1950's Barn Find Schramm Air Compressor Lives Again!

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bye [Music] you want this meatball is that what you want it can't even run fast enough we got our first snowfall here uh we got about six inches yesterday but it's already starting to melt away roscoe good boy who's a good boy who's a good boy roscoe hey what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek not going to be working on anything diesel powered today unfortunately but something equally is unique and exciting in my opinion this wisconsin powered 1950 sram air compressor there was one previous video on this compressor you guys have seen if you haven't seen that you're going to want to check that out but if you have a quick recap i found this thing sitting in somebody's basement uh well actually they listed it on facebook marketplace i found this thing on facebook marketplace for two hundred dollars and it had been sitting for approximately 30 years the guy i got from said that his grandfather used it in a cemetery to work on headstones so uh judging by looking at the unit it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of hours on this machine looks like it's probably pretty low use before it got put away and it's a pretty neat just time capsule piece it's a unique design this side of the machine we have this is a v4 engine a wisconsin engine that has been converted to compress air on these two cylinders and then on this side we have our typical spark plug arrangement and this side is what drives the other two sides so pretty neat design and then we have a 20 gallon i think air tank back here and it should make some pretty good air force and maybe even able to run a small jackhammer so in that last video i was able to get this thing fired up we had to take the carburetor off clean it out really good it was super disgusting but i managed to get it running after i fixed the pinhole and the float got it running for maybe 20 seconds or so at the most and it sounded pretty good but then it started blowing gas everywhere and i believe we have a leaking needle and seat as well as might need to adjust that float since there's some extra weight on it from the stuff i used to patch it being that this unit is so old and out of the ordinary parts are a little harder to come by but a lot of you did send me a link to a carburetor kit that managed to fit this thing so this is a marvel shabbler vh32 carburetor even used in airplanes which is pretty pretty neat i thought so uh i got a basic rebuild kit here for it and i can see it even has a gauge in there probably for adjusting our float so that's pretty neat and we're going to go ahead and get that thing installed today and hopefully get this baby running and functioning and maybe we'll be able to use it there were some previous concerns with a couple things namely the air compressor tank back here a lot of people and myself included were a little skeptical of an air tank that's that old because i guarantee you if you look inside my big air compressor here which you know doesn't get used a whole lot as far as a shop setting i mean i use it every day but it still doesn't get a lot of use on it compared to something that's a professional shop something like that so i picked this tank this compressor was bought in 2017 and i'm sure if you looked inside of it it would have some surface rust in it i do drain the water out frequently but there's a lot of moisture in compressed air and the tanks usually aren't uh coated in any way to prevent rusting so they start to rust pretty quick so a lot of people in the previous video had asked about the specs of the compressor on this thing what kind of area it was putting out so this is a sram model 35-h and according to this tag it has 20 cfm actual at 1800 rpm and 190 psi and that's pretty darn good considering my big stationary shop compressor over here has a five horsepower electric motor on it and it only puts out 16.5 cfm at max pressure of 175 psi so this thing is quite a bit more air coming out of it than that big thing another thing that got a lot of people commenting on the last video about this thing was the state of the compressor tank here which admittedly was something that was in the back of my mind that i was pretty concerned with as well air tanks are dangerous after they get so old because usually they get pretty rusty inside from the moisture and the compressed air they usually rot from the inside out and i've seen some pretty horrific videos of air tanks that fail and i'm talking about little teeny craftsman piece of junk compressors not big high pressure uh industrial type compressor tanks so uh since the moment i picked this thing up that's been in my mind and i finally decided to pull this plug out and see what's in there i already had it loosened actually i've already had it out and if you follow me on instagram you've already seen this i was blown away by what's inside of this tank so back here on the battery tray lots of acid had leaked out and kind of started eating at the battery tray as well as run over and gotten on the top of this tank and started to cause a little bit of uh i don't know if you'd call it corrosion or rust probably corrosion so a little bit of acid it spilled over onto the tank and started to cause a good bit of corrosion up there too but it really doesn't look like it ate anything more than the paint from this point inside the tank is a different story let's see if we can have a look inside of this tank [Music] you guys see how amazing is that there isn't hardly any rust at all in this tank there's a teeny little bit of surface rust i don't know if you guys can see up at