1978 ALCS, Game 3 (Royals-Yankees) (ABC)

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why Kenda City world you've been right Franklin having a hard journey but nobody knows better than you you told me the other day of course I'm injured I'm not you remember that exactly what was the nature of Wow you know problems too often as you know our problems that we know of my legs from spring training on I've had some cement problems I've had some arm problems and i just think there's a bunch of things collectively that rather now it's what certain immuno you know it's racing you know you said at the start of this thing with you know you brought your photos I hurt sometimes building you sometimes you just have to go out we don't try to play again that's what we do and let's throw up have you been upset by the talk of the Yankees trying to treat you well you know the only thing that upsets is riots and problems with the rise as far as quite a few other things gandora I asked between two Govan didn't seem to work out too well and all of a sudden I love you I battle back from an injury in spring training I keep Mormons are still in my face it's not nice sometimes y'all Rosen assured me there wasn't any talk but I heard it last spring training a Pittsburgh outfielder who asked me do I need an operation do you need those the playoff game so someone's been talking somewhere I don't know who would you still like to be traded especially to play not saying up for I don't know how many you know the last couple years trying to getting put into my you gotta still yes I would like to I was one of my children answer which is definitely right to be with Business era we used to drive by [Applause] the answer that question came yes I would definitely like to go there is this divide your concentration during the current quest for the pennant no no no I don't think so you know when you walk on the baseball field to play baseball No concentrate in my injuries we walk out there and a lot of times you know you just can't do something I had a bar the other day I've had I've been helpful about an oiled you know making last out of the indian taking us out of a rally and no just uh you know you try to play as hard as you can you know you can do something to physically that bothers you as far as business confirm other things not up I just read your new book I think it's excellent you're very candid about Reggie Jackson as it is all of what's been printed there what's your relationship with Jackson now I've never you know not good usability well you know I people many times you know who has better starts in the major leagues over the last eight or nine years the intelligent man I think there's a lot of things that he can could be much better light I also like to mare I'm actually a little bit liking in some respects and we're just a shame that you know started off and got hammered I would like to say you know in defense of my book I think it learn stuff from I didn't try oh sorry have left here today thank you [Music] the weather has grown more promising as the Royals and the Yankees moved to New York for Game three but a series all even that one and one and this ABC Sports exclusive is brought to you by Chevrolet and Chevrolet dealers coast-to-coast and by the Miller Brewing Company Brewers of Miller High Life if you've got the time we've got the beer well with this series all even that one then one everybody for the last 24 or 48 hours have been wondering which team would have the advantage here at Yankee Stadium personally I think it has to belong to the Yankees two reasons one they are at home they sleep in their own beds and eat at their own tables and they play on real dirt in real crafts at Yankee Stadium and it is a different kind of a game that must be played in contrast to the artificial surface that is used in Kansas City but those things will determine as we were along here right now let me introduce you to mr. Howard Cosell and his comments for Game three thank you very much Keith already Keith has touched on one of the essential factors in this contest the fact that Kansas City excels on the slick artificial turf that exists in Royals Stadium in Kansas City the Yankees are back on natural grass there is another apparent Yankee advantage in pitching apparent because it has to be proved on the field catfish hunter today Ron Guidry tomorrow nonetheless offsetting that fault split off a longtime Yankee nemesis so this year we'll be opposing the Yankees have shown a vulnerability to relatively slow balling curveball is who can mix it up from the South fought side witness Rick Waits and witness Larry Gore in this very series the Yankees have their own handicaps one is the continuing absence of the best athlete on the team Willie Randolph and the other of course is the pattered condition of the captain and the club professional firm month so as the crowd begins to raw another Yankee advantage comes into play the enthusiasm of the home fans but right now I'd like to bring in the young gentleman who is making you all aware a of his mental prowess and Bey of his vocal prowess the ace picture of the birds of Baltimore mr. Jim Palmer and what a delight to be with you again Jim your analysis if you will of a catfish hunter and be bald split oh well catfish hunter has been pissing very well started out the year with a shoulder problem was on disabled list twice came back he's won nine out of his 11 decisions pitched very poor lady probably the biggest game of the year the one they needed to win last Sunday against Cleveland but only had three days rest instead of his normal for money pitcher he's foreign to in the playoffs foreign three in the World Series couldn't think of a better pitcher to have out there if you needed to win a big game on the other hand Paul splittorff has pitched extremely well against the Yankees in the playoffs this year I was talking to him he said said of beating the Yankees during the season he got Boston out but changes speeds he's a left-handed pitcher that can give the Yankees trouble as a good fastball a curveball a slider not a real good changeup but I think 119 games for the Royals and again he's a good pitcher and he's tough in the playoffs now very carefully I noted that you said split up has been tough against the Yankees in the playoffs true statement but also career-wise split off has been very effective against the Yankees but in the regular season this year only that's a fact well it is I think it would hurt his confidence a lot of times the way you pitch during the season will give you confidence if you do a good job but this year he struggled and I guess he's been pitching well he's won eight out of his last 12 games so it should be a good ball game very well indeed let's go back to Keith Jackson now folks and we'll have the player introductions Keith they starting lineup for the two teams the public address announcer here at Yankee Stadium longtime veteran mr. Bob Sheppard in game 3 is the Royals manager Whitey Herzog at third-base number five George Brett [Music] the designated hitter number 11 Hal McRae [Music] the centerfielder number 26 Amos Otis [Music] the catcher number 15 Darrell Porter [Music] at first base number 8 - Pete Lacock [Applause] in left field number nine Clint Hurdle [Applause] in right field number 18 al Cowen's [Music] [Applause] at shortstop number two [Music] the second baseman number 20 Frank white [Music] [Applause] and today's starting pitcher warming up in the bullpen number 34 Paul split all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and centerfielder [Music] [Applause] the leftfielder number 6 Roy white the catcher number 15 [Music] the designated hitter number 44 Reggie [Music] [Applause] in white people number 14 [Music] at number nine Raven [Applause] at first base number 10 Chris Chambliss [Music] [Applause] at second base number 11 Fred Stanley [Applause] bad shortstop number 20 [Applause] and today's starting pitcher warming up in the bullpen over 29 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] will you please stand to note the colors as presented by the United States Navy color guard and joined with the great Robert Merrill as we honor America with a natural uncle whose broad stripes and bright stars hurts we were okay ha ha bombs bursting they prove that our flag was still there oh say does that star-spangled [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Hey well I'll tell you if that doesn't get your attention and send chills up get back to nothing will and that's what Freddie Patek was talking about as the crowd roared every time a Yankee name was mentioned they're kicking the walls and making all kinds of noise we're getting close to the beginning of game number three [Applause] when you go shopping you go to a supermarket but did you ever wonder where giant industry shop but industry goes shopping or firefighting systems for automotive components for True Temper golf shafts or stainless steel they shop at one place the place allegheny love them in the streets the supermarket from blazing heat to paralyzing cold season after season the JCPenney battery has the power to start your car over and over year in and year out and it never needs water ever it's so dependable it's warranted for as long as you own your car if it ever fails to accept and hold a charge return it with proof of purchase will replace it free it's the last battery your car will ever need oh no he's home a kiss goodbye you must go and besides your beard it's rough and I'll shave there's no time I use this rise with three softness rides I start to soak and soften my whiskers in no time see rice helps me get a close shave quick your smoothie so quickly father how about a close shave rise for a quick close shave I'm delighted to tour the nice lake here tonight and saluting long fingers at this number one relief pitcher and winner of the roulade relief man award trophy is Dave Pettigrew of the water limber comes to presentation actually the trophy is not new to you have you won it last year but I think the fact that you've had back-to-back years really shows your ability to put fires out on the mound and real coolness under pressure so I congratulations to you the preceding was a message on behalf of Major League Baseball ladies and gentlemen the former American League president and Hall of Famer mr. Joe Cronin presenting today to two outstanding players the recognition for their significant baseball achievements of 1978 Jim Rice of the Boston Red Sox and Ron Guidry a great left-hander for the New York Yankees Guidry with a record of 25 and 3 this year Jim Rice who hit 315 46 home runs 139 runs batted in 406 total bases first man the past 400 since 1937 when DiMaggio did it Guidry 25 and 3 on the year earned run average 1 7 4 and the best winning percentage for a pitcher ever in the American League a pitcher who had 120 or more games so men who truly had their all-time achievements at least to this point in their careers but they are both still young right now let's swing her attention back to today's ballgame as catfish hunter makes his way in from the bullpen before the game Howard Cosell talked the Yankee pitching coach Clyde King about the rehabilitation Clyde catfish hunter had reached a point of no return with his damaged dog you as a Yankee pitching troubleshooter went to his home detail for us what happened yes I went down a couple days after Christmas Howard and spent three days with Helen and Jimmy we looked at old pictures of his Oakland A's when he was pitching well Helen Jimmy and my wife norm and I spent over an hour in his attic looking for those pictures Helen was down on her hands and knees and we came up with pictures action pictures that I saw the angle of delivery when Jimmy was pitching well I compared him to what I had seen at the end of the season we went back down to catfish his den and we talked about it and when I got up and showed him what he was doing and what he had been doing in his good years he immediately related to it he changed and had an impression in his mind as to what he needed to do and he has just gone from there and of course his head and arm are coordinated now with his leg kick in his body motion and I think that has helped to relieve the pain he's thrown with good control and much better velocity and you know the results now Clyde didn't dr. Maurice Collins the orthopedic man make the shoulder adjustment that also helped absolutely Howard he certainly did it relieve the pain entirely and catfish was convinced that he could come back and he has some pregame comments