1980 ALCS Game 3 Royals at Yankees

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[Music] Brown rules don't change for this do they I don't think so about the only change bill you've got some Fatah core free sections or sections for photographers next to the dugouts to the right of the Yankee dugout toward right field and to the left of the Royal dugout toward left field as we look at Tommy John warming up under the I should say watchful eye of Stan Williams a Yankee pitching coach it was about the only Ron rules that I would think what might be different now what happens if the ball goes into that photographers section yeah and it looked like the whole plate umpire Larry McCoy was pointing in that direction they'd have him down both lines as bill said and it was over last night if you remember a fouled fly went just into the photographer's booth well Boston went over and got the ball to nobody bothered him uh-huh but all of a sudden somebody remembered if those things were there and they probably had to hurry up and make some kind of decision as to what to do a football bounced him those in that section we are awaiting the playing of our National Anthem and as we mentioned earlier no team has ever come back as Tommy John takes the long walk in from the bullpen no team have to being down two games to none and playoff competition has ever come back to win the last three and the Yankees feel they can do it and there go the Yankees out on the field he's very happy for many reasons to get back to the Yankee Stadium the natural playing conditions number one the grass and the dirt and now we turn it over to Bob Sheppard ladies and gentlemen we direct your attention now to the microphone near home plate the presentation of colors by the US Coast Guard and our national anthem sung by Robert Merrill [Applause] oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight for the road which we watched were so gallantly streaming and the Rockets red glare the bombs bursting [Music] I let off light was oh say the shots are Spangled oh yeah the land [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so as the big crowd just settles into their seats Robert Merrill the good luck charm for the Yankees for so many years from the Metropolitan Opera and his beautiful rendition of our National Anthem and as the Yankees warm up we're waiting for Tommy John to get out on the mound Tommy Tommy not out this show will be back right after this skip through the Kansas City infield I think that's one of the reasons the Yankees held John off and they wanted to pitch him here instead of Kansas City Oh ball game is a but ready to start here's Willie Wilson well he is 2 for 8 in the series so far with four runs batted in over the year hit 326 and the ball game is underway Bucky did it better hurry [Applause] I turned to Bucky showed me something there bill a ball was not hit that hard he didn't panic as well looking at Bucky right now a little quick step there but this really he's very deep didn't hurry as throw just put a lot on it they get the speedy Wilson easily now here's ul Washington the shortstop he's 2 for 7 in the series Royals have taken the first two so it's up to the Yankees to come back here with their backs up against the wall they need a win to stay alive and there's a strike while she came on the season hit 273 for the Royals six home runs and 53 runs batted in he's 2 for 7 in this series with a run batted in doubled at Wilson yesterday Royals won that ballgame by score 3 to 2 what in one rolls won the opener seven to two so it's two nothing Royals here in games as we play Game three two balls and a strike see that Houston Philly game Houston beat the Phillies 1 to nothing 11 innings yep so the Astros both two wins one loss against the Philadelphia Phillies they go up our game and the game the next game will be played in Houston that'll all be sit for you well Washington big turn by Washington but Brown so whether Randolph was chasing back to first base so ul picks up his third base hit he's now 3 for 8 [Applause] and the batter is George Brett the third baseman he's two for seven against the Yankee's so far through the first two ballgames one of those two base hits a home run the other one a double and John chases Washington back to first base Royals have been successful three times attempting to steal have also been caught three times as brett takes the strike Larry McCoy's the home plate umpire bill how is the first place ken kaisers at second and George Bologna third Steve Palermo is umpiring down the left-field line and Joe brakeman down the right-field line and the curve that might be to end off there's one not it's time Bucky will get off our [Applause] come across the facts center field med for balance yeah that's exactly right bill to throw a little to his right we wanted to come across the bag Willie Randolph makes a good play here and his throw a little low and to the right and Bucky trying to throw flat-footed evaded this slide but Brett beat it out though Brett's on at first base two outs and here's Helmick ray if he'd have done an excellent job with McRae so far he's over six been on twice walked and he's hit five pitch John does not have a good move to first base he simply wants to let Brooke Brett know that he sees him there Tommy will very seldom tick off a base runner too low a ball one on McRae [Applause] and it's two balls no strikes on the air McRae mad at 297 for the Royals hit 14 home runs in Dovan 83 runs bothered by injury some during the season and the right Jackson is there and almost as judge the ball Jackson almost waited too long go that's the end of one happening a play the Royals nothing and the Yankees are coming up alright for the Royals defensively Willie Mays Aikens at first base Frank white the second baseman ul Washington at shortstop George Brett over at third Willie Wilson from Summit New Jersey in left field speech tower Amos Otis with a lot of speed in center and Clint Hurdle over and right making his first start of the playoffs behind the plate Darryl Porter and on the mound the big left-hander Paul split off for his 114 and lost 11 alright with him see if Willie Randolph can get them going again well he has in the past he's 4 for 9 in this series on the year will he hit 294 with seven home runs and 46 runs batted in in addition to walking 119 times it'll be R and Bucky Dent and Bob Watson against the left-hander Paul splittorff and Willie Randolph takes a strike [Applause] like you're going to work Randolph inside seems strange is seeing the Royal infielders playing this close we're back in Kansas Sidney play very deep on the artificial surface it's one ball and one strike on Randolph [Applause] and the curve is in the dirt two balls in the strike [Applause] on this service you're not gonna get that true bounce all the time either that's right get change ups every once in a while yeah a little erratic bounce to doing one on Randolph leading off of the Yankees in the bottom of the first Royals did not score in the top half of the Senate Washington he's got a stronger got the ball came back down Jeff Torborg thought Randolph was on the bag when he was tagged but bill Holland the first base umpire called him out here it is let's look at it again he throws flat-footed strong throw but high I think I agree with tor Bork that he was safe let's look at it again from another angle and Washington again the high throw yep he tagged him high on the shoulder it looked like his put it hit the bag here's Bucky Dent Bucky 2 for 7 skips away from a ball inside one out nobody on bottom of the first no score in the ball game and it's one in one [Applause] and that'll be foul looking foul down the left side that Steve fuller Bowl was umpiring down the left-field foul line when ball and two strikes on dent coming into tonight's action scooter he couldn't find much closer hitting the Royals as a team through the first two games at 262 in the Yankees 261 in fact the Yankees out hit the Royals 18 to 16 but the Royals won the first two games doing to our death [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three and two on this [Applause] Yankees of court just for run so far the first to Frank white at second short hops to us [Applause] and Big Bob Watson's better Bob betting than 307 on the air he was 3 he is 3 for 8 so far in the series and he hit that double yesterday we showed you into the left-field corner that Randolph tried to score on and a fine relay from Wilson to breath to Porter and nailed a Randolph at home plate [Applause] and the curves are stripe on deck is Reggie Jackson at least Duggar fastball by money outside corner two strikes one in two on Watson splittorff is to a toe in America League Championship Series history both those wins against the Yankees [Applause] beat the Yankees in game 2 and 76 in game 1 in 77 place hit for watching for the quarter [Applause] hold at second base with his fourth series it watching those the other way he wheelies things of all beautiful watch this ball tailing away goes right with it and hurtled miss played this one it really skips off the wet grass and his Biden before he can get over there and now Reggie Jackson with a chance to put the Yankees on top that's what's his third double in this series he has three doubles in a single in nine trips here's Reggie Jackson 2 for 8 I think Reggie finally yesterday bill decided to hit the ball where it was fish yeah they've been trying to pull everything and it didn't take that big cut up that one looks like he's trying to go to left field or up the middle Reggie trying to get the run in the Royals have pitched him away at a great year in 1978 in the playoff series against Kansas City for 62 for Jackson one started and he couldn't check it said I didn't go be something yeah no balls two strikes here's Watson down at second base two outs no score in the bottom of the first with the count no balls and two strikes on Jackson and that's fouled off upper deck left side I read she accomplished one goal that he had to had not obtained before he hit 300 for the first time in his career he would have liked to lead the American League in home runs with 41 but Ben Ogilvie caught him on the last day Jackson and Oakland beach at tying for the American League home run leadership with 41 each and Jackson drove and went under the 11 run for the Yankees and once again he goes the other way Reggie Jackson John hit home runs would have either pop that ball up or list coolly literally up I like it when Reggie does that protects the outside part of the plate I think the Yankee would like to get on the board first and I've got Watson down at second base with two out the count no balls two strikes still on Reggie Jackson struck him out and Porter will tag him before he leaves on play no runs a base hit man left on base at the end of one Yankees nothing Royals nothing [Music] Celeste was well no score top of the second a reminder that this copyrighted telecast is presented by authority of the Yankees and WPIX is intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game or any segment thereof without the express written consent of the Yankees is prohibited by Tommy John will be working to Amos Otis Willie Aikens and Darryl Porter they're done pretty well against both types of pitching though well they wanted to make sure I'm sure the Yankees would have gone well that's it if they're pink will be put up here Otis lights will lead off here he would rather hit against left-handers right enter these three for eight so far the series on the air hit 251 to the Royal it'll be otis aikens and Darrell Porter against Tommy John here in the second inning scoreless ballgame each team with one base hit and a strike John like cliff door has also pitched well in league championship play he's to a told both foes Lynn's old with the Los Angeles Dodgers and he has a string of 15 straight scoreless innings now and League Championship Series play and he's given up just one run in his last 19 inning four pitches in league championship play Bucky Dent gets another shot at shortstop and the dirt but that was a wicked hot bill oh I think he's lucky Phil it took the long bathroom and watch yeah you turns that ball over yeah he's been doing that a little bit the sinker way out in front of Watson and it came up as bill said didn't stay on the ground and screwed under the glove that's a big out oh there's one away here in the second good play by Bob Watkins mr. Watson what he may say guns are better Eakins one four seven that was a big feat Guidry two RBIs after they walked a man to gets alongs and he takes low ball one Nicky's suing the Royals all left-handers get free started the first game where they started hey Tommy John here tonight and his two balls and no strikes on Aikens he gets curve ball yesterday on Rudi Mae and really ripped one to right field and it's doing one honey he really did hit that ball tremendous power they just moved Bobby Brown more over towards direct Centerville he was playing over in left center on Aikens and it's 2 & 2 [Applause] and he goes the other way for a patient but now I can cut him down wakens does not run well outstanding play by piniella now that we're in Kansas City that ball would have been bouncing off the wall and at least a double frankenz I don't know about Aikens no Willie we laugh but it's really it's not we shouldn't probably laugh because he has had some knee problems but he even before the knee problems he couldn't run that's right Darryl Porter the batter he's hitting 249 on the year 7 home run 51 runs batted in 1 for 7 in the series and John misses outside one out one on no score in the 2nd inning third quarter in the past he has really hurt the Yankees John's curved misses two balls no strikes [Applause] and it's doing wine [Applause] [Applause] going to order Tommy John on the outside corner [Applause] and the curveball yes miss John wanted it quarter you see Tommy recoil on that one she'll he'll start Akins on the street to pitch with one away he's going and it's a foul ball foul ball off first base no chance for Watson to recover he was moving to his right as the pitch came in and then he tried to jump back to his left and then this is close again to hitting that foul line [Applause] really jerked on that one almost fell down and they see Watson just miss it and just foul but still three and two on border one away and probably a once again the Li Aikens will be running from first base the chance for a TP if John can strike out Porter and that's a another foul ball you could foul off first tell me better throw him a little breaking pitch here that Porter's looking for that fastball just pulling everything [Applause] that are a good screw G little changes speed Bacon's getting a sign from Gordon Mackenzie his third-base book as he goes back to first he'll be running again three-on-two on Porter with went down here in the second inning a scoreless ballgame and John misses outside ball four and the Royals have runners at first and second with one away and the batter is the right fielder Clint Hurdle he's batting for the first time in the series hit 294 on the year 10 home runs and 60 runs batted in [Applause] gilad they would start hurtle against the left-hander John when they had been playing while I've been around him that fight beat to get Randolph double plays for three runs the place hit man left on base we'll going to the bottom of the second Yankees nothing and the Kansas City Royals nothing [Applause] because not all right scoreless ballgame we look at Dick Howser facing the Yankee dugout and in the corner Jim fries fried the dark glasses on Billy Connors is pitching Cody with his hands on his hips hey I told Don Carney every time I mention a birthday or an