1980 NFC Championship: Dallas Cowboys vs. Philadelphia Eagles | NFL Full Game

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Wait, Danny White was their QB and Punter? Damn 80's

Also A player would get ripped apart in today's social media for a player picture like this http://imgur.com/pQaIA6R

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/hashsview 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ah, the old force to Dallas to wear blue. Never gets old.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/SyphiliticMonk 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

My god the seems in that field, I can't believe there were worst fields in the league than this.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/NomadFire 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow thank you so much! Boss is out today and I've never seen this game before. Been a fan since 2000, but not well versed in Eagles history minus famous players.

Edit: dear lord the Vet is rockin'

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Given that Wilbert Montgomery played such a pivotal role in the game, I'll leave this link here. From 2015: Is Wilbert Montgomery the greatest living Eagle?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/abenyishay 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

The Coach!!! In player form

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Gastrorrhexis 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

I forgot barefoot kickers were a thing.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/zamanfou 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

6/17 on FGs?? We would kill this guy if he was on our team in 2016

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MustbeAutumn 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

I was at this game. 20 years old. It's weird watching this game and knowing I'm in the stands. My father attended the 1960 Championship the year I was born and when I see that game replay I can't help but think that my dad's in the stands and I was just born.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/chefjfuzz 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
Pat Summerall: Good afternoon, everybody. Pat Summerall with Tom Brookshier. The Eagles are in white, and the Cowboys in that blue attire that there has been so much controversy about. Tom Brookshier: I don't think it makes a bit of difference. I think Ron Jaworski summed it up. He told me he had to have a great game today. I think he'll probably throw the ball 38 to 40 times on 1st down, a lot against the Flex. And the Dallas team comes in with Dorsett hot. But they're the best screen team against the 34 and draw, perhaps in all of football. So, the Eagles know they have a real tough defensive job against the offense. Pat: In the event you might have joined us late, it is now about four degrees, and it's supposed to get down to about 17 below. Tom: It'll be cold. Pat: And the winds are gonna be about 20 miles an hour. So, it's gonna be a tough day. Tom: And Pat, the Eagles haven't scored in the 1st quarter in four of their--well, in their six games, really. And they only scored in the 1st half, two of the last six games. If they get behind this and try to play catch-up with Dallas in the championship game, I think they'll get blown out. Pat: Referee is Jerry Markbreit. The rest of his crew, 174 years of officiating experience in that group. And there is Dick Vermeil with last-minute instructions and thoughts. Tom: And keep in mind, the Cowboys have been to the Super Bowl three of the last five years. They have been in playoff competition right up to their hips. They know how to play when it's on the line. Pat: Trying to go to the Super Bowl for the sixth time, something that has never been done. Tony Franklin. And I don't care what he says, that barefoot has gotta be cold today. Tom: And he has not been driving a kickoff deep into the end zone as he once did last year. And as you know, Jimmy Jones and company are running the ball back extremely well, especially late in the year. Pat: Jones is the man in the middle, Steve Wilson on one side of him, and Timmy Newsome on the other. Tony Franklin. A 20-mile-an-hour wind. As the afternoon progresses, it's gonna go down to 17 degrees below zero, considering the windshield factor. Tony Franklin, from Texas A&M. Tom: At one time during the year, we thought the Rams might have been the team. Then we thought Atlanta, when we saw them beat St. Louis in overtime. But these two teams survived, not only the slump the Eagles had the last part of the season, but a young secondary and a couple of big retirements. Cliff Harris and Roger Staubach didn't put a suit on for Landry this year. Pat: The wind is of such velocity that Tony Franklin has somebody holding the ball for him. And James Jones of Dallas will field it at the 6. Heading upfield. Jones, outside the 25 to about the 28. Knocked down by John Sciarra. Tom: They average 28 points a game average. Donovan, a great blocker. Scott, the All-Pro this year. Shaw, the big, young center. Rafferty, super out of Penn State. Cooper will have a tough job, of course, with Bigfoot Harrison and Humphrey. And B.J. DuPree is still a classic tight end. Pat: Tony Hill and Drew Pearson, none better anywhere, the wide receivers. Danny White, a hot year at quarterback. Tony Dorsett and Ron Springs, listed as the starter, but it's Newhouse. Dorsett on 1st down, caught from behind, and taken down, perhaps back at the line of scrimmage. Stuffed by Dennis Harrison. The Eagle defense. Tom: There he is. They call him Bigfoot Harrison, 280 lbs. Charlie Johnson, the All-Pro at nose tackle. And Carl Hairston, the unsung one at right defensive end. Pat: Four better linebackers you will not find-- Bunting, Bergey, LeMaster and Robinson. Tom: And Bergey has given them the fire over the years, even though he's hurting right now. Pat: The secondary--Young, Edwards, Logan and Wilson. 2nd and 10, Dallas. Tom: And Young's gotta get close to Drew Pearson and stay there. He can't give Drew Pearson any room. Pat: Drew Pearson wide to the right. Puts Butch Johnson in motion. He started in place of Tony Hill. Fake gets to Dorsett. White, trying to set up a screen, does, but nothing doing. Complete to Ron Springs, but John Bunting right on top of it. Tom: And this is the play that Dallas is known for. They are one of the great screen teams of all time. This time, they went to Springs. Usually, they go to Dorsett or Drew Pearson. The fake to Dorsett going, the screen is set up, and that Eagle defense is extremely active. Bunting makes the tackle. And he was in great position. Pat: He had it all the way. John Bunting, the linebacker, here he is. Rafferty was the blocker out in front, or trying to be the blocker out in front, I should say. 3rd and 16. Three wide receivers now. Tony Hill has come in. Tom: The Eagles are 34% on 3rd down defense. Pat: From the shotgun, White under pressure from Humphrey, gets away from two, and finally throws. And throws it away. White, with no chance. Tom: And Dennis Harrison, #68, chased Danny White all the way to the goal line. Boy, that's some defensive pressure. Pat: They wind up 4th and 16. And as the sign on the scoreboard says, that Eagle defense is already smoking. Tom: The winds are treacherous. They're going around at the top of the stadium, and the fielding of punts is going to be tough. That's John Sciarra, and he's got a broken left hand. Pat: Good snap to White. Not much kick by White. Sciarra takes it on the run, wheels into Dallas territory. Eagles will take over, 1st and 10. Stopped by Anthony Dickerson. But it'll be 1st and 10 after that 26-yard punt by White. Here's the Eagle offensive line. Tom: Stan Walters, the veteran at left tackle. Perot, who will be blocking on Danny White. You can cross yourself for him. That's gonna be tough. Guy Morriss, Woody Peoples, Jerry Sisemore against Ed Jones, and Keith Krepfle, who's about 80% physically able at tight end. Pat: Rodney Parker, starting at wide receiver, along with Harold Carmichael. Jaworski, off his best year. Montgomery and Leroy Harris, the two runners. Tom: They would like to throw on early downs against the Flex and not get into the nickel defense. Pat: The lone running back is Harris. Two tight ends, that's the setup for Philadelphia. Fake to Harris, and Jaworski going right to work. Under pressure from Randy White, who got away from Perot early. Tom: And Jaworski looks like he's hurt. He's slow getting up right at midfield. Pat: Let's watch that rush by the ever-dangerous Randy White. Tom: And they've only given up one sack in the last three games coming down the stretch. White goes down the middle, beats two blocks and a cut block by the back, and did hit #7, a solid shot. Pat: How you could pick an All-Pro team and leave him off of it, I don't know. Tom: Every time we see him, he gives more than he has to give on every single snap. Pat: Wilbert Montgomery now as the deep back in the I. And it's Montgomery with the ball. And with some room to go, Montgomery might go. Wilbert Montgomery, touchdown, Philadelphia. 42 yards by Montgomery, straight ahead. Tom: That's his 12th touchdown of the year, out of Abilene Christian. You might recall, Monday Night a year ago, it was his play, a short yardage, the big one that actually broke the back of the Dallas Cowboys. He went outside of Ed Jones, and Sisemore just took Jones down. Pat: Two touchdowns last week against Minnesota. If he's hurting, it doesn't show. Montgomery, 42 yards. Jaworski will hold for Tony Franklin. Tom: He got into the secondary clean, too. Nobody had a shot. Pat: Franklin hits. 7-0, Eagles. Crowd had hardly settled in its seats when Wilbert Montgomery broke for 42 yards to put the Eagles ahead, 7-0. Tom: They won't be sitting down much in this stadium today for a lot of reasons. Pat: Jones back at the 2. Hit down at the 18. Perry Harrington. There's the scoring drive, if you could call it a drive, and here's the touchdown. Tom: And Jerry Robinson was hit on the tackle, too. Here's the play. The Cowboys were looking for pass. They had Dickerson in with a nickel defense. Sisemore took Ed Jones to the outside, and nobody came from the defensive left tackle spot, a perfect place to hit the nickel defense, away from the walk-away linebacker. Pat: Dallas takes over at their own 19-yard line. 12:39 left, 1st quarter. Drew Pearson and Butch Johnson, the wide receivers. White to Newhouse. And Newhouse, outside the 25 to about the 27 before John Bunting knocks him down. Good yardage by Robert Newhouse. I told you how cold it was. Tom: Minus 17 chill factor. That time, the Eagles actually overran the play defensively. And watch Cooper now, to the right of your screen, just take Bigfoot Harrison all the way down inside. And Robert Newhouse, who I think keynoted their recovery win over Atlanta last week, did the job. Pat: And the official is down right in the middle of the proceedings. 2nd and 2. Saldi starts in motion, moves back. White, outside to Pearson. 