of quiet King has something to come very important within the structure of the New York Yankee organization relative to the progress of the pitching core and the most recent development being the work with catfish now the ceremonial first pitch in this game today is dedicated to the men and women of the New York City police and fire departments and throwing out the ceremonial first pitches today will be the Cubbies a police commissioner Robert McGuire and the fire commissioner of pigment of the days and orphan they are called upon to make the supreme sacrifice for the people they serve at the Yankee dugout joining us in honoring our police and firefighters are the New York City Police Commissioner Robert McGuire and the fire commissioners Augusta speechless the Yankees are proud to ask all of you to join us in a fine ovation for the police and firemen of this great cities and this great nation the finest [Applause] alright we're about ready to go as the Yankees take Sofia the egg is in the home white uniforms with the pinstripes very obvious as Jim butter ghostwriting to the mound and over a career that has included so many great games this could be one of the more important games for Jim as he perhaps works toward the shadows of that career looking at the defense at his Roy white in left field he's been there a long time he's the senior member of the Yankee weighing roster and Mickey rivers is in centerfield still playing with a sore hip that bothers his legs in right field it is Lou Piniella who slept late today and is very relaxed inside on the infield at third base at his Greg Nettles he's played so well so far in the series that shortstop that is Bucky Dent who quite such a major role in getting the Yankees into this playoff series against Kansas City at second base with the left-hander on the mound Fred Stanley who usually plays a shortstop today is at second because the intruder Willie Randolph at first base it is Chris Chambliss whose bat may become a big important weapon for New York before it's done here at Yankee Stadium and back of the plate it is Thurman Munson doing the catching and on the mound Jim catfish hunter Keith and a two previous telecast Jim Palmer has constantly emphasized that the first inning is the most difficult inning for a pitcher this has been particularly true of catfish even with his great comeback and what's him 1 9 out of 10 going into that final Sunday regularly scheduled game against Cleveland when unaccountably twosome he couldn't get the Indians out but you can observe hunter closely Jim in the first inning and get a sense of where he's at don't you sure yeah Howard up basically he's a fastball pitcher and he throws his slider but if he doesn't get the ball where he wants to he is not gonna win that's just as simple as that because he doesn't throw like he used to not many people do when you pitched 3300 innings like he is amplified in the simple set of numbers 12 of the 16 home runs given by catfish hunter this season have come in his first two innings of pitching there you George Brett will leadoff Hal McRae will follow Amos Otis the number three hitter this is the same lineup that one on Wednesday 10:00 to 4:00 and Brett hits at high in the air comes racing back and it is just not afraid we're gonna have some fun today I am sure because the big jocular man back of the plate is Ron Luciano the Kansas City line up the three men I mentioned then you go to number four Darrell Porter followed by Pete Lacock Clint Hurdle al Cowen's Pond Tech and white it was the bottom four in that batting order that got Kansas City rolling at the Royals home park in the second game with Luciano walking the Hudson River this morning watching Birds [Applause] butterbur the one strike count on George Brett the Royals third baseman in that pitch is up high I meant the banks of the Hudson of course key that pitch is hit high in the air and [Music] [Applause] always nice to brief you folks in advance we were talking about [Applause] well he's thrown two high pitches before and that ball is right down the middle of the plate and I don't think he's throwing really what very well now it just not doesn't have that good velocity and when you pitch up there you got to have good velocity that pitches in for a strike during his career in the regular season catfish hunter has given up 359 home run Hal McRae hits it high and it comes back Thurman has a look and it's on the screen out of play there are spread received by his teammates in the dugout as the Royals lead one to nothing the thing about hunter is his pin one the great flood split pitches of all time and if he can get by the first inning he usually settled still McRae hits it to right field Piniella coming toward the line [Applause] now hunter will pitch to Amos Otis with Darryl Porter moving to the on-deck circle when the Sun comes up white right the weather forecast for the weekend cooling and drier weather so as the rain moves out the high moves in and hopefully we'll have good dry weather through Sunday if necessary games four and five are scheduled for tomorrow night and Sunday night if we have to play five and knowing the history of these two teams and the kind of games they play against each other it seems likely that we will play Sunday the pitch is high and away from Amos Otis who's 3 for 7 in the series with one run batted in Whitey Herzog the Kansas City manager [Applause] hi and outside again it's two balls and no strikes he continues to be high and he is what you would call a placement or location pitcher well he is he's always been a highball pitcher but he got me gray out on a high pitch but the ball was inside looks like he's just trying to get ahead of the hitters Pop's him up and it comes back and onto the screen out of play that ball was up but it was in so it's not a bad pitch catfishing I think pitches a lot like I do where he tries to get ahead with his fastball and then when he does get ahead he goes in and out and the one thing he will do he will challenge you that's why he's thrown as many home runs as he has doesn't walk too many guys but when he does give up home runs usually there were nobody on especially if it's a leadoff hitter of the game the pitch is outside and that time looked to be right about the knees it's now I have count of three and one [Applause] just shaving the corner foul back lien too [Applause] let's see where Munson sets up at Bob Lemmon sits in the dugout Brett's leadoff home run giving the Royals the early lead [Applause] you [Applause] these and Amos Otis is a ballplayers you looked at it again a fine play by Stanley prostrate he quickly gets to his feet throws but the trademark I was talking about of Amos Otis is that from the right side he gets down with exceptional speed to first base otice with that speed representing the possibility of running for Kansas City as Darryl Porter comes to the plate now hunter is far superior to previous unity pitchers like BT and Tidrow in holding the run at at first he's not a high kick pitcher the first pitch swings and misses on a fastball that was thrown quite high you'll vouchsafe that I trust you certainly but they're gonna run on Munson because his arm is bothering and they won't run on catfish the key as I said the other day to holding a runner on is number one you have to make them stop not let them get a running lead in number two you have to get rid of the ball quickly Hunter's been around long enough to do both of those things one in one the count one out one on and one in one gun plays in the bullpen Kanna will want particularly to be aware of that runner to protect Munson his damaged shoulder well definitely and he knows that Thurmond is not throwing like he did earlier in the year [Applause] [Music] just remember him he backed up the 24 year low start evading in the first game and if you have a situation here now but because you have the whole or first [Applause] notice is on second base [Applause] it's a torturous time excuse me for thurman munson those of you saw the pregame show saw my talk with Thurmond he feels he's being humiliated and there's nothing he can do about it and he is a prideful professional poor captain are three and two notice is now stolen four paces in this playoff series wall is fouled off again by Porter [Applause] with one out three toothpick just hit high in the air to right-center field rivers is right there Otis tags at second he's going [Applause] release it so quickly Kansas City club with great teams be potus a great base runner five peg [Applause] so there it is don't be right back the cooling system was corroding that'll be $76 for pots $28 for labor what should've kept you guard up [Music] keep your guard up installed properly Daugaard antifreeze protects against corrosion and Daugaard guard your car down to 34 below dalgaard antifreeze take it from me keep your gun [Music] our customers have to have cars that are more fuel efficient read porter vehicle systems engineering this is who we are and what we do at General Motors we're working on a car for the 1980s that will have equal comfort and value to the customer at 30% better fuel economy than the car that it replaces to do that we have to reduce the weight optimize all the systems of the engine minimize aerodynamic drag and tire rolling resistance and so on the cost on this project this is staggering like two billion dollars this is an exciting business especially in these times the challenges are immense and I believe we're way ahead yes General Motors can do it General Motors people building transportation to serve people [Music] [Applause] his breath perfect white all split off for the record of 19 and 13 on the mound used to follow me Yankee killer but this year he had two losses and two no-decisions against New York for the Yankees coming to the plate its rivers delete it off Mickey up there and Roy white will follow a Thurman Munson the third scheduled better Reggie Jackson is the designated hitter today and it's strike one on Mickey ball one paul splittorf might well have opened the series except his dad passed away last week and he was put number three in the pitching rotation against the Yankees by Whitey Herzog let me say this Uber's left the plate he was obviously hobbling he took free step obviously is working with a very sore hip and leg in New York batting order there it is with Jackson you see the da chin Piniella in right field rivers white Munson Jackson Piniella nettles Chambliss family and death I think it should be noted that rippers is playing dirt and he made a great throw in the very first inning I want to make the point because the management has often been at odds with him as you looked at a call ball but presumably not hustling Roy white 2 for 8 in the playoff series against Paul split-off making his first start that's it on the ground the second baseman white-hot that's where Thurmond of course that was Roy white forget me but that's where the Yankees have really been hurting because the man coming up had been batting second and he was 1 for 10 and that's why white was put in to bat second in point of fact Munson in the number three position today he had been at the number two spot previously boy did get it on the ground to the right side but white had him played perfectly two out Royals lead one to nothing in Munson hits it high in the air to right field powers drifts over and makes the catch and the inning is over so after the first inning of play in game number three here at Yankee Stadium it's one nothing Kansas City the big news for 79 is from Chevrolet the new Chevy mine's a 2+2 hatchback it's more car for less money and a lot more kicks now standard equipment includes tinted glass AM radio shift console sports steering wheel white stripe tires body side molding bucket seats carpeting the hatchback and more all standard and all for less than what last year chevy Monza 2+2 would have cost with the same equipment that's more car war kicks for less money new chevy Monza when you farm your own land the work never ends but you do it with pride and all the strength you can muster but now comes Miller time time to head for the best taste in beer you can find America's quality beer Miller High Life when it's time to rid of that you got the time [Music] a dripping faucet is enough to drive a man out of a house and there's a way to solve the problem once and for all the waterless peerless faucet it comes with recorded instructions and step-by-step illustrated instructions so that you can install them all by yourself and know you're doing it right do-it-yourself airless faucets