anniversary or weddings we win and Nancy Pope left Pope's daughter who is the president of channel 11 WPIX and Tommy O'Connell are getting married tomorrow congratulations alright scooter and a taking high Zarek's honor home leading off with the Yankees here in the second be a nice wedding present for you yep nice win Sadr home 1 for 4 in the series and that'll be out of play no chance reporter he'll give it a shot go but I don't be waved back in the seats on deck is Rick Cerrone you see him there with Porter [Music] as Rick Cerrone on deck [Applause] inside two balls in a strike [Applause] they just hooked it got on front of it foul in the upper deck way down the left-field line and I'd say his SATA home timed the extension of his bat and bringing the leg back and the bat back at the same time he did everything perfect except he was watch this stepping my hips oh really had a quick bat give me makes occur full count 3 and 2 Ansan our home [Applause] and he pops it up Frank white second baseman Colin and there's one away so don't let that ball get in just a little bit and got under it one down here in the second inning and Rick Cerrone is about our own three four eight Masseria [Applause] the one run batted at one of us rolling to three base hits home run he and Piniella hit back-to-back home runs in Game one it was not enough Kansas City won that ballgame seven to two and they also won yesterday last night by a score of 3 to 2 so the ATS have scored just four runs through the first two games and the Royals have scored 10 men and the curve misses [Applause] [Music] these have 19 basis in the series and the Royal is 18 [Applause] they would all want to roll one thing the Royals have said futher is that the best knowing one of the more underrated ball players in the American League yep they're very high on Sarang and Rick takes a strike it's two and one no score in the ball game playing in the second inning one out nobody on as Lou Piniella is on deck and it's fouled back field back out of play 2 & 2 so we'll have to get a lot of votes and this year's most viable player race no doubt about that got him with a breaking ball second strike guard for split core and their to us sure small you're on good motion to push down and brick boy out in front well if Dorf is chalked up to second strike god and the batter now is Lou Piniella blue is one for three where the run batted in that base at a home run hit it behind Sarang [Applause] splittorff looks fast it's nice a nice ball fast up and on strike one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and misses one it was [Applause] two balls and a strike on Kanoa too hot to eat some Royals no score in the second inning [Applause] and it's three and one all year Phil the Yankees have sort of built walls to try to climb over and have done it again here of course with the help of Kansas City yep Royals have been tough through the first two [Music] oops and I was yelling at Jim Frey Oh their Lord like bizarro ooh [Applause] Lu does not like to lose no and you like Blair's like that he would do anything to try to ignite the Yankees and it's all for what Allah that's the first pass give it up by splittorf pinellas on it first-base are two outs that's only the third walk given up by Kansas City pitches in this series the Yankees have given up nine base on ball Big Dipper yeah Rodriguez Aurelio Rodriguez 1 for 4 in the series there are two outs pinellas at first base [Applause] and the curve is filed off of course not a threat to steal but I think in this situation with the yankees needing a win prize that'll make sure he's not going to play Aikens behind Piniella normally you would play the first baseman behind Lou [Applause] two strikes on Rodriguez [Applause] order cut that ball and sort of ease it into the strike zone that's good catchy a lot of catchers catch the ball and take it away from now that might be trouble chopper down the third base line specialist only that but if he lets it go it's got a kick foul big break for the Yankees he a lot of English and then he throws off-balance and already Oh beats it out [Applause] so the Yankee runners at first and second with two outs and Bobby Braun will try to get the Yankees on Bobby's been held hitless so far by the royalties six he's a pot dude and he takes inside ball one [Applause] on the ground is short Washington deserve lifts the white for the force on Rodriguez that will beat either side they'll run the base hit two men left at the end of two Yankees nothing in Kansas City nothing [Music] well we'll be going to the top of the third this game is starting like the National League playoff game with Philadelphia at Houston this afternoon went 11 innings and Houston wanted one or nothing on a triple by Joe Morgan in the bottom of the 11th and in a sacrifice fly so Houston surprising a lot of people and I'll tell you one thing bill white as we look at Yogi by the red phone if the Phillies lose this playoff they might lock the city up so they can't get back in those Phillies fans are just as fanatic as the old Dodger fans they've gone through a lot of grief as you know yeah last time the Phillies won 1950 yep the old whiz kids that's at least the last time they won a National League pennant they lost you guys that year right I have four in a row but they have had a couple of chances to win their divisional title bounced up against the Dodgers Dodgers or Cincinnati yeah well Frank white will lead off for the Royals here in the third no score in the ballgame White has five base hits and seven times up and he takes the curve for strike white needs three-inch tonight to break the league championship record four hits in a three-game series the current mark is seven Brooks Robinson did it in 69 and 70 with Baltimore art shamsky with the Mets in 69 did it and Jay Johnstone in 1976 with the Phillies they all got seven hits in a three-game series and the count is two balls and a strike on Frank white but cut from Rodriguez a radio was playing wait on the crash and all he did put the left hand up Palmateer went away White's tongue mentally he really did know earlier was going to jump but at the last second didn't have to just read say what seems filling all series you pay so much attention in this case we'll Brett and I McCrae and maybe a Willie Wilson you forget about it Frank white yeah here's Wilson over one dent threw him out in the first inning and he takes the strike Wilson to 4/9 now in the series one in one row is apt to switch hitters Wilson with Washington for left-handed batters Brett Aikens Porter and hurdle now dis really gonna have to hurt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and he not started when he did and reach down and backhand in that ball before it hits the ground and then the strong throw off-balance what's Bucky this was great instinct right they got it before the second bounce and the off-balance throw with plenty on it beautiful here does again another angle total Bucky was gonna have a busy night tonight and he has that's five chances already in the first two and two third innings and they're due out Yankee playing fine defensive baseball here at home you are washing the batter he single to center field in the first was forced at second by Brett and it's a ball high it's always good to get back home oh boy everything feels better tastes better and looks better do a no on Washington talking about fielding the Royal has have yet to make an error in this series one of the reasons have-12 lost none so far right back through the middle and will here and off should throw him out good stretch by Watson side retired put on one for three three up three down at the end of two and a half Yankees nothing Royals nothing [Music] top of the Yankee batting order Willie Randolph leading off against Paul splittorff here in the third inning it's nothing nothing and the curve is low ball one Phil they bounced to short in the first Eddy war for 10 in the series [Applause] back up the middle base says fix up this fifth place [Applause] [Music] second base well he now has a shot at a record same record White has a shot at he's at first base nobody out Bucky Dent's a batter Bucky's been up once bounced a second [Applause] that was the Yankees third base hit off the hook they've got at least one base hit through the first three inning Watson doubled with two outs in the first Rodriguez singled an infield hit in the second inning and Randolph leadoff single here in the third fouled back by ten strike one Bucky to parade the series [Applause] [Music] he's got on the board first in one but they lost it 72 royal has made their three runs hold up yesterday and beat the Yankees three to two and the curve knocked down by split door there's one double play good off balance no there at second base actually stretch by Aikens let's watch it again right back to split door back hands not sit down the ball stays there for him underhand throw they can buy white he throws a balance for a one four three double play and they're two outs each team now has turned over a double play Bob Watson are batting with nobody on and the Royals continued to play flawlessly defensively like one a one-on-one on wetson her bounced up the middle Watson the picks up this fifth series it and he's two for two why that don't play a big love big one [Applause] all right Reggie's got to hit one here to really get the Yankees alive he hits right down on this curveball that's why Watson gets a lot of base hits though another guy might swing up on a curveball and pop it up and get that top hand over on all right watched of course not a threat to steal on he'll be held there by Aikens for some reason as the Yankee fans have wanted done again looking back at 77 and 78 Jackson the struck got in the first inning one of two strikeouts chucked up by Paul splittorff and a strike and Reggie down so far tonight well now they decide to play behind watch the first place vacant will move behind watch [Applause] on a play upper deck left side two strikes on Jackson almost looks like Reggie again is trying to hit everything in the left field I think he's trying to get his timing down schooler he realizes that the Royals are gonna pitch him away and it's hard to hit a home run to pull that ball away huh well how do you like that look like split-off couldn't get his foot off the mound the way he wanted to well Aikens had told him the fish before he was going to play behind Jackson Oh fry wants to talk to a bill Haller about the play I intend to split off didn't aku neither did Aikens or Porter right gets the word oh he just want to yesterday huh let's look at it you might got it right there broke the arms just the least little bit well he would have had to step off before he started right he did things backwards started in his motion again a stopped and backed off if he had backed off then start the motion he'd have been all right course that's illegal too but they put in the call it right you can't deceive the baserunner two strikes aren't actually two hours and it's popped up this might be playable off third by Brent nope we can't get to it Paul really sailed in there it really did that above this stadium roof man what little wind there is moist it fouled Lily that wind is blowing in from right field you see Reggie swinging late on almost every pitch right now just trying to make contact well contact here's a big one because they go ahead and run us down at second base with two hours he's not a smoker Jackson goes down swinging for the second time no runs two hits a man left overs it'll take you over the next three at the end of three Yankees nothing Kansas City nothing and all split off hooked up in a pitcher's duel three scoreless innings we go into the top of the fourth and it'll be Brett McRae and Otis haha look at the hiss hey that's pretty good pretty good likeness got me a little taller than I normally am I like it alright George Brett bounced into a force play his first time up he had two hits in the first ballgame did not have any and last night's ballgame offal one tonight added 390 on the air unbelievable just missed with the curveball one frets another hitter who gets that good rhythm when he's hitting well leaning into the pitch and fouls it just below us one on one [Applause] now me John 22 and 9 on the air still in the running for the scion award I know a 2-1 [Applause] ha funny took a little bit off good motion by Tommy John - and - Brad always dangerous in this ball park I'll never forget the three home runs he hit here in one game there it is and he popped him up in shallow left Vennela coming on calling for it and makes the catch one man out there's a long run for Piniella as the Yankees continue to play the hitters very deep in the outfield pill yeah Lou came a long ways he had to come in a long ways out in Kansas City to his hound the gray and the Yankees have really pitched my gray well in the series he flied to right his first time up good curveball strike line even though McRae is over seven in the series is still the kind of hitter that can hurt you in a situation yeah unusual batting stance deep in the box seems to fall into the pitch steps right towards it one on one good power to right-center field and lined up the middle s his first hit of the series he hit a bullet to centerfield third hit off Tommy John and now Amos sodas who bounced to short his first time up and they want to take a look at that baseball had a very interesting talk while we have a moment Phil with Willie Wilson before the ballgame regarding the play last night about him overthrowing ul Washington throwing to Brett he said he was not trying to hit either man he was throwing in an area he said he knew both the cutoff men were lined up that way he was just trying to get as much on the throw as he could into that area and get the ball to one of the other in the air yeah that really worked and he got a lot on it all right Otis but first to throw to first McCray back really not a free design play said they just both line up and he tries to get the ball in that direction and a bad idea one man out no score top of the fourth blown away ball one McGrane excellent base run otice really makes Tommy wait he makes every pitch late for that matter McCrea a very hard baserunner - there's a ground ball there will be a collision at second base you can bet he has said that throw to first and he's back who did he hits so hard was it Willie Randolph Willie Randolph Randolph has reminded his teammates with that too now Otis tummy could have hurt his arm on that one the umpire is not supposed to get the time if the pitcher is in the act of delivering the ball but they give the batter a lot of leeway sometimes too much right and Tommy's making Otis wait let's see if Amos steps out again hoarsely a hope tire game is designed for the hitter take as much away from the pitcher as possible look out right in and out of the Yankee dugout did somebody on the shoulder there that's Luigi I'm rubbing his shoulder no is it no where's that Rupert I think it's Rupert Chipper Jones it is Rupert he's been hurt enough this year look the rain is coming down again swing and a Miss one ball two strikes the umbrellas are up some of the fans scurrying back they are and quite a bitter rain before the game started stopped just in time no score top of the 4 neither team able to take batting practice or infield huh so some of the Yankee early arrivals could have but they elected not to untold and flyball the right-field Jackson started in goes back makes the catch and I tell you oldest just hit that one hand in the ball really carried out to right field two men out Reggie Curtis again Jackson had already started in when the camera picked him up there on the replay he got back in time to make the catch