1975 MLB All-Star Game (Milwaukee)

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the following NBC sports program is brought to you in living color [Music] our show is brought to you by the BF Goodrich tire company BF Goodrich we are the other guys what you're looking at are some of the millions of votes for the players in tonight's all-star game being counted bio-computer here in new baseball world tonight we want to take a couple of minutes to talk about all-stars of yesterday and tomorrow I will examine an overlooked part of baseball history and thanks to an exclusive in-depth study you'll hear about and meet guys who became all-stars for reasons you may have know nothing about oh I see great wealth in your future you do may seem much successful an innovative company no kiddin actually tired thing is good B's tired I'd be a good dealership mine is yours you will be a respected businessman in your community believe it a blimp do you see me writing in the garbage blimp cuz I diggin what a blimp Ares 5 bucks 30 BF goodrich we're the other guys remember 1976 America's bicentennial year you have a part that baseball played has been completely overlooked some people say baseball 200 years ago well let's look at some of the evidence dug up by my impartial investigator let's start with Paul Revere now he could really take those riddles history books tell us that Paul makes me way with yelling the Redcoats are coming the Redcoats are coming wrong if Paul was going the Red Sox are coming Oh Red Sox are coming it was April and all was on his way to Fenway Park for the season opener another reading big fan was George Washington George's father wanted his hatchet back so he gave George a baseball bat but George dreamed of being a pitcher it was too bad that he flew his arm out throwing silver dollars across the Rappahannock River spring training in Florida was George's idea it hit him as soon as he got the valley port and did you know that George Washington didn't even want to be president until he found out that he could throw out the first ball of the season it was about this time that a sports writer coined the phrase Washington first in war first in peace and first franchise to move to Dallas now where was Ben Franklin when all this was going on in the dark that's where someone had to start night baseball he even invented the skull so there could be a hot stove league and eyeglasses so Ben jockeys would have something to needle the umpires about the women were right in there - Betsy Roz was working her fingers right to the bone making uniforms she used red white and blue which he had left over from another job and remember Patrick Henry you think catfish hunter wanted to be a free agent Patrick Henry said give me liberty or give me death of course he was backed up by the Marvin Miller of his day compain who's always talking about the rights of man and naturally the owners like King George assert they were upset over dissension some other big names come to mind how about John Hancock John was kind of the Kilroy of his day always signing his John Hancock so now we have autograph fans another big name was Benedict Arnold nobody stole signals like Big Ben Benedict Arnold left by yet he figured in a very first trade France gave America left Fayed and they got that corn tobacco and a general to be named later and don't forget the scouts the first counter report was turned in on the British Army the Scout reported that they were tough to beat at home not so tough on the road not some facts to get distorted by time what Thomas Jefferson really said was all men are created equal except knuckleball pitchers Jefferson was quite a fan he insisted on having the Declaration of Independence signed on July 3rd because he had box seats for the 4th of July doubleheader by now everybody knows about America's first and biggest doubleheader Lexington and Concord i'm joe gergiolla and that's the way it was wasn't it hi come on everyone miss my Tony is my baby it's a good boy for 10 years he is a BF goodrich deal oh it makes a nice living selling tires for 10 years I asked when I gonna take a ride in this blimp and he says nah first American Idol radio time with a BF goodrich I say oh that's a nice very nice then he says MA without the guys are more and more people are called an endeavor in the radial tire market and I say oh that's a nice to disagree mrs. MA today more and more people are buying Goodrich radials than ever before hey you know what I say when they turn you when I gotta take a ride on this a blimp never MA never it's alright I get airsick anyhow BF Goodrich we're the other guys remember in tonight's all-star game you'll see a lot of outstanding players you know that pretty much by the statistics but to me statistics never tell it to story one of the outstanding on deck batter is consistently an all-star on-deck batter is Joe Torre what does it take to be a good on deck batter well you gotta make first of all you got to be sure that you've got your equipment in good shape I get to the ballpark the first thing I do is check the seams of my pants because kneeling on your knee all the time that puts a lot of stress and strain on the underpants and you know the split is seen during the course of a ballgame to be awfully embarrassing well that's the the hidden part of it what about your equipment Hugh you have to make a choice you come down here and out you've got your kneeling pad which is all-important now you've got the pine tar rag which is right here now this pine tar dragged in particularly has a little bit too much on there so what I do is after I use the rag I mix it with some rosin spit on my hands a little bit just so it's not too sticky because if I only use the pine tar rag I have trouble dropping this bat when I when I hit the ball and your other decision is whether you want to use the leaded bet the weighted bat some guys hands aren't big enough to be able to hold both they weighted bat and the regular bat because when you're when you're young and you come up you see a lot of these rookies with what they tend to do Joe is they get a little flustered bases are loaded me to the next hitter and they tend some of them try to pull the doughnut off this way and as you can see it's it's literally impossible you've got to balance it off this way now I notice you're kneeling on your right knee are you a right knee on deck batter well yes I started my career as a right in the on deck batter and but to stay on one knee all the time if the hitter at the plate happens to fall off a lot of pitches you're linked to fall asleep and it can be a big trouble do you ever kneel on both knees I see some fellas doing well there is a reason for that as nothing to do it being on deck has a lot more to do with the pitcher who's pitching against them what they're doing is not waiting to hit but they're saying a little prayer what runs through your mind when the fellow who's up - right ahead of you hits a home run fear fear I'm scared to death what advice would you give to young players who really want to be good on deck batters here if you step out of the way I'll take a couple swings and try to explain what you know what a kid coming up should do now see if you notice when I took that swing I spotted somebody in the stands that I knew and you can either nod or give them a little hand hello or something like that do that for us if you spotted somebody sure sure and do it this way one of those numbers Joe Wayman Joe that's that's one thing you don't do in the on-deck-circle will watch the planes they're trying to break your concentration you got a really discipline yourself to stay down keep your head down if you're going to look up somewhere it's got to be in the stands or at a camera so when we go to a regular game or a World Series or like tonight at the all-star game are there certain players we should really be looking at you on deck circle well yeah I think so Joe Lou Brock for one that's the slowest you'll see him move all years is in the on-deck circle and Hank Aaron who the epitome of nervousness you see him kneeling on that one leg Bobby bonds get a chance to see him in the National League so many years now the people in the American League is starting to enjoy his performances in the on-deck circle Joe you really scouted them all are there any other players well Rod Carew for instance Joe he has a tendency to get a little lonely on deck and he needs a little counseling or something to talk to him and I know our Reggie Jackson he has a habit of checking the crowds when he gets on deck as I often do pitcher Lynn McLaughlin to me typifies a pitcher in the on-deck circle I think that's the primary reason the American League went to the designated hitter so that the pitchers didn't have to get in there Greg luzinski when you think of Greg you think of muscles you like to flex his muscles on deck and then Thurman Munson of course sir from the Yankees he you sort of copies will lose far as I'm concerned switch you yeah I mean are there any other players well baltar on my ballclub rusty Staub some reason or other he uses the pine - our rag but only in the dugout he has somebody throw it to him when they're on deck and I really don't know the reason Joe that he doesn't want anybody noises guitar Joe what changes would you like to see in baseball you know they've been making so many changes to help the hitters with the D H and the American League I think we're ready for the DoD be do DB the other designated on-deck batter you'd like to see that yes I I have a son and I've already I've already bought him a weighted bat and Pines our rag and a cushion because I think would make my heart proud to know one day he's in a major-league uniform kneeling in my footsteps [Laughter] what let's go up and on bacon anything a partner yeah sure can that's just what I'm waiting for Google nine your partner on the right look at which point anytime I want right no I don't think so saying you see Goodrich doesn't have a blend I think I'll be a lawyer BF goodrich we're the other guys remember as we salute baseball's unsung specialist the on deck batter 's the only thing left to say is let's go to the ballgame or even better let's go to the all-star game you our show has been brought to you by the BF Goodrich tire ugly BF Goodrich we're the other guys [Music] Brian Keith and John Mills star in the premiere of the zoo gang Wednesday at 9:00 8:00 central on our longest [Music] 20 years ago in 1955 the all-star game was held in Milwaukee County Stadium the host of that game the National League Milwaukee brave and now 20 years later the second all-star game ever to be held in Milwaukee our host is the American League Milwaukee Brewers as NBC Sports presents the 1975 all-star game brought to you by your nearby dodge dealer we want you to see why a lot of people are saying a charger by the Gillette track two shaving system the closest thing to a perfect shave and by Sears Tire & Auto centers now featuring the Sarah's diner glass Guardsman radio hi everybody Curt Goudy with Joe Garagiola and Tony Kubek and welcome to baseball's 14 6 all-star game encourage you to talk about that game we played here in 1955 like tonight that game was motor with superstars in fact fixed up and went to the Hall of Fame and here is one I know you'll recognize right away they're splendid splintered Ted Williams 300 game-winner early wins 536 lifetime home runs Mickey Mantle seven-time nationally batting champion Stan the man Musial a 2.7 for lifetime earned on average whitey Ford and three-time American League Most Valuable Player Yogi Berra and there was another player in that 1955 all-star game who is also here tonight baseball's all-time homerun King Henry Aaron in fact the tonight's appearance he will tie Willie Mays and Stan Musial by appearing in 24 all-star games let's go back and take a look at a couple of highlights of that 1955 all-star game 20 years ago and in the very first inning left two men on the pitchers Robin Roberts Mickey Mantle stepped up and hit one of his famous tape measure homeruns to get the American League off to an early lead on base ahead of him a little Nelly Fox and number 9 Ted Williams the American League out in front three nothing the game went into extra innings as a 12 inning with a score tied at 5 all stand the man usual he knew it he knew it was all over he ends the game of the home run he's greeted at home plate by the rest of the National League team a final score the National League six the American League five Stan Musial and Mickey Mantle are here tonight if it named honorary captain first time without honorary captain usuals old teammate Joe Garagiola Mantle's old teammate Tony Kubek adabbo gold bucks to the captain's earlier standards big home run you hit 20 years ago you call that shot and you told yogi somebody's you walk up tell us about I told you oh yeah it's been a long day and we're all tired let's get out of here would you tell the guy he's on the thing well Goro sisters and the only one I said I leo excited when I for something like this yeah you said you were gonna hit it where was the pitch well it pictures right right my eyes I got a good look at it and got good wood on do you ever see a picture too didn't get a good look not really not really it's all gone right Stan okay you're the captain of this nationally club let me ask you about your club start with the catcher Johnny Bench Oh Greg Greg flurry good katar Steve carbohydrates yeah Steve is very very steady and you've got Joe Morgan a wonderful great all-around ballplayer and you've got concepciĆ³n a short good arm and great defensive guy and you got Ron Cey at third base and he's good and steady goodness betty the outfield you got a like rose oh he's great leadoff man he'll get on those bases and you've got Lou Brock exciting ballplayer and good to have on our team and you got Jim Wynn Jim Vic are hidden we need some car so Jim Missy he'll give us a tip our and you're optimistic about this oh yeah it should be a great game we're looking forward to it makes that seem like 20 years ago since you were here for that all-star game in County Stadium no it doesn't Tony I remember that game a little bit I know I hit a home run in that game but I remember more than anything else Musial hitting that late inning a extra inning home run and I always felt like yogi told him what was coming assball right down the middle uh let's take a look as honorary captain of the American League's team of the lineup for this ballclub starting with first base Gene Tenace the Oakland A's I know he gets a lot of bases on balls he's a good man to have around because he can play any place you played against Rod Carew what about him Riker is led the league in four times I think hitting and he might do it again so he's got to be one of our best hitters in American League underrated I think the shortstop Bert campaneris from Oakland campaneris is real good all-around shortstop he can cover all the ground steal bases he can he can beat you a Yankee third baseman Greg Nettles one of my favorites of course I'm prejudiced to the Yankees you know Greg nettles could enter they win the game with a home run he's hit a lot of Homer's Thurman Munson to catcher another Yankee and another one of my favorites I think Munson is one of the best catchers we've ever had for the Yankees left fielder Rudy Rudy I've only seen in the World Series you know in the games that I've watched on TV and he looks like a winner to me to a man now now the Yankee outfield with a great tradition of Yankee center fielders Bobby Bonds got to be one of the most powerful leadoff man I've ever seen he's got 20 home runs and he could also win the game with a stolen base or a home run another man with pretty good power Reggie Jackson right I've always thought probably the the next superstar in American League probably Nicky thanks a lot and hope you handle the squad well off the bench I will thank your honor all right the pregame ceremonies are about to begin let's go down to the field good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to County Stadium for the 1975 all-star game let's all greet these great all-stars beginning with the National League the manager from the National League champion Los Angeles Dodgers Walter Austin blowhole the National League coaches from the Pittsburgh Pirates their manager Danny Murtaugh from the st. Louis Cardinals their manager vet changing batting first and playing Wakefield nine times an all-star and pre finds the National League batting champions of the same like before [Music] and I complain let's do v/stol 118 basis last year to set a new record from the family's hard-nosed new thought batting third and playing second base the six-time all-star among the batting leaders all season from the Cincinnati Reds Joel organ important fixing every time National League RBI leader and National League's top vote-getter from the Cincinnati Reds 986 batting fifth and playing first base the National League's most valuable player in 1974 and the most valuable player in last year's all-star game from the st. Louis Tigers Steve Garvey that is fixed and playing centerfield he hit over claim home runs eight times in his career known as the coy cannon for the Los Angeles Dodgers Jimmy Nguyen batting seventh playing third base the National League starting third baseman for the second consecutive year the Los Angeles Dodgers Ron Cey batting eighth and playing shortstop twice at all-star enjoying this planted season in 1975 from the Cincinnati Reds Dave Concepcion all pitching and warming up in the bullpen died for national league lead in shutouts from the Pittsburgh Pirates Jerry Rice soulful and I'll here are the Rivini National League all-stars [Applause] from the Atlanta Braves pitcher Phil Niekro [Music] for me Chicago Cubs third baseman Bill Madlock from the Cincinnati Reds first baseman Tony Perez from the Houston Astros first baseman Bob Watson from the Los Angeles Dodgers pitchers Mike Marshall for Andy Messersmith [Applause] Don Sutton from the Montreal Expos get your outfielder Gary cutter or the money York Mets pitcher John at Lockport for Tom Seaver [Music] from the Philadelphia Phillies shortstop Larry or second baseman Dave cash outfielder right whiskey picker got the drawn from the Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder al Oliver nectar Manny's Indian from the st. Louis Cardinals out fielder Reggie Smith from the San Diego