1985 08 31 NBC GOW White Sox at Blue Jays

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we're building tomorrow's memories today right here on NBC they afternoon begins with baseball on NBC and today the leaders in the West the California agents traveled to New York where they'll try to keep the Yankees from making up any ground on Toronto in the East while the Blue Jays are at home we get speedy Ozzie Guillen in the White Sox Toronto leading the East by five games then after me see sports presents Major League Baseball and inside look at baseball and a preview of today's game of the week watch you buy light beer from Miller everything you've always wanted in a beer and less and buy Quaker State the big Q stands for quality always has always will and hello everyone on bill Macatee and our NBC Sports studios in New York we hope you're enjoying the first day of the Labor Day weekend and we're glad you decided to spend part of it with us today and on this weekend which traditionally begins the stretch Drive in baseball we want to bring you up to date on action last night in the American League Toronto increased their lead over the Yankees to five games the Blue Jays winning over the White Sox the Yankees beaten by California the Angels lead the West by two and a half Yankee Stadium has not been friendly two teams in the West but the Angels began to take control in the fourth as Billy sample could not take a home run away from Jay how California led to nothing John Candelaria brought in to help the Angels down the stretch left the game with the tender elbow but allowed only two hits and five and a third innings the Yankees never got on track and the Angels win four to one if the Kansas City Royals were watching California's progress on the scoreboard in Texas Charlie Hough's knuckleball must have seemed all the more frustrating up went the distance on a seven hitter the Royals lost four to one and dropped two and a half games back in the American League West while in Toronto the White Sox had won five straight coming in after Chicago took a one-nothing lead this home run by Lloyd Mosby off Floyd Bannister in the fourth tied the score at one Mosby's tenth home run of the year then in the seventh Ernie which follow the Tony Fernandez tripled with this single Witt collects the RBI and the Blue Jays were up four to two the Terminator Tom Henke came on to finish the job this is the final out Hank he collects his eighth save and the Blue Jays become the first team in the major leagues to win 80 games the final five three Toronto the Yankees had cut it to three and as you can see they're now back to five and we mentioned the Subway Series the freeway series last week well folks in Missouri are talking about the i-70 series after the freeway linking st. Louis and Kansas City the Mets won last night the Cardinals lost but they still lead by two the Astros playing the role of spoiler scored early as Denny walling shot goes off the glove of Tommy Herr at second and into the outfield Bill Doran scores and Houston was out in front one nothing now the Cardinals acquired say star Cedeno from Cincinnati this week to help them down the stretch and in his first at-bat for Whitey Herzog Cedeno drilled this home run deep to left but that would not be enough as Dave Smith closed the door on st. Louis with two on and two out in the bottom of the night Steve brought the potential winning run flies out deep and Smith gets his 20th save of the year Houston wins in st. Louis seven to five and on a chilly night in San Francisco the Mets beat the Giants on this key play Dan gladden should have made the catch on Danny heaps fly ball and the resulting air with two-out kept the inning alive that was key because the next man up Howard Johnson goes into the gap in right-center field that brings home Danny Heep and the 1-1 tie was broken 2-1 going into the bottom of the ninth then with the bases-loaded two-out Ron darling gets flattened to fly to center field and the Mets top a three-game losing streak beating the Giants two to one darling it's 13 and 5 and when we come back Dave Winfield and Ernie Witte on the race and the American League East that and a few surprises when we return to New York after these messages no matter where you are around the country today you'll get a chance to see either the Yankees or Toronto so the race in the American League East will be very much a part of the story this afternoon and joining us now from their respect ballpark's Dave Winfield of the Yankees and catcher Ernie wid of the Blue Jays thank you both very much gentlemen for being with us Ernie I heard Willie Randolph referred to as the unsung hero of the Yankees might Ernie would be the unsung hero this year the Blue Jays I don't know I don't think so I think we've got a lot of heroes on this ballclub and everyone's doing the job of course you know we really don't have any big names here but everyone's contributing to the ballclub to win David a headline in one of the New York papers this morning said of the Yankees falling fast is there any sense that every time you start to make a move on the Blue Jays something happens and you find yourself again five and six of games back well we've always put it this way Toronto has always been in the lead this year and we've kind of reduced that deficit over the last few weeks and month and we have a lot of momentum working in our favor we have a lot of home games and we look forward to the last month Yankees have the best home record in baseball the Blue Jays are second you've got seven games remaining between the Blue Jays and the Yankees you've got a four-game series here in New York coming up the 12th Dave how important is home cooking well every game is critical at this point you know when you lose and they win it's it's a game between us but you know we know we have to win just about every game if we can maintain our home record and improve our away or Road record we'll be in very good shape you think the Blue Jays are keeping an eye on you maybe checking the scoreboard I'm going to get you to address this to Ernie I think we're both checking the scoreboard we definitely are this last month Bernie we're checking a scoreboard to there's no question about it this city's gone crazy up here and they won't let us forget about the Yankees but the way we look at it they've they've been extremely hot I think they went 17 out of 19 at one point but we still had a four or five game lead on them and we're pretty confident up here if we can stay healthy we know that they're knocking on the back door but we're gonna try and stay them off Ernie I had you in a rotisserie League a couple of years ago you weren't playing every day and I figured I was the only one not related to you who got up every morning to see how you did in the box across and did pretty well you help me out well I'm glad to help you out hopefully I can help this ballclub out win this thing this year thank you both very much or any good luck the rest away thank you Dave try to give us a good delusional race oh yeah all right thank you and while the Yankees take on California the Blue Jays play the White Sox 2 white good and we'll go after his 20 first win of the year this afternoon of course last Sunday was a big day for Dwight he won number 20 at times Dwight seemed to be off his usual rhythm but immortal performance against the Padres was strong enough to make the white the youngest 20 game winner in history another record came when Don Baylor was hit for the 190th time in his career breaking Minnie Minoso record and the dog days of August took their toll this play could only confirm the plight of the Texas Rangers after pitcher Dave Stewart with 2 out thinking the inning was over threw the ball away allowing the White Sox to score a gift run Gary Carter of the Mets also threw the ball away after an apparent third strike was called a ball by umpire Bob Davidson the Mets lost two to LA with one out against the Pirates perennial all-star Dale Murphy proved only human thinking he had just put away the third out Dale sheepishly admitted only two and you might want to reconsider sliding into this base and Cincinnati covered with bees Dave concepción among those less than thrilled with his new friends and there was a managerial change earlier this week Eddie Haas replaced by Bobby wine and since wine has come in the Braves have yet to lose at five and Oh Pete Rose and Pete Rose fever when we returned to New York right after these messages you may have read the story this week about the Japanese press members who plan their trip to America around the preseason prediction that Pete Rose would break ty Cobbs record August 26th they arrived in Cincinnati Monday only to find Rose was still a little short of the record he's now eight hits away from equally equaling the mark and that has stirred mounting Pete Rose fever is Lynn Berman everywhere you look these days there's Pete since Pete Rose grew up and blossomed in the television age there is no shortage of pictures of Pete major league baseball productions the baseball version of NFL Films has more film and tape of Pete Rose than any other player in the history of the game and as he approaches his milestone the Rose collection is budding just go to your local supermarket and pick up the breakfast of champions for the first time in the history of Wheaties there's a professional athlete on the front of the box that's why he's eaten what the big ballsy Vince Coleman got a base hit he's down the first face and I was there my said Vince I said how do you run so fast they go at me says because I eat Cheerios as the countdown continues so does the commercialization you can buy petros t-shirts and Pete Rose coins you can buy a Pete Rose book and be one of only four thousand to own a signed lithograph we decided that there should be a plan and it should be followed and it should be a plan that has class to it and that would in the long run do well for baseball as well as doing well for Pete I think that there's a there's a certain level that's very acceptable and and actually is complimentary what we're trying to do is keep it from going be going over that line where where it does become clutter and unproductive you see that that you have something that's caught the imagination of the nation because the middle-aged people see a middle-aged person doing things that only young people are supposed to do and older people see a middle-aged person and it makes them feel better and young people look at it and they admire this and it's it's what bill and I have been talking about it's it's what we call really almost an American achievement not just a record it's such an achievement that no less a personage than Andy Warhol is painting these giant baseball cards for the Cincinnati Museum I've got to do it I just keep saying him on all the magazines and he's just getting so big and and everybody's waiting for him to hit the big hit so I guess I'm ready to and the Reds franchise itself doesn't mind the wait their ticket and concession sales are zoom it we have two retail outlets and their sales there depending on which month but we're you know hundred percent up and that's you know we have Pete not only just peed items but we'll put him in a Red's feel jacket and it'll sell with that he's you know it just works for us he's our symbol and these days he's the most quoted athlete in sports so there is an ever-increasing number of media people watching over Pete anybody that's got a camera or a microphone or a typewriter wants to be here when the time comes should it come here or a front Stadium how many media types do you expect that night I would say it could be anywhere from a hundred and seventy-five to 300 350 it's really hard to say it's not that I Cobb didn't receive attention he endorsed products such as the old Coke