ball is carrying well or at least that time huh and of course Tommy John if he's gonna hit him he got to hit him the opposite way Otis got a lot on it you said with just one hand on the bat all right here's Aikens lined a single a left field it's almost the duplicate of the pitch that Guidry had thrown him right in on his hands he fought it off hit it the opposite way and you can see the rain coming down hard ball one and now Bob Watson who has a lot of problems when it does rain remember he had to take himself out of that one ballgame Frank he did because he could not see through his outside eyeglasses Reggie Jackson also wears the outside glasses but he can keep the Bill of the cap quote excuse me pulldown lore uh-huh because most of his plays he's got to look up for the fly ball Watson has to keep the cap backswing see the throw come across and the ground ball a little bit low to enough e and it's not going to be long before the umpires call a halt to this bill hallo 1c he calls it bill Haller could not stand it anymore he said let's get the toppling on it's coming down too hard Larry McCoy I imagine halel would be the crew chief of this group Frank well here's the most fun would umpire in the American League [Music] usually the plate umpire is the one who is in charge of the ballgame and would make the call but bill Haller says that's enough let's get the chocolate out Haller Keyser and McCoy have a little chat well we see Lee MacPhail already down on the field going into the walking on top of the Yankee dugout and I imagine he'll go in and confer with the umpires toppling is wet from the first rainfall so it's not too easy to put down we got the one at first base the second down very fast the one from third to home having a little problem now they're going you can see the mud on the table now difficult but one at third-base is to roll they're gonna need some help from the rest of the crew once they get their part down so it looks like a long night at the stadium Frank sit very very well be and as long as the Yankees can come back and win this ballgame which doesn't matter how long one on all of us stay here of course if this game goes to Kansas City we've all got a long long vacation yeah that's right and it's too early to have a vacation yes it really is you know I don't want to start my vacation till somewhere around the 22nd of October get the Yankees through this into the World Series first now no team has ever come back after losing the first two games of a championship series but there's always a first for everything it's about time that precedent was broken well the Yankees Yankees are confident the rain falling around Tommy John that's back a little ways just before they called the game and I don't believe it'll bother Tommy John as much as it might fall split off a night like this well split off his head the problem with his back all season long Mommy has the back problem though that started in that ballgame he pitched up in Cleveland yes he does that was probably the one of the big reasons Tommy did not start the first game of this championship series out in Kansas City yeah that and the fact of the artificial turf with all these ground balls that he throws well Tommy maintains he'd rather pitch on the auto first ok yeah it's hard to believe he said go back and look at my record with the Dodgers against today on the artificial surface and sure the infielders aren't too happy though because they do get a lot of work and they don't have quite as much time to get to that ball as they would on the grass and the dirt here at Yankee Stadium and a moment or two will be going to Network News incidentally the Houston Astros if you had not heard and it's not incidentally it's just throwing it in here won their ballgame from Philadelphia next r innings this afternoon 1 to nothing but they lost a key player down there yes a Czar Cedeno Cedeno and well 32 minutes really they call time at 9:26 it is now 958 on the scoreboard clock here at Yankee Stadium which incidentally the scoreboard clock is the official clock in every ball game we learned that from the umpires earlier this year when we were wondering if one umpire might not keep an official watch and then we were told no the scoreboard clock is the official clock so that everybody can see it so Willie Aiken steps against Tommy John we're back to action top half of the fourth inning no score in the ballgame two outs and Hal McRae the base runner down at first and we'll see if McRae might be running here on the first pitch taken Phil all right Frank good observation he doesn't go and it's lined off the glove of Watson and Randolph picks it up but cannot make a play Bob Watson almost coming up with his spectacular catch it's a base hit Aikens wasted no time jumping on Tommy John's first pitch so a run is at first and second there it is Aikens figured John would throw a fastball perhaps on the first pitch after the long rain delay and he hammered it off Watson's glove right there Watson had he not been holding McRae on might have been able to catch that ball a little more laterally wave incidentally Willie Wilson said that is why he has not been running one on first base in this series he is making the first baseman hold him on to open up the right side of the infield for the men batting behind him all right unselfish play by Willie Wilson Darrell Porter walked his first time up the only walk issued by Tommy John two out two on and no score here in the top of the fourth inning [Applause] almost a wild pitch ball one [Applause] where's that last pitch bytes humming way low one hot by sarong hello again to nothing Yankee pitching staff is a tough staff to catch Tommy John with that sinker especially tough to catch Sarang has done an excellent job all year handling strike one now that time Tommy came a little bit more overhand he's been blowing as you know all year mostly sidearms ball moves more that way line Wow holy cow they are coming so close to that final line on fire out in right field is Joe Brickman the camera was on him two balls two strikes two out two men on no score top of the fourth and there's Tommy Underwood and Ron Davis loosening up now in the Yankee bullpen Underwood I'm David he hung the curve way inside three and two now the runners will be going full count two out [Applause] and a flyball left Piniella right there Hartley has the whole makes the catch shot of the jam no runs two hits no errors two men left at the end of three and a half four oh it's nothing in the Yankees nothing we go to the bottom half of the fourth inning here at Yankee Stadium it will be returned home Rick Cerrone and looping out all right hand hitters coming up against left-hander Paul split off and I'll see if the rain delay affected split off at all Phil right Frank of course he'll get as much time as he needs to warm up it's not like between innings where it gets just eight pitches split off had sort of a tough luck season health-wise he had back spasms fact they came on him right here at Yankee Stadium when the Royals were in earlier this year he missed several turns told me before the ballgame though that he has felt good over the last part of the season splittorff has beaten the Yankees twice in postseason play in regular-season games he has a career mark of the 11 at 11 so overall he is 113 and lost 11 times two of the New York Yankees and the mark might be on the first batter here son of home has a good career record against splittorff earlier this year Sutter home took splittorf to the bridge as they say had a long home run off of him well he just missed Frank prior to popping out in the second inning remember that tremendous foul in the upper deck right way back in the upper deck he got around well on him alright Eric's at home take a look at splittorf up-close in slow motion and move as a team on an excellent career with the Kansas City Royals and he pops one up to right field hurdle makes the catch one man out the outfields gonna be a little bit wet as we wait for Rick Cerrone to come up and the rain is starting again and starting heavy the umbrellas come up Rick struck out his first time up splittorff threw him a beautiful off-speed breaking pitch well we had excellent weather on Kansas City and the Royals one who games maybe with the inclement weather here in New York the Yankees can turn it around all right one out nobody on no score bottom of the fourth ball one [Applause] - or nothing see the raindrops coming down on the Royals [Applause] mild tip it's one a month rather two balls and a strike [Applause] split off with a good fastball tonight Lou Pinella on deck and pops it high in the air let's see if Porter's got room no runs out of room hits on the screen up has that crazy hairdo man again haven't seen much of him lately I think he's been following the National League oh I saw him on television the other night the ball game down in Philadelphia he gets a row yes he does usually gets in for nothing to be good gate-crashing two balls two strikes one out yeah well here it looks like it's alive doesn't it yes it does and that time Rick almost waited long enough that was a pitch he struck out on the first time up each team with four base hits neither team has made an error and neither team has scored here in the bottom of the fourth inning one out nobody on again out in front [Applause] Cetaphil and Amos Otis makes the cash ball hit right on the nose line drive to Amos Subban out now Lou Pinella who walked his first time up that's the only walk in the ball game given up by split off Tommy John has walked one [Music] [Applause] ball one Vennela one foot three in the playoff series [Applause] two balls no strikes [Music] [Applause] then time out something throned out on the field Jim fry the rookie manager of the Kansas City Royals foul back and out of play in the upper deck two balls and a strike [Applause] Frye is not getting on panella now as he did last time lose that I think loo scared him a little bit three balls and a strike splittorf wanted that one let's see there's Dick Howser well two rookie managers in this playoff series Brian Hauser and I guess Dallas Green had just a little bit of experience last year Frank yes bounced foul right in the photographers vote 3 & 2 was Bill Burton a veteran manager of the Houston Astros one-time Yankee manager Tommy John hoping that his teammates can get him at least one run to work with [Applause] fouled back out of play [Applause] don't you imagine Bill Virdon is sort of rooting for the Yankees in the Savoy ampionship series wouldn't you love to come back absolutely there are split our figures lifetime and regular season play against the Yankees odd grounder and bobble but grabbed by Brett and throws him out so Brett stayed with it odd ground ball three up three down into four Royals nothing Yankees nothing well the camera goes around the stands where the rain is still falling not as hard as it was earlier in the ballgame and we're all set for the top half of the fifth inning the KC Royals will have Clint Hurdle's Frank white and Willie Wilson that gentleman over there is very very happy about something probably his neighbor with the towel over his head and was that that's John Schuerholz next to him I believe of the anemic sale walk before across the Yankee dugout with a towel well we'll check his Clint Hurdle who hit into a double play his first time up Fraulein two balls no strikes [Applause] til one [Applause] Laure top of the fifth nothing nothing strike two Tommi keeps hitting that outside corner against the left-hander's we got him first strikeout for Tommy John there it is again now he just keeps working that outside corner it'll started to swing laid off and he has called out on strikes from behind the plate looked awfully good alright Frank and here's another Frank Frank white who lined hard to Rodriguez his first time up 5-it so far on the championship series for Frank white Bob Watson and Willie Randolph also have 500 that's gone it's a 1 nothing ballgame Frank Wright has just hit one into the left-field seats off Tommy John and the Royals are out in front one for nothing no doubt about that one Frank no doubt about it and Frank white I think has a leg up on most valuable player of this championship series they will officially named an MVP for the first time since the inception of Championship Series play in the American League in 1969 right Frank White's sixth it and it's going to go all the way it looked like it hung up there for him white was looking for it and drills it well back into the left-field seats a one-nothing Kansas City lead alright Willie Wilson bounced to short twice takes the ball outside thrown out twice by Bucky Dent one a great play by Bucky see Rick wanting that ball down Tammy starting to get it high in the Kansas City bench hugging Frank white and well they sure do when Frank gets his pitch he can hit it out at seven home runs during the regular season you don't think of him it's a home run hitter but he will hurt you with the long ball on occasion and he is just hurt the Yankees lineup base hit for Willie Wilson and Reggie bobbles the ball but Wilson holds gets it in quickly and we're going to get action in the Yankee bullpen what they [Applause] now we'll see how they here it is again that pitch away from him and Wilson goes the opposite way with it line shot into right we'll see how Wilson and Frey are going to play it mouth well he told me in the pregame show tonight that the reason he was not running he was holding the first baseman at first base because you all washington goes to the right side and of course sodas Brett and the Yankee bullpen the left-hander Tommy Underwood the right-hander is Ron Davis all right I almost think Willie Wilson's got to try and steal a base here Tommy John exchanges baseballs one out one nothing the Royals leading top of the fifth Watson holding the bag against Wilson [Applause] not a good move by Tommy swing-and-a-miss that time Wilson was moving back to first bases Tommy John delivered the pitch [Applause] Washington tried to hit it through that hole now that ain't right handed Washington is a good opposite field litter we'll be back again he was going to bunt took it a little old one-on-one [Applause] [Applause] pretty good figures right there give Cerrone half a chance they'll throw you out and I'll get that big jump on the pictures [Applause] outside June 1 [Applause] no you are Washington looking for a sign hit-and-run during the regular season Wilson was on his own unless he was given a red light pacifically told not to steal and a bouncer in front of the plates the Ron's gonna have to hurry falls down they cut him great play by Sir Owen as his right foot went out from under him but he still made the play well she goes to second after wonder if Watson was hurt on that play let's watch it again right off the end of the bat from his knee throw him out and you see watch it was stepped on well Washington stepped on Bob Watson's left foot and spiked him on the foot he was way inside that base line two and step on Watson's foot was Bob just at the corner of the bag it looks like he's alright I ended up watching played nearly all year with a broken finger on his left hand so a spiteful ditions gonna take him away one thing is going to take watson out as the raindrops on the glasses he's going to dry them off again there it is again you see him right down on the left foot Jane Monahan the Yankee trainer fans watching his glove 2min around and George Brett will be the batter votes in that second base Royals leading one nothing [Applause] strike one [Applause] big man for the Yankees to get out here and out of this inning with just one run [Applause] 101 [Applause] now that rain is coming down even harder now not