1st down, Dallas. Roynell Young knocked him out-of-bounds. Tom: Keep in mind, the one thing the Eagles do not have is team speed. Roynell Young might be one of the quicker players, the young rookie cornerback from Alcorn A&M, but you can allow Drew Pearson a few short outs. Don't worry about that. Worry about the up. Pat: Billy Joe DuPree checks in with the play. Jay Saldi goes out. It is cold in Philadelphia. Butch Johnson trying to, and does on a reverse. And got about 4 yards before Frank LeMaster made the tackle. Tom: Dennis Harrison, #68, had a pretty good chance to make the tackle on the reverse. You might recall the Cowboys came with a double reverse to open the game down at Texas Stadium, that last game between the two. Harrison forces it, doesn't quite make the tackle. And I think Bill Bergey came up and cut him back inside. Pat: 5-yard pickup by Butch Johnson on that reverse. He comes out wide to the right this time. Pearson now here with him. 2nd and 5. Handoff, Newhouse. And Newhouse again has a Dallas 1st down. Tom: Good-looking blocking that time by the left side, Herbert Scott and Donovan. Watch the left side, the man in motion, looked like it got Hairston and company up on their foot. Hairston took the inside, they buried him. And Newhouse is averaging over 5 yards a shot coming down the stretch. Pat: That was a good block by Donovan. That cleared that way. Tom: Some of the early season stats, the 1st half, you can forget them now. Start looking at the last three or four games. Pat: Dallas operating from their own 44 now. And this will be Dorsett behind Rafferty. Not much for Tony D. Carl Hairston led the defense. Tom: To play the 34 defense, you have to have defensive ends that cannot be driven off the line of scrimmage. Harrison, at 280, plays left, and Carl Hairston, at about 260, plays right. And that time, Hairston just played it as well as you could do it, ran him all the way to the linebacker, and that's Jerry Robinson. Pat: He's had a spectacular year. A lot of people felt he should have been chosen. If not on the All-Pro team, certainly to the Pro Bowl. Tom: They might not have beaten Minnesota last week if it hadn't been for his 2 sacks in the 3rd period. Pat: That's so very true. 2nd and 9. Eagle blitz. White to Butch Johnson. Just across the 50. Herman Edwards hit him in the back. Tom: Bergey, #66, the 12-year veteran coming back from tremendous knee surgery, watch him come on the blitz. The Eagles are not a big blitzing team, probably about 8% is tops. Bergey forced the early throw, but remember, the Cowboys can beat a blitz if they know it's coming. They gave the Atlanta Falcons an awful time in the 4th period with the blitz game. Pat: So, they face a 3rd down situation. White conversing with Newhouse. 3rd and 3. DuPree and Saldi, both tight ends. And again, Pearson in motion. White, straight back, looking, looking for DuPree. DuPree never looked back. And Danny White will have to punt, Roynell Young on the coverage. Tom: The Eagles did not bring in their four down linemen for the pass rush. They stayed with the 34, and put pretty good pressure on with the three men. Pat: Danny White's first punt today in these icy conditions was only 26 yards. However, he was hitting them well in warm-ups. Tom: He's had 17 inside the 20. And he's a cool customer, and the whole Dallas team will remain composed. Pat: Sciarra, back deep. They try to block it. It's a good kick. Sciarra handles, chased by Benny Barnes, who's always down early. Sciarra gets away from two, and gets up to about 25 before Dexter Clinkscale knocks him down. From the 25. Montgomery. They shut it down this time, led by Guy Brown. Perhaps a couple. Let's look at the Dallas defense. We didn't have time before. Tom: Ed Jones, who plays that side about as solid as anybody, has had a really Pro Bowl year this year. Larry Cole, who's in his, what, 26th playoff game with the Cowboys. Randy White, who's all by himself in any league. And, of course, Harvey Martin, who can really rush. Tom: The linebackers-- Brown, Breunig and D.D. Lewis. Barnes, Mitchell, Waters and Thurman, the secondary, completely rebuilt from a year ago. 2nd and 8. Leroy Harris, the lone running back. The Eagles, very thin in wide receivers. Jaworski drops and has time, pass to Carmichael. Very nearly a 1st down, as Aaron Mitchell is the Dallas defender. Tom: Good throw by Jaworski. It might have been an audible. He audibles about 10 plays a game out of some 65. Good pass blocking upfront. I think the Cowboys were anticipating run because Dutton was in there. And Carmichael caught 7 last week, including a touchdown to actually help the Eagles past Minnesota. Pat: Big Harold, 6'8", close enough to a 1st down to measure. Tom: He's been here since '72. He's seen some of the lean years. Pat: Jerry Markbreit, the referee today. Over on the Eagle bench, where they have that hot seat, heated benches. Those, by the way--those gloves are the kind of gloves that you wear for scuba diving, if you're familiar with that. Tom: Lloyd Bridges stuff. This is 3rd down and about 1. And Dick Vermeil claims that you have to make these 100% of the time in playoff games to win. Pat: Is that one of his goals? Tom: That's one of his goals. Pat: Carmichael, split out wide to the left, Parker out to the right. Montgomery and Harris, the two running backs. Jaworski, straight ahead. The quarterback sneak has it. Bob Breunig. The defense held, but Jaworski got the 1st down. Tom: Everybody's as low as possible. They submarine, hoping the linebackers could come over the top, but Breunig got cut off by Guy Morriss, the center. I wouldn't say he's Elroy Hirsch running with the football, but Jaworski did get the 1st down, huh? Pat: That's what counts. Parker and Carmichael, split out to the left. Wilbert Montgomery, flank, at the top of your picture. Leroy Harris, a lone set back, gets the carry. Harris barrels ahead for about 4 or 5. John Dutton on the bottom of the pile, but Leroy Harris, an effective rush. Tom: Vince Lombardi used to say one of the great things to do was to go at the strength of a defense, intimidate it by saying, "We can play against you, too." And they've had two great offensive runs right at Ed Jones. Sisemore against Jones, and Woody Peoples against either Dutton or Larry Cole. Pat: Parker and Carmichael, again, split out wide to the left. Keith Krepfle, who is normally the tight end, is the flanker to the right side. Montgomery and Harris behind Jaworski. Montgomery. 1st down, Philadelphia as Dennis Thurman, the safety man, butted heads with Wilbert. Tom: Montgomery at his best when he can pick the hole. From the I, he has something. If you overrun it the way Randy White, and even Martin was taken by it by Stan Walters, it gives him a chance to come through. He almost fumbled that ball. Pat: 1st down, Philadelphia. Leroy Harris blocking. Tom: Took on Guy Brown. Pat: 1st down, Eagles, as they move out to the 49-yard line, in their own territory at the moment. But Jaworski is gonna try and put them in Dallas territory, and does, as Parker makes the catch from Jaworski. Aaron Mitchell on the tackle. But that's where they're gonna work. Tom: And Rodney Parker has 4.6 speed for the 40. He was cut by Atlanta a year ago, cut by the Eagles, and has been a deputy sheriff down in New Orleans. Right on Bourbon Street, I suppose, in the Roundhouse. But he's come back to really make about-- That's his 10th catch since coming back with the Eagles into the stretch run. He's got a good grab. Pat: He had a big game against Dallas in Dallas. Eagle 1st down at the Dallas 40. Montgomery. By Dutton after a couple. Tom: A good play by John Dutton. The big former defensive end, the number 1 choice by Baltimore is now learning how to play the tackle. Plays the run extremely well. And the entire defensive front four that Stautner has there are about as tough as you can play against. They get their hands up against the pass, and they get penetration against the run. Pat: Dutton is 6'7" and listed at 265, but he looks a lot bigger than that. Tom: He looks small next to Ed Jones. Pat: John Spagnola, extra tight end of the game for the Eagles. Montgomery is the lone set back, and he swings out. And Jaworski has it to him. Montgomery, down the sideline, loses the football out-of-bounds, but he's the last man with possession. So, the Eagles on the move again. Aaron Mitchell cut him out-of-bounds. Tom: And Jaworski handles the pressure. Randy White comes in. It's a slip screen to the left. A good block was by Guy Morriss, the offensive center who got out and cut the linebacker down. And Wilbert's gotta put the ball away. The turnovers will cost you, whether it's the 1st quarter or the 4th quarter. Pat: All the way down to the 24-yard line. Another Eagle 1st down. They lead 7-0, 3:21 left, 1st quarter. The NFC championship, the survivor goes to the Super Bowl in two weeks. Looking for more. Looking for Harold Carmichael. Thurman comes over to knock it out-of-bounds. Mitchell on the coverage with him. Tom: And the weak side rotation on, with Mitchell responsible for the short zone, and Thurman coming over for the deep zone. Thurman and Carmichael met rather physically down in Dallas. In fact, Thurman knocked Harold out of the game. He's a good hitter. Not big, about 5'10 1/2" tall. But Thurman will rock you. Pat: Dallas and Philadelphia for the NFC championship. Pat Summerall with Tom Brookshire in Philadelphia. Tom: Jaworski is now 3 of 5 for 32 yards, and he's getting a play signal from the sidelines. Pat: 2nd and 10 at the 24 for the Eagles. Giammona, flanked out to the left. Carmichael and Parker, to the other side. And Billy Campfield in the game, #37, as well, as one of the runners. You would expect run now, though, would you? Jaworski fires, looking for, perhaps, Carmichael, but thrown all the way out of the end zone. It might have been intended for Campfield out in the backfield. Tom: That's like Steve Carlton with two strikes going ahead and throwing that good waist pitch out of the zone, so nobody could get a bat on it. I think Ron decided to-- It was an aborted play. Good pass coverage by that secondary, so he just went ahead and airmailed it to the end zone. He has, by the way, the second best interception percentage, second only to Bart Starr's great record with Green Bay. Pat: It will be 3rd and 10 at the 23 now for Philadelphia. Assorted receivers. Giammona, flanked out to the left. Eagles, as we mentioned, very thin in wide receivers. Jaworski back with time. Intended for Montgomery, he just couldn't hang on. He had enough for a 1st down. And Tony Franklin will come on with his barefoot in frigid Veterans Stadium. Tom: Franklin, by the way, has only made 6 of his last 17 field goals. Before the game, he was a little bit right, a little bit left. And once in a while, he would smooth it out and kick it very strongly the way he's certainly capable of doing. Pat: Ron Jaworski, the holder. It appears to me that Franklin is taking an extra step that last year he didn't take. Watch when he first starts to approach the ball. Stepped back with his left foot, it is blocked partially, goes into the end zone. And the Cowboys will take over. Aaron Mitchell, I think, got a hand on it. Look how far Tony Franklin's left foot is in front of the ball. Tom: This encourages having to hook it when you snap through, doesn't it? Pat: Gotta be that way. Tom: Watch how Larry Cole and Ed Jones get high on the other side of the line of scrimmage if Aaron Mitchell hadn't blocked this. Watch the arms come up. Pat: Like something you'd see at Radio City. 1st down, Dallas at their own 24. Philadelphia leading, 7-0. Pearson swings in motion behind Danny White. Two people in motion. Dorsett and Pearson, both, and they'll bring that back. Tom: I'm surprised the Eagle defense didn't jump. They didn't make a move. There were a couple of people at least in the blue jerseys moving. Pat: It's okay in Canada. And this is Canadian weather. Tom: The 12th man wouldn't hurt any play in a championship game, either, if they can get away with that. He takes the good with the bad, though. This man is a solid citizen. I'm talking about Tom Landry. Jerry Markbreit: Illegal motion, #33, offense, 1st down. Pat: It will be 1st and 15 with less than 3:00 left in the 1st quarter. Tom: The Eagles still have the three-man line, and they didn't come with four. Pat: Saldi in motion, and off to Dorsett. Ducks in there. Carl Hairston. Got a couple. Tom: Tony Dorsett, the fastest feet this side of-- I don't know a running back that has faster. And down the stretch, the 160 yards they had against the Los Angeles Rams, I'm talking about #33, had to be as incredible as-- of course, the Rams are such a good, tough defensive team. They couldn't believe it, either. Pat: A phenomenal record when Dorsett gets over 100--19-1. They need 13 for a 1st. Dorsett, had it him hit right in the numbers and bounced right out. Randy Logan on defense. And it'll be 3rd down. Tom: Danny White is now 3-of-6 for a minus 3 yards, most of those had been the screens. Pat: Should be 4-of-6. That one was there. Tom: Plus 3 yards. Pat: 3rd and 13, make it. The Eagles got their touchdown on a 42-yard sprint by Wilbert Montgomery on the second offensive play of the game. Tom: You gotta double Tony Hill out of the shotgun. Pat: Preston Pearson also will make his presence known before the day is over. Humphrey on a rush. And White has to just throw it away, as it was intended for Dorsett. They were trying to set up another screen, but the Eagle defense is ready. Tom: And Jerry Robinson, #56, moved over right into the area, had the receiver. Good pressure by Dennis Harrison. And #56 was in awfully good shape. You don't want to hang that ball above his head. Pat: That's Jerry Robinson. And he can run. Sciarra, back deep, as White stands in his own 5. Could punt it. Hard to tell which direction the wind is coming from. On top of this stadium, it looks one way, and on the field, it's another way. Sciarra, chased back to his own 36 by this punt. Philadelphia's got something set up, or it looks so for a moment. Kurt Peterson was the Dallas tackler. 