real old before World War one it's just that this is the only clip of Cobb in the game in the major league productions library quite a difference in exposure for two guys with a similar number of hits oh yes the hit I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I'm a better here than Ty Cobb and I'm gonna sit and tell you I'm gonna get more hits in Ty Cobb and that's why I look at that and hopefully they hit I get two breaks the record will be a game-winning hit Len Berman waiting for that one special hit in Cincinnati all right Thank You Lenny we want to do a little bit of business here originally after baseball today you were scheduled to see the junior middleweight title fight between Carlos Santos and Davey Moore but an injury to Santos has postponed the fight and instead you'll see an interesting sports world dedicated to wrestling from Japan the ancient sport of sumo and then Bob Costas will give us another look at the wild world of professional wrestling that is coming up after baseball but first the yankees and angels or blue jays and white sox settle in a seven Carlton Fisk leads the American League and homers with 33 he's bidding to become the oldest man ever to leave the American League in round trippers meanwhile George Bell of the Blue Jays is emerging as an MVP candidate last weekend at Comiskey Park he put on a devastating long ball show sending to over the roof and another into the bleachers in dead center field the veteran star Fisk the emerging MVP candidate Bell both on display today as the Blue Jays host the White Sox on NBC [Music] NBC Sports presents the major league baseball game of the week today from exhibition stadium it's the Chicago White Sox versus the Toronto Blue Jays the game of the week is brought to you by Ford who invites you to drive the new Ford Escort at you driven a Ford lately by Miller Beer Miller made the American Way since 1855 by the new water advantage muffler it puts rust at a disadvantage and by bad bill thousand people with one goal to the America's very best supplier exhibition Stadium in Toronto where last night the Blue Jays beat the White Sox while at Yankee Stadium the angels were defeating New York that means the Blue Jays lead the Yanks by five in the American League East California meanwhile is two and a half up on Kansas City with the White Sox trailing by nine in the American League West hi everybody Bob Costas along with Tony Kubek today's pitching pairing Joel Davis young right-hander goes for Chicago veteran right-hander Doyle Alexander opposes him for Toronto tomorrow is September 1st that means that in the last couple of days teams have been scrambling to add roster help for the stretch drive in time to have those new additions available for postseason play the Blue Jays are no exception they reacquire the veteran designated hitter cliff Johnson this week and to talk about that with mr. Anthony Kubek here's Bobby Cox all right thank you robert bob' i think even your players were surprised yesterday when they saw the reincarnation of cliff Johnson when he walked into the clubhouse even your players couldn't believe it how'd that happen well we've been working on that for a good number of days now Tony and he did come available and we made the trade and as you know cliff was a big fan favorite here in Toronto the last two years and we tried to sign him last year when his free agent time came up and we were unable to do that and our productivity against left-hand pitching had fallen off some and when his name popped up we won the grab him right away because we feel that he might be the extra little thing that can help us win this thing when you hear talk around the American League about MVPs yeah Rickey Henderson Don Mattingly George Brett and I guess a few others you never hear the name of your left fielder though well George Bell is certainly our most I will player right now he's been just sensational all year the let alone as often see play as defensive skills are really improved also and I think George Bell should be in the running for MVP for sure five game lead over the Yankees going in today is that gonna be enough to get you to September which is always a rough month because you've got a young ballclub we have a real young ballclub Tony we have some experience on it now too but the Yankees we know are a terrific ballclub detroit and baltimore aren't out of this thing yet and you know we're playing from day to day and we're trying to hang on to it and prove that five game lead as much as we can the yankees are really trying to cut so we've got our work cut out we know we have to be real consistent from here on out all right Bobby good luck - thank you we'll be back - exhibition stadium Toronto Canada where the starting lineups after this message [Music] Doyle Alexander has delivered the game's first pitch high and away to Rudy law for ball one Alexander at 13 and 8 his er a just under for a game and law drills one down the right-field line foul [Music] Rudy law began the year as the leadoff man for this club but of late Reid Nichols has been at the top of their lineup quite a bit because laws on-base percentage isn't much higher than his 249 batting average he stolen 21 bases but not many of them in the last couple of months because he simply hasn't been able to reach base Tony LaRussa has tried about everything to try and generate some offense out of this White Sox team hits right-handed pitchers they are a better hitting ballclub and a better run producing team Garcia throws law [Applause] Doyle Alexander on the mound today for Toronto has been hit by the long ball an awful lot this year he's allowed 25 home runs six feet of them have come in this ballpark though a great hitters ballpark where most often the witness point out to right field today it is blowing across out to left field so it might help Alexander with all these left-handed hitters in the lineup but in the fashion of outstanding pitchers like Robin Roberts and Ferguson Jenkins who allowed a lot of home runs most of the round trippers hit against Alexander have come with the bases empty 18 of the 25 have been solos he doesn't walk that many people [Applause] it is a great hitters ballpark artificial surface that is very bouncy short dimensions wind usually blowing out one way or another that may be Alexander's bread-and-butter pitch a great changeup he has that's what the winds do he blowing straight out to left field off Lake Ontario Alexander has a better fastball than you might suspect little takes this one into right field bar field back a few steps and that's the second out there's an indication right there little only has two home runs on the air but in the summer months that ball blows out of here it's just about 3:45 or 3:50 to right-center field and with the wind cutting across today it keeps that ball of all partner there's a look at Tony LaRussa's lineup Alexander has disposed of law and little and now will face Baines who has hit five home runs in his last nine games Walker on deck then Fisk disa Fletcher who had three hits last night he Janet's shortstop and Salazar Oh played first base last night versatile player he's in center field this afternoon there is no pitcher in the game today that dissects a line up better than Doyle Alexander before he takes the mound he knows every hitter that he wants to pitch around even those er a is up well over three he doesn't get hurt by the big guys in the lineup and it will set them down in order to begin the ballgame no score after half an inning in Toronto on right back Bobby Cox methylate of five over the Yankees uses this lineup Garcia at second base Mosby in centerfield Mullenix left-handed side of the third-base platoon George Bell the cleanup man and left al Oliver the D H against the right-hander up Shaw at first base Witt will catch Barfield in right field and Tony Fernandez at shortstop Joel Davis to Garcia to open it up and he taps it down the third-base line foul Joel Davis zipped through double-a and triple-a today with scarcely enough time to establish a mailing address he's got the quality pitches talking to Tom Seaver the future hall-of-famer and also Dave Duncan the pitching coach he's got a crisp fastball changeup looks like a power ball as I watched him warming up little throws Garcia if Davis has problems will be making quality pitches within the strike zone defensively behind the Hulkster Davis Rudy law Lee Salazar has been a jack-of-all-trades and Senator Harold Baines and right Fletcher ICD jet Brian little at second jody sot touched fists behind the plate than joel davis slider curve fastball you'll sink the fastball on occasion run it away Tony LaRussa remarks about how impressed he is by young Davis's composure on the mound and his idea of how to work hitters he's only 20 years old one of the youngest players in the major leagues six-five 2:05 a native of Jacksonville Florida when I'll pitch to Mosby a ball and a strike Mosby's have been having trouble getting around and hard stuff a little bit of a puzzle to cito Gaston the hitting instructor apparently broke his back going back to the bat rack yesterday he hit a breaking ball a slider high and the strikes in off Bannister for a home run Pia and Upshaw's production the minimal addeth has been down for the Blue Jays this year that's why it's surprising with Carmel struggling off an odd and short relief the Blue Jays are where they are it's frightened a lot of people unless you look at their team's speed of the overall offense defense pitching Mosby's homer got the jays started last night in their win they some the Blue Jays scouts that coming out most often they sum him up with one word when they asked how can they have a five-game Lee they say balance that takes in all the territory you can think of one out nobody on in the 1-1 pitch two and one Davis began the year at Glen Falls that's double-a ball and he wasn't there long piston just four games then up to triple-a at Buffalo ten appearances there and they purchased his contract from Buffalo a few weeks ago three and one the stats at Buffalo were not that impressive we are a of almost 52.5 records more base on balls and strikeouts and look at that walk strikeout ratio not very good so far in the major leagues full count [Applause] well he's got one of the Masters behind the plate catching him take the booms and punch Fisk's you're a young pitcher that's the kind of guy you want to throw to Fisk is not catching a day game after a night game he was the D H last night with Mark Hill catching changeup and a high in the strike zone when it comes down it should be in fists glove and it is the amazing part of this that he's catching as often as he is after having put on what 20 25 pounds of the offseason with a very very strenuous offseason conditioning program chiropractor personal friend dr. Phil Klaus a security guard in Christie Park put him through the rigors he still works on a three four times a week when he's at home but he had his bad has slowed down a little bit Mountain [Music] that's lowdown this says over the last month we've mentioned this before but prior to this season only Sherman lollard for the White Sox in the early 60s had caught more than 100 games in a season past the age of 37 this year Fisk will do it for the White Sox and so will Bob Boone for the angels if you see some of the players if you ever see the spectators when we show them during this telecast looking away from the field it's because there's an airshow going on over Lake Ontario here at the Canadian National Exhibition Center Jets Scouten all over the place to ánotá Mullenix George Bell on deck and there they go [Music] it'll be like broadcasting a game from Shea Stadium in that flight pattern of LaGuardia today [Music] got the corner two and one rants bollocks is struggling as of late even though he's still