as hard as it was what time was Paul but harder than it was just a few minutes ago around little dead and puppies Rosa what the Royals to pick up a run on two hits the home of my wife they leave a man and at the end of four and a half worlds oneness Yankees company [Applause] a lot Bobby Brown and Willie Randolph the follow Rodriguez with a base hit in the second inning bounces it foul well we certainly talked about Jorge enough he gets enough publicity talk about you incompetent owner with the Kansas City Royals man who built a pretty good ballclub there and just one game away or half a game right now from their first ever pennant bet he's really happy pop foul out of play well it's really it's interesting as far as the way they built their ball clubs philosophies I think on a 25 men playing here tonight for the Royals 15 have come through their farm system and the Yankees of the 25 to and that's Bobby Mercer who of course was here very early 65 and came back and of course Ron Guidry first he got a gift George Steinbrenner credit for the fact that the Yankee farm cutters now are very strong where they weren't before he spent the money down there to farm clubs and I think you will be seeing a lot of players coming out of the Yankee ball [Applause] I thought up the snake in the Yankee farm system all the clubs except one won a pennant this year and last year they've been really coming along the last two three years since he's put that he puts down a manager down there a pitching coach the hitting coach he's really going all out I talked to Joe Altobelli who managed to Columbus Club had a fantastic year and he had John Kennedy who we played against in the 1966 World Series for the doctor and he had Sam you lose particular Cincinnati Reds 3-2 pitch is popped up down the right-field Frank white the man of the hour right now makes the catch one guy now lets the direction our organization is going to in the future we're going to go and build up our farm club and bring the players up through our system what about free agents will you go after any of those we might take a little shot of mixed cup this first year here and then maybe a little bit next year but we're not gonna do anything to hurt you our organization now would like get most players who want no trade no cut contracts you don't think George is gonna get any free agents that they lose tonight do one another count on Bobby Brown I think he'll be looking for some speedy outfielders next year and would be too surprised he made a strong bit for that young man over there in San Diego he's got the Bucks to sign up to Dave we're talking about one occasion high in the air to left centerfield and Willie Wilson makes the catch two down two out of the fifth inning with the bases empty and Willie Randolph the batter grounded out and singled two out bases empty the Yankees have scored only four runs in this series three of them have been on home runs with the bases empty Piniella Cerrone and nettles last night and inside the Parker [Applause] and the fourth one was really scored on a ball that John Wathan lost in the light so you can see who they could have scored three runs in really two-and-a-half ballgames somewhere what we did last year against Pittsburgh we went in the last with a three to three to one game lead and scored two runs in the last three ballgames it's just tough we had three well pitch games but just weren't well pitched well enough to win we made a liar out of me I predicted y'all going to win two balls no strikes on Randolph three I'm not gonna listen to your predictions anymore buddy the Yankees in for you know I'm starting to play that I'm not pitching predict anymore stop what makes this so interesting well I change the stout to three out of five now three out of five all right that's right first you first you had them in three and then you had them in for now you have in five well you know that's the way today goes you're allowed to switch tomorrow you may have been seven inside ball for her taranta home so Willie the second walk given up by splittorf Randall off the board for the second time in the game and up comes Bucky dead grounds it out and ground it into a double play over to I think we've got to see Willie steel on the face we're trying to stay out those two things I'm just gonna bring that point up right here the Yankees with very little speed only Braun and Randolph a really threats to go but they've got to get something cookin here yeah they kind of created but he's got a steal second base right now I'm not sure if he can wrap their little dirt a little bit wetter split off has a fairly good movies deceptive I want the couch well you know he always tell the runner if you're going to get picked off or get thrown out get thrown out of first space take the chance I get a good lead and go I'd rather see him thrown out of first space and being thrown out of second base by 10 feet Randolf 30 steals during the regular season caught five times in the air to centerfield Amos Otis makes the catch we've done here in the fifth inning no runs no hits leave one through five one nothing Kansas City will return to New York after this word from our local station leading off for the Kansas City Royals in the top of the sixth inning the designated hitter Hal McRae I talked the how earlier right how the final figure 297 for the year overall though assess your performance by 1980 well I got to be happy with it uh I got off to a real slow start I was hitting about 250 at the break I went to 349 hit a bad slump I came on strong at the end but I had to be happy with the year I had because I didn't know whether I could hit I'll be a good hitter again because I had a bad shoulder operation and I was couldn't get the balls that I had been hitting before so I think I proved something to a lot of people and I proved a lot to myself and I think you know they cheer I'll be at 3 on hit again now McCray finishing just three points under that figure this year swings and misses oh and one very aggressive baseliner good hard clean baseball player one ball one strike the count first when you the manager and the other team and the knocks warning your second baseman is out of there he don't like Ted very yes out in the playoffs couple two years ago down through this short Dan over to watch him one away here in the sixth inning with nobody on Kansas City leading it one to nothing on the home run by Frank white and Tommy John to face Amos Otis Amos Otis three four ten in the playoffs go on to the downs hold on [Applause] Lilly akin who has two hits tonight on deck one run six hits for Kansas City no runs four hits for the Yankees don't think that Tommy John isn't trying to make every pitch perfect it's a lot of pressure on a pitcher to be down two games in the playoffs and and down a running in the third ballgame I think they got the right guy out there one ball one strike [Music] but his way on sir Oh makes the effort that has no play clearly let me ask you about the use of Gossage the Yankees obviously would like the goose to come in to protect a one-run lead and pick up a save but now you're done you've got your backs to the wall if Tommy John runs into trouble do you go to the goose in this situation I would think so I don't think they can wait to any longer I think they got to go out there and stop it right away and goose is cabled going four or five innings you just hope that did maybe had to go that long that they come back tomorrow and get a complete game if they won the ballgame 1 & 2 the count I think that's really what puts them in such a precarious position take have to use Gossage tonight Louie team on schedule pitcher tomorrow is not a guy that you think is gonna pitch a complete game so you think you really have a tough road Gossage hiding there he is second from the left back row he's just strong enough where he could pitch five innings a day and come back and pitch two tomorrow into the next day he's that strong Amos didn't like the call it also looked like he was looking for that location by any stretch of the imagination and Larry McCoy I think Larry Tolan was a good pitch that's about all an umpire can say till you say something I think the ball the ball looks high but he hasn't been calling many low pitches and if he's had a tendency to call any pitch hits the ball up you know Amos might have thought it was high and inside I think he thought it was inside that's I think it's completely so - down with the bases empty and Willie Aikens 2 for 2 with a couple of singles 3 for 9 in the playoffs Tommi tried to come inside on that one time and hit a rope out there I don't think he'd be trying to come inside again I think maybe I'll stay away from make him hit out that big part of the ballpark at least that's what I would be suggesting the public and say right there's a look at the Yankee defensive alive [Applause] all in one what he goes to him call leaving your shoes he asked me yesterday how far that foul ball he went he hit went and I told him into the concession stand he was happy don't forget tomorrow do it in beginning at 12:30 Eastern Time Longhorns and the Sooners from Dallas and then our playoff coverage definitely from Houston tomorrow afternoon and maybe tomorrow night from New York 1 & 1 the count Phillies in the Astros Houston up two games to one their four o'clock Eastern Time and then the Royals and the Yankees if the Yankees win tonight Piazza Gayle [Applause] one came and worked out with the Orioles when he was 17 was hitting 430 football to the opposite field very strong young man she went to the cow John broke his rhythm there a little bit got the pitch over for a strike and came right back the toothpick is bounced to the right side Randolph crate stand and he can't make the tag so Willie Randolph stopping it from going on through but he can't Angie's third hit here well it makes a nice play the thing I could wonder is it didn't look like Bob was really situated around the bag to go either way and it looked like he had shifted his feet you'll probably see it right here now he if he's the other way on the other side of the bag it's an easy play he just kind of assumed the ball would be in one side of the bag and really wasn't ready for a throw on either side absolutely correct him he positioned himself wrong and got caught that little trap where you got your body crossed up there and he couldn't come back on the other side you always got to look for that bad throw over there Darrell Porter walked and flied out takes outside for vol want to go that's what you teach at second base at all the positions always look for a bad throw cuz when you get the good one you're not gonna be surprised but you will be surprising to get that badly [Applause] it's away from Cerrone bacons move it along a second and the count will be 200 on Darryl Porter the second took matters really excuse me Billy if the managers really into stats and Darryl I think getting five out of seven hits off Tommy John do you think about maybe pitching to hurdle in this situation well I I would actually would like to see that happen because Porter's were swinging the bat well look we have the trainer out there in a mountain right this time that's gene Monahan I guess they his the mud is clogging up the spikes and they're bringing out that little little stick you guys carry out there usually don't you have it behind the mouse go get it yeah I agree with you Jim I would I would if you are going to pitch to them it's very careful Tommy John could pitch around them just hope he swings at a bad ball if you walk him you don't care two balls no strikes the count Darrell Porter at the plate Aikens at second base to John 6 inning one to nothing Kansas City [Applause] why in the air to left centerfield Boyle's John himself Noah leave one ain't scum up watching the lead off in the bottom of the sixth this one to nothing Royals [Applause] well we've got a scene reminiscent of what happened to Dodger Stadium over the weekend the crowd trying to spur the Yankees on so they finally get raucous here as the ants come up we go to the bottom half of the fourth inning here at Yankee Stadium it'll be our Sutter Home Rick Cerrone and looping out all right hand hitters coming up against left-hander Paul splittorff we'll see if the rain delay affected split off at all Phil right Frank of course he'll get as much time as he needs to warm up it's not like between innings where he gets just eight pitches split off had sort of a tough luck season health-wise he had back spasms back they came on him right here at Yankee Stadium when the Royals were in earlier this year he missed several turns told me before the ballgame though that he has felt good over the last part of the season splittorff has beaten the Yankees twice in postseason play in regular season games he has a career mark of the 11 at 11 so overall he is 113 had lost 11 times to the New York Yankees and the mark might be on the first batter here Sundaram has a good career record against splittorff earlier this year södermalm took splittorf to the bridge as they say had a long home run off of him well he just missed Frank prior to popping out in the second inning remember that tremendous foul in the upper deck right way back in the upper deck he got around well on him all right a terracotta home you take a look at splittorf up close in slow motion and move as a team on an excellent career with the Kansas City Royals and he pops one up to right field Hurdle makes the catch one man out the outfield is gonna be a little bit wet as we wait for Rick Cerrone to come up and the rain is starting again and starting heavy the umbrellas come up Rick struck out his first time up splittorff threw him a beautiful off-speed breaking pitch well we had excellent weather on Kansas City and the Royals won four games maybe with the inclement weather here in New York the Yankees can turn it around alright one out nobody on no score bottom of the fourth ball one [Applause] - or nothing see the raindrops coming down on the Royals [Applause] while tip it's one a month by the two balls and a strike [Applause] sweat off with a good fastball tonight Lou Pinella on deck and pops it high in the air let's see if bonus got room no runs out of room hits on the screen up is that crazy hairdo man again I haven't seen much of him lately think he's been following the National League oh I saw him on television the other night the ball game down in Philadelphia he gets a wrong yes he does usually gets in for nothing to be good gate-crashing two balls two strikes one out [Applause] yeah well here it looks like it's alive doesn't it yes it does and that time Rick almost waited long enough that was a pitch he struck out on the first time up each team with four base hits neither team has made an error and neither team is scored here in the bottom of the fourth inning one out nobody on again out in front Cetaphil and Amos Otis makes the cash ball hit right on the nose line drive to Amos two men out now Lou Pinella who walked his first time up that's the only walk in the ball game given up by split off Tommy John is walked one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ball one [Applause] Vennela 1 for 3 in the playoff series [Applause] two balls no strikes [Applause] then timeout something found out on the field [Applause] Jim pry the rookie manager of the Kansas City Royals [Applause] foul back and out of play in the upper deck two balls and a strike [Applause] Frye is not getting on Fenella now as he did last time Lou I think Lou scared him a little bit [Applause] three balls and a strike splittorf wanted that one let's see there's dick Houser well two rookie managers in this playoff series Ryan Hauser and I guess Dallas Green had just a little bit of experience