for kitchen and bath for Kansas City in the top of the second inning the first baseman Pete Lacock then comes Clint Hurdle and our Cowan says Brett led off the game for the Royals with a home run high deep fly ball to the upper deck katenka studying here's another fella with plenty of power though he's yet to get the long ball in this series [Music] there's the percentage breakdown of the point that we made relative to catfish hunter giving up so many home runs in his first two innings of pitching Lacock fouls it into the crowd on the left side are protected this will be the definitive inning for catfish if he can get through this inning without being scored upon you can expect a fine game from [Music] one ball and one strike to Pete Lacock who came over from Chicago on what amounted to a trade involving the Mets Kansas City in the cup and that's fouled away that Mets had originally swapped jim dwyer to Kansas City for Sheldon Mallory but the Cubs wanted wire so they sent to Kansas City a young man named Lacock suddenly he gets together with Whitey Herzog and under his tutelage he grows up and has become a very fine major league baseball player who's a tough out Keith as you can see catfish is trying to keep the ball away from for obvious reasons if you saw the game the other day he hit a low inside pitch for a double down the right-field line there's a lot of room in left field and center field here in Yankee Stadium that's foul back again count is 1 & 2 until that double Pete had been hitless in this series he followed that double where the runs batted in single Ascenta so he's feeling pretty good about himself at the moment [Applause] two and two well here's this like I said an out outside fastball and it looks like it just tailed outside obviously he wants it couldn't quite hold it at the plate here at Yankee Stadium left field this time of the day is the Sun field I mean it's tough it'll be a very important factor in this ball game as the shadows lengthen all the way again notoriously left field has been tough in the Yankee Stadium through all of the years and yet some of the great plays in baseball history have been made out there witnessed the 55 World Series when the Dodgers beat the Yankees the seventh game saved by amuro's again fouled away Oh feets giving the folks up on the upper deck on the left side a lot of souvenirs Ron Luciano ran out of baseballs just to refresh memories Keith that was when berra hit the long drive down the left-field foul line Ambrose made over one-handed grab of it in the berry corner had he been a right hand he probably couldn't have made that catch Steve burrows coaching at first for Kansas at it shall killer at third two and two pitch to Pete Lacock he's hit to right-center field and hit deep it's going to be in there for a base hit now field a little bit wet but macaques he goes in the second-oldest come in double four feet and again Mickey rivers had a plenty of steam on the throw-in and was on the money so once again in a hunter is quickly in trouble a laid-off had in the first inning with a home run the lien offend the second inning mother duck clean heard a lot but went two for three yesterday replacing Steve Braun in the lineup Clint Hurdle who was not a big hitter as a rookie and who showed major weaknesses but the Yankees have been pitching to his strengths well here's another example when he's gonna be trying to pull the ball on catfish it's gonna be throwing them fast balls away and we'll see who wins this battle first pitch is fouled back to the screen off the top of the club with Herman Munster if you get it inside this big kid can lose it though I'll tell you that as a strike he has enormous strength but because he likes the pitch as we said Wednesday a little below the belt on the inside half of the plate he's vulnerable to the outside just missed us one and two Lacock on second base haven't led off with a double Kansas City leading on George Brett's gained leadoff home run Royals now the three hits the Yankees have won [Music] five flyball drifting out into left centerfield and it's rivers Nikki had the better angle they're gonna test his arm again look back for the thirties in there [Applause] rivers had dripped it over his left shoulder was pointed toward the infield as he was trying to keep turned away from the bright Sun in order to make the throw back into third base he had to pivot didn't quite have enough opportunity to get a hard throw-in and Lacock advances from second over to third well as a hit in Yankee weakness there too because Roy white is not a good thrower he does not have a good army in fact he has a weakened so there was no way onto any circumstances White was going to catch that ball while rivers doesn't have a great arm it's much better than whites the infield is up now with Lacock at third and al Cowen's the hitter and hunter misses outside and low ball one idiot field is playing with only one out hit sharply the nettles at third that was a great play Jim he covered the line on counties he left the area between third and short relatively openly Adam played exactly right according to the way an unofficial well last year al counts was I think second in the MVP voting he had 23 home runs 118 RBIs everybody threw him hard stuff that was a slider was down in the strike zone and everybody I talked to Charlie Lau they said they've really changed their philosophy on pitching him this year and he had the injury with his knee but he just hasn't had the same type of year charlie feels he's just trying to hit home runs instead of hitting the singles like he did last year with two out now Lacock at third pops at the plate swings and misses strike one guess a young man who listed the Kansas City fans yesterday gave a public apology today because he did in on national television with us and who turned out to be the hero of the game yes [Applause] makes the catch anything [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] super style G mr. Goodwrench I don't know it's going good ranch understands your GM car he has special GM training the GM equipment available to help him analyze your car and diagnose the problem I understand how good is the investment information at your investment firm maybe it depends on the firm I think the market analysis group that our firm is time we have research in municipal bonds we have it in corporate bonds tax shelters we have access to opinions on over a thousand securities within two minutes who offers this kind of in-depth investment information you know who sure there are lots of investment firms but there's only one Merrill Lynch Kenneth Dodgers Clinton 3 the National League Championship Series tonight on a PC designated hitter Reggie Jackson will lead off to New York here in the bottom of the second Lou Piniella will follow and then Greg nettles Jackson four for seven in the playoff series the season stats there he has hit a home run and has three runs batted in against the Royals in the playoff this is ball one spinoff will be celebrating his 32nd birthday this coming Sunday the state [Applause] [Music] reaching curve ball at this came sweeping in there's a story on Reggie Jackson's American League Championship Series record going back to 1970 the button hits truly impressive [Applause] that's bonuses it's two and one I talked to Paul about how he's going to pitch Reggie and he just felt if you keep the ball out of the middle of the plate you got a chance you either got to go away in or keep the ball on the outside corner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three and one interesting to see the picture wearing glasses and Nevada wearing glasses there was a time when it seemed almost verboten in the big leagues well the glasses on Reggie the better than the glasses on anyway like Paul said he didn't want to do he got the ball right in the middle of play the count three and one Reggie's guessing basketball wait [Music] [Applause] the presentation of ABC sports let's pause five seconds to an hour local stations to identify themselves wabc-tv channel seven new york Owens makes the catch one out reflecting back on Reggie Jim there was a time when I didn't interview with you in Baltimore ABC Monday night when you said reg is a designated hit the other skills are in fact but given this he's the greatest dinner I've ever seen you respond to and you're right nettles inside well I've said many times Howard I hated to see Reggie go because he's a tremendous offensive player and he did a lot for the Oros while he was there he just showed up a month late hits it to left there's the Sun [Applause] lost it found it laid the cat that's where Klinenberg well there's a blown away slider and he hits it a long way Berto goes back and makes a nice catch I talked to Clinton I asked him why I didn't play the last month and he said he made a key here in Chicago he had fifty some RBIs going into the month of September which isn't bad for a rookie probably would ended up somewhere close to 70 and didn't play the rest of the year Chambliss up there fix for one he's been the leading percentage hitter of the playoff series thus far going for football Wednesday 6 for 9 6 67 on the ground the white Frank has it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] New York is one one after two hey how'd you like some free gasoline when you fill up like it a lot change the new quaker state sterling motor oil you're telling me an oil change let's get you better gas mileage see quaker state sterling is a whole new kind of oil specially blended to lubricate better than regular oils less friction so your engine will work less hard and use less gasoline it'll be like getting extra gas for free change to new quaker state sterling is that getting free gas with every tank full protecting your car radiator against freezing up when it's freezing outside that's the month of ZX z rex antifreeze protecting your radiator against boiling over when it's boiling outside that's the mozilla protecting your radiator against rust no matter what it's doing outside that's the month of ZX three-way protection all year long that's the mark of z Rex here's how to get traction in bad weather and a smooth ride and good weather with one tire start with the body of a long wearing radio with two steel belts for strength at a new computer design tread for traction on snow and ice and a center rib so you ride smooth all year long the Kelly navigator radio put it on keep it on Kelly navigator radios get you through Kelly Springfield we're out to change America's tires [Music] tonight here on ABC game number three in the National League Championship Series from Los Angeles the Dodgers sweeping the Phillies in Philadelphia and Tommy John was sensational against the Phillies yesterday so the Dodgers go home with a two-zip lead against the Phillies Frank white leads off for Kansas City hunter curveball outside corner strike one Brett's on deck and mihail McRae will follow that's the pitch to watch for against the right-handed it is reached [Applause] in pinch-hitters let's say now of catfish settling now he gets that fastball to tell the white from them Jim well his key like I said before is that you got behind Brett he hit a home run he got behind with he hit a double and he and split off for the same type of pitchers false put off pitching game against us beat us in Baltimore the hardest pitch he threw was 83 miles per hour so you get the idea that he's a controlled pitcher and he got behind Reggie Jackson three and one he hit a home run so the key to them being successful today is throwing strikes getting ahead of the hitter the same pitch the splitter off through the Reggie to hit out oh and OH probably would have been a fly ball to center field grant hits it well again rivers turns his back [Applause] I ever accused George Brett of having that kind of consistency of power well it's a 100 fastball it wasn't that bad a except it ended up in the right-field seats [Music] I think you said it best when you said the man is of natural-born hitter is an exceptional the best in baseball let the league two years ago capable of leading it at any time that's in the crown out-of-play Hal McRae if rod carew is taking a year most homeruns ever hit in a championship serious game with his Robertson of the National League Pittsburgh he had three but George Brett now has tied the American League Championship Series record at tools and their successive one ball and one strike to hell McRae shot to right and line sharply to the crowd foul ball and one and two new baseball let me tell you that this telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of the game without the express written consent of Major League Baseball prohibited and that's another cowboy it just saw a tight shot of Jim catfish hunter what a remarkable man he's been it doesn't matter which team you're a fan of everybody respects this man outside make it two and two on Hal McRae with Amos Otis on deck as one of the great pitches of his dime and as a person given up for dead he beat the dead shoulder and diabetus in the same year [Applause] and this is what's going to make catfish successful he throws the fastball look at the control it's right on the corner the brain thinks it's a ball strike three see you later the plate is 17 inches wide catfish throughout as Korea has never needed that if he's right he only needs two inches the wrists like right Jim actually I don't fire tell me that it plates 23 inches why because the ball is about two and three-quarter inches and when you pick the ball on the outside of the corner it makes it even bigger doesn't seem that sometimes when you don't have your good control Otis big swing for strike one that was catfish first strike out of the ballgame two out now to that white LED off then McCrae struck out looking in between you had the second successive home run by George Brett Darrell Porter is on deck at way upstairs looks to me he's gonna have to pitch around George Brett might be a better idea to walk them well this is a lineup that has been so successful for Kansas City that's right and you know one thing catfish doesn't give in he rarely ever walks a hitter Jim well I think you better think about walking George Brett has never hit a home run off me I just throw him fast balls away and he doubles and triples to left field I found that the best thing to do Otis now with four stolen bases have put himself in the American League Championship Series a record book previous record was three by Tampa campaneris and he was the Oakland A's 3 & 1 to Amos Yogi Berra is on the phone using the walkie-talkies that's the placement of the defense for New York Amos is on little walk first one in the game by hunter so Amos who singled in stole second then was thrown out by rivers trying to advance on the flyball by Porter let's see if Amos is running again with two out that was a downtown swing backwater thought it was a good pitch she had it down there well Darryl has some power hit 18 home runs this year and he can pull the ball and this is a good part for left-handed pull hitter one in one umpires are bill Kunkel at first Dave Phillips at second Terry Cooney at third left the align Lou DiMuro and right for you lion rich Garcia stand back of the plate Ron Luciano the big man any clay up for the second time okay [Music] Porter hits into right centerfield rivers on the move reaching he tripped and he's ha playing in the Kansas City runners are moving [Applause] [Music] look at it again Jim look me caught that ball it's so easy to second-guess but from our evidence on this replay it appears that rivers caught that ball [Applause] far because he's out there he just barely where you can see it on TV I'd emphasize again that rebus is a man who's playing her as Keith pointed out he's humbling look at this angle quite apparently got that ball there's nothing you can do about it it's a judgment call that's the third angle look at it now [Music] I think that may be the best angle of all I don't see the ball coming down out of the world he scooped it no so it goes [Music] the sodus is at third now he just took off and kept going eridan the second the NFL is stunning instant replay maybe Major League Baseball should - gotta be a pebble supporter and Pete Lacock is up now with two out and two on but knocked at a double to leadoff in the top of the second inning that pitch is ball one kind of get the feeling the way he pitched him last time that he will be pitching on the outside corner or walking outside if he walked in he will look at that hurdle the rookie he may not Bob lemon is not going to take a lot of time today this is too critical again otis waited on a line at third not pitches Hein outside no strikes to Pete Lacock on the other hand here I I think Whitey Herzog may let Pete Lacock swing away three and oh he probably feels the same way that we just said that he might not be in there then glad has joined clay in the bullpen from New York and that pitch is in for strike Pete did not have the green light he did not offer it's easy to say that instinctively rivers should have thrown the ball in the stop outside for four bases are loaded to stop corta from taking the extra base in ODIs - perhaps but rebus was so caught up with the cat the base is falling to our there was the challenge by Hunter and ahead and it was successful hurdle obviously expecting that long and miss [Applause] [Music] way it's one and two [Applause] we have two to one lead and so I try to please mm-hmm sold out again hey you look like a double-edge man to me daring unafraid no no the Gillette track two gives me a more comfortable shave silly me these other twin blades will fit your track to handle yeah but they're not Gillette track two sorry two guys who using twin blade Gillette track two no other blade will do Gillette track two please [Music] new Chevrolet a new generation car bought and embraced by more than a million people in its first two years Caprice a new product for 1979 I love our new house but I wish we could get a break on the insurance you can get a break with Allstate our new house discount cuts 10% off 10% off 10% off our base homeowners premium your home is five years old or less yeah then you qualify for our new house discount now that's a real break just a bruise you're in good hands with Allstate and that's a promise from us the good hands people you certainly wouldn't think that a man has hit successive homeruns was hurt but George Brett is shares how we're talking with him about his into a job baseball life seems to become a series of physical struggles so you completely sim for this series I've been as completely sound for this series that have been all year Howard after the season I got to have my right thumb operated on I have bone chips and bone spurs in there and earlier in the season against the Milwaukee Brewers I stood in the second base and separated my shoulder I got to have that cut on to so I'm looking forward to next spring training right now hopefully I can play 12 more games if it goes that long and after that go in the hospital for quite a long time and then be out and rehabilitate myself and then start all over again hopefully I can make 162 again certainly don't all right today has peace your head the batter is Fred Stanley playing second base for New York then comes Bucky Dent and the top of the order Mickey rivers with Kansas City leading on Brett's two home runs one as the Yankees hit in the bottom of the third inning that's found [Applause] close the split off one of that that's the way he pitches he throws you a lot of fast balls away and we're looking for the ball away he throws that hard slider in on your fist and the count is 2 & 2 on Stan Stanley likes the high fastball out over the plate it's about the only ball he can really hit hard [Music] damn this tractor [Applause] [Music] number five and those last three rbis were really big in the fortunes of the Yankees of 78 in the tiebreaker game he takes outside ball one give me an idea of how effective he's been going into today's game he lit both teams and runs battling with four Jackson is now tied outside ball two and he had the big three in Boston she would do that [Applause] split-off finds the strike zone to make it two and one dents a good all-around shortstop he doesn't have a great range he makes all the routine plays and he's a tough out he doesn't strike out much and he gets in the clutch born in Savannah Georgia he pops it up on the right side drifts into the seats [Applause] yeah do you say that is that a direct quote [Music] I never said it I don't think you'd say it that way either no Kansas City is one of the heaviest clubs in baseball then they proved it when those two men took advantage of rebels inside Paul Blair has moved to the on deck circle he will bat and play centerfield while Mickey rivers on his very first step back when he collected a single appeared to reinjure or hurt that hip of his and he's gonna sit off the rest of the ballgame [Applause] net riches punches and Cowens drifts over and makes the catch in right field for out number two and here comes Blair lay is saw splinter off making den hit his books right Jim boy sure dude he made a good pitch down and away and not very often you get a base hit on a pitch like that but do not suffer at all having Blair in center field defensively but they may very well lose some efficiency offensively ball one well don't count this guy a chump Kansas City doesn't they remember him well he's his key man in the ninth inning rally that beat them a year ago in the fifth game pops him up Porter coming to the screen like you said the other day since paulie got beamed in Anaheim Anaheim by Ken Tatum in 1970 he doesn't hit the right-handed pitcher as well as does a left-handed pitcher he hangs in there good and a couple years ago I Weaver told me I could make out my lineup I was pitching here in Yankee Stadium and I he gave me three lineups I to choose one I chose the one would blare any ten-foot outs got a key double and he is the kind of man that you want in there when you got to win a ballgame a kid look at that again split off after you did that with Blair we've got mad at you hits that ball well the center but Otis is there and the out is made so the Yankees are gone in order in the bottom of the third inning and after three it's 2-1 Kansas City cross your heart bras one of many popular products from play Peck's known and used by women the world over play taxes part of s mark an American family of companies which also provides nourishing food products from sweat fertilizers to make more food available and energy to keep the wheels turning s mark providing over five billion dollars worth of needed products annually for you and your world I may have a bar in my office but Lawson has a Cindy [Applause] darn I thought they're gonna give me a Sony most people feel very special about Sony Trinitron color TVs probably because Sony Trinitron color TVs are very special you see it's not just a TV it's a Sony dad I have a date coming over tonight the Sony up here the cold is brutal but what better place to tell you about peak a decrease in cool chicas liquid-armor against sub-zero cold against rust against corrosion or by peak protection because nothing tops [Music] nothing texas-oklahoma headlines regional actions check local listings for NCAA college football tomorrow on ABC 2 5 and OH with four runners left on base for Kansas City for New York one two and oh and no runner stranded so far in the ballgame al Cowen's Fred Patek and Frank white the bottom third of the batting order for the Royals here in the top of the fourth inning Kansas City leading 2 to 1 Jim hunter just lone away ball one the count ones who hit a sharp shot to Greg nettles at third base the infield was drawn in his first time up back in the second inning well here we have a situation hunter has fallen behind in the count I was talking to Charlie Lau I know if you can get a picture of this but when Cowens hits punch to Center Paul Blair comes reaches did he get yes [Applause] and this time the Empire had position and he could see the cats Mary Cleo that came closer I thought to being trapped in the catch the Drifters had really looked that way but again the white was on the glove 2nd baseman Dave Phillips was right there to call it back one now to Fred Patek pretty I think thought that ball was high but as I was saying Charlie Lau was saying that guys that keep their feet together are good fastball hitters close together and you'll see what when Freddy stands up there in he's a better high fastball hitter and Cowens is the same way and like I said everybody's been pitching Cowan's differently this year and he didn't have quite as good a year one or two balls and one strike to Freddie Patek not only does this team have great team speed but up and down the batting order they've got good sound hitting anyone can hurt well Freddie proved that by hitting a two-run home run the other day when he hit the grand slam off me I was shocked team I mean literally shocked he's got a case no power you can't lay it into his groove either well the biggest thing with Freddie is you don't want to walk