1950's Galion Road Grader "Fuel Tank Repair" Pt.5

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[Music] so [Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name is matt this beautiful hunk of rusty metal right here is my greater christine this is a 1950s galleon road grader model 503. and i've been doing a video series on this thing kind of fixing it up going through it i pulled it out of the trees a couple months back and we're trying to get this thing back to operational condition so i can use it to work on my driveway here as well as various projects in the future so we got the graders sitting back on new tires and we're looking sharp and everything i'm still waiting on some parts so that i can put the engine back in this big old hole right here but the fuel tank still needs clean before i'd be able to reassemble it even if i had the parts so we'll go ahead and get that knocked out of the way just now so here it sits our fuel tank this is the top half of the fuel sediment bowl here it is just plugged up solid with nasty gunk there i'll go ahead and thread this thing off of here so i can clean it separately you guys hear the jake on that truck they've been running it truck out my road here dumping concrete in a spot where the hillsides are roading the road can you guys see how solid that thing's plugged up yeah so cleaning these fuel tanks can be quite a pain to get the insides clean here you guys see how filthy that is in there it's got a bit of rust scale over in this corner pretty bad the rest of the tank doesn't look too bad but this side here that you're looking at pretty bad so you guys seen some of my unorthodox ways to clean out fuel tanks in the past we're going to try one that is viewer suggested today all right now in the past i've tumbled tanks and everybody told me that sharp limestone like this is the best way to really hit every spot in the tank and because it's kind of a sharp edge it'll take off those bits of rust so we're going to give that a shot can you guys see where this is going [Music] oh all right [Music] so so here inside of our fuel side looks like it's gotten a fair amount of the stuff off the walls i know there's some haze going on in there it's hard to see but it looks like it's cleaned it up halfway decently maybe could use to do some more tumbling uh there's our pile of gravel down in there if you can see that over here in the hydraulic side though there was just a little bit of sludge before not much at all and now there's this gray sludge all over everything and i'm hoping that that doesn't mean that we had a hole somewhere letting stuff from the fuel side into this hydraulic side but that remains to be seen what i'll probably have to do is pressure test it i guess that's probably the best course of action but to clean this out good now i'm going to use the hot water pressure washer try to blow it around in there as best i can wash all the nastiness out of both sides of it and then we'll put some sort of coating on the inside of that fuel tank so so nice [Music] rusty water but it's gonna be fun getting all that gravel back out of there all right we've got the fuel tank back in the garage here that pressure washer actually took a lot of the paint off i was expecting it to take off a little bit but i mean like it took off like a good bit this is all bare metal here and the paint that it left behind is like three layers thick so it's like a big edge so i'm gonna have to hit this whole thing with the sander i guess and might as well paint it while it's off too but the inside of the tank actually came pretty clean there's a roscoe there's a roscoe you haven't made an appearance in a while huh yeah he's a good boy that old fuel smell good huh there's the meatball trying to bring his ball in here it ain't gonna fit jack you can ram into it all you want you ain't gonna get it through there hit it if you ever wondered what it would be like to live with a small monster in your house buy a bulldog [Applause] you don't make all those noises huh bubba no you're nice so i know it's hard for you guys to see there's still a good bit of gravel in there i got to try to fish out but the walls of the tank and everything came really nice and clean it looks like there was some sort of factory coating that i have mostly removed now but yeah there's a pretty good shot of the inside of the tank it still looks doesn't look as bad in person as i think it's showing up on the camera i think a lot of what we're seeing in there is uh some sort of factory coating that is mostly chipped off now and i'm going to take a shop vac and attempt to vacuum out that gravel hopefully that works for us and then i'm gonna blow around some acetone in there to try and eat up all the water and then i have a two-part epoxy this stuff any of you guys ever use this gas well cast well whatever it is it's like a two-part thing here got an a and a b you mix it up and slosh it around in there and it's supposed to seal up the tank real good it's just what they had on hand at the local hardware store so i'm going to give it a shot but yeah here's the hoping that this works there are some small pinholes here on the tank right here that you can tell this is where the strap was or this is where the tank was sitting on the machine and there's several holes right here and a couple more little ones up here the good news is the sealer that i was just showing you should patch those up and i'm also going to think about doing something out here on the outside to try and seal them up from both sides so that should help keep in mind i have no idea if this is going to work or not [Music] it works [Music] i would just turn the tank up and net upside down and shake it around till everything comes out but it's kind of heavy for that so i have to read the directions on the sealer yeah i got the tank way hotter than it needs to be right now so i'm going to kill the heat and let it cool down to the temperature it's supposed to be and then we'll mix everything up and get it pour it in there [Music] [Music] took one look at this stuff and decided i should have gloves on to handle it here goes nothing [Music] i think this tank is probably pushing