43-yard kick by Danny White. Jaworski back to Montgomery. Wilbert slams off to the right side for about 3. Bob Breunig made the hit. Tom: Guy Brown, #59, who's in, of course, when Hegman got the dislocated elbow, is an excellent linebacker against the run. He is big and strong, and perhaps the fastest, one of the fastest players on the squad. Breunig has a little trouble sometimes playing the run on the line of scrimmage. Pat: 2nd and 7. I talked to Mike Hegman before the game. And he said if Dallas makes it, he'll be ready in a few weeks. Right now, they trail Philadelphia, 7-0. 2nd and 7 at the 47. Jaworski gives it to Leroy Harris. Leroy gets a couple. D.D. Lewis wrestled him to the ground. Tom: Do you realize that D.D. Lewis and Cole and Waters, I believe, will have a chance, if they would win this game, to be in their sixth Super Bowl? That's just the dandiest record I've ever heard of. Out of Mississippi State. And D.D. plays the weakside linebacker about as well as anybody. Pat: The Eagles need 4 for a 1st down. Usually if they need any more than two, they'll throw it. They've got Campfield in the game. And he switches up to a flanking position on the right. And Jaworski will indeed try to if he has time. And he does. And it's Campfield. He breaks a tackle. Another. Billy Campfield, Eagle 1st down at the 27-yard line of Dallas before Charlie Waters gets him down. Tom: They like to throw on 1st down. And Ron Jaworski is hot right now. Pat: What a year he had. Leroy Harris, Wilbert Montgomery, the two running backs. Dallas in the Flex defense on 1st. And it's a good time to put it up, you're right. Jaworski fires, intended for Carmichael after Rodney Parker had cleared the area. Aaron Mitchell on the coverage. Incomplete. Tom: I asked Ron Jaworski yesterday about the wind, and he says that you can't tell where it's coming from. But at that end of the field, where the Eagles are operating right now, he says, "Both sidelines, sometimes the ball will carry, and a slider will carry it away." And he said, "Sometimes, the wind is right into the face of it, and the ball will die on you." He said it's completely unpredictable, particularly at that end of the field. Pat: Danny White-- 28 touchdowns, 25 interceptions. Jaworski, just one behind in touchdown passes and not nearly so many interceptions, 12, in fact. Montgomery, with room again. Wilbert, down inside the 20, dragged down by Dennis Thurman. Tom: What a tackle by Thurman. Wilbert was going for touchdown number 2. The draw play-- Let's see what happens. Woody Peoples handles Dutton on the far side. Breunig got caught a little bit, it looked like, by the left guard, Perot. Guy Morriss went through on it. And Thurman makes an incredible tackle in the open field. Pat: The tackler, Dennis Thurman. Parker comes out, Spagnola goes in to the Eagle offense. Tom: Wilbert Montgomery has 65 yards rushing on 6 carries. Pat: A big 42-yard touchdown run, most of that. Another carry. Benny Barnes met Montgomery, knocked him back, ball came loose, but after the play was over. Getting up a little slowly is #31 at the moment. Tom: He's had a hip pointer, he's had a pulled groin, he's had a stretched knee ligament, he's had a bad thigh, and he's got a bad knee, again, the left knee. Pat: He also got a 1st down for Philadelphia. Jaworski looking over for the offensive wishes of Dick Vermeil. Tom: Spagnola, the big tight end, #88, comes back in. Two tight ends, with Krepfle and Spagnola. And Wilbert gets a rest. Pat: 1st and 10 from the 16-yard line. Montgomery comes out. Leroy Harris, the lone set back. A quick slip screen. Harvey Martin overruns Rodney Parker. And Dutton finally comes out and wrestles him to the ground. Tom: Great defensive recovery by the Cowboys, ends up almost on the line of scrimmage on a screen to the weak side. They actually had a wingback with the two tight ends to the right. Watch the recovery here by Dallas. Two people go by. Now, Breunig zeroes in, and Dutton comes over to make the tackle. A good pursuit. Pat: Lost about a half yard. They will call it 2nd and 11. Krepfle comes out wide to the right. It's Carmichael and Parker wide to the left. Tom: Got to throw the football, right? Oh-ho. Pat: Give it Montgomery. That's what they did on 2nd and long earlier, when he broke for the touchdown. Tom: Coach Vermeil's got to be thinking, though. If he's thinking about field goal and field goal position, Franklin has had the first one blocked. Pat: The coach puts in Giammona and Campfield. Stan Walters, trying to walk it off over on the sidelines. Steve Kenney has taken his place. Tom: Kenney weighs about 268 lbs., 6'4", out of Clemson in his first year, and has played for Sisemore and Walters, at times, pretty darn well. Pat: There is some doubt about Sisemore, by the way. He had a bad toe. But so far, he has been able to go. Billy Campfield behind Jaworski, along with Montgomery. And then they both move. 3rd down, Philadelphia. Jaworski, chased by Harvey Martin, and caught by Harvey, came right around Kenney. Tom: Kenney let Harvey Martin get the hands on him, and nobody without the headslap can put a better pass rush than #79. The left of your screen, Jaworski takes about a four-step drop, and that's all the time-- Harvey Martin jumped on the new kid from Clemson and did the job. Pat: Here's the rush by Harvey, around the corner and outside. Tom: He got 2 last week against Atlanta, had 12 during the season. Pat: And here comes Tony Franklin in with Jaworski holding. From 39 yards out, here's Franklin. High snap, but they won't get this one off, either. Franklin, looking to throw. Harvey Martin, it appeared, was the intended receiver by Franklin. And the Eagles are having all kinds of problems with that kicking game. Tom: That's the reason you can't drive down to the 25 or 30 and take 3 the way a lot of championship teams have done. That's two times they've been inside the 40 and have come away completely empty-handed. The high snap goes right through Jaworski's hands. And now like (inaudible), #1 tries a pass. Harvey Martin couldn't believe it. I don't blame him. Coach Vermeil is discussing with the officials something that happened in the last series. Right now, the Eagles must maintain their composure and go back to Game Plan 1 which is to be steady. Pat: They've been down close and come away with nothing. Ron Jaworski, the quarterback, trying to stay warm on that Eagle bench. And they have a warm bench. 1st down, Dallas at their own 32, Ron Springs and Tony Dorsett, the two runners. Saldi, in motion. White, going back to work. Outside, Springs, he'll get a couple, maybe, 4 or 5 and it's out, as John Bunting gets out there in a hurry and Frank LeMaster. Tom: Good pickup that time by Randy Logan, the tight safety man went right across with Saldi, in motion, took him on the square out and Danny White had to dump it off. The Cowboys have 3 yards passing. Now, he's-- very seldom does play-pass action. He likes to just drop back and throw it or come from the shotgun. This is the third man theme. This is not the receiver he wanted. Good recovery by the Eagles. Pat: 2nd down as Dick Vermeil converses. They need 5. This is Newhouse. And again, he finds good running room and barrels out to the 48-yard line. Herman Edwards, on the tackle, who has again-- Tom: Misdirection, against the #34, that nose guard, Charlie Johnson has to play what he thinks has influence. When he took it that time, Newhouse took it straight up and then, cut off. Here's Shaw working against Charlie Johnson. He plays it, thinks he's got it right, and he got Carl Hairston blown off the line of scrimmage that time. Donovan did a good job. Pat: The word on Stan Walters, by the way, is that he has a back spasm. And we still don't know if he will be able to come back or not. 1st down, Dallas. They're at their own 47 as they send Billy Joe DuPree in motion. White will throw it quickly and barrels outside to Dorsett. Dorsett, breaking away down the sideline in Eagle territory to the 35 before he's knocked out of balance by LeMaster. Tom: Marion Campbell told me the most dangerous screen receiver in football is #33. If the quick screen left, four steps and get it out in a hurry, all you have to do is get him a good block. Scott got him a good one on the cornerback. Oh, he's a mean motor scooter. Pearson came in and he got a block, too. Pat: 18-yard game for Dallas, 1st down for the Cowboys. Butch Johnson and Drew Pearson, the two wide receivers flank left. Butch is getting a lot of playing time today. Don't really know what the problem is with Tony Hill. There goes Butch Johnson in motion. (inaudible) move, (inaudible). Dorsett slams with his lowered right shoulder down for about 4. Frank LeMaster, on the tackle. Tom: Tony Hill had an aggravated muscle in the thigh, the upper thigh. He looked all right yesterday but, sometimes, on an extremely cold day, you can actually just sort of have it freeze up on you. Pat: Rafael Septien with his own little play pen. Tom: The least-used field goal kicker in football but also one of the steadiest right now. He's got the good rhythm, hasn't he, Pat? Pat: He sure does. There's that block by Pearson on Herman Edwards on the run, two plays ago, by Dorsett. Danny White, [trapped], fires. Pearson, open. Another 1st down at the 20. Roynell Young on the tackle and Dallas now on the move. Tom: #88 comes down. The only way you can possibly play him is to stay very close. He's not gonna run by you unless you give him so much room, you take a fake. He curled in at about 12 yards, took the pass perfectly thrown. Young was there but he laid off of him too far. Don't give #88 any room. Pat: No one runs better patterns than Drew Pearson. Tom: Especially in playoff competition. Pat: Spectacular game against Atlanta last week. 1st and 10, Dallas. At the Eagle 20. Double tight end setup for the Cowboys. Saldi, on the left. Pearson moves in motion to the right. White--Newhouse again picking holes and finding yardage to about the 16 for 4. Tom: If he overpursued, that second or two of hesitation allows things to open up on the backside of the play. Pat: 7-0, Philadelphia at Veterans Stadium, the NFC championship game between the Eagles and the Cowboys, with Tom Brookshire and Pat Summerall. Tom: Eagles haven't had the 4 down rush against the pass yet today. They still don't. Pat: 2nd and 6 at the 16. 8:10 left in the first half. Philadelphia leading, 7-0. They fake a blitz, they do blitz. Newhouse again, the same play. He starts straight ahead and then, picks his way to the outside. Jerry Robinson made the tackle but Newhouse got to about 11-yard line, make it. Tom: Carl Hairston is so quick at the right defensive end spot that he does go down inside. Again, if he's pursuing, you can take him on long, you can take him down inside. And Newhouse is making a living right now waiting for the pursuit to run out of the hole. Pat: 3rd and about a yard for Dallas now as they put in the extra tight end. That makes 3. Doug Cosbie, that's the last play by Newhouse. Saldi, in motion. They give to Dorsett. Dorsett, 1st down. Cowboys, to the 6, Randy Logan. Tom: And #33 is covering up the ball. That time, he really had a good grip on it, stayed straight ahead. Even when you get him up in the air, his legs are still moving, looks like he's trying to go ahead like a 747 and take off. Dorsett averaged over 5 yards a carry against Atlanta. Pat: Philadelphia still in that three-man front. 