last year Frank yes bounced foul right in the photographers vote green to force Bill Burton a veteran manager of the Houston Astros one time Yankee manager Tommy John hoping that his teammates can get him at least one run to work with [Applause] fouled back out of play [Applause] don't imagine Bill Burton is sort of rooting for the Yankees in the summer oh yeah ampionship series wouldn't you love to come back absolutely there are split arse figures lifetime and regular season play against the Yankees by grounder and bobble but grab by Brett and throws him out so Brett stayed with it odd ground ball three up three down into four Royals nothing Yankees nothing [Music] well the camera goes around the stands where the rain is still falling not as hard as it was earlier in the ballgame and we're all set for the top half of the fifth inning the KC Royals will have Clint Hurdle's Frank white and Willie Wilson that gentleman over there is very very happy about something probably his neighbor with the towel over his head and who is that as John Schuerholz next to him I believe of the and leave Michelle walk before across the Yankee dugout with a towel we'll check his Clint Hurdle who hit into a double play his first time up Alwine [Applause] two balls no strikes [Applause] zero-one Laure top of the fifth nothing nothing [Applause] strike two Tommy keeps hitting that outside corner against the left-hander's we got a first strikeout for Tommy John here it is again now he just keeps working that outside corner it'll started to swing laid off that he has called out on strikes from behind the plate looked awfully good alright Frank and here is another Frank Frank white who lined hard to Rodriguez his first time up five hit so far on the championship series for Frank white Bob Watson and Willie Randolph also have 500 that's gone it's a 1 nothing ballgame Frank white has just hit one into the left-field seats off Tommy John and the laurels are out in front one to nothing no doubt about that one Frank no doubt about it in Frank white I think has a leg up on most valuable player of this championship series they will officially name an MVP for the first time since the inception of Championship Series play in the American League in 1969 right Frank White's sixth it and it's going to go all away look like it hung up there for him white was looking for it and drills it well back into the left-field seats a one-nothing Kansas City lead alright Willie Wilson bounced to short twice takes the ball outside thrown out twice by Bucky Dent one a great play by Bucky see Rick wanting that ball down Tammy stop and get it high in the Kansas City bench hugging Frank white and well they sure do Frank gets his pitch he can hit it out of seven home runs during the regular season you don't think of him it's a home run hitter but he will hurt you with the long ball on occasion and he is just hurt the Yankees lineup base hit for Willie Wilson and Reggie bobbles the ball but Wilson holes gets it in quickly we're going to get action in the Yankee bullpen what they [Applause] [Music] now we'll see how they here it is again now push away from him and Wilson goes the opposite way with it line shot into right we'll see how Wilson and Frey are gonna play it now well he told me in the pregame show tonight that the reason he was not running he was holding the first baseman at first base because you all Washington goes to the right side and of course sodas Brett and the Yankee bullpen the left-hander Tommy Underwood the right-hander is Ron Davis all right oh I almost think Willie Wilson's got to try and steal a base here Tommy John exchanges baseballs one out one nothing the Royals leading top of the fifth Watson holding the bag against Wilson [Applause] not a good move by Tommy [Applause] swing-and-a-miss that time Wilson was moving back to first bases tell me John delivered the pitch [Applause] Washington try to hit it through that holdout [Applause] that ain't right hand of Washington is a good opposite field hitter we'll be back again [Applause] he was going to bunt took it a little ol one-on-one [Applause] but I got figures right there [Applause] yes sir own half a chance they'll throw you out you know get that big jump on the pictures [Applause] outside to mine [Applause] no you are Washington looking for a sign hit-and-run during the regular season Wilson was on his own unless he was given a red light specifically told not to steal and a bouncer in front of the plate sera is gonna have to hurry falls down they cut him great play by Cerrone as his right foot went out from under him but he still made the play well she goes to second after wonder if Watson was hurt on that play let's watch it again right off the end of the bat [Applause] from his me throw him out and he see Watson was stepped on well Washington stepped on Bob Watson's left foot and spiked him on the foot he was way inside that baseline - he step on Watson's foot plus Bob just at the corner of the bag but it looks like he's alright I ended up what she played nearly all year with a broken finger on his left hand a spiked wound isn't gonna take away one thing is going to take Watson out as the rain drops on the glasses he's going to dry them off again there it is again you see him right down on the left foot [Applause] Jane Monahan the Yankee trainer Dan's watching his glove two minutes and George Brett will be the batter votes in that second base Royals leading one nothing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right one [Applause] big man for the Yankees to get out here and out of this inning with just one run what am I [Applause] now that rain is coming down even harder now not as hot as it was when time was called but harder than it was just a few minutes ago rounded a dead funky throws out but the Royal is to pick up a run on two hits the home of my white they leave of in and at the end of four and a half worlds warnin Yankees nothing [Applause] [Music] a lot Bobby Brown and Willie Randolph to follow Rodriguez with a base hit in the second inning bounces it foul we certainly talked about Jorge enough he gets enough publicity talk about you incompetent owner of the Kansas City Royals man who's built a pretty good ball club there and just one game away or half a game right now from their first ever pennant I bet he's really happy hot foul out of play well it's really it's interesting as far as the way they built their ball clubs and philosophies I think on a 25 men playing here tonight for the Royals 15 have come through their farm system and the Yankees of the 25 - and that's Bobby Mercer who of course was here very early 65 and came back and of course Ron Guidry first you got to give George Steinbrenner credit for the fact that the Yankee farm clubs now are very strong where they weren't before he spent the money down there to farm clubs and I think you will be seeing a lot of players come out of the Yankee bathroom [Applause] Joba about a mistaken baby all the clubs except one won a pennant this year and last year they've been really coming along in the last two three years to season protector who puts down a manager down there a pitching coach Eddie I talked to Joe Altobelli who managed to Columbus Club had a fantastic year and he had John Kennedy who we played against in the 1966 World Series for the Dodgers and he had Sammy also used to pitch for the Cincinnati Reds 3-2 pitch is popped up down the right-field Frank white the man of the hour right now makes the catch one now let's the direction our organization is going to in the future we're going to go and build up our farm club and bring the players up through our system what about free agents where you go after any of those we might take a little shot of mix cup this first year here and it may be a little bit next year but we're not gonna do anything to hurt our organization I would like it most players who want no trade no cut contracts you don't think George is gonna get any free agents if they lose than I do want to know the count on Bobby Brown I think he'll be looking for some speedy outfielders next year and what be too surprised you've made a strong bit for that young man over there in San Diego he's got the Bucks to sign up Tuesday wasn't good we're talking about 1o pitches in high in the air to left center field and Willie Wilson makes the catch two down two out of the fifth inning with the bases empty and Willie Randolph the batter grounded out and singled two out bases empty the Yankees have scored only four runs in this series three of them have been on home runs with the bases empty Piniella Cerrone and nettles last night and inside the Parker and the fourth one was really scored on a ball - John Wathan lost in the light so can see who they could have scored three runs in really two-and-a-half ballgames somewhere what we did last year against Pittsburgh we went in the last with a three to three one game lead and score two runs in the last three ballgames it's just tough we had three well pitch games but just weren't well puts well enough to him he made a liar out of me I predicted y'all going to win two balls no strikes on Randolph I'm gonna listen to your predictions anywhere buddy for you know I'm starting to bleh that I'm not pitching predict anymore stop what makes this so interesting well I change the style to three out of five now three out of five all right it's right for you first you had them in three and then you had them in for now you have in well you know that's the wedding day those you're allowed to switch tomorrow you may have been seven inside wall for Taranto so Willie the second walk given up by splittorf Randall off the board for the second time in the game and up comes Bucky dead grounds it out and grabs it into a double play over to I think we've got to see Willie's team on the face for trying to stab this guy when things are just gonna bring that point up right here the Yankees with very little speed only Braun and Randolph a really threats to go but they've got to get something cookin here yeah they got it created he's got a steal second base right now I'm not sure if he can crack the reverse a little bit wetter split-off has a fairly good movies deceptive I wanna count well you know he always tell the runner if you're gonna get picked off get thrown out get thrown out of first space take the chance get a good lead and go I'd rather see them thrown out of first space and being thrown out of second base by 10 feet Randolph 30 steals during the regular season caught five times Amos Otis makes the catch here in the fifth inning no runs no hits leave one through five one nothing Kansas City will return to New York after this word from our local station leading off for the Kansas City Royals at the top of the sixth inning the designated hitter Hal McRae I talked to Hal earlier right how the final figure 297 for the year overall ossu performance by 1980 well I got to be happy with it uh I got up to a real slow start I was hitting about 250 at the break I went to 349 hit a bad slump I came on strong at the end but I had to be happy with the year I had because I didn't know whether I could hit I'll be a good hitter again because I had a bad shoulder operation and I was couldn't get the balls that I had been hitting before so I think I proved something to a lot of people and I proved a lot to myself and I think you know they cheer I'll be at 300 now McCray finishing just three points under that figure this year swings and misses on one very aggressive baseliner good hard clean baseball player [Applause] one ball one strike the count of course when you the manager and the other team and need Knox warning your second baseman's out of there you don't like that very that's out in the playoffs couple two years ago after this short watch them one away here in the sixth inning with nobody on Kansas City leading it one to nothing on the home run by Frank white and Tommy John to face Amos Otis [Applause] Amos Otis three pretend in the playoffs go on to the down going on Lilly akin who has two hits tonight on deck one-run success for Kansas City no runs four hits to the Yankees [Applause] don't think that Tommy John isn't trying to make every pitch perfect puts a lot of pressure on a pitcher to be down two games in the playoffs and down a run and then in the third ballgame I think they got the right guy out there one ball one strike [Applause] to fight his way on sir all makes the effort that has no play good let me ask you about the use of Gossage the Yankees obviously would like the goose to come in to protect a one-run lead and picked up the save but now you're down you've got your backs to the wall if Tommy John runs into trouble do you go to the goose in this situation I would think so I don't think they can wait to any longer I think they got to go out there and stop it right away and goose is capable of going four or five innings you just hope that if he had to go that long that they'd come back tomorrow and get a complete game if they won the ballgame 1 & 2 the count [Applause] I think that's really what pushing in such a precarious take have to use Gossage tonight Louis team on schedule pitcher tomorrow is not a guy that you think is gonna fit so you think you really have a tough road gossage hiding there he is second from the left back row he's just strong enough where he could pitch five in his a day and come back and fix two tomorrow into the next day he's that strong Amos didn't like the call it also looked like he was for that location by any stretch of the imagination and Larry McCoy Larry Tolan was a good pitch that's about all an umpire can say till you say something I think the ball if the bottle looks high but he hasn't been calling many low pitches and he's had a tendency to call any pitch it's the ball up you know Amos might have thought it was high and inside I think he thought it was inside and I think is complete list so two down with the bases empty and Willie Aikens two for two with a couple of singles 3 for 9 in the playoffs [Applause] taani tried to come inside on the one time he hit a rope out there I don't think you'd be trying to come inside again I think maybe I'll stay away from making it off that big part of the ballpark [Applause] at least that's what I would be suggesting the public and say about it there's a look at the Yankee defensive line [Applause] what what he goes to leave in your shoes he asked me yesterday how far that foul ball he went he hit when I told him into the concession stand he was happy don't forget tomorrow do it in beginning at 12:30 Eastern Time Longhorns and the Sunnis from Dallas and then our playoff coverage definitely from Houston tomorrow afternoon and maybe tomorrow night from New York [Applause] 1 & 1 the count Phillies in the Astros Houston up two games to one their 4 o'clock Eastern Time and then the Royals in the Yankees if the Yankees win tonight Fiat and Gayle [Applause] game and workout with the Oreos when he was 17 is hitting 430 football to the opposite field very strong young man John broke his rhythm there a little bit got the particular strike that came right back [Applause] toothpick is bounce to the right side Randolph crate stand watch him off and he can't make the tag so what a Randall I'm stopping it from going on to do but eight games has Easter hit here well it makes a nice play but the thing I can wonder is that it didn't look like Bob was really situated around the bag to go either way and looked like he had shifted his feet you'll probably see it right here now he's the other way on the other side of the bag it's an easy play he just kind of assumed the ball would be in one side of the bag and really wasn't ready for a throw on either side absolutely correct um he positioned himself wrong