1986: Jonathan Winters and Robin Williams improvise

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sixty minutes rewind when you ask Robin who he looks up to who influenced him the credit goes to one man Jonathan has just taught me about the world is open for play I mean he's that anything and everybody is mockable in a wonderful way Jonathan is Jonathan winters the acknowledged master of improvisation you know you have come to the temple of the unusual I am Chang white chi new Tao welcome Eddie Edward Lee Bradley I knew I'd have it right around doesn't make any temperature in my charge you're a very attractive man I hope you will stay with us and tell the film is to fellow Oh CBSsports hand him a hat and you'll get a two-character play hello sport fans an incredible day today bob bob davenport bob is our color man and bob of course you played ball for almost 18 years both in the national and the american cash and you've just joined this here at CBS must be a great thrill it's a joke I suppose get some more money than our God I don't care what OJ Simpson God you don't mean nothing to me you understand no man I've been shafted but somebody has stroked me I understand yeah and that man down it from the Dominican Republic I don't get a fight with him I'm from uh say Indiana grandma vamanos vamanos you understand she tell me something else where does winners get his characters all of the Americans I do are a part of me and I say a part of me because they a big part of me these are people that I really grew up with these are my tools so if I go back to rural America I'm calling on a lot of people that I grew up with some of it granted is exaggerated but then so is comedy Jonathan says that deep down everybody wants to be a comedian I think everybody wants to be funny it's interesting at some time or another a lot of people will disagree with that but we've all seen the guy at the meeting at the convention at the gas station in the living room on his porch that does this guess what I am ah I don't know you're being very foolish I'm a moose do you do this on the porch a lot yeah I always get a laugh with it what do you do for a living aerodynamics we've had problems with aircraft halfway through the interview Robin showed up and couldn't resist the chance to direct okay all right as much love as I can write okay - OH - it here yes and just say I want you to work with your writings I work on my eyes I just see your eyes there's what you read okay subtext is love Ed Wood we're gonna get you through the tunnel now listen to it I know you've never learned to read or write it doesn't make any difference you're a beautiful human being you're gonna be free you're gonna be free you'll go north tomorrow night on the packet you'll go up along a shore and they'll stick close to the shore thank you incidentally for that money these two make it look easy but Jonathan winters has some sobering thoughts I think comedy is it can be believe me it can be an awful lot of fun it should be a lot of fun but how would you like to go out in front of 2,000 people just you and hold them for one hour here we are robin Leach lifestyles in unusual and funny well back at someone's backyard talking louder than anyone we've ever known Jonathan windows I'm wearing a cheap suit he's got an emblem let's watch let's see what his home is like they're all buried over here those people wouldn't do the unusual Roberto well the last time we saw Robin he was still at Jonathan winters house still playing it for laughs Reverend Ainsley my hands are arthritic cuz you can tell well just consider them not his hands anymore but it's paused be ready to do this get a little cat tree don't be afraid say yes yeah yeah don't be afraid nobody my hands on your head now no but they're in my hands why would you put your hand on my head because America my you shot go with me it's a two-shot working now work with me demon spirit Bobby get the extra hands that straight out straight out dirty things now you can serve things go table 40 nobody can't get him back that way how do you get him back forever look horrible this is called mime syndrome a tendency to be in a box for no reason for horrible long periods can it say to walk against the wind when there is no wind won't you please help a mime is a terrible thing to waste you heard really say it ma'am there's a turbo finalized look at this it's also mean surrender so it's a basic Egyptian army training course okay ready drop gun again one more time drop gun again drop gun again [Laughter]
Channel: CBS News
Views: 3,267,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, videos, cbsnews.com, cbs, news, 60, minutes, rewind, jonathan, winters, robin, williams, comedienne, comedy, comedic, Robin Williams (Celebrity), Jonathan Winters (Film Actor), Improvisation (TV Genre), Funny
Id: iDJjq0Pd0RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2013
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