1st down, Dallas. Drew Pearson split out wide to the right. 1st and goal from the 6. Two-tight end setup. Here is Newhouse. Same play again. He fights his way to about the 2.5-yard line before Carl Hairston makes the tackle. Tom: Straight ahead and wait for that #34 to bend toward the play. Charlie Johnson is on Shaw. LeMaster gets taken off by Scott off the line of scrimmage. He is still a tough man to get off his feet. He now has 40 yards on 6 carries. Robert Newhouse, built like a doorknob. Pat: And just as hard to get down and open. He's been replaced by Ron Springs now. And in this situation, they like Springs straight ahead. They also like Dorsett straight ahead. They like him well enough for a Dallas touchdown. A very good-looking and effective drive by Dallas. Tom: A lot like Gale Sayers. When you call for him to run inside, at 190 lbs., Dorsett can put his head down, he has tremendous control even at high speeds, and he [does] it very much. He runs over a couple of people to get it. Pat: Dallas, the leading scoring team in the NFL this year. Philadelphia, the stingiest defensive team. Septien goes through his little ritual, where he takes two steps backwards and three steps sideways. They do funny things, but they're effective. It is 7-7. Eagle fans, in spite of the bitter cold, enjoying the fine season that Philadelphia has had this year, not only in football, but in almost every sport. Billy Campfield, back deep for the Eagles as Septien will kick off. Drives it to the right side of the field. Campfield goes over to his left. And he's got a little running room. Fumble. I think the Eagles got it back. Anthony Dickerson made the tackle. Tom: We were just saying during the timeout, there had not been a turnover yet. And they're so important. Campfield does bring it straight out, had good luck and good success against Dallas in Dallas. But he coughed that one up. Boy, that's one you gotta have. Keep the ball in your huddle. How does Montgomery look? Let's see how healthy he is this series. Pat: Boy, he's looked healthy, so far. Bill Roe is the injured Dallas player, reserve linebacker. Tom: Out of Colorado. Or Colo-ray-da. Pat: Carmichael and Parker, flanked out to the right. Jaworski, on 1st down, fires for Krepfle. Dick Vermeil said both of his tight ends, Spagnola and Krepfle, had worked out at the wide receiver spot, and were ready to play there. Tom: Well, Krepfle's amazing. As you know, back in December, early December, he had an arthroscope operation of his knee, took some particles out in Utah and shipped him back. And he was trying to play that weekend. But he is not 100%. Pat: Checking on Bill Roe over on the sideline, was injured on that kickoff return by Campfield a minute ago. Jaworski has 'em out quickly. 2nd and 5. Montgomery and Harris, the two runners for the Eagles. And here is the good runner. 1st down, Philadelphia. Bob Breunig stopped Wilbert Montgomery. Tom: Petey Perot, from Northwest Louisiana, is doing a pretty good job with Randy White. They got inside the two defensive tackles, and Breunig made the stop, but the 1st was there. Pat: Bill Roe again, young linebacker. They'll measure to see if Montgomery got the 1st down. By the way, while they're measuring, they have two alternate officials here today-- Bob Frederick and [Jake Vaughn] in case somebody got hurt. Joe Pisarcik relaying the signals to Ron Jaworski, about what offensive play they want to go. Tom: Keep in mind, the Eagles let that clock wind down a lot. They used a lot of the clock getting their plays off. That's fine if you get points at the other end. Pat: Exactly 5:00 left to play in the 1st half. Two tight ends in for Philadelphia on 1st down. Harris burrows underneath for a couple. Tom: Randy White making the tackle. He comes from nearby Wilmington, and has a farm right down over on the Pennsylvania line. But he said he likes to play where they boo him. And he receives a lot of boos when he comes. There he is right up in the Flex, up on the nose, cuts down into it, gets rid of Kenney's block on his knees and makes the tackle. Pat: Make it 2nd and 7 then for the Eagles, as they send Carmichael out split wide to the left and Parker to the right. Jaworski, hoping for time. Spagnola, the intended receiver. And he slipped down as the ball was en route. This telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League and is intended for the private use of our audience. Any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Philadelphia Eagles and the National Football League is prohibited. Tom: That time, the Eagles offensive line cut everybody down. The best way to play Randy White, they say, is to make him keep getting up. So they try to cut him. Here's Perot working upstairs. Now Morriss takes him. He still makes penetration even though two people took a shot. Pat: 3rd and 7 at the 42. Infield. [Wilbert] Montgomery in the back field. Giammona is the flanker at the top of your picture. And Jaworski, this time, has a lot of time. And Rodney Parker gets away from Wilson and the Eagles pick up another 1st down. Tom: Dick Corey, the receivers coach for the Eagles, said that Parker was so relaxed this week, he didn't even realize he was starting the game-- a championship game. Good pass blocking that time, particularly Sisemore on Ed Jones, to keep him out of that area. Parker looks like he's been there for five years. Watch the blocking on Jones. Sisemore takes him and throws him off. Watch Sisemore bounce back, get his feet under him, and come back and set up again. Pat: Well, that's good effort. First down, Philadelphia at the Dallas 43. And on 1st down. Jaworski, chased by Dutton, gets away. Chased by Harvey Martin, throws to Harris-- Incomplete. Tom: In championship games, every play is analyzed. Not by just people like you and me and all the fans, but by the players when the game is over. The Eagles have had opportunities, and they're a little bit tight because of the energy. #20 has made some good catches this year but this isn't one of them. And Jaworski delivers it. Pat: Jaworski under pressure from Dutton, then was chased by Harvey Martin. Leroy Harris had time to look around and then look back. The call was there. 7 out of 14 for Jaworski, 68 yards. 2nd and 10. There is Montgomery again and Wilbert (inaudible) down out-of-bounds, From the 25. Jaworski, again, will throw (inaudible). Carmichael, wide open. Carmichael will score for Philadelphia. Penalty marker down. A flag is down back at the line of scrimmage and it's gonna be against Philadelphia. It'll be 1st down and 25. They're back to the 40 now, and certainly out of field-goal range on a day like this. Jaworski to Montgomery. Nothing doing this time. Ed Jones. First man to hit him. Tom: Slow-mo. The quick draw. Randy White came all the way across and Perot couldn't even get a glove on him. It'll be 2nd and 25. Giammona and Campfield come in. Dallas comes in with their pass- prevent defense. Quick scale, Larry Cole, Dickerson. And still zero turnovers in a championship game with a chill factor minus 17. Pat: This is the defense that they were in when they got burned for the first Philadelphia touchdown. Jaworski has time and threw. Incomplete. Icy cold in Philadelphia. Tom: First penalty pretty costly, huh? Jammed into the face by Woody Peoples against Dutton. Pat: Almost got his hand all the way under his facemask. 7-7 in the NFC Championship game. Both teams have all of their timeouts remaining, by the way. Tom: And young Kenney is still in there. Stan Walters jammed the back and still on the sidelines. And Kenney's got Harvey Martin. Pat: 3rd down. Giammona at the right-hand corner of your picture. Carmichael. Parker flanked to the left as Jaworski drops. Jaworski has time. Throws. Knocked down by Benny Barnes. Charlie Waters over to hit Giammona. He goes up and yelling that that should have been pass interference. Tom: Harvey Martin almost took the ball off Jaworski's hand right before this throw. Ron stepped up just to get it off. Benny Barnes comes back from the short zone. Plays it beautifully. And Waters went ahead and took the receiver out and down. Watch the left part of your screen. Harvey Martin is up and going. Perot's getting some double help from Guy Morriss, and here comes #79 and the ball just did pass. Pat: Max Runager back for the Eagles. Giammona stuck up in motion. A good high kick by Runager. Into the end zone. 1:42 left in the first half. Dallas and Philadelphia tied at 7-7. These two teams, of course, have already played two times this year. Philadelphia won by 7 and then in the last game of the regular season, Dallas won by 8. About as even as you could be. Tom: Danny White is now 6 of 10 for 37 yards. And Newhouse has 40 yards rushed. Pat: White hands off to Newhouse. There was a mix-up and Newhouse did awfully well to get the ball back. Tom: Looked like Danny White may have dropped too far before he made the hand off on the draw. He put it right on Robert's hip, #44. He is probably the least fumbling back in this division. He tries to slip it in around behind and just left it on his right hip. Pat: (inaudible) draw play. All kinds of time for White. He throws it to DuPree, throws behind him. Billy Joe gets one hand on it as Bill Bergey was the defender. It's incomplete. Tom: And Claude Humphrey and Cooper, the right tackle, engaged all the way back to about the 8-yard line. Pat: It's about the kind of game I think everybody expected. In the event you joined us late, you can tell by Tom Landry's attire it is very, very cold. Tom: Tony Hill is now split off to the left. Pat: Butch Johnson and Drew Pearson flanked out wide to the right. Preston Pearson also in the game, and he drops back to block for White. White looking and hoping for time and throws. Got a man open. It was Tony Hill and it looks like Tony just can't run. Tom: He was dragging the leg. Like they said, he's had a strained long muscle in the thigh. That time, Danny White had about 8 seconds to get the ball off. He wanted Butch Johnson running a big post pattern to the top. He was covered. I believe a healthy Tony Hill might have had a good shot at that ball. Pat: I think he might have. He just couldn't turn it on. White standing back at the goal line. The Eagles could get it back in pretty good shape here. Very hard to kick the ball very far on a day like this. Sciarra back deep. They're gonna put a rush on him. Not a particularly good kick. Sciarra fields it at the 48. Shakes one tackle. Shakes another one. Sciarra all the way down to the 35-yard line of Dallas. Tom: Two quarterbacks. Mr. Bradshaw on the right, Roger Staubach on the left and Brent Musburger in the middle. Halftime is coming up. Pat: And Phyllis George upstairs. Gonna be chatting with Alicia Landry and Dick Vermeil's wife. Jaworski-- has it slide right through the hands of Harold Carmichael. And again, a penalty marker goes down as there's an altercation. Tom: It's gonna be an unsportsmanlike. You play with Northwest Louisiana a couple of years ago. Now you're in a championship game. I guess you can lose it, occasionally. Pat: Philadelphia has two timeouts left. Dallas has three. 