at 300 Luce is a better ad ballclub as now the White Sox against right-handed pitchers does you get mullux bat in there Brian little again and the Jays as did the White Sox go out in order in the first no score after one and we'll return to exhibition stadium in just a moment when the action lags on the field the fans turn their attentions toward the air show out beyond the right-field wall push lefty Gomez was here didn't he do that in the midst of the World Series game stop the action and looked up at some planes going over Bal Mosby Barfield rants bollocks Tony Fernandez he makes at least one good play every ball game if he misses a game he makes to the next day Garcia at second base whose rage has been cut down a little deep problem Willie up shot first Ernie wit and Darla's legs and ER you look at the division leaders throughout those st. Louis California in Los Angeles everyone can throw some pretty good eh even the Dodgers defense from last year's beginning of this year has improved considerably Yankees defense outstanding foul the main thing with the Dodgers defensively is Mariano Duncan now at shortstop he's been the big improvement fouls did a good job at third base also Doyle Alexander will be 35 in less than a week and a couple of years ago he appeared to be washed up the Yankees couldn't give him away went through waivers nobody claimed him the Blue Jays signed him had to pay him just $40,000 Yanks were obligated for the rest of the contract he lost his first six with the Blue Jays and it looked like they'd have to release him any day and all of a sudden he turned it around beginning August 27th of 1983 he's gone 37 and 14 since then Bobby Cox had him and he knew that if dialogue Sanders armed as well which it wasn't with the Yankees that he could fetch that great change that bigot his fastball clocked up there sometimes in the high eighties that great change it looks a lot faster Bernie what says that Alexander at this stage of his career pretty much calls his own game and one of the keys is the variations he has off the fastball he'll sink it he'll cut it he'll change speeds on it he was throwing a knuckleball last year and when he was in a little bit of a slough this year he was going to 25 or 30 ducking balls a game he actually lost a little confidence in the fastball and the change-up he's chucked the knuckleball almost completely now and he throws that changeup from the side the right-handers very effectively a drive by Greg Walker in the left center and George bellas there [Applause] so now it'll be fists and a few people think that Carlton Fisk has become a little bit homerun conscious now and of course it hasn't worked against him he's hit 33 home runs but some feel that he's trying to take the low outside pitch it's a left field more than he might you know the thing about it is that's where he likes to pitch down and outside edge of the plate that's one of the reasons as we look at the American League home run leaders one of the reasons why he gets hit by so many pitches he likes to extend the arms go down and get the ball he's really getting a lot more loft on his swings that he did when he was up at Boston earlier in his career here uppercutting a little bit more probably as you said because he's home run conscious going for the record the difference now is he doesn't have to hit the ball that well to get it over the fence in most parks he's so much stronger he was always a home run threat but never a threat to win the home run championship until this year to know he is now hitting balls near the end of the bat and up near the fists off the sweet spot on the bat that are going out of the ballpark with it added strength 3a no Alexander hasn't walked a batter in his last three starts it's what he was getting a lot of home runs in off of earlier he was getting behind in the count and having to come more to the middle of the plate this will be hitting here if he finds one he likes takes a strike he thought it was high rocky row behind the plate today on the basis Dale Ford at first Larry Barnett the crew chief at second Tim Tschida at third full count now there's where a dog Alexander behind on the cat could give you a little bit extra this obviously three and one was sitting on the fastball Alexander reached Baxter a little bit more and had the bat trailing just a little bit to see the White Sox they're gonna sign Pfister nod I would think from what he's done for the franchise Reinsdorf the footstool owner might feel they owe him another contract they don't know of anything he's had a good year for in fact excellent his rug production for numbers of hits been outstanding the way contracts are these days and with Fiske having the kind of year he's having with the homers at age 37 it's a difficult decision certainly you'd want him back for next year and maybe the year after but the question will be if someone else is willing to offer him a four year contract a five-year contract would you match the terms over that length 3-2 pitch line drive and it's over Fernandez for the game's first half if the white socks do keep Fisk for next year Tony LaRussa has talked about playing him in left-field as well as da Qing him more frequently they can't expect him to catch 120 130 games again probably would prefer to play left field so that they can da CH Kittel head down so much of the Charlie Lau fear of hitting there the top pan flying off the bat to give him more extension and that great head discipline Jody sonow he's had just 34 at-bats six base hits Craig Walker has problems throwing because of an injured right shoulder so they've been using him less at first base D stopped playing first today cannot take fists for granite e if stolen crown face has been caught seven times but if you let him get a walking lead and his momentum going to arch second base you take off and run that's one of the reasons why uh Tony LaRussa is thinking next year playing in left field he says he runs as well our probably better than Kidal so he can play out there to know earlier this year Fisk became one of the very few catchers in big-league history to steal over a hundred bases the Yankees with the early lead on the Angels a Ron hassey base hit drove home Ken Griffey we're told almost Adam leaning his Toronto staff holds baserunners on very well Jimmy key does he pitched yesterday the left-hander steve is excellent mosby started back comes in a few steps and has it [Applause] what's interesting the Toronto Blue Jays in the American League sitting on top of the league in TVR a Kansas City and the Yankees are the two teams right behind them when you think of this little band box on this turf and the two biggest ballparks in the American League Kansas City and Yankee Stadium it's just been marvelous with Bobby Cox nail wood by the pitching coach have done with his pitching staff and they've had some injuries you know Clancy's been out twice this year coming out of spring training sore arm now Tyler's gone down now he's disabled lay out down to the minor leagues he was to be their third starter so they've had their share of injuries and had to battle through them [Music] Fletcher's second homer was one of three base hits for him last night one-on-one there have been just 61 bases stolen off Blue Jays pitchers and catchers they've been caught 36 times and that's pretty good in this day and age of the running games 1 & 2 to Fletcher meanwhile the jays themselves have stolen twice that many they lead the American League Fletcher broke his bat in the on-deck-circle ozzie guillen now here we have the source of controversy I must pronounce the D Chen because that is what you have decreed and yet the players have begun to kid me Kubek still making you say gijin well when you talk to Tony Armas of Venezuela Luis Salazar here and I see Keegan himself they say we want Heejun now my experience is the opposite by the way the reason for the bandage he was spiked by George Bell unintentionally last Sunday at Comiskey Park in a rundown play my experience has been that most Latin players accept the fact that their names are going to be anglicized like to say p.m. go ahead I'm gonna say gijin I just want to keep the broadcast consistent and I know I can't move you off of your position so he Jen it is folks 2 & 2 let's you're a good hit and run man with two outs well Tony LaRussa started - until you're gonna run three and two anyway he's not home I've gone it goes the bat scattering them in the Blue Jay dugout that was Jeff Burroughs number 44 Oh had to scamper out of the way and the new acquisition cliff Johnson has the lumber [Music] Cliff's got to be in a better frame of mind coming back to a pennant race and leaving the Texas Rangers double zero we've already got a zero or an old for Oliver they've got a double zero in cliff Johnson talking before the ballgame with some of the players from the Blue Jays I'm trying to healthy fats are broke in these days they're just not getting the good wood anymore we've seen two or three every broker in this game already again the to to pitch a called strike three on the other end first strikeout for Alexander no runs a hit a man is left for the White Sox exhibition stadium in Toronto the Blue Jays have drawn a million eight already averaging 31 thousand per game they have to bring the blankets and parkas out in October if the Jays play host to the playoffs and possibly the World Series now the same way they would have to gate in Montreal or Chicago Milwaukee or New York when you play the World Series in late October it's could it be cold or cool almost any place [Music] people forget that Toronto Canada drops down and is farther south than quite a few cities in the US this guy can hit they were trying to figure out before the ballgame where they should pitch him they know one thing he's a good lowball hitter you keep the ball down there to George Bell breaking ball fastball changeup he can tap to it the American League strike zone dropping down give you the high strike like they have another nasty for a while he's dangerous squibs one off the end of the bat disa fields davis covers and they get him let's go to New York for an update find out what's going on with the Angels and Yankees all right Bob you mentioned the score earlier here it is as the Yankees are on the board against California with Ken Griffey on third after a double in a sacrifice he comes home on this two-out single by Ron hassey into right so they go into the top of the second the Yankees leading and we'll send you back to the Berlitz brothers cops US and Kubek wiseguy what a clip stir this McAtee has become here is number zero al Oliver cliff Johnson used to wear 44 here when he returned he found that that number belonged to Jeff Burroughs so now Johnson is double zero slap back through the middle each end to his left on the run he got it uzuki-chan has made only 11 errors this year and at least a couple of those early in the error for a failure to touch second baseball activity on the double play Tom Seaver talks about he Jen's great in states and how he moves with the cotton situation without ever having been told or using charts Seaver since I looked back even in spring training and saw the kid you knew just exactly what I was going to throw where I don't have to move up at all can't teach that folks just got to play it off a lot when she asked Davis has retired five in a row as he faces up Sean starts him with a strike you know they compared keygens era total very favorably to the performance and the rookie seasons of other great white sox shortstops Appling aparicio teres cow all had more than twice as many errors as dejenne will wind up with this year of course the conditions under which they played were very different Appling didn't have the equipment that some of those who succeeded him did and may have played on rougher