a lot colder and you look it doesn't affect this Bronco team I mean they're used to this you know some guys don't even know have long swim sleeves on or anything they know where the heater is John Elway has been hogging the heater today on him well again next to him on his right his cliff Harris yeah the old Dallas Cowboys safety [Applause] have enough for a Dallas first down for yard pickup [Music] Kenny Walker shaken up on the last play the Raiders beating Kansas City and Phoenix over San Diego at the moment those of great concern to fans here in Denver to keep their playoff hopes alive Denver could could get a win here of course if they would have beaten Seattle the other night then they wouldn't have to worry about it that was Kenny Walker injured on that last play this A's number 96 he's working here against mark 2 and they playing him off playing him off then he comes back in and makes the tackle bottom of pile a lot of custom before first ten Cowboys Novacek again on the move Jared Smith he's got Harper [Applause] Tyrone a couple of steps ball just didn't get there in time that was one thing that the the Cowboys want to do I think they feel they've been getting a little conservative they've been taking the short passes all the time in a run and I think they wanted to get the ball downfield it looked like Harper had a step on Braxton and he could have burned that ball looked like to me that that was as close to a good pass as it can be second and ten Nate but it's seven out of eight in the second half I was his first incompletion Blackston again the defender Harper slow and getting up but egman just looks so comfortable back there now you know maybe you just you just watch him and you remember when he came in as a rookie you knew that this was a pro quarterback that was going to be I had to report it back you could stay healthy and then Jimmy Johnson and and his staff and North turned and the offensive coordinator they have really developed for Troy Aikman has developed himself into being a real top pro corner tough guy too but the great ones make it look easy [Applause] - about the 28th stop by mecklenburg a gain of live Emmitt Smith isn't having an easy day today pad every night he is a marked man I think any time you play the Cowboys everyone is going to try and stop number 22 but he is really a mark man today I mean those Broncos have been all over every part of him and Smith 23 carries for 58 yards that's a tough day that's a hard day and you got to give credit to it - a quick defensive good tackling beef quit pursuing beef and second egman back to throw looking for some place to throw and takes out of bounds at about the 17 he showed a little speed there they gathered that made him get out of there was break Craig in the nose tackle what 71 right there in the middle of the picture he's going to take step maaske and just push push push push and push of a right into hate Minh you see then again it was good coverage by the Broncos downfield that made eight men run and then when he got out there he showed a little speed that was a good push by Kragen know anything is he didn't have any help from his outside guys when you get a push in the middle like that then you have to act your ends there and fill those gaps that's what you hope for and you gotta push up the middle you should get to the quarterback Cynthia sack this is in Richmond Lakeman who said to us last night when you asked him what do you think you have to do when you have the ball and he said if we got to get back to running the ball like we did in the beginning of the year and running a quick consistency and they haven't been able to do that and again their offensive line hasn't dominated today Emmett Smith hasn't really made any big run and again he's getting a little frustrated well with a guy like Emmett Smith who I say right now I think is the best running back in football it's just a matter of time you can stop them stop them but somewhere in every game [Applause] I think he was trying to throw a damn it Smith that Mike troll the linebacker was right on him think maybe eight men read something and Emmitt Smith was coming to the inside and Mike crow was right there see right in the middle of them and Crowell is right on him and he throws the ball to him probe pushes him when the ball was in the air that could have been pass interference that's why it looked like no one was there because full twist Emmitt Smith right by the ball third and nine he hates cold weather actions he says it that that face says it too [Applause] the pocket stones and that Calvin Martin well short of the first down and here comes the field goal unit on the field for the Cowboys I don't know if that was complete they're going to give it to him it's a heck of a catch he has it and then I guess the ball can't cause a fumble so that wasn't that was a good call they spotted it there and they gave him the catch but again as you said it's not enough for a first down - heck of a catch 32 yards the holder and the street [Applause] [Music] the score remains 24 20 this game summary is sponsored by Kodak photo CD system Emmitt Smith that's a hundred total yards that's rushing and receiving Dallas has 230 Denver 258 three of Dallas touchdown 21 points have come as a result of turnovers without that [Applause] upset Maddox the other the other thing to Broncos after members that missed extra point who scored twenty four twenty that they made that extra point would be twenty four twenty one here was the extra point remember this one Maddox is the holder it looked like a ball was snapped a little behind him he couldn't get it down and anytime he ever missed an extra point or the extra point is blocked it seems like