and got caught that old trapper you got your body crossed up there and he couldn't come back on the other side you always got to look for that bad throw over there Darrell Porter walked and flied out digs outside for a ball want to go that's what you teach at second base at all the positions always look for a bad throw cos when you get the good one you're not gonna be surprised but you will be surprising to get that bad [Applause] it's away from Cerrone bacons move it along a second and the count will be to a toe on Darryl Porter Samsung matters really excuse me Billy as the managers really into stats and Darryl of I think getting five out of seven hits off Tommy John do you think about maybe pitching to hurdle in this situation well I I would actually would like to see that happen because porters were swinging the bat well look we have the trainer out there in the mountain right this time that's gene Monahan I guess they his the mud is clogging up the spikes and they're bringing out that little little little stick you guys carry out there usually don't you happen behind the mouse so you can reach go get it yeah I'm great with your gym I wear I would if you are going to pitch to him fits very careful Tommy John can pitch around them just hope he swings at a bad ball if you walk him you don't care two balls no strikes the count [Applause] Darrell Porter at the plate Aikens at second base to John 6 inning London up in Kansas City [Applause] Boyle's gone on the show the inks come up Watson the lead off in the bottom of the sixth it's one to nothing Royals [Applause] we've got a scene reminiscent of what happened to Dodger Stadium over the weekend Ferdie they finally get Rakesh here come up in the bus throwing it looks like splitter Excel has good stuff making good pitches don't eunuch catcher [Applause] with the cot and issues though well I think everybody has a different degree of concentration Georgia seem to bother in there - two balls one strike came back with a curveball excellent fish get too excited over swing drive play tanks by white jump perfectly it takes a base hit away from watchin who was bidding for his third hit of the game is to wanna put play super play high fastball out over the plate really kinda gets in on him I guess and he just fights it off and he hits it awfully good but he is a strong guy and white going as high as he can go and I think if they're much higher crowd chanting Reggie Reggie over to struck out twice Oh Anwar there he is prank white homerun tonight that's the difference in the game six hits in the series started the double play last night that ended the game [Applause] when the series began Frank was a little distressed about hitting in the number nine spot but he certainly made the most of that and as usual performed flawlessly on defense Bobby if you had to make the choice right now the who the best player out there during this series you'd have to go with Frank Oh toothpick by the way [Applause] I don't really think I think it's a little bit early to panic a one-nothing lead is not that a substantial lead [Applause] one threat second idiot - I [Applause] and Reggie has a double [Applause] during the rain delay you need one guide again to ignite the team he's going to provide the spark very good help he went with the pitch instead of trying to pull it when right down the line where the best six just tremendous really it's it's pretty he just wasn't going to try to pull the ball because Reggie's really not a full hitter Jim prized gonna go to the mound the Royals have activity in their bullpen looks like wheezing dirt it is Quisenberry and also running Martin and they're gonna make the switch right here with satyr home sarong Piniella and Rodriguez all do to follow Jim Frey makes us much less surprising to me I don't know I'm not going to comment too much that I don't like to second-guess the other managers but that is a surprise to me I think it goes along what we said about splittorf though Jimmy Frey got it five excellent him innings out of him and it's a little early for Quisenberry are the only thing I really kind of sucking guess is that you can make a lineup change you can put in all your left-handed hitters and if the if the Royals have to go to another pitcher they they have to go with a rookie assembly this inexperienced you're really bringing your best in awfully early it could really hurt him for tomorrow if they don't win today and he ends up pitching three and a third innings it really could have a I guess it's quite a big effect on this play how about a tie what if we get a tie then he pitches a another couple more in his then you lost the movie for a couple days Brett Frey and Porter all standing on the mound is Dan Quisenberry comes on here in the sixth inning of course the first out of the inning was a solid shot off the bat of Watson caught by white then the double and here comes Quisenberry we saw him last night picked up the save and deuce nettles to hit into the double play [Applause] now that's the decision the manager has to make and he's the only one in the ballpark you're gonna get the blame or the credit for it of course boysenberry just like can't to call the same sort of motion as a matter of fact the two of them have talked at considerable length with each other we sought to Kobe there and here's Quisenberry in action here almost looking like an instant replay I said what a playoffs success this year I would have to point my finger to a guy named Ken to Cole V he basically showed me some things that made me I think from a decent a good picture to the firemen of the year and that was making my motion become a side-on from a sidearm pitcher to a submarine pitcher and that made me hide the ball better and I kept the ball down I took more lower sinkers or last year I had a chance to get him up and I give up a few long loss when and where did you get the benefit of Jacobi's knowledge it started at a banquet in January last year that took Olga and Tanner were in and then Jim Frey set up an appointment in spring training and Kent and I met two different times in spring training and then he called me during the season and when he saw me on TV and did some more adjustments Dan Quisenberry during that interview I asked some this book Kant had called him during the season because the COBE had some troubles definis fetch as Quisenberry was on his way to 33 saves and Oscar gamble is there to come up to pinch-hit for solder hole so fry simply making the move here and the middle innings even with the right-handed batters due up he knows full well that the Yankees are going to counter that's the case this gamble here batting for Santa home Jackson the tying run at second one away in the bottom of the sixth inning one to nothing Royals [Applause] watching began the inning by lining out as we look jab from our flip we stopped raining wonderful game of baseball 60,000 people cheering keep your concentration up there you play golf one person fix a camera and the trouble starts amazing isn't it and that ball is laying there still and this pitch is coming 90 95 miles an hour where's Barry he's being asked to move the rosin bag back of the mat earlier Richie wanted the second base umpire Kaiser after the way you have to get them all the way off the field he's gonna win you know large your uh players in the league what a good one hey is that bigger me I have to say something nice about now you guys are just thinking about next year come on this geyser the incredible home for the incredible bulk whichever you want to look at it gamble hits it foul on the gato and one Fred Stanley the Yankees does a great imitation and it puts about 1215 towels under his shirt and walks around just like um I swear it's Serena's something to see that's guys you seen it yeah yeah it's dead I think Stanley's down in Alabama [Applause] only one account on Gamble one out Jackson the second five to six inning one loyal swing foul Oscar's trying to check there's that different off-speed basketball he just doesn't throw all his fastball the same speed he's really a tough pitcher not only for right-handers but but really for left-handed hitters also but we do have a left-handed hitters in there now Billy I mean the ones that you think that are probably the best offensive team that the Yankees have I here I believe that Oscar's change the stance of a book like this but because of that sinker ball he's trying to lean over the plate a little bit more you notice he's bending over more Jim or is it just me look from up here no that's the kind of stance he used all year he's probably more over the place than any hitter in the American Way I've seen him from both sides with this first time ever see him from up here does look different [Applause] boysenberries 1 2 pitch rounded to the middle back heated by white to at least save a run but then he closed the ball away Jackson coming home and he scores is the ball wise up in the dugout Oscar Campbell's wife Oscar's gotta go to third base because to play football went in the dugout after he was that second third right now here it is his light makes a brilliant stop and then throws it away well the intentions are good a lot of runners will round third base take a couple extra steps if you don't have a play at first a good second baseman will make a throw to third hoping the runner will be off the base can be tagged out but it was an off-balance throw they all care mr. Frank right out there that fall hit the edge of that carpet out there it took a weird bounce it did an erratic hop but still does that have anything to do with the throw that he makes the hell it does not al he was trying to get Reggie when he rounded third base which is a real heads-up play a smart play by his second baseman and it just didn't work out it threw off balance and made the wild throw that's a base hit [Applause] and error drive the white no RBI sir on the banner runner at third wanna go take a shot here the Royals infield the shortstop Washington there is second baseman Frank white there and it need away situation right now wanted one account boss you know he's trying to do up there now he's trying to keep the ball down so they can hit the ball the infield too many times you get this situation and the picture get the ball up not on purpose but it'll drive that ball and score that run with a sacrifice fly what about playing your infield away the Royals are right now Billy well I think that's smart that's a right way to do it sometimes depends on the runner if the runners a little slower you can plan back a little deeper [Applause] just say it set up the ball being and look it's right up in the middle of the play her own drove in 85 runs I don't think he would've had a chance to catch it if he is back either watch him I've been doing it all year lady I kid to one New York's bottom of the sixth what out Lou Pinella [Applause] white backhanding right it everywhere great play just a sensational play one of the best plays I think we've seen in this series there's a singer who just chopped it most years who doesn't run that well but makes an excellent right now here he comes to bat for Rodriguez cells by hepatitis in July he wouldn't be back this age one point and came back and played in regular season early Sunday [Applause] the six inning well I believe I will hook Jim I don't think I would let's it went off me this really points up what Jim Palmer talked about before you bring in your chopper leave it now please and berries in there they're trailing what happens if it aligns up to one and quiz goes three and a third one last night Gail going tomorrow if if if we'll see just off the top of my head i'd-- get him out of there next inning while there behind you would yes don't you think it puts a lot of pressure on you then what do you tell the writers after the game I should they brought him in the first time that's why you're honest no really what do you got the ganger behind now Sharona second two down one open one and one remember outside of Quisenberry that bullpen is jakey the spectating right now out there I'd have to think that he'll go with Quisenberry unless they get a base hit here he's the best they haven't stopped by Eakins flips the quiz covering for the out the Yankees in the sixth inning but they come from behind took enough two runs three hits the big era by white leave one go to the seventh in New York Yankees two Royals one another look now and the grand ball hit five meadows and the blind play turned in by Aikens at first base well that's a sure double Willie's not known for his feeling I think he's a little bit sluggish hurling here coming off a knee operation but seems to be moving a lot better well that play right there would never be made in Kansas Citian no matter who the first baseman exactly what an ending that was in terms of defense he had Watson lining out white makes a great play then after the double by Jackson side a home the ground ball the great play by white initially there's the goose rich Gossage in the bullpen then white throws the ball away then you've got white turn in a sensational play from near shortstop cutting over across the bag and Aikens gives the final out it's too tough place for a second baseman the same inning now that's really something and I tell you I just admire they're they're not babies great ballplayer John Wathan will pinch-hit for Clint Hurdle as we go to the seventh inning they started hurdle and Myrtle hit into a double play and struck out so Jim Frey saw that act twice and brings Watson in the right-handed batter one of those we said before the game they started myrtles because as we look at the family of Tommy John wife Sally and the kids grounded to short weight the thought hurdle was in there because of his back weight even though his lefty against Lefty of Jim Palmer explained before in the case of hurdle then they go to walk in here in the seventh inning all right maybe his fat went to sleep on him I believe it I believe what we said earlier Ali took him out of there because they wanted hurdle out there for the defense here we have Frank white been up twice hit the ball hard twice Tommy has made two bad going I think you'll see really Cerrone moving out blowing away and Tommy's gonna make some good pitches he knows that Gossage is out there safe date of his games this year it's not a bad guy to have out there behind you [Applause] what rich Gossage well the defense in the outfield has shifted over like they're gonna be playing them out there so I'm sure they're gonna be pitching the same way to go to right field [Applause] along with the breaking ball twice I think from the center-field camera when you see Sarang sitting middle to plate it's probably going to be a breaking ball otherwise he's gonna either be inside or outside that bounced foul going through the count he tuned in late the Yankees the Royals we had a rain delay earlier about 32 minutes duration it was scoreless until the fifth inning Frank white hit a home run to make it one up the Kansas City but the Yankees came up with two in the bottom of the sixth inning Reggie Jackson getting him started with a double Rick Cerrone driving in the tiebreaking run to the sync we're in the seventh inning as white fouls away another one you know a lot of catchers that give away the pitchers they'll they'll move around back beard if you watch it close enough some will jump up on the fastball when they're getting out of their crotch and some of them will come up slow and usually when they come up so it's a breaking ball so sometimes you can watch those catchers and he'll be telling what's coming and the hitter watch the catcher though now we do it on the bench sometimes use a whistle if they hit it over the basketball stone 1 & 2 mrs. Frank white