in fields but nonetheless key Jana's opened impressively Appling at 42 his first year care scout 28 a pre-show 35 Elesha the first that i saw who had that glove that looked like a cesta that she using a highlight match wrong a lot of other players have gone to that especially in the shortstop position now one two pitch in the air to left easy chance for Rudy law for the second inning in a row Toronto goes out 1 2 3 and we'll be right back after these messages from your local station [Music] Seifer will soon have more company in that 300 Win circle Phil Niekro at 297 and Don Sutton one is 293rd last night he'll have to wait till next year but he should get it I'll bet Don's son he's happy that he decided to play this year after threatening over the winter time not to go to Oakland this guy is hitting surprisingly well - they weren't sure that he'd hit more than 250 and he started very slowly so here is aa C D gen as I have surrendered and another internal struggle with Tony Kubek line drive bar field racing over and he gets there in baseball with the bright side this is not an easy Park to get a jump on the ball you've still got a lot of white shirts and a glare coming off the screen behind old plate bar field there's playing a little bit toward right-center field and he runs this one down it's outstanding speed they have in the outfield and the infield the team that vice-president Pat Gillick tailored for this park he wanted speed primarily and he's gotten power along with it from those three guys so much for Mosby this year in Barre field and Val their 41 and 18 at home 39 and 30 on the road so they've taken advantage of exhibition stadium they're the only team in the American League East that plays on artificial turf and 21 of the remaining 33 games Counting today are going to be played right here at home a one pitch to Salazar Alexander quickly ahead of him Owen to Salazar never played first base before this season he's played there three or four times in the last couple of weeks for Tony LaRussa and in center field today versatile guy good guy to have on a ballclub slap to the right side and Damaso Garcia shows good range and throwing him out [Applause] a changeup that was high in the strike zone but even at that Salazar was slightly fooled tried to go the opposite way Garcia one of the second basemen who because of his loping his lengthy stride does not appear to be covering a lot of gout but he eats it up log rounded to Garcia in the first inning strike one to him two years ago he stole a White Sox record 77 bases and that same year Julio Cruz stole over 50 law leads the Sox with just 21 this year and that's a base hit so a chance to run here as he's aboard with two out let's pause briefly for station identification on the NBC television network [Music] Bob Costas and Tony Kubik in Toronto the Blue Jays in front of the Yanks by five in the American League East and of course we'll keep you abreast of what's happening at Yankee Stadium we're at last report New York had a one nothing lead on California the Angels are two and a half up on Kansas City six ahead of Oakland and nine in front of the White Sox who are at 500 at 63 and 63 in the West we're seeing one of the reasons dialog Xander is such an outstanding pitcher he's thrown seven pitches this inning remember he's pitching the eight nine another number one hitter law just got a base set all seven pitches have been strikes so he just say hey guys I'm gonna get ahead of you if I can if you want to put the ball in play you're gonna put it in play maybe get a single when he gets to the middle the lineup he gets a little finer little is one of baseball's best butters and he's established that reputation while playing the first couple of years of his career on artificial surface at Montreal where it's tough to get one down remember during the strike and that this last strike the one a few years ago Sparky Anderson ruined the minor leagues dared little to bond after he bunted successfully twice against the Detroit Fire team Sparky said I'll bet you can do tomorrow first time up Sparky had them tight at the corners little drop the bunt down beat it out and Sparky said here's the five bucks I owe you kid he's in the middle a lot of rallies since he's come back up doing that he gets mullux in a little bit tighter because he slaps the ball so well the opposite way he's hitting the ball with more authority pulling it occasionally and hitting it sharply to right field he's a switch-hitter but they use him almost exclusively against right-handers well last Saturday when Dave Steve had a no-hitter going at Comiskey Park Chicago went into the night the first hitter up Rudy law hit a home run in the first pitch little was the next center he had a home run off Steve and Rudy law is chased back little bought a videotape Charlie Lau's videotape on hitting and spent the entire winter going over it feels it's helped them significantly three you know you just might see a couple of little bitty batting practice fast balls at least two right down the middle with Baines sitting on deck two outs he wants little to put this ball in play little was taking all the way for strike one and maybe again with looking in the dugout right now obviously he's not gonna call a pitchout there's Jimmy Leyland the run you know the walk-in but law may be going on this he bluffed the go and little takes ball four Alexander thought he got the corner with that one as did Ernie wit bow the umpire shatta yesterday there were quite a few hitters and pitchers turned on the young umpires at third-base today getting that time of year we're in the middle of the dog days of baseball there's shine up getting the numbers of out straight players get a little test here they're coming out off the hot summer pennant races are shaping up Baines hits the first pitch down to Upshaw he'll have time he takes it himself [Applause] so the White Sox threatened but strand too and we'll be right back right Tony let's take a look at the last play Willie Upshaw kept the ball in front of him and he was able to recover and get Baines now this new turf they put in just before this season started is a lot bouncier than the slick burned-out turf they had before this really knew one thing you had to keep the ball from going to the outfield to save her and he did her knee wet starts it in the bottom of the third against Joel Davis and Esau has a chance and easy one at that all right let's find out once again what the Yankees and angels are up to here's Bill McAtee and once again bill Macatee up to those old pranks refusing to appear on the air I imagine we'll get back to him as soon as he overcomes his shyness so it's Barfield down in the eighth spot in the order not your typical eight hitter 20 home runs [Music] good opposite field power which helps him in this ballpark there are times you won't go the opposite way enough tries to pull the outside pitch which is not unusual for a young hitter Jesse's just 25 so he and Mosby and Val are basically still learning to hit I should exclude Bell he knows how to have learning how to adjust and readjust that was just played so much more down in the Dominican Republic he Mosby and Belle are all just 25 born within a couple of weeks of each other late October early November of 1959 Blue Jays our young team there is the defense with Ozzy G Jam playing slightly to pull for Barfield apparently they're gonna try and keep the ball away because the centerfielder is playing toward right-center field Salazar [Music] it's one of ours the old jokes are the best aren't they Tony here's D Chen from what would be the outfield grass to throw out bar field six ground ball outs now thrown up by young Joel Davis they see that they wanted to keep the ball away try and prevent bar field from pulling the ball Ozzy is playing not as much to pull as a lot of teams play bar field so good pitching good defensive alignment Danny Evans when Rosenbaum who set those charts running through a computer position their defense it's really helped Tony LaRussa very important in artificial surface all right here's another young shortstop Tony Fernandez and earlier this year you said you thought this guy might be the best defensive shortstop in the American League how do you compare with Dee Jen better stop more range little more erratic his throwing goes awry when he throws him down under Fernandez has made more than twice as many errors as G Jen but of course that's not always the only measuring stick glider overhead as the airshow continues the Canadian National Exhibition goes on how long Tony about a month the grounds surrounding the ballpark 17 days the snowbirds Canadian flying team Annamarie eastern part of Canada's mr. players they're just born that than they are the game aunt Marie's song snowbirds I think that's where it came from do you recall the words I certainly do don't sing them I shan't recite them Greg Walker too started in the fourth that injured right shoulder also has hampered him at the plate he's had difficulty going out and getting the outside pitch and hitting it with any kind of authority there's some evidence he has a good swing to say the least saw him in Appleton in the Midwest League Charlie Lyle worked with him now Mike Lum and see so many to chart allow trademarks and him Kittle when he plays Baines Fiske bat touches the left shoulder you know you stride that the bat is kept back wait down the back foot to start with Fernandes backhand in behind Mullenix he makes the cash now let's find out if bill Macatee is willing to join us he'll having completed the announcer 'less update here it is again as the Yankees score two more in the bottom of the second Don Mattingly brings home Bobby Meacham with this single RBI number 105 but Mattingly Ricky Henderson sacrificed the other run home three nothing Yankees number 72 alright Belen speaking of the Yankees and the angels angels broadcaster Bob Starr friend of mine know when we both worked at KMOX radio and st. Louis suffered a heart attack yesterday and we certainly sent our best wishes out to him he is in a New York Hospital and we hope you'll pull through all right want to know two fists [Music] fest stalled for the deliberate way catches the game and gets things straight before he steps to the box you had a good pitch to hit me politics makes the catch wisely calling wit off the play always a much easier play for the third baseman in that situation but it would be for the catcher not just because of the wind and that catcher doesn't have sunglasses on it's a very bright day here and see fist now it's tired or just a slump but he gets a pitch like that inside part of the plate about belt high bat just a little slow coming through the strike zone probably pulling that left shoulder out trying to pull the ball too much he's had one heck of a year no matter what happens the rest of the way though hasn't he two out nobody on top of the fourth no score White Sox and Blue Jays took something on huffin visa I had no chance if you haven't listened to a ball game that we've done or somebody else when Darla's pitched he throws what they call the circle chain he looks like a screwball at times Don Sutton throws one like that with the pointing finger to thumb together and it rolls off that last three fingers last contact when most times is the little finger gives a little screwball action throws that two dozen Treo Soto Soto's hands are so small it really a circle changing he's got almost his whole hand on in his fingertips her Soto throws a changeup about eighty six to seven eight miles an hour faster than most guys fastball that is again two and two to see where Soto knocked his countryman Joaquin Andujar down the other night not on purpose however I don't know was a bunt situation in Joaquin had squared and Soto sent of a calling card another pop-up