43 seconds before the end of the first half with the score tied at 7. Montgomery slipped down. Gets away and still manages to get a couple of yards before Anthony Dickerson takes him down. 32 seconds left to play. Now, a timeout. Dallas. They have two left. Tom: The momentum has gone both ways but the scoring chances that didn't go on the scoreboard are gonna haunt the Eagles team at halftime. There's no doubt about that. Pat: And it's gonna be colder and colder as this day progresses. Tom: Watch Perot now, right in the center of the screen. He fires right out on Randy White. There is a battle all the way along the line of scrimmage. Wilbert quickly gets back up. Watch Dickerson get after him here, #51. He can run around like a 400-meter relay man. The anchor man. Pat: Perot and White continue their dance. Runager is #4. Dallas looks like they're gonna try to block it. The Eagles take too much time and they're backing five more up. Tom: A lot of duking by the team that's been in as many playoff games as any. Three out of the last five Super Bowls. And the 5 yards here probably will not hurt. Runager can paddle along this. Pat: Dallas looked as if they were lining up in some kind of a punt-blocking formation, or an attempt at one. Quick count this time by the Eagles. Yes, they do try to block. Runager has it hang high. Jones comes up to steal it. Is tackled as soon as he gets it up to his own 30-yard line. Good coverage. First man down was Ray Phillips, #52. A 28-yard kick by Runager. 22 seconds left to play in the first half. Score tied at 7. Danny White shotguns. Will he get a rush for 3? Butch Johnson makes the catch in front of the Dallas bench. Now they say he was out-of-bounds. 14 seconds on the clock. Landry takes a look. Tom: I think he got one foot down. He didn't quite get the second one down. He had a touchdown called back or not allowed against Atlanta, came back steal for a big catch. Butch Johnson's a good playoff receiver. Sidelines. Not too much pressure. Looked like he got both of them down if he had control of that ball, but he went over the line. Pat: Sure made a good effort at it. If he didn't make it. Pat: DuPree comes out to the left along with Drew Pearson. Tom: Did a hand dance right on it, didn't he? Pat: Ron Springs in the game. He just brought the play in from Landry. White, that delayed draw. Hands to Dorsett. Same thing they tried a minute ago to Newhouse and that ought to do it for the first half. Tom: And does. Pat: In cold Veterans Stadium. Pat Summerall: The Eagles had a lot of chances. The score could well be 20-7, Philadelphia, or something like that. I got a feeling that penalty's gonna come back to haunt them, too. Don't you? Tom Brookshier: Yeah, they called Woody Peoples, a guy that's about 6'2" blocking on somebody 6'6" or 6'7" on Dutton on jamming into the headgear. But that was a touchdown pass. And I really think Bradshaw sort of summed it up. The Eagles have to get composure now. And championship teams come out and play the second half with a little bit more savoir-faire than they do play the first half. And the Eagles' Perot got caught a little bit having a skirmish or two with Randy White. They got to cool down if they're gonna win this football game. Pat: Not much question that Philadelphia was the stronger club in the first half. Let's see what's gonna happen in the second as we go back down to the action. We're ready to start half #2 and Rafael Septien gets it under way. Ball bounces down to Campfield. And Philly swings outside the 20 to about the 27. Bill Roe on the tackle. The halftime statistics. Tom: And the stats do not win championship games. The Eagles with 111 yards. 165 total, you can see there. They rushed for 111. Wilbert Montgomery had 96 yards on 12 carries. Cowboys only had the one drive, but it got touchdowns. Pat: 1st down for Philadelphia. They'll operate from their own 28. Jaworski was 7 of 17 for 68 yards in the first half. He had that one touchdown pass called back. Touchdown complete to Carmichael but didn't count. Stan Walters is back in the Eagle offensive lineup and Leroy Harris almost broke out of the pack before he was tackled from behind by Ed Jones. Danny White, 6 of 13. 37 yards is all. 7 of 17 for 54 for Jaworski according to our official stats. Tom: White, of course, went to the screens a lot. Dorsett was held to 19 yards on 7 carriers. Pat: Who is that attractive lady? Tom: There's Mrs. Brookshier. Barbara's got my old retired jersey on and a lot of thermal underwear, I have to tell you. Pat: She looked comfortable and very attractive. Tom: Nobody slept in Philadelphia last night. Maybe not in Dallas either. Pat: Jaworski gives to Campfield and Larry Cole leads the defense for Dallas. That veteran, Larry Cole, Tom said earlier, how many playoff games he's been in. What? Twenty-six? Tom: Twenty-six and how about his checks from the different playoff games? Pat: He's made over $161,000 just in playoff games. And that's more than Mr. Brookshier and I have made combined in our career. Tom: You mean salary and all, huh? Pat: Salary and all. Seventeen years. There's the old #40 with the blow-out patches in it. Tom: Must've gotten that out of the cedar chest. Pat: Last time the Eagles won a championship, #40 was the All-Pro cornerback. Jaworski to Montgomery. Dallas tries to string it out and they do. Montgomery is very near a 1st down, however. Tom: Ed Jones almost took Wilbert Montgomery's head off. And if anybody's bounced back and had a great year, an All-Pro year, it's been Ed Jones. After the hiatus for boxing, he has really played solid football. [Stoddard] can't say enough about him. #72 working the right part of your screen. Harris coming into the outside. Peoples cuts it back. And Jones got part of the foot of Wilbert Montgomery and Bruenig finished him off. Pat: It'll be 4th down and Max Runager will have to kick for Philadelphia. Remember that they threw a pass out of this formation last week against Minnesota. To John Sciarra. They called it back but it was complete. Runager to Jones. Jones with nothing doing. Gets back to just about the 32-yard line. 33-yard punt by Runager. Kicking that ball today is like kicking a cement block. Pat Summerall: You think Dick Vermeil is saying, "Happy New Year"? Tom Brookshier: The man from Napa Valley is mad about the way they marked that 3rd down run by Montgomery. Pat: He thought he had the 1st down. Instead, the Eagles had to kick. Tom: And I think, right now, Danny White has the wind a little bit to his back. That last punt stalled out that Runager kicked. Pat: 1st and 10, Dallas at their own 33, with the score tied at 7 apiece. The Eagles still in that 3-man defensive line. Drew Pearson in motion. Hits back to Dorsett. Drew Pearson on the reverse. He's gonna throw and does for Butch Johnson. Eagles come up with the interception, almost, by Brenard Wilson. Tom: Boy, is Roynell Young some rookie back. He's playing the left corner. And in a few years, you're going to have a retired jersey, #43, but it may be [pinned]. Drew Pearson on the throw, makes a good throw of it. And Young is in great position, and Brenard Wilson almost made the I-N-T. Pat: Drew Pearson was a quarterback at Tulsa and a walk-on for Dallas. Danny White, frustrated by the cold and the wind in the 1st half, decided, perhaps, to let Drew Pearson do some throwing. Dorsett and Newhouse behind White. Butch Johnson goes in motion this time as the pitch is back to Dorsett. And Dorsett fumbles! Dallas got it back. Herbert Scott, All-Pro guard, headed also for the Pro Bowl, made the recovery. Tom: Keep in mind, with all of this bad weather and what-have-you, there have been no turnovers yet. This one looks like it could've been, and Dallas came up with the ball. Tremendous tackle from three different sides, Bergey from the front, and I believe, LeMaster, and a 240-pound linebacker straight on. Pat: 3rd and 5 from the Dallas 37. Shotgun formation for the Cowboys. The Eagle defense trying to put some heat on Danny White. Pass intended for Saldi. Incomplete, as Jerry Robinson was there on the coverage. And Danny White will have to punt. Tom: There's the pressure. Harrison's working. They try to start up front. Harrison came inside to handle it. Robinson is so quick and so dangerous when you throw in his area. Pat: And Danny White goes back for Dallas. John Sciarra deep for Philadelphia. Rafferty is the center. And a good snap. White takes a long time. Penalty marker goes down. Sciarra goes back at the middle of the field after the 38-yard line. Tom: I'll tell you, Danny White took two steps. As soon as he takes two steps, he is an official runner. If they call roughing a kicker, this one is not gonna sit well with anybody. Pat: I think they had an illegal man downfield. That's what happened. Hairston, when he took those steps, the lineman released, and only the two outside men can do that. The wind has picked up considerably. Tom: But that is not necessarily the direction. It might be swirling down on the field. Pat: You never know in this ball yard. 1st and 10, Philadelphia, their own 38. Krepfle in motion. Jaworski fakes on 1st down and is going for the bundle. Throws low, intended for Rodney Parker, who got it on the first bounce. Tom: Boy, Harold Carmichael cleared straight up and was all by himself at the Dallas 30-yard line. Jaworski reads now. According to Sid Gillman, "He looks to see where most defensive players are concentrated, and he throws to the other spot." That's the way he reads is, "Where is everybody?" And then he turns and goes somewhere else. Here's Carmichael now, isolated. Moves up now to make himself on the line of scrimmage. They let him through the picket fence. Pat: 2nd down. Jaworski bounced again and throws, intended for his tight end Keith Krepfle, who got a hand on it but couldn't hang on. Dennis Thurman on the coverage. Jaworski expected a blitz, and he got it. Tom: Intensity level of the Dallas defense right now is about 99.9. They are high, and they are hitting hard. Very aggressive. Remember, they get their hands up so much. You don't get a good shot at the receiver you're throwing to. Pat: They come in with their pass defending unit right now, and Philadelphia puts in Billy Campfield and Louie Giammona. Dick Vermiel continues to look on in an unhappy fashion from in front of the Philadelphia bench. Score tied at 7-7. 3rd and 10 at the 39. Jaworski, let's see what he does. Jones moves inside. Blitz is on. Jaworski ducks under it, gets through, and it's incomplete. Good defensive play by Steve Wilson. Can't do it much better than that. Tom: You can't do it any better than that. And Jaworski really got out of the jaws. You talk about this. Watch the left side. Dickerson comes in. The linebacker. Jaworski guts it, gets some extra time. The blitz was on and pretty well-handled by Philadelphia. That's a great play by Wilson. Pat: Rodney Parker was the intended receiver. Here's a rush by Dallas. Pat: In the meantime, Runager gets off a good high kick this time in the direction of Jones. And James Jones fumbles. And I think Philadelphia got it back. Ball is still loose, still loose. And the Eagles have it. Tom: Is that Giammona down there, #33? Pat: Campfield. Tom: It's Campfield. Jerry Robinson had it once. I think Baker, the guard, is the one that caused the fumble, #63. And Campfield came up with the ball. The 1st turnover of the game. Pat: And as everybody mentioned at the half, Staubach, Bradshaw, Brookshier, turnovers are gonna be a big factor in this contest. Tom: Baker hits him in the back and the ball comes out. There's Robinson. He has it once. And there it comes out. Pat: Hand off, Montgomery nudges his way for about 4. Bob Breunig, the tackler. Tom: Jaworski has 7 straight incompletions. We're not following the quarterback because there's been-- the windmills are around him all the time now. Montgomery will come out. Pat: 100 yards for Montgomery. He becomes the first runner ever to get 100 against Dallas-- that is not official yet. Leroy Harris, the lone set back. Jaworski will drop. He's been incomplete 7 straight times. And that makes it 8 straight. Rodney Parker, the intended receiver. Tom: And Benny Barnes on defense. How many times does this guy from Stanford make big plays for the Dallas Cowboys? A lot. Pat: Many, many times. 