because he usually is close to leading league in stolen bases every year 38 fishing so hunter did with one out partek with plenty of speed on first base and Frank white up white may not hit you the big average but he's good contact man he has a long look at the third-base coach Chuck Hiller as he comes to the plate he's a beautiful athlete he really is improved every year and now despite the fact that he doesn't hit 300 he's got that up to 275 for the season he's not a home run hitter but as Keith says he makes contact and he can manipulate the back teeth hit behind the runner hit the ball where it's pitched very good with the bunt to and nettles is in on the grass at third base pretty high-tech likes is steal on the first pitch he doesn't waste any time white is also patient he's walked three of his that's quoting it that was close almost in the corner Bob Tech was already [Applause] we'll go back now hunter having a little trouble keeping the ball in the strike zone as walk three of the last six batters a break for hunter and walking three of the last six batters is normally a telltale sign for catfish who relies precisely on location placement then blat and play up again in the bullpen for New York goose Gossage well-rested has not pitched in the playoff series as yet his last work was Monday in Boston the right-hander Clay and the left-hander Lindblad white swings and misses on a good breaking pitch and catfish is ahead of him two strikes Heath had the pleasure of having George bamberger's my pitching coach to about 10 years and he always felt the location not velocity was the key to pitching where you put the ball not how hard you throw it pop tech goes white hits it high on the air to left field Roy white shields his eyes and makes the catch and Patek comes back to up and here comes George Brett again troubled with injuries that you heard of expressed during the season the bomb chips in the Thunderdome necessitate search runs all season long but Oh in this critical game today is proving himself June Fatu two home runs one until the upper deck one into the right set of bleachers that fish throws a change outside I doubt if we'll see Freddy Patek running now you just don't run when you have guys that are hot up at the plate I think they'd rather see if he gets thrown out at second you don't have a chance for a two-run home run [Applause] Bob lemons expression never changes be nice to know what he's thinking though is he thinking let's get this guy out decent drink quality was right there goes pot tech pitch right in the groove [Applause] as you see the flow [Applause] bautex for Kansas City too one [Applause] used to be when I had a job to do around the house it was one on one me against the house since the house was much bigger I usually lost well I've just changed all that with my new Black & Decker worked me know just about anything I want to work on from a door to a pipe to a 200-pound dresser in fact my workmate is so good it happened me work I'm giving it Sunday all work mates available from about $45 secret of my success lots of my parts are better than your cars original parts know where I get them a beauty isn't it with the parts hard to find let's say I had a good source where do I get my parts who's got all 50 years in the business besides me who should you see for your auto parts needs now we help keep America moving [Music] the great way to died [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful pillowy clouds Keith and watching the Yankees so much this year I've come to the conclusion that Bob lemon may reside up there for at least an assistant coach spall split off now pitching to Roy white Thurman Munson and Reggie Jackson boy white 229 in the series Kansas City with the lead 2 to 1 Yankees batting at the bottom of the fourth inning white bounces it to George Brett one out artificial surface at the base hit sure is Keith that's too unofficial surface ribbons might not have eldest out in an earlier inning as Otis attempted to go from second to third there is that instance difference between the slick got official turf from the natural grass paul splittorf has now retired seven in a row as Thurman Munson comes off turned out you're right not to send Patek down I really didn't think he'd throw him out foul ball not the way he's been throwing nests tomorrow scheduled the National League at 4 o'clock Eastern Time the American League tomorrow night 8 o'clock Eastern Time of course that national league is if necessary since they play the night and the Dodgers have a to zip lead in that series Munson hits it down the third base line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] number three of [Applause] right down yeah [Applause] [Music] - it mutton was on second base and the batter is Reggie Jackson who hit our running his first time with a blade he has five American League championship home run Brenda stood not quite plugin yep flag too funny [Applause] here's Reggie now it's five playoff series ties the overall record of Sal bando also the five and the first pitch is fouled away by Reggie [Music] that JimBob split-off dejection was up and over the plate yeah but it was out of the strike zone and I've had a lot of success with him by just trying to get ahead of him he is not a good guy like he showed you before to get behind his back just gets a little bit quicker he can afford to guess Munson off second get to the hole [Applause] [Music] [Applause] position consistency of his production is almost beyond description critical circumstance he made a good pitch it was down of course Ritchie's a lowball hitter he kept the ball in the ballpark is awfully strong as he showed me when he hit that home run he can hit the ball down in the way but he will keep it in the park Reggie didn't try to call [Music] well Reggie sitting awfully well as she said and every time I talk to him I go down ere he just feels so confident and when you're swinging the bat or if you're pitching well things come easy the score is tied at two excellent play keeps Reggie at first Jackson in this championship series of seventy eight six four nine two homers five runs batted in this would take us it's a career for [Applause] you get the bull pen or Kansas City that's the pic right-hander rich Gail so effective early not so late [Applause] Kansas it Jackson was born three two upset body [Applause] [Music] Tuesday what a tight defense [Music] Tuesday night now watch this Reggie Bruns [Applause] Kansas City with the into the boxes behind was Jackson to score typical Royals [Applause] really truly could have yes he makes a good throw and who said he couldn't run the basis turn brake pedals the better [Applause] the bright Sun makes the catch and when he's gone [Applause] Yankees are raging [Music] the plane it was a good strong bro the target now you have I think it's going to show that he's sick [Applause] I'm not so sure let's look at it from this angle tell you this Luciano's gonna take a knee [Music] [Applause] by the time this day is done don't turn a mountain of canvas and a truckload of dynamite into one of the world's oldest fantasies in the circus now comes Miller time time for the best tasting beer you can find Miller High Line [Music] we've got [Music] if you're an average driver you use 31,000 gallons of gasoline during your lifetime that's enough to drive from the earth to the moon twice the bowel system Yellowpages tells us exactly where we can find what we're looking for so there's less driving around wasting gas when it comes to saving gas and dollars it brings you back to earth when you need to know who what where when and why let your fingers do the walking to the Bell System Yellowpages [Music] special you stand feeling proud distance between yourself and the crew there's still a war as a result of that play of the brave regarding vanilla well on that second replay we showed let's watch the pitch George Brett leading on the second instant replay from the second angle and pit Piniella at his right foot lifted up above the plate and I thought he was out didn't you it appeared that way we'll have a look at it George what a performance [Applause] I think of that headline you held up yesterday as we look at it again well he try to do something different he threw him to breaking balls the second one was Bella hi a little bit and like we said George Brett can hit what a performance so far by George Brett and a crackling gut ballgame what was that headline curses foiled again by those damn but 25 Royals didn't listen and this team is playing its heart out McCray hits the ball to center field ball Blair's got to go back for it way back for it and makes the catch though that's the first down as Kansas City has tied it up at 3-3 let's go back to that vanilla play again and look at it from a third Hank now watch the lead foot the right foot bounces on the ground bounced up in the air right now can we look at that second angle again gentleman down in the truck chucked out and jet 40 well we'll try to get it ready for you at a propitious moment [Music] Amos Otis is the batter now on a three three ballgame as George Brett is hit three successive home runs the first man ever to do it in American League Championship Series four here it is is that second angle again ladies and gentlemen now watch that right foot see it up in the air again he missed it that's sir good call by umpire Luciana dad slide by Lou Pinella right and he'll Brooke no nonsense from anybody that gentleman otice fouls it back two strikes on Hamels now watch to watch the foot the right foot bounces up in the air hit the ground and miss the plate with the lead foot I think from this angle I do too good call but whatever it's in the books Lou was plenty hot about it George Brett three trips to the plate three home runs course he's been losing a little distance on each one of them I thought she would be pitching a whale of a game of Brett Warren in the lineup well if we were in royal Stadium that last one would have been a fly ball but we're not I found that out at 76 all-star game here they kept it in fly balls to right field and they kept going understand I know yeah everybody knows to to to Amos Otis Lindblad and play throwing in the Yankee pen backup hunter there the history number says George Brett has now moved atop the list American League Championship Series an amazing performance by Darrell Porter the hitter with two out and nobody on it's an amazing performance for honor how hard do you think it's easy to throw three home runs to the same guy you can't do that if you want to you're really a wise that fish has thrown a lot more breaking balls some of them good locations like the strike 3 pitch to Minnesota's before was down the middle but the changes speed is what Flula water hits it on the ground two champions Chris Hansen yes [Applause] it's all time [Music] this computer is the brain behind an extraordinary game from Parker Brothers codenamed sector you use the computer to track down an unseen sub the sub uses the computer to escape and counter-attack your mission will be the first ship to sink the enemy Sun bringing 10 speed 9 firing range depth 3 sector the board game where you'll match wits with a computer dancing on the mountain to the music of the wind feeling free and easy in the if you start or continue your college education in the army you'll have a chance to bring a lot more than books to class [Music] in a soldier's poetry today Kendall oils car on the street interview visits the home of a brand new Chevy you are a beauty and I'm gonna stay that way oh good maintenance and Kendall why Kendall simple every drop of Kendall is specially engineered for exceptional performance and protection so Kendall helps keep cars out of trouble Kendall means confidence ask any car Kenneth Dodgers Clinton 3 the National League Championship Series tonight on ABC Chris Chambliss for New York Fred Stanley bucket Dan and now this is beginning to look like the Kansas City New York rivalry isn't exactly so just as we've had the past two years two evenly matched teams two competitive teams no quitting either one of them two balls no strikes - chris has a tough one to call look like there's a strike but I guess can't really tell from here I made a good call on that slide it looks like he's calling a pretty good game today Danvers hits it high but it's playable [Music] undefeated Texas an undefeated top-ranked Oklahoma here on ABC certain regions Missy Utah State and Brigham Young and Virginia Tech versus Clemson have some fun with college football tomorrow as baseball we found it back there's the air