retreating his Garcia and Garcia rather and Damaso will have it a 1-2-3 inning for Alexander after three and a half in Toronto still no score [Music] throughout Davis's brief professional career his problem has been controlled in the minors from a ball all the way through triple-a he averaged about five and a half walks per nine innings pitched not today though huh Damaso Garcia in the bottom of the fourth Davis has retired all nine Blue Jays he's faced this back for a look but it's out of five you know sometimes if DJ's not to pick them apart but if you're looking for a flaw in their offense they've got a lot of guys that don't like to take base on balls Garcia's one he's only walked but 11 times this year George Bal walking more than they thought he would he's up in the 30s gar thought he plays doesn't walk a whole lot what he's done in 530 quite a pitcher 11 times so you would say he's not a knight to leadoff in it when he's hot he's a darn good leadoff hitter when he's a little bit of a slump who they want to put something else there [Applause] with two guys they have at the top of the order Garcia and Mosby are stolen base threats Gama so is swiped 27 and Lloyd leads the team with 31 steals and you can't go to sleep on your Mountain bail or Barfield around base either or Fernandez overall team's speed is actually Garcia didn't like that pitch 1 & 2 is the count to him again we remind our viewers will select the NBC light beer familiar player of the game appropriately at the conclusion of the contest it's always tougher before the game starts it certainly is the one - this might be the Blue Jays first hit key Jen can't get back in time now they've got the perfect situation Bobby Cox he mentioned earlier his team who leads the American League in stolen bases there's Billy Smith alerting Dominic Garcia how many outs he's the first base coach then a left-handed hitter up a young pitcher Garcia's speed if his knees all right you can see some movement on the bases Fisk has been throwing exceptionally this year who did not just build up strength under dr. Phil Clauson his flexibility is footwork his agility have really picked up this year too [Music] mosby fouled out to Fisk his first time up not going on the first pitch fouled off mosby started off the season in the three spot against both left and right-handed pitchers he's not hit for average he is will take a base on balls even though he's left-handed this may not be the ideal spot for the man on base because he doesn't turn on the ball isn't that really a lot of ability to pull it through the hole as long as they keep throwing hard stuff might have broken his bat pop into shallow center ki jaana waves everybody knows I put the crevice Salizar couldn't find the boat centerfield that's that screen in a bright sunny day causes defensive outfielders opposing teams more difficulty to the home team I don't think he saw that's why he Jen had to hurry some pcs stay goal used as a backing shortstops not always how far he could go into the hole and throw a guy out how far he could go out for a pop-up which enabled an especially in Yankee Stadium to play his outfield deeper to cut down the long ball in the gaps putting modesty aside could you go back on a pop compared to who well compared to whoever else case he might have played at shortstop I mean he must have thought you did it all right I think some people agent huh all modesty aside I'm not sure mullennix a drive to center and Salazar gets back on it the second out [Music] so now the Blue Jays are coming through the lineup for the second time Garcia and they know what the movement on Davis follows we can ask somebody else to go for skeletal quarters as hard as it fell and they can't tell you the delivery because he's sneaky fast at the same throws 87 88 whatever you want how much is his ball move what does it do him turn to see a guy and see all his pitches you're not sure now the Blue Jays have seen at one time true those three home runs for bail against the White Sox this year have all been memorable to over the left-field roof at Comiskey Park the third into the centerfield bleachers there strike one in a short four game series that ended last week one in the center field only seven hitters in the history of Comiskey Park I've ever hit him there as like like Garrett not Gary or Greenberg Tony Armas did last year Jimmie Foxx dick calendar there's some sluggers show you how strongly this guy's all the whole plate now last couple of uses move closer to the ski park [Applause] here's the O on pitch on the corner Oh ensue yeah but he hit it over the old barrier not only cleared the interior fence but over the old wall and into the bleachers that's got to be about 450 [Music] Garcia opened the inning with a bloop single he's still at first with two out and the count Owen two to Bell 1 & 2 Garcia is on his own he thinks he can get a pitch usually now Bobby Cox would bail up the cleanup hitter may have the stop sign there's Jimmy Williams giving the sign it was a time Garcia might have been going early in this city with Moe's beer mullux up two left-handed hitters apparently the knees still bothered lower backs bothered him on occasion missed some games in the last road trip he's moved to the number three spot in the lineup because his running speed was gone a little bit that goes gijin there's no question about his ability to go back on a pop-up the Blue Jays get their first hit but Garcia is left at first base for complete no score back after this from your local station [Music] bottom of the order to face Alexander in the fifth Fletcher key Jam and Salazar 2 the Sox have two hits against Alexander singles by Rudy law and Carlton Fisk a single by Damaso Garcia the only safety against Joel Davis for Toronto interesting to say cb4 the midnight roster setting deadlines whatever you call for postseason play if they're gonna be any more deals Toronto has been looking at Steve Nicosia veteran catcher with buck Martinez out for the year with that fractured leg rumors the Yankees may be looking at moose house or a burst from the rules are my crew Kyle off the San Francisco Giants to bolster their pitching staff in the September let me call some kids up the white sock to the call three or four guys up after the September 1st date Joel Skinner Darryl Boston started in centerfield for them a couple of others that's a fair ball and Fletcher might have extra bases Barfield gets over there in a hurry and fires that bullet to Fernandez at second base they used to use Darrell Evans white Evans of the White Sox as the standard for throwing arms above right fielders gradually it may be changing too far field not only these make a good throw but Fletcher's thought he had double all the way as he broke out of the box and Barfield goes into foul territory to save a double keep a guy to scoring position it could change the course of the ballgame it's this close mullennix expecting the bunt he Jen didn't show it on the first pitch Jim Leyland with the signs from the third-base coaching box Joe nossek is the coach at first Barfield coming in and toward the line and jesse has it [Applause] now one thing since power fields been playing everyday the first time this year against right and left-handed pitchers he's more confident not only at the bat but he certainly has gained more confidence defensively he's played some centerfield and Mosby goes down Salizar swinging a hot bat of late 2:31 overall for the season occasional power seven home runs [Music] got a hit-and-run yeah there's one it's golf - but it sure looks like it although they've tried to get jumps on darling Xander Rudy long the third with two outs Alexander changed his pitching patterns so there's Tony malucia it was a very aggressive manager Alexander been throwing over he's changing his rhythm he stepped off he never shows the base runner the same thing twice speeding up his cadence his delivery to home plate right through the wickets in between Alexander's legs and on his way to third as Fletcher he'll be there runners at the corners with one out [Music] [Music] he comes to the side and runs a fastball in on the fists I don't think it was hit as hard as Doyle thought he reached for it it was a little bit up on the trademark off the bat of Salazar he reach for it it wasn't there yet so now it'll be Rudy law with a chance to break the ice he's grounded out and singled lecher at third Salazar at first Salazar has 12 stolen bases been caught three times mullux creeps in at third base fouled off for strike one of course law would be a tough man to double although if he hits the ball sharply on this artificial surface he can turn it on just about anybody looking for a pitch he can drive to the outfield get in the least a sacrifice fly gets you only get more than that it's one nothing White Sox Salazar will stop respecting bar fields arm and wisely so nice piece of hitting by Rudy law he was trying to get the ball to the right side so he could create a first and third if possible he hits it through the hole with Upshaw holding the runner on first base and another tribute to Jesse Barfield our does the collagen spy upshot having to hold up to let the ball get by Salazar couldn't go to third but also Jesse Barfield arms out there so now Brian little is flied out and walked and the cheers will start shortly at Yankee Stadium when they throw this score up on the board White Sox with the early lead meanwhile the Yanks lead the Angels three nothing the Damas of Garcia is playing a very shallow second base little doesn't have outstanding running speed in fact he's an average runner one of the reasons he couldn't play shortstop on the turf in Montreal liquid Garcias there's turf you play that shallow balls can get by you in a hurry Tony LaRussa hasn't given up yet on the American League West race he's nine back they do have six left with California that means nothing if they don't play better well yesterday Toronto's victory broke a five-game winning streak for LaRussa's White Sox since the all-star break California Oakland and the White Sox have all played around 500 Kansas City has been the hot team they've made up ground although the Royals did lose last night to drop two and a half back three and one [Applause] there are the standings in the West California still trails the Yankees now in the fourth inning three nothing at Yankee Stadium ed witson just gave up his first base hit to Hernandez one and into the dugout in a run will score Rudy law put an awful lot of pressure on Tony Fernandez yeah outstanding jump off first base runners on first and second a good walking lead Tony still should have made the play but look how close Trudy law gets to him to make him throw from down under you know what that's really funny Upshaw didn't really get on the bag and stretch give this air to Fernandez which they shot but he got his feet crossed up look at that if he's on the bag and stretches he's got that ball to fly he got his feet caught on the bag and got all tangled up and another scar because innate that air is gonna go to Fernandez but that could very easily have gone to Willie up shop you got he was late getting there for some reason it tangled up and instead of being out of the inning with just one run scoring Alexander now trails to nothing that ball hits just about a foot in front of the first base bag and he didn't even stretch on it you got all tangled up for summary that's hasn't that dim oh and Sudha Harold Baines become a pretty good guy at scooping balls out of the dirt not that time that is lamb begins to throw he's been brilliant and long or middle relief for the Blue Jays one ensue the error charged to Fernandez his 24th of the season only Julio Franco of the Cleveland Indians has made more errors among American League shortstops it's one of those of official royal of face sees