Padres pitcher Randy Jones from the San Francisco Giants outfielder Bobby Mercer now let's greet the American League all-stars [Music] the half-year for the world champion Oakland A's Alvin dark [Music] the Anarkali cookies from the walking tours they're not a jerk Alison [Applause] [Music] from the Texas Rangers manager filling fuzzy [Applause] batting first and playing centerfield twice he's stolen three bases and hit 30 home runs in a season from relocating bobbing time batting second and playing second base four-time American League batting champion and current leader from the military's Rod Carew that in third and checking fourth in batting average and fifth nips in the American League in the New York Yankees Thurman Munson batting fourth and playing Wakefield American league's Most Valuable Player in 1973 averaging over 31 wool receipt of the past seven years from the world serving a low-key Jackson in fifth and playing left field star the 1972 World Series 1974 American League Most Valuable Player rhetoric from the Oakland A's Joe curvy and in 610 clean birthplace averaging 23 home runs each of his last five seasons the New York Yankees Greg nettles that in seventh and playing first place only man effort me a home runs in his first two world series of facts for the world of Oakland A's team tennis and an apron what's gotten stolen more than 500 pages and over 30 for 10 consecutive years from the Oakland A's Bert campaneris Lee [Applause] [Music] hissing and warming up lecithin former Most Valuable Player seinem Award winner at American league's all-star game winner in 1971 from the Oakland A's vital blue and now here are the remaining American League all-stars [Applause] from the Baltimore Orioles pitcher cheese color from the Boston Red Sox outfielder Fred Lynn first baseman Carl Yastrzemski from the California Angels third baseman Dave Chuck pitcher Nolan Ryan for the Chicago White Sox Joyce got lucky [Applause] knickers with capital Jim kaat boy [Music] secondly from George Arthur or fall from the Cleveland Indians outfielder George Hendrick fall for Detroit Tigers catcher bill freehand from the Kansas City Royals pitcher Steve Busby [Music] outfielder al McCrae proclo cover Milwaukee doors I'll kill the villain [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] those placements George what [Music] so the New York Yankees security staff a putter [Music] from the Oakland A's pitcher Rowling figures out fielder Claudell Washington from the Texas Rangers outfielder Mike Hargrove infielder Tobey Hera and a ladies and gentlemen for the first time at all-star history honorary captains have been named to these teams introducing the captain of the National League Hall of Famer and seven-time National League batting champion Stan the man Musial and the captain of the American League Hall of Famer 536 pipeline home runs wiki pet Oh ladies and gentlemen posting the colors by the United States Navy and the 84th Division Bicentennial units our national anthem was sung by one of America's favorite entertainers Glenn Campbell now to honor America let us all join in singing our national anthem oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight all the round part we watch we're so gallantly streaming and the Rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave [Music] [Music] we'll return the County Stadium for the 1975 all-star game as the National League all-stars meet the American League all-stars you know my son is president of this company really yeah but I taught him how to save who just got that Xerox 4500 copier it copies on both sides of the same sheet takes out the originals and swords the copies it saves paper time and money you know my son is president of this company two professional drivers one on our Warren non radio the other on a new set of Sears dinah glass Guardsmen radios watch the difference in cornering fraction it's a combination of radial design and a road hugging threat to give you this kind of cornering track the Sears Dinah glass Guardsman radio now on sale at 25% off only it's ears with Sprint I'm wiping and shiny Viking and shiny with this the grubbing buffing line condition rubbing I think wiping and shiny wiping and shining gel wax print easy but tough enough to clean tar and road grime wiping and shining wiping and shine a wax print cleans and shines as soon as you wipe it on ladies and gentlemen at this time we direct your attention to baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhne spots the re annotations of the American League dugout where Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will pull off the first day where we're going to pitch to you Rod Carew this year's top vote-getter [Applause] dr. Kissinger who are Elias Washington's High School in New York [Applause] and the Secretary of State going out to a another graduate of George Washington High School in New York rot guru dr. Kissinger said his favorite player of all time Joe DiMaggio used to be quite a Yankee fan and later his professor at Harvard University he followed the Red Sox very closely how to uh famous graduates of George Washington High School how do you sir was one I remember him as shortstop about our producer Roy Hammerman Frank Slocum he was there and the holes biggie he's done this a few times I'm delighted around the world see Tuesday this must be Milwaukee the umpires are meeting at home plate just a delightful night here behind the plate will be Bill Haller of the American League working his third all-star game chris pellacutis of the first base at second base is marty spring stead of the american league bruce climbing of the national league will be working a third down the left-field line rust gets of the American League and John McSherry of the National League is covering the right-field line kind of interesting Curt Don Sutton has been down there talking to mrs. Kissinger checking on the baseball cap that she was putting on there he gave her a Dodger cap just now she's a real Dodger fan what is the secretary Oh Yankee fan did I hear a reader you're a Secretary of State you are a fan here everybody fast right that's how you get to be Secretary of State the American League the home team will be taking the field shortly by two blues been warming up out of the bullpen you'll be the starting pitcher and warming up with a National League bullpen has been Jerry Royce Kurt I thought the idea of the honorary captains is just super I don't do I think of the players they can bring back from now on and every year DiMaggio right on down the line Ted Williams comes to mind immediately the Hall of Famers we talked about the Hall of Famers of the RI hi bill Dickey I mean if the sound really got a frill of thing usual and mantle here tonight and they both said imagine the throw we had being here being exposed again not only to the fans of Milwaukee but for the nation well I had dinner with standing his family and revenues family last night that's all Stan was talking about I mean once you're out of the game and you come back and know if they remembered you that's the thing that they were saying and what an ovation mr. Aaron guy right here is vital blue who was 112 game two lost seven the last two starts this club hasn't exactly worn the cover off the ball even shut out he lost to Oakland to the nothing and the Baltimore Porter nothing 17 game winner last year looks like you'll surpass that record this year he's been the ace of the Oakland pitching staff although Ken Holtzman I was real lost six wins in a row the Oakland A's represented here tonight by one of the race pitchers vital blue the defending world champs and it was anybody could upstage vital blue if we Charlie Finley and is a three in cap cowboy kappa i think it was a 57 gallon hat that he had and given out orange of a day for hollister after that Thurman Munson behind the plate for the American League all-star team we asked her in months and any problems catching pitchers he has not seen before let's see what he has to say about vital blue and the rest of the staff you know fight a fighting mixes up the pitches real well tone you know but actually right now you know my mind really isn't too much in the all-star game my wife's back in Canton Ohio Diana and she she's expecting a baby anytime no no I just want to let her know you know I wish her luck and I just wish I could be there to be with him he said I didn't want to give anybody the impression and I'm not here to win it's about my mind is not others I better be on side of blue right now here's the rose leading up and take a look at a ball he throws hitting 319 a switch-hitter right through the box they're going to go hitter first half roses on he played in seven previous all-star games this telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the Commissioner of baseball is prohibited and Major League Baseball has the right of approval of the announcers for this event Lou Brock usually bats lead off for the Cardinals he's hitting number two in the American League lineup tonight just 314 this year his second start all-star game a ball to him he was a starting left fielder in the 67 game was played in three other games behind him will be little Joe Morgan founded foul so you wonder about the padding ordered you might not have rose hitting second and Brock leading off guys you wonder about it - I just wonder how much thought goes into it when you got you know what's it like if you like the plug in an AC or DC I guess I don't know can't go wrong where were you put up there a one-one delivery there's a fly ball in the left field coming on is Rudy he's got it blanket halfway his rose and we preached the first one rock goes to left-field a lot back of batting practice only dude we've got to hit the left field here's the main was position for it now coming up I think fellas is that about the best offensive year of almost anybody in baseball he leads in so many department stores close to the leadership he is second in batting 345 fourth in runs batted in a little man first in stolen bases in ASDA league with 40 and first in walks what more do you want him to do he maybe right now the finest all-around player of the game Phil Morgan and he pops it foul over toward the seats Racing Genk like get through this reg never there's a commercial promotion going on and see more sign off has the standards that they set up for baseball and right now I mean going back to all the records setting up standards Morgan is so far above the standards that he had to go back and recheck his that on-base percentage is extraordinary has been the first half a lot of walks and curve is high for a ball they flames great away with metals inside a third he forces the infield in Audion and it could slap it by egg and hit with power he'll ride the ball a lot into the right-field corner there the high fouls twisting into the seat run the count of one ball two strikes one out for the amass the lake deep Rose the first half of the first inning Tony remember in Montreal gene Mauch city's on-base percentage was 55% that was his address at first base 55 first base but right in a hurry couldn't going to leave blue checks his runner fastball laced in the center Bobby Bonds can't get a grounding his BA here comes the throw it's their little hook the bag of the sliding row and Jill Morgan goes down to second on the throw to third look at it again you get backed up nationally the first leaf Pete Rose knows that Fogg has been having trouble with his legs but Bobby got over on the short pop to centerfield very quickly made a good roll here it is again Joe Rose made a decision and I thought he was going to make it when he went in with his hands because that's a tough tag to make he went for the corner but it was right there a beautiful throw a good tag and a good call you can count on Pete to give you a thrill right off the bat cancer but we forget when he crashed in a pasta all-star game in extra innings in Cincinnati Johnny Bench he's only been up eight years he's only been elected to the all-star team eight times and getting to 93 19 homers 73 runs batted in soft curve is inside to him for a ball Morgan at second there are two outs the National League that two hits off by two blue here from the top of the first no score though the outfield deep of step toward left and that one's outside teller was all ready to follow the strike but then changing Pines started to come up with that right arm two balls no strikes the best Steve Garvey on deck at fast balls bounced foul 2 & 1 the Johnny Bench there is Garvey a write-in man last year who wound up as the most valuable player in the game he won the commissioners trophy Morgan will get a lead at second this vaccine number eight do away Lou taking back the out the infield is deacon stated forth their adventure is usually a pull hitter to left and he went after that fastball blue a little something extra on that one that one jumped the hardest he's thrown tonight right there I was there two balls two strikes bottle blue worked very hard to spring training I remember one of our opening games when the joke Sonia and I were down in Texas Sal banner Reggie Jackson the rest of the a said he'll have a tremendous year this year nobody worked harder and screen printing in he had he's determined for a 20-game season the 2 2 pitch he tried to let up got away from now is three into the bag I thought that pitch he calls the slurve you know that half curve half I'd have been slow curve kind of thing more of a pitcher now that he wasn't 71 when he came up with a hard draw girl there it is again bench just couldn't lay off the temptation with a high pitch three balls two strikes benches then put some on a ball come on I think that's kind of the glamour of this ballgame the all-star game this confrontation all night long was he between those great hitters with great pitchers ran to deliver a fastball a foul Ryu here's one of the highlights of the season Johnny bench's marriage in Cincinnati the longest wedding list in history of America including a president United States most doesn't show do a knee ball foul down the third baseline bench I think one of the most unusual men I've ever met in baseball he came up with and there it is right there you see it a natural personality boys super a collect he was 35 years old that they came in and friendly and sell the game likes people three and two count let-up pitch is popped up good pitch by by the blue campaneris is calling for in foul ground you have it retire at home run to hit one look at in the first half inning it's no score we did it before and we can do it again this Chanukah nationwide veil from Chrysler Corporation yeah all right you can get up to 300 hours cash back on new 1975 Plymouth dodges and full-size prizes and $200 back on Dustin value dodge dodge pickups and vans come on down to your participating dodge or Chrysler Plymouth dealers are there nationwide sale we did it before vigil it again I cheer for Rex please relax Rex foster man local take 27 fashion [Music] [Applause] [Music] good ball I'm pretty good fall out what do you think resting I'd like to see one more Rex you look like eight years of Gatorade Gatorade thirst quencher helps replace what your body is thirsty for give your body what it's thirsty more Gatorade feels like my eyes collect all the dust in Shea Stadium Sun wind and pollen get me too no wonder my eyes get busgang that's where I use mirroring to excuse my eyes and third I'm a fast marine to a name you can trust next to your eyes to su refresh and clear them up fast you're into like having another right arm you're into and then you can trust next to your eyes we ask Johnny Bench before the game about receiving the opposing pitches that he hits against all year what's it like here's my biggest concern whenever it comes to an all-star game I guess I know how many millions of people are watching and it's always a concern of mine is that I'm going to handle his breaking stuff how much his fastball there's my biggest concern is to try to get out again before material comes in I don't want to fire that knuckleball he's talking about Joe Niekro the Atlanta Braves he may be in there tonight too Phil Niekro Gary Royce 10 wins six losses 16 game winner last year is facing Bobby Bonds who now that American League uniform recent years in all-star games has been in the National at uniform this is his first starting here to previous all-star game DSS live deep fried back the road warning track has it worse out so that hurt that wins bullion a little bit from right field I thought that ball might go out it's not blowing too hard but maybe just enough to keep the ball in the ballpark he's got such a heavy bat and such a quick swing it to 37 inches 36 ounces that fat and talk to him before the game because of a leg injury said he was going to lay back which would force him to hit to the opposite field but he thought he'd have a pretty good cut at it and he certainly did that here's a man and handles a bat better than anybody in a major league right now Rod Carew fouled aback he's leading the majors with a 373 average he's won the last Free American League batting title or an all and here's the Profi he received the most votes by you fans across America he wanted going away Rod Carew over three million votes of the Minnesota Twins I thought he could fund he could be top hit he can spray line drives all over an issue he's hitting more home runs he's at 10'o story on that will tell you about ion inside when I guess he went to arbitration they pointed out that don't pay big money for singles hitter that he's the wrong it's the moment this year then he's kind of caught in between because there you see his stance he's got four different stances that he owns up to line drive to the left fielder Brock first to American leaguer that the ball hard to run at somebody to down Thurman Munson of the Yankees hitting third batting 326 with even six homers 55 RBIs Munson himself says I'm sort of dumpy looking I'm not tall and rangy like Fisk and I'm not graceful and not going through this and that but she says you know what I'm a pretty good ballplayer don't judge me by my method judge me by my results he's played in three previous games this is his second start in a row Carlton Fisk won the balloting last year but injured his knee and couldn't play months is that an outstanding first half the season for the Yankees we have no score last of the first-inning they're two down bases