of the moment for the Kansas City demon fans George Brett who astonishingly not known as a power hitter of consistency has 3 4 3 3 home runs what an one [Music] doing it with bone chips in the thumb that requires surgery right after the season turn that's an astonishing but one sounds like me when I go out there my arms a little bit sore and Rob had to shut up nobody believes you the 2-1 pitch to Stanley and his team's obvious Kansas City came here to play I talk to how I'm afraid the other day and he said that he really thinks they have a good chance to win [Music] Yankees keep adding a player rich Gossage or rawly Eastwick the urease is very hard [Music] [Applause] gompa tried that it didn't Ray Kroc tried that we tried that yes but they didn't have a World Championship off of it they were adding a player too and Yankees know how to win they proved that last year they thought sir this year I thought your implication was Bucky dad hits it into the air to left field hurdle calls for it looking up into the high sky Sun makes the catch and the inning is over so the Yankees are gone an order three three dr. moura this word from our local station Sunday in part two of the season premiere will the Hardy Boys be separated forever by the deadly menace from the scene then oh my stranded on an alien planet Apollo protects a frightened woman against a lone Cylon gunslinger on Battlestar Galactica Sunday where I went with a loan from a tree household finance people use our money to get the most out of life you know I like the same thing about thoroughbred racing I like a pop basket winning you guys advantage a thoroughbred racing in basketball and can't go into the locker room and look over the team [Music] maybe that's why New York is going to track more often than to any other spectators [Music] some places find our burgers have something we all do we brought our burgers on inflated yet problem just for you and Burger King we flame broil our burgers never fried name that tune tonight at 7:30 the lion score in a tremendous baseball game from Unity Stadium featuring the three home runs by George Brett three six and one and three five and old nobody in postseason play in the history of baseball has ever hit four home runs [Music] Noba and he's such a great gift he's so competitive it's been done in regular season play but not in post season but you know what he said to me today he said I watched a television show last Monday night there were four Kansas City sports writers on and they were all asked how are we going to do against the Yankee's and they all said we're going to lose he said if they only knew what kind of people we really are we'll get him there's not beer to Quinton us Pete Lacock leads off for the Royals catfish hunter throws a strike to it quickly to the top of the sixth inning game with a good pace and exciting three three time power I think there's any player in the American League you could compare to Petros that type of player enthusiastic its George Brett I mean he's on he's that same type of hitter that's an excellent enjoys the game I mean like you said he comes to play and he he looks like he's having fun out there as well hit to right-center Blair Gordon please pick second double he's born he's going to go in Eternia of all the admiration in the world [Applause] that quickly the closeness in this ball game will vanish indication of the kind of power the Royals first baseman has he double delayed the second inning he has tripled to lead the sixth inning and world where had a tremendous distance to go trying to get to it at about 410 feet and couldn't come away with it and now goose Gossage is up in the Yankee bullpen so the leadoff man is at third with Clint Hurdle and he swings in this is for strike one there's the goose on Boston last Monday at Fenway Park just outside there's the man that has to make the decision [Applause] Myrtle hits it down the right-field line it's a foul ball please remember the two teams have presently died the Yankee lead run on that controversial play involving Lou Piniella you saw angles of replay make your own judgment on that call Ron luteum 1 2 pitch the the oldest routes I think it's a slider or off-speed spider the ball really went down made a nice pitch now you've got one out and al Cowen's comes up obviously a fly ball to the outfield a reasonable distance would deliver the go-ahead run [Applause] the hurdle is unable to provide it check swing roller gets 500 stand [Applause] the did not run quite obviously because he thought hunter was going to get the thus a slowly hit pound of a second the quick look over the third bus then way results in the putout and it's still at three in three and I indicated with all my respect and admiration for hunter things one the greatest who's ever pitched [Music] apologize miss Donna Potter lead off to Obama tuck and he's been stuck there now Myrtle struck out and on a check swing roller is trona what guts this man has break them [Applause] how well do you think catfishes excellent pitches with his breaking ball they you know he can throw a ball bye with his nautical earth to see Pontic follow that pitch and look at Luciano he doesn't want to he was up Luciano fell the first 50 was high inside a strike [Applause] Kansas City [Applause] a plan a lot of cars are like pizzas to get a lot on them you got to pay a lot extra but not the 1979 Chevy Chevette it comes with a lot already on it sure that ignores the Pizza principle with it you get an AM radio reclining bucket seats console white striped tires and more all at no extra cost so avoid the pizza princes get a car with a lot already on it get the best selling small car in America Chevy Chevette it's a lot of car for the money hi kid even if you've never held a movie camera before you can take instant movies of moments you don't want to lose and relive them seconds later just by dropping a cassette into this lightweight portable player polavision the new instant movies from Polaroid brilliant color movies you can see this easily again and again we start with good fresh chicken we've cooked it up two ways crunchy because it's dipped in batter twice or tender eleven herbs and spices make it taste so nice [Music] [Applause] flare coming quick little plate for out number one the shortstop ruddy PopTech [Applause] now Jim quickly explained because Lacock didn't go home on the slope bounder to the second baseman Stanley quickly explained what you taught by all managers in the big leagues they tell you that the ball is said either the third baseman the first baseman or right back to the pitcher you stay at third and even though hunter didn't catch the ball I'm sure look Kara defeat her head that ball was going to be caught by him and with hunters pitching in that last inning the admiration farm must grow right and the conviction grows that mr. lemon is in touch with the - eyes of you indeed it's not too hard to get bumped up here with these fans you know we're talking about what Freddie Patek said I don't think he was knocking the fact that the fans did not come out he was they tried to explain to them that he was [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sharply pulled the shortstop in the next field Munson coming to the plate but suicide was that mob tech was trying to explain the offensive the first in it I think he would have done the happy [Applause] at 10:00 to 4:00 catfish is an accomplished as you can see they blew some bubbles in the last initiative first son somewhere in this count [Applause] [Music] the Kansas City fan [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a strike or one strike to Thurman Munson one out and Roy white at first base in a 3-3 a kazoo batting in the bottom of the sixth inning there goes white Munson swings files at all down the right side exactly what Jim said the hit and run white was off and running Thurmond skilled at protecting the runner we should to write this well it makes a lot easier for him to do that he said the biggest problem he has when he is getting the top hand and when you get top pan that means you're polling no two injections into that shoulder and [Applause] he usually takes about 48 hours this is just inside this an exclusive presentation of ABC Sports let's pause five seconds to our local stations to identify themselves wabc-tv channel 7 New York [Applause] Reggie Jackson wedding on deck one out one on Munson up the plate gets it to left up here [Music] well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a guy [Applause] for each other just [Applause] mr. Jackson up yes sir and the single he has now Championship play 14 the old record was 13 of Cincinnati well this is a perfect situation for Reza maybe exception of a hard slider because he has a hole always hit the center back comes to score the Yankees lead for [Music] [Applause] and Jimmy apollomon perfect last defects split up for that [Music] don't assault breaking ball like Reggie said he's swaying in the back so Reggie has three RBIs on the deck and again an indication of what a great versatile Paul plan Amos Otis is [Music] is at the plate they're worn Samantha so dish and center on that by Jackson at 4:00 dean feet still not able to [Applause] [Music] like a shot Hudson wouldn't school to a hundred well here's your Finch and it looks like a changeup which is not up pitched he throws Murray off and he's a he just throws it to a few hitters he got in the middle of plate Piniella hits two ball very well in the alleys you'll see Cowens go over the reason he's a good off here's he's got tremendous speed he's got a good arm which is exactly what you need on the artificial turf in a city like here's a city [Applause] excuse me kid wasn't bad on the regular grass right then well it's a lot easier to play the audio because the ball just doesn't get through you to buy or strictly [Applause] leave that where little the short white thin single Munson's single Jackson zone now you have Pinellas named Lou is a first hip toward the whole first love but he does it himself and the inning is over [Music] six take the lead over the oil Samantha Eggar for the 1979 color track by RCA remember this simple color test my eyes green my hair is open and my dress is vivid red I said that two years ago to introduce you to the color track system from the first it was the remarkable development in color television now it's even more remarkable RCA's new color track is designed to bring you the right color even more automatically than before so look again my eyes are green my hair is urban and my dress is bright blue those are the right colors and getting the color right even more automatically is what the 1979 color track is all about before you see the color the color track system grabs it aligns it defines it sharpens it tones it and locks the colors on track see the new in 1979 color tracks with channel lock tuning from nineteen inch table models to 25 inch consoles they're the best equipped most automatic color packs yet I see a is making television that happened it here's the official 1978 World Series souvenir program the same one sold at the ballpark a collector's item which commemorates the 75th anniversary of the World Series send check or money order for two dollars fifty cents to world series program by 666 San Francisco California it's filled with World Series glamour history and statistics sin check a money order for two fifty two World Series program bike 666 San Francisco California 94 101 the preceding was a message on behalf of Major League Baseball tomorrow a great lineup of college football headlining regional action of battle of the undefeated the number one ranked Oklahoma Sooners take on the six ranked Longhorns from Texas other games include 14 you second Hudson and Utah State is bringing me on check pugilistic for NCAA college football tomorrow on ABC rich goose Gossage in relief of catfish hunter for New York as Kansas City comes up in the top of the seventh inning the numbers on the year reflected there by Gossage that 2.0 run average is impressive last Monday against the Boston Red Sox he was the guy who slammed the door on the Red Sox he led the American League in saves with 27 he's at 10 saves and two wins over his last 15 games allowing only five earned runs in his last 16 appearances ABC's World News Tonight comes up following the baseball game I think the point must be emphasized that the Kansas City outfield bias play has kept this game in hand they've still got a rattling good chance to win it trailing by only one where less around feels like that about the much further behind Jim is that