the replays that he could change that I was very catchable buy up shop [Music] the 2 2 pitch changeup and he struck him out but not before the White Sox break through with two runs one of them unearned and they lead to nothing after four and a half these surroundings have been good too al Oliver the designated hitter who leads it off in the bottom of the fifth he hadn't homered in about two years and he's connected for five since joining the Blue Jays about a month or so ago something like 175 consecutive ballgames at the eighth spot at Al's age is made for him I've got a pretty good Mattoon tandem now he and cliff Johnson of course Jeff Burroughs was doing that job from the right side he's a good pinch-hitter now there's Johnson to the guy in the glasses he's been awesome Tommy can finally scored a run on him short relief and the 2o pitch to Oliver disa on the short hop Davis covers and they've got it as an irony here because a few years ago when Burroughs arrived in Oakland he displace cliff Johnson as the A's designated hitter and Johnson came over to the Blue Jays now after a trip to Texas Johnson has returned and Burroughs apparently is relegated to pinch-hitting duties as Johnson will become the right-handed half of Bobby Cox's d-h platoon and there is Burroughs pinky was in between Burroughs and Johnson on the Blue Jays bench I think a big thing Pat Gillick wanted to do it Bobby Cox to your scouting staff Bobby Maddock Elam oculi wanted to go into September with a little more experience off the bench before Tom final went down in Minnesota last week they had seven rookies I the father wasn't exactly a rookie nor as hinky but close to being rookies a lot of guys have ever been through pennant races the Yankees have had a lot of that experience but to take the 25 best quality guys you got in your organization that you can get at the time and it going GALEX done you all pitched up shop my drive base hit just the second hit off Damon [Music] 27th William Shaw is hitting 217 still not hitting quite a the power they like BJ birdie one of your favorites I know a wonderful person not a person he's in the animal he's a bird I like the first I don't like the murder he's got this cartoon strip now to avert that he can get back at you with the goose baby wittle hit anything even a strong wind blowing across now off Joel Davis changes the game in this ballpark with his fall wind tying run at the plate he sits 15 homers I noticed that BJ Byrd took a shot at you and his cartoon strip after you had been critical of the bird over the air next to Luce vice president Paul beast and I'm the second favorite person or is it unfavorite - and oh well the Angels jump back into it trailing now only three - as they scored twice against whitson in the fourth [Music] interesting now Davis hasn't had a whole lot of chance to pitch with men on base pitch from the stretch let's see if this control can stay what it was when he was pitching for the full lineup three you know there's some times that can be a problem we don't have in-depth stats at this point to see what is control problems were in the minor leagues buffle this year earlier this year perhaps he has difficulty for the man on base either mechanically is attention divided the second man that's been on base off of this ball game gets it over for the first strike why our field is on that [Music] not unusual even two runs down 3-1 count that Bobby Cox may start up shop create a home went into the ball hard on the ground they're playing the Paul might stead of a double play doesn't strike out a whole lot [Music] he is going on the 3-1 pitch and what taps it foul [Music] the White Sox have three important games coming up early next week Monday Tuesday Wednesday it tans the city the last three cracks they have at the Royals and when all is said and done it's possible that everybody will wind up chasing Kansas City in the American League West the White Sox has to be told you have six left with California so they've got to do something and it's got to be something big and those head-to-head meetings to keep whatever faint hopes they have alive and those hopes are real is ally very very hane not just head-to-head they just kind of wit every series even that may not do it they've got to put together a bunch of winning streaks what they got to do three teams to climb over it's not just the Royals and the Angels Oakland's in there to Deesa has moved behind upshot first I would probably be going again payoff pitch and he is going foul ball think about Bobby Cox he got quite a bit of Earl Weaver's philosophy he likes the biginning doesn't bunt very often lowest total of the major league just 15 sacrifice hits by Bobby Cox mr. gene Mauch the felony has left sessile fielder boxes Blue Jays made life difficult there's a strong young man right there jump right over Syracuse from double-a ball Cecil Fielder than platooning at first with up shop difficult for Tony LaRussa and his White Sox Toronto has beaten the made of 10 runner going again called strike three one to the second base with a steal 3-2 changeup that Fisk couldn't get out of the glove let's go to New York now for an update all right Bob there has been a significant trade this afternoon the Dodgers unsettled at third have acquired four-time batting champion Bill Madlock from the Pirates the Pirates in financial trouble rid themselves of Matlock's contract and acquire three players to be named later back to Toronto so another of those deals we've been talking about Cedeno to the Cardinals cliff Johnson back here to the Blue Jays and perhaps most significantly of all because he's likely to play every day down the stretch Matlock to the Dodgers and in case you haven't been checking the box scores Matlock has begun to hit well for the Pirates the last 2 or 3 weeks if you already short strands Subic wave snacks now and also another buzzing of the planes overhead Bluejays gave up two minor league prospects to this point to get cliff Johnson back Matt Williams and right-handed pitcher another kid named maze or medicine add one more player to be named later probably after they're out of all playoff competition in the minor leagues [Applause] so cliff Johnson can tell his grandchildren he was traded for Mays and Williams while this rivals our mason-dixon line of last week that point of course we will not rehash the old material must move on to new items one 1/2 bar filled up shot second two out bottom of the fifth to nothing white socks one two not too many teams can throw your 8th place center you mentioned 20 home run with 67 RBIs are filled with 54 walks what happens to him when a right-handed pitcher faces the Blue Jays was up in the lineup hits left-handers he appears distracted at the plate by the combination of the wave and the planes overhead affecting his concentration he stepped out of the box a couple of times filled up in it's outside [Applause] babe in a setup it's a slider that went away from barfi let's see if fist stays out there now tries to bust a bit on the fence in centerfield camera tell you a lot of science switching it up shot second so you can pick up location looking up at barfi on the decline he's moving back away [Applause] one closer trying fertility [Applause] that trouble ICQ generator Wow yelling very loudly cut the ball off Brian Lilith probably trying to yell above the crowd and couldn't to let the ball come fire field hustles out a double look at how much time duty law takes and with each end cutting it off and now Barcena getting a scoring position two mistakes rutila nonchalant again in the outfield and he jen cutting it off considering the weight loss through it though and where it bounced even if key Jenna had let it go through Barfield probably would have been safe his law didn't have much mustard on that throw I feel look like he had a pretty good pitch to a slider that was at least away don't know how far down it was it was low of the strike zone he went out and got a pretty good pitch to drive over on the hustling play puts Barfield in scoring position a single now to tie the game and Fernandez produces that they say to [Applause] little got a glove on it but couldn't keep it in the infield putting an RBI production by your DoublePlay combination berlinda's now with RBI 45 he's at length a good part of this year leadoff at time with Garcia he was hurt got 50 photos out of there opt-ins Tony LaRussa touch this to talk the Davis pitch stolen base by Upshaw when the ball popped out of this glove kept things going [Music] LaRussa told us before the game that one of the things he likes about the 20 year-old Joel Davis is his composure on the mound part of the reason for this trip is to make sure he maintains that composure listening has not gone well for him but he appears to still have his good stuff and LaRussa is telling him that get us out of this inning 2 2 ballgame we'll be all right we got you the 2 in the top half so if you get out of it here you'll be no worse off than you weren't ending a go you look at the offensive production that Sparky Anderson got last year here's Tony Fernandez between Fernandez and Garcia now they have 99 RBIs in the last year Whitaker and travel not only producing defensively offensively they were so good Whitaker still has travels struggling a little bit Bobby Meacham first home run for two Yankees over the Angels in the fourth Alfredo Griffin and Donnie Hill from Oakland have more RBIs between them than Trammell and Whitaker another surprise Garcia swings on the first one hits a deep left and Rudy law gets back and makes the catch against the padding after turning the wrong way so a sigh of relief from Joel Davis the Blue Jays come back to tie it here's another edition of baseball daba saw Garcia got a low breaking ball when the ball is down in the strike zone he drives the ball a lot harder than when it's up Rudy law may have lost the ball just momentarily off the glare turned the wrong way recovers makes a nice nice catch and he makes the fine play ironically against the emblem of the Detroit Tigers a team we were talking about a moment ago who would have thought that the Tigers this year would become one of the American league's worst defensive teams Sparky comes up days ago I understand and said you're not gonna quit on me now guys they've had some injuries he did make the statement they're the worst defensive team he's ever seen I think he is dealing it a little hyper for the long Sparky has a tendency to do that at times notice how the trap door has opened on division winners in the AL East the year after let's take another look at it precipitous declines last three years with twelve different division winners to an auto Walker opening up in the sixth despite the shoulder injury Walker is the only White Sox player to appear in every game in 1985 wax this one into Center and Mosby comes on takes it the one thing that even though Lloyd is struggle with a bat more often than not this season he's not quick defensively around the bases a little bit's price for this ballclub in that regard went through those first three years where he struggled with the bat learning passes at the age of eight level coming off two good years huh what do you have first year Robert well at age 37 if Fisk holds his American League home run lead he'll become the oldest ever to lead the American League in that category Ruth tied Gary for the honors in 1931 in the National League sigh Williams was 40 when he won a home run crown so that will remain the overall a major league record sigh Williams hit 30 for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1927 to lead in the National League which was exactly half of Babe Ruth's total that season to lead the American on one pitch 1 & 2 on the fastball [Applause] Fisk has just one home run since August 14th and I think rather than