Gladys hitter gets to watch the catch is just about once really that's when you throw the next point up and over we don't like pitchers and catchers don't like hitters turning around and seeing where the catcher is moving for location that's for sure when eyes on second base hit like whatever I got down there I used to give signs to the hitters by crossing over when I cross over my legs that means it was a breaking ball when I walk straight off it was a fast ball [Applause] all the way Bannos I used to get as big as an apple because he just loved to know when the pitches coming and they try to tell us football so if complicated and this game is simple huh there's so many things going on out there it's just a shame the public isn't knowledgeable about it that's why we're here Ohr oh that's why we're supposed to be trying what do fish fallaway he's hanging in there [Applause] what out nobody I were the seventh-inning Yankees living through the lot [Applause] I think this will be Tommy John's last there's no doubt in my mind with a bad back a little struggling with both control of the curveball and the sinker they're gonna go to Gossage you got to win or lose with him white goose fouling it away Guu still going Tommy John has thrown 88 pictures to this point that's not a lot of pitches for him Fergie Jenkins puts one game for me 272 980 Balbir [Applause] you got the ball down and you'll just see it's been accused of cheating on occasion and you'll see this ball just kind of go underneath this bat kind of sunk very nicely I think Tom and John just give a little Shep does follow mothers club a little bit to the third-base coach make him feel like he's got something in there well I was in the locker room and he tore a sweater and he said oh I got my razor blade out too early two out nobody on Willie Wilson at the plate one of those accounts he's been accusing of scuffing it cutting it biting it [Applause] down the line toward the right-field corner and curling and who can fly stopping at second I believe me we'll see Gossage at this moment ul Washington comin up he's a switch-hitter so if he makes the move does Howser it won't be because the percentages not a ball it's actually driven just a fly ball that ends up landing fair down the right-field line Dick Howser is heading towards the mound I think what Wilson definitely has a triple on this ball except with two outs doesn't want to get it thrown out at third base can score from second easily on a single Dick Howser and you're right Billy exactly what he's doing he's going to the goose so rich Gossage coming in the pitch here in the seventh inning with a tying run at second base the number is for rich 33 save six victory to the big man coming out of the Yankee pen in relief of Tommy John Yankees on top to the one in the seventh inning when you the managers sit on the other side of their L this is a site you don't like to see know when you're coming up the battle and imagine it's very pleasant either no I you don't mind it so the head up there to plate but cuz you know he's gonna be too hard to get anyway but as a manager you're down one run you're saying Wyatt Wyatt why is this had to happen now why couldn't we be a hit one well then I wouldn't mind him coming in well I went to Quisenberry and the Yankees came up with a couple of runs in the bottom of the sixth inning now hazard bring it in to Goose rich Gossage getting chauffeured in the mouth responding or Zeus Zeus [Applause] rich Gossage coming on and relief I had a chance to visit with the Yankee right-hander in Kansas City yesterday [Music] super job he kept his club in the game until they got a couple of runs to go ahead the Tommy John still his game to win Gossage trying to pick up a save something he did 33 times during the regular season here's that visit we had yesterday better this year than in prior years no not really I think that Dick Howser handled me very well but he just brought me into situations he never brought me into very few he brought me into very few tie get high ball games he always wanted me to come in to ball games that we were we were up in the eighth or ninth innings he always checked me was you know below three innings if possible and never over three I think I went five innings here in Kansas City one night and now with the furthest that was the longest stint that I've had all season that's an interesting point because in the playoffs there's a tendency to go to your bullpen sooner than you might in the regular season how long do you feel you could pitch in any given game and still be effective well I find it very difficult for myself to come back after three innings of work if I can stay under three innings you know 1 2 innings I feel that I can come back you know maybe four or five five times in a row and you know and you know anytime that I go over three I find it very difficult for myself to come back rich Gossage making his first appearance in the series he'll face ul Washington gossip lust abundant three strikeouts in 99 innings during the regular season and the defense has kind of changed the day play him hit the ball to left field they come in they're a little we're probably before I think there's a tendency here probably the most important thing is that it does happen to get a basehead is the most important thing is to keep them off second base I think Jim if they're gonna do is shift the infield over it looks like they had and the outfield and I believe he's going to be swinging a little late and then you've got a count on that but this guy at second base a better worry install the sebassis gonna be awful tough to be thrown out runner at second as Wilson goose is loose immediately first picks 97 miles an hour [Applause] again 97 miles an hour on that fit that's such well we have a gun in Baldwin where that's probably three or four miles slower and he was throwing 96 in Brockton the most crucial game of the year we have beaten them four straight times and he came back and just Tommy John game again or two three when and I think the hitters are gonna probably have a little bit more difficult time reacting they see a guy like Tommy John somewhere in the mid 80s and this guy is throwing clothes 200 miles per hour to it on the cat Wilson who could fly at second but he doesn't fool you you kind of know what's coming [Applause] first he does have an excellent slider I don't know if the sliders that gooders just that his fastball is so good the slider seems better than it really is he has a good slider but in this situation you would want to go with the second best pitch and right now I don't think he's trying to pitch any certain way he's just gonna bring the ball and just get over the plate like you've mentioned the other day well he's three and one on ul Washington and I don't think he wants to really pitch around this guy to get to the next hitter George Brett Wilson a second two on Yankees seventh inning [Applause] seems a little bit interesting baseball card [Applause] shopper toward the middle Randolph will have to fire doesn't get him runners at first and third so ul Washington with good speed and the two men upfront and Brett who's number three can all move and beat out hits of that sort so runners at first and third and now he has to face Brett again it's just a three to it she throws a strike and this is where the team's speed comes through for Kansas City Willie makes gets rid of the ball as quick as he can and ul Washington can really run another close play though Bill's had some tough times down here has a night George Brett hitless tonight 2 for 10 in the playoffs and both of those hits came in game one a double at Jackson played very tentatively and then the home run to left center on Wednesday afternoon all the way back [Music] [Music] for the two and several the Royals out of the dugout to clear [Applause] looking on and disbelief as are most of the more than 54,000 fans here tonight so George Brett has stilled the crowd and Hal McRae takes outside ball one [Applause] one and one account say it again now here's the fastball in the middle of the plate I doubt if he threw that ball 97 miles per hour was George was sit on it well he could run the third deck towering 598 no I said it was in 97 it was man yeah probably why I went so far breaking pitch missing the count to ensue Sarang thought he had him there he is Brett second home run in this series sixth all money's hid in the playoffs lifetime remember he had three here a couple years ago in one game and the Royals watch that game Thurman Munson home run to our bases happy incredible Brett said five of those six home runs in Yankee Stadium we lost the question earlier our what a layoff would do to a guy like Gossage I don't think it's gonna make him throw away any less fire but what its gonna do is straighten out his fastball we might not have as much movement on it as he ordinarily would who says in tech since last Saturday sawed off the bat rounded the Nettles tough lady for Gregg and they get scooped out by watching debates though but MacRay is on I believe Greg slipped up there neck grass it's still moist once again now he just comes in on a jam shot he could got the ball in on McRae and I'm sure the the wetness of the grass slowed the ball down and McRae as you said earlier has pretty good speed another close play I think Watson had to come off the ball trying to keep the ball in front of that's a hit and the 11th hit for Kansas City overall Amos Otis is all for three [Applause] by the way odd one what more could be said about that man that putting 390 this year late slang going through there again how's that momentum we was talking about about holding that Knicks half inning Yankees score two wells come back to 3 and 3 off the ace those who fakes they sent McCrae the Pistons inside and the throw down their nails if Bucky Dent applies the tag and the Royals have done here in the top of the seventh inning with Jorge Brenda to three-run homer off Gossage him through six and a half in New York Kansas City for the Yankees - it looks like a small handsome leather-bound book but open it up the world's one victory to wrap it up with Bobby Brown a little Randolph and Bucky Dent coming up and they've got some work cut out for a man see sure do but they won the majority of their games coming down the stretch coming from behind all good ball clubs that labor tougher than seventh inning on we'll find out about the Yanks Brent brown hold for two rounds it out flied out [Applause] all the way that's one thing Bobby should do a lot more with his speed both right and left Hannah he should bunt the ball a lot more he does he goes up there swims away and I think he can raise his average 20 30 points I'm making a Kuwaiti t90 hitter with kids who come up to the major see you're kind of playable for Fred he has room makes the captions round his dumb one out of the seventh inning and Willie Randolph will be the hitter [Applause] Land Office grabs a knife singles [Applause] want to know [Applause] one and one Jaynee Quisenberry as watch her man come really out of nowhere nobody expected the time of year that Dan [Applause] and the City Royals trying to aim the enormous frustration [Applause] 76 77 78 on the bird to one pitch he's bounced to predator George takes care of that one for the out Randolph gun two down and dent will be the batter groceries will begin next Tuesday will begin in the National League City their Philadelphia or Houston and go to the American for games three four and five [Applause] on one account I think right now the Yankees have to try to get a base runner I mean then you get a guy on you get you got a possible tie ballgame if somebody gets one that's why I was talking about Bobby Brown if we practiced on his bunting just try to get on the base but those other guys who could pop the ball the ball bulk ballpark can't even really be helped the ball player white handle this one easily and Quisenberry sits them down in order 70 so let me eat for the commences Amos Otis will lead off their 742 Royals back after this word from our local station Sunday they're the wildest truckers on the road and they're leading an army of cops on a cross-country chase I paint truckers Ali MacGraw and Kris Kristofferson in love and on the run convoy what you think you do pianist Cloris Leachman an oscar-winning affair in the last picture show after the parades after the promises someone's got to work to keep the states and cities running we're the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees apps me the union that works for you [Music] the giant announces a revolutionary way to fly your overnight package on the ground it's pure later carriers northeast connection save overnight delivery you'd get with a plane for about half the cost reliable overnight van service from New York to Boston Philadelphia at Washington DC and hundreds of points in between you don't pay for a plane when a band will do the Northeast connection from pure later carrier the giant of the overnight package delivery business Lee Mazzilli tomorrow night 7:30 Goodyear blimp on Yankee Stadium where it's relatively quiet right now the Royals and George Brett providing the difference of three-run homer in the seventh innings for two sitting on top and Gossage is gone to work here in the eighth inning well he had some trouble down the stretch seemed like when they went to Cleveland he had struggle he struggled Tommy John hurt his back I don't know if it's the mound there I know that we were there for the last weekend of the season chippy Martinez hurt his his shoulder there they have a mound it doesn't really slope maybe as much as some of the other ones in the lake I think it'd have to be a physical problem you know Jim I think you find out a lot bottle ballparks that have professional football teams there and they take those mounds off and they put them back up I don't think they just put them up the same way that when they take them off five they tell you they do but I don't ever see people going out there measuring that mound after after football game to see if it's the same height there should be we've got used to seeing some joyous teams in that particular dugout over the past few years but it's very solemn right now as Kansas City leads before to go to the eighth inning Amos Otis Willie Aikens and Darryl Porter coming up for KC well what did the Yogi Berra says it's not over till it's over mm-hmm and that really applies here I mean they have the capabilities that come here and here at Tommy Underwood's job is just to try to keep them from scoring Amos Otis open three tonight want to know the cow chew it up Amos may be going for the long ball in this two nodes anything I don't think so he really just didn't swing for homers this year after you hurt the tendon in his hand lined into centerfield for a base it goes right back through the middle all sniffing away from brown Otis takes a wide turn of the polls and a leadoff man is on this telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball intended solely for the private non-commercial use of audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the picture who service is in accounts of this game without the express consent of Major League Baseball is prohibited I thought you said I was gonna read ah I forgot all right I tell you what we come back tomorrow let Jim do it tomorrow cuz I had my chance today you're gonna open the show with it tomorrow yeah well let Jim do it I had my chance today you would let me I tell you Wow we send you down for the victorious celebration no matter who was here yes thank you bacon look to the strike of the cattle at one might you find here going try to get another run I think it'd be a lot more comfortable for mr. Quisenberry if he had a