the very top there hardly anything to write home about and honestly if you could get in there and wipe it with some oil and probably just go away it's all just surface rust i'll stick a picture up right now that i took with my phone that shows it a little bit better but you can see that yellow writing over there that actually says the sram job number on it still from the piece of flat steel that was rolled up into this tank all those years ago that is pretty darn impressive and a true statement to a quality product there while i'm showing you inside tanks i'll go ahead and show you the inside of this fuel tank as well in the previous episode you guys saw me drain the old sludge minwax gas out of this thing and really this tank looks pretty darn good there is a little bit of surface rust in here nothing uh nothing that's going to compromise our tank at all a little teeny bit of varnished gas still puddled up there we'll go ahead and try to get that diluted and wiped out with a rag but really tank looks pretty darn good and doesn't even need much cleaning what does need cleaning though is this nasty battery tray let's go ahead and get all this corrosion and scale and crap sucked out of here loud noise [Music] so okay [Music] [Music] oh yeah we're good none of this is uh threatening at all i just take the paint off everything looks good underneath here [Music] hmm [Music] so we got the battery tray cleaned up good there and uh the corrosion all knocked off the tank looks really good like i said one of the big reasons i really like this unit is just the looks of it the patina and everything that it has has a really really neat old style to it and the really original look to it all right now we can get on to the real work here we'll go ahead and get this carburetor zipped back out of here and work on putting our kit into it ah i'm gonna take this thing on and off here enough times that i'm getting to be a pro at it there's our temporary tank the top bolt here that holds the carburetor on actually already pulled out and we'll address that in a minute here this rod should just unthread right out of here and it does that's an accomplishment right there all the other wisconsins that i've worked on these little teeny threaded rods that go into your carburetor linkage they're always just rusted over to the point where they don't do anything anymore part of that is just my location in the country everything is destroyed by rust but a lot of that just speaks to the age and nature of something this old choke cable removed so this guy that we see jiggling around here right now hanging off of this piece of copper line this gets stacked into our carburetor sandwich here whenever we put the bolts through that that holds everything together but what this is is a pneumatic throttle control this line runs up here to a regulator and back to the tank so what that does is when we get so much pressure built up in the tank the air pressure should push out this plunger here i can't make it move but it should push the plunger out and throttle down the carburetor so i know a way that we can test that we're just going to go ahead and stick this pull this thing off of here and uh stick our airline up to it and prove that it works so i started thinking instead of pulling that actuator that throttle actuator off of there why not just test pressurize the entire system before that way you can rule out issues with the uh compressor on this unit so we can use the stationary compressor here in the shop to back feed into the tank and pressurize everything and that should also pressurize that throttle arm and prove that it works so i threw together this little janky fly-by-night setup using just about every bushing and pipe fitting i had in the drawer but we should be able to put air in here read this pressure because i know this gauge is good and that should also be able to read on these gauges well this one these two are for other things but these this one here should also read the same and then we'll know if that gauge is any good it's especially questionable since the glass is out of it [Music] all right go to airline plumbed in let's go ahead and slowly start putting pressure to it we're climbing i believe this tank is set to 160 so we should be able to get 160 reading over here as well this gauge maxes out at 100 i'm not sure if we're going to push it to 160 or not we're reading 35 and climbing over here that checks out with our big gauge over here so that looks good not sure at what pressure this throttle arm is going to start moving but it looks to me like this regulator here will determine that so i shut the air off a couple seconds ago and we have one leak up here but i'm not so sure that it's not intentional the top of our regulator here has air coming out of it i'm gonna go ahead and open this valve and bury the needle uh we could hurt the gauge doing that going so far past its max but i've got a bunch of those gauges i'm not too afraid of it there it goes now when the pressure bleeds down it should suck that thing back in i'm gonna go ahead and let the pressure out now there it goes it sucked back in at about 90. cool [Music] awesome throttle's working just about perfect i'd say so i got this carburetor overhaul kit from a place called mcdonald carb and there must be some pretty cool guys over there because as you can tell i'm a pretty big sticker fan i really might i don't want to see any red on this toolbox when i'm done i want to be all stickers so every time i order something if i can put it in the comments or remarks on the order i ask for stickers and uh they sent me a whole pack of random stickers uh i was more intending the mcdonald