empty jury voices my boys born in st. Louis Missouri lives down Santa Barbara California he leaves and a Silesian shot outside the landing zones of metro spent and nipped by the pitches Munson he's on first breaking ball at rice true he's been talking about basketball this really came way in I guess that's about all both of these pictures will be flowing skirt is coming Herrera hired he only got to go attending to three innings at the most gross strikes here surprised below that b3 somebody changed us to bench Reggie Jackson batting 244 not a high average he said he's going for home runs every swing Curtis Lee didn't have much of a chance on that one his voice boxing down Reggie has 18 homers 52 RBIs I'll never forget the one he hit Detroit up on the light tower and then life standard on top of the roof there I fine he was settled a home run rip one ball one strike to Reggie Jackson with two outs and Thurman Munson at first no score the American League batting in the last of the first inning Jackson played deep and straight away oh this one lays one ball two strikes got to be tough to see and he's really got something is right he is raring back and his strategy is Tony said is very simple there you see a shot of Jackson the batter of ice the pitcher Jackson's going to take homeruns wings and rising into a hard strike one ball two strikes the Jackson curveball that time at Jackson off-balance just a fraction of it Jackson's played in five previous games he'll play in a lot more he started four previous games also he's played both center field and right field in all-star competition per ball again over toward the American League dugout rice is not paying attention to Munson over there months and can run for a catcher he's a hard type player in month in there as you said Kurt he doesn't look like he's getting the job done but you look up he's there that's right I was watching it Garvey off the bag against him of all it's the strikes to Jackson he struck him out flat looking beautiful no runs no hits one left and the one held another Hey you gotta raise up for this wire yes one for this fun prima donnas the same reason should attract two raises but with adjustable commodities there are five steady you use high you low and you'll both get that great track to shave the Gillette track two razor with regular or adjustable cartridges the closest thing to a perfect cheese hey terrific shave 95 prima donnas one great razor Dick Tracy wet head Dick Tracy to dry look Clark Kent wet head Clark Kent the dry look Shazam Oh head Shan the dry look the dry look makes a good guy look even better and only Gillette has the adjustable valve to spray as light and dry as you like so c'mon hero get rid of that wet look get the dry look from Gillette aerosol and now a liquid - you should have seen this Teri's when I was a bachelor every night girls in satin pants suits see-through blouses and lots of imported wines whoo - I married she loves blue jeans and Italian Swiss colony wine like this Italian Swiss colony Ruby Chablis it's not a lot of dazzling flash this terrific taste and that's something you can live with for a long long time Italian Swiss colony the taste America is coming home to air for different shot divided a blue taking his warmup pitches at the we must look to some hitters - boy where's it coming from and we're going to have a parade of Dodgers up in the second now it'll be Steve Garvey Jim Wynn and Ron Cey Garvey vol.1 doing consistency is the best term to describe Garvey getting 318 11 homers 56 runs batted in there the long guys that would be it is going it is gone jumped off a one-nothing lead and Garbi is making a bid when the most valuable player award of the all-star game again he wanted last year look at that short compacts where you look like a fastball little bit up today let's watch it there it is about fell high in each up but look at the Express he knows it's concho and look at that follow-through and there's the enthusiasm always tickles me when players say it's just another game it's not just another game when you act like that a little boys in there any win was going for the left field seats also he followed him wins averaged 270 14 homers 44 RBIs I usually have the parade of quotes just before the all-star game on over there I'll play another rest they were st. Louis job Saturday study and I said to Jim you want to go there he said sure I do is I don't know why he would said it he said he was right on curve there's a high drive and the deep left Rudi's backing up backing up that one back-to-back home run by dr. Steve Garvey and Jimmy Wynn look at that bench they're all waiting for Jimmy Wynn the Dodgers are gettin so far in the all-star game as we look at again what they black the first part of the season ranked of offense he's one knows it he's watching it all away look at that but anyone to replay there's Ron Cey let's see what he does back-to-back home runs by Garvey and Wynn and actually got in front to nothing they won 11 of the last 12 three in a row Blue has been rocked here Buzzbee warming up and the American League bullpen we pause briefly for identification this is the NBC television network [Applause] and the pitches of all three no strikes to rod save at two singles off blue in the first inning and our two homers in the second Leo delivery was passional st-elevation Rudi on the first off back in with it free hips in succession that he meant three and old you think mr. Alton to turn them loose looking down an American League dugout Alvin dark [Applause] [Music] they start as mr. Kissinger secretary uh oh they say the service and I believe identical Dina Araz Dave could set you on the Cincinnati Reds getting to 65 three homers 37 RBI this thing has been hitting a bard lately right at somebody say at first no outs curve is over for a strike through nothing National League ahead and the Secretary of State the Commissioner for baseball talking over the home runs in the National League hitting right now at the pop foul that will be impact with the National League dugout out of play a blow jumps ahead of him two strikes [Applause] Yuri Royce the pitcher will be up next no designated matter in the all-star game or in the World Series pitchers if they Owen to delivery right on the corner concepciĆ³n is not looking that's the first out in the top of the second and here is Royce the national league pitcher coming up Alice Lee now with the strategy of evilly be bunting trying to get stay down the second when the top of the order Petros coming up nettles has been on the grass of third this is not an artificial surface very few of them in the American League the ones on blue is going to whirlen go to second in time there and knocks a off at second base campaneras took the throw from the pitcher blue voice of the first let's look at nettles again coming in rice tried to bunt away from a good feeling play by by the blue to get pay but it cooks up there's a different angle watch the blue he kind of stumbled as he throws that ball is a pretty good call right there folks right a lot closer than this it was the cursor that was going to be all right here the top of the order and Pete Rose singled his first time Rose has been a challenge what then well that's a foul ball I'll be bad handle for a strike remember we're talking about Ted Simmons maybe the best which attorney major leagues right now is high average both ways roasted I got to get going Jefferson I'm going to show you guys that was deep into right field twisting toward the corner at the fair ball and grabbed out there by Reggie Jackson will played it very well who runs three hits one left and what any gonna have Death Valley California a hundred and twenty degree we parked five cars turned on the lights and waited five hours later all the batteries are dead all that won a Sears diehard the diehard with extra power to start your car when most batteries won't sold only it's here two professional drivers one on our Warren non-ravens the other on a new set of Sears Dyna glass guardsmen radials watch the difference in cornering traction it's it's a combination of radial design and a road hugging fresh to give you this kind of cornering track the Sears Dinah glass Guardsman radio now on sale at 25% off only it Sears to see people enjoying a Kentucky Fried Chicken picnic you catch a whiff of that delicious aroma and you just can't help wishing for that mouth-watering taste in this world there's only one so finger the finger and you gotta get [Music] in it chicken [Music] it's action times two on NBC first Jim Rockford opens the case the police want closed that means big trouble then see Angie Dickinson as policewoman Friday night as an interesting shot Billy Martin coaching at first for the American League West troubled American entirely gunfire as telling his tale devoted to national league umpire chris pellacutis and John McSherry and just they care they could throw follow for only whatever he said don't he got about seven on the Lampeter as you recall the last time we saw Martin lawyer in Texas he had the conversation Mike the whole plate with Lucy a notice that there was a man at Mickey Mantle described as a winner when he watched him on television he's certainly right Joe Rudi leading off for the American League the strike doing Rudi is playing left field tonight he's been playing first base for the AIDS of season he's hitting 279 11 homers and 50 RBI he plays his best ball in spotlight contest I like Reggie Jackson's description he talked of all that turmoil on that open club he's this Joe Rudi's a misfit he gets along with everybody he ever says anything that's writing just because that we get the job done one one thing is it foul down the right-field line you know it's an interesting story Alvin dark today as the word is Rudi better in left field and first bases did much better as it is tennis better at first in catchy he's that much better the way if you get both got him out of religion well that's the way it has to be in our ballclub II said that's a great explanation [Laughter] go Rudy leading off sharply hit ball to third pepper Martin style played by rock play I'm Rudy not one down Tony you guys follow that ball right off your chest into the club never tried to catch him off my chest it's get off your Adam's apple and try that looks like a juggler Marcel Marceau you know I think that third base position has changed not so much on the grasp on artificial surface it's tough to catch a ball off your chest oh this is a natural grass of course Gary Royce now a pitch to Greg nettles hitting 284 were the Yankees 14 homers 55 runs batted in he wasn't figuring much in the balloting up until about three weeks ago and he got quite a surge through Becca don't get me in trouble he the campaign manager I fly in the right field under his Pete Rose and he puts it away he plays everywhere right field second base he played his first all-star game he's played left the old recent years for the red and when they moved into third base this year the red started to go right do down nobody on Gene Tenace top they're just trying to figure the last back-to-back home runs in an all-star game we tell you about of the minute which is outside by Royce to Gene Tenace is hitting 272 for 14 homers for the A's this year Garvey a winter had back-to-back over-under the second inning tonight and the last back-to-back homers for by Ted Williams and Mickey Mantle off Warren Spahn back in 1956 every year playing Kenneth the pole concepciĆ³n has just taken the Hall of the whole way from Tennessee moved over to almost next to Ron Cey the two nothing pitch sinker ball by Royce that time 2 & 1 a smattering of boos you heard for tennis that happened when he was introduced pregame is because the fans here wanted George Scott to make that position roundball beautify your shark took a bad hop I get just that they weren't too good at the ball we've got funny operating bell right there it's there that was clang-clang time oh-ho this field is really in pretty good shape a couple of weeks ago they had about to rock concerts on this field but they restarted most of the field here is the play again except Sheila gets a little flat-footed back on is healed you know we've talked about some players in that 55 game and sexy own is from Venezuela and the 55 ball game another Venezuelan play chico Karras CalNet took between that ball game you know and his daughter the Dodgers there's Waller all to the Dodger managers everywhere oh right right every member of the starting team except the pitcher Royce and Brock are in the Eastern Division the nationally you have two Dodgers of the corners say and Garvey a third and first you have Concepcion and Morgan a short second from the red and here's on deck Henry Aaron is going to be sent up to bat budget for let your vital blue I don't think the fans realize injector it not and hearing the ballpark to be some kind of rule in Eagle Jim they scored an error against the set Co on that play slots then it's the first half an aerobatic all the way the allstar ruled the starting eight must go at least three innings I've played the first three and they play the whole game with the manager logically they have to play at least three engines darks plans were not have any of his pitchers hit because of the designated easel everybody get a hit by pitch pong ball and a strike Pandarus 9268 and then the hot streak lately Hank Aaron on deck I pitched kale away from him a ball and two strikes there's her all money came to Lausanne 20 years later back again all-star game in County Stadium chronic lip line away due to the campaneras what's throughout the genesis first royce continues to throw very hard he's become the ace of the fire staff that ball in the right field and it was easing up at second on first place you can't but area here Aaron here's the ovation the 24th all-star game for Hank buying him a bully made the stand usual for the most all-star game play two on two out a Balder this year the designated battery did include 36 nine homers 36 runs batted in we saw I've hit one off Nolan Ryan in his part that was something against the wind air the fastball strike one Dean Tennyson the second base Burt campaneris of the first the National League the head to the nothing on back-to-back home runs by Steve Garvey and Jim Wynn Bobby Bonds on deck broken back I Drive they say but if the pratfall rather appealing from him what is Elijah who spreading is now saying that he did catch it before it around the line drive and it was 250 on first of all and that's all at the end of two innings to nothing nationally once there were thousands and thousands and thousands and now there are again the Buffalo are coming back because somebody cared isn't that what life's all about caring which slits believe it they blew that beer only one way with Augusto mood to be the best and you can taste it eh life's too short to settle for Less go for the gusto or don't go at all the wheels are rolling people are buying cars and presents operations going to keep it that way wait this time is a nationwide sale on new 1975 cars and trucks you can get up to $300 cash back on Plymouth dodges and full-sized pikemen go you said it come on down here participating Chrysler Plymouth or Dodge dealers or the nationwide sale we did it before there's that Henry earned line drive let's see I don't know I'll say that was called constructio 2008 diane bruce fremming the third-base umpires did yeah you did get it but I think conceptual was fooled because Henry was sawed off so badly splinters of the bat who the correction of conceptual in shortstop but he couldn't pick the ball up and a very tough call and the third base umpire Bruce groaning made the final decision on it he had the best angle I think he got in the webbing well the new pitcher is Steve Busby for the American League was 111 in lost seven this year earned run average at two point six for Linda California born in Burbank the cousin of Jim Busby Atlanta coach you tended you have seen it turns out too many outstanding collegiate player of the gawad of the major league baseball he pitched two no-hitters in the major league against the Tigers and 73 against Milwaukee last year ere the coaches red shadings is coaching a third for the National League and the canny Irishman Danny Murtaugh over at first he become Pizza work is lethal oh what a guys welcome back from his sole business personality Lou Brock starts it off third inning the National League ahead to nothing Brock Morgan and bench all the way Brock your first time up why the left Buzzbee last pitched on Thursday when all the way losing 3-2 to to the Tigers the American League staff has rested may not have been an order but a very strong recommendation by American League better leave me fail don't work your pitchers on Sunday you manage let's go in here and try and win one all in a strike Galoob rock blue is cuffed around in two innings he gave up five hits two runs both homeowners want to do Tony's it just me but look at his back doesn't it look a little more yellow than a normal like it's been soaked in oil or something now what they call a Harry Walker bath with ease dip it in a certain kind of painter shellac two-tone ever shot in a gap Rudi very quickly up rock makes his turn and now we'll see the all kind older the bass feeling record of one year hundred eighteen last year loop rock forward and already the cloud even though he's been asked to leaguer then go go rock tied with Sylvania for second of a National League in stolen bases with 36 he's got to be careful of that Busby's got a great move he's probably got the best move for a right-handed pitcher I've seen he's liable to pick him right off yo Morgan single of Center his first time paradise is their rocket birth DeMorgan at the back mortgage can pull the ball behind the runner [Applause] you could dump one they get dragged you can go for power and an extra-base hits the score Brock them first rockets about a three and a half step lead that's all he wants he says but we're all locked he'll always be buzzing this is the one they've been calling a lot this year with that right-handed pitcher just pivots on that left heel you've got to step toward the bag control you can't pivot and then step after you throw deceiving the baserunner Morgan for sure will be grinding up that ball to the right side and move brach the third at least I'll get him in are still even with a bag to the corners