for size what this kit will do i think it's probably about the max surface area that it's really supposed to cover [Music] so i'm trying to get every drop bottoms up we're now at the point of no return i'm gonna mix this very thoroughly for two minutes and dump her in here start sloshing it around there we go right down the old hatch here now the primary locations i'm focusing on getting this stuff into would be the bottom where our little pin holes are and up against our divider wall between the hydraulic and the fuel tank here i want to make sure that that those two spots really get a heavy coating of this stuff uh the rest of the tank appears to be pretty solid so not so worried about the rest of it but the concentration of where the rust was and the pinholes definitely going to be my primary concerns all right i've tumbled this tank every which way for about 10 minutes trying to give it time to really run into all the little cracks and crevices [Music] well it definitely looks like everything's got a nice good coating on it it's starting to move pretty slow now so i'm gonna let it get one more coat on this divider plate here make sure we got a nice good thick seal over top of that because that's where the bulk of the rust was after we're done with that we'll flip it over and it says to let the excess drain so i will do that [Music] you guys see in there [Music] just waiting for it to pull all the way down into this corner closest to us and then i'm going to try and get one more pass on that area on the right there before it hardens up on us and it's getting pretty slow moving right now but it's looking good i like it it looks like it's done a good job coating everything and uh clearly it's got into all the little pinholes that i didn't know about on the bottom so hopefully it's got them sealed up good well the tank is officially done coated i got the tank upside down right now that coffee can sitting underneath there to catch any excess that runs out overnight i'm going to let it completely cure it's got a according to paper it's got to sit like four days before you can put fuel in it but that shouldn't be an issue the next day our epoxy has had a chance to dry and uh let's have a look here i'm gonna peel off this tape first see if we got any epoxy coming out our holes [Music] you guys see that pinhole there there there's still a little piece of tape here but the epoxy came through there made a really nice seal on the outside of those i think there's one right here i think that was one the worst ones were over here a little harder to see down in these spots but there is for sure a little bit of epoxy that has made its way through these pin holes here and i can't tell as much down here but i don't know that these were ever leaking even though they are some pretty good pits i've got um this product that i'm gonna mix up and put over these just to beef this area up since we're gonna have uh weight there that's a a point that i would be afraid could fail again in the future so i've got this uh steel putty or something it's called yeah this stuff here was this all metal usc i don't know picked this up at the local napa i used this on my dump truck bed to fill in some holes i had patched over i just didn't want to allow water to congregate in those areas so i used this stuff and it impressed me it seems like it's pretty tough so mix up just a little bit of it and we'll skim coat these little areas real quick i guess i should let you guys have a little look inside of here hopefully you guys can see in there but it did a really good job i got it thoroughly coated and it's left a nice thick barrier across the bottom and you know it's not too thin on the sides either but the bottom was what i was most concerned about also this divider wall that divides between the hydraulic and the fuel side of this tank i was able to get a really nice good thick heavy coat on that and really let it soak down into the seams there so i think it did a great job i'm more than happy with it yeah not affiliated with them but i'd use it again before i try to put that putty stuff in here i'll clean the surface real good with the wire wheel [Music] so make sure it's nice and clean a little bit of acetone [Music] anytime you're going to put something that's got to bond really good you got to make sure it's super clean otherwise it won't adhere properly well thank you very much so just put a little dab out there put two little drops of this reactor stuff on here one two that's probably way more than enough mix that around thoroughly i'm leaving it kind of high because i'm going to sand it down i'm making sure i push down nice and hard too to kind of fill in these little craters on this side all right well this putty stuff is drying let me go ahead and focus my attention on this paint this side is the side that faces the cab so it's never seen sunlight it's never seen nearly abuse that the other sides have and this is also the original paint as best i can tell not too much work to do on this side but the rest of the faces of this tank are covered with many layers of crappy paint as you can see the top here very nasty so i'm just going to go ahead and work this thing down with some 100 grit try and get rid of a lot of this stuff again i'm calling this a socially distance restoration because it's going to look a lot better from six feet away or more i'm not looking for a professional automotive finish here or anything like that just looking for something that looks nice and doesn't you know look like complete garbage so we'll go ahead and knock this down with some 100 grit work down to a 220. and then uh threw a primer over the whole thing and uh yeah i think that'll be doing pretty good by old christine all right well a lot of people would probably tell you you need to have a d.a for this but uh yeah this is random orbital that's close enough [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay finally got it all sanded up completely there i'm happy with the uh results a lot of the paint i guess wasn't adhered properly like every time i would think i was done sanding i'd take the air gun and blow it off and there'd be little chips of paint flying