carb stickers but maybe they don't have them or whatever but big big shout out to those guys thanks a lot that's pretty cool anyway let's get this baby torn apart and put the new parts in it some of you guys have spotted it in previous videos but a little shop pro tip that i can pass along is keep all your chinese takeout containers because they all nest together really nice and you can use the lids and the trays as parts parts trays see and then if you got something you know you're not gonna put back together for a while just go ahead and snap the lid on her write it on there and there you go and uh your addiction to chinese food helps keep something stocked in the shop now in an attempt to keep this thing from leaking last time i used some of this permatex former gasket number two which some people argued is not rated for fuel but says radon here it's rated for fuel oils diesel oils engine oils all that so that was not my issue oh man there we go these look like very nice components very well made uh this kit ran me like 21 bucks i think that's not bad at all so pretty much the only parts we're going to end up putting into this thing is the needle and seat and maybe these uh gaskets for our throttle shaft here because if you can see that a throttle shaft has a bit of play in it and when it gets worn like that it'll start sucking air from around that throttle shaft and uh be impossible to get the to run right so to get this throttle shaft out we're gonna have to take off this throttle control arm and our butterfly from down in here but first we need to indicate our location on the shaft here so we'll get a sharpie and mark that now we can just stick that right back in the same position whenever we put it back together there we go we've got our throttle plate out now this thing should just slide right out of here there we go looks good we'll probably clean this up with a little bit of scotch brite pad because you don't want to you wanna get the gunk off of it but you don't wanna wear into the brass anymore then it's probably already warm at the pivot points here i'm running my fingernail across there this is the pivot and i can feel it's got a little ridge these throttle seals can be quite fun to get out of here but i'm actually having pretty good luck so far there we go so there's what the old one looks like it's just a little brass thing that pushes in there there's the new one and then uh one of these goes behind it and gets pinched in there new one of these guys i'll just go ahead and use a little tabby tap seated now before reassembling this thing we have to address the issue here as i mentioned before i removed the carburetor i took this top bolt out and the threads actually came with it and when i remove the bottom bolt there's not much left of those threads either and it already looks to me like somebody's repaired this with a heli coil once so we're going to do it again so if you've never used a helicoil there's the uh the basic gist of it you're drilling it out and tapping it for a larger size and then you are running one of these threaded inserts down in there to make it the proper size once more unless helicoil or there's another brand of helicoil i don't know about has changed the sizes they used this has never been done for this particular unit honestly for our application we could probably just get away with even just drilling it and tapping it oversize and using the bigger bolts but uh might get in a little bit of clearance issue with the heads so we're gonna go ahead and install heli coils [Music] [Applause] there we go the next step here we're going to give a little bit of oil in these holes again and we're going to run a tap through them here i like to run taps in the drill because you can adjust the chuck to slip before you damage anything and even if you don't use the chuck odds are that the tap will probably spin inside of your uh inside of the chuck before it damages anything it's just easy to keep them straight and you can back up and switch positions really quick see [Applause] there we go beautiful new threads beautiful new threads to run our thread adapter into our threaded insert now from the drilling and tapping process we do have a slight ridge on both of these so i'm going to go ahead and just hit this on the belt sander real quick and take that off now we take the special installation tool here and go ahead and thread it down into our threaded insert and the tool will engage this piece at the bottom here and allow you to just thread it right in there actually i brought this one too far luckily in this scenario we can just run it straight through and do it again because you can't back these out it's a one-way thing so we can run this all the way out and put it back in from the other side all right we've got our threaded holes all fixed up here i blew all the metal shavings and stuff out of it so we're good to go ahead and start reassembly on this baby [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay got our carburetor completely reassembled here and we are ready to toss it back in there fingers crossed this thing is going to work this time and not start spewing fuel everywhere again i did readjust the float so uh hopefully that helps getting it into the holes on half the battle getting threaded into the hole was the whole battle ah it is a battle come on all right that mounted up nice with uh good holes in it this time there we go chokes all hooked up go ahead and toss our fuel onto it from our temporary tank here well i don't see fuel pouring out just yet so that's a good sign all right carburetor's completely hooked up i got a temporary fuel tank sitting here i got a extremely