grants a little high on outside legit Jackson and right field is playing very shallow I'd say so whoa Joe can hit that ball over his head he's had 13 homers this year a little fella amazing power a 100 delivery coming up to Joe Morgan a block at second nobody out that was a breaking pitch down you got to believe that Jackson figures if he gets the whole live ball with the kind of power he's God's going to be in the seat anyhow and it'd be smashed and went on the ground he'd have a play at the plate and so he's going to gamble he's given up an awful lot of ground behind him but even gambling outfielder a two nothing pitch look out this place good pitch by buzz the breaking pitch behind two and all there's Brock at second he singled went to second on a balk nobody out National League ahead to nothing for the five of the third inning Morgan if the I popped the first baseman Gene Tenace take certain file grounders one dime Brock holding a second Johnny Bench fouled the third his first time we had only two previous Fox and all-star games friend in 1960 and stole the early next to Miller in 1961 let's remember that one in Candlestick Park and pull him off the mouth yogi was hit that led in that game that's the one where Kenny for amid all the airs the grid with swooshing ground balls around the infield balls were bouncing over guy's head when pushed Johnny Bench up rocket second rock used there he starts a - black doesn't steal third much most of this steals last year his record-breaking season worth the second tohru's homeless daddy on the second base bag tried to hold him close we stole third base only six times last year and was caught stealing a third twice we made only eight attempts all year [Applause] Oh jump on us there's a little Brock husband little disadvantages he's not able to work his pickoff place the bases welcome it's an opposing deep person got rid of the ball quickly but there's no chance now if you're forced to come in that's where they come to see them the men do what they do best rocket just gonna the infielder now a one out nationally already leading to nothing Johnny Bench the batter holds up on a sharp breaking curve at the two uncounted Johnny Bench Steve Garvey's on deck Reggie Smith was educated over for the National League bench he had a tall he was waving Proctor come on over come on over and see us [Applause] a prio delivery car they shall make the turn Rudi may holding to a singly does Rita nothing Nashville Eagle they continue to hammer away thanks leading the Nashville again double let's look again at last time this garbage came to the plate and here's that whole run and this was really blasted oh yes it was no doubt about it basketball mr. platts the Garvey up again all-star Most Valuable Player the National League's most valuable player and a Gold Glove first baseman his first year of the regular as they had him going for that curveball tell you guys if I had to fill the ball player I'd use this guy as a blueprint because all you got to do is just start him on the field he's going to hit you 300 gonna drive you in the runs I'm going to give you no trouble at all off the field never misses a game right one ball one strike then went on deck I couldn't believe him the story we were reading last week about supposedly I say supposedly suddenly he mates criticize him because it was such a nice guy and inaudible off this package yeah talking to the people on the banquets doesn't think that he should be doing what's this world coming to when you got to defend yourself as you're a good guy one ball two strikes let you turn him upside down you find a good house key if you see one this week the positive this one file 1 & 2 bench will go back the first thing Oh bread Jane deeds play here in Milwaukee welcome to a pennant right after that the year after he had tuberculosis you was here he is what a battle it was we wanted [Applause] the National League's leading three nothing in the top of the third inning Garvey asking for time Jim wins on Dec 7 hips already for the National League and there's the toy Canada not much of a lead for bench Garvey still has the count of 1 & 2 the National League has won 11 of the last 12 winning 8 in a row from 63 through 70 they lost in 71 by 2 blue was the winning pitcher in that game and the National League has won the last three that balls hit hard on the left that's two for two Steve Garvey and here's where they're hitting close on tonight three hits are sitting off Busby here's Jimmy winds old run tony kubek his last time up I'll find a blue once again he got about the same pitch maybe a little bit more over the plate and the one Garvey hit then it quite as good that one sort of floated in yeah Jimmy Wynn runners on first and second one out eight hits for the National maybe a double play they've got one over they go to Ferb wide roof throw was high and pull tennis off the bag he had a tough pivot of second to a little bit off else the ball might have gotten stuck his love whether he's got tore up a couple of years ago that knee when somebody really belted him Garvey got down quickly even on first and second a nice play by Gino Tony looked like he didn't get to that bag we should have used off-balance when he took to throw he did I don't know what happened Joe he just threw off the wrong flat wall was everybody loved I guess that's why they say he never anticipated double play it looks like a Dilla play ball well that was definitely I think a double-play faltered and for some reason carousing to be there waiting and never mind that the timing was off but then without sound and making an alibi obviously they haven't played together and it gets to be a thing where you know what the other guys going to do and and here's some times they talked me out there they have to be brewing over in tata campaneras alright that was Wes stock the American League pitching coach got talking to Steve Busby over a third is Johnny Bench at first base that Jim Wynn there two down the National League's ahead three nothing top of the third Ron stay up he's single the left field his first time a breaking pitch darting blown away for a ball rich Gossage of the White Sox is warming up now for the American League three Dodgers had three hits in a row in the second inning moved to first now with the one our cameraman had so much fun rather than that last Monday night game we did Jack McKeon tried then Kansas City and pick two of our cameramen off they've been working out though he won't get them the next time what an older Ron say he hits a flyball to left field Rudi back he go that's the kind of plays he makes in a World Series all the time he actually missed just the ball he started it and it had a really backtrack past but he recovered very well if they've another robber maybe to the National League picks up a run at the end of two and a half it's three nothing nationally [Applause] in today's economy when it's a real battle handling the bills you expect the last thing you need is an unexpected bill well quainter state motor oil can help regular changes with Quaker State can help avoid unexpected expensive engine repair bills made from Pennsylvania grade crude oil Quaker states available in more places than ever Quaker State can't stop the bills you expect but it can help you avoid the unexpected this is an Indian racecar and 180 miles per hour and this is what it looks like from the driver seat pretty hairy but here is one of the reasons the car but he is right unroll custom racing shocks race drivers tell us when the shots are right you feel a difference onion this is every driver in Iran on Monroe shocks why are no quality and engineering so replace your worn shots with Monroe first in shocks you'll feel the difference uh my blouse told me that I need to write cartel protection my uniform told me I need you right guard cover protection check your clothes if they don't look and smell fresh try this you right guard double protection and the pris print it helps protect you and your clothes from wetness stains and odor Michael told me I need to write card double protection right guard products contain no zirconium Milwaukee County Stadium for the sole other thousand seats for this game tonight our handheld camera high above and Bobby Bonds has a curve strike go Garrett Julie this voice has been impressive tonight only one hit on him so far there's our mini cam from the roof and I guess it's Cory liable who's there Curt it's an interesting story on this Bryce the tides on by that I mean he he wanted to know the answer of why am I so good in a bullpen and not so good in the game and he went to a hypnotist a fella named Arthur Allen who helped on suck and when you talk to him about it Rice's we talked it over he put me in a trance and he taught me to squeeze my finger when I felt tension it's his thumb and against his middle finger and that seems to relieve it and then when he gets thumbs the bottom line he said if I've got good stuff I'll win boy he has a great curve very through Bobby bond he just kept throwing him breaking stuff bond just flying out to deep-fry his birthday a strikeout number two for Joey Royce Rod Carew lying to lefty alot guru why is expecting a baby anytime and so he had his leather law and his two-year-old daughter come down to the game and his wife's home keeps the flags and I watching the game astronauts up there flying around someplace with a beautiful moon over Milwaukee tonight there we go ride through customs of all through I say right now is anybody two majors of the active players that we know I'm going to hit 400 again way Williams did in 41 would be Carew but every year gets later for him he loses some speed and bidding out infield hits a bunt you might have that kind of chance on six artificial surfaces when Ashley but I don't think there's anybody in baseball who gets the fat part of the bat on the ball more often than Carew last year at all-star game time he was up around 380 this year he's only hitting about 370 rod Carew's at first base one out the National League's ahead three nothing when the last little third here in Milwaukee Thurman Munson was hit by a pitch Pauly's first time Garvey holding a first that curl um hide a monster Reggie Jackson scheduled up next one one cow do you like to talk to young pitchers like voice because he coming out of st. Louis understand was talking about last night how differently what was it the kid who was sober wildered to a kid who thought he knew it all now back to this mature pitcher of the year's monster didn't want to go for that ball check the swing and fouled it away ok what kind of the Aries having John zonies uh told you side was shut out before Randy Jones of Messersmith and his earned run average of 2 point 2 3 his third behind Seaver and Messersmith he's pitching low hit games low run games giving a fire up the big year one of the reasons why they leave these two divisions in actually he's a head of Thurman Munson 1 & 2 withdrew at first one out high flyball voice brutal Center Jim Wynn will be there easy play for him 2 down Reggie Jackson took a called third strike his first time up and his teammate Joe Rudi will come out on deck Royce the last time up just blew the ball by Jackson old interesting to see now if he goes for the curveball I have to get him out an off-speed stuff Jackson's tied for second in American League homers a ball doing with Jeff Burroughs of the Rangers 18 bonds of the leader with 20 I thought I'd ever see an outfield upon San Francisco Giants layer in the middle by Oakland A's players Rudi ins activist if it can help but that's the way it is tonight [Applause] you never know about baseball do you think Jackson what's this pitch Joe haha at all inside to him ball three you think he wants this one agree another look at him looking at the close of each if it takes time they're shocked with that in there the whole month later they bury a third do there are the home run leaders he went for it he said I'm not coming all the way both will take three and all access that that's a real great situation boy that's at room service pitch hello room service Reno bat fastball right here big crowd real one for this price T voice one a curve ball I okay oh boy that's as hard as he can throw yes sir that will break you plug in one pitch right there fences did you see bench 90 that on that was briam to a Jackson - Don Kerr will be going on a pitch to get a big lead there he goes bounding ball hit the shark here's the throw to first the shortstop except yon were playing Dacron over by second base and had to go over in a hole for that seeing that great combination in Reggie Jackson at so many of the modern baseball players have power strength and great speed Dave always comes up with a fine play but Jackson can run well the American League has runners on first and second two out they've had two hits off Royce is fitting and as a leak the head three nothing home runs by Garvey and Jim Wynn in the second inning and Bench singled in the third run in the third Rudy round into 30 first time up fast balls away from him want to know Greg nettles is on deck [Applause] like Rudy SS desk or left but he could use the entire ballpark hit with power to right center high in a way especially those pitches out over the place why isn't rolls plugin F cab to purchase to pick up on what you just said he doesn't allowed my fender he's playing him pretty much straight left by the gap in right-center boy two balls and no strikes to Joe Rudi it was one of the best plush hitters in the game most it is hits her meaningful he leaves the A's of game-winning hits this year two balls no strikes at second basis through a first base of Jackson file into the state's two and one you know the one thing that Pete Rose worried about in the pregame workout yesterday and again today the fact that he has not been in right field for so many years he said I'm going to have to get help from somebody tell me where to go out he's going to rely on Reggie Smith and he said Joe Morgan and move him around so I got to believe right now where he's playing him he's got a position I met his wife and young suit before they gave me up as big as he is not about four years old boys chunky to one fetch their the bounding ball is short steps y'all long throw to first in time pretty place you're back no runs two hits two left in the free three nothing actually two professional drivers one on our Warren non rating the other on a new set of seers Dinah glass Guardsman radios watch the difference in cornering fractures it's a combination of radial design and a road hugging press to give you this kind of cornering traction the Sears Dinah glass Guardsman radio now on sale at 25% off only at Sears I lost my traveler's checks to install my first national study travelers text now what it could be this I'm sorry but we must cable the travelers to a company to authorize a refund or is this your first National City travelers check refund and the spots what made the difference first National City traveler's checks have 35,000 spots or on the spot refunds worldwide thousands more than any other travelers check on December 5th 1973 at a rifle range outside Los Angeles a high-powered 30 caliber rifle was fired at a distance of 40 yards to try and open this master padlock the master lock model number 15 sustained considerable damage but did not open repeat did not open whatever your protection needs there's a master lock ready to do the job there are the two managers elven dark he managed a naturally came to an all-star victory once and Walter Alston eight times previously he's managed all-star teams Concepcion leading off just made that fine play and he lying to face it in the left Ashley keeps hammering away and coming up now we'll have a pinch-hitter for jury Royce like Bob Watson who scored the one millionth run in history of baseball this year Walter Alston has more all-star victories than any other manager six here is a player I want to achieve fellas thing I think does not really get the credit nationally he deserves Bob Watson now there's no doubt about it dirty is edifying you he's quiet he doesn't talk a lot he's really a very Christian man too and he does a lot of here we'll see the one millionth home run is scored by Bob Watson I've heard a grunt right the loudest that I've ever heard him Curtis when he put that uniform on Oh runner on first John there he goes right row oh I took the peg hunson could really get rid of the ball he's fine arm that ball actually that's not a picture throw but by Munson's own admission he says I'm not a picture friend of Blair a good jump but as Munson and Curt said got rid of that ball and the tag concepciĆ³n plans a tag was high but Carew gave it a nice light feathery touch kind of pickpocket version watch this Pro sign arm that looked like a wet page from the baseball primer not supposed to do that not supposed to do it works but don't judge me on my method on my results one ball one strike to Bob Watson Tipton fattier than Ashley with 326 I fly to Joe Rudi and left plenty of room sit down and at the top of the order we go and now Rose will be hitting left he's single right-handed in the first inning and flied out right at it in a second one out of two you know months pretending reminds me great Ernie Lombardi we way through in many ways I mean Ernie would just clip that ball look like you're going to be good steal on heroes side with Garvey persective the basis of Aesop's that the livestock the camper dynamic quickening at the end of three and a half of the National League three the American League nothing and remember you can't score any runs unless you get some it's alright now let's get a header up there you kid what's your name Ruth sir rowf rowf wise George Herman Ruth sir but my friends call me babe hey another Babe Ruth will step up to the plate babe and maybe SWAT out of you hey Turk Chuck up your win to the next Babe Ruth when you've got a well known name people expect a lot we've got a beer named after the city that means dear old Milwaukee it's a tough name to live up to but Old Milwaukee is when the fastest growing major beers in the country tell me babe you don't happen to know any kids named Gary do you old Milwaukee beer tastes as great as its name we did it before and we can do it again this time it's a nationwide sale from Chrysler Corporation get $300 back on new 1975 Dodge Coronet and Plymouth Fury free on $1 back on the mid-sized cars with