3rd down. Billy Joe DuPree looking on from the Dallas bench. Those benches on that side of the field are also heated just as they are here on the Philadelphia side. Tom: You're thinking pass on 3rd and at least 6. They run the draw sometimes from this with Montgomery. Pat: Watch Montgomery anyway. He's the deep back on the right side, looking around for something. Parker's out to the right. Giammona's out to the right, Clarke at the left with Carmichael. Jaworski throws. Picked off by Anthony Dickerson. And Dallas gets the football back. Still moving around, but Dickerson, I think, was down the minute he made the interception. Yes, he was. Dallas, 1st and 10 at their own 19. Pat Summerall with Tom Brookshier, a sell-out at Veterans Stadium. Of course, it's no surprise. Drew Pearson swings in motion to the right. Long path. The handoff is to Newhouse, and Bill Bergey is the first man to meet him. Tom: That time, the second or two and the misdirection didn't work. Looked like the Eagles slanted even that 30 defense to the right side, and he still recovered. Pat: Over 70,000 in attendance today. 70,696, to be exact. Tom: This whole town has stopped. Pat: 2nd and 6. Newhouse for 4 up last time. There goes Saldi in motion. There goes White to pass. Going deep for Drew Pearson. Knocked down by Herman Edwards on an excellent defensive play. Tom: Herman Edwards is always overlooked on the Pro Ball team, seldom mentioned. He got second team, UPI, All Pro, but he is about as steady as you could play in the corner. He plays the tough sidelines, and he can also go up on it. How he maintains composure and knock the ball away and play the ball and not panic is something that I don't understand. That is some play. And the ball is on target. And Drew Pearson does not drop balls like that. Pat: Out of a shotgun, Danny White has yet to complete a pass today. They've run it 5 times and now, they'll run it 6. Eagles in the 4-man rush this time. White is down on the grass. Carl Hairston. And the Eagles have the football. Hairston hit him. That's Carl Hairston's 11th sack of the year, a big-foot fellow on the ball. Watch #78. He finally got loose. Danny White never saw it coming. And the big kid from Vanderbilt took the air out of the ball. Pat: That is Dennis Harrison who fell on it, and Jaworski. After a long conference on the sideline, the Eagles, by the way, went to their 4-man rush that time. Tom: The 4-man rush, you can see Donovan, one of the great blockers and Hairston beat him to the outside. Turnover number 3 at the 2nd half. Pat: Eagles with another excellent scoring chance. Jaworski will look to Montgomery, I'm sure, and he does, for about 2. Charlie Waters came out to make the tackle. Tom: This is the 40 defense. They moved "Big Foot" Harris to the left tackle, Humphrey to the left end, Clarke in the middle and Carl Hairston. And it's hard to pick an All-Pro team and not have 78 on your list, too. Pat: The Eagle defense has been superb all day long. All year long, I should say. Tom Landry. It's gotta be a little colder than it was a few minutes ago. Eagles, great success here. Krepfle in motion, as Jaworski will throw this time on 2nd and 8, looking, Spagnola the intended receiver, and nothing doing, as Guy Brown and Dennis Thurman combined to knock him down. Tom: A young man from Southern California, he has made about 5 dynamite plays in this game, but to have the nerve to go into a solo situation in the end zone and play somebody that has you by 5 inches tough. And that's a good legal play. That is defense. Pat: Jaworski has missed now on 10 straight passes. Tom: It's not percentages now. It's simply points. Pat: "That is the most difficult part of the field to throw in," he told us yesterday. "That right-hand corner in the end zone." He's gonna have to throw again. Looking for Krepfle and throwing. Knocked around, and incomplete. Intended for Krepfle this time, and Charlie Waters padded it back. Tom: Charlie Waters is playing on that bad leg with a brace. Here's #41. He has played in all of them. He's going out with Krepfle, somehow turns around, locates it, gets a little touch, knocks the ball away. And Tony Franklin has brought the bare foot on the field. Pat: Jaworski will hold at the 16, so it'll be a 26-yarder by Franklin. With that bare foot, gets it up, and good. The Eagles go back in front, 10-7. Tony Franklin, who just hit that 26-yard field goal, will kick off in the direction of James Jones, who's back there with Steve Wilson and Timmy Newsome. And this one won't get very deep. It's Wilson. Out to about the 38-yard line, herded out of bounds by Richard Blackmore. Tom: Mike Ditka has done a tremendous job with that special teams. Jimmy Jones averages 23 yards a kickoff return. And Wilson always seems to get to the outside. He likes to run to the right. That's good field position. Can a defense play any better than that Eagle defense has played so far? Pat: Can't say too much about what they've done. They're back in the 3-man front. After the 4-man line, the pass rush operation caused a turnover before to put them ahead with a field goal by Franklin. 1st and 10, Dallas at the 39, their own. Butch Johnson swings in motion to the right. Handoff to Dorsett. 3 yards perhaps before Jerry Robinson leaves the Eagle defense. Tom: Dorsett has 25 yards on 9 carries, but he can break it in one play. The Eagle defense has played the run and the pass about as well as you could ever do it. This team averaged 28 points a game. I'm talking about Dallas. That's an average. They have 7. Pat: Right now, it's 2nd and 8. Clock running at 6:54 left in the 3rd quarter and Philadelphia leading 10-7. Danny White can't get rid of the football. Penalty marker goes down. And a call, intentional grounding, as Dennis Harrison is all over Danny White, and he's hurt. Tony Franklin was hoping for some refreshment but it's frozen on the sideline. In the event you might have joined us late, they say with the wind chill factor, it's going to be down to 17 below before this is over. Tom: Tony Hill is in the game, #80. I believe Butch Johnson is in there, too, #86. Pat: Johnson and Hill in fact both come to the left. Preston Pearson is also in the game. Dallas unsuccessful out of the shotgun. They go back into it. The Eagles, again, putting on the pressure, and they do. For Saldi. And he hung on! Jay Saldi with a spectacular catch at the Eagle 40. Randy Logan made the tackle but Saldi hung on to it. Tom: That was a great throw by Danny White. The 4-man rush is coming. That's Clarke, 71, wheeling. He gets double. Humphrey to the inside. Jerry Robinson thinks he has a chance for the ball. Misjudges it. And Saldi makes the catch of the day in the championship game. Some reception. Pat: 28 yards and a 1st down, Dallas, in a clutch situation. The man from White Plains, New York, Jay Saldi. Tom: And he's averaged about 12 yards a catch on 25 during the season. That's the biggest one ever. Pat: Best year he's ever had. That just adds to it. Here comes [Bruce Huther] in motion, the give is to Dorsett. Dorsett, around the corner, fumbles. And the Eagles have the football. And they are herding it down the sideline. Philadelphia's Jerry Robinson comes up with the ball. Tom: Roynell Young, #43, made the tackle. It looked like Dorsett had gotten to the outside. Tony Dorsett gets to the outside. Looks like he can make the sidelines. And Roynell Young, the rookie, comes up and strips him of it. Watch the dip inside. Tony gets caught inside. Watch #43. Stripped him of the ball. Here comes Robinson, and now he gets back up. Pat: The Eagles have the ball at the Dallas 38, 1st and 10. They already lead, 10-7. Tom: Turnover number 4 in the 2nd half. Pat: There had to be a lot of them. Here's Montgomery cutting back inside. D.D. Lewis. And getting yardage down at the 35. Stopped by Dennis Thurman. Tom: Pope John, of course. We ran into Cardinal Crowl. He was here for the game today. I don't think that gives you a big advantage, but you know some people are pulling for you, I suppose. Pat: Ron Jaworski, the Eagle quarterback. Up under is the center Guy Morris, with Leroy Harris, #20, behind him, and Montgomery back there behind him. 2nd down and 7. Eagles give to Montgomery. Wilbert, with a 30, just about. D.D. Lewis at the bottom of the pile. Tom: Interesting call. They didn't throw on 1st down at that end of the field where Jaworski says it swirls. And they also ran on the second down. Now, they've got 3rd and a long 2. Well, there's the face of a pro, Bill Bergey. Pat: Eagles will operate from the 33rd and 2. Joe Pisarcik signaling in to Jaworski. Tom: And Stautner was signaling in to Bob Breunig. Pat: Carmichael and Parker out to the left, two tight ends Spagnola and Krepfle on the right side. Montgomery's the lone running back. Now, that extra lunge might have got the Eagle 1st down. Randy White. It is Philadelphia 1st down. Tom: Montgomery goes about 198 to 200 pounds. He did not have a good week practice. He goes back to the left. Turns backwards as Randy White had him, and really made it on his own as he was going in on his back. 115 yards, unofficially, for Wilbert Montgomery. Stan Walters stayed with his block on Harvey Martin. Perot had to come out and run. Baker replaced him at left guard. Straight ahead is Leroy Harris. There's a yellow balloon out on the field, but that's not a penalty marker as Harris rips up the middle before he is tackled by Dennis Thurman. And the Eagles look hungry at the moment. Tom: All right, let's see what happened on it. The center Guy Morris, he goes straight through on Breunig. Woody Peoples does a standoff with Dutton. And Randy White tried to make a tackle from behind and couldn't get it done. Pat: 12-yard pickup and a 1st down for Leroy Harris, a fullback from Philadelphia. Tom: Leroy, a slimmed-down model at 215, hit the hole fast. Tremendous blocking inside. Pat: Now, watch for Montgomery. Jaworski's gonna throw and does. Humphrey inside the 10 to Rodney Parker. Not enough for a 1st down, but to about the 9-yard line for the Eagles. Tom: The deputy sheriff from New Orleans, he may be going back there if he keeps this up, in his first big start from the waiver list to the championship game, and that was not an easy catch. Pat: He had the big touchdown catch in Dallas. Rodney Parker, the wide receiver, starting because Charlie Smith couldn't make it. Tom: Get down, get down, and he does. Oh, what a grab. Pat: Good catch. 2nd and 4 at the 9 for Philadelphia. On the move are the Eagles. Jaworski gives to Harris. Leroy Harris pounds into the end zone for the Eagles. Tom: That's the 4th touchdown for Leroy Harris, #20. Inside, that's Billy Joe, the [offensive] backfield coach. Leroy Harris had to prove to Dick Vermeil a lot. I think he might've done that now. Pat: On the other side of the field, things are not so happy. Jaworski will now hold for Tony Franklin. 