temporary air filter hooked up to it and the battery connected i believe it's time to give this a go oh and the air valve is opened up because you have to have the air air open to get it running otherwise it'll build too much pressure make it hard to start so i think we're all ready contact oh good sign [Music] i wanted to go i'm not sure what the deal is there with the throttle [Music] acts like it's not getting enough fuel now hmm [Music] yeah maybe i uh maybe i adjusted that float a little too tight well i found the problem or part of the problem at least the way i had this temporary tank sitting here it was not delivering the the fuel the filler neck on the tank wasn't covered up so it wasn't getting enough fuel down in the carburetor plus i see a bunch of dirt floating around in the bottom of this tank which i know i checked it before i put it on here and it was clean so not sure what to say about that i have the main tank actually cleaned up and ready to go so i'm just going to go ahead and finish assembling it and we'll connect it all right i think this is like take number 78 or 83 something like that contract burped a bit there [Music] well that's a good start now we just need to fine tune on this uh the air system to figure out how to keep this thing running right okay i got it pushed over here by the door so that we're not choking on all the carbon monoxide go ahead and give this another go it just fires right up there give her a little choke this time [Music] needs to be running pretty good now nope [Music] we're still sitting at about 100 psi though so it's like after we're getting up to pressure and it throttles down yeah see something with that system after it throttles down it should also be unloading so that it's not trying to compress more air i think that's what's stalling us out right now so i'm gonna have to scratch my noodle and examine this system a bit to make sure it's unloading properly all right we're gonna get started back on our air compressor after yeah probably almost a year say it's probably time to jump back on this project all right so i think i actually lost a couple clips here somewhere along the line i've removed the fuel tank from the unit because it had some stuff in it i wanted to get out of there so i cleaned it out a little bit and the fuel settlement bowl had a bad leak to it i couldn't get it to seal up right so i had to remove the tank for that as well and also after the last clip you guys just saw i did play around and get it to run a little bit better um and the unloader seemed to be working so i don't know if it was just gummed up at first or what the deal is there but it still wasn't running perfect yet so actually i lied first thing we're going to do is pull this air cleaner because i just noticed that the brackets that hold it on are busted yup we're gonna need to fix that all right i got the air cleaner prepped up here for welding this upper bracket was snapped completely off these two are cracked up about 10 ways to sunday and then the bottom two mounts are also broken off entirely so it wasn't hanging on there by much we'll fire up the big blue hot glue gun here and hopefully make it all stick back together [Music] [Music] all right got it all welded up there not a whole lot of metal down here to purchase on to but pretty happy with it i've got these cracks welded up this metal is not super thick so got to be careful i did end up blowing through right here there was a stress crack and this metal here is even thinner than this bracket so i did blow a little hole there and took me a few minutes of spraying some bubble gum to get it built back up but looks pretty good now i'm just going to shoot that with some paint and we're going to be good you'll never see these anyways on the upper bracket here i did have to grind down this little spot here to make it flat because it mounts up against that spot but well that's way more sturdy than it used to be all right here we are back on the fuel tank i tried to save the sediment bowl here i tried to save the sediment bowl here i love these old glass sediment bowls they're really nice they're easy to clean and they do work pretty darn well at separating out water and dirt from the fuel however the way this works is there's a needle and seed in here and basically to shut the fuel off you just run the valve down and it dead heads into a seat and stops the fuel from going by it well this one here was so nasty and corroded up that it actually corroded the seat to where it won't seal anymore so unfortunately that means this thing is junk i did try even putting an o-ring down in this i tried putting an o-ring down in the seat out of desperation to see if that would seal it off and uh even that didn't work unfortunately so this guy has got to come off of here and i ordered us a new one this one though is a tilton made in the usa in toledo ohio and where you want to guess this one's made at it's another bummer yeah this one doesn't say where it's made so you know where it's made but yeah i'd rather have the bigger one but this will work all right so when it comes to fuel fittings when it comes to fuel fittings um there's special ptfe tape you can use to make sure that these pipe threads seal i also like to use this loctite 565 this stuff works pretty darn good [Music] man these straps are a bit of a pain in the rear to get started uh all right i think the fuel system is officially done well i'm not even positive i'm going to use this thing enough to justify it but i went down to rural king and snagged a new battery for this thing perfect i'll try to clean these terminals up a little bit first and i got some of that fancy spray protectant