big room and big value so come on down here participating Chrysler Plymouth Argyle dealers for their nationwide sale we did it before vigilant against the Dodgers 13 game winner Donald Howard Sutton 30 years old comes to the mound now starting his warmup pitches he last pitched on Tuesday sixth innings at Pittsburgh look at that new hair styling this year that's the permanent you know there's a tie-in with Royce it was Sutton who went to visit the hip nurses first and Roy saw a movies of Sutton before he went in after he went he suggests the look on his face number one before he went he said it was a look of a little pitcher confused and then after he went through a couple visits he said it was a look of a pitcher was in complete control of himself he said that's the way I wanted to be in till rice one and resulted so far proven that it was a good trip Sutton will face Greg nettles and Greg nettles was running low in the balloting for third base the American he came out strong the last week as current Venson we talked to Greg Walker offered our congratulations to him thank you Tony it's a big thrill for me and I'm also thrilled as a fans appreciated that season I'm having and something I've always looked forward to and I hope that to play in many more games all right Greg Nettles least it off on the last of the four American leagues behind three to nothing will be nettles tennis and kapha nerves strike we have a doubler caps on now mrs. Kissinger and mr. secretary Dodger and Milwaukee staff they're driving a right bimetals will base their back to the ball game being tennis reached in an Aries first time we have four 13 game winners of the major leagues this year the Jim kaat Jim Palmer got Seaver danza the Dennis he's being booed because he beat out George Scott the hometown favorite back Scott's credentials for finishing sixth in the balloting little unbelievable you having a great year here in Milwaukee George Lee Scott if you don't think so just ask him he's something a lot of play one-on-one Reggie Jackson could uh make a portion on the vaudeville tour imitating his good knee you know it's God's up to Jackson I said hey Jack how could you be here in 247 he said don't belong here one-one - Dennis I threw in one actually got two homers of a second win and Garvey Bench singled in a run in the third and that's been it habaneros will be up next I fly out of the shadow left Lou Brock one down I think it's interesting when you look at some of the players who are not here at the all-star game a lot of the power hitters from the American League are not here you look at the number two three and four RBI men in the American League Horton and rice are tied and LeMay fourth they're not here the American League's leading base stealer is not here Mickey rivers two of the four top home run hitters are not here mate very embarrassed so at the top American League squad or you can leave those been often hmm half an hour single his first time as a strike two I am a sharp breaking curve ball and we're going to have a pinch-hitter hi crow Rangers of the Ranger high car drove means a new American League Pitcher coming on in the fifth Jim Cotts warming up in the American League bullpen gonna be fun to see him come in and see how these national leaguers react to that no wine if there's hard roll a quick pitch by kaat Oh back to the back better hold petal started the third and wisely decided to hold up Jim win that his elbow operated on and they take the liberties on him here's a low center field camera angle this is what it look like you see the reaction self defense on the part of a sudden who says the all-stars don't try look at David concepciĆ³n who's that two good plays already and he almost made another one diving for that ball here is a tough out coming up Mike Hargrove padding 338 third in the American League we've had eight homers and 32 runs batted in but he makes contact so he told me to tell you to watch the tickers yeah I told him a good little boy you're going to end up in a dictionary jinkers those are those collide hit that don't bend the grass when they land Mike Hargrove adding 25 years old north Pro year over 300 last year he was the Rookie of the Year in the american league last year magalie keeps plenty but hasn't scored yet nothing crowd Z they had a couple of hits to the third stand usually honorary captain and he has two hits during a 4th inning they had two men on in a second Ashley keeps pitching out of trouble there's a high blast in the deep Rose says I've got room makes the catch the tag a second nettles comes to third and the American League has runners on first and third as hard row clearly reached the stands but not quite do down the top of the order but demand only honorary captain of the American League glad you got that gave it a good cut yet almost not quite the way I used to but it's a pretty good study of the interest if these ballplayers have I think they're like the fans in many ways Tony I would I never played an all-star game but I watched in Fanny practice different guys were hitting activity would stop because they haven't seen the guy playing I want to watch him do anything it's at with Madeline Musial yesterday in the lobby and Fred Lynn came in I'll tell him to destroy the moment Tommy Barnes there's a protocol [Applause] kappa marathon again america weightless in the fourth 3-nothing ashley jeans tennis and the hot sun yo feet get hot and foot problems can grow odor wetness the fungus of athlete's foot that's why Gillette introduces new foot guard anti fungal foot deodorant medicated and helps relieve athlete's footage past it helps keep my feet comfortably dry and free of ohter - it's an anti fungal foot deodorant that really works in spray or shaker can new foot guard fights odor wetness athlete's foot foot guard from Gillette cricket lighter is really quite allied it'll last for months and still burn bright whoo it's not easy being America's favorite disposable lighter you've got to be dependable adjustable and most of all you've got to be packed with thousands of lights and a cricket you miss one Oh No get thousands of surefire light catch a cricket lighter by Gillette they all-star game one of the action highlights a major league baseball this year's all for action takes place in Milwaukee to commemorate the 1975 all-star game Commissioner Bowie Kuhn has selected the Val fir company to present this golden saddle ring to each of the all-star players and coaches all-star action and tradition get with major league baseball the preceding announcement was furnished by Major League Baseball here's a real human interest story a man who looked like he was washed up 20 game winner last year's coming back headed for 20 game season this year Jim kaat the veteran now the Chicago White Sox a story on him is his quick pitch I tell you just get the ball he throws it look like there's not too much on it but that's the really small security because he's dipping it falling pretty good Joe Coleman tried it with the Detroit Tigers against the White Sox maybe it's the coming thing remember when the no windup deliver him in with Turley and Larson : tried it shutout but Detroit for seven the third innings the old all these guys have wind up like a windmill and kick high now it's everything has been abbreviated let's take a look at that last play Bobby Bonds some leading home run hitter and the American League and campy takes a little too much Liberty ordinarily an excellent base runner but with bonds up you might call it not too good a basically I guess to put mildly American League is ret in the last three innings that he's gone out of there let him close was it nope Lou Brock is flied to left this thing abounding ball to campaneras over to 10 is one down I watch cut I put these going to work you get that ball back and he just takes it and flips it right back like a dart thrower to the plate Joe Morgan a single and fouled out I'm sure the National League's been warned about it and Morgan's taking his time getting in they may be stepping out on you he's ready look at his motive on geared to go ready I've 36 years old second all-star game well pitch go pitch Morgan and ask four times out of there that's the strategy don't let this guy quick pitch you now a ball you know I would think that that would make you very anxious at the plate that you'd be kind of prescient to be ready your timing the pictures deliver remember how yoga used to sway that you would protest the timing the wind up its eliminated in this and the balls on you quickly forged a handle and ingenuously account is really to and all they have a three or no Canada scoreboard twice borders backed out on him and cost used to this pop-up third baseman nettles directing a traffic was hot to purchase that nettles ball two down we talked to Jimmy cot before the ball game and asked him if there's no lined up for quickfix liveries accounting trend among pictures I think it's proven to a number of pitchers myself included that there's more than one way to deliver the ball and that this has a great effect on throwing the hitters timing off and I think if a pitcher can do it and keep this stuff in his rhythm it's going to be a great weapon Johnny's got in control to get he doesn't bother just to me against them on one very blaster that was going to be a foul ball on ball two strike shades let's duel already but he's talking to himself that Patty's got these guys talking and answering them Phil that's ready to go again but it's also an excellent feeling pitchers when a Gold Glove winner in each of the last 13 seasons inject chemicals dry dr. Rudi and take mr. cotton log did it we up and three down and we're halfway through seventy-five all-star game with a score the nationally free America Fred and I have been partners for 16 years he does the selling I do the paperwork there's only one problem Fred okay Fred I have finally had it you see this it's a Xerox 3100 large document copier at last I can copy these big ledger sheets along with everything else and you can have copies of your very own thanks girl you think after 16 years he trusts me his own brother two professional drivers one on our Warren non radio the other on a new set of Sears Dinah glass guardsmen radials watch the difference in cornering fraction it's a combination of radial design and a road hugging fret to give you this kind of cornering track the Sears Dinah glass Guardsman radio now on sale at 25% off only at Sears it's action times two on NBC first Jim Rockford opens the case the police want closed that means big trouble then see Angie Dickinson as policewoman Friday night well we hope you've enjoyed the first half of this game home runs by Garvey and Wynn Bench singled in a run American League dad their chances can't crack through we've got some changes and to take you the rest of the way play-by-play and they give you the changes there's a Joe Garagiola Joe okay Curt the changes will be in the outfield we've got Pete Rose moving over to left field Jim Wynn comes out Reggie Smith with the Cardinals goes in the center field and in right field it's Bobby Murcer of the San Francisco Giants that's the new outfield Mercer will be batting second Smith bath to think Bobby Bonds strike one rumor he was the batter when Johnny Bench picked the campaneras aw [Applause] one ball one strike Rita nothing we've had all kinds of plays here pickoff plays diving stops home run curveball misses [Applause] 50 1484 that says it all all the time so nice game hi well hit Rose is going to have a tough play and he makes that call that free throws brother I say they use an expression this private day that he quits her husband and when he takes his shoes off his field goal percentage 100 thinking a lot ever pizzas came over from right field he's played most of the season at third-base it doesn't still does the job pretty upbeat I heard quite a shift for me first time from right to left fail of all that even a different angle we've got it makes his tumbling grab his bottoms up with it his body took a bad hop look at that he caught that ball and held on to it fantastic play by Pete Rose oh I love this he goes played because it just kind of gripes me when I hear people say all it's just another game right - Morgan - out what a play by Petros it fall by bonds was really hit hard next Saturday Milwaukee at Chicago and Atlanta at New York we've seen in Milwaukee and Chicago so that's the saturday baseball two o'clock there it is Milwaukee versus the White Sox and in Milwaukee and Chicago you'll see in Lantana meadows right here on NBC 2 o'clock Saturday here's months and he was hit by a pitch and flied to center field hey Pitt roses up with it Cincinnati Reds president more in the dirt than even on their feet that's about the third time for Dave once for Rose he just misses it once and difficult employers play him a little bit up the middle but Thurman Reed sprays the ball around exceptions big ass that is the range he covers he's tall we're going to have a runner coming in here now ha tell Washington he just has gone through some tests he had some dizzy spells he's only 20 years old and one of the coming superstars of baseball the tests were all negative they'd given him a clean bill of health much to the relief of the Oakland A's that if they three nothing National League lead a week to this color running because Claudel can run he's get over he may go anyhow Garvey played behind him you never know very close no chance if he kept him it'll be a miracle bobby was slammed behind him and clocked out that if you want to give it to me we'll out sign up bar to take it and he did so this is one of the changes in baseball and I think is for the better with all the speedy base dealers around even though they're behind they take off and run to get in scoring position no longer play that one by the book I know you like it I love it I think it's great because that'll play the stolen bank that you get today really serves notice for the next couple of days even though it may not figure into scoring right here for the next time Claudell Washington gets on they're going to say you better watch him holding close it might mean more curveballs it might mean the guy holds him on you got a big hole between first and second it's a real good commercial now getting back to Washington here he is only 20 years old he's stolen 32 bases this year and he's hitting over 300 do you think he's got a future come home youngest player neither squad something moves Jackson back it's one ball two strikes two outs three nothing National League leading we're in the bottom of the fair American League needs a big hit they haven't been able to get it they've had a chances off the bat Jackson has a great description of the artificial surface and playing on natural grass clean on natural grass that's raw baseball raw baseball Richie Allen says you don't like to play on grass the horse can't eat they got their own way of saying it and their own preferences one toothpick like a tree has called it with the beauty of fair ball caught the outside corner at the end of pime inning to score national three American nothing the wheels are rolling people are buying cars in chrysler corporation going to keep it that way and this time it's a nationwide fail our new 1975 cars and trucks you can get 300 hours pass back on full sized prices $300 cash back on dodge coronet and monocle and on Plymouth brand Furies and small fury and $200 cash back on Plymouth dusters and values terrific Joe who listen folks we did a before and we can do it again this time is $200 cash back on dodge start with Voyager dime sportsman dodge pick up some faith we've got the cars and trucks that are priced to move oh come on down here participating Dodge or Chrysler Plymouth dealer this time it's on nationwide sale we did it people they do it again well we go to the sixth inning before that we'll pause for station Burt Lancaster and Shelley Winters star in the young savage is Thursday of 9/8 central we've got some changes racy George got a tremendous ovation as he comes in to play first base Gene Tenace goes behind the plate and Claudell Washington is in centerfield the purse Jim kaat with his quick pitch there you see Claudell Washington and all open out field with different uniforms high fly ball Reggie Jackson with between top and white bottom he makes the play they're going to have a decision someday to make there in Oakland because Alvin dark says rondell Washington's best position is right field he's a tremendous ballplayer this is Bonnie Brewers and this is Jim kaat you can't do much to communities with this pitching beside three Reggie Smith basketball Johnny Sain White Sox pitching coach is the one who helped top develop this delivery and hops does it speeds up my arm motion speed up the rest of my body arm is faster I've got more velocity on my pitches and I still have my control he's a great fielder - he's won a lot of Golden Gloves in the American League got on the mound and a pretty good hitter when he used to help hurt the foot cut on the slow pitch you know ball players do a lot of things to help themselves we talked about Royce Reggie Smith he keeps his hand strong by using waited drummer sticks he got the idea when shaking hands with Buddy Rich sleeper laughs all the left-field Joe Rudi goes back to study shook hands with Buddy Rich he said I couldn't believe how strong his hands were in Buddy Rich we geezers excellency what happened is that he put by ten seconds and they flew out of his hands you could roll them that was a good pitch clock just threw Reggie Smith just a little bit off his fastball and have to ask us out front here is Ron Cey he is 1 for 2 this is something to watch his pitch okay you see he's not taking his eyes off foul ball one ball one strike nice play by the ball boy are you doing an English puff dart game ha ha ha to be very good wouldn't it hard to be I'd say oh boy you'd want to use him if there was a time limit on the game you don't fool around oh there it is and all EFA's pitch like all the softball men in charge then we'll work Sewell to that Efus pitch in the World Series still against Ted Williams all go on and I'll all star here it is again bouncing ball nettles has it cops going to have another immunity free up and feed on look at knocking stars are going to bottom too thick nationally free American League nothing [Applause] Gillette introduces Blackpool shave cream new different