16-7, the Eagles up now by 9, trying to make it 10. And they do. 17-7. Pat: Tony Franklin will kick off. Pat Summerall with Tom Brookshier at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. The Eagles leading. Newsome will take this one, bobbles it for a minute, and now comes out to about the 34-yard line, where Dallas will take over, 1st and 10. Tom: Guy, you must contain your fury a little bit if you're playing defense and not overrun something and not make a problem. Pat: There is Leroy Harris' touchdown a moment ago. Tom: A good block by Baker at left guard. And Carl Peterson picked him up from Baltimore simply because McCormick had three good guards, and Baker couldn't play. He made a good block that time. Pat: The Eagles leading 17-7 with 1:39 left in the 3rd quarter. Down the middle to Butch Johnson. And Butch will go to midfield and passed into Eagle territory. Stopped by Randy Logan. Cowboys were down by 10 to Atlanta last week with just under 7 minutes left and came back to win it. Tom: Has any quarterback played better in their first starting year than Danny White? I have never seen one in this league. Pat: He broke Roger Staubach's record, 4 touchdown passes in a year with 28, 10 in the last three games. Tom: [Stuart Jergeson] might have been the other exception that I can think about. And Jimmy Parquet had a great year his first year as a starter. Pat: 21 yards on that pickup, with pass completion to Butch Johnson. Less than a minute left to play, 3rd quarter, Dallas. There's White. Blitz by Robinson. And that's what caused him to miss as Robinson knocked him down just as he started to release it. Drew Pearson was the intended receiver. Tom: George Hill, a linebacker coach, he used to be at Ohio State. When they come in the 30, he likes to send one more man. They don't call it a blitz. They call it just a fill. But Robinson is so quick that he makes it look like a total blitz, and he's hard to handle blocking. Pat: It'll be 2nd and 10 for Dallas. There is Jerry Robinson. And he does come in a hurry. Tom: A three-time All-American-- three years, sophomore, junior and senior at UCLA. Pat: White gives to Dorsett and Robinson makes a good play. Jerry Robinson again, #56, contained everything. Charlie Johnson out to make the stop. Tom: Here comes a pass rush in. Claude Humphrey just checked in. Tim Clarke also is part of that pass rush unit for Philadelphia, #71. That's Claude Humphrey, the veteran, who had so many good years in Atlanta. Tom: 17 sacks. Pat: White now moves back in at the shotgun. Pat Summerall: Some of the fans came well-equipped. Tom Brookshier: They should have a net over those two. Pat: This one right here from Dallas. It'll be 3rd down. We're at Philadelphia Veterans Stadium, the NFC championship game between the Eagles and the Cowboys, with Philadelphia leading. One more quarter to go. The Eagles up by 10. Tony Hill flanked out to the left. Butch Johnson and Drew Pearson out to the right. Out in the shotgun is Danny White. Eagles put on the rush. Penalty marker down. Going deep for Butch. Picked off by Philadelphia. Back at the 2-yard line by Brenard Wilson, but a penalty marker down. Tom: The flag was dropped right away. Brenard Wilson, the leading interceptor. It's off sides on the Eagles. They were trying to steal the line of scrimmage. Pat: And check out Clarke and Humphrey. 3rd and 3. Opening seconds of quarter number 4. And Philadelphia leading Dallas, 17-7. White again out of the shotgun, this time with a lot of time. Dorsett had the ball wide open and dropped it. Nobody close. Tom: A gamble by the Eagle defense, and only successful because Dorsett dropped the ball. The 3-man rush, it won't put too much pressure on Danny White. Pat: Boy, that's there. Tom: And remember, when Atlanta took off the blitzing, Danny White began to move the ball in that 4th period a week ago. Pat: Danny White back in punt formation now. 4th down. But watch him again. The Eagles, I'm sure, are very aware of his capability. Off for the sideline. Benny Barnes is the first man down there. And Danny White plays it dead at the 5. 34-yard punt, but an effective one. Jaworski gets to Montgomery. Wilbert gets maybe a yard and no more. Tom: And turnovers, remember, Dallas has fumbled three times. They did in the 3rd period. The Eagles got it, and the Eagles had the one turnover, the interception. Jaworski's got to be thinking ball control and use the clock. But you don't want to kick it out of the end zone, either. You've got to try to move the football like you mean it. And this is a tough punt to do it against the 4th period. Pat: Marion Campbell over with his Eagle defense, and he's got every right to be proud of the display that they've put on today. They've been tough. 2nd and 9. Montgomery again. Wilbert to about the 8. Bob Breunig breaks the Dallas defense. Tom: The Dallas defense is playing for a turnover now, and control. We'll see how it stretches out. Watch Randy White, #54, go down the line of scrimmage. "Too Tall" Jones makes the tackle. Thurman helps on it. And the Flex is still tough to run against. Pat: Would you take a chance and throw it down here now? 3rd and 6--3rd and 7. What do you think? Tom: If you throw it, you got to throw it to the outside, and then go ahead and airmail it and then punt the ball. Pat: Carmichael coming out facing Aaron Mitchell. Montgomery's out. Harris, the lone set back. He gives to Leroy Harris. Harris breaks a couple of tackles and gets out enough for a Philadelphia 1st down. Perhaps his best game ever as an Eagle. Tom: And he broke Aaron Mitchell's tackle. And if I had to have somebody in the secondary making the tackle, it would probably be #34. He gets inside, gets outside, it's the quick draw. D.D. Lewis is caught inside. And here's the tackle that was broken. And that doesn't happen much. Leroy Harris is steaming. Pat: 12-yard pickup by Harris, and he comes out. Tom: This was a large call. The quick-draw Baker getting the good block on Randy White. And I believe Spagnola on D.D. Lewis. Pat: Here's Montgomery streaking into the Dallas secondary, and he could be gone. Montgomery could put it away for Philadelphia. Montgomery to the Dallas 25, taken down by Dennis Thurman. 54-yard run by Wilbert Montgomery. Tom: That'll put him around 170 yards rushing, and he ran at Ed Jones and right at Guy Brown. Pat: 173 yards for Montgomery. Tom: Wilbert Montgomery is the quiet man. If he says three words to you, it's an hour conversation. Here is the play. Jaworski on the toss. Krepfle getting the big block on the outside. They ran the strong side toss, cutting back against the green. He doesn't switch the ball. Now, he switches the ball and gets ready for impact. Pat: Giammona has taken Montgomery's place now. Jaworski look to Carmichael, throws for Krepfle, incomplete. Guy Brown was back with the tight end. Tom: Here's the rush. Out of the Flex that time. They caught Harvey Martin back in the Flex. He didn't make a quick move. Morriss just takes Randy White by. And Jaworski hoped for it but didn't get it. He was just named the winner of the Bert Bell award as the Outstanding Professional Football Player. And he says that he's in elite company with Unitas and Meredith and Staubach. He is a heck of a quarterback. Pat: 2nd down and 10 at the Dallas 25. The Eagles. Jaworski's gonna try to throw again. He has time this time. Carmichael picked off by Aaron Mitchell at the goal line. And Dallas will take over at the 20. Diving interception by Mitchell. Tom: Looks like an excursion group. Pat: This is not Hawaii, by the way. 1st down, Dallas, at their own 20. Eagles up by 10, and the Cowboys with the football after the interception by Aaron Mitchell. Newhouse and Dorsett. The turnovers have done it for the Eagles so far. White, on a bounce, for Drew Pearson. Roynell Young, the defender. Tom: Big pressure by Charlie Johnson, the nose guard. And Danny White couldn't quite load it up and throw where he wanted to. Somehow, 65 got right into his face. And keep #88 under pretty good coverage here. Young is staying close enough to be involved in the play. Boy, he plays close. That's the courage of a rookie. Defensive backs, when you walk home sometimes, the dog went past the postman, and your own dog may bite you. Pat: Danny White is 2 out of 8 throwing in the 2nd half and 8 for 21 in the game. Tough day to throw. Fake to Dorsett. They set up the screen to Dorsett. And he has very little room. Taken down from behind by Carl Hairston. What a play he made. Tom: Well, John Madden and I both agree, if you looked over coaching films of #78 week after week, you just can't do more from a defensive end position than he does. Now, he is on the left side of your picture, on a screen to the right. We told you earlier, the Eagle defense said Tony Dorsett as the most dangerous screen receiver in football. John Bunting strings it out, makes him cut back, and I'll be darned, he left the right defensive end and makes the tackle. Pat: 3rd and 8 for Dallas. Preston Pearson in the game as they move back again into the shotgun from which they've had very little success. None, in fact. Preston Pearson, the ever-present one, out of bounds at the 45 by Reggie Wilkes. 9:55 left to play. Johnson and Pearson flanked wide to the right. 2 out of 9 in the shotgun, the pitch is back to Dorsett. Dorsett, nothing doing. Couple. Logan on the tackle. Tom: Well, the tight safetyman, and once he sees the block by the tight end and it does release him. He came up and made a good tackle. Pat: Man down for Philadelphia, not sure who yet. For the right to play either San Diego or Oakland in Super Bowl XV. It is Philadelphia against Dallas, leading Dallas by 10, with 9:23 left to play. Pat Summerall with Tom Brookshier at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. Danny White for Saldi. Knocked away. The defender is Randy Logan, this time in an excellent defensive play. Tom: And Logan is going to the Pro Bowl, #41, out of Michigan. What a play. Good pass blocking. Danny White looks like he has the open receiver. Saldi's already made a great grab earlier, and Logan just plays the ball. By the way, Dorsett has 30 yards rushing on 12 carries. And the last 6 games against the Eagles, Dorsett has averaged 44 yards total. Pat: They've really done a number on Tony D. Shotgun formation again. 3rd down and 9. Here come the Eagles. The pressure's on White. And the pressure's what does it. Almost intercepted by Brenard Wilson but not quite. And Dallas will have to punt. Tom: Carl Hairston came from the back side again. The 4-man rush against the shotgun. The top of your screen, see if #78's the man that actually deflects it. He's going on against Donovan. An All-Pro player himself. And 78 got a little bit of a hip and jersey. Pat: Danny White back in punt formation again with 9:09 left to play. The Eagles ahead by 10. Not much of a kick and Sciarra comes up to field it quickly. Gets away from one Dallas defender. And Sciarra's done a good job returning kicks today, gets out to the 35 before Anthony Dickerson brings him down. Only a 29-yard kick by Danny White. Philadelphia 17, Dallas 7. Tom: He's a little schizo, isn't he? A little bit of two worlds. Pat: 8:58 left to play. Dallas goes into the Flex. And on 1st down, the give is to Montgomery. Montgomery tackled by Randy White after a gain of about 4. Harvey Martin. Against Stan Walters. Ton: Stan Walters setting up inside, but he bounces out anyway. Wilbert's looking for wherever there are no people in those big, blue shirts. Randy White from the Flex. Again, they have such good pursuit angles from the Flex. You can't cut 'em off. Pat: 2nd and 6. 4 yards for Montgomery. Marion Campbell, again, instructing his defenders, and he's instructed them well. Understand that the sun has come out in San Diego. Stopped raining. That match between Oakland and San Diego then should be played in pretty good conditions. Montgomery again, straight ahead. Harvey Martin on the tackle. Tom: To show you how well the Dallas defense has played in the past, Jaworski is 8 of 27 for 74 yards and 2 interceptions. And they have gone after the ball like crazy and played it beautifully. Pat: But Wilbert Montgomery has about 180 yards running now. The record, by the way, for an NFC championship game is held by Steve Van Buren, another great Eagle runner of 196 yards. Tom: That was against Los Angeles in the rain in the Coliseum in 1949, I believe. Pat: 3rd and short. Harris will have it, I think. Yes. And now, he does, certainly. Aaron Mitchell and John Dutton couldn't get him down. Tom: Leroy Harris, the only remaining back, short yardage, double tight end with a wingback but in the weak side and simply not quitting. He's built like a fullback, and he runs like it. What a day he's having. Pat: Probably his best ever. Scored one touchdown. Montgomery got the other. Bill Bergey. The Eagles looking at Super Bowl time now with the clock running with 6:35 left to play. Leroy Harris again. Harris swings to the outside. He's knocked out of bounds by Benny Barnes. Tom: Leroy Harris had a quiet moment. A week and a half ago, told me all he wants to do is be able, in the off season, to talk to young kids in the ghetto areas, in the tough, underprivileged areas, and explain to them, "You can get to the top if you work at it." #20's proving that, isn't he? Pat: Outstanding day. Spagnola comes out, Montgomery goes back in. Tom: 6:30 left. That's a lot of time. Pat: Harris, out of bounds. Stopped the clock, as Carmichael and Parker swing out to the left. Montgomery flanked on the right with Harris again. Gets away from D.D. Lewis. Gets away from Aaron Mitchell, just flat ran over him. That's nothing but desire and strength. Tom: And a new attitude. Don Shula and the Dolphins knew he was a great player, but he'd gotten heavy, and he didn't feel like football was for him. He's got it together. Runs over Mitchell again. And he's carrying the ball very carefully. Pat: Dennis Thurman finally got him out of bounds, but they're here on another 1st down. And the clock is now running. 