admitting to the fact that he might be a little bit tired with age and all those games going up and down this year in past years he'd probably tell you that mechanics have been upset trying to pull the ball too much like that you know maybe I Williams is an interesting when I had a chance to meet him three lakes Wisconsin you probably knew this if you didn't the first Williams shift was not Lou Boudreau against Ted Williams it was against sy Williams died several years back changeup that ran in below the belt off just funny you sure they didn't use it against Ken Williams of the st. Louis Browns of the 20 so this side Williams definitely he told me that three guys in the infield on the right side of the diamond popped up Garcia and up Shaw and it's Damaso Garcia two quick outs in the top of the sixth and that brings up DISA who's over two so fists batting average he doesn't like what he sees from that bat the way grab that looked like that that was gonna be demolished looked almost like before he got to the that the dugout it's a feel level he's gonna get it rid of that one in the back room this is batting average well beneath his career standard he's been a 275 280 hitter pretty consistently so while he's having his best year in homers he's well beneath his usual performance batting average was [Music] strike to Deesa last time up he turned Joe DISA and knots with some change ups away now he runs a fastball away this kind of situation we may come in and cut that fastball break his back right there [Music] Alexander most of last year was a to pitch pitcher fastball and the change-up throwing a few more sliders this year knuckleballs issue as he did last if you just put the knuckleball Griffin maybe just a decoy desolder seemly the knuckles put it in the glove and he went fastball he coughed it to left George Bell glides over and a 1-2-3 inning for Alexander after five and a half for White Sox 2 and the Blue Jays 2 coming up after baseball we go to the mat on sports world the sumo Grand Tournament you got a look at some of those fellows you'll think twice about that second slice of pie and that'll be followed by a tongue-in-cheek look at the world of professional wrestling is the Hulk in there Hulk Hogan absolutely absolutely mr. Fuji the Magnificent Muraco happened Swedish angel and Verne Gagne know his son is wrestling not to mention classy Freddie Blassie the Hollywood fashion plate strike one to Mosby leading off in the bottom half of the sixth inning had a good ball game going total Davis struggle a little bit when he got a man on base seem to lose a little bit of his concentration mechanically anyway pitching from the stretch he's still very young just 20 it's real the only pitcher younger in the American League Jose real former Yankee now with Oakland it's Manny Lisa T on the BJS bench just 20 this season didn't Mosby try and drop that bunt in unusual fashion he didn't run up on the ball as if to Dragon he sweared like you would the sacrifice well I think what happened is he had Scotty Fletcher the third baseman so far back not even looking for a bunt Mosby rarely does this well I'd probably feel if I can just get it down as deeply as he was playing him I can almost walk in the first face o to pitch off speed delivery hi [Music] Mosby Mullenix and Belle in the sixth far far boys Rupert Jones you just hit a home run is he having a good year for Jean marks angels and Albert squatty for him to tie it up number he was with Abbott right last year and played well coming off the bench Davis gets Mosby looking to consecutive breaking balls up in the strike zone he got ahead all into to Mosby but in a slider too high and then he gets away with one high in the strike zone here look at the fast kind of framed the outside part of the plate press the ball back into the strike zone as a hanging pitch that he got away with so the skies have brightened for the Blue Jays a few moments ago they were trailing here to nothing while the Yankees led the Angels three nothing both games are tied now 2-2 at Toronto for four at Yankee Stadium Candelaria beat by strim as the angels prevailed over the Yanks last night of course the angels are not thinking of this in terms of helping the Blue Jays they're concerned with their own race which they lead by two and a half over Kansas City in the West mullux usually one of the studies to bj's hitters last year most of this year he's the five for 47 great salad without him take it six for 48 now he doesn't usually go this long without a lot of a sense he was 20 for the season last year got a hanging breaking ball I would think it's Dave Duncan and Tony LaRussa are watching off the bats they've seen some breaking balls high in the strike zone this city and starting last inning bullpens still quiet though sooner or later young pitchers gotta learn to pitch out of problems and through adversity and Bobby Maddock when he managed the Blue Jays did that for Clancy Steve bleh al that perhaps that's what loose is going to do with Davis Bell hasn't made solid contact yet grounded to first and pop to short [Applause] [Music] you know in a normal year bail might be the favorite to win the MVP award with his team possibly on the way to a division championship but you've got to look at what Brett is doing in Kansas City what Henderson and Mattingly are doing with the Yankees so Bell has just an outside shot it's going to be interesting in the National League the Cardinals have so many candidates and the Dodgers have really only one in Pedro Guerrero and so is some Cardinals split the vote Guerrero might walk off with it what did Whitey Herzog say though he said there's only one MVP in the National League and it's dr. K if I couldn't Oh 1 pitch 1 and 1 my feeling and obviously not all the voters share it is that you only vote for a pitcher for MVP if there is no outstanding everyday player as a candidate the pictures have their award that's the siyoung award or one other consideration that I think good meets this year if you are so overpowering and dominating that you ought to be considered struggling I would say he should get it cuz September still to come in the right centerfield Baines will get over there and Mullenix has to return to first learn about the Colfax kind of year the vitae blue kind of year with Oakland or one other consideration there are those who reason that a relief pitcher having a great year is almost like an everyday player Willie Hernandez won both awards last year for the Tigers let's pause briefly for station identification on the NBC television network this is WOC TV and Davenport the sports leader in the Quad Cities and Blue Jays tied at two apiece Oliver at the plate Mullenix at first with two out swing-and-a-miss al Oliver is another of those to note that you see many more breaking balls in the American League and you'll see that breaking pitch on two and O and three and one far more frequently than you will in the National League [Applause] down to second baseman Brian little that takes care of Oliver and retires the side of the sixth we'll be right back after these messages from your local station [Music] Alexandr right in the background all right Tony as if you can name those five pitches who have beaten each of the 26 major league teams at least once well you know that I just threw the cover of one of them because it's darling Xander the other four a little trickier and who is the other active pitcher we'll start with that just recently join that group with a victory about two weeks ago it's not Tom Seaver because he has not yet beaten the White Sox and that's gonna be almost impossible ever think me me nor is it Tommy John we never beat the Dodgers couple of weeks ago when Don Sutton beat Milwaukee for the Oakland A's he joined that group he has defeated all 26 major league teams and the other three Rick wise Gaylord Perry and Mike Torrez Fletcher fouls one down the right-field line and just into the seats can't give up on the ball too quickly out in that right-field corner if it's high in the air because the wind is blowing it back make it playable there's the exhibition grounds of the background a mode of transportation lecherous struck out and singled oh and two when Alexander comes down three quarters and then puts it right on the black on the outside corner those right-handed hitters are helpless that one missed that pitch right there maybe a setup there's more over the top than 3/4 he throws that changeup not only from over the top but when he throws to the side and it's such an effective pitch I can't think of any other pitcher that throws that there it was change it from down at the side pick up the ball right away what he changed his delivery and your immediate thing is to try and look for a fastball and swing at it and he does that once in a while but he comes from changeup he just really goofs up your timing [Music] when I sound with the Dodgers Donald's and ER another that was the change and he gloves the little squibber from flexor and throws him out let's go to Bill McAtee in New York all right Robert you mentioned the score Rupert Jones who had a home run last night has another today this two-run shot in the fifth end of the upper deck and right his 20th of the Year Whitson is now gone so Bob the Angels have come back again they're tied at four five bill thanks very much you know everybody's pointing toward those three season-ending games between the Yankees and Blue Jays here at exhibition Stadium assuming the race is still close at that time but the Blue Jays might have to play an additional game it's possible if it has a bearing on the division race that they would play Baltimore here on the Monday after the schedule conclusion to the regular season in a makeup game a game lost to the strike but they'll play it only if it counts in the standings call if you're looking for edges and they're always difficult to find in September we've talked about the home schedules both the Yankees and Blue Jays have a lot of games at home that's advantageous I guess Baltimore starting to play a little bit better with Boddicker pitching better and McGregor looks like he's getting other beams storm Davis with a shutout yesterday will mean that Baltimore will be beating the heck out of some of these teams too so that might be an advantage the Blue Jays would believe they have right now come in and say we'll beat them five out of seven or sweep to seven Baltimore could give them trouble but another edge might be that the Blue Jays have I think five off days where the Yankees have just one remaining in September that means you can go to four-man pitching staff and even a three-man starting staff you know in September if you have to with the off days the a Keys can't do that due to getting there's four and five starters they're weaker starters Barfield can't get it and it caroms off of him Keaton heads for second quick recovery by marvel [Applause] [Music] what baserunning by Isaac I Jam he cut first face so sharply looking at fire field now say how could you even make it that close pal why helix mothers in a hurry it was a tough ball to smother out of this quick springy turf he pounces on a bare hand and he throws a bullet the Tony Fernandes and almost gets Ozzie Keegan if he Chen doesn't run hard all the way from home plate to first he's gone so a one out double for gijin and it brings up Salazar who's 1 for 2 that is very aggressive outfield play because if that ball gets by Barfield it's an inside to Parker for sure he knew he had to smother keep it in front of many dead you want to know Toronto's bullpen gets up now dropping down to the side and missing high - no each team scored twice in the fifth and that's where we stand Dennis lapped the right-handed Gary LaValle the left-hander [Music] three and Oh leadoff man Rudy law will be next [Music] taking all the way and