that thing sits up there on you all day it's almost inevitable that it will come back to haunt you that dumpling her suckers just sits in his stomach [Applause] maybe that won't come back don't you [Applause] Mark Jackson to say that he was interfering with if you look at his shoulder pad on the right side you wonder how his shoulder pad got knocked out of his Jersey we'll see if that's what he's arguing about here he's doing good just to see the left your servant he goes quarterback Brown being able to get that thing and not be seen Jackson still doesn't know his shoulder pads hangman that came out when he hit the ground third eleven on the quay [Applause] back at the line of scrimmage [Applause] it's two folds yet through that arguing with the officials now right after right after the second pass was flown that threw a flag right at that point you're right again you can throw a lateral and then a foreign a forward path the line of scrimmage is just in front of the 20 look at that now he throws the pass there [Applause] change their mind touchdown information on this get to the point words does that fall I don't know that's character and it has to be a lateral because you can throw a lateral and then a forward pass but you can't throw two forward castle though is to replay the : touchdown - touchdown anyway 81 yards that's a thrown back that's the forward pass one forward pass let it hit he took really while the extra point and that's good text alert [Applause] it's coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by your Toyota dealer who invites you to see the big new Toyota t100 pickup McDonald's what you want is what you get guaranteed at McDonald's today and by the new big twins alike for normal and sensitive skin there's a big for every beer Denver has lead by three anyway so [Applause] [Music] 4:23 let's look at that play again bath here's Arthur Marshall he's in the backfield he's a wide receiver lined up in the backfield now he's going to come out here and we're going to see that this is a lateral we can go back and we can stop it when Maddox froze it and we'll see when these were we stop her right now he's on the 12 yard line here again is Marshall right there and we stop when we see the throw that he catches it about the 11 [Applause] [Music] elaborate you can have a lateral and then a forward pass so we play a berry fruit for good an illegal place there's a ativans about the 30 six yard pickup now I'm impressed with me with a job that Dan Reeves has done with this you know you you you lose your starting quarterback and you think maybe he's going to be back that he can't go back and Keifer veteran quarterback dr. john elway to go with two rookies [Applause] today this is an expense now first down rooks Michael Brooks has been all over the place today it seems like every time Emmett Smith has run the ball today Michael Brooks number 56 has been in out of they admired and reads for the coaching job that he's [Applause] [Music] he hasn't won no superballs he's gotten there but I don't think he ever had the best team and this team the tough to beat here ain't gonna throw it on third down at the flooring a yard pickup [Applause] Frank Robinson made the tackle everyone has their favorite receiver I think if Troy Aikman wants a big play his favorite receiver is Michael Irvin I think if Troy Aikman wants a first down his favorite receiver is Jay Novacek and again if you don't clamp on Jay Novacek and play him man-to-man to play him tight and bumpkin he can kill you you can't let him he can run through it in any zone first and ten [Applause] he gets to Novacek Novacek bangs inside the Denver 40 High Stadium in Denver the Broncos lead the Cowboys 27 24 640 left to play [Music] [Applause] Alice first and ten at the Denver 39 that summer all with John Madden [Applause] Novacek again [Applause] is going to be in Troy Aikman Jay Novacek Drive it started back here they went down to Broncos at that big play frame and again good pass protection late Newton picks off his guy almost gets run over he finds Jay Novacek for the third time Bert was there he was on him he was closed but Jay Novacek just got his step and separated referre Novacek seven a lot tougher gaming Jimmie Johnson ever expected I'll guarantee you that on first down Eggman back to throw it again lost the ball but bet on himself loss of four yards Simon Fletcher is going to come from this right side here number 73 he's going to get right past Nate Newton there and he grabs first he gets a helmet with his right hand then he gets the ball with his left hand and knocks it out of there this guy's a good pass rusher does Simon Fletcher watch the hand up there and the ball in the hand comes down and strips it then the left hand knocked it out again and Troy Aikman out hustling for it Simon Fletcher he's a linebacker and a defensive he's the leading side all of the 25 they need 14 [Applause] in Frank Robinson and complete I think they probably figure that they better get a defensive back they put in Frank Robinson as a defensive back they decided it we don't want no man check or worked it against linebackers anymore we don't want them working against that zone because eight men has just been playing catch on this bride and as you see Novacek on this bride has fifty yards at 14 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] span over the 11 this is going to be in a close one I think the first down is right there at the 11 he went and he went to Jane Novacek for the short ones he needed a big one he went to Michael Irvin that's going to be close it's gonna be like last wait yeah Philadelphia 49er game that's five wasn't a first and of course that was a fourth down play for the 49ers [Music] well last week in that game you're talking about Steve Young he said later in the week that he went up and moved the ball he went up after they said it was a first down Steve Young went up picked up the ball and got it out of there so they couldn't reconsider or make information that ball again first down Dallas at the 11 4:25 left to play [Applause] this is football one Mile High Stadium [Applause] 7:24 [Applause] it has not been playing now you talk about the Bronco defense and you always think of their two safeties and you think of Dennis Smith this guy is a hitter and he's been a hitter in this lake for 12 years twelve years Dennis Smith on one [Applause] mentioned that Apple [Applause] the three by Dennis Smith and the other guy that was there was Michael Bruce it seems like Michael Brooks is just everywhere that Emmett Smith goes today Eggman is buggin he's looking at Emmett Smith all the way the ones that converging here there's dentists spent and boom 56 is right there he's been there all day without storing [Applause] decision for Jimmy to get to PI here organ doesn't go for the first down I've always played courses grow up in the first down on third I always believe you get the tie first it's a Dallas timeout with 250 levels 27 dallas 24 250 left to play [Applause] Dallas just took a timeout got the information he needs from the sideline make a first down [Music] [Applause] [Music] it gets down that's net touchdown [Applause] the castle until now by day enraged by himself Emmett Smith and his teammates are awfully happy because he tied the record but they're more happy because that touchdown Porter my head [Applause] all the extra point now [Applause] which is good there goes the ball Emmett's been said he's going to keep that ball and on this one the one that ties the record is going to ask after the game is going to ask Dan Reeves to sign it he's going to sign it himself so he's going to ask him his name and Dan Reeves as they learn he said the next one when he breaks the record he's keeping that one for himself Dallas 31 the Broncos 27 and now again John that missed extra point earlier by Denver looms over their head again yeah that's the thing you miss an extra point in a game and like we said it just sits here all day this is the ball that he's gonna have bamrage side and that's the time keep it warm that's your damn race wants to see no part of that football right now he's done everything that he could to win this football game he's done an excellent job of coaching and prepared bouncing kick off to start thinking about this guy when you get in a situation like this there's no one better at the end of the game when you're behind and in john elway especially when you're here at my Ohio Stadium I'll tell you one these two guys they've been alternating these two rookies Maddox and more and they've done a pretty good job I'll say 239 left to play [Applause] you know I always wonder why you squid kick like that I don't think Denver had anyone who was that dangerous that the Cowboys just put to kick the ball deep every time you try and do something like that you always seem to get the ball back at the 35 I don't think he meant to do it my driver just line drive baby got er Norton tripped him up redskins kept their playoff hopes alive raiders handling Kansas City San Diego has gone ahead of Phoenix francisco big buyer just knocked out about and I think the penalty has to be against Shannon Sharpe bad he was moving he didn't get said he looked like he was going out for the past before the ball was now one of now number 84 wasn't emotion right simulating the start of a snap play doesn't count if Phil sucking down after our cuddly yeah you can see Shannon Sharpe he's right here on the end of the line to see him start he starts forward and then that was a penalty he knew he was going to get that quick out but you don't have to go that quick on the quick out Dallas has run 66 plays to 46 by Denver second at 15 Dallas just went ahead let most of the games have been quite enough for that first down yeah mark Jackson didn't seem to be real aware on that although it was only second down but you know he could have made me gotten another you yard there they're keeping more in and going to no huddle he serves third down and short started for that purpose to lunge ahead for the first down and he got it two minutes left to play in Mile High Stadium Dallas by 4:00 right now the Cowboys have their hands full with the Denver Broncos Maddox Haley [Applause] and spy they traded for Charles Haley and that's why they give him the big money you got a great player great players have to make big plays when you need them [Music] Denver they have one more and they can keep Haley under control and they've had him under control most of the game but you're going to see him come from the top of the screen Tolbert comes from the bottom of the screen see once Haley gets by yet he really puts the first time and once he could smell the back of that number and he could see the name in New Jersey he is really going to take that extra lunch today's game was produced by Bob stinner directed by sandy Grossman the coordinating producer of the NFL today is Eric man the NFL today was directed by Dukes truck and the senior producer of the NFL on CBS is at Goran you saw Dan Reeves there make the call he said Shawn Morin was the play quarterbacks have wristbands with the plays on their wrists but they don't need that [Applause] you see the wristband called each play is being called from me it sends a man or out of a shotgun the Greg Lewis temperature on the field now has dropped a little bit more down to 14 degrees and you know at one point that we talked about before where