than ordinary safety because track2 is Gillette Seaforth and aftershave cream before you shave it softens whiskers for the smoothest shave public after you shave special aftershave conditioners keep your skin soft and smooth conditioners that fight aftershave dryness you track to shave cream with aftershave conditioners your father's father's father asked for it your father's father asked for it your father asked for it and today more fathers asked for it than ever before mothers do generation after generation quality has made Pennzoil the ask for motor oil [Applause] well next Monday night will be in Baltimore Oakland against Baltimore and Milwaukee Chicago will be seen in Oakland and Baltimore and preceding the game on a baseball world we'll bring you highlights to that annual congressional ball game between the Republicans and the Democrats always invite you to watch that I'm going to actually dip myself they'll have a forum there and they play by their own rules so you NBC Sports number one in live coverage of major sports events all year round Bill Madlock is the third phase for the National Lake in Chicago Cubs and the new pitcher is Tom Seaver fever pitched on Sunday [Music] Matlock will be batting third and Seaver seventh in the lineup thank I don't see Alice see it can't be that way one can Sivir would be hitting seventh say it's just left again they probably put the picture in the seventh spot I dropped Matlock down in the ninth division that information can't be corrected we have Morgan's mortgage stays in Atlanta he's getting there got to be right you're right here he will be hitting seventh probably and Matlock will be up extending batting ninth 32 man have up to a not too bad pretty good hitter pretty good ballplayer he's put a lot of critics to rest not only with his hitting but with his fielding Tom Seaver against Joe Rudi Joe Rudi is over 2 bounced out both times not this time though faith Rudy jumped on the first pitch he is known as their first ball fastball hitter and here comes George Hendrick in the run for Rudy so the American League has been stinging the ball out of last three innings well he had to it to the third to it so forth a single and have felt the single here in the sticks but they're all singles they're not getting at that big hit or that extra base yet they need Greg nettles nettles is 1 for 2 look I almost got one of our Dominican Republic brought as is Ellis Perez are setting this ballgame by a satellite back to the Dominican Republic I believe for the first time first time and no Dominican player in the game tonight which is an upset with all the clinic in the players and organized baseball [Applause] good pitch by zebra this is his fifth all-star game he was on the team three other years we didn't pitch seven and nineteen no runs in three hits or no record all star played pretty good pitcher that goes Hendrick bench is going to have a tough throw it is not in time Seaver is kind of cramped in Henrik and Henrik really got a good jump Johnny fence with a tremendous throw [Applause] lifestyle the American League last time Claudell Washington the pinch runner it's a tough job you come off the bench cold perfect pitch to go on no bets did all he could to get rid of the ball with great stuff on it but that low pitch a tough one to come up wasn't so bad it was a slow breaking pitch that gave Henry get extra half-step assault bench did it all but Hendrick steals second base that's a big play three nothing National League is leading but it takes away that double play situation ground ball will pick up a base if it's good right tried Gregg petals good cut didn't get it and see forget the big strikeout loyal picture of Constance look at him Seaver and bench two franchises if I almost you guys are making sniffing of deep freeze I like to be half an agent for his one owe me here is Gene Tenace get food here but I tell you something poison Bologna he's big I asked one of the Italian kids with your favorite place the Chino - not G that's my favorite player via Raji that's the way they say it over there got a rookie on deck now fellas ready lil of the Red Sox what a year he's having that here Emrick of good lead yeah the rookie teammate right behind him Jim rice by just a few runs batted in - I think both of them have knocked in nearly 50% of the Red Sox runs are produced in this year sidearm curveball it's one ball in one strike on tennis tennis was thankful and there and he flied to left field strong guys at tennis [Applause] Seaver looks in sometimes looks like these grinning simple like it is smearing I remind you know Charlie Brown at peanut and give the old change of faith his Henrik at second base this guy can really run fever message you don't think there is like a change of faith that the Stangl expression a daily change of face you look at the outside corner and the hitter says ah it's so inside the high angles change a face you put me on put me all he taught it to every pitch other staff tennis is deceiving jittery as it has many walks this year as last you had over a hundred last year but he really looks that ball over he Paulding two strikes you gotta be kidding me no 3-2 pitch oh boy he walked coming here coming friendly in a pinch here so I started to tell a story earlier couple innings while in steps in about sitting with Musial and Mantle in the lobby and Fred Lynn was the display and usual Manson how well you know Fred little eyes that see the play come behind it did you get him over to introduce us to him is that right talk about fans and Fred was thrilled when I told that story things got to be kidding me that's true why would a great young player this fellow is 23 years old fastball misses outside Tory had a million four hundred thousand write-in ballots second-highest do a Mike Schmidt last year strip skis out on deck I flat ball right field Bobby Murcer calls fart and Mercer makes the play so there are two way and here comes Carl Yastrzemski he'll be the better for Busby our top rather he has been red-hot the last month 3:13 1000 months 40 runs better than 5 4 5 game on Sundays 12 pers last 23 at the Little League average over 500 Carl Yastrzemski National League leading Riva nothing bottom of the stick [Applause] don't worry Brewer just disappear to the stuff he has hot fiery raised his average of two tens of research Dean no doubt about that one and the American League finally got that big hit in four of the last five and even that good men on babysitting with put the clips one through finally got it and listen to this crowd look at that Finch it is come alive everybody's up just rimsky a three-run pinch-hit home run first pitch by Tom Seaver to Yastrzemski and we're all tied up here is George Scott got those beads Albany where's there you see em I ask you what those are he knows his second baseman's teeth he is something I have to say the story remember was Bill Bolling sightings you got a man up there named ed Williams did you tell him the shorts these Scott is on the way he believed it I'm sister George I need a line for an all-star game he said how can we lose with what were you a little bit of drama dolly for three innings oh we went for a lot when he was going for a tater as he calls him he likes that ball inside and he refers to it as heat in the kitchen there is fever sneering and Scott waiting strike his call didn't like it as a great study in contrast the best stealing first baseman I've ever seen was in a bedroom fever gets him on a big breaking curveball but at the end of six we're all tied up at three apiece [Applause] [Music] Gilda won the sheets you're the one brings up the shakes to cool young when the Sun gets you hot and thirsty put your face on ice with triple thick McDonald's say it's cold and frosty and taking just for you could you design shake today we do the wheels are rolling people are buying cars and classic operations going to keep it that way wait so this time is the nationwide sale on new 1975 cars and trucks you can get up to three hundred dollars cash back on Plymouth dodges and full-size fighter shut up you said it come on down here participating Chrysler Plymouth or Dodge dealers for the nationwide sale we did it before we'll do it again well there it is preseason football NBC Sports coverage of the 75 football gets underway with three exciting in the conference preseason game marked down these dates Saturday August 23rd 9 o'clock Los Angeles at Buffalo Saturday August 30th 9 o'clock New England at Green Bay and Friday September 5th 9 o'clock Oakland Dallas s-sir NBC Sports number one in live coverage of major sports events all year round so we almost have a new line about their clientele wash it now has gone to left field when Lin is in center field George Hendrick is in right field we have a new shortstop Bucky Dent and a new pitcher catfish hunter and Lozinski is coming up to bat I think a lot of action coming up and following him will be mad life I must say that this all-star game so far is really given me 51,000 for any fans their money's worth because they've seen all the stars they've seen all the action that you could want and everybody seems to be getting into the game there is a commissioners box and left to right bill solace ditch with Gillette Julien Goodman NBC misses Kissinger dr. Kissinger who EQ Louisa Kuhn but it can herb Schlosser eNOS I get some job security everybody's here here is Greg luzinski Tony this is one of your boys powerfully-built when he hits them they're really cutting yes fish hunter fastball ball back look at the legs on Lozinski you fans and we got a full-length shot of him I never saw a strong apparel lake better man 25 home runs and 79 runs better than lead the National League wakeup places where we usually have muscles what a comeback he's had after he had that knee surgery last year he finished the year when they thought he might not play the rest of the year and he's leading the league in homeruns now hey this is interesting the old battery mates are back together that's right as Lozinski leading at 25 Bench 19 started 17 slow curveball good curveball catfish hunter [Applause] what do you think his baseball hero is I heard him on a television show the other night catfish no no no just gives out on strike Colonel suggested in a million years you really need to lie I was all hero his hero who he enjoyed watching play baseball and it was a fella today we all know so well I won't have his part of the country no you know smart I'll let the fight Jimmy Piersall wasn't really had instead he was really an exciting player for me he was here is Bill Madlock and what a year this young fellas having there it is 353 leads the National League I fly ball Claudell Washington Fred Lynn who's going to get it Washington says not limpid let the shirt man have it Lynn is not only good with a fat but as the per mouth dealer he could go get the ball good hands knows what to do with it after he gets it just born to play Major League Baseball he was the USC on a football scholarship ream fractus they ran to pulling guard and Sam Cunningham at him and he decided to change that to baseball again don't make you change in Maya Woodman and John McKay it was athletic director let him keep his scholarship and go to baseball this was very popular John Petros Petros made a great feeling playing area is right there diving catch of a sinking line drive what a catch that was look at that it found love the description of Rose mr. hustle is when he takes his shoes off they still go for ten minutes didn't mean the swing he was going out to dinner with his wife Carolyn and their young subtle I believe it's 5 or 6 years old Joe last night and his son came out with a Steve Garvey t-shirt on a pizza wait a second you got to get dressed better than dad you go back up to the room or go into fancy place he came back down at a Petros t-shirt he said now you're okay listen we've got an upcoming baseball world with mrs. Perez mix macadamia mrs. rose or we said we might them during the ball game really something that whole family that whole rose family great hola well Madame changed a bit the National League that 10-minute a row go down now since inception led off the fourth with a single hot shut him up even did a good job when he had them with that no wind-up it is [Applause] up tomato rose speak to fool gets another basement at the second phase head the interesting shot as the ball went up the middle and hunter started to go after with his bare hand and recall one a couple of years ago Alan rod he did the same thing and injured his thumb in his office quite a while focus time here is Bobby Mercer batting for the first time in his game Mercer from the San Francisco Giants that bond with the Yankees and Mercer to San Francisco trade big lead by Rose but Bobby's home runs of course he's had a lot of publicity but Mercer's played a very solid all-around game for the Giants this year there's the strike [Applause] George Scott that glove has been restrung in all of the black beauty nine years old but leave Pyro's score boys got one in one I got to believe it's two balls in the strike there it is they indicated now two balls in the strike this is a manager's delight right here I'd like to send the runners if they're going to send them at all oldest nursery chased a bad ball Peru is way over Tony on the edge of the outfit grass way over its second base his playing Mercer pretty much as a pull hitter all over the outfield are playing a lot straightaway lid and dead center field as you see rich it's foul straight back got a play I think hunter is one of the most deceiving pitchers John Tony I've ever seen looks like you want to get a bat come out of the stands and get against me but he moves the ball around spots it here and there and his record indicates not great he's been he's changed so since he first came up he told me yesterday that he actually two more breaking balls you didn't have what he called a good fastball but now he throws hard when he did is a young kid which is a little bit unusual I think I think what you said first Curt he moves that ball around he spots it well there goes rose bouncing ball nettles comes in fast inside is full tied up as we go into the bottom of the seventh three appeal to professional drivers one on our warns non radio the other on a new set of sears Dinah glass Guardsman radios watch the difference in cornering fraction it takes a combination of radial design and a road hugging threat to give you this kind of cornering track the Sears Dinah glass Guardsman radio now on sale at 25% off only it Sears son could I use your car tonight sure don't forget to put some gas in it every family should have at least one diehard because the diehard has extra power to start your car when most batteries won't sold only it see next Saturday at 2 o'clock Eastern Time Milwaukee at Chicago and lamb at the New York Mets will be seen in Milwaukee in Chicago so that's next saturday baseball and then it makes Monday night at 8 o'clock hope that Baltimore will walk in Chicago that will be seen in Oakland and Baltimore baseball world will do the annual congressional game between the Republicans and Democrats so that's Monday night 8 o'clock oh come in Baltimore and walk in Chicago now we got Larry Bowa over it's shortstop and the new pitcher is John Matlack Matlack is the pitcher Matlock is the third baseman dark hair stock and Haller the umpire going over what do you think Alvin dark is saying yesterday that is going all out to win he would make very few changes via practically a new ball club in this ballgame and it's his reserve that really came to life there he is talking to the rookie Fred Lynn how's it feel get to be here the rookie planning the first all-star game lemony bacteria a lot of the players are getting in bands are getting their money's worth [Applause] well I was kind of anxious to see what what happened to me bottom of the seventh inning top of the seventh but dr. Kissinger's Secretary's Elton ring seated within seventh inning well not I never got started at seventh inning stretch you know time under the president one of the presidents way back when with the ballgame and he stood up the stretch slave gotta love it's legendary or not again rest of the staff to do it and the rest of that if these stands we stands to go to never cert that's a bunch of time that's it I remember what guru unless I got to get even with it opening we heard you say stands old teammate and males old teammate and they are old we heard you tie ballgame bottom of the seventh through and shot Matt laughs oh the Babe Ruth's that I had a better year than Hoover the root can really handle that bat curveball misses I asked him about the four different stances that he's got this would be a kind of an open stance uses one-way squares legs are closed for winding curve ball pitchers and he uses one partially open and slightly back and wide open in an open stance I would think if he stays number two look he's moved already he constantly moves two balls and two strikes the count struck him out John Matlack with a good fastball this is the second all-star game picks up a strikeout he was complaining about only playing three innings last time he's getting his share tonight let's knock out again out of Target bill how did the whole plate umpire there might have been a mix-up and how best looking over stop shoulder I think there's some mix-up in the lineup here Haller now going over the National League dugout tension West obviously well who is sitting where yeah but Carew in that game so he's alright yeah his schedule first Washington's next there's frustration when stock although a we've got it up here relayed from down to the umpires this is the nationally Bowa will bat seven Matlock Matt Matlack eight Matlock knife under questioning apparently the lineup for the American League figured out Stan uses you're the honorary captain think of something look at it look at that score so I'll have to mark it out it's like a wet crossword puzzle well you know a couple of times this year though guys have gotten away with it Red Sox had it with you know God better not a turn nobody Carter Washington is up to now Claudell Washington and sort of the most interesting situates we pages in the rule but I guess the complicated bouncing ball up the middle and club to help get the face hit and he likes to run he can run and with the score tied he probably will run here it is looking over the shoulder of