off so there'd be hard edges again and stuff so i'd have to hit them again with a sander and mellow them all back out you know there's still some places that aren't perfect but like i said it's a socially distant restoration it's not a not a showpiece so it's good enough for what we're doing and you really the only parts of this gas tank that you can see when it's installed are the top and these sides so i took the most time on the sides because that's really what you'll see the most and yeah so let's go ahead and wipe this thing down with some acetone get it ready for some primer you these cans don't exactly have a good spray pattern so i'm sure i'm going to end up with some tiger striping on this thing but is what it is all right well our primer is drying i've had these uh the caps for that tank soaking in some muriatic acid here for about 24 hours the dipstick actually came off the uh hydraulic cap and i believe this is our oil cap rate or fuel cap right here it is yeah so what i'm going to do is uh take these outside hose them off real good make sure they're all cleaned up real nice and then we'll go ahead and get them painted too carefully carefully here's our fuel cap looks a lot better since we cleaned all that nasty paint off of it layers and layers of paint it says buy clean fuel keep it clean uh seems like all old equipment used to say that on the fuel cap so that's pretty neat i like that then i guess that's some sort of serial number right here and it's got an ih as in international harvester logo stamped in it right there i don't know if you guys can really see that well then on the inside here i noticed two stamped into this little piece i don't think it wants to focus anyway it says uh eaten as in like the eaton corporation that makes all kind of stuff so that's pretty neat they made fuel caps once upon a time heck they still might i don't know it's a very big company but you can see just in a couple minutes that this thing's been out of the acid it's already starting to flash rust so we need to hurry up and get some primer on these this is our oil cap for the hydraulic tank and it had a dipstick attached to it it's also made by eden so this had a dipstick soldered onto it like so and it was wobbling around on there the solder joint was partially broken and i was going to repair it so i stuck in the acid and the acid actually ate all the solder off of it which is pretty incredible i didn't think that that would eat that eat the solder like that so yeah we're going to fix that too i'm going to go ahead and attempt to solder this dipstick back together i have never actually soldered steel before i've done lots of copper fittings and stuff like that uh wiring components but i've never soldered steel before so this is all trial and error probably going to be mostly air um but i got i think i've got the right kind of solder here this is silver bearing acid core solder it says it's from metal work so just gonna trust that and go for it still believe you need some flux here for the solder to stick properly i think i don't know kind of dab some of that around here probably got way too much on there can you really have too much probably oh yeah we're getting some melting well i allowed the solder to harden up there and uh she's on there it's not nearly as pretty as the original solder joint was but it is holding whereas the old solder joint is gone so i'll call that a win i'll keep an eye on it you know it might uh might come loose again someday but i think we'll be okay okay time for some yellow a lot easier to see where you're spraying this yellow i'll tell you this well hot dang what do you think about that well after two more nice heavy coats of yellow it actually i don't know if it's just the camera or what it almost looks like there's still tiger striping showing through but i don't see it in real life here it just seems to be showing up on camera but i think it turned out really good like i said you're really only ever going to see the ends of this tank anyways this middle is covered up by the hood like so i think it turned out good it's really nice everything looks very nice very happy with the way it turned out there is i don't know if you guys can see it this little bit of i don't know what you'd call that it was almost like the paint kind of shriveled when i sprayed the second coat on and i don't know what causes that i don't know if the surface wasn't quite clean enough and there's like some residue around there or what but i did really try to clean the top as best i could and it did it one other place i think right down here there's another spot it did it i've had that happen to me other times i painted things too and i'm never sure what causes it so if you know what causes that uh paint to just kind of like shrivel itself up let me know down in the comments i'm thinking it's just the surface isn't quite clean enough but so overall i'm happy with how the tank turned out it is a socially distanced restoration after all it doesn't have to be perfect this thing's ready to go back on the grater i've got pretty much all my parts back together we're almost ready for reassembly last thing on the list is i got to get this thing fixed up in the next video you're going to see me tear this thing apart there's a leak in the radiator i'm going to have to fix that and the supports down here are all rusted and broke and cracked and falling apart so we'll be fixing all that up in the next video but as always guys thanks for hanging out with me and i'll catch you on the next video later [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 469,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fuel tank, sealer, epoxy, repair, restore, refinish, galion, cat, caterpillar, champion, huber, komastu, john deere, deere, construction, heavy, equipment, abandoned, restoration, revival, will it start, will it run, accident, crash, rusty, International, diesel, gas, cummins, blade, moldboard, maintainer, plow, engine, wrench, fix, haul, winch, badlands, split, rim, widow maker, 3 piece, locking ring
Id: PZNz_N-_pIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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