5:45 left to play. 3rd and 2. Doesn't look like [quite] to Jaworski has his extra tight end, now Carmichael, swings in motion. It's Montgomery. Penalty marker down. Montgomery didn't get the 1st. Breunig made the tackle. Tom: Absolutely no yardage gained at all on the play. Pat: The penalty's against Dallas. 5:31 left to play. As Carmichael and Parker again come left, Krepfle split wide to the right. Jaworski, on his greatest year, will look for Krepfle. And Keith has it. Charlie Waters came up to try to make the interception dive, missed it. Krepfle gets the Eagle 1st down. Guy Brown knocked him out of bounds. They're down to the 23-yard line of Dallas. Tom: Championship games are decided on great catches and near misses. Charlie Waters almost had his 10th interception in playoff competition. He gambles, misses it, and Krepfle, the great pro from Iowa State, with not a lot of speed, makes the biggest catch that he's ever made in his life. Pat: 1st down, Eagles, Dallas 23. 5:24 now left. The Eagles could put it away for good right here. To Montgomery. He's got some room. Tripped up and fumbles. I think the Eagles got it back. Harold Carmichael is signaling Philadelphia. Guy Morriss, somewhere on the bottom of that pile. Yes, they do have it back. Tom: That's when you know you're golden, when you can fumble a ball and come back up with it. Dallas has lost 3 fumbles in the 3rd period alone. Pat: Great play by Aaron Mitchell. Tom: Great play by Mitchell. Now, the ball is live, and somehow, it will come back to white and green. The toss behind the fullback. Montgomery is carrying the ball in both hands. Mitchell makes a superb play. Pat: And Guy Morriss comes up with the football. Still loose now. Harris tried to come up with it, couldn't, and Morriss did. Spagnola comes out. Carmichael and Parker, this time to the right. Krepfle to the left. 2nd down, Eagles, at the 18, clock running. Perry Harrington now in the game. And come right back to Montgomery. And Wilbert, down to about the 6. And this one is about to go in the column of the green. Tom: The Eagle offensive line is not known for being great drive blockers. They're good pass blockers, but they're not supposed to be able to run over you. They've done a great job. Walters against Harvey Martin. Harvey can't cut it in. Thurman can't handle Montgomery. And Breunig has to hold on to make the stop. Pat: And Montgomery has broken Steve Van Buren's rushing record in a championship game. He's got 199 yards now. Tom: And he had 199 injuries this season after 1,256 yards last year. Pat: 25 carries for Montgomery, 199 yards. 1st and goal from the 7. And a Philadelphia Eagle timeout. 17-7, the Eagles lead Dallas right now. They're going for more. 1st and goal at the 7. Perry Harrington and Wilbert Montgomery. 1 more yard could put Montgomery 200 yards. Jaworski's going for a bunch himself. The pass intended for Carmichael, incomplete. Bob Breunig, the defender. Tom: Jaworski is 2 of 12 in the 2nd half, but that's a team thing. And actually, neither Dallas nor Philadelphia had a lot of the All-Pro selections. They're both full teams, all 45-man squads. Pat: 2nd and goal from the 7. 3:47 left to play. Perry Harrington drags some Dallas tacklers to about the 3, Bob Breunig, one of them, Dennis Thurman, the other. Tom: Dallas is the only team that's beaten everybody left in the playoffs. They beat San Diego with a great 2nd half. They beat Oakland with a great 2nd half. And they beat Philadelphia the last game of the season, with just a tremendous offensive showing. Pat: It'll be 3rd and goal from the 3. Harrington comes out, Harris comes in. Tom: He's a rookie running back with 4.4 speed for the 40, and he's strong at about 280. Pat: Montgomery and Harris behind Jaworski as Carmichael moves over to the right flank. The give is to Montgomery. Wilbert slipped down. He had an alley, and he slipped, but that would put him to the 200-yard mark, at least. And here comes Tony Franklin, Aaron Mitchell and Bruce Huther on the tackle for Dallas. Here's Montgomery's last effort. Tom: His biggest day of the season so far this year was against the Minnesota Vikings, Week #2, when he had 172 yards rushing. It's a little glazed out there. We've noticed players on both sides not quite getting the firm feet. Pat: They let the clock run, and it's gonna tick down to about 2:10 before Tony Franklin tries his field goal. Kick is up, and good. It's 20-7, Philadelphia. Tom: You don't think Tony Franklin's happy, do you? Pat: 20-yard field goal by Tony "Toes," T-O-E-S, that is. 2:10 left to play, Dallas with all 3 of their timeouts remaining but a lot of work to do against this fired up Philadelphia team. This is the year to cheer and has been so far in Philadelphia. Tom: I thought the winning team had to get at least 20 points, but I would never believe even the Eagle defense could've held the Cowboys to 7. Pat: Another Eagle fan. Tom: Rin Tin something. Pat: Certainly not Lassie today. John Sciarra, #21, did an outstanding job returning kicks for the Eagles today. Tom: Drew Pearson has 2 catches for 15 yards. Preston Pearson has 1 catch. And Tony Hill has no catches. Pat: Here comes Jones. And he can't find some room. No, he does. James Jones out to about the 35. Billy Campfield knocked him out of bounds. Danny White over with Tom Landry. Landry on the phone with various coaches upfield. Baker is down. Perot was hurt earlier. Baker took his place, and now, he's hurt, and now appears to be okay. All the hours of hard work have paid off for Ron Jaworski and Dick Vermeil. Tom: You know, Vermeil has never been afraid to hire great head coaches like Sid Gillman and those people. He's a very confident person, but he will hire the best to find out what they know about football. Pat: They must know a lot. White. Intended for Tony Hill, can't come down with it. Roynell Young on the defense. Tom: But I'll say this, I've never seen the owners of clubs, and I've thought about Clint (inaudible) and Leonard Tose, that have let the coaches run the football program. They've given them the wallet and said, "Get the best team and the best people you can, and play it as well as you can." Both organizations have been supreme in that department. Pat: Danny White is 4 out of 13 in this half. Dallas with 3 timeouts remaining, a lot of time to think about what might've been. The Eagles able to take advantage of turnovers. Which, of course, you have to do. White with a screen to Pearson. He is near a Dallas 1st down. Stopped by LeMaster. Leonard Tose, the owner of the Eagles, down on the sideline. Tom: Gosh, he's a newlywed. He's got to take care of himself. It's cold out there. Pat: He doesn't know it now. The Eagles up 20-7 and headed for the Super Bowl, as Dallas burns a time out. They have 2 left. Tom: You know what Ernie Stautner said before the game? He said, "Tom, when we started this year, we would've settled for a 10-6 season. We were so young, and we were untried." And they have given it a hard lick. Pat: They had to rebuild their whole secondary, but right now, the moment belongs to this town, the one of brotherly love. Tom: Ring-a-ding-ding, that's the Liberty Bell. Pat: It's some year here. Tom: Jaworski with a big smile that time before he turned around. Pat: Don't forget, we've got a big post-game show coming up after this. We'll be in both locker rooms, the winners and the losers. Tom: Some player, Dennis Thurman, #32. Pat: Not very big, not all that fast. They said he couldn't play safety, but he's played it and played it well. 3rd and short. Tom: He sure as hell has. Pat: Here's Dorsett. He has the 1st down, clinging to the football. Frank LeMaster, the tackler, they move the chains, and they move them quickly. Dallas lines up quickly. Clock running, 1:15 left to play. Penalty marker down. Humphrey flings White to the ground. And Danny White is upset about Claude Humphrey. Tom: Here's the way it started. Claude Humphrey fighting Rafferty and Cooper. Here's Claude, he said he may be the only Tennessee farmer with a Super Bowl ring. He said that before the game on the pre-game show. Pat: 3rd meeting of this year for these two teams. The two quarterbacks, Pisarcik and Jaworski, and their coach, Dick Vermeil, right there in the middle. White. Almost picked off by Frank LeMaster. Intended for Butch Johnson. Tom: I've never seen a defense in a championship game play as well and seem to know what they're doing as the Eagles have played today. Pat: As I recall, you played pretty well 20 years ago in that last championship game. Tom: Yeah. We had a fast secondary, with Burrows, Bobby Friedman, Jimmy Carr and myself, huh? Pat: Speed burners. 1:00 away from a trip to New Orleans for the Philadelphia Eagles. They had been coming on the last three years getting better and better, and now, they have arrived. Penalty flag down. White steps up. Going deep for Pearson. Knocked away by Roynell Young. Good defensive play. Tom: And Danny White would've had the option, probably, to get that ball off. Pat: Happiness is Vermeil. Tom: And when Vermeil got Ron Jaworski-- The call is on Drew Pearson, that is frustration. Dorsett held to 41 yards, rushing. Pat: Wouldn't that picture tell you the story of what happened today? And doesn't that one? Tom: There's Woody Peoples. Pat: Dorsett gets out of bounds. Tom: This is actually the rubber game of a 5-game series. Pat: Just about. Tom: Last year, the two teams split. Philadelphia won in Dallas and lost back here on a cold afternoon. Pat: There is a sign up on the scoreboard here at Veterans Stadium where the temperature with the wind chill factor is well below zero, that the weather in the Superdome is 72 and dry. Tom: And there's nothing like Bourbon Street to get ready for Super Bowl XV, huh? Pat: It'll be against either San Diego or Oakland. 3rd down. White. Pass is incomplete. Intended for Drew Pearson. They got it on a bounce. It'll be 4th down. Tom: At the top of the show, I said any team can win if they're better. Sometimes, you take that for granted. But to be the team that's the underdog and steal a championship, that'll last with you forever because that one, when the ring goes on the finger, that one really means something. Pat: It would be hard to say that the Eagles had stolen this one though, as good as they played. Tony Franklin, who has 2 field goals. Montgomery, a touchdown, 42 yards out. Leroy Harris was superb, ran well. He scored the other touchdown. Dallas touchdown by Dorsett, but for the most part, he's been held in check. So has Danny White. Going for the [bundle.] Intended for Butch Johnson. Intercepted by Roynell Young, and fumbled, and fumbled, but the Eagles had it. And that is all she wrote in this one. 20 years ago, the Eagles beat Green Bay at Franklin Field. 1980, the Eagles win the NFC. They lead Dallas 20-7 with 22 seconds left to play. Clock running now at 16 seconds left to play. The NFC championship belongs to the folks in green and white. What a display they put on today, on a hard day to play.
Channel: NFL
Views: 375,151
Rating: 4.7390447 out of 5
Keywords: sp:li=NFL, sp:st=football, sp:vl=en-US, NFL, Football, offense, defense, afc, nfc, dallas cowboys, cowboys, philadelphia eagles, eagles, 1980, 1981, nfc championship, game, games, full, full game, full games, playoff, playoffs, super bowl, super bowl 15, cold, win, first, franchise, history, jaworski, tony dorsett, free game friday
Id: uR-RR7nUW8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 14sec (7514 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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