it's in there [Applause] [Music] quickly folks this telecast is presented by authority of Major League Baseball may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of major league baseball hit well but foul full count now to Salazar Alexander dropped down got a ball up and in but it was far enough inside off the plate would have tailed in and if Salazar had tried to steer it fair you'd have got himself out jammed himself he had the bullet found good pitch by Alexander and the payoffs reached for it and a base hit to right there goes a husband he Jen almost ran the stop sign now the throw to second safe there [Applause] well what didn't happen on this play he gin almost ran through Leyland stop sign Benny held up Salazar tried to advance to second he was originally safe came off the bag and they tagged him out Leyland was sending him out he went up the line and then he held him at the last bar feel makes the mistake missing the cutoff man gets away with it for only one reason maybe two first whip got the throw down to second base and then Salazar sliding hard goes past the bag and Fernandez keeps the tag on him so Alexander could be out of heckle out of trouble right now two outs he does go over slide the bag he got second and third infield comes in and you got a sacrifice fly breaks the tie I will change [Applause] degenerate third now with two out on one to Rudy law they want him to check at 30 didn't go around mullux is way up tight at theaters Tim Tschida the third-base umpire with a safe sign mullux looking for a possible bunt to score this run off rutila look where he's playing boy is there a lot of territory to hit by down that left field left side isn't there playing this shallow blue and one whit held it there again hoping for the call from rocky Roe you see Alexander argue balls and strikes to off he's one of those veteran pitchers like Carlton Seaver figure guy misses him let's go on to the next one they put it on their mind and that one got the corner - and - well you don't argue a lot which Alexander doesn't sometimes you get the next call that was a close pitch could have gone either way [Applause] slaps a breaking ball fouled [Music] Rudy law as he stands at the plate is two for three on the day and drove in their first run with a single in the fifth [Music] and we'll also be out of play interesting when you start talking about pennant races and not that September first is the automatic day to start pennant races but everything seems to get magnified when you get to this time of the year the ballgame that could be won or lost by over sliding the bag which couldn't make a difference in September the Eastern Division don't know if that play is going to hold up it would have been a heck of a lot more trouble for Alexander and the Blue Jays [Music] he pops it off Fernandez will take it and Alexander wriggles off the hook too and here's another edition of seventh-inning stretch a picture of relaxation tom seaver the subject of our seventh inning stretch feature it's like having a second pitching coach on your staff isn't it just watching Seaver work over hitters and Tom still 10 a dozen times a ballgame gets the ball up to about 90 miles an hour still he always preaches mechanics about China or 10 million books on hitting you gotta teach severs book on pitching number of books at Yankee Stadium Mike Pagliarulo just hit his 17th Homer of the year for New York and in the sixth they jumped back in front of the Angels seven to four we looking at some of those pitchers for the White Sox a while ago it's kind of nice to see which Dodson backed and thrown the ball on the side lately said something major surgery area of his right shoulder in the chest area up shot us started he led off their two-run fifth with a single and stole a base inanity [Applause] one and one [Applause] two runs seven hits no errors for the White Sox two five and one for the Jays [Music] good pitch from Davis he does a little cut fastball or if it was a slider it's up in the strike zone just kept pouring in and up chef if you just said let's take it up Shaw again fist sets up outside take something off a breaking ball it's like a swerve down him up Shaw swung over it by a foot great the lawn - there's the guy this looks like a palm ball that changeup you know when you just said if you'd said the spring training that up Shawn Mosby would have and then they were the heart of the lineup treating foreigners not a spring training have 23 home runs between them and just over 100 RBIs between them you just said there's no way the Blue Jays could be in contention now and yet they've got a five game lead going in today [Music] wit so for two [Applause] [Music] the strikeout of Upshaw was just the third for Davis right back at us earlier this year when she don't gas to the hitting instructor spread wits legs apart opened up his stance and got him hit more with his hands he started driving the ball a lot better I got out wider the o1 pitch changes hi [Music] one out nobody on one in one the count bottom of the seventh tied at two hit hard but Dee says there he'll take it himself for the second out no it's Butterfield and he was the key man the two rotten 5th inning he got a two-out hit to drive in the first run and it should have been a single he stretched it into a double and from there he scored on Fernandez his single which followed immediately not only two outs it was one ball two strikes as I remember the cow that he took a slider low and away that he hit the left-center he'll be looking inside at least for one or maybe two pitches to turn on the ball get it in the wind didn't get it inside so he pulled off the ball to try and get into that wind blowing out to left field something cito Gaston is really try to pump into the heads of the younger hitters like Mosby Barfield up shop hit and situations we need a home run take a couple cracks at it there's Clarence Gaston pretty good hitter and defensive centerfielders San Diego in Atlanta that's an understatement pretty good he had some good years for me Barfield behind on the count one two [Music] Fletcher at third right on the line 7:30 to take a double away still owing to on the situation the defense changes when you're getting the last three sometimes for any of a ballgame Fletcher's right on the line guarding against the double the outfield has moved almost back to the warning track you don't want a gapper now to get in scoring position or a ball hit over your head so Tony LaRussa who uses the computers like Davey Johnson putting into good work especially important an artificial surface where that ball just scoots through in such a big hurry [Applause] [Music] and holes at Owen - it looks like he's got pretty good movement as fast well does he not only is he sneaky fast Joan Davis cuts the fastball he's run spin on the fists and the times early in the ballgame looked like his fastball was sinking he was getting a few more ground balls than he has the last few innings [Music] right at 80 pitches now breaking ball is high you know you were talking about as we get into the heat of a pennant race individual plays or games that loom larger and will be remembered by those that win and those that fall just short at season's end there are so many plays and games that fit that description it up the middle gijin is there from behind second base he throws and that takes care of bar field now we won't have time to review all those plays will we but we will when we come back so as we were saying should the Cardinals for example lose the National League East by a game they'll remember the game we're riding a seven-game winning streak they led the red six nothing behind Joaquin Andujar and lost in extra innings the Mets on the other hand will remember an extra inning loss this week to the Giants the lowly Giants if the Yankees overtake the Blue Jays and win a close race they'll remember Ken griffeys catch to save a game in the ninth inning against the Red Sox a one-run game so many like that well the pressures are self-imposed each individual handle had team battles it differently head over get it dump this one but as September approaches you know you're in April you say I know I'm gonna get 5 to 600 at-bats if you're a hitter you know you're gonna get 35 thereabout starts as a pitcher so many relief appearances but if the parent gets upon you you say hey I only got four bats in the game I got to make the best of them finish off my ear as a pitcher if you go in a little slump in the end people remember the rest of the year so there is pressure the Blue Jays have a young team speaking about at-bats and a race of a different kind Wade Boggs is now hitting 359 2 George Brett's 357 at the start of the day if that winds up being decided by a point or two in Wade Boggs favor George Brett will remember the game this week that was rained out after he'd gone 2 for 2 he had a single it'll arm yep and he lost those two base hits Boggs was 4 for 5 last night against the twins to jump in front of bread in the race Brett went 1 for 2 mullux is still way uptight this could be a hit for Brian little and it is a leadoff single in the eighth let's find out what the Yankees and angels are up to here's Bill makisu all right Robert you mentioned the score earlier here's the home run from Pagliarulo Randolph and Hasse were on so once again the angels have to play catch-up they're in the top of the sixth it is 7 for all right and as Bill McEntee provided that information Bobby Cox began a walk to the mound you've got Baines and Walker Baines obviously is not going to sacrifice against the right-hander left-hander Gary Laval is out there and Bobby Cox has already made the call it's a 2 2 2 ballgame Alexander has always been a pretty good finisher caught on the right-hander but perhaps just to get to left-handed hitters out in Laval pitch to Baines and Walker [Music] interestingly in that Alexander has handled veins well in three at-bats but Cox plays percentages here and we'll be back exhibition stadium in Toronto right after this break Gary Lavelle getting loose for the Blue Jays Bob Costas along with Tony Kubek what do you have to say for yourself I'm concerned about you this year on NFL 84 do you have enough help with the ax mama now you have Larry King I mean the truth how many people can you carry on those weak little shoulders I was looking at it the other way around I thought they'd be carrying me all right Lavelle faces Baynes peds rod are over there with a little bit more speed than Brian little the juice comes in Julio Cruz banes to the opposite field down the line and foul ball Laval has had some control problems off and on this year - laughs you heard the background as crews got down to third they're laughing but it's not funny he's had knee surgery where he got the third and tried to stop on the turf the knee gave out the Internet olofi he's wearing rubber cleats or metal cleats if he's wearing metal cleats which may be the case they may have gotten caught he tried to turn Tony Larusso get out now he had some arthroscopic surgery and in the offseason re-injured it off and on this year was saying the ballots had some control Providence seems to me when I've seen him it's been against left-handed hitters the reasons he's here get a couple left-handed hitters out the juice has really been drained last year and this had that big season in 83 big contract followed and the production is dropped off sharply both in terms of his hitting and his running down the Val with his delivery see that highlight kick
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 7,810
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Id: L7cz92eBX3c
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Length: 116min 16sec (6976 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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