Reggie Smith just out of the reach they get caught out you see why he gets a lot of supplementally play their infield spread apart shortstop and second base on him he does sprayed the ball around Billy Martin is the first base coach and he was over talking to Kyle Washington Alvin dark just turned him loose he gives him a green light this is Bucky tenet of white socks pink lead by club he'll Washington it was just a little bit of a notice that I know you're there not as good move then is a very difficult man to strike out the tough out good butter to that was a little better still not as good move he hasn't given you that Sunday move yet where he fools is when he comes home he kicked that leg in the direction the first phase will get you cleaning back and then he comes home yet good swing at it we're all tied when the bottom of the seventh inning three three looked like the National League was going to make a romp when they got back-to-back home runs from Garvey and Wynn in the second inning a three-run pinch-hit home run by yastrzemski in the sixth and it's all tied up nationally got another run the third ah it's great to see those shortstops come in and bat cleanup in an all-star game I think then ever dream of that oh brother it goes great kids about it I don't blame they got a catcher batting cleanup an inside I was on a team with Henry Aaron and George Scott night Kelly got he picked off will he make it it got it he's broke too soon he was in no man's land Garvey - for now the bag was torn loose that lack - or a couple times a year see here this sometimes is a pre-planned play Brock does it Morgan does it they get the thick lead cross draw and then try and beat the first baseman throw the second base but not this time that was a good shot we had there because you could see he broke really way too soon we're gonna have a little bit of time he got a new bang you know most players would have been out by a yard or two on that he's so fast that he made that a close play at second base watch it here now he still got look at there he still had the ball wasn't even going close to the plates on him that might have been a prepend planned play we saw Lou Brock tried on our Saturday game of the week he was caught but a lot of the good base dealers the past runners try wills tried a lot he did it against us the World Series the Yankee ballclub had made at the second base well it's good the groundskeepers get a little bit of television exposure because they get this field in great shape they're constantly working this is something I think the fans rarely see how a bag is anchored down at a major league ballpark this all happens three or four hours before a ball game start nobody old days when had the straps right you can take a look at how hard fought out Washington must have broken that little part loose toward right all right and he grabbed it with his hand - you know while we've got some time Joe we've talked about a lot of people who's often talking to have a lot of people in all-star games in a lot of ball games these are two pretty young all-star teams I think you have to congratulate golly this is what the 10th consecutive all-star telecast 1966 think of it oh I hope don't be so humble obeah first gonna feel about to get you to your opinion hit up the watch they like at the luncheon today that's what we saw on the broadcasters good you have the time down there fixing that bag we've seen just about everything diving catches good bass dealing there's the commissioners box again very quickly one vault in the ballgame this is going to take an engineering job you're giving somebody alpha alpha wasn't there a rule the old games if you jarred the bag loose you were safe by kind of thinking it was a rule change john Matlack as the groundskeepers start to work or they're really digging there I'd be a good time to review the scoring for those who've joined us late Garvey led off the second with a home run to left his teammate Jim Wynn followed with a homer to make it to nothing in the third Rock single wet the second on a balk stole third scored on benches single that made it three nothing American League kept threatening leaving two men on two men on man on the fourth man on the fifth and finally Yastrzemski hit a pinch-hit three-run homer to tie it up in the sixth that's where we stand right now here is Bucky Dent strikers call [Applause] Matlack with a good pickoff move able to get in Washington [Applause] curveball and death is not on strike slow purple so we am separating them we're still tied up here national three American League three we did it before and we can do it again this time it's a nationwide sale from Chrysler Corporation Rapids okay this time you can get $300 cash back on new 1975 full-size priceless dodge Monaco and Plymouth gran fury $300 back on the cars with room and luxury so come on down to your participating dodge our Chrysler Plymouth dealers or their nationwide sale we did it again you know you like your familiar is everything you always wanted in a beer unless it's less filling and light has one-third less calories than the regular beer oh heck I didn't drink all this beer by myself I had a little help from bos class but imagine a great tasting beer that's less filling just like you're gonna take a heap spill in there any so like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless we pause now for station identification see Gladys Knight & the Pips Thursday at 8:00 7:00 central time Joe Morgan jumped on the first pitch and just fouled it off for strike one he can really control that strike zone [Applause] right to Cecil Upshaw has a great description Upshaw a physic and he's so small that even when you pictured the bottom part the strikes on his eyeballs and not very far from it he's right he can really deliver there how much of a strike zone Tony he's leading the league in walks he's something he's leading though as well a lot of offensive departments I guess up until the all-star break he's been the deep player in the major leagues to strike fish hopped up rod Carew's taken charge Morgan is out Joe a catfish hunters got to be a pleasure to sit behind home plate and try and catch tennis has been putting the target up and he's been right there Don with every pitch and it changes speed so I'll just help set the hitters timing this moves the ball around here is Johnny Bench bench is fouled out drove him to run the third inning and line hard and may 5th nettles really guarding the line at third we're all tied up to 3 apiece 28 you're flirting with danger two balls and no strikes there's a good shot of it look at the end he's way over in a hole for bench right thigh George Scott he calls Bart with that black beauty he'll get a tremendous man hey hometown boy makes it love him here why not he's had some good years Tony Perez now coming on to the on-deck circle he's going to be a pinch hitter you won the all-star game in Anaheim in a 15th inning with a home run off hunter - that's right fellas been a tremendous ballplayer and I guess when you listen to ballplayers they have their own way of describing how a guy get the job done as a pitcher for example is a great pitcher if with the man on third and less than two outs you can get out of it a batter if he can thrive that running from first base with two outs is a good batter of good hitter a good RBI man Perez they say he can drive him in from any place in the ballpark and includes the clubhouse had thoughts of trading him this past winter and what did he do he just got himself in better shape went to spring training didn't say nothing and said look I'm going to be ready he got off to a slow start that 255 is indicative of the arrow moving up Tony Perez all one all the Reds are having those big years together but not just the star just whoever they put in the lineup look at the foster for example dribbly Griff is another one catfish hunter against Perez woods rank [Applause] one ball two strikes asphalt can't even catfish get the strikeout and that's it for the National League we going to the bottom half the eighth inning tied up at real P cricket lighter is really quite a lied it will last for months and still burn bright whoo it's not easy being America's favorite disposable lighter you've got to be dependable adjustable and most of all you've got to be packed with thousands of lights and a cricket you missed one oh no just thousands of surefire light catch a cricket lighter by Gillette the Gillette track two introduces an adjustable cartridge that's right adjustable five setting right on a cartridge let you adjust the track to razor effect to your own skin and beard and the new adjustable cartridge fits the regular track to handle the Gillette track two shaving system with regular or new adjustable cartridges a closest thing to a perfect shave Henry Aaron tied an all-star game record by I'm hearing it is 24th in today we asked Henry before the volume is 15 like 20 years ago that he played here in Milwaukee I can remember that 1955 our all-star game Tony very well post mu to hit home run off Sullivan in the 12th inning to win the game and I just like to say that I'm very happy to be participating in my 24th all-star game and uh and hope the fans enjoy well Henry I'll tell you the fans are really enjoying it the ovation that he got before the game was a tremendous thrill we're all tied up part of the end here is Hendrick we've had a couple changes on defense for the national laid - second Perez is it first there is Dave cash and you talk about mr. positive thinking there's Tony Perez George Hendrick the Cleveland Indians Matlack misses two balls no strikes both managers using their squads Joe they're giving the fans to show and those fans wanted dr. John thrown [Applause] helps us take a look at the pinch-hitting situation the right-handed pinch-hitter is left for the American League they still have Dave shock bill free hands Dobby hair and helmet crave throughout a left-handers he two balls and two strikes that fouled out of play Dave cash the second baseman really breaking hard to his left as Hendrick begins his swing madlife kept that fall outside the last two pitches looked like George's can go that way broke the other way and now ain't getting any the other way yes that fastball tails away that might throw to right-handed hitters as soon as he saw the fastball five Cashman shaded with left a little thing like this may be the difference the Hendrix really ran hard all the way you see him going almost have been recovery by David cash yes sir he played the pitch he broke the other way in and caused him here now his medals he's singled in the enforce that he's 1 for 3 Matlock at third base is moved in close he's looking for the bunt [Applause] like off the shin guards that nettled hasn't done much of this in his career he punted that one I mean Logan as I look at it he's saying but how do you spell it my naughty a pun again I'm going to give it for me come on what a hole he's got between cash and her heads at first base if he does put the switch on and pull the ball not the good move no it may wind up very important this game could be Helmick rave bat your surge something to keep in mind M&M dugout tennis of the on deck hitter if you're wondering turned him loose you took it inside one ball one strike a lot of things you could be thinking about Erin Hendrick has got great speed at first base Matlock at third base is in you could play run and hit you to play hit and run you could play fought run straight deal we're all tied on in high curveball absolutely American Legion roundhouse he threw that time hung up a you skin big cantaloupe I'd have to bet that Alvin dark is going to put the switch hunt again along swing aways ahead on the count you'd probably be guessing that lack coming with a basketball Madlock is way off the right corner nice Justin back right the Koran they've got one boys coming back named Margot Hendrix barrel Linda's start-stop bull just be not too upset as Tiny on the throw horse the wild throw or they could not get that look at it there comes Henry ball trying to get all the way the inside you just made him jump out of the way a little bit upset if he didn't get much on the trawl you think it enough time Tony I really looked thought he did I think that's plenty of time there is he's got the ball that'll does not run well balls released before he there he took everyone oh yes there he would you Kenneth takes the strike [Applause] - got something to say to him now we got one man out that's Alvin dark one ball one strike boys cheating towards a hole and Kash is cheating towards the bag two strikes the town one out [Applause] Tony if a crown ball was hit right now the cash there's no way he'd have to run over there wouldn't he no way you could get a double play and second base oh I'd be tough though would have a long way to go they control he doesn't have to very speedy runner could be to the advantage we don't have to worry about it because they get to ask Larry I was a good fastball got enough a lot of the National League hitters talk about John Matlack having a but the lightest arm the one of the live at that ball really darts in a strike zone one of the reasons this youngster Lynn did not go in the first round of the draft they thought he would fail out against left-handers he doesn't mean strike I don't what he'll do you watch them you'll stand in here against the left-hander how about 10 RBIs the one game for a rookie this year huh three homers but can RBIs for anybody we missed a fourth over by a couple of feet in the same game [Applause] and as good cut there he is scoring one of the runs against the Tigers that he had five hits the knocked in 10 runs three homers and a in a single pulls it foul and strike two well your man McCrae is just come out of the American League dugout Kurt he's going to be the pinch-hitter we're all tied up we're in the bottom of the eighth here 3-3 Hal McRae that's really getting to counting down on a fine line what's he going to do against left-hand pitching and young like that and it goes so well against right-hand pitching two men out there goes nettles a big job no way he makes one third he's brown inspected he used to the motor service Troy metal took off and they across Johnny back up and now metal to disturb what a surprise nobody in the ballpark including Matt like expecting nettles to call but he takes off had even rolled out a surface 5s there might have been an obstruction and say doctor did not steal abeyance all season long and never comes up with a stone of aja they can cross them up now I think the ball just was concealed from his view by the battle in his body right you're absolutely right Tony I don't think he's crossed up I think that that bat got right in the line of vision John wasn't sure and went off the heel nettles had had a steal during the regular season he's been scoring position at third with two men out but Matlock gets the strike down Lena's Auto strike that NBA scene and we're all tied up at the end of eight complete innings nationally free American League three ever since people started recording information there's been a need to duplicate it very nice words brother Dominic thank you very night now I would like five hundred more sense [Music] buzzer Dominic how are you could you do a good job for me the Xerox 9200 duplicating system unlike anything we've ever made feeds and cycles originals has a computerized programmer that controls the entire system can duplicate reduce and assemble a virtually limitless number of complete sets and does it all at an incredible two pages per second curious Ed's father 500 sets you last four it's America hi I'm Bob Uecker you know during my brilliant baseball career about the closest I came the firsthand knowledge of an all-star game was what I read Adlai was voted in each year I was always asked to take the three days off this year though I've been closer than I've ever been to the classic thanks to this official 75 all-star magazine full of features facts and a super fold-out poster to get your copy send the check or money order for two dollars and fifty cents to all-star magazine box zero Milwaukee that's 252 all-star magazine box zero Milwaukee C in the book the preceding announcement was furnished by Major League Baseball and Balfour here is Reggie Smith he is batting left-handed against catfish hunter off the other bastard drop-in and fast as Washington he pops the ball home he had a long way to come now he wasn't wildly but nice play by catfish hunter he almost made one terrific catch he had to come a long way from left field and you wonder as he started getting under the ball at that ball might have gotten into life he worked it right off the heel of his glove Jordan looks like he took his eye off the ball maybe lost in the light it's away lying about the third step from where you declare the Paul hit him it looked like he may have been helping distracted and what he guarded by running on his heels or whatever at any rate Smith is on here is el Oliver strike one tried to bunt hitting 294 nine home runs in 48 runs better than Oliver this is the last left-handed pinch-hitter the National League has have sent it of the Pirates and Gary Carter of Montreal left other bench both right-handers outside one ball one strike one one two count chased a bad ball it seemed like is on the outside part of the plate miss one ball two strikes did he go around I'll tip got a piece of it he went around all right lively game has it sure has and they've had a lot of players in the game this kind of game that Tony was saying people want to see players they see him all kinds of plays trying to move Claudell Washington back Oliver with good power to left centerfield and right centerfield [Applause] lying on a left-field line Washington chasing it he can't be holy mouth red foot the red light up that falls like the way from Del Washington they're moving back but let's open up to the line if the two faces were all over the fifth here here's Tony looks like he's got a bead on it the warning track and then he pulls up he did get to the ball very quickly now as he praises himself against the wall and gets the very quickly shading started to step Smith and then shades at the last arcs coming instantly for right-handers but a couple of difficult plays in a row furry young Claudell Washington were filled interesting story Claudell Washington almost did not get area those dizzy spells when