Jonathan Winters Tells Drinking Stories of Johnny and Him When They Were Younger

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Johnny wonders is a longtime friend of mine I think I've known John for twenty 20-some years and next to Broderick Crawford I think he's the funniest man in the world Brody Crawford was always my idol though he's a brilliant and innovative performer and Johnny tomorrow night he has a special Johnny winters presents 200 years of American humor that'll be on at 8:00 p.m. here on NBC would you welcome mr. Jonathan winters [Applause] [Music] I save changed the carpeting yes yeah I think Emily from we Fredo freshen up the scent these are patches from everywhere we did this in therapy these are these are for the different shows that were canceled and when they take the carpet they just cut it off and bring it here and we use it I never went inside did you no I did not officer somehow or another you know just remain in the Jeep I was taken quickly but I'm okay now I'm under heavy sedation are you wild man well I'm fine I picked up a little green went to Chicago exciting you know Chicago oh yes here three people are out here to bum off their relatives in Christmas I've got a few sneak in there once a while but no I went in to do a job as a matter of fact talking about carpeting it was for some carpeting unit there I've spent the money now so there's no sense in give him a full credit but it it was fun I saw an old friend of mine Jack Maguire he and I used to have some fun times and have a little gasoline you know drink some shaving lotion and stuff so we talked about old times we were your name came up the other night we were done with some people and the Myers of yours and I was telling him about the days old 15-20 years ago when we would do strange things to go yeah hide in the bushes and remember some of those sure sure I remember most of them and there are a lot of my doing of course I remember I remember uh I remember one time or some highway a major highway at concreting everything and I was sitting like this in the snow state highway patrolman came out and he said how can I help you and I said yes you can I've been meditating over whether this vodkas goner he took me in for the lottery I was frozen harder in a car yeah I remember right all that night the officer and I was very nice to me we sat in his car he didn't have very good battery and so he was a you know hmm and I made fun of that you know because you ever miss those days well I'm Claire Wylie no no I don't because I I tell you I like it better the way I am now but because when I see something in the zoo I recognize it and you say that's a bear right there's a lion [Laughter] but there were there were times when you know nicely I had full fun you know you oh yes sure I and I have all that stuff in my house you know more for my friends people like yourselves it come over that they perk there lagers I think one little touch but myself I just had a little hot cocoa you know about four o'clock before I retire it's better for you yeah yeah I'm up I'm with you now you know I am I eat a lot of vegetables doesn't show but big on lettuce oh yeah I have thing about rabbits I love them and I they're active creatures you know and if that's what they eat that's what I [Applause] [Laughter] be right back [Applause]
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 3,221,604
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Keywords: Jonathan Winters_01.20.76_01
Id: _x5xKxXxAK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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