fair good outfielder they they have to display on the turf and also you have a guy Gossage coming in here now as a fastball pitcher and Kansas City is definitely a fastball hitting ball Franco scones lead it off and to follow it down McCrea that there excuse me Keith but Gossage just throw the ball awfully hard though he throws it somewhere between 90 to 95 miles-per-hour punch down the right side it's found two strikes I'll tell you white came up swinging they like the ball [Applause] Gossage is not exactly a controller pitcher and I get the impression that he tries to throw strikes and he tries to throw the ball as hard as he can [Applause] look at White's career average against us [Applause] now here comes the man George Brett has hit three successive home every hit for its post season play [Music] regular season Mike Schmitt Rocky Colavito Luke and Robert hello [Applause] that it's supposed to be fun and some of the fans but even in fun how could you do it when he hit his home runs in the first inning the count was 1 in 1 second ending was it was strike one it is running - is he leveled [Applause] velocity [Applause] would hit to left field that's the key the pitching in Yankee Stadium get him hit the ball that way all his head for right center but he [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can tell there was not the shirt [Applause] really did [Applause] well the minute he gets two strikes on the beaches trying to make is obviously swing in the back good just what Gossage get ahead of you because he does have a good sharp slider MacRay hits it to the right side is for distance you also hit ball one that's it back to the map [Applause] Kansas City in [Applause] [Music] sorry all I could get lobsters and löwenbräu I could get Buster's in that's the last party of the summer I figured I'd shoot the works when you want the taste of a truly great beer tonight let it be low and wrong well like the song says there's a good friend [Music] texas-oklahoma headlines regional action check local listings for NCAA college football tomorrow on ABC Chris Chambliss at the plate for New York in the bottom of the seventh inning takes that pitch low and it's one and one for the Yankee first baseman who is hitless in two trips today in Game two he was four for four all singles it's an after left field the Sun right now is behind the cloud no trouble for hurtle as he makes the catch Fred Stanley comes up and that'll be Bucky Dent [Music] Stanley in this ball game is struck out swinging and struck out looking and he hits it well the left hurdle on the move hauls it down criminals doing a good job out there that time look at what we have for you tonight Dodge's Masada of Norristown Pennsylvania from high hoping to lead his teeth to a sweep of the fillings could see it right here 8 o'clock Eastern 7 central quad Pacific on ABC Bucky Dent he hits the ball to left field hurdle holding his ground and looks like Clint's gonna have all three put outs here in the bottom of the seventh and he does and easy any football split off the score remains after seven for three yet gets back to poor baseball after this word from our local station [Music] people say the most interesting things to David Hartman and the Good Morning America family horse not force if you're having trouble sexually I have six grams over my liver steam and it breaks my heart love to see that don't miss Good Morning America you'll miss something weekday mornings on ABC [Music] Toledo sure overnight promise them anything tomorrow sure then call [Music] I think we have a transmission problem here so we'll put you in your car back together again we test drive your car with you in it we examine the pan with you watching so you know the job we recommend is the right one and AAMCO will put you in your car back together again I got your new set of keys Reggie Jackson an outstanding World Series three home runs in one game now that was a day I'll never forget and it helped me to get my own candy hit Reggie with a rich caramel Center lots of fresh roasted peanuts and a super chocolaty covering Reggie the candy they named after me mmm tastes pretty good name that tune tonight 7:30 for Kansas City in the top of the eighth-inning it'll be Amos Otis Darrell Porter and Pete Lacock the hitting heroes for the Royals today so far have been Brett with his three successive home runs Lacock with a double a walk and a triple and don't forget that macaque was left standing at third in the top of the sixth inning with nobody out he was over there and they could not get him home up to this point and catfishing arose to that occasion that's been perhaps the turning point of the game up to this point strike one you're looking in at least two Royals must get on the George Brett to get up again in this game [Applause] when this Gossage has a lot of rest he has trouble finding the strike zone but today that is obviously not the case Amos Otis does not like he does not play against two pitchers in the American League one of them being Nolan Ryan myself I don't know why he included me in that category but he just takes the day off that's foul family strikeouts to optician not enough Gossage against the Royals however on the minus side as you see [Applause] if the right but now can't get it in the corner Otis going to second he's in standing so very quickly the tying run in scoring position and what is past maybe preview in the light of his past record against Kansas sit and remember this is a guy that can fly great speed on the bases Piniella goes deep in the corner facing the ball slid by him nameís went in easy at second Darrell Porter doubled and three trips watch the left face in here comes Otis field a little soft emesis for where even at four didn't take long did it [Applause] anybody doesn't respect this Kansas City team but what it is is grace look at it again throws the ball in the middle of the plate which like I said he doesn't make real good pitches and Porter doesn't hit it real good he's not going to hit it real good either they just hit it in the right spots and I'm not sure like I said Bamberger did say the most important thing is not velocity it's placement of the ball location aid Lacock is up now and the pitch is high and away and to say it macaque has doubled to lead the second inning and football to lead the sixth inning unless as a double-play George Brett gets up again wait an abyss on a high fastball nettles is inside the bag defensively at third boiler - there's a history of pulling the ball but the leftfielder on the other hand is playing him close to the line and he fouls it off on the left side you see the outfield as we pan across there's no intent here to give Gossage anything other than the credit he deserves but let's watch the pitch will develop [Applause] really Pecha jim has a record of 10:1 Vick is in that penny decision he is giving up brothers on average I would suppose so unless he did come in a lot of tie games on the other side of the coin Rowley fingers had 37 saves and had a lot of losses [Applause] the swing and a Miss for strike one it's well gossage I think got a lot of his losses during the season when he wasn't pitching very well I think overall let's fan he's done a great job for me probably the last two thirds of the season but these kinds of figures have one of the fascination is of baseball slices it foul to the left side first baseman [Applause] even a tune to what's unusual about the Yankee defense is normally in late innings in a tie ballgame you have to guard the lines because that's where you have double and nettles is way off the line and Myrtle can hit the ball that way as we pan the Enfield what's Chambliss he's holding the of course against the runner but Nettles is giving the line as June Congress it [Applause] corner circles - third single so Clint Hurdle who struck out twice previously at the sacrifice fly continues to play the ink to pitch him the way exactly opposite their scouting report dictates both teams as you know have been closely scouting the all season long they're going to stay with Gossage no active careful scouting reports have prepared the Yankee report on Kansas City was prepared by Perry Kraft and Jerry Walker of form of Baltimore Oriole pitcher Willie Wilson a man who made the contact with Munson Wednesday Keith now running but Glen hurt to stay to play left field yes tremendous speed Cowan's the batter now with one and Darrell Porter at third and Wilson at first the ball is hit on the ground to the shortstop bucket in at hand question they get posted at second base the run scores and Kansas said it takes the lead [Applause] this is some ballgame where he makes a good pitch he hits a grounder this is where your speed pays off even if he could have gotten the ball on balance Wilson's getting down there I doubt it Stanley would have got to throw off they well it was late getting the start to with it even with his tremendous speed they were able to get him and Bucky Dent stayed with that thing and wanted all the way to get one of the men but the run came home and the ball is loose at the plate the water Khan's offensive Phyllis two-out al Cowen's now at second base as you see the line score here at the top of the eighth inning so this quickly has this Kansas City team come back [Applause] Jim hunter now is no longer a picture of record as the pitch by pop tech is fouled off into the crowd out of play on the right side and while I don't suppose anything could emulate the classic of Monday at Fenway Park attention anticipation excitement execution this game in its own way is at least resembling the past ball credited dimension for the advance of talent it's over the pitchers head it is up the middle for Bucky Dent the slide at first cut point in time five top ten so the Kansas City Royals come up to our lead five four after seven and a half here's the new Pennzoil that saves gasoline and Kenny Stabler quarterback of the Oakland Raiders new Pennzoil PCL the Pennzoil let's saves gasoline that's right you know the Pens ol in this can it really does help you go farther on a gallon of gasoline and it saves you all changes - they call it Pennzoil pzl I call it a winner every Chevy fleetside pickup has two walls of steel we're cutting this truck in half to show you just how much do that means in the hood - steel in the tailgate - steel wall [Music] to seal off in the fender in the door in the box Chevy fleetside pickup circuit ah anyways Chevy trucks to stay top oh hi guy just tried your new environmental right card my right gun Oh heard this formula helps to keep you dry and odor free all day so so one shot that paid for the whole day again again new environmental right guard don't get dressed without it maybe seawall news tonight follows the ballgame as we go to the top with a bottom of the 8th inning for the top of the order for New York Blair White and Munson yesterday we told you as guru came out for the seventh to watch closely his record of complete games was not good we advise you the white scrub closely this is contained in only 13 out of 38 stocks robust key and bird are in the bull pen for Kansas City Blair bowling is Frank white the second baseman that's worn out [Music] little only through four pitches in the seventh well he must be throwing go because he got behind Paul Blair right there and then threw him a fastball kinda in the middle of the plate and he popped it up which usually means the ball is jumping outside boy escort at a single in three trips fouls has been back robusta the left tender and Duckburg to the right-hander for Kansas City Bosque worked briefly in the second game Jackson looking to end the game change up as low two and one [Music] [Applause] with his second hit of the bow [Applause] the series begins first off [Music] the bald man the distance again [Music] we cook something special for dinner about half the house now what we can't stay here can you insurance oh that takes time Allstate helps right away our first concern is to take care of you here's an advance for food and a place to stay Allstate homeowner's insurance takes care of the damage and you can we get a place with the kitchen sure but let's eat out tonight when you need it that's Allstate and that's a promise from us the good hands people he's a lover [Music] breaking up he's a kidder where did you get this guy [Music] he's a father broken the campus he's a private eye and he's got style Richard Dreyfuss in the big fix rated PG now playing at a theater near you good old Charlie that's me somebody's got a dead battery and they call good old Charlie and I jumpstart a