he painted what twice in his hotel room instead of the doctors but he wanted to come to the all-star game and hear another human story Alvin dark removing a pitcher he managed last year the Victorian baseball under moving under the Yankees well there it is it charged your SD I thought I sold that with $300 back we're not putting it on if you got class you're gonna ride that it's holders Onalaska boys well is the break in the action to score nationally clean American League 3 we did it before and we can do it again this time it's a nationwide sale from Chrysler Corporation yeah all right you can get up to 300 hours cash back on new 1975 Plymouth dodges and full-size fragments and $200 back on Dustin value dodge Dodge pickups and vans come on down to your participating dodge or Chrysler Plymouth dealers or their nationwide fail we did it before we'll do it again two professional drivers one on our Warren non radials the other on a new set of Sears Dyna glass guardsmen radials watch the difference in cornering fraction [Music] it's a combination of radial design and a road hugging threat to give you this kind of cornering track the Sears Dinah glass Guardsman radial now on sale at 25 percent off only at Sears well a new pitcher is rich Gossage he's four and six thirteen thames 1.9 two hundred Everage and there is the commissioners award for the most valuable player and four of the five winners of that award that started in 1970 they give this after the game's over is gremsky one at 1970 Bobby Bonds and 73 Joe Morgan and 72 and Steve Garvey won the commissioners trophy last year I say it's up for grabs right now in this game you can put the names on the wall and hit it with the Dartmouth you pretty good shape here's what they call a basic four shot of the pitcher that's kind of a joke with our people at the quad and it gives you a good view of Gossage studying any one of the four that you'd like you'll see a different view and he control hard he has really come along for the White Sox helping out Terry Forester out of that bullpen when he comes from the side to right-handed hitters he'll back you out of the box Tony I think the one that quad in the right hand upper right hand corner is the one he he throws so hard he he almost jumps out of there EBT bears down on it the situation is this we've got face hunters in second third Oliver's its second Reggie Smith is the third there is nobody out the infielders in and Larry Bowa is the batter and he is a man who gets the fat on the ball tough man to strike out how to play pause an excellent butter with nobody out well you don't look for a squeeze play they'd like to get them a crack to the fly ball but you never know boys only struck out 12 times in 63 games hey all the way back wait a min ahead hi miss ball to me I'm hitting they're going to give them first base they're going to kill him first base just didn't take him souls up bases are loaded now and it's up to Phil Matlock and this is what the all-star games are all about you got the bases loaded you're in the top of the ninth nobody out and the National League's leading hitter is up there let's take a look and see we to pick up the ball actually hitting Larry ball the first things open tenants actually moved outside you wanted to pitch away a lot of pressure on the infielders now Joe yes sir Kasich is going to work off the stretch outside ball one bill Madlock 353 Morgan 3:45 sangeun 338 Parker 336 not even here Watson 326 on Parker 15 Homer there's a big player of the future Dave Parker with the Pittsburgh Pirates pretty good Troy arms of the option for the American League right now Washington throws well charges the ball well let Freddy Lynn an exceptional program and he really charges the ball and Hendricks goes well and right on a fly ball foul ball out of play one ball in one strike we'll pause briefly for station identification the NBC television network [Applause] bases-loaded how to play once again top pitch cough is really common sidearm and brother he wheeled and dealed from third base on that one one pitch now with the kind of one ball and two strikes he'll really be sneaking went up there Madlock tough hitter Gossage tough pitcher [Applause] Oh baby idea snakes they can quiz your food sometimes you just can't pull that trigger he just missed with that one Gossage is throwing bullets he is throwing hard to run goes for happy boy and he knocked the ball away I am NOT going to play a third base if he close it and they may be quickly Richie needs to phone and I don't know he resorted to golf is funny picked it up and that's curving was not all-star play dressed up with a rough 20 years to realize oh my what up battle my bill Madlock with metals play yeah thousand fifty from the scrap heap drill one tennis is a cookie car once all the way on the fly look at that almost a Bob Costas backing to play up overcook the umpire the bats wife I think it's red in the tail and more trouble with the infield and hit everybody but somebody to center field bleachers this is right an error was charged to heaven Yeah right I guess allowing him to go to third [Applause] two RBIs on the play if you're scoring an error on the catcher tenants which allow the baserunner bow to go to third Matlock ends up at second on the play wrenchini definitely came with the Neely without that one from a game you'll never forget [Applause] Pete Rose he be super for dawn the ninth inning with two runs International League is taken up 5 to 3 leaves 23 incidence game so far [Applause] [Applause] outside hi well we've had some action here and so another name into the Hat to the possible MVP of this game Madeline Oliver up with a big double left field yeah yes the strip skis got to be in it for getting the American League back into it hot you'll find out before anybody because you'll be making a presentation no I did it let's commissioner make the presentation oh well hit the left field brought out Washington going by bull is tagged enough catch is made bull comes in there goes Matlock the third so it's a 6 to 3 ballgame sacrifice live for Pete Rose he's got a pretty good night mr. Rose he never lets up I don't care what maybe nothing in the scanning nothing for the records and Pete just keeps on going talk about the candidates he's made a tumbling catch and left he's had two hits lined out he just driven another run like two different positions it was Bobby Mercer right six to three National League leading three runs here in this ninth-inning tough inning for the American League that still have to bring that infield in Mercer kind of just swept at that ball that was a Ralph Garci he didn't have a good cut at that ball passages sold so hard Jordans ball is really tailing away from the left-handed hitters bouncy ball ocurro looks Matlock backflips to Scott Ian Mercer is out here is Dave cash guys we ain't even a spark plug for the police when a green influence on a ball club especially on Larry bull gives him a lot of credit 324 for home run 32 runs batted in and he lays the majors in base hits with 122 last game we did over there Kurt I said I saw when you said in the sprint you were going to give 220 hits he says yeah but I changed it with inflation I won 250 I set the ball 250 that he makes his goals I'm realistic but then he looks like accomplish it positive thinker Dave cash he's up there right now go over to quick strikes is gossipers top high the great stuff you have yep three runs around all right look at that he wheel until he fell when the fellas Matlock is on a third base when the fellas sidearms you like that right - I don't left-handed man when I left hand inside army my front leg with a let's get out of here loses good you can feel a pressure on your shoes strange wanting to bail out that is tough to hang in there and you come from that far from the side look at that [Applause] he's always loved with two managers sticker and say hang in there hang in there you hang in here on a bench watch how he wheels from the side is the big guy well over six feet looks like he's doing behind the third-base coach whoop six to three National League leading three runs here in the ninth inning right off the handle then long throw they getting a tan Tien until we go to the bottom of the night nationally six American League three the wheels are rolling people are buying cars in Chrysler Corporation going to keep it that way and this time it's a nationwide fail our new nineteen seventy five cars and trucks you can get 300 hours cash back on full size prices three hundred dollars cash back on Dodge Coronet to Monica and on Plymouth Grande Furies and small fury and 200 hours cash back on Plymouth dusters and values terrific joke to listen folks we did before and we can do it again this time is two hundred dollars cash back on God's gun there is Voyager Dodge sportsman Dodge pickup some fans we've got the cars and trucks at a price to move so come on down here participating Dodge or Chrysler Plymouth dealer this time it's on nationwide sale we didn't people will do it again well if the bottom of the ninth to her dying helmet graves come on the American League he'll be the pinch-hitter an Randy Jones from San Diego Padres will be the new pitcher for the National League the fella lost 22 games last year at an earned run average of four point four six this year look at that record 11 and six he had a perfect game for seven innings against Cincinnati in July lost it and he pitched a one-hitter in attending game against the Cardinals he's developed into one of the better young pitchers in the major leagues Randy Jones and he'll try and hold a three-run lead on the last of the ninth inning al McCrae is going to come up to bat as a pinch-hitter he's a right hander you'll be followed by George Scott and then Rod Carew then whole San Diego Padre ballclub is taking on a whole different kind of feel I think we saw him earlier in a couple games they got the good positive approach you that was it coming through young ballplayers like Winfield and they just well like John McNamara said he did the Lord didn't put me on the earth would be a loser [Music] there is Gary Carter in left-field el Oliver is in centerfield and Reggie Smith has gone to right field the outfield is switched around Randy Jones is a new pitcher you had three different players play each outfield position eyes of an athlete here is Hal McRae 310 or home runs 54 runs better than he's a good doubles man after specialty it's a lot of doubles six to three National League is leading 25 doubles and that leads the American League that 54 runs better than Randy Jones here we go it's a strike [Applause] his proud part is an American League as you would expect they want some action one and one [Applause] [Applause] [Music] off the end of the bat John's going to have an easy play the clay is out janja Perez here is George Scott his wife Commissioner Kuehne his wife Julian Goodman Bob Howard and be seen and the most valuable player will be presented by the commissioner and dr. Kissinger after the ballgame who would be were you surprised that he brought it Jones and not his own man Marvel or a bra in a way I thought Marshall was coming in although Marshall had a tough last outing I think against the Cardinals Tripp hope I think we pride looks time to do walking on inky basement we lost it I'll cook Muslim maybe on a thing that they're more used to coming in holding lead for the ninth inning of the starting pitcher he certainly looked good against the Kraig looking at those bead they were kidding George Scott said you know he got hurt out that he wouldn't know where they call a trainer or a jeweler he chased a bad ball he's out of there latest Randy Jones's come on let's watch this pitch he's got a natural sinker Randy Jones that ball really comes down and gets wet off into the table on you and he had to pray up the fist with a sinking fastball and stop going after a bad pitch he's had real stuff against two men there's a strike right on the outside corner Randy Jones just gets that ball throw strikes rod purrew biggest vote getter to out American League trailing by 3 1 2 9 6 3 the score and there's a curve ball of mystery well who do you think is the most valuable player in this game we'll find out right after the game right on the outside corner man that was a Hall of Fame pitch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] flyball to left field this could be it Carter is there that's it a flyball at Gary Carter and the National League defeats the American League by the score of 63 their fourth win in a row their 12th win in the last 13 games the winner is that black partly and the loser is catfish hunter who's now owe it to an all-star game and overall nationally guess 27 victories to 1840 markedly we'll be back for the presentation of the commissioners trophy right after this message hey you got a raise it for this wire yeah one for this fuzz prima donnas the same reason sure track two raises but with adjustable cartridges there are five settings you use high you rolled and you'll both get that great track to shave the Gillette track two razor with regular or adjustable cartridges the closest thing to a perfect chain hey terrific shades on if I prima donnas one great razor did Tracy Wed Dick Tracy to dry look Clark Kent wet head Clark Kent the dry look ahead Sam to dry look the dry look makes a good guy look even better and only Gillette has the adjustable valve to spray as light and dry as you like so c'mon hero get rid of that wet look get the dry look from Gillette aerosol and now a liquid to Allen Ashley Joe took a three nothing lead overs by Garvey and went in a second bench single or run in the third Yastrzemski had a pinch-hit three-run homer in the sixth inning to tie it but the National League ripped away in the ninth inning to come up with three runs IC pill Matlack walking over there we're going down very shortly to Tony Kubek presentation - go down to Tony Kubek all right well they've just come over to the commissioners box Commissioner Bowie killed and Commissioner I'll let you do the honors you've got to it looks like and you had a tough decision well we have a first as we instituted this award in 1970 for the first time we have two most valuable players John Matlock and Bill Madlock have been voted by our press corps to be joint Most Valuable Player winners and I congratulate you both that's just great I might exist is pokey to the two of you and for a moment it's going to have to go for the two of you did we figure out how to handle that gentleman elaborations and I know you've got a special guest Commissioner Bowie Kuhn you like to introduce to the gentleman dr. Kissinger is here and I know he wants to say hello to Lisa Bill Madlock dr. Kissinger John Matlack good ball game fellas we really enjoyed it and it was probably one of the most exciting ball games we've ever seen you brought a good game in Milwaukee my hometown comment John Matlack it's just great 20 really felt good and everybody played good early and we look like we slow down and things really picked up late the ball game was a fine game Billy Matlock to the Cubs a big base yet well I was just trying to you know make contact you know throw me away and I just hit it into topher to bed dr. Kissinger how did you enjoy the game a pretty good fan out and I saw your dear wife mrs. Kissinger here and she had a Dodger cap on during this ballgame he's a Dodger fan but I ruled it for the American League your Red Sox are Yankee fan I read that somewhere I'm a Yankee fan mr. commissioner fine ball game and a lot of excitement here and your box I know enjoyed if you stay till the end dr. Kissinger we thank you for staying till the end of the ball game throughout good luck to you in your world travel thank you sir mr. Commissioner the balloting worked again you've got Billy Matlock John Matlock the Mets a good ballgame darn good go game thanks fellas congratulations to y'all let's go back upstairs right now I'll tell you they ought to put Kubek as a protocol managers under the light up he's all right well there are the most valuable players I'm saying engraver won't have too much of a problem just changed a few letters John Matlack Bill Madlock there were many many heroes here Curt Petros had a big night home runs back to back Garvey and Wynn a lot of exciting plays I tell you with the kind of a game that fans just enjoy because we saw a lot of players and one swing at a fat buy a pinch-hitter made this game exciting Carl Yastrzemski coming out of the dugout of the sixth inning with two on and lining a home under the right centerfield stands to tie it up and it was interesting at Matlock brought up that they managed the league open and then slow down 10-minute a roll of been retired by American League pitching until hunter gave up two hits and young Claudell Washington in the left-field corner Joe at a couple of very difficult chances that he did and if I look at my scorecard like everybody else is it really looks chewed up the nationally pitching was pretty strong as unofficially I got 10 strikeouts of American League all-stars and that's always a big big job so that's it the final score here once again our statistician was Alan Roth our production stage manager I'm old garment I feel supervisor human German and for twenty kopeck was still down there doing a little politicking up I'm Kurt Goudy this is Joe Garagiola in the final score once again 63 the nationally over the American League saying so long the 1975 all-star game has been brought to you by your Chrysler Plymouth dealers who invite you to see cardova the new small Chrysler and by Gillette makers of new track to shave cream with aftershave conditioners and by Sears Tire & Auto centers home of the diehard battery and the Sears Dinah class guardsmen radial tire don't forget next saturday baseball two o'clock Milwaukee at Chicago Atlanta New York will be seen in Milwaukee and Chicago and next Monday night at eight o'clock Eastern Time Oakland and Palo for Milwaukee's Chicago will be seen it open in Baltimore and on the baseball world will have the annual compressional ball game between Republicans and Democrats [Music] Brian Keith
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 77,798
Rating: 4.8800602 out of 5
Id: -k1Z-bVmYNw
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Length: 201min 10sec (12070 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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