stuff that we're supposed to put on here keep it from corroding now a visit from everybody's favorite terminal installation tool [Music] all right well i'm pretty bummed out here i'm pretty bummed out here i was going to throw the hood back on and really make this thing look complete for the end of the video but uh i ran a quarter 20 bolts the ones that were in it when i took it off for a hodge podge of uh random inappropriate bolts so looks like i'll be hitting the hardware store in the morning to make those look a bit nicer let's throw some gas in this thing though and see if we can't get it to run good enough to run the sandblaster i'm pretty sure it pretty sure it's gonna run so let me know down in the comments if you guys hate the time change as much as i do it's like 4 30 and it feels like it's 7 or 8 o'clock at night i hate the time change i think we should do away with it but that's just my opinion let's get some gas in this beauty and see if it's gonna fire that up probably two gallons or so let's see where that gets us all right i think we're ready to go contact oh it sucked the choke in on its own [Music] contact [Music] so [Music] man this is such a unique sounding machine i don't know if it really comes through on the camera it's a little loud it could use a better muffler but it just sounds really unique it sounds like nothing i've ever heard [Music] [Applause] therein lies the problem it's like it can't keep the rpms up after the unloader kicks in hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah look at that i played with the carburetor a little bit seems to be working good let's get the sandblaster hooked up and see how this thing really goes it seems like it builds [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] boys guys this thing is working awesome it runs this uh i think this is a 100 pound pressure pot sandblaster i have it runs it effortlessly pretty much look at that i only spent 20 30 seconds over here really doing that maybe a minute and it's half dark so i really can't see what i'm doing and it just blew that stuff right off of there everybody's been telling me i need a sandblaster for a long time and i've had one since before i've even had the channel but yeah it's just never really had a good compressor to push it indoors i have a big compressor but i never had an outdoor compressor that could really run it so this is going to be a game changer here i really wish i would have had this compressor done and sandblasted the entire grater before i went ahead and wasted all my time wire wheeling we could have ended up with a better better result but man oh man well i would consider that a very successful first test run this should not have taken me this long this was a not a hard project but one of those ones that just kept getting pushed off because it wasn't something i really needed urgently now that i have it i think i will probably end up using it a fair amount running that sand blaster is going to be really nice with this thing and it's really not too bad i think i might put a little bit quieter muffler on it and uh gonna of course get these bolts to finish off bolting the hood down correctly but other than that she's cherry this thing had absolutely no trouble at all keeping up with that sand blaster i have a 5 horse 80 gallon air compressor that normally it it pretty much uses that thing non-stop to run that sand blaster but this thing you know it idled down it would run and it would rev up for a couple seconds build that air back up and then idle back down really this thing idled way more than it was uh throttled up so i'm pretty happy with that i'm sure this isn't the most fuel-efficient compressor in the world but i think for as little as i'm going to use it i think it's going to be just fine plus i'm just in love with the styling on this machine i have been since i got it everything from the badging to the brass plaques it's just a very unique looking unit and uh i'm proud to have it in the collection here i guess i've got a pretty good habit of writing the dates i acquire stuff on items like this when i purchase them and according to the date i wrote that means i got this thing in june of 2019 and i started working on it the day i brought it home so this is probably the longest project on the channel to date or one of them at least if you recall back to the first video on the compressor here you'll remember that the oil that was in this thing was really thick sludgy syrup so now that i got this thing running good and i can use it i think tomorrow i'm probably gonna end up doing a bunch of sandblasting with this thing and then after the thing has run and got good and hot i'm going to go ahead and drain the oil out and put some nice fresh stuff in there and hopefully that pulls a lot of that sludge out but anyways i think that's probably about it for me and the sram pneuma power compressor here if you like the video don't forget to give it a big old thumbs up really helps the channel out and doesn't cost you guys a dime and if you haven't already be sure you click that subscribe button so i can see you on the next episode as always thanks for watching i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 334,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: schramm, ingersol, quincy, altlas copco, Campbell Hausfeld, jenny, gas, pneumapower, made in usa, wisconsin, engine, motor, compressor, air, tools, jackhammer, cfm, psi, old, antique, farm, barn, cold start, old start, will it run, carb, marvel, schebler, walbro, start, 50's, 60's, 70's
Id: LLHV1giLsT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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