brain snow day night well this time I tell them get your own die hard the maintenance-free Sears diehard has extra power to start your car when those batteries won't this is the last Thank You charlie Oh anytime the die hard sold only it says [Music] coming on in relief of Paul splittorff who travels seven to the third ending now the Yankees with the tying run aboard at first base in Roy white Thurman Munson will look at right-hander dog bird one out ball we're having popped up to the second baseman trying Reggie Jackson is in the on-deck circle Al hrabosky is in the for Kansas City [Music] but symbol proc Triscuit double play inconsistent only to appearance since September 10 a total of 18 these in these pits goalie many the first time employed [Music] so there is no great confidence the Kansas City managerial default keith is right probably [Applause] he represents the tying run and a 35 for Busby's heated and ready to go New York [Applause] - balls when I said burn has been inconsistent audience been inconsistent for the with his control he's had a hot time all around fast he's been very Bunsen hits it high hits it well Fortson going wait [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you saw the pitch again right somehow Munson got artists strength together [Applause] three at least 410 feet whoa captain [Applause] and it still some ballgame this city [Applause] [Music] crowd is roaring the type [Music] [Applause] just to show you how Monson has been a key Anya that's his home run in 54 games tonight it will be Steve Carlton in a must-win situation for the Phillies in Los Angeles against dr. Ryan 8:00 Eastern 7:00 central [Applause] [Music] Kansas City [Applause] the lead again [Music] six to five the schedule picture get reborn Dennis Leonard for Kansas City [Applause] before this game is over it may ride [Applause] the dimensions of that name maybe sees world news tonight [Applause] discussion possible arrangements for ceasefire in 11 [Applause] with some plain still covered the body of Jesus Christ after his death for the examined by United States space fire is that the baby sees world views tonight Arda once again illustrates the important the other day said it was really frustrated because couple instances the other day runners and Coover hanging slider look for a fastball we hit the ball form 15 - Reggie Jackson comes up you see that he's here in this ball game in the 71 be hidden [Music] [Applause] he's made six five [Applause] his face Reggie twice he's hit a home run in the one time he struck them out all the other time [Applause] we struck him out with the squad ten for look at this pitch again Reggie's looking fastball no doubt to and Oh awfully good he took some rippen regi collected another home to many of the guys like [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to Reggie Jackson as well bust me [Applause] it's too [Music] I was gonna cakes and Ricci is thinking [Applause] left sooner makes the catch Reggie hit it beef you can never pass watson going [Applause] like I said we're playing here in Yankee Stadium Tanner can really take advantage if you keep the ball away and yet I'd like to alert our local stations at the end of this half inning we will be going to a commercial and the station break so all of our affiliates that's what's coming with to our town and the base is empty and here is aluminum by the way [Applause] you know Keith Munson's ball went further than the one reg a Justin I just can't believe it considering Munson's physical state question I told you that carrot something fast [Applause] well it's 430 feet up there very close to where Munson's ball went out so he had to hit at 410 feet hit it right at that cage right now it's a 1-1 count with two out to Piniella at least sweetens it misses for one too I think Lou would like to hit a home run [Music] [Applause] Kansas City on a curveball we believe that he's gonna pull the bus in the calls they give him virtually all of left center centerfielder oldest is playing in the right center for it I think Willie Wilson is out of position actually you think centerfielder over in right-center he'd be [Applause] caution everyone that giant breath next inning and if but he gets on McRae backs dude Amos Otis get like white leads off we'll probably see a pinch-hitter for him [Applause] three it has not been a terrific pleasant day between my solution this message in the word from Chevy Malibu the 1979 Chevy Malibu has the right room right Headroom legroom and trumping the right size new family midsize like Bill bought himself a new Malibu the right ingredients like an impressive mileage rating and a beautiful body by Fisher it's got the right name Chevrolet no wonder it's a family favorite from New York to LA the only rule was win the Gumball Rally used to be when I didn't have the cash for something I applied for a loan I went without then I went to the irving they gave me John Pye my personal banker he fixed it so I could have credit already applied for approved and waiting doesn't cost me a cent until I use it the Irving has several ways to get it and John worked out the best one for me he knows what I need and what I can afford your own personal banker that's what makes the Irving different all credit cards are pretty much alike they lump your business and personal charges together nothing you've done is double card it's two cards to see like most of us I'm really two people I get one card for business with my title and company name and another for personal charges my business charges are separated from my personal charges Dinah's double card you'll wonder why no one ever thought of it before apply for the new dinars double card it's like no new cards you've ever seen name that tune tonight 7:30 the line score in this ball game seesaw back and forth right now New York sits on top six five the circumstances on the scoreboard certainly favor the Yankees as the Royal send up Gary Thomasson going to left-field offensive live from New York Steve Braun as a pinch better for Frank white then the top of the order George Brett and then Hal this is the top of the night any member for anybody joining us lately George Brett has three home runs in this game no pitch Luciano one down the whole history of baseball only four men have ever hit four home runs in a game Luke Garrett a fella named Pat Seri Gil Hodges and Willie Mays one ball and no strikes says rich Gossage is on and relief for Jim hunter if he hangs on he wins it there to strike [Applause] [Music] the thing that started around here's the pitch wrong did not like the call well Steve Braun's a good guy to pinch-hit because he doesn't swing at balls [Applause] in modern baseball history the council the Yankee six the Royals five if you were to go to a little red book Keith you'd see a lot of names that you never recognized passage needs to there will be two tough [Music] [Applause] he got Gossage in the seventh inning that was hip deep to right-center football [Applause] [Music] third homered in the fifth and hit a deep fly ball to right center in the eighth [Applause] one strike [Applause] Luciano walk into the duck [Applause] with George Brett [Applause] when it's been troublesome they got a little more tape on it got another correction Marches Adcock mais Garrigan calivita in one game well I don't think guys wants to give them anything on the inside part of the plate like I said before you a lot of room and center and left and if it's possible I'm sure he wants them to get him hit the ball that way [Applause] [Music] since we're an app it's the draw it said well the [Applause] to frustration for the Royals this game that'd have to be tremendous they've been through it for two straight years [Applause] leaves key [Applause] tying up two years ago on the night one more the Yankees bullpen is far superior I think you've touched on the key right there we said that bird had been like to they made two gory mistakes today pretty [Music] [Applause] if it's open [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a tremendous edge if the Yankees win this game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this way mr. green [Applause] cows every year and that's not a debate picture tomorrow night playing around again he's not talkin here as Keith and Jim of tolya failed to score that was catfishes last inning Gossage came in about the time brother there's the anguish of losing a ball games like this and these circumstances right there Gus it allowed the time in the league runs in the eighth and then as we look at this again in months with white on first after singling with one out in the bottom of the eighth struck one better than 430 feet for the game one let's lit that play safely into the plate in early inning the Yankees would not have had a problem there's the score New York six into City five and three you know a lot of people think Billy and I argue all the time actually we agree on just about everything right bill are you Betsy George we even drink the same beer Light beer from Miller's lights got 1/3 less calories in the regular beer and it's less filling and the best thing is it tastes so great no George the best thing it's less filling no bill it tastes great less filling George Billy it tastes great less filling George Billy yeah George you're fired oh not again like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless a relief pitchers always got to reach back for something extra take the bottom of the ninth score tied two on two out better things I'm gonna throw on my hard slide but I reach back from my Levi's Gareth chewing tobacco believe me I've been chewing tobacco for a long time and now that I've discovered that fresh new flavor Levi's Garrett is my brand so now you reach back for something extra Levi's Garrett chewing tobacco dad are we gonna get to Grandma's heart I've got to put in press tones [Music] protect against freeze ups and corrosion take out old we can t freeze and put in America's most trusted antifreeze Prestone to state county or were in the tune and when you flush your cooling system use Prestone super flush you better hurry up and arrest after this exciting baseball game because we've got more for you tonight at 8:00 Eastern 7:00 Central and five Pacifica Steve Carlton goes to the wall for the Philadelphia Phillies they're down oh and two two the Dodgers veteran Don Sutton will be pitching for the Dodgers in the National League playoffs ABC's World News Tonight coming up following the ballgame and once again our final score the Yankees win Game three to take a 2-1 edge in the American League Championship Series by a score of 65 remember to join us tonight for the Dodgers and the Phillies from Los Angeles at 8:00 Eastern Time the executive producer of the 1978 American League Championship Series his run early coverage of today's game produced by Chuck Howard directed by Chuck forty technical director bill Morris our associate director patty to it join us tomorrow evening for more exciting baseball action from Yankee Stadium Game four of the 1978 American League title series the Royals and the Yankees at 8:00 Eastern Time Keith Jackson along with Howard Cosell and Jim Palmer goodbye from Yankee Stadium New York City game number three of the American League Championship Series has been brought to you by Chevrolet and Chevrolet dealers coast-to-coast travel arrangements made through and promotional fee paid by United Airlines United built the largest airline of the free world around you this has been a presentation of ABC Sports recognized around the world as the leader in sports television Sunday the Hardy Boys faced death from a menacing killer and man-eating sharks then captain Apollo must protect a beautiful woman by dueling a fast shooting Cylon on Battlestar Galactica watch Sunday on ABC as the New York Yankees widened their lead New York City widens its investigation of the towtruck scandal it was brought to light by Eyewitness News Roger rabbi Bernard Bergman gets an unusual released from prison and a Westside family is thrown out of their home to do to get Thurman Munson but Thurman got him a humongous homerun two runs for the Yanks they win six to five one game to go could get him into the World Series Thurman Munson's first home run in 55 games bad for a player who wants to get out of New York City Whitey Herzog the Kansas City Manager saying I just wanted him to face one hitter that's
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Length: 161min 27sec (9687 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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