the Broncos missed an extra point that thing sits here all day in a zip looming big now more very rivers the intended receiver hit by Norton and it's probably just as well as it was it was incomplete because it would have been a loss anyway you know had they only had 33 points to tie then they could just go to get in field goal position of course now they have to go for the salmon and forth down the whole thing might be academic anyway fourth and ten [Music] 1:27 over Denver Maddox is the quarterback pass is picked off Dallas takes over in Charles Amy in his job [Applause] Cowboys theater the password sir they got a pass Russian Charles Haley came in there at the end he got him a sack when they needed fourth down he got a rush landed his job to keep that ball saw the cowboy owner Jerry Jones stand up he said whoop we dodged a bullet and a close one here today here's the rushed i watch Haley come out there he's going to cut 94 and make him throw it when he didn't want to where she threw it again what he didn't want doing the thing to kill the Broncos today they played an excellent game the bad five turnovers Enver reminder that tonight on CBS 60 minutes followed by Murder She Wrote and then the CBS Sunday movie the man upstairs valiant effort today for Denver and as you said and pointed out earlier a particularly fine coaching job by Dan Reid because Dan Reeves and his team came in here with a with a half a deck we were playing against the Cowboys and number one defense in delay he had two rookie quarterbacks and that plan that he's put in his pocket right now was a heck of a plan you almost pulled it off and everybody sort of laughed in it well and of course he knew going in that he was vulnerable he didn't have his quarterback John Elway and if things didn't go well he was going to be criticized for that you know why didn't you stay with one guy and he had an idea that he could make a call you remembered Tom Landry doing it when Tom Landry was his coach decided that's the way he was going to do it here are the final numbers on those two Sean Moore tommy maddox you see again the Maddux and the three touchdowns but he had two four interceptions and of course he had one other when they missed the snap though five turnovers and that's the thing that that killed the Broncos today were the five turnovers they played very well on defense and they executed very well on offense other than the turnovers those are big scores to the Broncos the Raiders beating Kansas City and now San Diego beating Phoenix and their playoff quest this game presented by authority of a National Football League this CBS telecast intended for private user aliens and any rebroadcast for the use of this telecast without the express written consent of CBS the Denver Bronco and the National Football League is prohibited [Applause] 3127 Dallas wins but with a struggle defeated with every mile high magic they need something trying to weigh on the sidelines tommy maddox warming up Shawn more Y warm up to quarter minutes well we have an answer to that there each get a play one play at a time first play tommy maddox oops picked off by Kevin Smith of the Cowboys that leads to trick playing every play till Michael Irvin touchdown very quickly 7 nothing Dallas Sean Morris first passed attempt well at least it wasn't an interception wore out Maddox in shuffling quarterbacks and Maddox picked off by James Washington two passes two picks not good and that will lead Dallas to more business eight men plenty of time there's Michael Irvin 14 nothing Cowboys at Mile High Stadium but Maddox rebounds he has a chance to Vance Johnson 18-yard touchdown it's a 14-7 game Sean Moya he did he did it tommy maddox but also he did it Sean Moore had some success the flea-flicker Greg Lewis back to Moore the bomb to fans Johnson 40 yards yeah you watch here on the replay Sean Moore knows he's gonna get hit by Russell Maryland that's what coach looks more standing in there and taking your licks Maddox to Mark Jackson they missed the kick but Denver's in 1413 with the shuffling quarterback coming and young Tommy Maddox does a good job here of looking off looking off spotting that receiver right there and then going to mark Jackson nice delivery of the football Jimmie Johnson figured no Elway these youngsters we should be in good shape actually what in the 24 213 but late third quarter Maddux escaped the rest - Reggie rolling on the rivers it's a 23-yard touchdown 24 to 25 and a half minutes now into the fourth quarter horn tommy maddox so Arthur Marshall we told you Marlin Briscoe would throw a touchdown he wore 86 Marshall words 86 you've got to be kidding me - oh wait 81 yards the Bronx lead at 27 to 24 of Y is dangerous because he knows the Cowboys have a potent offense Troy Aikman the tight end Jay Novacek 11 yards hey it ain't over check 22 yards and a Denver territory Eggman - Jaden over check if I said concern echo 18 yards down to the 21 eight mints and jindo Michael Irvin down to the 11 - 47 to go Emmitt Smith from three yards out at 31 27 Jimmy loves it dan doesn't like it why a team's behind B Emmitt Smith the 16th touchdown of the season tying a cowboy record held by Dan Reeves his records now tied his team lost despite giving a valiant effort the Broncos fall at my life they fall to 7 and 6 at Cowboys win at 3127 each of the quarterbacks through 404 yards to Denver's Eggman's rule for 281 yards they had the win primetime plays when we return
Channel: Virgil Moody
Views: 24,593
Rating: 4.703125 out of 5
Id: 5877l8ZJkA0
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Length: 132min 46sec (7966 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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