three-run lead have lefty versus lefty well Jim I you'd think so if he can but maybe he's one of those kind of guys that can't find that sir if he could but he's half decent and you'd certainly we tried report we get from the Yankee clubhouse nothing physically wrong with gossips house we're just stopping for Underwood as Akins it's a flyball to left field and Lou Piniella puts it away one out of the eight this afternoon that game went 11 innings Houston winning it by a score of one to nothing the losing Cesar Cedeno in the process with a dislocated ankle but the Astros are one game away from winning it in the National League game for there coming up tomorrow at 4 o'clock Eastern and if we're back here 8 o'clock Eastern tomorrow but right now the Yankees down 4-2 in the 8th inning first pitch the quarter gone [Applause] they got picked off watching to Jane [Applause] 1:36 see three pickups in this series that way it's technically a caught stealing well it Kansas City has just outstanding speed so if they do get caught off base they really feel I can beat the ball to second maybe they haven't been able to do it primarily because Bobby Watson's made some excellent throws again we saw something out there Jim or maybe we should teach a little bit more whether if you are picked off like that run more in the outside or the inside part of the baseline there maybe there will stop that through Porter hits it in the air to center field Bobby Brown drifting back thank you city is done here no runs in the head and nobody left on Watson Jackson and gamble coming up bottom of the eighth inning for two Royals Stadium 3 4 and 5 hitters for New York Watson Jackson and gamble against Quisenberry 4 runs 12 hits in an era for the Royals two runs seven hits and no errors to the Yanks Kansas City with Quisenberry and Porter the MPO Aikens white ul Washington to George Brett the off-field Wilson Otis they've got John Watson it right field first hurdle start of the game walk and remained in Dick Howser and the Yankee dugout is watching two to three the only time when after night it took a fine play by white Anila old one [Applause] oh it too [Applause] one ball two strikes on watching Jim you're gonna have to go down a they're gonna throw a fan out of here with an Oriole hat on impossible [Applause] center field for a patient keep track it down wall at 430 feet away watch it Ronnie on his way to third the throw is high [Applause] with a signal a double and now a triple and here you'll just see a ball he kind of gets up too early I guess down in a fairly good pitch we talked about Death Valley that's exactly where he hit it can't get to it questionable play right here I think maybe a good relay is going to make it awfully close but he he throws it high and the pitcher is exactly where he's supposed to be backing up the play what two runs down I don't think to stretch our tipo took those in having at this point feel the core scent afford to play back with Jackson at the plate two on Royals lead nobody out oh and one [Applause] was a home run by Reggie Jetson well he wants to stay obviously stay away from the home run but he doesn't want to walk Reggie and put the winning run at home plate boy making that one played a fire in the county going to [Applause] Oh suplex objection why not do the job [Applause] gonna be facing some tough customers you'll see Cerrone and then you have Lou Pinella you'll probably see Jim Spencer another home run hitter followed by Greg nettles he's got his work cut out for him but 33 saves definitely has the talent to do two balls two strikes on recce watching the third [Applause] if you fathered and bred over there I don't know what it is looking on as Reggie awaits the 2 2 pitch the Texan bring it to the couch pretty good pitch looks like a little bit off the plate Reggie start stand being as strong as the inch can hold up with a bat this was outside one three until on Reggie everybody's saying great to know Jackson ball four [Applause] walk Reggie you set up the a situation where they have to hold them on you got Oscar gamble a pull hitter they hit the ball to right field it's probably going to be a first and third situation here comes Jimmy Frey [Applause] about as Oscar gamble comes up for the second time in the Kansas City bullpen Valerie's probably gonna go out there and just talk to him book calm him down sometimes you go out there just to talk to him how he's going to pick that certain hitter coming up Martin and bread in the bullpen began to warm up as we mentioned before can't emphasize enough Phil he's got his ace guy in there right now I hit on the hope I don't think he's gonna switch night and switch before I would think that he would wait at least till the game is tied you still have a guy that last inning he threw three harmless ground balls he he he does have a sinker ball you bring in a left-hander though probably pinch-hit but if you bring in the right-hander that's a high pitch high fastball pitcher Oscar even though most people think he's the low fastball hitter can really drive the pickup especially out over the plate [Applause] Boyle's leading four to two bottom of the eighth-inning nobody out watching the third and Jackson a furry and to the in fear looking for the double play [Applause] to get off of something they could take you downtown real quick [Applause] we talked yesterday about what a good hitter Oscar gamble was maile classify him as a priest winter but he has a pretty good eye you have the strike zone balls in those sites [Applause] remember Quisenberry a great here still pretty young relatively inexperienced offices first playoff game not games the first playoff series [Applause] can't seem to get it boiling hobby is because you're trying to keep the ball down go on when you walk Reggie put the winning run at home plate and that's exactly what you don't want to do if you threw a home Haunter Reggie the course thing that could happen was the game would be tied and [Applause] over the years you don't want to do it but least you don't lose [Applause] yes hit him hard three times now twice tonight once the other day so it's he's got his work cut out there flaw hit running a sixth inning [Applause] I think this pretty interesting what's going to happen up with home plate strike on a delayed call on McCoy and a cat wanted one some time is a lie used to get him up just to make the other manager make a switch make them think that I might make a switch or stop him for making us personally put that way these guys have appended he's been somebody on the on-deck-circle think the other guys think [Applause] as Ricky gets doubled off at second base and the other runners get back very good baserunning is it oh now let's tell your coaches all the time tell them the runners don't get doubled off on a line drive your two runs down if the ball goes through he can't score anyway the ball is hit too hard so you just have to say there and he just got double offensive it's a play that happens to a baserunner where they're overanxious and they're just trying real hard and Reggie Jackson gets caught on second thought by a mile to runners at first and third and the Yankees go to the bench with Spencer Vennela scheduled up the left-hand batting Jim Spencer with good power coming up here - on it - out bottom of the 8th inning the Royals on top 4 to 2 [Applause] Jim let's say you've got a lot of things on his mind baby girl Jamie born prematurely operation was recently wife brand tough period to them and obviously were all extending our best definitely friends a very good friend of mine and we're all ripped for you back involvement well elliptical well this guy's hit a lot of clutch homeruns for low fastball pull hitter reaching the right deal see runners at first and third two down finally a settings for to Kansas City [Applause] wanted on account [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all the white and Quisenberry works in the no out jam so the Yankees here in the bottom of the age come up Betsy leadoff triple by Watson took the walks within the double play and they take care of stretchers Reggie Jackson returns to right-field the man's doubled off bit overanxious at second base so at the end of eight the city to run homer by George Brett in the seventh inning Kansas City before the start of the playoffs if you were to take a look at one thing in this series the key offensively would it be speed would it be the fact that the Royals might have better call for home runs against the Yankees anything offensively that you see is perhaps providing the difference well I think home runs paper play a big part in the Yankee series that we've played against each other in 76 77 and 78 we're not a home run hitting team although everyone somewhere we can hit a few balls out of the ballpark I think if we can hit some home runs off Guidry off John I think it's definitely going to work to our advantage it's a little easier to score runs when you hit home runs than you do in the way we used to do it and that's just get three or four base hits in a row because the odds are against you but we're a good ballclub and I think we're capable of hitting the long ball we're very capable of stealing bases we got six six or seven guys that can hit and run I just look for an exciting series and if we can put a good offense together we got a chance to beat them George bread was some very salient comments the way things turned out Jolla fate takes over in left field as we go to the night like calling it don't shot is yeah he's John Watson leading off in the top of the ninth inning Watson white and Wilson pitched in for a strike in the count Owen 1 dick Houser when his team comes up in the bottom of the ninth nettles brown and Randolph the 8 9 and 1 hitters route of 56,000 588 in Yankee Stadium data Watson three unassisted [Applause] one out of the nine settings ranked white the batter now the Kansas City Royals hoping it turns out to be a one day trip to New York they'll be gone crazy in KC they won't need a plane to get back there will be one of though the count the Royals seeking their first pennant ever of course Kansas City had the A's before they went to open and after they were in Philadelphia they never won a pennant in Kansas City one ball one strike the count George Brett this is really a marvelous story in terms of the Royals you talk about expansion pubs and sports but they have done Kansas City Royals weren't even in existence until 1969 started from scratch tribute to mr. mr. Kaufman build a great complex build a great scene but it nettles picking it up and growing and getting it close play first base Frank white doesn't agree with that call and Jim fries them to come out to have a few words with Bill Haller so to them and the city wives we take a look at the play again [Applause] well it just looks like a lot of the place before looks like it's high I'm sure Jimmy Fry's saying you know it's not over I know we have a two-run lead but I think he was safe and he got what he wanted the golf and I think it's the right thing for Jim to go out there and argue his player was are good he's got to go out there and pick up for his player if he doesn't do it then the players gonna say look at the manager not Eve arguing for me I mean the game's not over by any means really had some tough place they call it first base tonight I thought he done a fabulous job down there he's really had some tough pieces right you what I wasn't to before because of the length of tonight's game the show Friday's will not be presented this evening we'll return next week at its regular time all on the count on Willie Wilson Tommy Underwood in relief of Tommy John and goose Gossage often joining the team and Joe perk it's done a great job of that front office John Schuerholz PR man Dean Vogel are one of the very very best quite a guy I think I'll forget the band's yeah I think it's one of the few towns we really enjoy going to because they've just appreciate I think the game of baseball you can pitch a good game against them and they appreciate that and let you know that tremendous fans well they sure come out over two million the last couple years want to pitch is up ahead in the count two balls or two strikes two out of the bases empty in the ninth inning Dick Howser what you can do at this point this is what they call a purpose fish it's not that far inside far enough you're gonna probably go away or throw him a breaking ball [Applause] order we've got coming up bottom of the ninth it's for two Kansas City back after this message and work for our local Zoo [Applause] the Yankees have nettles Brown and Randolph in the bottom of the ninth inning the Royals trying to sweep it 4 to 2 [Applause] and the city on top Quisenberry the nonsense of sixth inning facing nettles old for one tonight want to know the cow I don't know what he's gonna do but he ought to be going right after him there is Ewing Kauffman and his wife dealing and Muriel Calvin the Royals owners and eager anticipation to the counter no not nettle well you said many times Billy the last couple day there's no deep no defense for walks no I don't even have their bullpen up out there Jim look at that Kansas City wanted the first place on a 23rd of May never looked back that's a strike the count 2 and 1 on middle having to take care of them try to get on i flyball to centerfield Amos Otis in underneath it one away in the ninth inning Bobby Brown the batter [Applause] fabulous job mystically this year reminded me Royals finishing strong this season after a little swale period in September they won five in a row and eight of their last nine thirds continuing in the championship series oh and one account on take a very underrated baseball team at the best record in baseball food July in August would have one way over a hundred games of the head and gone into that smooth high fly ball the left-field Willie Wilson right there who down lashed out would ear and off the batter he's going to do everything he can to get on base I don't think you'll be seeing them swinging until he gets two strikes I don't think so you never know Bucky Dent is on back [Applause] lethargic attack and [Applause] going one just to last night just to so far tonight oh and one account on Randolph [Applause] I don't think Willie liked that call at all those balls running in on the right-hander's the pitch right before Cerrone lined out last inning for that double play was questionable [Applause] only argue a little bit that pitch was almost in the same spot Bobby Bobby Mercer's come out on deck he'll bat for Dan and Randolph get done I guess that's why yardage about their own jogger that one to get the next one right well he had 119 walks in it right now his job is to get on first for a guy like Bobby Mercer maybe bounced foul of the count to two so the Royals are a strike away taking a walk back of the plate Jimmy fry taking a walk up and down the dugout [Applause] [Applause] George Brett is three run homer in the seventh inning the difference time called time fall by the left field umpire see Palermo that's garbage coming out of the stands left field bring it to the gala [Applause] cause here's a she wins the minute [Applause] seventy-eight coming into New York and sweeping the American League Championship Series [Applause] Royals bullpen into the clubhouse Bob Uecker is down there the Kansas City Royals have selected let's my friend and Wilson and Quisenberry and Hawaii who had a sensational series and let's go to
Channel: Classic MLB1
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Id: A4usAlQkss0
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Length: 196min 1sec (11761 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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